2014 SAP SE Or an SAP Affiliate Company. All Rights Reserved s2

2014 SAP SE Or an SAP Affiliate Company. All Rights Reserved s2

<p>Payment Engine from SAP 7.0 October 2014 English</p><p>Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91) Building Block Configuration Guide</p><p>SAP SE Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide </p><p>Copyright</p><p>© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. Please see http://global.sap.com/corporate-en/legal/copyright/index.epx#trademark for additional trademark information and notices. Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP SE or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP SE or SAP affiliate company products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. In particular, SAP SE or its affiliated companies have no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this document or any related presentation, or to develop or release any functionality mentioned therein. This document, or any related presentation, and SAP SE’s or its affiliated companies’ strategy and possible future developments, products, and/or platform directions and functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAP SE or its affiliated companies at any time for any reason without notice. The information in this document is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates, and they should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 2 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide </p><p>Icons</p><p>Icon Meaning Caution</p><p>Example</p><p>Note</p><p>Recommendation</p><p>Syntax</p><p>Typographic Conventions</p><p>Type Style Description Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools.</p><p>EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 3 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide </p><p>Contents</p><p>1 Purpose...... 5 2 Preparation...... 5 2.1 Prerequisites...... 5 3 Configuration...... 5 3.1 Maintaining Enrichment and Validation Check Sets...... 6 3.1 Defining Payment Order Types...... 8 3.2 Defining Planned Processing Offsets...... 10 3.3 Maintaining and Assigning Transaction Types for Payment Items...... 11 3.4 Maintaining SEPA Timeframe Validation...... 13 3.5 Defining Reasons for Return...... 15 3.6 Mapping PE Return Reason to Outgoing ISO Code...... 16 3.7 Mapping External Return Reasons to PE Return Reasons...... 17 3.8 Defining Transaction Types for R-Transaction Types...... 18 3.9 File Handler...... 20 3.9.1 Maintaining Converter Attributes...... 20 3.9.2 Determining PE Transaction Type...... 20 3.9.3 Determining Payment Order Type...... 22 3.9.4 Determining PE Transaction Type...... 23 3.9.5 Determining Payment Order Priority...... 25 3.9.6 Determining the Authorization Flag for Payment Orders...... 26 3.10 Proxy Settings...... 28 3.10.1 Maintaining Transfer of Posting Date...... 28 3.10.2 Maintaining AM Medium...... 29 3.11 Clearing Agreement...... 30 3.11.1 Route Rules...... 30 3.11.2 Creating Clearing Agreement...... 31 3.11.3 Clearing Agreement Rule...... 33 3.11.4 Changing Clearing Agreement...... 35</p><p>© SAP SE Page 4 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management</p><p>1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe the general configuration steps required to manually set up the configuration within the system landscape that has already been installed using the corresponding installation or configuration guides for installation. If you do not want to configure manually and prefer automated installation using BC Sets and other tools, refer to the Quick Guide of your SAP rapid-deployment solution that is attached to the SAP Note. This document supplements the existing Customizing documentation in the Implementation Guide (IMG) and provides additional information where required. In general, to be able to start configuring the attributes related to the loan life cycles, some general settings for Banking Services must be made. </p><p>2 Preparation</p><p>This building block is built for Payment Engine from SAP 7.0 2.1 Prerequisites Before starting the installation, complete the following activities:  Read the Quick Guide document delivered with the specific SAP RDS package.  Ensure that you meet the recommended prerequisites.  Install the prerequisite building blocks. - For more information, see the document Prerequisites_Matrix_<pc>_<pv>_EN_XX. xls. The placeholder [pc] depends on the RDS Packages you use, for example RDS_FS_LOANS refers to the SAP Loans Management rapid-deployment solution, the placeholder [pv ] depends on the product version, for example BNK80 refers to Banking services from SAP 8.0, EN refers to the language like EN for English language and [xx] depends on the country version for example XX for Cross Country, in full for example Prerequisites_Matrix_RDS_FS_LOANS_BNK80_EN_XX.xls. - This document can be found in the Step-by-Step Guide on Deploy  Implement Options Manual Activation  Content Library  Prerequisites Matrix.</p><p>3 Configuration The following section describes the complete settings for this building block. These settings can be divided into three main groups: 1. Prerequisite settings that have to be checked and which were delivered by SAP (as part of the standard delivery): The term Check refers to these prerequisite settings. Specify all prerequisites necessary for the configuration of this building block (even if this means describing a complete table). Prerequisite settings are those settings that direct or influence the business process. Do not describe settings that are for documentation purposes only and that do not influence the process, such as generic code lists for currencies or countries. These settings are not described as prerequisites. 2. Settings defined by the customer (in the customer namespace and customer-specific):</p><p>© SAP SE Page 5 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide The system uses automation to request individual customer settings during the personalization process. These settings can be made initially or can be reused from existing SAP ERP layers and are indicated in the text by <your value>. If you need to explain the customer value, choose one of the following options:  If you have a short explanation, enter it directly in the table.  If you need a longer explanation, add an asterisk * after the customer value (<your value>*) and explain the value in the Comment paragraph. 3. Additional settings that need to be made, which are covered either by automation or by manual configuration (in the customer namespace): The term Create refers to these additional settings in the text. Personalization In this configuration guide, some fields are marked with (*) – Personalized field. If the solution is implemented manually using the delivered configuration guides, the fields marked for personalization have to be taken into consideration. During the configuration, you have to adjust the values provided for these fields in line with the values relevant for your implementation (for example, the currency in the configuration guides is marked as personalized field. Always replace the specified currency (EUR) with the currency relevant for your RDS). For more details on personalization, see sections 7.2.1 and in the Quick Guide. The overview table in the Quick Guide lists all the fields/values that are personalized along with a brief explanation. 3.1 Maintaining Enrichment and Validation Check Sets Use A set of enrichment and validation checks has to be defined in order to perform SEPA direct debit specific processing checks and validations. The defined check set has to be assigned to a determination rule set. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: SAP Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  Payment Order  Payment Order Enrichment and Validation  Maintain Enrichment and Validation Check Sets Transaction code SPRO 2. Choose Maintain E&V Check under Dialog Structure. 3. On the Change View “Maintain E&V Check Set”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 4. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, create the following settings: User Clearing Check Rule Flag Short Long Action Area (*) Set ID Type Description Description Create RDS000 6 3 X BS RCP CHECK SET RTANS ID FOR R- RCPS BANKING SERVICES (*) Personalized field 5. Choose Save to save your entries. 6. On the Change View “Assign Checks to E&V Check Sets”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 6 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide 7. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, create the following settings: User Clearing Check Set Check Sequence Severity Action Area (*) ID ID Create RDS000 24 19 15 N – Normal Create RDS000 3 15 10 N – Normal 16 11 RDS000 6 7 2 N – Normal 14 13 165 3 168 4 173 5 174 6 175 1 181 7 184 8 219 9 (*) Personalized field 8. Choose Save to save your entries. 9. On the Change View “Maintain Transaction Type Groups for E&V”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 10. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, create the following settings: User Clearing Transaction Type Short Long Description Action Area (*) Group for E&V Description Create RDS000 EV_RTRANS STANDARD STANDARD CHECKS R-TRAN FOR R-TRANSACTION ITEMS (*) Personalized field 11. Choose Save to save your entries. 12. Choose Assign E&V Check Set for Payment Item under Dialog Structure. 13. On the Change View “Assign E&V Check Set for Payment Item”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 14. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, create the following settings: User Clearing Transac E&V Execu- Int. Cha- For- Inter- Chec Action Area (*) tion Set tion Rou nnel mat nal k Set Type Typ Time te ID Group e for E&V Create RDS000 EV_RTR 2 E /PAYXI /XI N 3 ANS 2 E X /PAYXI /XI Y 3 2 S /PAYXI /XI N 3 2 S X /PAYXI /XI Y 3 2 S /PAYXI /XI N 3 2 S X /PAYXI /XI Y 3 (*) Personalized field 15. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings:</p><p>© SAP SE Page 7 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.1 Defining Payment Order Types Use In this activity, you define the inbound and outbound payment order types for SEPA direct debit processing. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  Payment Order  Define Payment Order Types Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Define Payment Order Types”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, define the following settings: User Clearing Payment Payment Payment Order Type Long Action Area (*) Order Type Order Type Description Description Create RDS000 PACS3I SDD SDD incoming order incoming IB (Interbank) RDS000 PACS4O Ret outgoing Return outgoing order </p><p>© SAP SE Page 8 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide User Clearing Payment Payment Payment Order Type Long Action Area (*) Order Type Order Type Description Description IB (Interbank) (*) Personalized field Payment Order Attributes 1 User Payment Futu Man Paym Cleari Orderi Recipi Turn Activ Actio Order re ual ent ng ng ent Over e n Category Proc. Rele Order Item Party Item Item Retur ase Numb Numb Item Numb Numb n er er Numb er er Range Range er Range Range Range Crea 1001 01 01 01 01 01 te 1002 01 01 01 01 01</p><p>Payment Order Attributes 2 User Auth PI Paym Embar Excep Enrich Functio Recall Archiv Actio . Emb ent go tion ment nal Mana ing n Time argo Item Check Handli and Monitor gmt. Payme Out Time Embar ng Validati ing Group nt Out go Group on Group Order Time Group Group Out Crea 00:0 00:00: EV_ST FM_ST ARC_ te 0:00 00 D D SEPA 00:0 00:00: FM_ST 0:00 00 D 4. Choose Save. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011</p><p>© SAP SE Page 9 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.2 Defining Planned Processing Offsets Use Definition of processing time offsets in order to calculate the planned processing time for payment orders based on the payment order due date. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  Payment Order  Payment Order Enrichment and Validation  Define Planned Processing Offsets Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Planned Processing Offsets”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, define the following settings: User Clearing Payment Processing Time Unit Calendar Action Area (*) Order Type Offset Create RDS000 PACS3I 5 1 – Days 99 4. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008</p><p>© SAP SE Page 10 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.3 Maintaining and Assigning Transaction Types for Payment Items Use Transaction types define the payment business product for each payment item. In order to process SEPA direct debit items specific payment transaction types have to be defined. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  Payment Item  Transaction Types and Transaction Type Groups  Maintain and Assign Transaction Types for Payment Items Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Maintenance: Transaction Types”: screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, define the following settings: User Clearing Transaction Short Long Description Action Area (*) Type Description Create RDS000 071102 Bank Debit Credit from Bank DD Create RDS000 009050 SEPA DD SEPA Direct Debit Return Return (*) Personalized field Transaction Type Attributes 1 User Payment Payme Cre Accou Chequ Rever Trans Trans Tran Actio Item nt Form dit/ nt e sal action action sacti n Categor Type Deb Holde Numb Indica Type Type on y it r er tor Group Group Type Ind. Indica Indica Route Value Grou tor tor Proce Dating p </p><p>© SAP SE Page 11 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Transaction Type Attributes 1 ssing Exce ption Hand ling Crea 01 X X te Crea 02 X te</p><p>Transaction Type Attributes 2 User Tran Tran Reser Trans Maxim Curren Transa Valid Hand- Actio sacti sacti vation action um cy of ction Trans Off to n on on Active Type Amou Maximu Type action Excep Type Type Group nt m Group Type tion Grou Grou Enrich Amoun Recall Indica Handli p p ment t tor ng Func Func and tiona tiona Valida l l tion Moni Moni torin torin g g Crea EV_S X 2 te TD Crea EV_R X 2 te TRAN S</p><p>Transaction Type Attributes 3 User No Transaction Active Items SEPA Map to Actio Return Type Group Return Reproce Indicator Account n Flag for ORP Split Transa ssing Management ction System Type Crea 0 – Non 0 – Not te SEPA relevant Crea X 4 SDD 0 – Not te Return relevant Converter (Active) 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Clearing Area RDS000 and PR Tr. Type 071102 and choose Maintenance: Transaction Types + Control. 6. On the Change View “Maintenance: Transaction Types + Control”: Overview screen, choose New Entries and make the following entries: Field name Entry Value Entry Value Entry Value Clearing Area RDS000 RDS000 RDS000 PE Trans. Type 071102 071102 071102</p><p>© SAP SE Page 12 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Field name Entry Value Entry Value Entry Value Payment Item control 0 Individual posting 1 Customer collector 2 Queue 7. Select Clearing Area RDS000 and PR Tr. Type 009050 and choose Maintenance: Transaction Types + Control. 8. On the Change View “Maintenance: Transaction Types + Control”: Overview screen, choose New Entries and make the following entries: Field name Entry Value Entry Value Entry Value Clearing Area RDS000 RDS000 RDS000 PE Trans. Type 009050 009050 009050 Payment Item control 0 Individual posting 1 Customer collector 2 Queue</p><p>Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.4 Maintaining SEPA Timeframe Validation Use</p><p>© SAP SE Page 13 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Transaction types define the payment business product and have to be defined for SEPA direct debit processing. Depending on the transaction type, SEPA SDD timeframe offsets have to be defined. Procedure 16. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: SAP Menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  SEPA  Maintain SEPA Timeframe Validation Transaction code SPRO 17. On the Change View “Maintain SEPA Timeframe Validation”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 18. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, create the following settings: User Clearin Trans Transac Ret Maxim Tim Mini Ti Co Cut Action g Area - tion urn um e mum m mp -Off (*) action Type Rea Offset Uni Offs e are Type Group son t et Un Bas for it is Enrichm for ent and Off Validati set on Create RDS00 00905 55 1 1 23:5 0 0 9:59 (*) Personalized field Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016</p><p>© SAP SE Page 14 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.5 Defining Reasons for Return Use In this IMG activity, you provide short and long descriptions for return reasons. You can configure it for each clearing area separately. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  Exception Control  Active Returns  Define Reasons for Return Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Define Reasons for Return”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton and make the following entries: User Clrng Ret. Descr.: Reason for Descr.: Reason for Return Actio Area (*) Reas Return (Short) (Long) n . Creat RDS000 10 Inv. Acct. Invalid Account e Creat RDS000 70 Cust. Protest Customer Protest e 3. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011</p><p>© SAP SE Page 15 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.6 Mapping PE Return Reason to Outgoing ISO Code Use In this Customizing activity, you map Payment Engine return reasons to ISO codes for outgoing messages. This mapping is necessary to find the SEPA reason codes using internal Payment Engine reason codes for the following scenarios:  DS-03 Originator Bank Return Generate  DS-05-Debtor Bank Reject Generate  DS-05 Debtor Bank Return/Refund Generate You do not need to enter a transaction type group for exception handling or a Payment Engine transaction type. The system does not check whether the transaction type group for exception handling and the Payment Engine transaction type match or whether there are duplicate entries. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  File Handle  SEPA Format Converter  Map PE Internal Return Reason to Outgoing ISO Code Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Map PE Internal Return Reason to Outgoing ISO Code”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton and make the following entries: User Clrng TTG for PE Tr. Ret. ISO Code ISO Name Actio Area (*) EH Type Reas. n Creat RDS000 009050 10 AC01 IncorrectAccountNumber e Creat RDS000 009050 70 MS02 NotSpecifiedReasonCusto e merGenerated 3. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001</p><p>© SAP SE Page 16 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.7 Mapping External Return Reasons to PE Return Reasons Use In this Customizing activity, you map external return reasons and the external transaction type codes to return reasons defined in Payment Engine. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  File Handle  Process Integration Format Converter  Map External Return Reasons to PE Return Reasons Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Mapping of External Return Reasons to PE Return Reasons”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton and make the following entries: User Clrng Ret. Tran. Type External Return Ret. Cust init Actio Area (*) Reas. Code Reason Reas. n Creat RDS000 10 10 10 e Creat RDS000 20 20 10</p><p>© SAP SE Page 17 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide User Clrng Ret. Tran. Type External Return Ret. Cust init Actio Area (*) Reas. Code Reason Reas. n e Creat RDS000 70 70 70 X e 3. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.8 Defining Transaction Types for R-Transaction Types Use In this Customizing activity, you map original transaction types to R-transaction types, assign return reasons to a particular transaction type, and specify the transaction type of the target item. The system uses these settings to create a new payment item for the return and to determine the transaction type of the payment item. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path:</p><p>© SAP SE Page 18 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  File Handle  Process Integration Format Converter  Define Transaction Types for R-Transaction Types Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Transaction Type for Payment Items for R-Trans”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton and make the following entries: User Clrng Orig. R-Trans. External Return PE Trans. Actio Area (*) Tr. Reason n Creat RDS000 005016 01 10 009050 e Creat RDS000 005016 01 70 009050 e Creat RDS000 005016 02 10 009050 e Creat RDS000 005016 02 70 009050 e Creat RDS000 005016 03 70 009050 e 3. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019</p><p>© SAP SE Page 19 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.9 File Handler 3.9.1 Maintaining Converter Attributes Use The attributes of a converter define the logical inbound/outbound path and file name of a payment file. The logical file path and name is linked to a physical file name and file path. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  File Handler  Basic Settings  Maintain Converter Attributes Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Maintain Converter Attributes”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, define the following settings: User Forma Mediu Channe Directio Intern Externa Logical Logical Actio t m l n al File l File File File n Path Path Path Name Creat / /555 /SEPA OUT FH_OU FH_OUT FILE_SE e EDD_ T_PAT _PATH PA_OUT DS05T H _PACS4 SDD (*) Personalized field 4. Choose Save to save your entries. 3.9.2 Determining PE Transaction Type Use Definition of a rule set in order to determine the priority of a payment order type for an incoming payment order creation request via SAP Enterprise Web Service. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  File Handler  Process Integration Format Converter  Determine PE Transaction Type Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Determine PE Transaction Type”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, define the following settings:</p><p>© SAP SE Page 20 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide User Cleari Pay Ba Pa Trans D Se Cur M Max. Amt. Trans Acti ng men nk y actio ir que r- i actio on Area t Pm m n e nce enc n n (*) Proc t.- en Type c y . Type . Ba t Code t Cod sed Ite D A e Bu m e m sin Ca b t ess te it . Tr. go T Typ ry y e p Co e de Crea RDS00 0000 001 02 00500 1 EU 999.999.999.99 00500 te 0 7 9 0 R 9,00 0 Crea RDS00 0000 001 02 00905 1 EU 999.999.999.99 00905 te 0 7 9 0 R 9,00 0 (*) Personalized field 4. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field</p><p>© SAP SE Page 21 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide 3.9.3 Determining Payment Order Type Use Definition of a rule set in order to determine a payment order type for an incoming payment order creation request via SEPA SDD customer file (pain.008). Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  File Handler  SEPA Format Converter  Determine Payment Order Type Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Determine Payment Order Type”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, define the following settings: User Cleari Message Chann Form Medi Settlem Local Payme Acti ng Type el at um ent Instrum nt on Area Method ent Order (*) Type Crea RDS00 PACS.003.0 /SEPA /XML /555 CORE PACS3 te 0 01.01 I Crea RDS00 PACS.003.0 /SEPA /XML /555 CORE PACS3 te 0 01.02 I (*) Personalized field 4. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015</p><p>© SAP SE Page 22 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.9.4 Determining PE Transaction Type Use Definition of a rule set in order to determine a payment order type for an incoming payment order creation request via SEPA SDD customer file (pain.008). Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  File Handler  SEPA Format Converter  Determine PE Transaction Type Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Determine PE Transaction Type”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, define the following settings: Use Clear Paym Coll. type It S Local P R C M Max. Trans r ing ent e e Instr. . - ur i Amt. actio Acti Area Orde m q C T re n n on (*) r C u o n . Type Type at e d T c A . n e y y m c p t e e . Cre RDS0 PAC 0 0 Unspecifi E 9.999.99 07110 ate 00 S3I 1 ed U 9.999.99 2 0 B2B R 9.999,00 07110 1 2 FNAL CORE 0 07110 FNAL Unspecifi 1 ed 2 FNAL 0 B2B 07110 FNAL 1 2 CORE FNAL 0 07110 Unspecifi FNAL 1 2 ed FRST 0 07110 B2B FRST 1 2 CORE FRST 0 00501 2 Unspecifi 6 FRST ed 0 00501 FRST 2 B2B 8 FRST 0 CORE 00501 LAST 2 Unspecifi 6 LAST 0 ed 07110</p><p>© SAP SE Page 23 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Use Clear Paym Coll. type It S Local P R C M Max. Trans r ing ent e e Instr. . - ur i Amt. actio Acti Area Orde m q C T re n n on (*) r C u o n . Type Type at e d T c A . n e y y m c p t e e . LAST 1 B2B 2 LAST 0 CORE 07110 LAST 1 Unspecifi 2 LAST 0 ed 07110 1 2 OOFF B2B 0 00501 OOFF CORE 2 6 OOFF Unspecifi 0 ed 00501 OOFF 2 8 B2B OOFF 0 00501 CORE OOFF 2 6 Unspecifi RCUR 0 07110 ed RCUR 1 2 B2B RCUR 0 07110 1 CORE 2 RCUR 0 Unspecifi 07110 RCUR 1 ed 2 RCUR 0 B2B 00501 2 CORE 6 0 Unspecifi 00501 2 ed 8 0 B2B 00501 2 CORE 6 0 Unspecifi 07110 1 ed 2 0 B2B 07110 1 2 CORE 0 07110 1 2 0 00501 2 6 0 00501 2 8 0 00501 2 6 0 07110 1 2 0 07110 1 2 0 07110 1 2 0 00501 2 6 0 00501 2 8</p><p>© SAP SE Page 24 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Use Clear Paym Coll. type It S Local P R C M Max. Trans r ing ent e e Instr. . - ur i Amt. actio Acti Area Orde m q C T re n n on (*) r C u o n . Type Type at e d T c A . n e y y m c p t e e . 0 00501 2 6 (*) Personalized field 4. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.9.5 Determining Payment Order Priority Use Definition of a rule set in order to determine a payment order priority for an incoming payment order creation request via SEPA SDD customer file (pain.008). Procedure</p><p>© SAP SE Page 25 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  File Handler  SEPA Format Converter  Determine Payment Order Priority Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Determine Payment Order Priority”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, define the following settings: User Clearing Payme Form Mediu Chan Se Curr Min. Maximum Payment Acti Area (*) nt at m nel q. - Amou Amount Order Order enc nt Priority on Type y Crea RDS000 PACS3 /XML /555 / 1 EUR 9.999,99 02 te I SEPA (*) Personalized field 4. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.9.6 Determining the Authorization Flag for Payment Orders</p><p>© SAP SE Page 26 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Use Definition of a rule set in order to determine the authorization flag for an incoming payment order creation request via SEPA SDD customer file (pain.008). Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  File Handler  SEPA Format Converter  Determine the authorization Flag for Payment Orders Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Determine the Authorization Flag for Payment Orders”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, define the following settings: User Clearing Payment Format Medium Channel Authorization Action Area (*) Order Flag Type Create RDS000 PACS3I /XML /555 /SEPA Y – Yes (*) Personalized field 4. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019</p><p>© SAP SE Page 27 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.10Proxy Settings 3.10.1 Maintaining Transfer of Posting Date Use Definition of a rule set, whether the PE posting date should be transferred to the account management system. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  Posting Interfaces  DM Proxy  Posting  Maintain Transfer of Posting Date Transaction code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Maintain Transfer of Posting Date”: Overview screen, choose the New Entries pushbutton. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, define the following settings: User Clearing Account Transaction Payment Posting Date Action Area (*) Managing Area Type Item Transfer (*) Category Create RDS000 0001 071102 01 1 – True (*) Personalized field 4. Choose Save to save your entries. Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Clearing Area Name Account Managing Account Managing Area (*) Area Area Name (*) Bank Posting Area Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS001 BR01 BR01 RDS002 BR02 Bank Posting Area Clearing Area RDS 002 BR02 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 BR03 Bank Posting Area BR03 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 BR04 Bank Posting Area BR04 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 BR05 Bank Posting Area BR05 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 BR06 Bank Posting Area BR06 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 BR07 Bank Posting Area BR07</p><p>© SAP SE Page 28 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Clearing Area Name Account Managing Account Managing Area (*) Area Area Name (*) RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 BR08 Bank Posting Area BR08 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 BR09 Bank Posting Area BR09 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 BR10 Bank Posting Area BR10 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 BR11 Bank Posting Area BR11 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 BR12 Bank Posting Area BR12 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 BR13 Bank Posting Area BR13 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 BR14 Bank Posting Area BR14 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 BR15 Bank Posting Area BR15 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 BR16 Bank Posting Area BR16 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 BR17 Bank Posting Area BR17 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 BR18 Bank Posting Area BR18 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 BR19 Bank Posting Area BR19 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 BR20 Bank Posting Area BR20 (*) Personalized field 3.10.2 Maintaining AM Medium Use In order to provide information to the AM system about the medium that was used to initiate a payment a mapping to an AM medium has to be made. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Payment Engine  Posting Interfaces  DM Proxy  Posting  Maintain AM Medium 2. Choose the New Entries pushbutton and create the following settings in the fields listed: User Clrng Item Cat. Channel PO Type Medium Action Area Create RDS000 02 Recipient /SEPA 0011 3. Choose Enter. 4. Save entries.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 29 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide </p><p>Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.11 Clearing Agreement 3.11.1 Route Rules Use The purpose of this business step is to manually create rules how to determine a specific route out of the routesjust created. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: SAP Menu Payment Engine  Master Data  Routing Control  Manage Routes and Clearing Agreements Transaction code /n/PE1/RN 2. Select menu Extras  Change Clearing Area. 3. Within dialog-box Select Clearing Area enter Clearing Area RDS000. 4. Choose Continue (Enter).</p><p>© SAP SE Page 30 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide 5. Select External Routes on the left side of the sceen and open the menu. 6. Double-click SEPA_RDS –SEPA Route RDS. 7. Choose the Set of Rules pushbutton. 8. On the right side on the buttom of the screen select Create Rule pushbutton. 9. In the dialog-box Rule Maint. Open the Payment Item Criteria menu and enter data in the following items after double-choosing the respective one: Field name Entry Value Entry Value TR Debit / Credit C D PE Transaction Type 071101 009050 10. Choose Execute. 11. Save your changes. 12. Save your changes. 13. Choose button Release. 14. In dialog-box Release Release Objects for Routing Control mark the line mentioning your clearing area and choose Continue (Enter). 15. Accept the Messages dialog-box with Continue (Enter). Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.11.2 Creating Clearing Agreement</p><p>© SAP SE Page 31 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Use The purpose of this business step is to manually create clearing agreements for the internal and external routes already created. Thje clearing agreements define in detail how the clearing process should be performed. For example for external transactions it is defined wihich format has to be used for external communication and which clearing account has to be used. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: SAP Menu Payment Engine  Master Data  Routing Control  Manage Routes and Clearing Agreements Transaction code /n/PE1/RN 2. Choose menu Extras  Change Clearing Area. 3. Within dialog-box Select Clearing Area enter Clearing Area RDS000. 4. Choose Continue (Enter). 5. Choose External Routes on the left side of the sceen and open the menu. 6. Double-click SEPA_RDS –SEPA Route RDS. 7. Choose the Clearing Agreement pushbutton. 8. In the dialog-box Create Clearing Agreement enter the following data: Field name Entry Value Route ID SEPA_RDS Clearing Agreement RETURN_RDS 9. Choose Continue (Enter). 10. On the screen Create Clearing Agreement CREDIT_RDS To Route SEPA_RDS enter the following data: Field name Entry Value Clearing Agreement SEPA Return Clear. Agreement Description Basic Data Calendar ID 99 Prov. Cover Fds 1 No Separate Provision of Cover Funds ValDte Rule ID VR_RDS External Clearing Agreem. Tran.Typ.ORPDeb 020000 Tran.Typ.ORPCr. 071100 Account symbol CLACH Item Priority 02 TrantypClrDebit 200000 TranTypClearCrd 250000 Converter ID DS05_T Send Identification SENDRDS000 PO Priority 02 Credit Payment Order Type PACS4O Debit Payment Order Type PACS4O</p><p>© SAP SE Page 32 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide 11. Save settings. 12. Choose button Release. 13. In dialog-box Release Release Objects for Routing Control mark the lines mentioning your clearing area and choose Continue (Enter). 14. Accept the Messages dialog-box with Continue (Enter). Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019 RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.11.3 Clearing Agreement Rule Use The purpose of this business step is to manually create clearing agreement rules for the internal and external clearing agreements just created. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: SAP Menu Payment Engine  Master Data  Routing Control  Manage Routes and Clearing Agreements Transaction code /n/PE1/RN 2. Choosemenu Extras  Change Clearing Area. 3. Within dialog-box Select Clearing Area enter Clearing Area RDS000.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 33 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide 4. Choose Continue (Enter). 5. Choose External Routes on the left side of the sceen and open the menu and submenu. 6. Double-click CREDIT_RDS – SEPA Credit Clear. Agreement. 7. Switch to the Change mode (button Display / Change). 8. Choose the Set of Rules pushbutton. 9. On the right side on the buttom of the screen select Create Rule pushbutton. 10. In the dialog-box Rule Maint. open the Payment Item Criteria menu and enter data in the following items after double-choosing the respective one: Field name Entry Value TR Debit / Credit D PE Transaction Type 009050 11. Choose Execute. 12. Save your changes. 13. Choose Execute. 14. Save your changes. 15. Choose button Release. 16. In dialog-box Release Release Objects for Routing Control mark the lines mentioning your clearing area and choose Continue (Enter). 17. Accept the Messages dialog-box with Continue (Enter). Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings: Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS001 Clearing Area RDS 001 RDS002 Clearing Area RDS 002 RDS003 Clearing Area RDS 003 RDS004 Clearing Area RDS 004 RDS005 Clearing Area RDS 005 RDS006 Clearing Area RDS 006 RDS007 Clearing Area RDS 007 RDS008 Clearing Area RDS 008 RDS009 Clearing Area RDS 009 RDS010 Clearing Area RDS 010 RDS011 Clearing Area RDS 011 RDS012 Clearing Area RDS 012 RDS013 Clearing Area RDS 013 RDS014 Clearing Area RDS 014 RDS015 Clearing Area RDS 015 RDS016 Clearing Area RDS 016 RDS017 Clearing Area RDS 017 RDS018 Clearing Area RDS 018 RDS019 Clearing Area RDS 019</p><p>© SAP SE Page 34 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clearing Area Clearing Area Name (*) RDS020 Clearing Area RDS 020 (*) Personalized field 3.11.4 Changing Clearing Agreement Use The purpose of this business step is to manually create clearing agreements for the internal and external routes already created. Thjs clearing agreements define in detail how the clearing process should be performed. For example for external transactions it is defined wihich format has to be used for external communication and which clearing account has to be used. Procedure 1. Access the transaction using the following navigation path: SAP Menu Payment Engine  Master Data  Routing Control  Manage Routes and Clearing Agreements Transaction code /n/PE1/RN 2. Choose menu Extras  Change Clearing Area. 3. Within dialog-box Select Clearing Area enter Clearing Area RDS000. 4. Choose Continue (Enter). 5. Choose External Routes on the left side of the screen and open the menu. 6. Choose SEPA_RDS –SEPA Route RDS and double-click DEBIT_RDS. 7. Choose the Display/Change pushbutton. 8. On the screen Change Clearing Agreement CREDIT_RDS To Route SEPA_RDS enter the following data: Field name Entry Value Collect Items X Forward Directly X 9. Choose Collector Process. tab and make the following entries: Field name Entry Value Collection Type 01 Collector Collector Crcy EUR By Due Date/DD Type X 10. Choose External Clearing Agreem. tab and make the following entries: Field name Entry Value Account Symbol CLACH 11. Save settings. 12. Choose button Release. 13. In dialog-box Release Release Objects for Routing Control mark the lines mentioning your clearing area and choose Continue (Enter). 14. Accept the Messages dialog-box with Continue (Enter). Steps for Creating Multiple Entities for Independent Testing 15. If several independent entities need to be configured, the configuration step described above must be performed x more times (up to 20) with the following settings:</p><p>© SAP SE Page 35 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clrng Area Route Clearing Agreement RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS001 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS002 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS003 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS004 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS005 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS006 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS007 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS008 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS009 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS010 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS011 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS012 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS013 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS014 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS</p><p>© SAP SE Page 36 of 37 SAP Best Practices Configuration of PE for SEPA (BaS) - Deposit Management (L91): Configuration Guide Clrng Area Route Clearing Agreement RDS015 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS016 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS017 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS018 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS019 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS RDS020 SEPA_RDS DEBIT_RDS</p><p>© SAP SE Page 37 of 37</p>

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