<p>WADDINGTON NEWS SHEET April 2011</p><p>Editor and Clerk to the Council: Mrs Andrea Smith, Parish Council Office, High Street, Waddington, Telephone: 01522 722793 E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Distribution: Mrs Kath Fogg, 101 Grantham Road, Waddington Telephone: 01522 720440</p><p>Notes from the Editor The editing and copying of the News Sheet is now being done by the Parish Council, with continuing input from St Michaels Church. Therefore, please could any contributions towards the running costs from the clubs and societies be sent to Waddington Parish Council.</p><p>1</p><p>Would you like to run your own Business and earn extra cash or a second income? If you have a few hours each week to spare you could become an Avon Sales Representative and sell great products to family/friends or have your own area and earn up to 25% commission. Must be over 18</p><p>Contact Lynsey for details</p><p>[email protected] Lynseygoodson.myavon.co.uk 07815787917 ______</p><p>The Vine Free Church</p><p>A non-denominational group which meets each Sunday at The Community Centre, Millers Road, Waddington. Morning Service 10.15am Evening Service 6.00pm A warm welcome awaits you! For further details: Telephone 01522 789015 Email [email protected]</p><p>2 Website www.thevinefreechurch.co.uk</p><p>Parish Office Opening Times – The office opening times are: Monday to Friday 9.30 to 12.30, or by appointment on Monday, Tuesday or Friday from 12.30pm to 5pm</p><p>Date of the next meetings - The Parish Council Meeting will take place on Monday 11th April 2011 in the Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm, open forum at 7.00pm, public and press welcome.</p><p>Street Lighting Assessment – A607 Bracebridge Heath to Waddington As we informed you last month: There has recently been an electricity cable fault which has resulted in a large number of street lights being out along the above road. The cost to Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) of replacing this cable network will be substantial and they believe it is necessary to limit carbon emissions wherever possible. The provisional estimates on savings are £1040 per annum on energy and 6.76 Tonnes of CO2. Therefore, the proposal by LCC is to replace 12 of the existing old concrete lamps with new ones and remove 19 lamps altogether. Following the response that was received from residents, the Parish Council have been granted an extension by the County Council to submit their reply to the proposal. Therefore the Parish Council will be discussing the matter at Aprils Parish Council Meeting. </p><p>The Concessionary Bus Pass Scheme has changed... Central Government decided that the responsibility for bus passes will transfer from the District Council to the County Council.</p><p>So what does this mean? • Current bus passes will still remain valid until their expiry date. • Financial constraints will mean some discretionary elements such as taxi tokens and rail card contributions will cease. • The way you apply for a new bus pass will be different. From April you must apply by post, or alternatively apply in person at City Hall in Lincoln (this applies for all district areas). • The option for making applications and renewals on-line is also being developed. • These options will give you a choice in how you obtain your pass but please do not apply any earlier than 21 days in advance of the due date. • Application forms and an information leaflet about the scheme will be available from Libraries, Local District Council Offices, other key access centres and online.</p><p>For further information visit: www.lincolnshire.gov.uk or alternatively contact: Lincolnshire County Council, Accessibility & Policy Unit, City Hall, Lincoln, LN1 1DN</p><p>3 St. Michael's Parish Church, Waddington High Street Waddington Sunday Services are held at 8.30 am Holy Communion [Common Worship Rite 2 [BCP]] 10.00 am Parish Communion [Common Worship Rite 1] with Junior Church 12.00 noon Holy Baptism 1st Sunday in the month 2nd Tuesday each month 3.15 for 3.30 pm After School Club for children & their carers We hold services in Residential Homes and a Community Centre. Arrangements for Occasional Offices, Baptism, Marriages and Funerals through the Rector, Roland Parker 01522 720323. Please note the Parish Church Office [720323] at the Rectory is open on Monday mornings from 10.00 - 12.00 noon. This is often a good time to make enquiries.</p><p>The Annual General Meeting of this church will be held on Wednesday 6th April at 7.00 for 7.30 pm in Church. Coffee and tea and the meeting papers will be available from 7.00 pm. This is “the” business meeting of the year when we open our church to the widest inspection of the community, make decisions and elect officers for the coming year. The first part of the meeting is a Public Meeting when the members of the parish come together to elect churchwardens for the coming year. With the likelihood of a vacancy in the parish in the near future this role becomes increasingly important. Do come along and hear where your parish church has got to and where it plans to move to.</p><p>I think that it is more than fair to say that without Easter the church would be just a social welfare organisation. But at the heart of our faith is an event which has the ability to turn everything inside out and upside down. To the outsider it looks crazy. But to those working out what living by faith means and how faith not only strengthens but illuminates the deepest mysteries of life. The events of Holy Week and Easter are the key. They encourage us to look at our deepest fears and allow us to move beyond them.</p><p>This year the pattern we hope to maintain is Palm Sunday- 17th April 8.30 am Holy Communion, 10.00 am Blessing of Palms, Reading of the Passion and Parish Communion Monday to Wednesday 18th to 20th 7.00 pm Holy Communion Maundy Thursday 21st April 7.30 pm Simple Meal celebrating the Last Supper Good Friday 22nd April 11.00 am Good Friday for Families 2.00 – 3.00 pm – The Last Hour Holy Saturday/ Easter Eve 9.00 pm The Coming of the New Life – Readings, Lights, Renewal Easter Day 24th April</p><p>4 8.30 am Holy Communion 10.00 am Parish Communion Come to any of these services and find a new chapter opening in your life.</p><p>Thanks to all who organised and who supported the Pancake Party. It was good. It was fun and we raised over £120.</p><p>The Good News for the building is that the heating has been renewed. Thanks to all who gave at the Gift Day.</p><p>Meetings through Lent These have been held on themes of Churchwardens and Decision Making, Finance and Ministry. These have been led by guest speakers who whilst they may not have solved things for us have created a space to do some thinking.</p><p>Church Registers We commend to God’s care those who have died Stephen Kenneth Taft We pray for him and for his family who m</p><p>**************************************************************</p><p>25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CHERNOBYL DISASTER MONDAY 25TH APRIL, 7.30PM AT ST GEAORGE’S CHURCH, EASTBROOK ROAD, LINCOLN, LN6 7EP</p><p>It will be 25 years this Easter Monday since the Chernobyl nuclear reactor blew up and devastated large areas of Belarus and Ukraine causing thousands of lives then and since to be affected by lethal radiation. This calamity is being remembered at special ceremonies across Europe and the UK, and here in Lincoln we are holding an event at St George’s Church, Eastbrook Road, Doddington Rd, Lincoln, LN6 7EP.</p><p>The invitation is extended to everyone who has some interest or concern about what happened at Chernobyl. It would be good if people could be seated in the church by 7.30pm. Proceedings should last for about 45 minutes after which there will be tea, coffee, etc. There will be some visual displays and opportunity to see a bit of the work of the Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline. </p><p>BUS SERVICE REDUCTION A letter has been received from Lincolnshire County Council regarding the bus service reductions which will be taking place from the beginning of April 2011. </p><p>5 The services that will affect Waddington are as follows: Service 1: Lincoln to Grantham operated by Stagecoach Monday to Saturday 1935 2200 Grantham to Lincoln, 2040 Lincoln to Grantham & 1905 2315 (FS) Lincoln to Leadenham withdrawn. 1805 Lincoln to Grantham to terminate at Leadenham, Sundays & Bank Holidays All journeys withdrawn may be provided commercial awaiting Stagecoach decision.</p><p>Service 13: Lincoln to Waddington operated by Stagecoach Monday to Saturday Service withdrawn after 1915 departure. Sundays & Bank Holidays 1815 Lincoln to Waddington and 1838 Waddington to Lincoln withdrawn.</p><p>If you wish to make comments regarding these bus service changes being introduced please write to:- Head of Transportation Lincolnshire County Council Transportation and Highways 4th Floor City Hall Lincoln, LN1 1DN</p><p>Please send copies of any letters to Waddington Parish Council so that we can try and help with your concerns.</p><p>Up to date bus timetable information will be available via: Traveline: 0871 2002233 www.travelineeastmidlands.og.uk Lincolnshire Bus Information: www.lincsbus.info Lincsinerconnect: www.lincsinterconnect.com</p><p> or directly from the bus operators from the middle of March 2011.</p><p>6 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES</p><p>Monday Thrift Shop We are usually open every Monday in the Village Hall 1.30pm- 3.30pm during School term times. However, due to the Easter break we are only open in April on the 4th. We will then re-open on 9th May. We will then accept "Summer" clothes for sale. We will accept up to 8 items at one visit labelled with your Name and address and thrift number if you have one. Why not visit us anyway and you may find a bargain to buy and you can also have some refreshments. We could do with some more help so if you can spare a couple of hours please ring 720440 or 720418.</p><p>Waddington Women’s Institute We meet in Waddington Village Hall on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm. Our next meeting is Wednesday 13th April when our guest will be Monica Marsh who will be entertaining us with “A touch of Class” For further information please contact Mrs Moss on 721053.</p><p>Waddington Toddler Group We meet every Thursday during School term time from 1.30-3.00pm in the Village Hall. Mums, Dads, Grandparents or Childminders are all welcome, come along and let your children play and have a drink and biscuit, while you have a cup of tea or coffee at just £1.75 a session. </p><p>Redwood Ladies Our next meeting is Tuesday 26th April, when our quest speaker is Kathryn Smelling with a “Cookery demonstration”. Meetings are held in Redwood CP School, Redwood Drive, Brant Road, 7.30pm.</p><p>On Wednesday 18th May we are having an outing to Peterborough Dog Racing, cost is £13.50 for a meal and entrance and £12.00 for the coach. Anyone who is interested please contact 514466.</p><p>LIVES First Responders, Waddington Group We are still recruiting in the Waddington area. If you would like to know more about LIVES First Responders, or are interested in becoming a First Responder or a fundraiser, please call Colin or Shirley on 721391. You can also visit the LIVES website at www.lives-responders.co.uk. If you run an organisation and would like a presentation about the work of LIVES, please call the above number.</p><p>Car Boot Sales. Our first car boot sale is on Saturday 2nd April, from 10am to 1pm at Waddington Village Hall. Refreshments will be available in the hall at reasonable price. If you would like to book a pitch, please call Colin or Shirley on 721391. The cost is still £5 a pitch, and sellers can set up from 8:30am. We like you to book so that we have some idea of how many cars to expect and plan for. The remaining dates for this year are: 7th May, 4th June, 25th Jun, 6th August and 3rd September, all Saturdays.</p><p>Events First Aid. Several of our responders are now qualified to provide First Aid cover at events. If you are planning an event, and require First Aid cover, please consider us for your needs. Please call Shirley on 721391 to discuss your requirements.</p><p>7 WADDINGTON SUNSHINE CLUB So far this year we have welcomed 8 new members to the Sunshine Club which shows how popular this flourishing club is, we meet on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 2.30-4.30pm in Waddington Village Hall the club offers a sociable afternoon for the 60+ age group both male & female with refreshments, visitors are welcome at a small charge the Annual membership is £7.50p. Transport is available contact Carol 722167 for details of route & fare charged At the last meeting we raised £35 on the Bring & Buy stall & £41.50p on the raffle for Club funds. Our Easter Tea is on April 12th the competition for the Annual Trophy this year is "Your Prettiest Mug" other prizes will be awarded. Shopping & another Easter Tea at Asda is on the 14th April £5 members £6 visitors details contact Geoff 729004 transport is included. Georgina M Rainthorpe 823718</p><p>WADDINGTON RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION AGM and Social Evening. Friday 15th April at 7.30pm in the Youth Centre, High Street. Admission Free. With food and drinks, and a Quiz and our AGM Raffle will be drawn. We welcome your views and proposals for any way in which life in Waddington can be improved or, if there are concerns about anything which threatens the community. Write to or phone the Secretary at ‘Greenways’ Tinkers Lane, Waddington, Lincoln, LN5 9RU. Tel: 804016.</p><p>In the Post Bag. Answers to your questions. ‘Stop’ sign at the Manor Lane / High St Junction, Highways believe – people are automatically cautious – because of the complicated layout – or they are familiar with the hazard. Also, no recorded accidents. So – expenditure cannot be justified. Cliff Villages Medical Practice. – Loss of hours for Waddington. The loss of dispensing, plus funding does not allow for both the Waddington and Navenby sites. This resulted in a fundamental rethink of resources in July. They are hoping that new procedures can ease the pressure on resources. HAS IT WORKED? Let us know. Bus Stop, High St – Highways agreed to our Parish Council’s request. The request seems to have slipped through a crack somewhere and memories will have to be jogged. WATCH THIS SPACE. Activity Mornings. We are trying hard to establish regular sessions at the Coffee Shop but, teachers are hard to come by, it seems. What will help is getting the numbers of people to enrol – so, let’s have your name asap on the list.</p><p>The Next Coffee Shop Luncheon. Wednesday 6th April. Get your names on the list no, at the coffee club Tuesday and Thursdays.</p><p>Changes To Trips! With great regret, we have been forced to cancel three of our trips this year, Whisby Nature Reserve, The London Eye and RHS Wisley. Seats for the following are still available:- Friday 20th May Chatsworth House and Gardens (including entry) £20.00 each Wed 20th July Normanby Hall (including entry) £18.00 each Wed 21st Sept Pickering to Whitby by train £30.00 each Please secure your seat early to avoid disappointment by contacting Shirley on 804016 or Jean on 720399. Please Note. Insurance should be sought for the trips as deposits are normally non-returnable.</p><p>First Thursday Open Meeting</p><p>8 Meetings are held in St. Michaels Church at 2.00pm with tea and biscuits. The next meeting will be on Thursday 5th May, when Chris Parkes will speak to us about fund raising for Cancer Research. The following meeting will be on 7th July, when it has been proposed that we have a lunch in the church with some entertainment.</p><p>WADDINGTON LOCAL HISTORY GROUP As ever Maureen Sutton provided us with a very interesting talk in February on past customs and traditions between Lent and Easter. A few still remain, hot cross buns and Easter eggs! but many of them have gone. Perhaps we could re-introduce the half day off school on Pancake Day, or the wearing of a new ‘bonnet’ to Church on Easter Day.</p><p>We look forward to welcoming Alan Stennet as the next speaker who I am sure will provide us with lots of information about ‘Lincolnshire Railways’. </p><p>Meetings are at the Communal Centre, Millers Road at 7.30 p.m. on the 4th Thursday of every month. Membership fee is £5 per annum. Members pay £1.50 per visit and visitors £2 to cover the hire of the hall, speakers, tea/coffee and biscuits afterwards. </p><p>Forthcoming Speakers 24th March – Alan Stennett – ‘Lincolnshire Railways’ 28th April - Pat Piperissa – ‘The Three Hughs’</p><p>If you want to contact me, Diane, Secretary to the History Group my telephone number is 01522 788691 and my email address is [email protected]</p><p>The Royal British Legion Club, Malt Kiln Lane, Waddington Celebrate at our new revamped entertainment room: The Royal Wedding View the wedding on TV all day 11am to late! Free entrance for day time events Lunches available Best wedding hat competition / £20 gift voucher for the winner, judged at 3pm by Revend Parkers wife, Mrs Parker. Afternoon teas. Dance in the evening to James Courtney A versatile and talented artist, music for all and instant hit with young and old from 7.30pm Tickets at the door £3.50 For information contact: Sheila on 723017 or Sandra on 07972412346</p><p>Watch for future events!!</p><p>22nd April Easter Draw Music and dancing with Kevin Christopher Back by popular demand 7.30pm till late Brant Road Bowls Club - SPRING FAYRE</p><p>9 Saturday 9th April 2pm - Free Admission at Brant Road Social Club General Tombola, Jewellery, Toiletries,Toy Tombola with a gift every time,Toy Jungle Tree, Bric a Brac, Grand Raffle and more. Refreshments will be available. Come and join in the fun.</p><p>Brant Road Bowls Club Open Day Saturday 30th April. 2pm - 4pm. New members made welcome, come in flat soled shoes and give it a try. For further details tel. 01522 723928. LOTTERY FUNDED SPORT ENGLAND</p><p>Spiritualist Pioneer Centre Redwood Drive Community Centre, Waddington, Every Saturday 7pm start Last Friday of every month medium ship special pm start, Different medium each week Enquiries 01522 514513</p><p>Easter Fair / Jumble Sale in aid of St John Ambulance North Hykeham Division. Tombola, Raffle and Refreshments. At Waddington Village Hall on Sunday 17th April 2011 12.00 – 16.00</p><p>For more information / to book a table call 01522 881905</p><p>10</p>
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