<p>FLIGHT STANDARDIZATION BOARD REPORT REVISION 2 ECLIPSE AVIATION CORPORATION MODEL EA-500</p><p>DATE: April 6, 2009</p><p>ROMAN A. BUETTNER CHAIRMAN, ECLIPSE EA-500 FLIGHT STANDARDIZATION BOARD</p><p>FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION KANSAS CITY AIRCRAFT EVALUATION GROUP, MKC-AEG 901 LOCUST, ROOM 332 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64106</p><p>TELEPHONE: (816) 329-3233 FAX: (816) 329-3241 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>MANAGEMENT COORDINATION</p><p>______Walter J. Hutchings, Manager Date Kansas City Aircraft Evaluation Group, MKC-AEG</p><p>______John Duncan, Manager Date Air Transportation Division, AFS-200</p><p>______Anne X. Graham, Acting Manager Date General Aviation and Commercial Division, AFS-800</p><p>2 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS...... 3</p><p>REVISION RECORD...... 4</p><p>1. PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY...... 5</p><p>2. ACRONYMS...... 5</p><p>3. BACKGROUND...... 7</p><p>4. PILOT TYPE RATING DETERMINATION...... 13</p><p>5. EA-500 TRAINING PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND EVALUATION...... 14</p><p>6. MASTER COMMON REQUIREMENTS...... 16</p><p>7. FAA SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAINING...... 21</p><p>8. FAA SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHECKING...... 27 </p><p>9. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR CURRENCY...... 28</p><p>10. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEVICES AND SIMULATORS...... 29</p><p>11. MASTER DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS...... 29</p><p>12. OPERATOR DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS...... 29</p><p>13. MISCELLANEOUS...... 31</p><p>14. AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE...... 31</p><p>15. ALTERNATE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE TO THIS REPORT...... 32 </p><p>APPENDIX A - AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST...... A-1</p><p>APPENDIX B - MDR TABLE...... B-1</p><p>APPENDIX C - ODR TABLES...... C-1</p><p>APPENDIX D - BOARD RECORD...... D-1</p><p>2 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>REVISION RECORD</p><p>REVISION NUMBER SECTION PAGE NUMBERS DATE</p><p>Original All All 04/09/2007 All Pages From Original FSB Report, Added 1 All Appendix B, C and D 04/30/2008</p><p>2 All All 04/06/2009</p><p>3 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>1. PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY</p><p>1.1 Purpose</p><p>The primary purpose of this Flight Standardization Board (FSB) Report is to specify FAA master training, checking and currency requirements applicable to flight crews operating the Eclipse Model EA-500 airplane. This report provides guidance to operators who will be operating the EA-500 under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 91, Subpart K of Part 91, and Part 135.</p><p>1.2 Applicability</p><p>The guidelines in this report apply to: operations inspectors, principal operations inspectors (POIs), training center program managers (TCPMs), and aircrew program managers (APMs). This report also applies to 14 CFR 135 air carrier check airmen and instructors, airline transport pilots instructing in air transportation service, certificated flight instructors, aircrew program designees, training center evaluators (TCEs), and 14 CFR Part 61, 135, 141 and 142 training providers.</p><p>This FSB Report has been written in accordance with the requirements of Advisory Circular (AC) 120-53A. The contents of this FSB report are applicable on the effective date of its final approval and will remain effective unless amended, superseded, or withdrawn by subsequent FSB determinations.</p><p>2. ACRONYMS</p><p>Relevant acronyms used in this FSB Report are defined as follows:</p><p>14 CFR Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations AC Advisory Circular ACO Aircraft Certification Office ACP Autopilot Control Panel ACS Aircraft Computer System ADC Air Data Computer AEG Aircraft Evaluation Group AFM Airplane Flight Manual AFS Autoflight System AGL Above Ground Level AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System AOA Angle of Attack APC Avio Processing Center APM Aircrew Program Manager APR Automatic Power Reserve ATP Airline Transport Pilot</p><p>4 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>ATS Auto Throttle System CAS Crew Alerting System CHDO Certificate Holding District Office CPT Cockpit Procedures Trainer DME Distance Measuring Equipment EAC Eclipse Aviation Corporation EASA European Aviation Safety Agency ECB Electronic Circuit Breakers EFIS Electronic Flight Information System ELOS Equivalent Level of Safety EPDS Electrical Power Distribution System ETT Extended Tip Tank FAA Federal Aviation Administration FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Controller FAR Federal Aviation Regulation FIKI Flight Into Known Icing FITS FAA/Industry Training Standard FMA Flight Mode Annunciator FMS Flight Management System FSB Flight Standardization Board FSDO Flight Standards District Office FTD Flight Training Device GPS Global Positioning System GPU Ground Power Unit ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization IFD Integrated Flight Deck ISS Integrated Sensor Suite ITT Indicated Turbine Temperature KEAS Knots Equivalent Airspeed KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed LNAV/VNAV Lateral Navigation/Vertical Navigation LPV RNAV/GPS Type Approach Using Vertical Guidance Based on WAAS MCRs Master Common Requirements MCT Maximum Continuous Thrust MDRs Master Difference Requirements MFD Multifunction Display MKC-AEG Kansas City Aircraft Evaluation Group NSP National Simulator Program OAT Outside Air Temperature ODRs Operator Difference Requirements PFD Primary Flight Display PIC Pilot in Command POI Principal Operations Inspector PTS Practical Test Standards QRH Quick Reference Handbook</p><p>5 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>RNP Required Navigation Performance RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum SIC Second in Command SRM Single-Pilot Resource Management TAS Traffic Advisory System TAWS Terrain Awareness Warning System TCDS Type Certificate Data Sheet TCE Training Center Evaluator TLA Thrust Lever Angle TOGA Takeoff Go-Around V50 Safe Speed at 50 Feet AGL (Two Engine or Single Engine) VFE Flap Extended Airspeed VLE Landing Gear Extended Airspeed VLO Landing Gear Operating Airspeed VMC Minimum Control Airspeed VMO Maximum Operating Airspeed VO Design Maneuvering Speed VREF Reference Landing Airspeed VSO Stall Speed –Landing Configuration VTD Aircraft Speed at Touchdown VYSE Single Engine Best Rate of Climb WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System</p><p>3. BACKGROUND</p><p>3.1 EA-500 Base Aircraft </p><p>Eclipse Aviation Corporation (EAC), the Manufacturer, is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and originally applied for a type certificate for the Eclipse Jet on July 12, 2001.</p><p>The Eclipse Model EA-500 is a twin-engine turbofan airplane certified in accordance with 14 CFR Part 23, in the normal category. The EA-500 is classified as a center line thrust airplane since the aircraft stalls prior to velocity minimum controllable (VMC) airspeed. Therefore, no VMC speed is published. It is listed on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) Number A00002AC as the Model EA-500. EAC received their provisional type certificate on July 21, 2006, and their type certificate on September 30, 2006.</p><p>The minimum crew size determination listed in the airplane flight manual (AFM), and on the TCDS, is one pilot in the left seat. AFM limitations authorize a single pilot, only if an autopilot system, a headset mounted microphone, and a transponder ident button mounted on the left sidestick are installed and operative. Additionally, a quick reference handbook (QRH), with the most current revision, also must be available. If one or more of these conditions are not met, the EA-500 must have a flight crew comprised of one pilot and one copilot.</p><p>6 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>The EA-500 is certified for VFR Day, VFR Night, and IFR flight conditions to a maximum operating altitude of 41,000 feet, and is approved for flight into reduced vertical separation minimum (RVSM) airspace and known icing conditions if the aircraft meets the minimum equipment requirements. </p><p>The EA-500 base model has a maximum certificated takeoff weight of 5,760 pounds and a maximum landing weight of 5,415 pounds. All models of the EA-500 have a total seating density of up to six, with two crew seats and three passenger seats (standard), or four passenger seats (optional).</p><p>The aircraft is powered by two Pratt & Whitney, PW610F-A engines, each producing 900 pounds of thrust. Engines are controlled by two dual-channel, full authority digital engine controller (FADEC) units, that operate independent of the aircraft computer system (ACS) except for startup and shutdown. The engines received type certification from Transport Canada and FAA on August 23, 2006.</p><p>The EA-500 fuselage and major structural components are aluminum, and the aircraft employs conventional, mechanical flight controls. There are two sidestick controls mounted on the cockpit sidewalls rather than center control wheels at each pilot station. </p><p>The aircraft fuel system is a pressurized wet-wing design that is controlled and monitored by the ACS. Total fuel capacity is 1,540 pounds with 1,516 pounds usable. Fuel management and balancing is automatic, but may be overridden by the pilot.</p><p>The EA-500 relies on dual ACSs and an electrical power distribution system (EPDS) to control, monitor, and power its systems and components. The two ACSs, and all electronic aircraft system buses and components, are interwoven and fully integrated. Electronic circuit breakers (ECBs) not only provide circuit protection, but serve as logic-driven, micro-processors that have other functions.</p><p>The two ACSs in the EA-500 each have independent architecture for redundancy to ensure availability for several important aircraft support functions, including the autoflight system (AFS). The AFS consists of an autopilot and autotrim system, flight director, yaw damper, stall warning and stick pusher, and the flight mode annunciation (FMA) and crew alerting system (CAS) message reporting.</p><p>A takeoff configuration system evaluates trim positions, parking brake, flaps, cabin door, outside air temperature (OAT) input and engine status before activating a “T/O CONFIG OK” status CAS message. This system also provides warnings when critical components are not within takeoff parameters.</p><p>The Avio Integrated Flight Deck (IFD) was developed by EAC and Avidyne Corporation for use in the EA-500. It consists of two primary flight displays (PFD) and one multifunction display (MFD). An electronic flight information system (EFIS) is the primary component of the IFD. Each PFD, within the IFD, receives information from its independent integrated </p><p>7 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009 sensor suite (ISS). Each ISS includes an attitude and heading reference system (AHRS), air data computer (ADC), and Global Positioning System (GPS).</p><p>The PFDs send information through dual bite flight data buses to both sides of the MFD, the central switching panel, and the autopilot control panel. From these components, information flows through 30 different data buses to every aircraft system and component on the EA-500 that is electronically powered. The EFIS presents standard flight and navigation display information, and it includes synoptic pages, which present system status information to the flight crew.</p><p>3.2 Related EA-500 Model with Extended Tip Tank (ETT) Installation</p><p>The related model of the EA-500, with the ETT installation, increased the maximum takeoff weight to 5,995 pounds and the maximum landing weight to 5,600 pounds. The ETT model increased the fuel capacity to 1,722 pounds with 1,698 usable.</p><p>The primary changes from the EA-500 base model to the related model with the ETT installation are summarized in the table below.</p><p>Eclipse EA-500 with ETT Installation Increased Maximum Takeoff Weight to 5,995 lbs. Increased Maximum Landing Weight to 5,600 lbs. Usable Fuel Increased from 1,516 lbs to 1,698 lbs. Tip Tank Size and Capacity Increased VMO and VLE Increased from 275 KEAS to 285 KEAS Bullet Fairing Elongated Rudder and Trim Tabs Lengthened Engine Pylon Relofted Starter/Generator Cooling Fan Intake and Exhaust Size Reduced Other Minor Aerodynamic Changes to Aircraft Surfaces </p><p>3.3 Related EA-500 Model with Avio NG 1.0 Avionics Upgrades</p><p>This related model of the EA-500 upgraded the Avio NG avionics suite to software version 1.0. It featured several enhancements to the existing avionics system and incorporated several other system capabilities. The primary changes from the EA-500 base model to the related model with the upgraded Avio NG avionics installation are summarized in the table below.</p><p>Eclipse EA-500 with Avio NG Upgrades Changes in the Avio NG Architecture Regarding Communications, Navigation and Transponder Equipment Replaced MFD/PFD Rocker Switches with Single Knobs Several Changes to MFD System Synoptic Pages</p><p>8 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>Several PFD Flight Information Data Location Changes Weather Radar System Added Five Mechanical Circuit Breakers Added Optional Traffic Alert System (TAS) and Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS) Added Third Attitude Indicator Option Added Optional ADF and DME Systems Added Pitot/Static and Windshield Heat Operational Changes Other Minor Changes to MFD/PFD Displays</p><p>A typical EA-500 panel installed in the base EA-500 and the related models with the extended tip tank (ETT) installation and the Avio NG 1.0 upgrades is shown below.</p><p>EA-500 Avio NG Integrated Flight Deck Panel through Software Version 1.0 </p><p>3.4 Related Model with Flight into Known Icing (FIKI) Approval and Avio NG 1.5 Upgrades</p><p>The related model with FIKI approval and Avio NG software version 1.5 upgrades will normally include all previous changes to the base aircraft, i.e. ETT and Avio NG 1.0 upgrades. Some of the EA-500 base aircraft may have Avio NG 1.0 or 1.5 upgrades, but not the ETT or FIKI installations. However, for any aircraft to have FIKI approval, it also must also have completed the Avio NG 1.5 software upgrades.</p><p>9 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>The related model with FIKI approval connected the installed ice protection equipment to its respective panel switches and made final changes to the equipment. It also split the ice protection switches on the center switch panel to include individual switches for L ENG and R ENG, which provide engine anti-ice protection and a WING position that activates de-ice boots for wing and tail surfaces. The intermediate position of these switches “ENG”, provides protection for the engines only. L/R WSHLD heat and PITOT/STAT heat are set by accessing the Ice Page of the system synoptic function of the MFD. FIKI approval also added static wicks, and a phase break coating around the static ports and improved grounding for the engines and other parts of the aircraft structure.</p><p>The FIKI approval resulted in changes to the stall protection schedule with all ice protection equipment ON. The ACS automatically adjusts the stall speed, Vyse and Vref airspeeds to significantly higher values, which are depicted on the airspeed tape and include a phase-in period of up to 30 seconds.</p><p>The upgrades of the Avionics suite to Avio NG 1.5 in the related model include the installation of dual GPS long range navigation systems, major upgrades to the autoflight system, activation of the flight director system with takeoff go-around (TOGA) capability and the removal of the keyboards.</p><p>The primary changes that have occurred as a result of the FIKI installation and Avio NG 1.5 upgrades are summarized in the table below.</p><p>Eclipse EA-500 with FIKI Installation and Avio NG 1.5 Upgrades Activation of Ice Protection System Equipment Separated Ice Protection Switch on the Center Switch Panel to L ENG/WING and R ENG/WING Added Four Static Wicks Grounded VCS Doors, Engine Stators and Bleed Valves Added Normal and High Windshield Heat Mode Settings Added Phase Break Coating Around Static Ports Increased Maximum Takeoff Weight to 6,000 pounds Increase in Stall Speeds, Vref and Vyse with all Ice Protection Equipment ON Landing Flap Airspeed Limitation Increased to 140 Knots Upgrade of the Avionics Suite to Avio NG 1.5 Software Level Installation of dual Garmin 400W Long Range Navigation Systems with WAAS capability and LNAV/VNAV and LPV Approaches to an Accuracy of RNP.1 Activation of Flight Director System and TOGA Capability Improved Autoflight System with full Navigation and Approach Coupling Functionality and Integration with Flight Director New Autopilot Minimum Use Height Limitations for Enroute and </p><p>10 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>Eclipse EA-500 with FIKI Installation and Avio NG 1.5 Upgrades Instrument Approaches Activation of TOGA switch on left Throttle Addition of Third AHRS to Improve Standby Attitude Capability Removal of Keyboards Minor Changes to the Electrical Power Distribution System (EPDS)</p><p>The EA-500 cockpit panel of the related aircraft with all Avio NG 1.5 upgrades and FIKI approval is shown below.</p><p>EA-500 Avio NG 1.5 Integrated Flight Deck Panel with FIKI Approval</p><p>4. PILOT TYPE RATING DETERMINATION</p><p>4.1 General</p><p>In accordance with 14 CFR Parts 1 and 61, the pilot type rating designation for the Eclipse Aviation EA-500 airplane is “EA-500”. A pilot, who satisfactorily completes the practical test in this aircraft, will receive an EA-500S, or EA-500 type rating on their airman certificate. Airman certification requirements, airman training, instructor endorsement(s) and the administration of the practical test differ for each of the two type rating designations. The </p><p>11 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009 privileges and limitations with each type rating are described in the respective paragraphs below.</p><p>Airmen, who complete an EA-500 type rating course, but have no multiengine land rating on their airman certificate, will have a restriction placed on their airman certificate, “Limited to Center Thrust,” since the EA-500 has no published VMC speed.</p><p>The original FSB did not conduct a comparison between the EA-500 and any other Eclipse Aviation models, since the EA-500 base model was the only Eclipse model type certificated in the United States at the time. No credit may be given for training, checking, or currency in the EA-500 for aircraft built by another manufacturer.</p><p>An interim FSB was convened in January 2008, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to evaluate two related models: the model with the ETT installation and the model with the Avio NG avionics upgrade. </p><p>An interim FSB was convened in November 2008, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to evaluate the related EA-500 model with FIKI approval and Avio NG 1.5 version upgrades to the avionics suite.</p><p>In accordance with 14 CFR Parts 1 and 61, the pilot type rating designation for all related models is EA-500S, or EA-500, the same type ratings assigned to the EA-500 base aircraft.</p><p>4.2 EA-500S Type Rating</p><p>The EA-500S type rating is approved for pilots who satisfactorily complete the type rating practical test in the EA-500 as a single pilot. A pilot with the EA-500S type rating may operate the aircraft as a single pilot, or operate as a pilot in command (PIC) with a second in command (SIC) on the aircraft.</p><p>A pilot with the EA-500S type rating must have a SIC in the aircraft if the autopilot system is inoperative, if a headset mounted microphone or the transponder ident button on the left sidestick are inoperative, or if the QRH is not available. AFM Limitations, and the approved MMEL, require a SIC under these conditions. If this circumstance arises, the PIC must comply with the PIC proficiency check requirements specified by 14 CFR Section 61.58, and use a SIC that meets the qualification and training requirements of 14 CFR Section 61.55.</p><p>4.3 EA-500 Type Rating</p><p>The EA-500 type rating is approved for pilots who satisfactorily complete the type rating practical test in the EA-500 while using a SIC as a crew member. The limitation “Second in Command Required” will be placed on their airman certificate. A pilot with an EA-500 type rating must operate the aircraft with a SIC, who meets the minimum qualification and training requirements of 14 CFR Section 61.55, or have another pilot as SIC, who holds an EA-500 type rating.</p><p>12 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>In addition, the holder of an EA-500 type rating may not act as PIC of the EA-500 unless, within the preceding 12 calendar months, he or she has satisfactorily completed an annual proficiency check in the EA-500, or an aircraft requiring more than one crewmember, as required by 14 CFR Section 61.58 (a) (1) or (2).</p><p>If the holder of an EA-500 type rating elects to complete the EA-500S practical test, the entire practical test must be completed again as a single pilot. After satisfactorily completing this practical test, the airman is granted the EA-500S type rating and the limitation “Second in Command Required” is removed in accordance with 14 CFR Section 61.43 (b). In this circumstance, the EA-500 type rating designation may be retained on the airman certificate.</p><p>5. EA-500 TRAINING PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AND EVALUATION </p><p>5.1 Eclipse Aviation Training Program</p><p>Eclipse Aviation developed their original training program for completion of type ratings in the EA-500 airplane, since there was no simulator availability.</p><p>EAC established four type rating course prerequisites that flight students are required to complete prior to enrolling in the EA-500 type rating program. These prerequisites are managed by EAC’s training department. Additionally, all enrollees must hold at least a private pilot certificate with instrument and multiengine land ratings, and an airman medical certificate.</p><p>The EA-500 type rating training program consists of a FAA/Industry Training Standard (FITS)- Accepted, integrated ground and flight, scenario-based course. The EA-500 FITS Program consists of ground training on aircraft systems, single-pilot resource management (SRM) and risk assessment, as well as integrated procedures training in a cockpit procedures trainer (CPT). The flight portion of the program is scenario-based and also includes flight training periods which cover all maneuvers included in the ATP/Type Rating Practical Test Standards (PTS), and a practical test review.</p><p>EAC has also created a mentoring program for pilots who complete the EA-500 type rating. EAC pilots, FAA inspectors, and pilots operating under 14 CFR Part 135 will not be required to participate in the mentoring program. All other pilots, who will be operating the EA-500 under 14 CFR Section 91, are subject to the Eclipse mentoring program. The mentoring program is also managed by the EAC training department.</p><p>5.2 Eclipse EA-500 Training Limitation</p><p>EAC has included a training limitation in Section 2 of the EA-500 AFM. It states, “All pilots operating a U.S. registered Eclipse Aviation EA500 must be trained and qualified in accordance with the FAA Accepted/Approved Eclipse Aviation training program or equivalent FAA Accepted/Approved training program.” The TCDS contains similar wording. This AFM </p><p>13 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009 limitation was coordinated with AFS-800, the MKC-AEG, and the FSB. It was subsequently approved by the Ft. Worth Aircraft Certification Office (ACO).</p><p>The FSB concludes that this AFM limitation means that all flight crew training must be completed in accordance with an FAA Accepted/Approved program regardless of whether it is completed in the aircraft or an approved simulator. The AFM limitation includes PIC, SIC, initial, recurrent, transition and differences training. AFM training limitation also requires that all FAA Accepted/Approved training programs for the EA-500 remain current, and are revised as needed by EAC or other training provider to meet the intent of the AFM training limitation.</p><p>Eclipse Aviation holds both a Letter of Acceptance indicating that their training program meets the established FITS tenets and a Letter of Approval which constitutes the “Approved” section of this limitation.</p><p>5.3 Other EA-500 Training Programs</p><p>The second part of the AFM training limitation, “equivalent FAA Accepted/Approved training program,” encompasses training programs leading to an EA-500 type rating offered by other training providers, which may be approved by FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) organizations, under 14 CFR Part 61, 91 Subpart K, Part 135, Part 141, or Part 142.</p><p>The FSB has concluded that the meaning of the word “equivalent” requires that EA-500 type rating programs approved by FAA for all other training providers must be equivalent in scope and structure to the Eclipse Aviation “Accepted or Approved” type rating program.</p><p>5.4 FSB Training Program Evaluation</p><p>The FSB evaluated the original Eclipse Aviation type rating program when the Board was convened in 2006-2007. The FSB considered only the type rating program in its evaluation and not the four Eclipse pre-type rating prerequisites, since they are beyond the mandate of FSB responsibilities.</p><p>The FSB recommended a minimum of 16 hours of flight training for enrollees in the Eclipse EA-500 type rating program and that pilots then be trained to proficiency if additional time is needed. This conclusion was based on average training times of FSB members and the functionality of the equipment and maturity of the systems of the EA-500 aircraft, which were presented to the FSB by EAC when the original FSB was held.</p><p>The FSB did not consider the Eclipse mentoring program in its evaluation since the Board determined that mentoring was outside the scope of FSB responsibilities. The FSB, the MKC- AEG and AFS-800 support mentoring, but EAC retains the authority and responsibility for managing their mentoring program.</p><p>A FSB was reconvened in January, 2008, and again in November, 2008, to evaluate differences training due to several modifications to the EA-500 base aircraft. Additional ground, systems </p><p>14 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009 integration and flight training have been recommended by the FSB based on evaluation of differences training for modifications to related aircraft. All recommended training times are listed in Section 7, FSB Specifications for Training.</p><p>The FSB is responsible for completing evaluations of future changes to the EA-500 and any related models. Other aircraft changes that the FSB may need to evaluate include, but are not limited to, engine changes, systems and instrumentation changes, and the installation of new systems. The FSB will determine the impact of future installations on training, checking and currency and revise this FSB Report as needed.</p><p>6. MASTER COMMON REQUIREMENTS (MCRs)</p><p>6.1 MCRs – General</p><p>MCRs are requirements applicable to crew qualification which pertain to all aircraft of the same type or related types. This section lists all MCRs identified by the FSB for the EA-500. The FSB has determined that takeoff and landing performance, flight characteristics, and handling qualities are nearly identical when transitioning from the EA-500 base aircraft to the EA-500 related models.</p><p>Throughout the FSB Report, there are references to knots equivalent airspeed (KEAS) rather than knots indicated airspeed (KIAS). A traditional airspeed indicator shows indicated airspeed. In the EA-500, indicated airspeed was corrected for sensor and position error due to the pressure field around the sensors at different angles of attack. This correction would normally result in calibrated airspeed. However, EAC engineers further corrected this value for compressibility errors, which resulted in equivalent airspeed, which is a more accurate presentation of aircraft speed than KIAS.</p><p>During the certification process, EAC decided to use KEAS rather than KIAS. An equivalent level of safety (ELOS) was written, and subsequently approved by the FAA Aircraft Certification Service, to ensure that operators of the EA-500 would have an adequate explanation of KEAS. The term, KEAS, is satisfactorily explained in the EA-500 AFM.</p><p>6.2 Takeoffs</p><p>All takeoffs should be made with maximum power to ensure that the automatic power reserve (APR) system automatically arms. If one throttle is moved toward the idle position, the APR function will disengage. The use of the APR is limited to 10 minutes and the use of maximum takeoff power in the EA-500 is restricted to five minutes.</p><p>Takeoffs should be made with flaps set at the takeoff setting, but may be made with flaps in the up position. Pilots should be aware of the performance differences between the two takeoff configurations.</p><p>15 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>There is one takeoff procedure in the EA-500, which covers both normal and short field takeoffs. Best performance for obstacle clearance is dependent upon aircraft speed at 50 feet above the surface (V50 speed).</p><p>There are two VYSE speeds for any weight condition in the EA-500, which is unique to a 14 CFR Part 23 airplane. There is a VYSE for flaps at takeoff and a different VYSE for flaps up. Flight crews, training personnel, check airmen and examiners should be aware that as the aircraft flaps are retracted from the takeoff position to the up position, the “blue line” on the airspeed tape will adjust upward.</p><p>In the related aircraft with FIKI approval and Avio NG 1.5 upgrades, VYSE is significantly increased if all ice protection equipment is ON. The “blue line” on the airspeed tape will adjust to reflect the new VYSE speed.</p><p>6.3 Climb, Cruise and Approach Profiles</p><p>Climb, cruise and approach flight profiles, flap settings, and recommended or maximum airspeeds for the EA-500 are accomplished in accordance with the following tables.</p><p>CLIMB RECOMMENDED AIRSPEED Normal Climb 150 KEAS Cruise Climb 200 KEAS</p><p>CRUISE MAXIMUM AIRSPEED VMO - Base Aircraft 275 KEAS VMO – Related Models 285 KEAS MMO .64 Mach</p><p>DESCENT/APPROACH VFR MAXIMUM AIRSPEED VFE – Flaps Takeoff 200 KEAS VFE – Flaps Landing 120 KEAS VFE – Flaps Landing (FIKI and 140 KEAS Avio NG 1.5 Model) VLO/VLE – Base Aircraft 200 KEAS/275 KEAS VLO/VLE – Related Models 200 KEAS/285 KEAS</p><p>The manufacturer set minimum maneuvering airspeeds for the EA-500 in response to FSB concerns regarding persistent aural and visual stall warning indications while the aircraft was maneuvering during approaches to landings. The minimum airspeeds in the table below are to be used for maneuvering, except when the aircraft is fully configured for landing on final approach in a wings level landing configuration.</p><p>16 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>FLAP POSITION MINIMUM AIRSPEED Flaps Up 130 KEAS Flaps Takeoff 115 Knots Flaps Landing 100 Knots</p><p>6.4 IFR Approach and Landing Minima</p><p>In accordance with 14 CFR Section 97.3, the aircraft approach category is based on 1.3 times the stall speed in the landing configuration (VSO) at maximum certificated landing weight. Using this criterion, the EA-500 has a reference landing speed (VREF) of 94 knots. With all ice protection equipment ON, VREF at maximum landing weight is 118 KEAS.</p><p>Straight in Approaches – A minimum of 94 KEAS at the maximum aircraft landing weight, with flaps in the landing position, is used in training by EAC and is recommended by the FSB as listed in the following table.</p><p>AIRCRAFT SPEED FLAP POSITION APPROACH CATEGORY 94 KEAS Landing Flaps Category B 118 KEAS with Landing Flaps Category B Ice Protection ON</p><p>6.5 Circling Approaches</p><p>A minimum of 115 KEAS for all circling approaches with flaps set in the takeoff position is used in training by EAC and is recommended by the FSB during the circling maneuver. On the turn to final, the flaps should be set to landing and the aircraft should be slowed to the recommended VREF speed.</p><p>Single engine circling maneuvers may be trained and checked at the discretion of the training provider and/or examiner based on weight, altitude, temperature and conditions of flight. For the related airplanes with FIKI approval, the circling approach speed will increase significantly with ice protection ON.</p><p>When determining circling approach minima, all approach minimums are based on the highest airspeed used during the circling maneuver. This will ensure that the aircraft has adequate obstacle clearance in the maneuvering area. The minimum visibility for circling maneuvers is listed in the following table and increases with airspeed due to the increase in circling approach radii.</p><p>SPEED/CATEGORY VISIBILITY IN STATUTE MILES Less than 91 Knots/Cat A 1 Mile 91 to 120 Knots/Cat B 1 Mile 121 to 140 Knots/Cat C 1 and ½ Miles 141 to 165 Knots/Cat D 2 Miles</p><p>17 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>SPEED/CATEGORY VISIBILITY IN STATUTE MILES 165 Knots and Above/Cat E 3 Miles</p><p>6.6 Landings</p><p>The FSB found no unusual landing characteristics in the EA-500. The AFM lists an aircraft speed at touchdown (VTD) for landings in an airspeed range of 72 to 78 KEAS depending on weight. Short field landings are accomplished in the same manner as normal landings.</p><p>The FSB agrees that all landings should be at a slow airspeed since there are no drag devices on the EA-500 other than flaps and brakes, and the brakes do not have anti-skid protection. However, the FSB also recommends that the VTD airspeed should be balanced with operational safety, and points out that the margin above a stall at VTD is only a few knots.</p><p>The recommended VREF and VTD airspeeds for the EA-500 are listed in the following table, based on the landing weight of the aircraft. These airspeeds are listed in the EA-500 AFM.</p><p>LANDING WEIGHT VREF VTD 5,600 Lbs. 94 KEAS 78 KEAS 5,000 Lbs. 89 KEAS 76 KEAS 4,500 Lbs. 85 KEAS 74 KEAS 4,000 Lbs. 80 KEAS 72 KEAS</p><p>Due to the significant increase in landing airspeeds with all ice protection ON, the following table lists the recommended airspeeds during landing and touchdown.</p><p>18 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>LANDING WEIGHT VREF VTD 5,600 Lbs. 118 KEAS 104 KEAS 5,000 Lbs. 112 KEAS 98 KEAS 4,500 Lbs. 106 KEAS 93 KEAS 4,000 Lbs. 100 KEAS 88 KEAS</p><p>Careful consideration should be given to landing with ice protection equipment ON due to the greatly increased landing distances due to the higher VREF and VTD airspeeds.</p><p>REJECTED LANDINGS – Rejected landings can be trained and checked with two engines operative, or one engine inoperative, following the procedures established by EAC, or other training provider.</p><p>NO FLAP APPROACHES – No Flap approaches and landings were evaluated by the FSB and can be safely accomplished during training and checking. It is important to note that the final approach speed with flaps in the UP position is Vref + 20, which equates to an approach speed of 113 KEAS and substantial runway length needed to safely stop the aircraft after landing.</p><p>6.7 Inflight Maneuvers</p><p>STEEP TURNS – Steep turns must be trained and checked at less than 180 knots, the established maneuvering speed (VO) of the EA-500 at maximum takeoff weight. It is recommended that 170 knots be used as target airspeed for steep turns, with a power setting of 70% to 80% N1, depending on aircraft weight, altitude and atmospheric conditions.</p><p>STALLS – The EA-500 was found to have adverse stall characteristics during flight testing leading to type certification. As a result, a stick pusher system was installed to mitigate these characteristics in order to achieve certification under 14 CFR Part 23.</p><p>The EA-500 has no unusual stall characteristics if stall recovery is initiated at the first indication of a stall, which is well above an aerodynamic stall. The stall speed in the clean configuration, at maximum takeoff weight with 0 degrees angle of bank is 95 KEAS. In the landing configuration, with gear and flaps fully extended, at maximum landing weight, with 0 degrees of bank, the stalling speed is 73 KEAS. The FSB noted that stall recovery can be completed with minimal altitude loss if initiated at the first indication of a stall, which is the aural stall warning and the stall warning visual indication on the PFDs.</p><p>An aerodynamic stall occurs at the same approximate airspeed as stick pusher activation. The aircraft stick pusher system will activate if the sidestick is held in the aft position and recovery is not made at the first indication of a stall. If the stick pusher activates, the loss of altitude during the stall recovery will be 300 to 400 feet. As a consequence, flight crews, training personnel and evaluators should be aware of the consequences of low altitude stalls.</p><p>19 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>On the related airplane with FIKI approval and Avio NG 1.5 upgrades, the stall speed in the clean configuration at maximum takeoff weight with all ice protection ON is 124 KEAS. In the landing configuration at the maximum landing weight with all ice protection ON, the stall speed is 92 KEAS. With ice protection ON, the recovery from a stall, with stick pusher activation, the aircraft could lose as much as 400 to 500 feet of altitude.</p><p>UNUSUAL ATTITUDES – Unusual attitudes may be trained and checked in the aircraft as long as the induced pitch and bank remain within the parameters for non-acrobatic flight.</p><p>EMERGENCY DESCENTS – It is recommended that emergency descents during training and checking in the aircraft be accomplished at a maximum descent speed of 250 KEAS rather than 285 KEAS, which is the airplane VMO and the speed specified in the AFM emergency procedures.</p><p>ENGINE SHUTDOWNS IN FLIGHT – For an intentional engine shutdown in flight, the throttle of the selected engine should be at idle and the engine selector switch on the overhead panel should be selected to OFF. An airspeed allowing for a successful engine air start should be maintained for the weight/altitude/temperature condition as illustrated in the Engine Air Start Envelope in Section 3 of the AFM and the QRH. It is important to emphasize that the FADEC automatic start abort features are disabled in flight.</p><p>After shutdown, the engine ITT should be permitted to cool to 100 degrees C before attempting a restart. An engine warm-up period after a restart in the training and checking environment is not addressed in the AFM or Eclipse flight training manuals.</p><p>SIMULATED ENGINE FAILURES – It is recommended that simulated engine failures be accomplished with the use of the throttle unless the aircraft is at least 3,000 feet above ground level (AGL) near a suitable airport. Since the EA-500 has no published V1 speed, no intentional engine failures should be completed less than 500 feet AGL, to follow current practices in other multiengine airplanes certificated under 14 CFR Part 23.</p><p>NOTE: EA-500 airplanes are operating in several different configurations and will be for some time. It is important for inspectors to understand the operational capabilities of the individual aircraft based on installed equipment and the applicable 14 CFR operating rule.</p><p>7. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAINING</p><p>7.1 Initial Type Rating Training in the EA-500</p><p>An applicant for an EA-500 type rating at the ATP certificate level must meet the training requirements of 14 CFR Section 61.157 (b) or (c). For the addition of an EA-500 type rating to a pilot certificate other than at the ATP level, an applicant must meet the training requirements of the applicable sections of 14 CFR Section 61.63 (d) or (e). All initial training for the </p><p>20 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009 purpose of obtaining an EA-500 type rating in the base airplane is at Level E with the hours recommended in the table below.</p><p>EA-500 BASE AIRPLANE TRAINING HOURS Aircraft Systems Ground Training Number Not Recommended Systems Integration Training 6.0 Hours Flight Training 16.0 Hours</p><p>7.2 Ground Training</p><p>The FSB evaluated the ground portion of the Eclipse EA-500 type rating program and recommends no minimum number of training hours. The FSB recommends that the number of ground training hours for the initial EA-500 type rating program be evaluated as necessary by the appropriate jurisdictional FSDO when approving training programs. Ground training for the EA-500 in the following subject areas is required:</p><p> a. Single Pilot Crew Resource Management b. Risk Assessment c. AFM Review d. Aircraft Limitations e. Aircraft Performance, Performance Airspeeds and Flight Profiles f. Weight and Balance g. Aircraft Maintenance and use of MMEL h. Aircraft General Description i. Avio Integrated Avionics Suite j. Aircraft Computer System k. Air Data System and AHRS l. Aircraft Engines, FADEC and APR m. Electronic Power Distribution System n. PFD Displays and Controls o. MFD Displays and Controls p. CAS Messaging System q. System Synoptic Pages r. Warning Systems and Takeoff Configuration Protection s. Flight Controls t. Auto Flight System u. Landing Gear and Brakes v. Fuel System w. Pneumatics x. Pressurization System y. Air Conditioning z. Oxygen System aa. Ice and Rain Protection bb. Fire Protection System cc. Preflight Procedures</p><p>21 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p> dd. Normal Procedures ee. Abnormal and Emergency Procedures ff. Generator, ACS, or Flight Bite Data Bus Failures gg. ETT Modification Differences hh. Avio NG Avionics System Differences ii. ADF System jj. DME Systems kk. Optional Systems Operation Including Weather Radar, TAS and TAWS ll. Operations Into Known Icing mm. Garmin 400W Long Range Navigation System nn. Use of TOGA System</p><p>7.3 Systems Integration Training (CPT, FTD, Simulator or Aircraft)</p><p>The FSB recommends systems integration training in an approved CPT, FTD, simulator, or aircraft for all pilots undergoing training. These modules may be integrated in the type rating program during ground training at the discretion of EAC, or other training provider, and should include an emphasis on the following tasks:</p><p> a. PFD/MFD Preflight Setup b. Cockpit Checklist Flow c. Instrument Approach Tuning and Setup d. Communication Tuning and Setup e. Analysis of System Synoptic Pages f. Use of Keyboard if Installed g. CAS Messaging System h. Setup of the Autopilot Control Panel (ACP) i. PFD Flight Mode Annunciations j. Abnormal and Emergency Procedures k. Use of Composite Mode l. ACS, ADC, Generator and Flight Bite Data Bus Failures m. Avio NG Avionics System Differences n. Optional Systems Operation Including Weather Radar, TAS, TAWS o. Use of Ice Protection Equipment p. Programming of Garmin 400W Long Range Navigation System</p><p>7.4 Flight Training (Approved Simulators or Aircraft)</p><p>Flight training for all pilots enrolled in the EA-500 type rating course in the airplane or simulator should include the following:</p><p> a. Exterior Preflight Inspection b. Cockpit/Cabin Setup c. Aircraft Systems Tests and Checks d. Before Takeoff Procedures</p><p>22 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p> e. Pitch Attitude, Power Settings and Airspeed Combinations f. Basic and Advanced Flight Maneuvers Required for EA-500 Practical Test g. Aircraft Traffic Pattern Operations h. Departure and Arrival Procedures i. Instrument Approaches, Missed Approach Procedures and Holding j. Engine Shutdown and Restart k. Single Engine Approach and Landing from Precision/Non-Precision Approaches l. Circling Approach Procedures m. Single Engine Missed Approaches n. No Flap/Partial Flap Landings o. Enroute and High Altitude Operations p. Loss of Pressurization and Use of Oxygen q. Emergency Descents r. Abnormal and Emergency Procedures s. Specific Avionics System Emergencies t. Loss of MFD/PFD u. Optional Systems Operations including Weather Radar, TAS and TAWS v. Operation of Ice Protection Equipment w. Use of TOGA Switch x. Programming and use of Garmin 400W Long Range Navigation System</p><p>7.5 Special Emphasis Training</p><p>Special emphasis training includes systems, procedures, or other training elements that are unique to the aircraft and should be given a higher degree of emphasis than regular training. The FSB has identified the following training items that are either unique to the EA-500, based on installed systems and equipment, or are important because of operational aspects associated with a single pilot crew, or flight crews with a low level of prior operating experience.</p><p>7.5.1 Ground Training</p><p> a. High Altitude Physiology b. Donning of Oxygen Masks c. Single Pilot Resource Management, Risk Assessment and Risk Management d. Relationship of the ACS, FADEC, Avionics System and Electronic Power Distribution System e. Relationship of Electronic Buses and Data Buses f. Abnormal and Emergency Procedures, Focusing on Avionics and Electronic Power Distribution Systems g. Stick Pusher System h. Emergency Gear System i. Use of Alternate Trim j. Operations in Known Icing Conditions</p><p>7.5.2 Systems Integration Training (CPT, FTD, Simulator, or Aircraft)</p><p>23 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p> a. Use of PFD, MFD and Composite Mode b. Setup of the Flight Director and Autopilot Control Panel c. Use of Keyboard if Installed d. Avio System Integration Training e. CAS Logic and Abnormal Procedures Training f. Avionics System Abnormal and Emergency Procedures g. Donning of Oxygen Masks h. Use of Alternate Trim i. Use of Ice Protection Equipment</p><p>7.5.3 Flight Training (Approved Simulator or Aircraft)</p><p> a. Use of PFD, MFD and Composite Mode b. Instrument Approaches with PFD/MFD in Composite Mode c. Use of CAS Messaging System d. High Altitude Single Pilot Operations e. Loss of all DC Power and Effect on the Aircraft and the FADEC System f. Other Electrical System Malfunctions g. Donning of Oxygen Masks h. Use of Emergency Gear System i. Stick Pusher System j. Use of Alternate Trim k. Operations in Icing Conditions Including Handling Qualities and Performance l. High Speed Approaches at Airports with High Levels of Air Carrier Traffic</p><p>7.6 Special Flight Characteristics in Training</p><p>The FSB has identified three special flight characteristics in the EA-500 that all training providers and flight crews should be aware of and consider during training.</p><p>7.6.1 The first special characteristic is the stick pusher system. The FSB recommends that all pilots in the EA-500 training program practice and demonstrate this system in flight, or in a simulator, and understand that an altitude loss in a stall can be significant if the stick pusher activates. An evaluation of this system while performing a stall in the clean configuration indicated that the aural and visual stall indication occurred at 100 KEAS, and the stick pusher activated at 92 KEAS. The resultant loss of altitude in the stall recovery was 300 feet. In the landing configuration, the altitude loss was 300 to 400 feet with stick pusher activation.</p><p>7.6.2 The second special characteristic is that the EA-500 engines cannot be shut down in the event of a total loss of electrical power. With both generators off line and all battery power depleted, the engines cannot be shut down with the engine selector switches or fire/armed switches. The EA-500 engine thrust will be fixed at the last requested fuel flow setting based on thrust lever angle (TLA) used at that time. Although this situation is adequately covered in </p><p>24 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009 the AFM emergency procedures, it merits being listed as a special flight characteristic. If this emergency occurs in flight, the aircraft must be landed before battery power is depleted.</p><p>7.6.3 The third special characteristic for training providers involves changes in aircraft performance with the ice protection equipment ON. There is a zero climb performance at 15,000 feet with all engines operating and ice protection equipment ON. If one engine fails with ice protection equipment ON, the aircraft may be unable to climb as low as 5,000 feet.</p><p>If a pilot makes a takeoff following recommended speeds with ice protection equipment ON, retracts the gear and sets the flaps to the UP position, the margin above a stall could be as low as five knots. Training providers should be aware that all operational airspeeds are increased substantially with ice protection equipment ON and are adjusted on the airspeed tape.</p><p>Inadvertent use of the windshield heat in the HIGH mode setting during takeoffs and landings may result in the inability of the pilot to safely land the aircraft due to windshield distortion.</p><p>7.7 Differences Training</p><p>All differences training in the related models of the EA-500 should be accomplished in accordance with the MDR table in Appendix B and the ODR tables in Appendix C of this report and the differences tables below. The following table lists the recommended training times for differences training for related airplane models equipped with the Avio NG 1.0 upgrades and the ETT modification.</p><p>RELATED AIRCRAFT DIFFERENCES TRAINING HOURS EA-500 with ETT Modification 1.0 Hours Ground EA-500 with Avio NG 1.0 Upgrades 5.0 Hours Ground EA-500 with Avio NG 1.0 Upgrades 2.0 Hours Systems Integration</p><p>The following table lists the recommended training times for differences training for the related EA-500 model equipped with the Avio NG 1.5 upgrades and FIKI approval.</p><p>RELATED AIRCRAFT DIFFERENCES TRAINING HOURS EA-500 with FIKI Approval 3.0 Hours Ground EA-500 with Avio NG 1.5 Upgrades 3.0 Hours Ground EA-500 with Avio NG 1.5 Upgrades 3.0 Hours Systems Integration EA-500 with Avio NG 1.5 Upgrades 2.0 Hours Level 6/7 FTD, Level A/B Simulator, or Higher, or the Aircraft</p><p>8. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHECKING</p><p>8.1 Checking – General</p><p>25 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>8.1.1 All EA-500 type rating certifications will be administered in accordance with the Airline Transport Pilot/Type Rating PTS current revision.</p><p>8.1.2 Initial and recurrent aircraft competency and instrument-proficiency checks will be completed in accordance with 14 CFR 91.1065 and 91.1069 for pilots employed by fractional ownership operators and in accordance with 14 CFR 135.293 and 135.297 for pilots employed by air carriers.</p><p>Satisfactory completion of an ATP practical test in the EA-500, or the addition of an EA-500 type rating to an existing ATP certificate, may be simultaneously credited for a competency check or instrument-proficiency check, as applicable, in accordance with 14 CFR Part 135 or Subpart K of Part 91, for pilots who have completed the air carrier’s, or fractional ownership company’s approved training program.</p><p>8.1.3 No-Flap landings may be evaluated in the aircraft and are required by FAA Order 8900.1 for 14 CFR Part 135 PIC checks. Partial or no-flap landings are also required by the Airline Transport Pilot/Type Rating PTS. If checked in the aircraft, the examiner or FAA Inspector must be attentive to the flight crew’s airspeed control and available runway length and surface condition. FAA Order 8900.1 allows the examiner or inspector to accept a no-flap landing without an actual touchdown for Part 135 PIC checks if, in their opinion, a safe touchdown and landing to a full stop could be made.</p><p>8.1.4 Pilot-in-Command Proficiency Checks, required by 14 CFR Section 61.58, will also be administered in accordance with the ATP/Type Rating PTS.</p><p>8.1.5 Examiners should note that several practical tests for certificates with multiengine privileges require an aircraft that has a published VMC speed. If these certifications are completed in the EA-500, or qualified simulator, there will be a limitation “Limited to Center Thrust” placed on the airman certificate.</p><p>8.2 Special Emphasis Checking Requirements</p><p>8.2.1 As a general practice, the FSB recommends that examiners not pull ECBs during the administration of a practical test since pulling certain ECBs may induce the unwanted loss of other equipment due to the complexity of systems integration in the EA-500.</p><p>However, there is one exception that the FSB evaluated, which will be used in training and during checking by examiners. Since there is no method to simulate the loss of the MFD and use of the PFD composite mode, the FSB evaluated securing the MFD by pulling the two MFD ECBs and found there is no detrimental affect on other aircraft systems and equipment. This allows the pilot to operate the aircraft in the composite mode using the left PFD with the loss of the MFD screen only. Resetting the two ECBs will quickly restore the MFD.</p><p>8.2.2 Activation of the emergency gear system should not be accomplished in the aircraft during checking. If the emergency gear system is activated, the landing gear may not be </p><p>26 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009 operated normally and the aircraft must be landed and inspected in accordance with the EA-500 Airplane Maintenance Manual.</p><p>8.2.3 Due to automatic APR functions, when closing one or both throttles during takeoff and immediately resuming takeoff with full power, the APR is ON. Examiners must remember to reset the APR to the AUTO position on the engine synoptic page when any aborted takeoff scenario is completed.</p><p>8.2.4 Completing an actual engine shutdown and restart in flight disables the FADEC automatic start abort feature. For practice engine restarts, examiners must monitor all engine restart indications and must be prepared to manually shut down the engine before any limitations are exceeded. Additionally, after shutdown the engine ITT should be permitted to cool to 100 degrees C before attempting a restart.</p><p>8.2.5 All applicants for an EA-500 type rating should demonstrate one stall to the point of activation of the aircraft stick pusher system to ensure they understand the system and can safely recover the aircraft.</p><p>8.2.6 All examiners and check airmen, who administer type rating certifications or other flight evaluations in related aircraft with FIKI approval, should be aware of the performance differences with all ice protection equipment ON.</p><p>8.3 Checking Differences</p><p>Differences checking requirements between the base model and related models are specified in the MDR table in Appendix B and the ODR tables in Appendix C of this Report.</p><p>9. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR CURRENCY</p><p>9.1 Recurrent Training</p><p>Recurrent training is mandatory for all pilots operating the EA-500 and may be completed in accordance with the EAC training program; the air carrier or fractional ownership operator’s approved training program, or the approved training program of other training providers.</p><p>Differences currency requirements between the base EA-500 and the related models are listed in the MDR table and ODR tables included in Appendix B and C of this Report.</p><p>9.2 Landing Currency</p><p>Landing currency will be maintained or reestablished in accordance with the operator’s approved training program, or the requirements of 14 CFR Parts 61.55, 61.56, 61.57, 61.58 or 135.247, as applicable.</p><p>27 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>PIC landing currency will apply equally whether the pilot holds an EA-500 or EA-500S type rating on their airman certificate.</p><p>10. FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEVICES AND SIMULATORS</p><p>All requests for the use of training devices or flight simulators in an operator’s training program, or at a Part 142 approved training center, Part 141 approved school, or other training provider, should be addressed to the appropriate FSDO. Requests for device or simulator approval should be made through the POI. Guidance is available in AC 120-40B, AC 120-45A and FAA Order 8900.1. POIs should seek additional assistance through the FAA’s National Simulator Program (NSP) Office.</p><p>The training, checking, and currency requirements of 14 CFR Part 61, Part 91 Subpart K and Part 135, as well as the ATP/Type Rating PTS, allow partial or full credit for the use of approved training devices and flight simulators.</p><p>11. MASTER DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS (MDRs)</p><p>MDRs are requirements applicable to crew qualification, which pertain to differences between the base aircraft and related type(s). MDR requirements apply when differences between a base aircraft and a related aircraft, or differences between two related aircraft, affect flight crew knowledge, skills, or abilities related to flight safety at differences levels of Level A or greater.</p><p>The MDR Table for the EA-500 base aircraft and related aircraft is depicted in Appendix B of this FSB Report.</p><p>12. OPERATOR DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS (ODRs) TABLES</p><p>12.1 ODRs – General</p><p>ODRs are operator-specific requirements necessary to address differences between a base aircraft and one or more related aircraft in a transition or differences training program that lists compliance methods relative to training, checking and currency. ODR tables consist of design, maneuver and system difference tables.</p><p>12.2 ODR Methods, Devices and Equipment Table</p><p>Proposed training differences by an applicant (training provider) are expressed in Difference Levels A through E in the proposed ODR tables. Guidance to training providers for completing ODR tables is included in AC 120-53A and the table below, which describes the minimum training methods, devices, and equipment for each differences level.</p><p>28 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>Difference Difference Level Methods Devices or Simulators Level Definition (1) A Self Instruction Bulletins Manual Revisions ------Handout Material B Aided Instruction Slides/Video Tapes Standup Instruction ------Computer-Based Training C System Devices Training Devices ------Level 2/3/4/5 - Full Task Computer Based Instruction (2) D Maneuver Devices Training Devices ------Level 6/7 (3) - E Simulator C/D or Simulator C/D Aircraft ------Or Aircraft - (1) Training level and simulator definitions are as specified by applicable ACs. (2) Training device levels 3/4/5 typically include cockpit procedure trainers, cockpit system simulators and similar devices. (3) Training device 6/7 or simulator A/B typically includes fixed-base simulators or visual simulators.</p><p>12.3 Eclipse EA-500 ODR Tables</p><p>12.3.1 ODR tables are an acceptable means to comply with MDR requirements based on those differences and the compliance methods shown. For operators providing transition or differences training from the base EA-500 to all related models, the ODR tables in this FSB Report are acceptable and may be approved by POIs for a specific operator.</p><p>12.3.2 The ODR tables, submitted by Eclipse Aviation, address proposed training, checking and currency differences when flight crews are trained and/or qualified in the EA-500 and are transitioning to the EA-500 related aircraft. ODR tables for flight crews transitioning from the EA-500 related models to the EA-500 base aircraft were not available at the time the FSB was completed, but were considered by the FSB and have been appropriately addressed in the MDR table in Appendix B of this Report.</p><p>12.4 The ODR tables in this Report are not the only acceptable means of compliance. Operators, who wish to establish a different means of compliance, must request FAA approval through their assigned POI for ODR tables unique to their fleet. The POI should coordinate this action with the FSB chairman and AFS-200.</p><p>ODR tables are included in Appendix C of this FSB Report.</p><p>29 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>13. MISCELLANEOUS</p><p>13.1 Proving tests</p><p>Proving tests, which may be required of an operator to comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Section 135.145, should be conducted in accordance with FAA Order 8900.1, Volume III, Chapter 29.</p><p>13.2 Forward Observer Seat</p><p>A forward observer seat on or near the flight deck, equipped with a headset or speaker, is required to be provided for use by the Administrator during enroute inspections by 14 CFR Section 135.75 (b) and for the administration of flight tests leading to pilot certification or operating privileges. On small jet aircraft type certificated in accordance with 14 CFR Section Part 23, there generally is no available space for the installation of a jump seat that will meet the intent of the applicable regulations.</p><p>The right cockpit seat is the primary seat in the EA-500 that will substitute as a jump seat for the purposes of the FAR cited above. If the right pilot seat is occupied, an inspector will be required to sit in the nearest available seat in the cabin to perform enroute inspections or to administer a flight check if communications, oxygen, adequate lighting and ventilation are available.</p><p>14. AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST</p><p>The Aircraft Regulatory Compliance Checklist is of benefit to the FAA Certificate Holding District Office (CHDO) and assigned principal inspectors, because it identifies regulatory and operational requirements for which compliance has already been demonstrated to the FAA for a particular type aircraft or variant model. It is the responsibility of the CHDO to review compliance with FAA rules, policies and processes not covered by the Regulatory Compliance Checklist before the EA-500 is introduced into commercial service.</p><p>The original FSB completed an evaluation of N126DJ, Serial Number 00002, to determine operational compliance with the appropriate sections of 14 CFR Section Parts 91 and 135. The attached checklist, Appendix A, provides the FSB findings.</p><p>15. ALTERNATE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE TO THIS REPORT</p><p>The FSB chairman should be consulted by a POI when alternate means of compliance, other than those specified in this report, are proposed. The FAA General Aviation and Commercial Division, AFS-800, or the FAA Air Transportation Division, AFS-200, must approve alternate means of compliance. If an alternate means of compliance is sought, operators will be required to submit a proposed alternate means for approval that provides an equivalent level of safety to </p><p>30 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009 the provisions of AC 120-53A and this FSB Report. Analysis, demonstrations, proof of concept testing, differences documentation, and/or other evidence may be required.</p><p>31 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>APPENDIX A - AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST, ECLIPSE EA-500</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para.</p><p>91. 9 (a) Compliance with Flight Eclipse EA-500 will have AFM Section 2 Limitations Aircraft is in compliance. All Manual, Markings, and an FAA-Approved AFM Placards & Marking placards required by 14 CFR Placard Markings and appropriate FAA- Interior/Exterior. Part 23 and depicted in the Approved Markings and AFM, Section 2, are affixed to Placards. the aircraft. 91. 9 (b)(1) Availability of Current Airplane The EA-500 FAA-Approved Eclipse Aviation will be Current AFM is available on the Flight Manual (AFM) in AFM will be issued with responsible for AFM aircraft. Aircraft each A/C. A revision revisions. section is included for updates to the AFM.</p><p>91. 9 (c) Identification of Aircraft in The EA-500 will have AFM Section 2 exterior aft Aircraft Type Certificate Data Accordance with 14 CFR 45 proper identification as left identification metal Plate is affixed to the fuselage. required by 14 CFR plate is affixed to the 45.11(a) and (b). fuselage.</p><p>91.189 (a)(3) Category II and III Instruments EA-500 will not be seeking This requirement is an Does not apply. and Flight Guidance System Cat II or III at TC. operator responsibility. FSB concurs.</p><p>91.191 (a)(1) Category II and Category III EA-500 will not be seeking This requirement is an Does not apply Manual Cat II or III at TC. . operator responsibility. FSB concurs.</p><p>91.203 (a)(1), (b) Valid Airworthiness EA-500 will have a valid The Airworthiness Registration Certificate and Certificate, Flight Permit, Airworthiness Certificate at Certificate will be displayed Airworthiness Certificate are on Registration Certificate. TC. at the cabin so it is legible the aircraft. to passengers and crew.</p><p>91.203 (c) Fuel Tanks in the EA-500 will not have this This is an operator Does not apply. Passenger/Baggage configuration. responsibility. FSB concurs. Compartment</p><p>A-1 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para.</p><p>91.203 (d) Fuel Venting and Exhaust EA-500 aircraft are EA 500 is compliant with Aircraft is in compliance. Emissions Requirements compliant for fuel venting 14 CFR 34.11 & 34.21. FSB concurs. and exhaust emissions as required by FAR 34. 91.205 (a) Powered Civil Aircraft with EA-500 will be equipped AFM Section 2 Limitations Aircraft is in compliance. Standard Category U.S. and delivered for Day/Night Operating/Maneuver Airworthiness Certificates: VFR/IFR single pilot Limitations and Kinds of Instrument and Equipment operations. Operations. Requirements: General</p><p>91.205 (b) Day VFR Instruments and EA-500 will meet the AFM Section 2 Limitations Aircraft has the equipment Equipment requirements of 14 CFR Kinds of Operations. required for day VFR 91.205(b) 1 thru 16. operations.</p><p>91.205 (c) Night VFR Instruments and EA-500 will meet the AFM Section 2 Limitations Aircraft meets the regulatory Equipment requirements of 14 CFR Kinds of Operations. standard for night lighting 91.205(c) (1) thru (5). requirements.</p><p>91.205 (d) IFR Instruments and EA-500 will meet the AFM Section 2 Limitations Aircraft has three attitude Equipment requirements of 14 CFR Kinds of Operations. indicators, but no rate of turn 91.205(d) (1) thru (9). indicator. Aircraft is in compliance.</p><p>91.205 (e) Flight at and above FL240 EA-500 will meet the AFM Section 7 Electronic Aircraft has either a traditional Equipment Requirements requirements of 14 CFR Flight Instrument System DME or a synthetic DME, which 91.205(e). Section 2 Limitation operates off a GPS data base, Navigation/FMS. available for installation. Aircraft is in compliance.</p><p>91.205 (f) Category II Operations EA-500 will not be This is an operator Aircraft is not equipped for Cat Instruments and Equipment equipped for CAT II responsibility. II Operations. FSB concurs. operations at TC.</p><p>91.205 (g) Category III Operations EA-500 will not be This is an operator Aircraft is not equipped for Cat Instruments and Equipment equipped for CAT III responsibility. III Operations. FSB concurs. operations at TC.</p><p>A-2 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 91.207 (a)(1) Emergency Locator EA-500’s ELT will meet the AFM Section 7 Description Installation meets the Transmitter requirements of 14 CFR and Operation Instrument regulatory requirements. 91.207(a) (1). Panel Section 7 Electronic Flight Instrument Systems.</p><p>91.209 Aircraft Lights EA-500 will meet the AFM Section 7 Description Aircraft is equipped in requirements of 14 CFR and Operation Lighting accordance with regulatory 91.209 (a) (1) (2) (i) (ii). System. requirements.</p><p>91.211 (a) Supplemental Oxygen: EA-500 will have a AFM Section 2 Limitation Aircraft has an oxygen system General supplemental oxygen and Section 7 Oxygen installed. FSB concurs. system. System.</p><p>91.211 (b) Supplemental Oxygen: EA-500’s oxygen system AFM Section 7 Description Aircraft has an oxygen system Pressurized Cabin Aircraft will meet 14 CFR 91.211(b) and Operation Oxygen installed. FSB concurs. requirements. System. </p><p>91.213 (a) Inoperative Instruments and EA-500 will have an EA-500 MMEL. A master minimum equipment Equipment: Approved approved MMEL. list (MMEL) has been Minimum Equipment List developed for the EA-500 airplane through a flight operations evaluation board (FOEB). 91.215 (a) ATC Transponder and Altitude EA-500 will have an ATC AFM Section 7 Description Aircraft has two transponders Reporting Equipment and Use transponder and altitude and Operations Electronic installed. reporting equipment that Flight Instrument System. meets TSO-C112 (Mode S) requirements.</p><p>91.215 (b), (c) and Transponder Operation EA-500 ATC Transponder AFM Section 4, Normal Aircraft has two transponders (d) will be operated in Procedures; Section 3 installed. Usage is flight crew accordance with 14 CFR Emergency Procedures. responsibility. 91.215 (b) (c) and (d). This requirement is an operator responsibility.</p><p>A-3 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 91.217 (a) Data Correspondence This requirement is an AFM Section 7, Description Flight crew responsibility. Between Automatically operator responsibility. and Operation Electronic FSB concurs. Reported Pressure Altitude Flight Instrument System Data and the Pilot’s Altitude Air Data System EA-500 Reference: ATC Directed Maintenance Manual. Deviation 91.217 (b) Encoded Altitude Accuracy This requirement is an EA-500 Maintenance FSB concurs. operator responsibility. Manual and Maintenance Fault Reporting Manual.</p><p>91.217 (c) Altimeter-Encoding Equipment EA-500’s altimeters and EA-500 Maintenance FSB concurs. Specifications digitizers will meet the Manual and Maintenance standards in TSO-C10b Fault Reporting Manual. and TSO-C88. </p><p>91.219 (a), (b) Altitude Alerting System or EA-500 will have an AFM Section 7, Description The EA-500 has an altitude Device: Turbojet-Powered altitude alerting system. and Operations Electronic alerting system installed. Civil Airplanes Flight Instrument System Air Data System. </p><p>91.221 (a), (b) Traffic Alert and Collision EA-500 will be equipped AFM Section 7, Description The EA-500 has a traffic alert Avoidance System Equipment with a Traffic Alert System and Operations Electronic system (TAS) available for and Use (TAS). Flight Instrument System. production models.</p><p>91.223 (a) Terrain Awareness and This requirement applies to Later production EA-500 Not required by 14 CFR. A Warning System: Equipment turbine-powered aircraft aircraft will have TAWS. terrain awareness and warning Installation that are configured with six system (TAWS) is available for or more passenger seats production models. excluding any pilot seat.</p><p>91.223 (c) Airplane Flight Manual This requirement is a AFM Supplement will be AFM Supplement must be Procedures manufacturer provided to each operator made available to each owner responsibility. operator if TAWS is installed.</p><p>A-4 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 91.223 (d) Exceptions This requirement applies to Not applicable since the EA- turbine- powered airplanes 500 does not have to install a that are configured with six TAWS. or more passenger seats excluding any pilot seat. </p><p>91.409 (a), (b) and Inspections This requirement is an Aircraft Maintenance FSB concurs. (c) operator responsibility Manual and ICA documents will be provided to the operator. </p><p>91.409 (d) Progressive Inspections This requirement is an Aircraft Maintenance FSB concurs. operator responsibility. Manual and ICA documents will be provided to the operator.</p><p>91.409 (e), (f) and Turbojet Multiengine Airplanes This requirement applies to Aircraft Maintenance This section does apply to (g) all multiengine turbojet Manual and ICA. multiengine turbojet airplanes. airplanes. Eclipse has established maximum life cycles and hours for the EA-500. Operator selects the maintenance program. 91.409 (h) Changes in Inspection This requirement is an Aircraft Maintenance FSB concurs. Programs operator responsibility. Manual and ICA documents will be provided to the operator.</p><p>91.411 Altimeter System and Altitude This requirement is an Aircraft Maintenance Operator responsibility. Reporting Equipment Tests operator responsibility. Manual and ICA FSB concurs. and Inspections documents will be provided to the operator.</p><p>A-5 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 91.413 ATC Transponder Tests and This requirement is an Aircraft Maintenance Operator responsibility. Inspections operator responsibility. Manual and ICA FSB concurs. documents will be provided to the operator.</p><p>91.415 Changes to Aircraft Inspection This requirement is an Aircraft Maintenance Operator responsibility. Programs operator responsibility. Manual and ICA FSB concurs. documents will be provided to the operator.</p><p>91.417 Maintenance Records This requirement is an Aircraft Maintenance Operator responsibility. operator responsibility. Manual and ICA FSB concurs. documents will be provided Eclipse Aviation is required to to the operator. comply as an operator of the EA-500. 91.419 Transfer of Maintenance This requirement is an Aircraft Maintenance Operator responsibility. Records operator responsibility. Manual and ICA FSB concurs. documents will be provided to the operator.</p><p>91.421 Rebuilt Engine Maintenance This requirement is an Aircraft Maintenance Operator responsibility. Records operator responsibility. Manual and ICA FSB concurs. documents will be provided to the operator.</p><p>91.503 (a)(1) Flying Equipment and EA-500 will come equipped This requirement is an FSB concurs. Operating Information: with 2 LED X5 Flashlights. operator responsibility. Flashlights 91.503 (a)(2) Cockpit Checklist EA-500 aircraft will have AFM Section 4, Normal Operator responsibility. normal & emergency paper Procedures; Section 3, FSB concurs. checklists. Emergency Procedures. This requirement is an operator responsibility.</p><p>A-6 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 91.503 (a)(3) and Aeronautical Charts EA-500 will require use of AFM Section 7, Description Operator responsibility. (a)(4) en route, terminal and and Operations FSB concurs. approach letdown charts. AVIO/Flight Instruments. This requirement is an operator responsibility.</p><p>91.503 (a)(5) One Engine Inoperative Climb EA-500 AFM will have one AFM Section 5, One engine climb performance Performance Data engine climb performance Performance. data is available in Section 5 of data. the AFM. 91.503 (b) and (c) Cockpit Checklist Contents EA-500 checklist will AFM Section 4, Normal EA-500 cockpit checklist is comply with 14 CFR Procedures; Section 3, satisfactory. 91.503 (b) (c). Emergency Procedures. This requirement is an operator responsibility. </p><p>91.503 (d) Use of Data by Crew EA-500 AFM will provide AFM Section 5, Flight crew responsibility. charts and data required by Performance. This is an FSB concurs. 14 CFR 91.503 (d). operator responsibility. </p><p>91.507 Equipment Requirement: Over EA-500 will be equipped as AFM Section 7, Aircraft is equipped as the Top, or Night VFR required by 14 CFR Descriptions and required. Operations 91.507. Operations AVIO/Flight Instruments and Lighting System. </p><p>91.509 (a), (b), (d) Survival Equipment for EA-500 will offer customer This requirement is an Aircraft not equipped for and (e) Overwater Operations options to comply with 14 operator responsibility. overwater operations. CFR 91.509 (a), (b), (d), Operator responsibility. and (e). FSB concurs.</p><p>91.511 (a)(1) and Radio Equipment for EA-500 will offer customer This requirement is an Aircraft not equipped for (a)(2) Overwater Operations options to comply with 14 operator responsibility. overwater operations. CFR 91.511 (a) (1) and (a) Operator responsibility. (2). FSB concurs.</p><p>A-7 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 91.513 Emergency Equipment EA-500 will be equipped AFM Section 7, Description This is an operator with the applicable and Operation, Cabin responsibility. emergency equipment Features, Doors, Windows FSB concurs. required by 14 CFR and Exits. This requirement 91.513. is an operator responsibility</p><p>91.517 Passenger Information EA-500 Approved AFM will AFM Section 4, Normal Operator responsibility based provide procedures to PIC Procedures. This on seating density of aircraft as per 14 CFR 91.517 (b), requirement is an operator and operating rule. (d), (e). responsibility. </p><p>91.519 Passenger Briefing EA-500 Approved AFM will AFM Section 4, Normal Operator responsibility. provide procedures to PIC Procedures. This FSB concurs. as per 14 CFR 91.519. requirement is an operator responsibility.</p><p>91.521 Shoulder Harness EA-500 will be equipped AFM Section 7 Description Applies to transport category with Shoulder Harness that and Operations Cabin aircraft. The EA-500 complies meets the requirements Features Section 4 Normal with the requirement for specified in 14 CFR Procedures. shoulder harness. 25.785.</p><p>91.525 Carriage of Cargo EA-500 FAA Approved AFM Section 4 Normal EA-500 has an approved cargo AFM procedures meet the Procedures Section 2 storage area. requirements of 14 CFR Limitations This Operator responsibility. 91.525(a) and (b). requirement is an operator responsibility </p><p>91.527 Operating in Icing Conditions EA-500 will not be AFM Section 2, Limitations; EA-500 is approved for flight approved for flight in Section 4, Cold Weather into known icing conditions. known icing conditions at Operations. Operator Individual aircraft may not have TC. responsibility. FIKI approval. Flight crew responsibility for compliance with operating rule.</p><p>A-8 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 91.603 Aural Speed Warning Device EA-500 will be equipped AFM Section 7, Description Not required by 14 CFR, but is with an aural speed and Operations; Section 2, installed on the EA-500. warning that complies with Limitations. 14 CFR 25.103.</p><p>91.605 Transport Category Civil EA-500 FAA Approved AFM Section 2, Limitations; Does not apply to the EA-500, Airplane Weight Limitations AFM has appropriate Section 6, Weight and but Eclipse Aviation has agreed Section that meets 14 CFR Balance Section 5, to comply. 91.605. Performance. </p><p>91.609 Flight Recorders and Cockpit This requirement only Does not apply. Equipment will Voice Recorders applies to transport not be installed on the EA-500. category airplanes.</p><p>91.609 (a) Operation with Inactive Flight This requirement only Not applicable. Data Recorder or Cockpit applies to transport FSB concurs. Voice Recorder by Air category airplanes. Carriers and Commercial Operators</p><p>91.609 (b) Operation with Inactive Flight This requirement only Not applicable. Data Recorder or Cockpit applies to transport FSB concurs. Voice Recorder by Other than category airplanes. Air Carriers or Commercial Operators </p><p>91.609 (c) Requirements for Flight Data This requirement only Not applicable. Recorder on Aircraft with 10 applies to transport FSB concurs. or more Passenger Seats category airplanes.</p><p>91.609 (d) Flight Data Recorder This requirement only Not applicable. Operations applies to transport FSB concurs. category airplanes.</p><p>A-9 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 91.609 (e) and (f) Requirement for Cockpit This requirement only Not applicable. Voice Recorder applies to turbine powered FSB concurs. aircraft passenger configuration of six passengers or more for which two pilots are required. 91.609 (g) Accident Reporting This requirement only Not applicable. applies to transport FSB concurs. category airplanes.</p><p>91.1033 (a)(1) and Cockpit Checklist EA-500 will have a cockpit This requirement is an Meets the regulatory (b) checklist in each aircraft operator responsibility requirements. delivered. </p><p>91.1033 (a)(2) and Emergency Cockpit Checklist EA-500 will have an This requirement is an Emergency checklist is (c) emergency cockpit operator responsibility. available. checklist in each aircraft delivered. </p><p>91.1033 (a)(3) Aeronautical Charts This requirement is an Operator responsibility. operator responsibility. FSB concurs.</p><p>91.1033 (a)(4) IFR Navigation/Approach This requirement is an Operator responsibility. Charts operator responsibility. FSB concurs.</p><p>91.1035 (f) Passenger Briefing Cards This requirement is an Although an operator operator responsibility. responsibility the manufacturer may provide standard passenger briefing cards.</p><p>A-10 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 91.1045 (b)(1) Cockpit Voice Recorder This requirement only Not applicable due to seating applies to turbine powered density. FSB concurs. aircraft with a seating configuration of six passengers or more, for which two pilots are required. 91.1045 (b)(2) Flight Recorder This requirement only Not applicable to the EA-500, applies to transport but does apply to non-transport category airplanes. aircraft based on passenger seating density. 91.1045 (b)(3) TAWS System This requirement only A TAWS system is available for applies to transport installation in production category airplanes. models. </p><p>91.1045 (b)(4) TCAS System This requirement only Not applicable to the EA-500, applies to transport but does apply to non-transport category airplanes. airplanes based on passenger seating density.</p><p>91.1045 (b)(5) Airborne Weather Radar This requirement only Airborne weather radar is Equipment applies to transport available on EA-500 production category airplanes. models. </p><p>91.1115 (a)(1) Minimum Equipment List The EA-500 has a MMEL. Requirement to use is an A master minimum equipment operator responsibility. List (MMEL) has been developed for the EA-500 through the FOEB process.</p><p>91.1411 Continuous Airworthiness EA-500 will have a This requirement is an Maintenance is an operator Maintenance Program maintenance manual, operator responsibility. responsibility. FSB concurs. structural repair manual, and wiring diagram manual at delivery. </p><p>A-11 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 91 App. A 1(a) and Category II Operations EA-500 is not seeking CAT This requirement is an Operator responsibility. 1(b) Manual II or CAT III at TC. operator responsibility. FSB concurs.</p><p>91 App. A 2(a) and Instruments and Equipment This requirement is an Operator responsibility. 2(b) operator responsibility. FSB concurs.</p><p>91 App. A 3. Instruments and Equipment This requirement is an Operator responsibility. Approval operator responsibility. FSB concurs.</p><p>91 App. A 4. Maintenance Program This requirement is an Operator responsibility. operator responsibility. FSB concurs.</p><p>91 App. C Operations in the North EA-500 will offer customer This requirement is an Operator responsibility. Atlantic (NAT) Minimum options to qualify for MNPS operator responsibility. FSB concurs. Navigation Performance operation in the NAT. Specifications (MNPS) Airspace</p><p>91 App. E Airplane Flight Recorder This requirement only A flight data recorder Specifications applies to turbine A/C with installation is required for a a seating configuration of passenger seating density of 10 passengers or more 10 seats or more. and requiring two-pilot Does not apply to the EA-500. crew. 91 App. G Operations in Reduced EA-500 will be equipped This requirement is a The EA-500 is equipped for Vertical Separation Minimum for RVSM operations. manufacturer and operator RVSM operations. RVSM (RVSM) Airspace responsibility. authorization is an operator responsibility. 135. 21 Manual Requirements Each Part 135 operator This requirement is an Operator responsibility. must submit this manual to operator responsibility. FSB concurs. the POI responsible for that certificate holder for approval.</p><p>A-12 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.25 Aircraft Requirements EA-500 can be delivered to This requirement is an EA-500 is a civil registered the operator with all the operator responsibility. aircraft and meets this requirements of 14 CFR requirement. 135.25. 135.75 (b) Inspector’s Credentials: EA-500 will be delivered to This requirement is an Forward observer seat will be Admission to Pilots’ the operator with a forward operator responsibility. the right pilot seat or the most Compartment: Forward observer’s seat that meets forward cabin seat. Observer’s Seat the requirements of 14 FSB concurs. CFR 135.75 (b).</p><p>135.76 (b) DOD Commercial Air Carrier EA-500 will be delivered to This requirement is an Forward observer seat will be Evaluator’s Credentials: the operator with a forward operator responsibility. the right pilot seat or the most Admission to Pilots’ observer’s seat the meet forward cabin seat. Compartment: Forward the requirements of 14 FSB concurs. Observer’s Seat CFR 135.76 (b).</p><p>135.83 (a)(1) and Operating Information EA-500 will be delivered to AFM Section 4, Normal Cockpit checklist is in (b) Required Cockpit Checklist the operator to comply with Procedures. compliance with 14 CFR. 14 CFR 135.83 (a) 1(b). This requirement is an FSB concurs. operator responsibility. </p><p>135.83 (a)(2), (c) Emergency Procedures EA-500 will be delivered to AFM Section 3, Emergency Emergency procedures Checklist the operator to comply with Procedures. Requirement checklist is available. 14 CFR 135.83 (a) (2) and is an operator Manufacturer should provide (c). responsibility. through AFM requirements. FSB concurs.</p><p>135.83 (a)(3) Aeronautical Charts EA-500 aircraft will require This requirement is an Operator responsibility. the use of current en route operator responsibility. FSB concurs. and terminal charts.</p><p>135.83 (a)(4) IFR Navigation/Approach EA 500 aircraft will require This requirement is an Operator responsibility. Charts the use of current operator responsibility. FSB concurs. approach and let down charts.</p><p>A-13 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.83 (a)(5) Multiengine Aircraft One- EA 500 will provide charts AFM Section 5, One engine climb data is Engine Climb Data and data to the operator to Performance. available in the AFM, Section 5. comply with 14 CFR This requirement is an Requirement to use data is an 135.83. operator responsibility. operator responsibility.</p><p>135.89 (b) Pilot Requirements: Use of EA-500 is a pressurized AFM Section 3, Emergency EA-500 has an oxygen system Oxygen: Pressurized Aircraft aircraft with an oxygen Procedures; Section 4, installed with quick donning system that allows the Normal Procedures. masks available to crew operator to comply with 14 This requirement is an members. CFR 135.89(b). operator responsibility. FSB concurs.</p><p>135.91 Oxygen for Medical Use by EA-500 aircraft will offer This requirement is an The carriage of medical oxygen Passengers the operator oxygen operator responsibility. for passenger use is the options to comply with 14 responsibility of the certificate CFR 135.91. holder. FSB concurs.</p><p>135.93 Autopilot: Minimum Altitudes EA-500 will be delivered AFM Section 3, Emergency EA-500 has an autopilot for Use with a autopilot system that Procedures; Section 4, system installed that does meet the requirement of 14 Normal Procedures; include limitations on minimum CFR 135.93. Section 2, Limitations. altitudes for use. This requirement is an Compliance with limitations is operator responsibility. an operator responsibility. 135.99 (a) Composition of Flight Crew EA-500 will be delivered for This requirement is an FAA Aircraft Certification has either a single pilot crew or operator responsibility. determined the minimum crew two crew members. size for the EA-500. The FSB completed a type rating determination for a single pilot or two-pilot crew. The operator is responsible for flight crew composition. 135.105 Exception to Second in Added by FSB. Aircraft has Autopilot EA-500 is in compliance with Command Requirement: System with full this requirement beginning with Approval for use of Autopilot functionality installed Serial Number 266 or by System beginning with Serial Service Bulletin on previous Number 266 and on aircraft. airplanes that complied NOTE: Aircraft prior to SN 266 with the Service Bulletin. may not be in compliance. A-14 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.117 (e) Briefing of Passengers Before EA-500 can be delivered This requirement is an Eclipse Aviation will have Flight: Passenger Briefing with passenger briefing operator responsibility. printed briefing cards available. Cards cards that will meet 14 Operator responsibility to use. CFR 135.117(e).</p><p>135.127 Passenger Information EA-500 can be delivered This requirement is an Eclipse Aviation will have Requirements and Smoking with passenger briefing operator responsibility. printed briefing cards available Prohibitions cards that will meet 14 to operators. CFR 135.127. Operator responsibility to use.</p><p>135.128 Use of Safety Belts and Child EA-500 will be delivered This requirement is an Eclipse Aviation will have seats Restraint Systems with seats that meet the operator responsibility. available that meet this requirement of 14 CFR requirement. 135.128. Operator responsibility.</p><p>135.129 (d), (e) Exit Seating Passenger EA-500 can be delivered This requirement is an This Regulation will not apply to Information Cards with passenger information operator responsibility the EA-500. cards that meet the FSB concurs. requirements of 14 CFR 135.129 (d) (e).</p><p>135.143 (b) Approved/Operable This requirement is an EA-500 will be delivered Operator responsibility to Instruments and Equipment operator responsibility. with MMEL obtain an approved MEL. A MMEL has been developed for the Eclipse EA-500 through the FSB process. 135.143 (c) ATC Transponder EA-500 will be delivered This requirement is an Aircraft is equipped with two with ATC transponders that operator responsibility. transponders. comply with 14 CFR FSB concurs. 135.143 (c). 135.144 Portable Electronic Devices This requirement is an The operator is responsible Operator responsibility. operator responsibility. to include in their manual FSB concurs. procedures to comply with 14 CFR 135.144.</p><p>A-15 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.147 Dual Controls Required EA-500 will be delivered Aircraft is equipped with dual with dual flight controls. controls.</p><p>135.149 (a) Equipment Requirements: EA-500 will be delivered EA-500 to be delivered Aircraft is properly equipped. Altimeter Adjustable for with all the equipment with all the equipment FSB concurs. Barometric Pressure required by 14 CFR required by 14 CFR 135.149 (a). 135.149 (a).</p><p>135.149 (b) Heating or Deicing Equipment This is not applicable to Not Applicable. turbine aircraft FSB concurs.</p><p>135.149 (c) Standby Attitude Instrument This requirement is an EA-500 airplane will be The EA-500 has a standby Requirement for Turbojet operator responsibility. delivered with a standby attitude instrument installed. Airplanes attitude Instrument.</p><p>135.149 (e) Additional Equipment This requirement is an The AFM, Section 2, lists Required by the Administrator operator responsibility. equipment requirements that an operator must comply with.</p><p>135.150 (a)(b) Public Address and This requirement only Not applicable to the EA-500. Crewmember Interphone applies to transport This applies to aircraft with a Systems category airplanes. seating density of 19 or more. FSB concurs. 135.151 (a) Cockpit Voice Recorders This requirement only This requirement is an Not required by 14 CFR. Installation Requirements applies to turbine-powered operator responsibility. FSB concurs. a/c configured for 6 passengers or more and requiring a two-pilot crew.</p><p>135.151 (c) Accident Reporting This requirement is an Operator responsibility. Requirements operator responsibility. FSB concurs.</p><p>135.151 (d) Boom and Mask Microphone This requirement is an Operator responsibility if operator responsibility. equipment is installed. FSB concurs.</p><p>A-16 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.151 (e) Cockpit Voice Recorder: This requirement is an Operator responsibility if Recorded Data operator responsibility. equipment is installed. FSB concurs.</p><p>135.152 (a) Flight Recorders: This requirement only Not applicable to the EA-500. Requirements applies to transport This regulation pertains to category airplanes. airplanes based on passenger seating density of 10 or more.</p><p>135.152 (c) Operations This requirement is an Not applicable to the EA-500. operator responsibility. This regulation pertains to airplanes based on passenger seating density.</p><p>135.152 (d) Recorded Data Requirements This requirement only Not applicable to the EA-500. applies to transport This regulation pertains to category airplanes. airplanes based on passenger seating density.</p><p>135.152 (e) Accident Reporting This requirement is an Not applicable to the EA-500. Requirements operator responsibility. This regulation pertains to airplanes based on passenger seating density.</p><p>135.152 (f) Installation Requirements This requirement is an Not applicable to the EA-500. operator responsibility. This regulation pertains to airplanes based on passenger seating density. 135.152 (g) Underwater Locator Device This requirement only Not applicable to the EA-500. applies to transport This regulation pertains to category airplanes. airplanes based on passenger seating density.</p><p>135.152 (h) Parameters Required to be This requirement only Not applicable to the EA-500. Recorded applies to transport This regulation pertains to category airplanes. airplanes based on passenger seating density.</p><p>A-17 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.153 (a) Ground Proximity Warning Added by FSB since Not applicable presently. System Eclipse indicated it may be Required on aircraft with ten or optional equipment later. more passengers seating density.</p><p>135.154 (a) Terrain Awareness and This requirement only Requirement pertains to aircraft Warning System Installation applies to turbine powered based on seating density of 6-9 Requirements aircraft configured for six seats or ten or more. The EA- passengers or more. 500 has a TAWS system available for production models. 135.154 (c) Airplane Flight Manual This is an operator If TAWS is installed, Eclipse Requirements responsibility. Aviation would need to ensure that an AFM Supplement or pilot operating information is available to operators.</p><p>135.155 (a) Fire Extinguishers: Type and This is an operator EA-500 will have suitable Operator responsibility, but is Suitability of Agent responsibility. type and suitable agent fire installed by Eclipse on all extinguishers. aircraft. Fire extinguisher has approved extinguishing agent. 135.155 (b) Fire Extinguisher on Flight This is an operator Eclipse has installed one hand Deck responsibility. fire extinguisher, which is located on the flight deck between the two crew seats. 135.155 (c) Fire Extinguisher in This is an operator Not applicable. Fire Passenger Compartment responsibility. extinguisher in passenger compartment is based on passenger seating density.</p><p>135.157 (b) Oxygen Equipment This is an operator EA-500 will have oxygen A single oxygen system for Requirements: Pressurized responsibility. equipment to meet this pilots and passengers is Aircraft. requirements installed on the aircraft. This is an Eclipse Aviation responsibility.</p><p>A-18 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.157 (c) Equipment Requirements This is an operator Installed equipment responsibility. requirements are the responsibility of Eclipse Aviation. 135.158 (a) Pitot Heat Indication Systems Not applicable. This requirement only Not applicable to the EA-500. Requirement and Operation applies to transport FSB concurs. category airplanes</p><p>135.159 (a), (b), (c), Equipment Requirements: This is an operator No rate of turn indicator (d), (e) and Carrying Passengers under responsibility. No, this is installed. However, the EA-500 (f) VFR at Night or under VFR normally a manufacturer has a third attitude instrument Over-The- Top Conditions responsibility to install, or installed that meets the ensure that a third attitude requirements of 14 CFR is installed. Added by FSB 121.305 (j). 135.159 (g) Requirement for a Continuous This requirement is an No, a manufacturer Aircraft meets this requirement. In-Flight Electrical Load operator responsibility. responsibility. This is the responsibility of Eclipse Aviation.</p><p>135.161 (a), (b) and Radio and Navigational This requirement is an No, a manufacturer EA-500 presently complies with (c) Equipment: Carrying operator responsibility. responsibility. the minimum requirements. Passengers Under VFR at An Eclipse responsibility to Night or Under VFR Over- install equipment. The-Top</p><p>135.163 (a), (b), (c), Equipment Requirements: EA-500 meets this equipment (d) and (e) Aircraft Carrying Passengers requirement. Installed Under IFR equipment is the responsibility of Eclipse Aviation.</p><p>135.163 (g) and (h) Instrument and Equipment EA-500 will have electrical Aircraft complies with this Power Source Requirements generators that will meet requirement. Installed these requirements. equipment is responsibility of Eclipse Aviation. FSB concurs.</p><p>A-19 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.163 (i) Requirement for Continuous EA-500 will have electrical Aircraft complies with this In-Flight Electrical Load generator that will meet requirement. Installed this requirement. equipment is the responsibility of Eclipse Aviation. 135.165 (a), (b), (c) Radio and Navigational This requirement is an No, this is a manufacturer Operator responsibility and (d) Equipment: Extended operator responsibility. responsibility. ultimately. Overwater or IFR Operations Items of installed equipment are responsibility of Eclipse Aviation. Two microphones are installed. 135.167 (a), (b) and Emergency Equipment: This requirement is an Operator responsibility. (c) Extended Overwater operator responsibility. FSB concurs. Operations</p><p>135.170 Materials for Compartment This requirement only Applies to large airplanes over Interiors applies to transport 12,500 pounds. category airplanes. FSB concurs.</p><p>135.171 (a) Shoulder Harness Installation This requirement applies to This Regulation applies to all at Flight Crewmember the EA-500. Shoulder turbojet aircraft and does apply Stations harness is installed. to the EA-500.</p><p>135.173 (a) Airborne Thunderstorm This requirement only Not applicable. Detection Equipment applies to turbine aircraft FSB concurs. Requirements with a configuration of 10 seats or more.</p><p>135.173 (f) Power Supply This requirement only Not applicable. applies to turbine aircraft FSB concurs. with a configuration of 10 seats or more.</p><p>135.175 (a) Airborne Weather Radar This requirement only Not required by 14 CFR. Equipment Requirements applies to transport EA-500 does have weather category airplanes. radar available for production models.</p><p>A-20 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.175 (e) Power Supply This requirement only Not applicable. applies to transport FSB concurs. category airplanes.</p><p>135.179 (a)(1) Inoperable Instruments and This requirement is an EA-500 has a MMEL. MEL is an operator Equipment: Approved operator responsibility. responsibility. Minimum Equipment List FSB concurs. A MMEL has been developed for the EA-500. 135.180 (a) Traffic Alert and Collision This requirement only Not applicable. Avoidance System applies to aircraft with a FSB concurs. Requirements seating capacity of 10 to 30 seats. 135.180 (b) Flight Manual Requirements This requirement is an Not applicable. operator responsibility. However, if a TCAS is installed, the AFM supplement is the responsibility of Eclipse Aviation. 135.181 (a)(2) Performance Requirements: This requirement is an EA-500 AFM, Section 5, Aircraft has a published AFM Aircraft Operated Over-The- operator responsibility. Performance. with performance data that will Top or in IFR Conditions be available to the operator.</p><p>135.183 (c) Performance Requirements: This requirement is an EA-500 AFM, Section 5, Aircraft has a published AFM Land Aircraft Operated Over operator responsibility. Performance. with performance data that will Water be available to the operator.</p><p>135.185 (a) Empty Weight and Center of This requirement is an EA-500 AFM Section 6, Weighing the aircraft is the Gravity: Currency operator responsibility. Weight and Balance responsibility of the operator. Requirement</p><p>135.185 (b)(1) Aircraft Original Airworthiness This requirement is an EA-500 will be delivered Weighing the EA-500 is initially Certificate operator responsibility. No, with a standard the responsibility of Eclipse it is initially a manufacturer airworthiness certificate Aviation. Thereafter, it is an responsibility. and will have been operator responsibility. accurately weighed. </p><p>A-21 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.227 (c) and (e) Icing Conditions: Operating This requirement is an Aircraft is approved for Beginning with serial number Limitations: Airplane Ice operator responsibility. flight into icing conditions 266, the EA-500 is approved Protection Equipment beginning with serial for flight into icing conditions. number 266. NOTE: Aircraft prior to serial number 266 may not be approved. 135.243 (a)(1), (b) Pilot in Command This requirement is an Operator 135 Operations Operator responsibility. and (c) Qualifications operator responsibility. Manual. FSB concurs.</p><p>135.245 (a) Second in Command This requirement is an Operator 135 Operations Operator responsibility. Qualifications operator responsibility. Manual. FSB concurs.</p><p>135.335 Approval of Aircraft Simulators This requirement is an Operator responsibility. There are EA-500 training and Other Training Devices operator responsibility. 135 Operations Manual devices and simulators and Ops Specs. presently approved. Training is an operator responsibility.</p><p>135.419 Approved Aircraft Inspection This requirement is an Operator 135 Maintenance Operator responsibility. Program operator responsibility Manual. FSB concurs. EA-500 Maintenance Manual and ICA documents. 135.421 (a) and (b) Additional Maintenance This requirement is an Operator 135 Maintenance Operator responsibility. Requirements operator responsibility Manual EA500 FSB concurs. Maintenance Manual and ICA documents</p><p>135.425 Maintenance, Preventive This requirement is an Operator 135 Maintenance Operator responsibility. Maintenance and Alteration operator responsibility. Manual. FSB concurs. Programs EA-500 Maintenance Manual and ICA documents.</p><p>A-22 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>14 CFR Para. / Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding Section Sub Para. 135.427 Manual for Maintenance, This requirement is an Operator 135 Maintenance Operator responsibility. Preventive Maintenance and operator responsibility. Manual. FSB concurs. Alterations EA-500 Maintenance Manual and ICA documents.</p><p>135.439 (a)(1) and Maintenance Recording This requirement is an Operator 135 Maintenance Operator responsibility. (a)(2) Requirements operator responsibility. Manual. EA-500 FSB concurs. Maintenance Manual and ICA documents.</p><p>135.441 Transfer of Maintenance This requirement is an Operator 135 Maintenance Operator responsibility. Records operator responsibility. Manual. EA-500 FSB concurs. Maintenance Manual and ICA documents.</p><p>135 App. Airplane Flight Recorder This requirement only FDR specifications do not apply B Specifications applies to transport to the EA-500 since the FDR is App. D category airplanes. not installed.</p><p>A-23 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>APPENDIX B – MDR TABLE</p><p>Master Difference Requirements</p><p>AIRPLANE TYPE RATING: FROM AIRPLANE EA-500</p><p>EA-500 EA-500/ETT EA-500/Avio EA-500/Avio NG 1.0 NG 1.5/FIKI</p><p>TO AIRPLANE EA-500 N/A A/A/A A/A/A A/A/A</p><p>EA-500/ETT B/A/A N/A B/A/A B/A/A </p><p>EA-500/Avio C/B/B C/B/B N/A B/A/A NG 1.0</p><p>EA-500/Avio D/D/C D/D/C D/D/C N/A NG 1.5 FIKI *D/B/B *D/B/B *D/B/B N/A</p><p>* FIKI Level D training may be combined with Level D training for the Avio NG 1.5 Upgrades</p><p>B.1 EA-500 with ETT Installation</p><p>Level B differences training is the highest training level required for training in the EA-500 related aircraft with the ETT installation. The FSB recommends that a minimum of one hour of classroom instruction be presented to discuss the differences.</p><p>Checking and currency are at Level A for this related model.</p><p>B.2 EA-500 with Avio NG 1.0 Upgrades</p><p>Level C differences training is the highest training level required for training in the EA-500 related aircraft with the Avio NG 1.0 system upgrades. Interactive computer based training is suitable to instill the necessary knowledge and understanding.</p><p>Operators and training providers are responsible for the availability of equipment or devices, with </p><p>B-1 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009 simulated panel and instrument indications, which allows for the manipulation of system controls and switches by all crew members during training. Acceptable equipment or devices are those that replicate the installation, functionality and operation of the Avio NG avionics system, as appropriate, in the EA-500 airplane. Examples of suitable equipment or devices that meet this intent are CPTs, FTDs, simulators and the aircraft.</p><p>Checking and currency for this related model are at Level B.</p><p>B.3 EA-500 with Avio NG 1.5 Upgrades</p><p>Although this related aircraft includes both the Avio NG 1.5 upgrades and FIKI approval, the FSB elected to separate the two portions in the MDR table on the preceding page.</p><p>Level D differences training is the highest training level required for training in the EA-500 related aircraft with the Avio NG 1.5 system upgrades. Level D requires training in a minimum of a FTD Level 6/7, or Simulator Level A or B, but may be performed in a higher level simulator or the aircraft. The FSB concurs that some training is required in a system that allows flight in a real-time environment to ensure that pilots understand the dynamics associated with the modifications to the aircraft and the use of the long-range navigation system.</p><p>For the Avio NG 1.5 system upgrades, checking is also at level D and currency is at Level C.</p><p>B.4 EA-500 with FIKI Approval</p><p>Level D differences training is the highest training level required in the EA-500 for the FIKI approval. The FSB agrees that FIKI differences can be adequately presented in a classroom environment, but training at Level D should occur because of the operational speed changes with all ice protection equipment ON. This Level D training can be combined with Avio NG 1.5 system training.</p><p>For the FIKI approval, differences for both checking and currency are at Level B.</p><p>C-2 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>APPENDIX C – ODR TABLES</p><p>Operator Differences Requirements</p><p>Definitions used in the ODR Tables: HO = Handout SU = Stand-Up Lecture</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 ETT BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 APPROVED BY COMPLIANCE METHOD (POI)______</p><p>TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>DESIGN REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D Weights Max Ramp Weight-Changed NO NO SU A A o WAS- 5,800 lbs o NOW- 6029 lbs Max TO Weight- Changed o WAS- 5,760 lbs o NOW- 5995 lbs Max LDG Weight- Changed o WAS- 5,415 lbs o NOW- 5,600 lbs Max Zero Fuel Weight- Changed- o WAS- 4,860 lbs o NOW- 4,922 lbs Limitations Maximum Operating Airspeed NO NO SU A A Vmo- Changed o WAS- 275 KEAS o NOW- 285 KEAS Maximum Gear Speed (Vle)- Changed o WAS- 275 KEAS o NOW- 285 KEAS Dimensions Length- Changed NO NO SU A A o WAS- 10.1 M o NOW- 10.19 M Wingspan- Changed o WAS- 11.4 M o NOW-11.56 M Aerodynamic Bullet Fairing NO NO SU A A Modifications o Elongated Rudder and Elevator Trim Tabs o Lengthened- old gurney tabs removed Aileron Fairings o Added to aileron surface attach points Engine o Pylon Relofted</p><p>C-1 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 ETT BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 APPROVED BY COMPLIANCE METHOD (POI)______</p><p>TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>DESIGN REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D o Starter generator cooling fan intake and exhaust size reduced Landing Gear Wheel Well o Fairing added to enclose wheel Extended Tip tanks o WAS- 60.5 inches o NOW- 78.9 inches</p><p> Revised- Reflects: SU A A o First flight of day/crew change items o DC Voltages and Beacon/Strobe moved to Engine Start Checklist o Flaps- No longer required to set to LDG then TO- just set to TO o Engine Anti-Ice protection check added to Before Taxi checklist o Brake check added to Before Landing checklist AFM Normal Max Ramp Weight-Changed NO MINOR SU A A Checklist o WAS- 5,800 lbs o NOW- 6029 lbs Max TO Weight- Changed o WAS- 5,760 lbs o NOW- 5995 lbs Max LDG Weight- Changed o WAS- 5,415 lbs o NOW- 5,600 lbs Max Zero Fuel Weight- Changed- o WAS- 4,860 lbs o NOW- 4,922 lbs</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 ETT BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 APPROVED BY COMPLIANCE METHOD (POI)______</p><p>TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>MANEUVER REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D</p><p>C-2 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>PTS No Changes NO NO Maneuvers DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 ETT BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 APPROVED BY COMPLIANCE METHOD (POI)______</p><p>TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>SYSTEM REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D ATA 022- Margin between natural stall and NO NO SU A A Autoflight stick pusher activation increased approximately 4 KEAS ATA 024- Generator Limitations- ADDED to NO NO HO A A Electrical AFM section 2 Battery Only Load shed Updated NO NO HO A A o Exterior Lighting NO LONGER shed on ground o Right PFD NO LONGER shed on ground o Nuisance CAS messages inhibited DSU, MFD and Flaps no longer NO MINOR HO A A load shed (Ground/Flight) 3rd AHRS no longer load shed (Flight) ATA 027- Normal nose down trim range NO NO SU A A Flight reduced to 1/5th of the original Controls size, however MFD trim tape has not changed. o Tape scale is still 0- 100% nose down- however in the nose down range- 1% of actual NOSE DOWN trim movement now appears on the trim indicator as 5% movement of the pointer. This leads to an apparent increase in the speed of trim pointer movement in the NOSE DOWN realm o Pitch trim takeoff limit (green band) reduced Pitch Trim rate reduced to NO NO SU A A approximately 25% of original ATA 033-Lights Exterior Lights-Position Lights- NO NO HO A A Wattage reduced from 3 Watts to 1 Watt Exterior Lights-Taxi Light NO NO HO A A increased wattage from 35 Watt to 50 Watt</p><p>C-3 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>ATA 034- Stall Warning-Red low speed NO NO SU A A Electrical & band now indicates stall warning Avionics instead of stick pusher activation. Integration o Now based on angle of attack and rate of angle of attack increase to increase accuracy Crew Alerting System-All CAS NO NO SU A A (except ENGINE FAIL) are inhibited above 60 KEAS UNTIL 400 ft. AGL ATA 035- Oxygen Tables- REVISED in AFM NO NO HO A A Oxygen Section 7- now provide PSI to Liter conversion chart ATA 072-Engines Engine Thrust Increase NO NO HO A A o 3% total increase o Increase begins at FL200 and is fully available from FL250 to FL410 Ground Idle increased at low field NO NO HO A A elevations (5,000 and below) ATA 076- ENG TEMP/OAT Entry NO NO HO A A Engine o Tolerances for Controls temperature entry increased. OAT difference can now be up to 20°C and still allow pilot entry o Entered temperature can now be up to +20°C or -5°C from indicated temps ATA 077- Oil Capacity Limitations- UPDATED in NO NO HO A A Engine AFM Section 2 Indication o WAS- 1.65 US GAL/engine o NOW- 1.50 US GAL/engine</p><p>C-4 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>Operator Differences Requirements</p><p>Definitions used in the ODR Tables: HO = Handout SU = Stand-Up Lecture CPT = Cockpit Procedures Trainer</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 Avio NG Version 1.0 BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500/EA-500 ETT APPROVED BY COMPLIANCE METHOD (POI)______</p><p>TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>DESIGN REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D Weights No Changes NO NO</p><p>Dimensions No Changes NO NO</p><p>Limitations No Changes NO NO</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 Avio NG Version 1.0 BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500/EA-500 ETT APPROVED BY COMPLIANCE METHOD (POI)______</p><p>TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>MANEUVER REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D PTS Maneuvers No Changes NO NO </p><p>C-5 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 Avio NG Version 1.0 BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500/EA-500 ETT APPROVED BY COMPLIANCE METHOD (POI)______</p><p>TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>SYSTEM REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D ATA 021 Environmental-No changes NO NO Air Conditioning Pressurization-No Changes NO NO</p><p>ATA 022- No Changes NO NO Auto Flight ATA 023- -COMM 1& 2 changes in AVIO architecture NO NO SU B B Communications -Transponder 1 & 2 changes in AVIO architecture -Audio system changes in AVIO architecture -Audio page display changes ATA 027- -Stall protection line select key removed NO NO HO A A Flight Controls -Pitch trim display changes ATA 028- -No Changes NO NO Fuel ATA 030- -OAT and TAT display Locations change NO NO HO A A Ice & Rain -Windshield Heat operation changes Protection -Pitot/Static heat operation changes ATA 032- No Changes NO NO Landing Gear ATA 033- No Changes NO NO Lights ATA 034- -NAV 1 & 2 Change in AVIO architecture NO NO CPT B B Navigation -ADF option added to display functionality -DME option added to display functionality -PFD differences in NAV data locations -3rd Attitude Indicator option added Options-ADF added NO MINOR SU B B</p><p>Options-DME added NO NO SU A A</p><p>Electrical NO MINOR SU B B -5 Mechanical Circuit Breakers added -ECB page display changes Multi Function Display NO MINOR CPT B B -Set-up page differences Sensor page Settings page Multi Function Display NO MINOR CPT B B -OPS page differences Weights page changes OAT and V speeds page changes System test page changes Multi Function Display NO NO SU A A -Single Knob replaces rocker switch</p><p>C-6 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 Avio NG Version 1.0 BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500/EA-500 ETT APPROVED BY COMPLIANCE METHOD (POI)______</p><p>TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>SYSTEM REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D</p><p>Options-Skywatch Traffic Alert System NO MINOR CPT B B (TAS) added </p><p>Options-Honeywell Terrain Awareness NO MINOR CPT B B Warning System (TAWS) added</p><p>Primary Flight Display NO MINOR CPT B B -Timer functionality added -Overlay of TAS and Radar functionality -Single knob replaces rocker switch -Flight information data location changes Weather Radar-Honeywell Weather Radar NO MINOR CPT B B System added</p><p>ATA 076- -No Changes NO NO Engines</p><p>C-7 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>Operator Differences Requirements</p><p>Definitions used in the ODR Tables HO = Handout SU = Stand-Up Lecture CPT = Cockpit Procedures Trainer SIM = Simulator Training</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 Avio NG 1.5 with FIKI COMPLIANCE METHOD BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 / ETT / Avio NG 1.0 APPROVED BY: (POI) ______TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>DESIGN REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D</p><p>Weights No change to MCTW No No Dimensions No changes No No</p><p>Limitations Multiple for icing to include failure Major Major SU B B conditions.</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 Avio NG 1.5 with FIKI COMPLIANCE METHOD BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 / ETT / Avio NG 1.0 APPROVED BY: (POI) ______TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>MANEUVER REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D</p><p>PTS Maneuvers Handling/Airspeed Changes with Ice Major No SIM B B Protection Equipment ON</p><p>C-8 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 Avio NG 1.5 with FIKI COMPLIANCE METHOD BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 / ETT / Avio NG 1.0 APPROVED BY: (POI) ______TRAINING CHKG/CURR</p><p>SYSTEMS REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D</p><p>ATA 05 Spring Cartridge – 10,000 hrs No No SU B B Time Limits/ Wind Shield electrostatic coating – 50 hrs Maintenance Checks Icephobic (Phase break®) coating – 300 hrs ATA 07 No changes No No Lifting & Shoring ATA 08 No changes No No Leveling & Weighing ATA 09 Addition of rudder spring Minor No SU B B Towing & Taxiing ATA 10 No changes No No Parking & Mooring ATA 11 Addition of one anti ice/de Ice switch to the No Minor SU B B Placards & Marking center switch panel ATA 12 No changes No No Servicing ATA 20 No changes No No Standard Practices Airframe</p><p>ATA 21 No changes No No Air Conditioning</p><p>ATA 22 Significantly increased A/P functionality with No Major SIM D B Auto Flight expanded engagement limitations</p><p>ATA 23 Addition of more static wicks No No SU B B Communications</p><p>ATA 24 No changes No No Electrical Power</p><p>ATA 25 No changes No No Equipment / Furnishings</p><p>ATA 26 No changes No No Fire Protection</p><p>ATA 27 -Advanced stall protection Minor Minor SU B B Flight Controls -Rudder spring -Increased VFE ATA 28 No changes No No Fuel ATA 29 No changes No No Hydraulic Power</p><p>C-9 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 Avio NG 1.5 with FIKI COMPLIANCE METHOD BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 / ETT / Avio NG 1.0 APPROVED BY: (POI) ______TRAINING CHKG/CURR SYSTEMS REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D ATA 30 -Center switch panel anti-ice switch added Major Major SU B B Ice and Rain Protection -De-ice boot operation -Windshield heat operation -Phase break® -Ice inspection light -Icing cues -Definition of icing conditions -Failure conditions</p><p>ATA 31 VFE for landing flaps increased No Minor SU B B Instruments ATA 32 No changes No No Landing Gear ATA 33 -Ice inspection light No Minor SU B B Lights -Strobe light usage with ice accretion on the wingtips</p><p>ATA 34 -Garmin G400W No Major SIM D C Navigation -FMS overlay -PFD LSKs -A/P connectivity</p><p>ATA 35 No changes No No Oxygen</p><p>ATA 36 -De-ice boots Major Major SIM B B Pneumatic</p><p>ATA 37 No changes Vacuum</p><p>ATA 38 No changes Water / Waste</p><p>ATA 45 No changes Central Maint. System</p><p>ATA 51 No changes Structures</p><p>ATA 52 No changes Doors</p><p>ATA 53 Extra static wicks No No SU B B Fuselage</p><p>ATA 54 No changes Nacelles / Pylons</p><p>ATA 55 Extra static wicks No No SU B B Stabilizers</p><p>ATA 56 No changes Windows</p><p>C-10 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>DIFFERENCE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 Avio NG 1.5 with FIKI COMPLIANCE METHOD BASE AIRCRAFT: Eclipse EA-500 / ETT / Avio NG 1.0 APPROVED BY: (POI) ______TRAINING CHKG/CURR SYSTEMS REMARKS FLT PROC LVL LVL LVL LVL CHK CURR CHAR CHNG A B C D ATA 57 -Extra static wicks No Minor SU B B Wings -Black paint at the wingtips to help identify ice</p><p>ATA 71 No changes Powerplant</p><p>ATA 72 No changes Turbine</p><p>ATA 73 No changes Engine Fuel and Control</p><p>ATA 74 No changes Ignition</p><p>ATA 75 No changes Air</p><p>ATA 76 No changes Engine Controls</p><p>ATA 77 No changes Engine indicating</p><p>ATA 78 No changes Engine exhaust</p><p>ATA 79 No changes Engine oil</p><p>ATA 80 No changes No No Starting</p><p>C-11 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>APPENDIX D – BOARD RECORD</p><p>D.1 Original FSB Evaluation of Base EA-500 Aircraft</p><p>TIME AND LOCATION – Phase I of the EA-500 FSB convened on September 23, 2006, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at EAC corporate headquarters. Due to aircraft problems, the FSB adjourned on October 6, 2006, without completing its work and was delayed for approximately two months. The FSB reconvened on December 6, 2006, and again on January 16, 2007. The EA-500 FSB was completed on January 26, 2007.</p><p>BOARD COMPOSITION – All five FSB members held airline transport pilot certificates with an airplane category and multiengine class rating, and one or more type ratings. They were experienced general aviation or air carrier inspectors, with an extensive background in airman evaluation and certification. Two FSB members completed all Eclipse training prerequisites prior to beginning the type rating program.</p><p>Although the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has assigned a representative to the EA- 500 project, their representative did not participate in the original FSB process due to other commitments.</p><p>FSB TRAINING – Ground and flight training was scheduled and provided by EAC instructors in accordance with the FITS Accepted program. Systems ground training was completed at the EAC training facilities in Albuquerque. Cockpit and systems integration training was accomplished in an EA-500 aircraft connected to a ground power unit (GPU), since a CPT was not yet available.</p><p>All flight training was conducted in the EA-500 Airplane by the EAC instructor staff. Training flights originated from Albuquerque International Sunport (KABQ), with the exception of a final training flight and type rating practical test for the first two FSB members, which were completed at Four Corners Regional Airport (KFMN), Farmington, New Mexico, due to weather conditions at KABQ.</p><p>The FSB performed an evaluation of all PTS maneuvers required for an airman to receive an airman certificate with an EA-500S type rating. The FSB completed approximately 80 hours of aircraft operations, including type rating practical tests, to determine if the EA-500 was suitable for operations under Parts 91 and 135. Additionally, the FSB evaluated normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures, which are included in the airplane flight manual (AFM).</p><p>FSB TESTS – Board members completed the type rating practical test in accordance with Airline Transport Pilot and Aircraft Type Rating Practical Test Standards for Airplane, dated August 2006, Document No. FAA-S-8081-5E. This method of evaluating a new aircraft type, entering service for the first time in the United States, is described and referred to in AC 120-53 as the T-5 Test. The T- 5 Test is used for evaluating a new base aircraft when a new type rating designation will be required, and when a variant does not exist.</p><p>D.2 Interim FSB for Related EA-500 Aircraft with ETT and Avio NG 1.0 Upgrades</p><p>D-1 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>TIME AND LOCATION – An interim FSB was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from January 8-10, 2008, to evaluate the proposed differences between the EA-500 base model and the EA-500 related aircraft.</p><p>BOARD COMPOSITION – The FSB for evaluating the EA-500 variants included four of the original five FSB members. The four members who were present completed EAC’s proposed differences training.</p><p>APPLICANT’S PROPOSAL – The applicant, Eclipse Aviation, submitted ODR tables that proposed Level C training, Level B Checking and Level B currency for the Avio NG avionics upgrades. For the ETT installation, Eclipse proposed Level A training, Level A checking and Level A currency.</p><p>TESTS – The differences training provided by the Eclipse Aviation Training Department included one hour of classroom training for the ETT installation and five hours of ground training for the Avio NG avionics upgrade. Approximately, a one-hour CPT was given to each FSB member.</p><p>Following a review of the ODR tables and the manufacturer’s proposal, it was decided that the T-1 test could not be administered. Since the handling qualities of the EA-500 base model and the two variant models was not a factor, the T-2 test was not applicable. Following training, the T-3 test, as specified by AC 120-53, was administered.</p><p>The FSB chairman completed the first evaluation flight for the purpose of differences familiarity. Two FSB members, who were the test subjects, completed selected maneuvers from the ATP/Type Rating PTS and completed a line-oriented flying segment. The FSB chairman graded each of the tasks and maneuvers on a one (1) to five (5) scale to establish the basis for the final evaluation of the differences training proposal.</p><p>TEST RESULTS – During the conduct of the T-3 test, the FSB noted no significant operational issues that would have resulted from inadequate differences training.</p><p>However, the training provider, Eclipse Aviation, presented the differences training for the ETT modification as Level B differences training even though the ODR table that was submitted proposed only Level A training.</p><p>The FSB did not agree with the Eclipse proposal that the EA-500 ETT differences training should be at Level A and has set training and checking at Level B, because of the number of changes resulting from this modification to the airplane.</p><p>Additionally, the FSB has established a minimum number of hours of CPT systems integration training for the EA-500 variant with the Avio 1.0 NG upgrades of two (2.0) hours for all flight crews undergoing differences training in this related model.</p><p>D.3 Interim FSB for Related EA-500 Aircraft with Avio NG 1.5 Upgrades and FIKI Approval</p><p>D-2 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>TIME AND LOCATION – An interim FSB was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from November 17-21, 2008, to evaluate the proposed training differences for pilots who were trained in the EA-500 base model, the EA-500 with the ETT installation, or the EA-500 with the Avio NG 1.0 upgrades and would need differences training in the EA-500 related aircraft with Avio NG 1.5 avionics system upgrades and FIKI approval.</p><p>BOARD COMPOSITION – This FSB included all five original FSB members, who satisfactorily completed EAC’s differences training program.</p><p>TESTS – EAC, the applicant, submitted ODR sample tables and a proposal for training for FSB members. Since handling qualities differences were not expected, they were not evaluated separately and were incorporated with the T-3 test.</p><p>Differences training provided by the EAC Training Department included one hour of differences training on the FIKI approval and five hours of ground training on the Avio NG 1.5 upgrades. Each FSB member also received a CPT of approximately 1.5 hours. Following completion of training, the T-3 test was administered in accordance with AC 120-53A.</p><p>The FSB chairman completed the first flight and was evaluated by another FSB member. During the remaining flights, the FSB chairman evaluated the other four FSB members, who were the test subjects. Each FSB member completed selected maneuvers and procedures from the ATP/Type Rating PTS and a line-oriented flight segment. Each maneuver and procedure was graded by the FSB chairman on a one (1) to five (5) scale to establish the basis for the training differences that were arrived at by the FSB.</p><p>TEST RESULTS – After completion of the T-3 test by all FSB members, it was agreed that the training provided by EAC was a good start, but had to be increased in order to prepare pilots to operate the related aircraft.</p><p>For the Avio NG 1.5 upgrades, the FSB recommended that three hours of ground training was adequate, but the last two hours of ground training should be on a computer-assisted device that students could interact with or manipulate in the classroom. Additionally, the FSB recommended that the CPT be increased to two hours and that one flight of two hours be added at in a Level 6/7 FTD or Level A/B simulator or higher.</p><p>The FSB concluded that nine hours of differences training was required for the Avio NG 1.5 upgrades with training and checking at Level D and currency at Level C.</p><p>For related aircraft with FIKI approval, it was recommended that classroom instruction be increased from one (1) to three (3) hours. The FSB concluded that since the Avio NG 1.5 upgrades and the FIKI approval were part of the same related aircraft modifications, all pilots should be given training in a Level 6/7 FTD or Level A/B simulator to experience the operational airspeed differences when the aircraft is operated with all ice protection equipment ON. The FSB concluded that three hours of differences training was required for the FIKI approval changes to the aircraft with training at Level D and checking and currency at Level B.</p><p>D-3 EA-500 FSB Report Revision 2 April 6, 2009</p><p>D.4 FSB Board Documents</p><p>All documents related to the original Eclipse EA-500 FSB and subsequent interim FSB evaluations of the Eclipse EA-500 are retained at the offices of the MKC-AEG in Kansas City.</p><p>D-4</p>
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