<p> Matthew J. Liebmann </p><p>Department of Anthropology Harvard University Peabody Museum 11 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 [email protected]</p><p>ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2014- John and Ruth Hazel Associate Professor of the Social Sciences, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University</p><p>2013-14 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University</p><p>2009-12 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University</p><p>2006-08 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of William and Mary</p><p>NON-ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2003-2005 Tribal Archaeologist, Pueblo of Jemez Department of Resource Protection</p><p>EDUCATION PhD 2006 University of Pennsylvania, Department of Anthropology Dissertation title: “Burn the Churches, Break Up the Bells”: The Archaeology of the Pueblo Revolt Revitalization Movement in New Mexico, A.D. 1680-1696 Winner of the SAA Dissertation Award, 2007</p><p>BA 1996 Boston College, Departments of English and Theology Summa Cum Laude</p><p>PUBLICATIONS (Peer-reviewed publications are starred *)</p><p>BOOKS and EDITED VOLUMES 2012* Revolt: An Archaeological History of Pueblo Resistance and Revitalization in 17th Century New Mexico. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. 2013 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title </p><p>2011* Enduring Conquests: Rethinking the Archaeology of Resistance to Spanish Colonialism in the Americas, edited by Matthew Liebmann and Melissa S. Murphy. SAR Press, Santa Fe.</p><p>2008* Archaeology and the Postcolonial Critique, edited by Matthew Liebmann and Uzma Z. Rizvi Altamira Press, Lanham, MD.</p><p>ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS</p><p>Under Review At the Mouth of the Wolf: The Archaeology of Seventeenth-Century Franciscans in the Jemez Valley of New Mexico. In Franciscan Evangelization in the Spanish Borderlands,</p><p>Liebmann CV 1 edited by Timothy J. Johnson and Gert Melville. Academy of American Franciscan History, Oceanside CA.</p><p>2015 (In Press) The Mickey Mouse Kachina and Other “Double Objects”: Hybridity in the Material Culture of Colonial Encounters. Journal of Social Archaeology.</p><p>2015 (In Press) Matthew Liebmann, Robert Preucel, and Joseph Aguilar The Pueblo World Transformed: Alliances, Animosities, and Factionalism in the Northern Rio Grande, 1680-1700. In Transformations in the Colonial Era: Divergent Histories in the American Southwest, edited by John G. Douglass and William M. Graves. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.</p><p>2014* NAGPRA Repatriation in Tribal Practice. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith, pp. 6303-6306. Springer, New York.</p><p>2013* Parsing Hybridity: Archaeologies of Amalgamation in Seventeenth Century New Mexico. In The Archaeology of Hybrid Material Culture, edited by Jeb J. Card, pp. 25- 49. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper No. 39 SIU-Carbondale.</p><p>2013 Jade d’Alpoim Guedes, Theodore C. Bestor, David Carrasco, Rowan Flad, Ethan Fosse, Michael Herzfeld, Carl C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Cecil M. Lewis, Matthew Liebmann, Richard Meadow, Nick Patterson, Max Price, Meredith Reiches, Sarah Richardson, Heather Shattuck-Heidorn, Jason Ur, Gary Urton, and Christina Warinner Is Poverty in Our Genes? A Critique of Ashraf and Galor, “The ‘Out of Africa’ Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and Comparative Economic Development.” Current Anthropology 54(1):71-79.</p><p>2013 Liebmann, Matthew, Chester Walker, and Jennie O. Sturm Mapping Archaeological Sites using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. NewsMAC 2013-1:8- 10.</p><p>2012* The Rest is History: Devaluing the Recent Past in the Archaeology of the Pueblo Southwest. In "Decolonizing Indigenous Histories: Exploring Prehistoric/Colonial Transitions in Archaeology,” edited by Siobhan M. Hart, Maxine Oland, and Liam Frink, pp. 19-44. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.</p><p>2011* Liebmann, Matthew and Melissa S. Murphy Rethinking the Archaeology of Rebels, Backsliders, and Idolaters. In Enduring Conquests: Rethinking the Archaeology of Resistance to Spanish Colonialism in the Americas, edited by M. Liebmann and M. S. Murphy, pp. 3-18. SAR Press, Santa Fe.</p><p>2011* The Best of Times, the Worst of Times: Pueblo Resistance and Accommodation during the Spanish Reconquista of New Mexico. In Enduring Conquests: Rethinking the Archaeology of Resistance to Spanish Colonialism in the Americas, edited by M. Liebmann and M. S. Murphy, pp. 199-221. SAR Press, Santa Fe.</p><p>2010 The Battle of Astialakwa: Conflict Archaeology of the Spanish Reconquest in Northern New Mexico. The SAA Archaeological Record 10(4):40-42.</p><p>2010 Liebmann, Matthew and Christopher Toya Foreword. In Pecos Pueblo Revisited, edited by M. Morgan. Peabody Museum Press, Cambridge.</p><p>2008* The Innovative Materiality of Revitalization Movements: Lessons from the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. American Anthropologist 110(3):360-372.</p><p>Liebmann CV 2 2008* The Intersections of Archaeology and Postcolonial Studies. In Archaeology and the Postcolonial Critique, edited by M. Liebmann and U. Rizvi, pp. 1-20. Altamira Press, Lanham, MD.</p><p>2008* Postcolonial Cultural Affiliation: Essentialism, Hybridity, and NAGPRA. In Archaeology and the Postcolonial Critique, edited by M. Liebmann and U. Rizvi, pp. 73- 90. Altamira Press, Lanham, MD.</p><p>2007* Liebmann, Matthew and Robert W. Preucel The Archaeology of the Pueblo Revolt and the Formation of the Modern Pueblo World. Kiva: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 73(2):195-217.</p><p>2007 The Archaeology of Jemez Resistance and Revitalization in the Pueblo Revolt Era. Archaeology Southwest 21(2):17.</p><p>2005* Liebmann, Matthew, T.J. Ferguson, and Robert W. Preucel Pueblo Settlement, Architecture, and Social Change in the Pueblo Revolt Era, A.D. 1680- 1696. Journal of Field Archaeology 30(1):45-60.</p><p>2002* Signs of Power and Resistance: The (Re)Creation of Christian Imagery and Identities in the Pueblo Revolt Era. In Archaeologies of the Pueblo Revolt, edited by Robert W. Preucel. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, pp. 132-144.</p><p>2002 Reply to Schlesier. Plains Anthropologist 47(183):393-395</p><p>2002* Demystifying the Big Horn Medicine Wheel: A Contextual Analysis of Symbolism, Meaning, and Function. Plains Anthropologist 47(180):46-56</p><p>BOOK REVIEWS 2013 Review of Conflict in Colonial Sonora: Indians, Priests, and Settlers, by David Yetman. Kiva: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 78(4):7817-7819.</p><p>2012 Review of Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology, edited by Jane Lydon and Uzma Z. Rizvi. Journal of Anthropological Research 68(1):151-152.</p><p>2010 Review of A Space Syntax Analysis of Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, New Mexico: Community Formation in the Northern Rio Grande, by Jason Shapiro. Kiva: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 75(3).</p><p>2009 Review of Ancestral Landscapes of the Pueblo World, by James Snead. American Antiquity 74(3):568-569.</p><p>2006 Review of The Archaeology of Colonial Encounters, edited by Gil Stein. Journal of Anthropological Research 62(3):434-435.</p><p>HONORS, PRIZES, and AWARDS 2013 Outstanding Academic Title 2013, Choice Magazine (for Revolt: An Archaeological History of Pueblo Resistance and Revitalization in 17th Century New Mexico) 2010 William and Rita Clements Research Fellowship, Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University 2009 Who's Who in America</p><p>Liebmann CV 3 2007 Society for American Archaeology Dissertation Award 2006 Dean’s Scholar, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania 1998 Who’s Who Among American Teachers 1996 Phi Beta Kappa 1996 Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society 1996 Tully Award, Boston College 1996 Cardinal O’Connell Medal, Boston College</p><p>INVITED SCHOLARLY PRESENTATIONS December 2014 Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA October 2014 Boston College Department of History March 2014 Academy of American Franciscan History February 2014 Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University January 2014 University of Pennsylvania Department of Anthropology January 2014 Boston University Department of Archaeology November 2013 Harvard University Committee on Ethnicity, Migration, and Rights April 2013 UMass-Boston Fiske Center for Archaeology April 2013 Syracuse University Department of Anthropology February 2013 Brown University Department of Anthropology November 2011 Robert S. Peabody Museum, Andover MA September 2011 Anthropology Day, Harvard University March 2011 Open Workshop on Human Development in Landscapes, Christian-Albrects-Universität zu Kiel, Germany. February 2011 Keynote Speaker, 15th Annual University of New Mexico Graduate Student Union Symposium, Albuquerque, NM. October 2010 Clements Center for Southwest Studies, SMU, Dallas, TX. June 2010 Fort Burgwin Research Center (Southern Methodist University), Taos, NM. April 2010 Brandeis University Department of Anthropology Seminar Series, Boston, MA. November 2009 Harvard Social Anthropology Program Seminar Series, Cambridge, MA. November 2009 University of Wyoming Anthropology Seminar Series, Laramie, WY. October 2008 Kolb Fellows Autumn Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, PA. February 2008 George Mason University Public Symposium on Archaeology, “Archaeology and Human Rights,” Washington D.C. September 2007 Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Anthropology April 2007 College of William and Mary, Department of American Studies April 2007 University of Virginia Department of Anthropology, Charlottesville, VA. May 2006 New Mexico Archaeological Council, Albuquerque, NM. October 2005 Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA</p><p>PUBLIC TALKS February 2014 Harvard Latin American Alumni Association August 2013 Pueblo Independence Day, Jemez State Historic Site May 2013 Harvard-Radcliffe Club of New Mexico April 2013 Harvard University Graduate Commons “Meet the Scholar” Program February 2013 Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology July 2012 Neville Public Museum December 2011 Mauthe Center for Faith, Peace, and Justice September 2011 San Miguel Chapel, "Secrets of San Miguel" Lecture Series July 2011 Southwest Seminars, "Voices from the Past" Public Lecture Series June 2010 Valles Caldera Science and Research Center July 2009 Walatowa Visitor Center (Jemez Pueblo) Public Lecture</p><p>Liebmann CV 4 FELLOWSHIPS and GRANTS FELLOWSHIPS 2010 William and Rita Clements Research Fellowship, Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University 2002-2006 Louis J. Kolb Society Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 1998-2002 William Penn Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania </p><p>GRANTS 2012-16 National Science Foundation BCS-CNH Grant (1114898) "Long-term vulnerability and resilience of coupled human-natural ecosystems to fire regime and climate changes at an ancient Wildland Urban Interface." Co-PI with Thomas Swetnam, TJ Ferguson, Robert Kane, and Christopher Roos total project award: $1.5 million; Liebmann component: $306,041 2011 Harvard University Native American Program Faculty Teaching and Research Grant, $1000 2011 Harvard University Committee on the Arts Elson Art-Making Fund Grant for Teaching, $3750 2009-10, Harvard University 10-11, 11-12, Junior Faculty Research Grant, $2500 12-13 2010 National Park Service Research Grant, $2500 "Obsidian Sourcing at Ancestral Pueblo Sites, Bandelier National Monument" Co-PI with Rory Gauthier, Ana Steffen, Jeremy Kulisheck, and Jamie Civitello 2008 College of William and Mary Suzann Wilson Matthews Summer Research Award: $5000 2007 College of William and Mary Suzann Wilson Matthews Summer Research Award: $5000 2005 National NAGPRA Program Pueblo of Jemez Tribal Repatriation Grant: $13,150 2004 National Park Service Historic Preservation Fund Grant: $32,500 “Protecting and Preserving Sacred Jemez Places: The Jemez Traditional Cultural Properties Documentation Project”</p><p>2003.2005 National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant: $9190 “The Guadalupe Mesa Archaeological Project: An Archaeological Examination of Pueblo Revolt Era Revitalization” 2003-2005 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Dissertation Fieldwork Grant: $9190</p><p>“The Guadalupe Mesa Archaeological Project: An Archaeological Examination of Pueblo Revolt Era Revitalization”</p><p>2002 University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Sorensen Field Funds Grant: $2500 2001 University of Pennsylvania Department of Anthropology Field Research Grant: $3000 1995 Dorot Foundation Near Eastern Archaeology Travel Grant: $1500</p><p>Liebmann CV 5 TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2009- Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Undergraduate: ANTHRO 1010: Introduction to Archaeological Methods and Reasoning ANTHRO 1080: Archaeology of North America ANTHRO 1190: Encountering the Conquistadors ANTHRO 97x: Sophomore Tutorial Graduate: ANTHRO 2070a: Archaeological Method and Theory ANTHRO 2085: Archaeology of Religion and Ritual</p><p>2006-2008 College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA Undergraduate: ANTH 314: Mesoamerican Archaeology ANTH 321: Encountering the Conquistadors ANTH 470: Archaeology of the American Southwest ANTH 350: Archaeological Mapping and Spatial Analysis Graduate: ANTH 603: Archaeological Theory ANTH 617: Archaeological Mapping and Spatial Analysis</p><p>2002 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Undergraduate: ANTH 001: Introduction to Archaeology </p><p>ORGANIZED CONFERENCE SESSIONS AND SYMPOSIA 2008 The Archaeology of Indigenous Resistance to the Spanish Conquest. School of Advanced Research Seminar, Santa Fe, NM. Seminar Co-Organizer with Melissa Murphy. 2007 The Archaeology of Indigenous Resistance to Spanish Colonization in the New World. Symposium Co-Chair, Co-Organizer (with Melissa Murphy), Society for American Archaeology 72nd Annual Meetings, Austin, TX. *2007 Amerind Foundation Seminar Award Finalist 2006 Exploring the Archaeology of the Jemez Province, New Mexico Symposium Co-Chair, Co-Organizer (with Jeremy Kulisheck), Society for American Archaeology 71st Annual Meetings, San Juan, PR. 2005 Situating Archaeology in the Postcolonial Condition Symposium Co-Chair, Co-Organizer (with Uzma Rizvi), Society for American Archaeology 70th Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City *2005 Amerind Foundation Seminar Award Finalist</p><p>CONFERENCE PAPERS and PARTICIPATION 2014 Catechesis and Catachresis in the Pueblo Missions of 17th Century New Mexico. Invited paper presented in the session “Indigenous People and Foreign Things: Archaeologies of Consumption in the Americas.” Society for American Archaeology 79th Annual Meetings, Austin, TX 2014 Charles Golden and Matthew Liebmann. Archaeology Should be Engaging. Invited paper presented in the session “Archaeology Should be ______: A Cohort’s Perspective of Participation, Publics, and Paradigms.” Society for American Archaeology 79th Annual Meetings, Austin, TX 2014 Discussant for the session “Archaeological Approaches to the Production of Power in the Colonial Andes.” Society for American Archaeology 79th Annual Meetings, Austin, TX 2014 The Archaeology of Franciscans and Pueblos in the Lands of the “Backsliding, Apostate Rebels of the Jemez Nation.” Invited Speaker, Academy of American Franciscan History 7th Annual </p><p>Liebmann CV 6 Caldwell Conference, Franciscan Florida in pan-Borderlands Perspective: Adaptation, Negotiation, and Resistance. Flagler College, St. Augustine, FL. 2014 In the Eye of the Beholder: Hybridity, Purity, and Classification in 17th Century New Mexico. Invited Speaker for Hybridity in Practice workshop, organized by P. van Dommelen and A. Jimenez. Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University. 2014 Turning the Archaeology of Colonialism on its Head. Invited paper presented in the session “Questions that Will Count in the Future.” Society for Historical Archaeology 47th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, Quebec, Canada. 2013 Roundtable Discussant, “The Past, Present, and Future of Ethnohistory: The American Society for Ethnohistory at Sixty.” American Society for Ethnohistory 59th Annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA. 2012 On the Borders of Borderlands: Negotiating Authority in the Seventeenth-Century Pueblos of New Mexico. Invited paper presented in the session “Power at the Limits of Authority in Pre-Modern Polities,” Society for American Archaeology 76th Annual Meetings, Memphis, TN. 2012 The Pueblo World Transformed: Alliances, Animosities, and Factionalism in the Northern Rio Grande, 1680-1700. Invited paper co-authored with Robert Preucel and Woody Aguilar for the session “Transformations during the Colonial Era: Divergent Histories in the American Southwest,” Society for American Archaeology 77th Annual Meetings, Memphis, TN. 2012 Discussant for the session “Social Life Rearticulated: A Discussion of Social Restructuring Within Indigenous Groups During the Colonial-Era.” Society for Historical Archaeology 45th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, Baltimore, MD. 2012 Historical and Collaborative Archaeologies in the Spanish Borderlands. Invited paper presented in the session “The Historical Archaeology of Native Americans: Past Reflections and Future Directions.” 45th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, Baltimore, MD. 2011 Sacred and Dangerous: The effects of Spanish Colonialism (and Pueblo Rebellion) on Obsidian Procurement in the American Southwest. Invited paper presented in the session “Archaeological Approaches to Indigenous Post-conquest Developments in New Spain and Central America: Papers in Memory of Thomas H. Charlton,” Society for American Archaeology 76th Annual Meetings, Sacramento, CA. 2011 A Decade of Broken Bells: Pueblo Revolution and Revitalization in 17th Century New Mexico. University of New Mexico Graduate Student Union Symposium, Albuquerque, NM. 2011 Pueblo Landscapes of Resistance to Spanish Colonialism in 17th Century New Mexico. Invited Paper presented at Open Workshop on Human Development in Landscapes, Christian-Albrects- Universität zu Kiel, Germany. 2011 Charisma, the Stockholm Syndrome, and the Role of Individuals in the Formation of 17th Century Pueblo Communities in New Mexico. Invited paper presented in the session "Sited between Household and Region: Archaeological Examinations of Neighborhood and Community." Society for Historical Archaeology 44th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, Austin, Tx. 2010 Revitalizing the Pueblo World: The Materiality of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Invited paper presented in the Canada Program Annual Conference "Materiality and Cultural Translation: An Interdisciplinary Approach." Weatherhead Center For International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 2010 Re-Imagining 21st Century New Mexico through 17th Century Colonialism (Or, "What's so Neo- about Neo-Colonialism?"). Invited paper presented in the session "Materiality and Memory Practice: Tools of Collaborative Decolonization." Theoretical Archaeology Group 2010, Providence, RI. 2010 An Archaeology of Apostasy: Pueblo Revolution and Revitalization in 17th-Century New Mexico. Invited paper presented in the session "Archaeology Now: Intersections of Theory, Method, and Practice in the 21st Century." Plenary Session of the Society for American Archaeology 75th Anniversary Meetings, St. Louis, MO. 2010 Discussant. Negotiating the Practicalities and Ethics of Collaborative Research. Society for American Archaeology 75th Anniversary Meetings, St. Louis, Mo. 2009 You Don't Bring Sand to the Beach: Source Provenience Studies of Obsidian Artifacts from Ancestral Jemez Pueblos. Paper presented at the 81st Annual Pecos Conference of Southwestern Archaeology, Cortez, CO.</p><p>Liebmann CV 7 2009 Discussant. First Harvard Australian Studies Symposium. Harvard University, April 17-18. 2009 Hybridity and its Homologues: The Material Culture of Colonial Encounters in the Pueblo Southwest. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Visiting Scholar Conference, “Hybrid Material Culture: The Archaeology of Syncretism and Ethnogenesis,” sponsored by the Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Il. 2008 Counterfactual Theory and the Archaeology of the Spanish Reconquista in New Mexico. Third Annual Kolb Fellows Autumn Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, PA. 2008 Does Pueblo History End with the Historic Period? Or, Why We Need More Time in the Archaeology of the American Southwest. Invited Paper presented in the session “Lost in Transition: Decolonizing Indigenous Histories at the ‘Prehistoric/Colonial’ Intersection through Inclusion, Collaboration, and Engagement." 2008 annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA. 2008 The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: Pueblo Resistance and Complicity during the Spanish Reconquista of New Mexico. Paper presented in the seminar “The Archaeology of Indigenous Resistance to the Spanish Conquest.” School of Advanced Research, Santa Fe, NM. 2008 Religious Rites, Human Rights, and the Archaeology of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 in Colonial New Mexico. Invited Paper presented at the George Mason University Public Symposium on Archaeology, “Archaeology and Human Rights,” Washington D.C. 2008 Trading the Pope for Po’pay: The Archaeology of Pueblo Independence, 1680-1692. Invited Paper presented in the session “People, Land, and Empire: A Historical Archaeology Perspective on New Mexico’s Past.” Society for Historical Archaeology 41st Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. 2007 Amnesia and Re-Membering in Seventeenth-Century New Mexico. Paper presented in the session “The Archaeology of Indigenous Resistance to Spanish Colonization in the New World.” Society for American Archaeology 72nd Annual Meetings, Austin, TX. 2007 De-Centering Hybridty: The Intersections of Archaeology and Postcolonial Studies in Seventeenth-Century New Mexico. Invited paper presented in the session “Checking the Theoretical ‘Posts’: Examining Theory in Historical Archaeology.” Society for Historical Archaeology 40th Annual Meetings, Williamsburg, VA. 2006 The Spanish Colonial Period in the Lands of the “Backsliding, Apostate Rebels of the Jemez Nation” Paper presented in the session “Exploring the Jemez Province, New Mexico.” Society for American Archaeology 71st Annual Meetings, San Juan, PR. 2005 Keres-Jemez Settlement during the Pueblo Revolt Era </p><p>Invited paper presented in the session “Recent Research in the Northern Rio Grande.” 78th Annual Pecos Conference of Southwestern Archaeology, White Rock, NM 2005 Introducing Postcolonial Theory to the Archaeology of Native America Paper presented in the session “Situating Archaeology within the Postcolonial Condition.” Society for American Archaeology 70th Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City 2004 Pueblo Revolt Revitalization and the End of Jemez Black-on-White Ceramics Paper presented at the 77th Annual Pecos Conference of Southwestern Archaeology, Bluff, UT 2004 (third author with A. Rene Munoz, Luis Romero, and Edwin Roman) Archaeological Investigations at the Classic Maya site of Tecolote, El Peten, Guatemala Paper presented to the XVIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, July 2004, Guatemala City, Guatemala 2003 Changes in Pueblo Site Planning through the Contact Period: An Investigation of the Spatial Organization of Jemez Villages from the 1500s to Today Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology 68th Annual Meetings, Milwaukee 2002 The Organization of Labor in Historic Period Pueblo Construction: An Example from the Jemez Region, North Central New Mexico Paper presented at the 75th Annual Pecos Conference of Southwestern Archaeology, Pecos, NM 2002 (Re)Constructing the Pueblo World, 1680-1694: Ideology and Symbolism in Revolt Period Material Culture. Invited paper presented in the session “The Archaeology of Religion in the Ancient Southwest.” Society for American Archaeology 67th Annual Meetings, Denver</p><p>Liebmann CV 8 2001 Revolution, Religion, and Recursivity: Eastern Pueblo Identities and the Revolt of 1680 Invited paper presented in the session “Agency and Identity in the Archaeological Record.” Society for American Archaeology 66th Annual Meetings, New Orleans. 2000 New Interpretations of the Big Horn Medicine Wheel Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology 65th Annual Meetings, Philadelphia.</p><p>REPORTS 2008 Historic Ceramics from Jemez Pueblo in the Maxwell Museum Collections: An Investigation of the Ellis Excavations of 1955 at Walatowa. Report on file with the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, and the Pueblo of Jemez Department of Resource Protection, Jemez Pueblo, NM.</p><p>2007 Ceramic Investigations of the Historic Occupation at Boletsakwa (LA 136), a Pueblo Revolt-era Jemez Village on the Santa Fe National Forest. Report on file with USDA Forest Service, Santa Fe, and the Pueblo of Jemez Department of Resource Protection, Jemez Pueblo, NM.</p><p>2004 The Guadalupe Mesa Archaeological Project: Preliminary Results of the 2004 Field Season, detailing investigations at LA 136, LA 1825, LA 96 and LA 2048 Report on file with USDA Forest Service, Santa Fe, and the Pueblo of Jemez Department of Resource Protection, Jemez Pueblo, NM.</p><p>2004 (with Fabiola Quiroa) El mapeo del sitio arqueologico Tecolote, Peten, Guatemala, in Informe Preliminar No. 2, Proyecto Regional Arqueologico Sierra del Lacandon, Luis Romero and Charles Golden, eds. Pp. 67-72. Report on file with Instituto de Antropologia e Historia de Guatemala, Guatemala City.</p><p>2003 The Guadalupe Mesa Archaeological Project: Preliminary Results of the 2003 Field Season, detailing investigations at LA 1825, LA 96 and LA 2048 Report on file with USDA Forest Service, Santa Fe, and the Pueblo of Jemez Department of Resource Protection, Jemez Pueblo, NM.</p><p>2002 The Guadalupe Mesa Archaeological Project: Preliminary Results of the 2002 Field Season, detailing investigations at LA 1825 and LA 23703 Report on file with USDA Forest Service, Santa Fe, and the Pueblo of Jemez Department of Resource Protection, Jemez Pueblo, NM.</p><p>2001 The Guadalupe Mesa Archaeological Project: Report of the 2001 Field Season Report on file with USDA Forest Service, Santa Fe, and the Pueblo of Jemez Department of Resource Protection, Jemez Pueblo, NM.</p><p>2000 Archaeological Documentation of Cavate Art in Bandelier National Monument: Groups C, E, F, and M Report on file with the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Bandelier National Monument, White Rock, NM.</p><p>FIELDWORK</p><p>2012- Co-Principal Investigator (with Tom Swetnam, Chris Roos, and T.J. Ferguson) Jemez FHiRE Project, Santa Fe National Forest, NM 2009-2012 Principal Investigator (in collaboration with Jemez Pueblo) Wavema Archaeological Research Program, Jemez Valley, New Mexico 2001-2008 Principal Investigator (in collaboration with Jemez Pueblo)</p><p>Liebmann CV 9 Guadalupe Mesa Archaeological Project, Jemez Valley, New Mexico 2004 Cartographer Proyecto Regional Arqueologico Sierra del Lacandon, Peten, Guatemala Directed by Dr. Charles Golden, Brandeis University 2002 Excavation Crew Burnt Corn Pueblo, Galisteo Basin, New Mexico</p><p>Directed by Dr. James Snead, George Mason University 2000 Archaeological Survey Team Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico</p><p>Directed by Prof. Frank Matero, University of Pennsylvania 1999 Excavation Crew Silver Creek Archaeological Project, Arizona</p><p>Directed by Dr. Barbara Mills, University of Arizona 1996-1998 Director and program coordinator, Oglala Youth Center Teacher, Red Cloud High School Pine Ridge (Oglala Lakota) Indian Reservation, South Dakota 1995 Excavation Field Crew Tel Ashkelon, Israel Directed by Dr. Larry Stager, Harvard University</p><p>SERVICE 2014- Provost’s Advisory Council on Native American and Indigenous Issues 2014- Advisory Committee, Jemez Historic Site, New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs 2013- SAA Native American Scholarships Committee 2013- Committee on Ethnicity, Migration, and Human Rights, Harvard University 2011-15 SAA Committee on Native American Relations 2013-14 Program Committee, Society for American Archaeology 79th Annual Meetings 2013-14 Archaeology Program Chair, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University 2012-2013 Department of Anthropology Space Committee 2011-12 Harvard Anthropology Society Faculty Advisor 2011-12, 13-14 Department of Anthropology Curriculum Committee 2011-12 Freshman Advisor 2011, ‘13 Harvard Opening Days Discussion Leader 2009- Standing Committee on Archaeology, Harvard University 2009-2013 Ethnic Studies Committee, Harvard University 2009- Tozzer Library Advisory Committee 2008- Editorial Advisory Board, Silpakorn University Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Bangkok, Thailand 2007-2008 College of William and Mary Dept. of American Studies Executive Committee 2007-2008 Freshman and Transfer Student Advisor, College of William and Mary 2007-2008 Graduate Program Committee, Dept. of Anthropology, College of William and Mary 2006-2007 Undergraduate Program Committee, Dept. of Anthropology, College of William and Mary 2006-2008 Faculty Advisor, Anthropology Club, College of William and Mary 2006-2008 Faculty Advisor, Lambda Alpha Honor Society, College of William and Mary 2005-2006 Program Committee, Society for American Archaeology 71st Annual Meetings</p><p>Reviewer, National Science Foundation (Archaeology), National Geographic Society, American Anthropologist, Current Anthropology, American Antiquity, Expedition, Museum Anthropology, Journal of Social Archaeology, Journal of Archaeological Research, Kiva, Altamira Press, SAR Press, University of Arizona Press, International Journal of Historical Archaeology</p><p>Liebmann CV 10 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS American Anthropological Association Society for American Archaeology Society for Historical Archaeology American Society for Ethnohistory New Mexico Archaeological Council Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society</p><p>Liebmann CV 11</p>
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