visit us at Film and TV Production List www.ubcpactra.ca (Print in landscape format) Productions that qualify for discounts under the BC Indie Program are designated with “BC Indie” beside the Production name. Production Type Shooting Production Director Casting Director Background Stunt Union Manager Coordinator Representative A Glenbrooke Christmas Movie of the Week 10/8/2020 - Deboragh Gabler David Strasser Jackie Lind Stephanie Boeke Bill Ferguson MONIKA IWANEK 2400 Boundary Road 10/29/2020 Burnaby 604-628-312 A Godwink Christmas: First Loves, Second Movie of the Week 9/28/2020 - Christian Bruyere Heather Hawthorn Jackie Lind L.A. Hilts TBD ADRIENNE LAW Chances 10/17/2020 Doyle 601-2400 Boundary Road Burnaby 604-628-3150 604-628-3151 A Million Little Things - Season 3 TV Series - Episodic 8/27/2020 - Wayne Bennett Various Directors Clark & Page Lisa Ratke Trevor Jones MONIKA IWANEK 4200 North Fraser Way 5/17/2021 Burnaby 604-398-6655 604-398-6654 Accused and on the Run - BC Indie Movie of the Week 10/7/2020 - Darren Robson Troy Scott Judy JK Lee LA Hilts Chad Sayn ADRIENNE LAW 3876 Norland Avenue 10/26/2020 Burnaby 604-422-4355 All That Glitters Movie of the Week 9/21/2020 - ADRIENNE LAW 201-3920 Norland Avenue 10/29/2020 Burnaby 604-638-0382 604-638-0385 Always a Bridesmaid (2020) Movie of the Week 10/19/2020 - Richard Aubrey Arnason Ann Forry LA Hilts N/A ADRIENNE LAW 201-3920 Norland Avenue 11/3/2020 Greenhalgh Burnaby 604-638-0382 604-638-0385 Angel Tree, The TV Movie 9/28/2020 - Priscilla Yeo Jessica Harmon Judy JK Lee Angela Quinn ADRIENNE LAW 102-196 West 3rd Ave 10/16/2020 Vancouver 604-558-8966 10/9/2020 Page 1 of 8 Are You Afraid of the Dark? - Season 1 TV Series - Episodic 10/13/2020 - Brian Dick Jeff Wadlow Tiffany Mak Sara Brown Jodi Stecyk ADRIENNE LAW 202-4238 Lozells Avenue 12/18/2020 Burnaby 778-309-0970 604-269-4257 Astronauts, The Series 8/12/2020 - Ian Berkett Various Tiffany Mak Sandra Ken- Rob Sluggo DEBORAH RAY 7588 Winston Street 12/30/2020 Freeman Boyce Burnaby 604-449-3266 604-449-3614 Batwoman - Season 2 TV Series - Episodic 9/3/2020 - Aren Ophoff Caroline Dries Candice Elzinga Doreen Ferreira Marshall Virtue MONIKA IWANEK 8035 Glenwood Brive - 3rd Floor 5/13/2021 Burnaby 604-647-5613 Big Sky, The - Season 1 TV Series - Episodic 8/27/2020 - Christina Toy Various Directors Coreen Mayrs Sandra Ken Melissa Stubbs DEBORAH RAY 803-19055 Airport Way 1/13/2021 Freeman Pitt Meadows 604-674-8196 Brendar the Barbarian Series 10/19/2020 - Ricardo Plaza Mike Mitchell TBD CAYLEE FINCH 10-310-555 Brooksbank Ave 2/21/2021 Rosselot North Vancouver 604-983-5888 604-983-5880 Change of Pace Feature Film 9/28/2020 - Dennis Swartman Stephen Deb Green Adina Willmott TBD MONIKA IWANEK 102-1845 Camrose St. 10/16/2020 Campenalli Penticton 604-970-5242 Charmed - Season 3 TV Series - Episodic 9/30/2020 - Phillip Pacaud Various Directors Corinne Clark Sandra Ken- Paul Wu MONIKA IWANEK 9/333 - 555 Brooksbank Avenue 6/26/2021 Freeman North Vancouver 604-558-6133 604-558-6101 Christmas Carnival Movie of the Week 10/13/2020 - Nancy Walsh TBD Jackie Lind Sara Brown TBD CAYLEE FINCH 1948 Franklin Street 10/31/2020 Vancouver 604-255-4666 604-257-4739 Christmas in Evergreen 4 Movie of the Week 10/13/2020 - Robert Murdoch Sean McNamara Jackie Lind Sara Brown CAYLEE FINCH 1950 Franklin Street 10/30/2020 Vancouver 604-257-4720 10/9/2020 Page 2 of 8 Chronicle Mysteries #5, The: Helped to Death TV Movie 10/16/2020 - Michelle Samuels Jason Bourque Jackie Lind Stephanie Boeke TBD ADRIENNE LAW 2400 Boundary Road 11/4/2020 Burnaby 604-215-1656 604-215-2154 College Thriller, The Movie of the Week 9/28/2020 - Navid Soofi Tony Dean Smith Judy JK Lee LA Hilts Chad Sayn ADRIENNE LAW 3876 Norland Ave. 10/15/2020 Burnaby 604-422-4355 Cross Country Christmas TV Movie 10/5/2020 - Suzan Derksen Catherine Cyran Candice Elzinga Stephanie Boeke DEBORAH RAY 2400 Boundary Road 10/26/2020 Burnaby 604-628-3090 604-628-3091 Day of the Dead - Season 1 Series 9/14/2020 - TBA Various Directors Candice Elzinga Arlana Green Randy Lee DEBORAH RAY 8-3888 North Fraser Way 12/6/2020 Burnaby 604-419-0428 Debris - Season 1 TV Series - Episodic 10/5/2020 - Adrian Cox TBD Clark / Page Sara Brown Dean Choe ADRIENNE LAW 8355 Riverbend Ct 3/10/2021 Burnaby 604-674-8462 Ellington Feature Film 11/9/2020 - Drew Locke Ben Cleary Candice Elzinga Sandra Freeman TBD CAYLEE FINCH 2400 Boundary Road 2/13/2021 Burnaby 604-292-8410 604-292-8411 Escape Room 2 (Additional Photography) Feature Film 8/13/2020 - DEBORAH RAY 2400 Boundary Road 12/14/2020 Burnaby 000-000-0000 Family Law - Season 1 Series 7/20/2020 - Crystal Remmey Various Colleen Bolton, Sandra Ken- CAYLEE FINCH 601-211 East Georgia Street BC 10/14/2020 Maureen Webb Freeman Vancouver 604-646-4100 Five Star Christmas Movie of the Week 10/5/2020 - Petros Danabassis Christie Will Wolf Jackie Lind Sandra Ken- ADRIENNE LAW 3171 Lake City Way 10/22/2020 Freeman Burnaby 604-684-6377 604-684-6387 10/9/2020 Page 3 of 8 Good Doctor, The - Season 4 TV Series - Episodic 9/2/2020 - Paul Lukaitis Various Sean Cossey Sandra Ken- TBD MONIKA IWANEK 1020 West Washington BLV 4/13/2021 Freeman Culver city 310-244-2162 Hello, Goodbye and Everything In Between Feature Film 10/8/2020 - Joyce Sawa Michael Lewen Tiffany Mak Sara Brown TBD ADRIENNE LAW #100-3705 Willingdon Avenue 11/13/2020 Burnaby 604-395-1134 Hidden Jewel Movie of the Week 9/21/2020 - Jaye Gazeley Michael Robison Judy JK Lee Andrea Hughes ADRIENNE LAW 201-3920 Norland Avenue 10/29/2020 Burnaby 604-638-0382 604-638-0385 Home Before Dark Season 2 Other 9/14/2020 - Craig Forrest Various Candice Elzinga Sandra Ken Randy Lee ADRIENNE LAW 22031 Fraserwood Way 1/26/2021 Freeman Richmond 778-663-5018 604-231-7246 Kung Fu - Season 1 Series 10/13/2020 - Ines Eisses Hanelle Culpepper Candice Elzinga TBA Brett Chan DEBORAH RAY 9110 196A Ave 4/26/2021 Langley 604-770-1299 604-888-0829 Legends of Tomorrow - Season 6 TV Series - Episodic 10/5/2020 - Catou Kearney Various Directors Sean Cossey, JJ Sandra Ken Lloyd Adams DEBORAH RAY 200-8035 Glenwood Drive 5/10/2021 Ogilvy Freeman Burnaby 604-639-1855 604-540-0960 Lost in Space - Season 3 Series 9/9/2020 - Lauren Stope Various Directors Clark & Page James Forsyth Jeffrey Aro DEBORAH RAY 310-2400 BOUNDARY ROAD 1/8/2021 BURNABY 000-000-0000 Love A La Carte Movie of the Week 10/13/2020 - Chris Langford Robert Lieberman Ann Forry LA Hilts MONIKA IWANEK 201-3920 Norland Avenue 10/28/2020 Burnaby 604-638-0382 604-638-0385 Love Hard Feature Film 10/5/2020 - Steven St Arnaud Hernan Jimenez Tiffany Mak TBD CAYLEE FINCH 2400 Boundary Road 11/24/2020 Burnaby 604-292-8410 604-292-8411 10/9/2020 Page 4 of 8 Love, Lights, Hanukkah! Movie of the Week 10/7/2020 - Robyn Wiener Mark Jean Jackie Lind Stephanie Boeke MONIKA IWANEK 2400 Boundary Road 10/28/2020 Burnaby 604-628-3090 604-628-3091 Mahalia Movie of the Week 11/3/2020 - CAYLEE FINCH 1950 Franklin St 12/4/2020 Vancouver 604-257-4720 604-257-4739 Maid - Season 1 TV Series - Episodic 9/24/2020 - Genevieive Bridges TBD Clark and Page Sandra Ken Maja Aro CAYLEE FINCH 2340 Richmond Road 3/4/2021 Casting Freeman Victoria 000-000-0000 Midnight Mass - Season 1 TV Series - Episodic 8/17/2020 - Chad Fitz Mike Flanagan Jackie Lind Lisa Ratke Scott Ateah CAYLEE FINCH 2400 Boundary Road 11/1/2020 Burnaby 604-292-5010 604-292-5011 Mighty Ducks, The New Media 9/1/2020 - Ryan Silva James Griffiths, Jackie Lind Sandra Freeman Paul Wu ADRIENNE LAW 4210 Phillips Avenue 12/18/2020 Michael Spiller Burnaby 604-566-8320 604-677-1859 Motherland: Fort Salem - Season 2 TV Series - Serial 10/9/2020 - Tim Sereda Various Directors Tiffany Mak James Forsyth Ernest Jackson MONIKA IWANEK 3500 Cornett Road 3/11/2021 Vancouver 604-453-4950 604-453-4951 Mysterious Benedict Society New Media 8/26/2020 - Casey Nelson- James Bobin Tiffany Mak Sandra Couldwell Scott Nicholson DEBORAH RAY 9/330 - 555 Brooksbank Avenue 1/30/2021 Zutter North Vancouver 606-983-5777 604-983-5778 Nancy Drew - Season 2 Series 9/29/2020 - George Horie Various Directors Heike Brandstatter, Sandra Ken- Zandara MONIKA IWANEK 555 Booksbank Ave Suite 10/210 4/6/2021 Coreen Mayers Freeman Kennedy North Vancouver 604-983-5544 604-983-5542 Pieces of Her - Season 1 TV Series - Episodic 8/10/2020 - Catherine Kretz Lesli Linka Glatter, Tiffany Mak Sara Brown TBD MONIKA IWANEK 1200 Waterfront Centre, 200 Burrard Street 12/17/2020 Minkie Spiro Vancouver 213-910-4912 10/9/2020 Page 5 of 8 Puddin' - Season 1 TV Series - Episodic 10/13/2020 - Michael Potkins Barry Sonnenfeld Corrine Clark Sandra Ken- Rick Pearce MONIKA IWANEK 3500 Cornett Rd, B Offices 12/10/2020 Freeman Vancouver 604-453-4910 604-453-4911 Resident Alien Series 9/10/2020 - Bradley Jubenvill Various Directors Corinne Clark, Kit Hayward David Jacox DEBORAH RAY 4225 Kinkaid Street 10/14/2020 Burnaby 604-449-3601 604-449-3602 Riverdale - Season 5 TV Series - Episodic 9/14/2020 - Tanja Knight Various Directors Sean Cossey, JJ Sandra Ken Byron Briscoe CAYLEE FINCH #2-20146 100 A Ave 12/31/2020 Ogilvy Freeman Langley 778-298-6344 778-298-6346 Scriptures - Season 1 Series 1/11/2021 - Michael Williams James Gunn TBD TBD ADRIENNE LAW 2820 Underhill Ave 6/9/2021 Burnaby 604-444-1665 Sea To Sea Series 8/25/2020 - TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD CAYLEE FINCH 1200 Waterfront Centre, 200 Burrard St 12/11/2020 Vancouver 778-357-0814 Snatched From Mommy Movie of the Week 10/13/2020 - Costa Vassos David Langlois Ann Forry Angela Quinn MONIKA IWANEK 201-3920 Norland Avenue 10/28/2020 Burnaby 604-638-0382 604-638-0385 Snowpiercer - Season 2
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