
<p>Jan 2018 LB2050</p><p>802.11ba Draft Specification</p><p>Spec Text for WUR Negotiation and WUR Mode</p><p>Date: 2018-01-xx</p><p>Author(s): Name Affiliation Address Phone email 2200 Mission College Blvd, +1-765-418- Po-Kai Huang Intel [email protected] Santa Clara, CA 95054 6733 Suhwook Kim LG</p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel Jan 2018 LB2050</p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel Jan 2018 LB2050</p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel Jan 2018 LB2050</p><p>Editing instructions formatted like this are intended to be copied into the TGba Draft (i.e. they are instructions to the 802.11 editor on how to merge the text with the baseline documents).</p><p>TGba Editor: Editing instructions preceded by “TGba Editor” are instructions to the TGba editor to modify or insert material in the TGba draft. As a result of adopting the changes, the TGba editor will execute the instructions rather than copy them to the TGba Draft.</p><p>TGba Editor: Instruction: change subclause Action field as the following:</p><p>* Management and Extension frame body components</p><p>* Fields that are not elements</p><p>* Action field</p><p>T Gb aE ditor: I nstr ucti on : Insert the following rows into Table 9-47 in numerical order and update the Reserved row: * Category values 0 4213d9a 6cb77 c8fd506 97cf f0 bc0db 9. docx</p><p>Group Code Meaning See subclause Robust addressed privacy </p><p><ANA> WUR E r ror: R eference source not found Yes No</p><p>* Elements</p><p> General</p><p>Insert the following new rows into Table 9-77 (Element IDs) (header row shown for convenience):</p><p>Table 9-77 – Element IDs</p><p>Element Element ID Element ID Extension Extensible</p><p>WUR Capabilities 255 <ANA> Yes</p><p>WUR Mode 255 <ANA> Yes</p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel Jan 2018 LB2050</p><p>TG ba Ed it or: Inst ruct ion: Insert the following new subclauses after the last subclause in 9.4.2:</p><p>* WUR Mode element</p><p>T he WUR Mo de el em ent i sused t onegotia te t he parame te rs rela te d to WUR operati on. T he form atof the W UR Mo de el em ent i s hown in Figure 9-xxx (W UR M ode el em ent form at ).</p><p>WUR Mode WUR Parameters Element ID Element ID Length Action Type Response Status Extension</p><p>1 Octets: 1 1 1 1 TBD</p><p>* * Figure 9-xxx - WUR Mode element format</p><p>The Element ID, Length, and Element ID Extension fields are defined in E rr or: R e ference s ource not f ound .</p><p>T he Ac ti onT ype f ie ld is a numb er that identi fi es the type of W UR mo de operat ion. T heA ct ion Ty pes a re s hown in Ta ble 9-xxx ( Ac ti onT ype definit ions).</p><p>Table 9-xxx – Action Type definitions 0 4213d9a 6cb77 c8fd506 97cf f0 bc0db 9. docx</p><p>Action Type value Meaning</p><p>0 Enter WUR Mode Request</p><p>1 Enter WUR Mode Response</p><p>2 Enter WUR Mode Suspend Request</p><p>3 Enter WUR Mode Suspend Response</p><p>4 Enter WUR Mode Suspend</p><p>5 Enter WUR Mode</p><p>6-255 Reserved</p><p>T he WUR Mo de Re sponse Sta tus f ie ld indicate s the st at us returned by the A Pr esponding t ot he non-A PST A’ WUR s M ode r equest operati on a sdefined i n T a ble 9-xxx (W UR Mo de R e sponse Stat us definit ion). Th isf ie ld i sval id only w hen t he A ct ion Ty pe fi el di s et t o“ E n te rW UR M ode R esponse” or “ E n te rW UR M ode Suspsend R esponse” a nd i sr eserved otherw is e. Table 9-xxx – WUR Mode Response Status definition</p><p>Value Meaning</p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel Jan 2018 LB2050</p><p>0 Enter WUR Mode or WUR Mode Suspend Accept.</p><p>1 Denied.</p><p>2-255 Reserved</p><p>T he subfie lds of the W UR Parame te rs fi el ds ent fr om W UR AP are defined i n T a ble 9-xxx (Subfi el ds of the W UR Parame te rs fi el df rom W UR A P).</p><p>Table 9-xxx – Subfields of WUR Parameters field from WUR AP</p><p>Subfie ld D efinit ion E n conding</p><p>WUR I D A W UR i dentif ie rt hat uniquely identifies t h e WUR An WUR identi fi er provided by the AP . STA within the BSS of the AP</p><p>WUR O perati ngC la ss Indicates the operating class in T h es iz ea nd e ncoding i st he s am ea s the definit ion of Op erat ing C la ssi n9.4.1.22 (Operating Class and use for transmission of WUR Channel field) frame from the WUR AP to the WUR non-AP STA </p><p>WUR C hannel Indicates the channel in use for transmission of WUR frame from the WUR AP to T h es iz ea nd e ncoding i st he s am ea s the definit ion of C h annel f ie ld in (Operating Class and the WUR non-AP STA Channel field)</p><p>Du ty cycl e inform at ion T B D T B D</p><p>WUR B eacon Period Indicate s the period of W UR B eacon fr am e</p><p>De ta ili sTB D .</p><p>T he subfie lds of the W UR Parame te rs fi el ds ent fr om W UR non-AP ST Aa re defined i n T a ble 9-xxx (Subfi el ds of t he W UR Parame te rs fi el df rom WUR non-A PST A) .</p><p>Table 9-xxx - Subfields of the WUR Parameters field from WUR non-AP STA</p><p>Subfie ld D efinit ion E n conding</p><p>ON Du rati on Indicate s the durat ion that WUR ST A wi llbe in WUR aw x ake s ta te in t he W UR duty cycl e mo de.</p><p>De ta ili sTB D .</p><p>Du ty C y clPeri e od Indicate s the i nterval betw een t wo s ta rt ing points of the successi ve O ND urat ions in the WUR duty c ycle m od e</p><p>De ta ili sTB D .</p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel Jan 2018 LB2050</p><p> WUR Capabilites element</p><p>A WUR ST Adecla res that i thas W UR c apabil it y by t ransmi tti ngt he W UR C apabil it ieel s em ent. T he WUR C a pabili ti ese le me ntc onta ins a numb er of f ie lds t hat a re used to a dverti se WUR c apabil it ie sof aW UR ST A.</p><p>T he WUR C a pabili ti ese le me nti s defi ned in Figure 9-xxx ( WUR C apabil iti ese le me nt form at ).</p><p>Element Length Element Band ID PCR Nonzero ID ID Transition Length Extensio Delay Frame n Body Support Octets: 1 1 1 1 TBD TBD</p><p>Figure 9-xxx – WUR Capabilities element format</p><p>T he E l eme ntI D, L ength, a nd E lem ent ID E xtensi on fi el ds are defi ned in ( Ge neral)</p><p>F or W UR AP the , B a nd ID f ie ld is reserved.</p><p>F or W UR non-AP STA the , B and I D f ie ld is defi ned in ( B a nd ID f ie ld) f or W UR non-A PST A .</p><p>F or W UR AP the , PCR T ransit ion De la yfi el d is reserved.</p><p>F or W UR non-AP STA the , PC R T ransiti onD el ay fi el di ndic at es t he PC R tr ansi ti on dela y fr om doze s ta te to a wa ke st at eo f the W UR non-AP ST Aa ft er t he WUR non-A PST A receives w ake-up f rame .</p><p>F or W UR AP the , No nzero L ength Fram e B o dySupport fi el di sr eserved.</p><p>F or W UR non-AP STA the , N onzero L ength Fram eB ody Support f ie ld indicate s supporta bili ty of non-zero le ngth f rame body.</p><p>* Action frame format details</p><p>T Gb aE ditor: I nstr ucti on : Insert the following new subclause after the last subclause in 9.6:</p><p>* WUR Action details</p><p> WUR Action field</p><p>S everal A ct ion f rame f orma ts are defined f or w ake-up radio (W UR purposes. ) A WUR A ct ion fi el d, in t he octe t fi el di mm edia tel yafte r the C at egory f ie ld, dif ferentia te st he form at s.T he WUR A cti onf ie ld values a ssocia te d wi the ach fr am ef orma tare defi ned in T able 9-xxx ( WUR A ct ion fi el dval ues) .</p><p>Table 9-xxx – WUR Action field values 04213d9 a6cb7 7c8f d5069 7cff 0bc0d b9.d ocx</p><p>Value Meaning</p><p>0 WUR Mode Setup</p><p>1 WUR Mode Teardown</p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel Jan 2018 LB2050</p><p>2-255 Reserved</p><p> WUR Mode Setup frame format</p><p>The WUR Mode Setup frame is an Action frame of category WUR. The Action field of a WUR Mode Setup frame contains the information shown in T able 9-xxx -W UR Mo de Setup fr am eA ct ion fi el df orma t04213d9a6cb77c8fd5 0697cff0b c0db9.doc x .</p><p>Table 9-xxx - WUR Mode Setup frame Action field format 04213d9 a6cb7 7c8f d5069 7cff 0bc0d b9.d ocx</p><p>Order Information</p><p>1 Category</p><p>2 WUR Action</p><p>3 Dialog Token</p><p>3 WUR Mode element (see (WUR Mode element))</p><p>The Category field is defined in C a te gory values 04213d9a6 cb77c 8fd50697c ff 0bc0db9.doc x .</p><p>The WUR Action field is defined in Table 9-xxx (WUR Action field values).</p><p>The Dialog Token field is defined in 9 .4.1.12 (D ia log T o ken f ie ld).</p><p>The WUR Mode element field c onta ins a WUR Mo de e le me nta s defined in (WUR Mode element)).</p><p> WUR Mode Teardown frame format</p><p>The WUR Mode Teardwon frame is an Action frame of category WUR. The Action field of a WUR Mode Teardown frame contains the information shown in T a ble 9-xxx - WUR M ode Set up f rame Ac ti onf ie ld form at 04213d9a6cb77c8fd 50697cff 0bc 0db9.docx .</p><p>Table 9-xxx - WUR Mode Teardown frame Action field format 04213d9 a6cb7 7c8f d5069 7cff 0bc0d b9.d ocx</p><p>Order Information</p><p>1 Category</p><p>2 WUR Action</p><p>The Category field is defined in C a te gory values 04213d9a6 cb77c 8fd50697c ff 0bc0db9.doc x .</p><p>The WUR Action field is defined in Table 9-xxx (WUR Action field values).</p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel Jan 2018 LB2050</p><p>TGba Editor: Instruction: change subclause as the following:</p><p>11.2.3 Power management in a non-DMG infrastructure network General</p><p>(…existing texts…)</p><p>A STA operating in PS mode that is neither in WNM sleep mode nor in WUR Mode shall periodically listen for Beacon frames, as determined by the ListenInterval parameter of the MLME-ASSOCIATE.request or MLMEREASSOCIATE.request primitive and the ReceiveDTIMs parameter of the MLME-POWERMGT.request primitive.</p><p>(…existing texts…)</p><p>TGba Editor: Instruction: Insert subclause 31.5 Power management with WUR as the following:</p><p>* Power management with WUR mode</p><p>WUR is a service that may be provided by a WUR AP to its associated WUR non-AP STAs. </p><p>A WUR non-AP STA can be in WUR Mode or WUR Mode Suspend while using WUR service provided by a WUR AP. </p><p>To use the WUR service, a WUR non-AP STA exchanges WUR Mode Setup frame with a WUR AP within the same infrastructure BSS, and the detail is defined in Table 31-xxx (WUR Mode setup frame exchange).</p><p>Table 31-xxx - WUR Mode setup frame exchange </p><p>Request frame: Action Response frame: Action Response frame: WUR Type field within a WUR Type field within a WUR Mode Response Status Status after the Mode Setup frame Mode Setup frame field within a WUR Mode completion of the transmitted from a WUR transmitted from a WUR Setup frame transmitted exchange non-AP STA to a WUR AP STA to a WUR non- from a WUR AP STA to a AP STA AP STA WUR non-AP STA</p><p>E nter W UR Mo de R e quest E n teWUR r M ode R esponse E nter W UR Mo de or W UR M ode Suspen d Ac cept T he WUR non-AP ST A ente rs WUR M ode.</p><p>E nter W UR Mo de Suspend R equest E n teWUR r M ode Suspend R e sponse E nter W UR Mo de or W UR M ode Suspen d Ac cept T he WUR non-AP ST A ente rs WUR M ode Suspend.</p><p>E nter W UR Mo de R e quest E n teWUR r M ode R esponse D enie d W UR servic ei s not provided by the W UR AP to the WUR non-A PST A at this ti me .</p><p>E nter W UR Mo de Suspend R equest E n teWUR r M ode Suspend R e sponse D enie d W UR servic ei s not provided by the W UR AP to the WUR non-A PST A at this ti me .</p><p>After a WUR non-AP STA negotiates WUR service with a WUR AP, the WUR non-AP STA may switch from WUR Mode to WUR Mode Suspend or switch from WUR Mode Suspend to WUR Mode by initiating and completing a successful frame </p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel Jan 2018 LB2050 exchange, which includes a WUR Mode Setup frame with Action Type field of the carrying WUR Mode element set to “Enter WUR Mode Suspend” or “Enter WUR Mode” from the WUR non-AP STA and an Ack frame from the WUR AP.</p><p>The Action Type field in the WUR Mode element of the WUR Mode setup frame sent by the WUR non-AP STA in this frame exchange indicates the status that the STA shall adopt upon successful completion of the frame exchange.</p><p>After a WUR non-AP STA negotiates WUR service with a WUR AP, the WUR non-AP STA may teardown WUR service by initiating and completing a successful frame exchange, which includes a WUR Mode Teardown frame from the WUR non- AP STA and an Ack frame from the WUR AP.</p><p>After a WUR non-AP STA negotiates WUR service with a WUR AP, the WUR AP may teardown WUR service by initiating and completing a successful frame exchange, which includes a WUR Mode Teardown frame from the WUR AP and an Ack frame from the WUR non-AP STA.</p><p>3 1. 5. 1 non-AP STA operation</p><p>The WURx of a WUR STA can be in one of two states: — WURx Awake: the WURx of the WUR non-AP STA is fully powered. — WURx Doze: the WURx of the WUR non-AP STA is not able to receive WUR frame.</p><p>A WUR non-AP STA enters WUR Mode to enable its PCR to sleep for extended periods and enable its WURx to receive WUR frame from the WUR AP. </p><p>If a WUR non-AP STA is in WUR Mode, then: </p><p> the WUR non-AP STA shall be in WURx awake state during the ON Duration of the duty cycle schedule agreed between WUR AP and WUR non-AP STA if the WUR non-AP STA is in the doze state</p><p> T he WUR non-AP ST A ma ybe in WUR doze x s ta te afte r a successf ul f rame e xchange w it hthe WUR AP ,w hich inform the s WUR AP that the WUR non-A PST A is the aw ake s ta te the WUR non-AP STA may not listen for Beacon frame if the WUR non-AP STA is in PS mode (see (General)</p><p> the WUR non-AP STA may not be in the awake state during the negotiated service period of PCR schedule between the WUR AP and the WUR non-AP STA</p><p> The parameters of the negotiated service period for the WUR non-AP STA’s PCR schedule between the WUR AP and the WUR non-AP STA are maintainedby the WUR non-AP STA </p><p>NOTE 1 – The WURx duty cycle schedule agreed between WUR AP and WUR non-AP STA may be that WUR non-AP STA is always in WURx awake state. </p><p>NOTE 2 – Examples of the negitated service period between WUR AP and WUR non-AP STA for the WUR non-AP STA’s PCR schedule include TWT and schedule for WNM sleep mode. </p><p>A WUR non-AP STA enters WUR Mode Suspend to utilize PCR operation while maintaining negotiated WUR parameters.</p><p>If a WUR non-AP STA is in WUR Mode Suspend, then: </p><p> W UR non-AP STA m ay be i n WUR doze x s ta te</p><p> t he negotia te d WUR parame te rs betw een t he W UR A Pa nd t he W UR non-AP STA a re m ai ntai ned by the W UR non-AP ST A</p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel Jan 2018 LB2050</p><p>NOTE – If a WUR non-AP STA is in WUR Mode Suspend, the existing negotiated service period between WUR AP and WUR non-AP STA for the WUR non-AP STA’s PCR schedule is active and is not suspended.</p><p>3 1. 5. 2 AP STA operation</p><p>A WUR AP shall maintain for each associated WUR non-AP STA that requests WUR service a WUR status that indicates whether the WUR STA is in WUR Mode or WUR Mode Suspend.</p><p>When a WUR non-AP STA is in WUR Mode, then:</p><p> T he WUR AP ma ys end a wa ke-up f rame to the WUR non-A PST A if the WUR non-AP STA is in the doze state, and the WURx duty cycle schedule agreed between WUR AP and WUR non-AP STA indicates that the WUR non-AP STA is in WURx awake state.</p><p> The parameters of the negotiated service period for the WUR non-AP STA’s PCR schedule between the WUR AP and the WUR non-AP STA are maintained by the WUR AP </p><p>When a WUR non-AP STA is in WUR Mode Suspend, then:</p><p> t he negotia te d WUR parame te rs betw een t he W UR A Pa nd t he W UR non-AP STA a re m ai ntai ned by the W UR AP</p><p>Submission page 12 Po-Kai Huang, Intel</p>
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