<p> Head to Heart Restoration Ministry – September 23, 2008</p><p>Page 1: Home (Include Head to Heart logo as part of the home page)</p><p>Page 2: Ministry</p><p>One of the biggest road blocks for Christians is the inability to transfer what they know about God, or “head knowledge” to life restoring truth or “heart knowledge”. Isaiah 43:18 and 19 reads, “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Through the ministry of pastoral counseling, and applying biblical truth a way is made in the wilderness, rivers spring forth in the desert places in people’s lives and the heart is restored.</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry is dedicated to serving the body of Christ with mercy and compassion to bring comfort and strength to those who have been overwhelmed by the cares of this world. We recognize that this task can only be completed through the Word of God, the power of the gospel of Christ unto salvation and the work of the Holy Spirit.</p><p>We believe that through applying these biblical principles and ethical counseling techniques in conjunction with the work of the Holy Spirit, people are able to receive the wisdom, guidance and healing they desire for their heart, soul, mind and emotions. Individual, couples, and family counseling services are provided. </p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry believes that emotionally healthy people live happier lives, experience less stress, and make better citizens. By providing counseling at a reduced fee, more people can receive the help they desire to deal with life’s problems.</p><p>Page 3: About Us (Photo) (I’m not totally sold on this title so fee free to change it.)</p><p>Include the attached photo on this page, but crop down to take out Belinda.</p><p>Dr. Jones is a professional, National Christian Counselors Association Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor with Advanced Certification. He has training in individual, marriage, family, substance abuse and addiction, crisis and abuse counseling. He is also a Certified Temperament Counselor.</p><p>First and foremost, Dr. Jones is a Christian counselor. As a Christian counselor he believes that hiding our beliefs and trying to do value-free counseling is both unwise and impossible to do.</p><p>Like most counselors, he recognizes that personal problems can come about because physiology, social-environmental influences and psychological pressures.</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 1 He also believes that many problems can be spiritual in nature, resulting from not understanding biblical truth, sinful behavior, and living in a fallen world. He also believes that individuals are created in God’s image and can only feel compete and fulfilled through relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Thus Christian counseling, as opposed to other kinds of counseling, is very concerned with the spiritual as well as the emotional and physical needs of clients. The main goal of Christian counseling, like the goal of Christian living, is to enable clients to move toward greater emotional and spiritual health by becoming more like Jesus Christ. </p><p>As a Christian counselor, Dr. Jones is not limited to psychological techniques or his own human effort and wisdom. He believes that God is the real authority in counseling and He gives us the resources to change. He believes that counseling without the Jesus Factor is about as effective as applying a band-aid over a bacteria-infested wound. He believes that counseling should involve praying about the client’s difficulties and looking to the authority of the Bible for guidance. In this way, he seeks to encourage clients to build a dependency on God. The client can find forgiveness for the past, strength and comfort for the present, and hope for the future by trusting the Lord to daily meet needs and heal emotional wounds. He tries to reflect the character of Jesus Christ. While he does not try to force religion on his clients, he does urge them to develop a relationship with the only true Healer of our mind, body, and emotions, Jesus Christ.</p><p>(Testimonials can be included or link to this page)</p><p>Page 4: Testimonials</p><p>Local Church Pastors Testimonials</p><p>As a pastor, it is great to have someone out there like Al who is genuine and truly cares for the hearts of the people he sees, and comes along side Pastors to minister and sincerely help people. There are so many counselors out there that finding the right ones to trust is not that easy. Al is one that I trust and I am not afraid to quickly refer him. He is a great help to our ministry.</p><p>Mark Westerfield, Sr. Pastor Central Baptist Church www.centralbaptist.org Round Rock, TX</p><p>Al was one of our key note speakers at the Central Baptist Church men's retreat. His message was inspiring, clear cut and edified our Lord Jesus Christ.</p><p>Ed Ewald, Point Man Central Baptist Church www.centralbaptist.org Round Rock, TX</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 2 As Al Jones’ pastor, I am immensely pleased that his Head to Heart Restoration Ministry was birthed in our church. His counseling ministry has been used of God to impart hope, emotional healing, and practical wisdom for life change to several individuals and couples in our congregation. Al skillfully balances the Word and the Spirit in dealing with the heart issues of people. I greatly value him as a ministry partner and a personal friend, and I happily commend his ministry to the larger body of Christ in the greater Austin area.</p><p>Jack Hammans, Lead Pastor New Hope Community Church www.newhope-roundrock.com Round Rock, TX</p><p>Al Jones is fantastic. Not only could I write a recommendation but so could several people from City Life Community Church. Everyone quickly trusts him with his loving, no-nonsense approach with becoming the whole person Jesus Christ wants you to be. Al is the only counselor that I recommend to people in Austin, Texas. Thanks Al.</p><p>Mike Barker, Pastor City Life Community Church www.citylifecommunity.com Cedar Park, TX</p><p>Client Testimonials</p><p>Thank you for all you do for me and my husband. We are learning to communicate better and understand more about one another. Thanks for your wise counsel and guidance. We believe the Lord brought you into our life to continue to move us closer to Him and closer to each other. E. R. </p><p>We've seen Al numerous times over many different issues, and many more to come I'm sure. Al provides a safe, relaxed atmosphere, while still telling you what needs to be said. Truly, our marriage wouldn't be as wonderful as it is without all of Al's wise counseling. Now we never hesitate to see Al because we look forward to the progress he leads us to in our marriage. A. P. </p><p>I wouldn’t have been able to make it without Mr. Jones help! I can say that the Holy Spirit worked through him to give the best possible guidance and healing that I needed. Mr. Jones truly cares about my issues, and that’s what makes the difference between him and other counselors. I recommend Mr. Jones to anyone seeking help! T. G.</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 3 I so appreciate the loving care my husband and I received from Al’s counsel. He is full of love and grace and has helped us to learn to better communicate. Thanks Al! S. C.</p><p>God used Al by placing him in our life, saving our relationship. Al implemented contemporary Bible based techniques that involved educating us about our temperament and how to live daily accepting each other the way God designed us to be. In the two years of marriage without his pre-marital counseling we would have brought so many problems into our marriage that previously we neglected to see. J. B.</p><p>A few years back I was going thru some rough times. I came to Al to try and sort out some things and try to understand what was going on in my life. We met once a week and discussed what was happening. We prayed about some specific things that were causing hurts in my life. God answered our prayers and brought about some miraculous changes in my thoughts and my life. L. S.</p><p>Thanks Al. Even a 30 year marriage needs a tune up. J. E.</p><p>Page 5: Credentials Pastoral counseling services are provided by Dr. Al Jones. Dr. Jones’ education and pastoral counseling credentials include: BS in Education – Texas State University State of Texas Teacher Certifications: All-Level Art General Elementary Education Secondary Special Education M.Ed. in Educational Administration – Texas State University PHR (Professional in Human Resources) Certification – Society for Human Resource Management Ph.D. of Philosophy in Clinical Pastoral Counseling – Colorado Theological Seminary National Christian Counselors Association Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor with Advanced Certification</p><p> National Christian Counselors Association Faith Based Board Certifications: Integrated Marriage and Family Therapy Substance Abuse and Addiction Therapy Crisis and Abuse Therapy National Christian Counselors Association Certified Temperament Counselor Member: National Christian Counselors Association Clinical Supervisor: National Christian Counselors Association Fellows Member: National Board of Christian Clinical Therapists</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 4 Ordained as a minister in the State of Texas</p><p>Page 6: Services Dr. Jones is a professional, National Christian Counselors Association Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor with Advanced Certification. </p><p>Counseling services are available for couples, individual adults, teens and children. Areas of counseling focus include but is not limited to: Marriage and family Marital communication issues Extra-marital affairs Divorce Pre-marital counseling Emotional crisis Resolving childhood trauma and abuse Alcoholism Alcoholic family issues Resolving conflict Men’s issues Spiritual and religious issues Temperament Therapy</p><p>Counseling Sessions Counseling sessions are 50 minutes in duration and generally are held one time per week. Other scheduling arrangements can be made by request.</p><p>Special Presentations In addition to individual, couples and family counseling, Dr. Jones is also available for guest speaker presentations for churches, organizations, classes and retreats.</p><p>Topics include but are not limited to: Understanding Yourself and Others Using Temperament Intimacy with God “I’m God’s Favorite”: Understanding Grace and Who You are in Christ Tearing Down Walls of Self-preservation Resolving the Wounds of the Past</p><p>Fees for special presentations, classes and retreats are on a donations basis. </p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 5 Page 7: Fees/Donations</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry is a 501(c)3 nonprofit counseling ministry. We have a desire to assist you, with the help of the Lord, the Word of God, our professional training and life experiences. To keep this ministry continuing for you and for others, the following pay scale has been established:</p><p>Weekly Gross Wages: Amount Per Session: $800 and Up $60 $600 to $799 $50 Below $599 $40</p><p>Additional Fees (as applicable): A.P.S. Temperament Report Fee: $30 Books, CDs, etc.: sold at cost to the Ministry</p><p>Special payment circumstances will be considered based in individual need.</p><p>The cost for similar counseling services in Williamson and Travis County averages $90.00 to $120.00 per session. </p><p>Payment for counseling services can be made by cash or check. Credit card payments can be made through PayPal. (Add PayPay link) </p><p>Payment for counseling services at the established pay scale of $60.00 per session is not tax deductible. Donations made that do not include counseling services, or are above the established pay scale are deductible and an appropriate ministry receipt will be provided to the donor.</p><p>Pastoral Counselors are not able to receive insurance reimbursement under most policies. Clients are responsible to bill their own insurance if they believe Pastoral Counseling is covered. </p><p>Donation Information Head to Heart Restoration Ministry is dedicated to serving the body of Christ with mercy and compassion to bring comfort and strength to those who have been overwhelmed by the cares of this world. The donations of others helps sustain this ministry financially and provide counseling services to those who are unable to pay. A tax deductible receipt will issued for all donations. Thank you for helping someone else receive help by sustaining this ministry financially. Donations can be made through PayPal or mailing a check to: </p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 6 Head to Heart Restoration Ministry 1803 Foxfire Cove Round Rock, TX 78681 (Add PayPal link)</p><p>Page 8: Statement of Faith We believe in the One Triune God who in love has revealed Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the creator of all things. He has spoken to us in the Bible. We receive the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments as our final authority, the only infallible rule of faith and practice, accepting it as the Word of God. Our sinful rebellion against God had separated us from Him, so God became a man in order to restore us to intimate friendship with Him through the Person of Jesus Christ. He entered the world as a baby, conceived by a virgin, fully man yet, fully God. He lived a sinless life then offered Himself on the cross, dying as our substitute so that through the sacrifice of His blood, we might be set free from the just penalty of our sin and made right with God and experience a new spiritual birth. After His death He was buried, and on the third day rose again and ascended to heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God the Father, interceding for us. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, he made the way for us to receive healing for our mind, body and emotions. Although we may not always see or experience healing, we continue pray in faith, believing that it is God’s desire for his children to be whole. We believe that God poured out the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost in power giving birth to His new community, the Church, baptizing believers into the Body of Christ and releasing the gifts of the Spirit to them. In the Person of the Holy Spirit, Christ lives within His people, reproducing His holy character within us, empowering us to be His witnesses to the world, and equipping us with spiritual gifts to do the works of the Kingdom of God. </p><p>We believe that Christ will literally and bodily return to earth to claim His Bride, the one, true and universal church, and take her to Heaven to live and reign with Him throughout eternity. We believe that we must respond to this great love that God has lavished on mankind by turning away from our sins, placing our faith fully in Jesus Christ. By submitting to His authority in our lives we allow Him to change us more and more into the image of Christ. We experience a profound inner transformation called new birth, and we receive the gift of eternal life. Those who refuse this great love are in danger of eternal judgment in a literal hell. </p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 7 Page 9: FAQ’s 1. What is pastoral counseling? Pastoral counseling ministers to the whole person: spirit, soul, and body. The Bible is the final standard of authority for the counselor. Pastoral counseling uses ethical counseling techniques in combination with biblical principles. A belief that God is the one who ultimately bring about healing in our lives and relationship with Jesus is the key to restoration.</p><p>2. What is the difference between a pastoral counselor and a Licensed Professional Counselor? Pastoral counselor are considered clergy and ministers first and counselors second. The pastoral counselor provides is in the “Ministry of Counseling.” National Christian Counselors Association pastoral counselors have a National license and provide “Biblical” counseling. Licensed Professional Counselors are licensed by the state and provide commercial/secular counseling.</p><p>3. What is the National Christian Counselors Association (N.C.C.A.)? The N.C.C.A. was “formally” founded in 1983 by Dr. Richard Arno. The N.C.C.A. has three primary goals or purposes: i. To develop a biblically-based counseling model/technique that is relatively easy to learn and one that really works! ii. To develop a scientifically sound by biblically-based profiling system (method) that would identify a person’s very natural (inborn temperament) rather that his/her learned behavior (mask). N.C.C.A.’s counseling model is called Temperament Therapy. iii. To provide a National licensing program for persons who are called by God into the “Ministry of Counseling.”</p><p>4. What is Temperament Therapy and the Arno Profile System (A.P.S.)? Temperament Therapy uses biblically-based counseling principles in combination with a profile system that identify a person’s very natural (inborn temperament) rather that his/her learned behavior (mask). Temperament Therapy was first developed and studied in the early 1980’s. The Arno Profile System (A.P.S.) is a scientifically based temperament assessment that identifies a persons natural processes and responses related to developing and maintaining social relationships, control within relationships, and deep emotional relationships. The first research Temperament Therapy and A.P.S. involved 250 N.C.C.A. trained counselors/therapists and 7,403 individuals who were counseled using this particular model. The research provided the following conclusions:</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 8 i. Out of the 7,403 persons tested by 250 licensed therapists, the A.P.S. results were 95.4% accurate. ii. Out of the 7,402 persons who were counseled with Temperament Therapy, the 250 therapist reported a 92.7% success rate.</p><p>5. What are the fees for pastoral counseling through Head to Heart Restoration Ministry? The standard fee for counseling services is $60.00 per fifty minute session. As a non-profit counseling ministry, reduced or sliding scale fees are available based on need. Comparable counseling services in the Williamson/Travis county area averages $90.00 - $120.00 per session. </p><p>6. Does Head to Heart Restoration Ministry accept insurance for payment? Most insurance companies do not cover pastoral counseling. It is up to the counselee to contact their insurance company regarding payment for services. </p><p>7. How many sessions can I expect to be in counseling? The number of sessions depends on the specific problems being discussed, the regularity of the sessions and the amount of energy/work that the counselee puts in to the therapy. Most counselees attend approximately twelve sessions.</p><p>8. When and where are counseling sessions provided? Currently, counseling sessions are available two evenings per week and on Saturday mornings. This schedule allows people who work during the day to have a convenient time to attend sessions without having to take time off of work. Counseling sessions are held in the Round Rock, Texas area.</p><p>9. What type of services does Head to Heart Restoration Ministry provide? Head to Heart Restoration Ministry provides individual, couples, and family counseling. Services are available for men, women, and children. In addition, Dr. Jones is available for group, retreat, and special guest presentations.</p><p>10. What type of credentials does Dr. Jones maintain? Education and pastoral counseling credentials include: i. BS in Education – Texas State University ii. State of Texas Teacher Certifications: 1. All-Level Art 2. General Elementary Education 3. Secondary Special Education iii. M.Ed. in Educational Administration – Texas State University iv. PHR (Professional in Human Resources) Certification – Society for Human Resource Management</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 9 v. Ph.D. of Philosophy in Clinical Pastoral Counseling – Colorado Theological Seminary vi. National Christian Counselors Association Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor with Advanced Certification vii. National Christian Counselors Association Faith Based Board Certifications: 1. Integrated Marriage and Family Therapy 2. Substance Abuse and Addiction Therapy 3. Crisis and Abuse Therapy viii. National Christian Counselors Association Certified Temperament Counselor ix. Member: National Christian Counselors Association x. Clinical Supervisor: National Christian Counselors Association xi. Fellows Member: National Board of Christian Clinical Therapists xii. Ordained as a minister in the State of Texas</p><p>11. Will there be homework or activities outside of the regular counseling sessions? Counselees are often asked to complete activities and/or reading assignments to compliment the counseling process.</p><p>12. Do I have to be a Christian to receive counseling? While counselees are not required to be a Christian to receive help through Head to Heart Restoration Ministry, they need to be fully aware that the counseling techniques used are faith based.</p><p>13. Do I have to attend a certain church or denomination to receive counseling? Head to Heart Restoration Ministry is a non-denominational counseling ministry. Counselees do not need to attend a certain church or denomination to receive counseling.</p><p>14. Does Head to Heart Restoration Ministry ever refer counselees to other services? Not every counselor is able to help every person. When necessary, Head to Heart Restoration Ministry will refer counselees to other counselors/therapists in the area. Head to Heart Restoration Ministry may also recommend that counselees see their physician, attorney or other professionals depending on their unique situation or circumstance.</p><p>15. Are counseling sessions and discussions confidential? To the greatest extent possible, counseling sessions are confidential. Exceptions to when confidentiality is not guaranteed include: reports or suspected reports of abuse of children, the elderly or the disabled; reports of suicidal and/or homicidal threats or gestures; and court ordered subpoenas.</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 10 Some of the information contained in this FAQ can be located in the following books:</p><p>Richard Arno, Basic Christian Counseling (National Christian Counselors Association)</p><p>Robert Dennie, Arno Profile System Research Report (National Christian Counselors Association)</p><p>Page 10: Ministry Links</p><p>New Hope Community Church http://www.newhope-roundrock.com/</p><p>Central Baptist Church http://www.centralbaptist.org/</p><p>Hope Chapel http://www.hope.org/</p><p>City Life Community Church http://www.citylifecommunity.com/</p><p>National Christian Counselors Association http://www.ncca.org/</p><p>Liberated Living Ministries http://www.liberatedliving.com/</p><p>New Life Ministries http://www.newlife.com/</p><p>Focus on the Family http://www.family.org/</p><p>Exodus International http://www.exodus-international.org/</p><p>Worship Music Resources</p><p>Vineyard Music USA http://www.vineyardmusic.com/</p><p>Raining Presence Ministry (Alberto and Kimberly Rivera) http://www.rainingpresence.com/</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 11 Key of David Ministries (Jason Upton) http://www.jasonupton.net/com/</p><p>Radiant Worship http://www.radiantworship.com/</p><p>Kent Henry Ministries http://www.kenthenry.com/</p><p>Page 11: Contact Information Alvin (Al) Harris Jones, Jr., Ph.D. 1803 Foxfire Cove Round Rock, TX 78681 Phone: 512.496.8938 [email protected]</p><p>Student Access Page: This page needs to be password protected or set up where only students can access it.</p><p>This does not need to be set up at this time since I do not have any students. Student Access: This page is for your convenience to check course status, grades, and general communications. Students should check this page at least weekly for important information.</p><p>Student Payment: Students may use this page to make course payment, pay for A.P.S. reports, and other student fees. Students can use a PayPal account to transfer funds from bank accounts, use credit cards or checks.</p><p>If you are not currently signed up to use PayPal, and would like to use this services go to: PayPal Home Page and sign up. The service is easy and secure. </p><p>I have a PayPal account. You will need this information to set up payment link. </p><p>If you prefer to make payments by check or money order, mail to: Head to Heart Restoration Ministry – 1803 Foxfire Cove – Round Rock, TX 78681. </p><p>APS Survey Forms Blank A.P.S. Survey forms can be downloaded for free: I will need to send you these forms.</p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 12 Students can submit A.P.S. Surveys using the electronic submission form or by mail. Students will receive the completed A.P.S. Survey electronically. Process time averages three days after receipt by Head to Heart Restoration Ministry. I need to develop the form to put with this section. A.P.S. Survey Costs A.P.S. Surveys cost $30.00 each to process. Payment is due at the time of submission. </p><p>Head to Heart Restoration Ministry Page 13</p>
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