4 - THE SUN, TUESDAY, APRIL "80, 1912. 111 for thn repose of tho soiiIr of thewj who on tho ntntid a week njjo, nnd hi? Ixrn - over fllice, wnx recalled. Quostlonod ITITANIC'S DEAD DUE AT went to tholr death In tho Titanic dle- TITANIC INQUIRY iwiti tiltotit the unidentified whip noir nwtpr. tin- - Titntih'. thn tiretetiun of which lloxli.llt I Tim White Star I inn denied yoidordfty wiiM llr.sl to reveal to ll.o commit leo, that any iicwn of tlu recovery of Titanic i thn ar- I It i he n.ild ho wim Hiiro II w,n a hIc.uihIiI bodies U holtiR withheld or that (Jo. TO-DA- were Altaian & i Ikxmiiko no sailing vcwol would (xirry tlio HALIFAX EARLY Y rangement!, for reeelvlni; tho bodies $. i Htit'ii us no saw rrom trio not in every way adeiuat HEARS ITS CLOSE! intitliiiad llRlitt " i Everything Ik beinc arranged for in maun'. d- - el t Imi went bent manner," ran tho Wilds "foil rocltetn von ut) from tho 'the 'litanie l repirdod an anylliini; hut big-- I at nii'l. "Iloth local civil and military ax Stciiinpr Should Dock olllclal- - nro (loins I i.i - of dltii'!?" lie wni linked. well a White Star A SPECIAL SALE OF "I couldn't .iv. I was under them (ind Dclnycil evervthiui: which can be done with facili- Senate Committee Is Done liko from a oTIock Storm ties available hero Kvery cotirteny in tpT. dnii't know what tliey looked distiiiiee." Her Yesterday. belnj; xhown and there is absolutely noth- With the Officers "Hive yon ever wen at oca rocket ing more which can be done," WOMEN'S MOURNING SUITS c DRESSES llreil otlierwinii than a dNtron hIkii.-iIx- Sr. .Ioiiv, X. B , April 211 -- The captain Mcunihip Allan i Thi eomniitleo Iiim niid A of the Sardinian of the UK NETS 13 RODTES to-da- y '.iMt.'e Huiltli "that iho 'California!! was MINI l.lne, which has urrlvcd here, told WILL BE HELD THIS DAY (TUESDAY) only fourteen mile.? from the illume. or kI.Ihc aid to the steamship Muckay. think you could huvo wen the I Bennett, which was "earchlnir for bodies 1 rpf II V '"'i I hlUUl IMJ UU r1 aliforni.in from the Titanic?" Ami Doesn't Think She'll Flntl '' ',T"a"!?.Ih? 5S!f!2 CHINE & CHINA SILK I "1 shouldn't think m. Klvanillc is (ho if's nat ,".u it ill i 'iu titui itiiift ut Min " DRESSES OF CREPE DE $25.00 I distance thercKUl.itlotiH, the Uritih Hoard Many .More, Thoujrh Her j n 'wireless niessuiru was received from Orientals of Trade rtMiiirus a tmtthe.id light to the Miiekiiy-Hentif- tt which wild: "Be-- 1 Bruce Ismay Will (io on; TAILOR-MAD- E SUITS OF SERGE AT J. I nhow under average eotiditiomi." Search Will Continue. covering bodies of Titanic. Will naming $25.00 & 32.00 . , con- To-da- y "Do von think if tho falifornian had let us imve nil the canvass unu uunap Requisition is the Stand to ! fired rockeln you could have neeii them tli.it you cm wre? lr....i II... 'I'll. .I.!..'" At 7 o clock name morning thn , stantly made on Wild's -- Mackay-Hninii't- t. that Hampat. N. S., April Tlio tt MOURNING DEPARTMENT. THIRD FLOOR End His Story. "Not at fourteen mile"," replied Bos-- 1 :. Sardinian met tho Maekay-Henne- ana country hall. with thn foodie of Titanic vie pent a loan or canvas ami ounap 10 nor, Orientals for - Senitor Smith then entered Into a flit tltnn on board, will not reach hero until . This material was ucd in wrapping tho llf, 1 house rugs. OPr...AIOI, IlItlDr. till ctunloti of tho watertight comp.irttnentt 9 oVloo'c morning, (.'apt. ' bodies on tho cable ship. At that time the Mackuy-llenne- tt 208 of the Titanic, and brought out tlio fact y stated tlvat sho had I sent a wiri,i., despatcn ih H the silllntrs iiu.l Dm Imtcl.es had not ''Anuler i..,,,.,..' i.,,,.. To furnish rugs which n"Ut " water under i';""""""0, r1aont,,1 hur, noinclng Tho captain of tho Bardlnlnn Mid that ; dec- Cottntll Hovlinll- find Wolllter w'''ind Iilu util I 1, 1 i. Inl wrMLrncA properly meet the pr.Hiirt. Mr HISO (li"VMOn'H wr. I 111 ) iii) in iiuiii iifiuyi'ii i nun it ...I ..f nnrl 1 iiui nruiiiri. I . WOMEN'S COATS AND WRAPS Finish Their Versions tli it the hatch"s were not closed and thus 1 fixed u o'clock mornlnR also passed near two lod.es, ono a woman orative requirements of , Ix.xly , the water euterinv; throiixli tho K.ish B - ,i, ,,.lriiMf v, m.nlil utnnri in mult,' vcarinx " fur coat. The other of ' In up In ' lie Hiifllcieutly to ; Disaster. the ship's side was able to come this port could not lUstlnniilshed the modern Summer Mile to I lie necks aoove. (leiemiiue wneiuer ii was n mail or it lluih WollniT of London, one of the lncent Astor. who arrived yesterday woman. The Allan liner (dalitcd the field home has been made a POPULAR STYLES HAVE BEEN MADE UP EXPRESSLY 1 morn-- , also Wasiii.noto.v, April :o. -- The first Indi , survivors, contributed another brief called at the White Star offices this of ice so many times reported and separate study by the Mrs. Mackay-Bennett- Minla .chanter to the story of Mr and Ing to inquire, as to 's was in communication the shin cation of the appraoch of the end of the the then way to relieve tho FOR AN IMPORTANT SALE TO TAKE PLACE AS i,i,ir Straus arrival. Me also visited an undertaker, which was on her Wild experts. Senate investigation into the Titanic Straus twice refused to Ret into a Mackay-Benue- tt in tho warch for bodies. .r and looked at his disaster was noted when Sena-- 1 llfi'boat," said Wollner, "The second the casket selected for FOLLOWS. THIS DAY (TUESDAY): 1 y V. A. Smith, rlinirninn Mill, time i went to Mr. Straus and told hi 111 father's remains. Then h made arrange- Tho White Star Mno received This study has had tor of the objection in- it was sure there would be no ments for transferring the body to the two wireless messages from the cablo de- committee which is conduct inn th Mackay-Bennet- ample play in the COATS . 1 to an old O'liilcm.'iii like himc!f Retting railway station uud shipping it at once ship t. Tho first, via Cap CHEVIOT TRAVELING $ 2.75 quiry, announced he was through exam- into the lilYlx-a- ' I told him there was Itaco, reads as follows: velopment of the Sum- ining the officers and crew of the sunken plenty of room in It for both himself and to New Vork. "Please read W. Hanton to l Whlnton." liner. He notified the officials of the Ills wife Me replied that he would not According to the captain of tho Minla Tho onicials Mievo this to lie W. Hinton, mer cottage into a home CHEVIOT. WHIPCORD AND TAFFETA COATS 18.50 White Star Mne that the men were at ro before thu other men around him left there Is little hope that more tliun It) who was a firemen on tho Titanic. tin- - " cable, whose comfort is now as liberty to Kneland. All shin per cent, of the bodies of the dead will The following message from the CHANGEABLE MESSALINE WRAPS . 25.00 to return have Another Incident In the conduct of Cnpt. ship Mlnia was forwarded from Halifax much conserved as been impatient to do so since early list Smith was described bv Mr. Wollner. ever be recovered. Capt. Decartcret in by the agents of the White Star Unothero that week. "When 1 came on the boat dock," he a message t shore says that he does to tho White Star offices In this city yes- of the city house. Senator Smith also announced that he said, "the captain was on the port. side, not think there Is any possibility of pick terday afternoon: would call J. Bruce Ismay. president of ing up any more than they havo now. 41 j rr"! 'JaS t'o.erod urounds between latitude Eight or ten small Ori- the International Mercantile Marine I em- - 'i ,70;;n tlll, down on A meeting was held this afternoon in degrees in minutes nnd 41 degrees So min- Wlt t,,,s.seni,.rs the Attorney-denera- l. entals, pany one of of tly- - , I the office of the which utes and longitude 40 degrees minutes ranging from $15 and the survivors deck, as intend to load tho boats from M ii I was attended by Premier (i Murray, and 43 degrees. Thus fnr only thirteen Titanic disaster, to the stand there.' Attornev-CieneralO.- to $35 each, change T Daniels and United bodies. say none neon. the He expected to finish with Mr j "1 ''l " haven't you Steamers passing said he 'PJ"!". States t'onnul-fiener- J W. Hagsdale. ..-1- 1 . i. .i . inn,iHM v.. j ,,,at ilx "'a , i Oil. I II pv,.ii puuui uim rim, M.uua, u whole aspect of a small 4 Ismay during the day. Mr ismay's "la" The point to be deck dint this conference ,.. no , reia,lvP4 ft,'.'"-- to that mlstn testimony is expected to prove the climux i n'v' Ood, vou're rlRht,' ho said. 'I concerned tneproctureiortne.afniiiica: , ,,, ,..,, ,,..,,.,., ..
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