<p> Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils (Affiliated to the National Association of Local Councils) Colliton Annexe Colliton Park DORCHESTER Dorset DT1 1XJ</p><p>Tel/Fax: 01305 260972 E-mail: [email protected] www.dorset-aptc.gov.uk</p><p>EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Saturday 7 th March 2015 at 9.30 am at the DYA Headquarters, Dorchester</p><p>15/01 ATTENDANCE Present: Cllr Hadyn White DAPTC Chairman Cllr Debbie Snook Western Area Chairman Cllr Chris Turner Towns & Larger Councils Chairman Cllr Lindsey Dedden Eastern Area Cllr K D Johnson Towns & Larger Councils Cllr Jackie Stayt Towns & Larger Councils Cllr Caroline Macleod Purbeck Area Chairman Debbie Weller Purbeck Area Cllr Alan Thacker Central Area Chairman Cllr John Parker Northern Area Chairman Cllr Simon Firbank Northern Area Cllr Mike Jones Northern Area David Jenkins President </p><p>In attendance: Miss Cynthia Starkey Chief Executive Ms Debbie Hollings Office Manager Mr Paul Ackrill Honorary Treasurer</p><p>Apologies for absence received from: Cllr Jill Barry Central Area Mrs Val Bright SLCC Dorset Branch Chairman Cllr Tony Gibb Eastern Area Chairman Cllr Adrian Hibberd Eastern Area</p><p>15/02 WELCOME The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting.</p><p>15/03 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None were declared</p><p>.</p><p>1 15/04 PRESENTATION TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BY DEBBIE WARD, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF DORSET COUNTY COUNCIL</p><p>Summary of presentation</p><p>Debbie Ward gave a quick update to the Executive Committee, this updated included:</p><p> 2015/2016 has been the last review under the present government, there will be a new spending review after the next election.</p><p> Health and Education – its clear that spending is being protected on these services.</p><p> Manchester – In Manchester, health and social care budgets are coming together. In Dorset a lot of time has been spent working with health colleagues. DCC are keeping a close eye on the development and are working hard to try to stay together and give better services.</p><p> Business Growth – Low unemployment around the county but wages are still very low paid.</p><p> Interest Rates are expected to re-group.</p><p>What does this mean locally?</p><p> Health and Social Care – growth at both ends of scale. Budgets are healthy mostly, but because of the complex needs people mainly in their late 70s and early 80’s there is a need for services to work together more. Elections Shared service and partnerships – DWP is facing challenges as there are issues around expenditure and value for money. Public Health Service – Shared with Bournemouth and Poole, this is one of the most successful services in the country and outcomes for public health is very good. LEP – each of the 3 political parties are backing the LEP to certain levels of funding. CCG Service Review – process being led by CCG looking at how we provide resources as a county, clinicians, hospital care and further planned reviews.</p><p>Working with DAPTC</p><p>1. Mid June – DCC aim to share more details of the £11 million cuts for 2016/2017 – DCC are trying to get to DAPTC earlier and communicate better.</p><p>2. Integration into mainstream – Working with Cynthia and clerks </p><p>3. Training County Council Staff – so that they appreciate different time lines and budget differences.</p><p>4. Co-production – opportunities</p><p>5. No surprises! In terms of what’s coming next.</p><p>2 15/05 DELIVERING DORSET’S ~ECONOMIC POTENTIAL – STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION BY DEBBIE WARD, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF DORSET COUNTY COUNCIL Debbie Ward presented her report.</p><p>Action: The Area Chairmen to ensure that the consultation is considered at Area Meetings and that all responses are given before the deadline at the end of May. </p><p>15/06 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING</p><p>The minutes of the meeting of 6th December 2014 were accepted by the Committee as a true and accurate record of events and signed by the Chairman. Agreed</p><p>15/07 MATTERS ARISING – NOT COVERED ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA – REVIEW OF ACTIONS There were no matters arising.</p><p>15/08 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Cllr Haydn White commented on the success of the DAPTC Annual Conference and noted that there were many people at the conference who didn’t usually come along to them, such was the strength of the Agenda and variety of speakers.</p><p>15/09 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT The Chief Executive presented her report.</p><p>15/10 TREASURER’S REPORT DAPTC Treasurer Paul Ackrill presented his report.</p><p>15/11 PAYMENT OF HONORARIUM TO DAPTC INTERNAL AUDITOR It was recommended that the honorarium paid to the DAPTC Internal Auditor be increased to £100 with effect from the next payment.</p><p>Proposed: Cllr Hadyn White Seconded: Cllr Simon Firbank CARRIED</p><p>The Treasurer left the meeting at 11.30am.</p><p>15/12 LOCAL COUNCIL AWARD SCHEME – ACCREDITATION PANEL The Chief Executive presented her paper and requested that a decision be made on the type of Panels that Dorset wishes to call upon when considering the 3 new types of Local Council Awards at Foundation Level, Quality Level and Quality Gold Level.</p><p>After discussion the following was decided upon:</p><p>Foundation Level – Local Dorset Panel Quality Level – Regional Panel Quality Gold Level – Regional Panel</p><p>Proposed: Cllr Lindsey Dedden Seconded: Cllr John Parker CARRIED</p><p>3 15/13 AREA COMMITTEE REPORTS Town & Larger Councils – Next meeting due to take place on 17th April 2015. No written report received.</p><p> Eastern Area - Next meeting due to take place on 19th January 2015. Written Report attached.</p><p> Northern Area - Next meeting due to take place on 13th January 2015 Written Report attached.</p><p> Western Area – Next meeting due to take place on 26th February 2015 Written Report attached.</p><p> Central Area – Next meeting due to take place on 14th April 2015. No written report received..</p><p> Purbeck Area – Next meeting due to take place on 25th February 2015. Written Report attached.</p><p>15/14 NALC UPDATE Cllr Dedden presented her report. The next meeting is due to take place on 31st March 2015.</p><p>Smaller Councils Rep Report Cllr Parker presented his report.</p><p>15/15 REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS</p><p>SLCC – No written report</p><p>Community Safety Partnership – The report has already been circulated. There were no questions.</p><p>Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs AONB – No written report.</p><p>Dorset AONB- No written report.</p><p>15/16 ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA No items suggestions.</p><p>15/17 AGREE DATES FOR MEETINGS IN 2015 Change to date of next Executive meeting from Saturday 6th June 2015 to Saturday 27th June 2015.</p><p>Action: The Office Manage to rearrange the next Executive Committee from Saturday 6th June 2015 to Saturday 27th June 2015. </p><p>The meeting ended at 12.35pm</p><p>Next full Executive Committee meeting: Saturday 27th June 2015 at 9.30am at the Dorset Youth Association HQ, Lubbecke Way in Dorchester, DT1 1QL</p><p>4 Action Sheet</p><p>Your attention is drawn to the following actions which were agreed at the meeting held on 3rd March 2015</p><p>Paragraph Action to be taken To be taken by Ensure that the consultation is considered at Area Meetings and that all responses are 15/05 All Area Chairmen given before the deadline at the end of May. </p><p>Rearrange the next Executive Committee 15/17 from Saturday 6th June 2015 to Saturday 27th Office Manager June 2015. </p><p>.</p><p>5 AGENDA ITEM 9</p><p>CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 3 MARCH 2015</p><p>1. Local Government Finance Settlement a) The written ministerial statement by kris Hopkins MP on the final local government finance settlement 2015/16 confirms that no town or parish council has been made subject to the referendum threshold. b) A question by Annette Brooke MP regarding the localisation of council tax support received the following response from Kris Hopkins: </p><p>‘ My Department has provided £3.3 billion to local authorities in respect of local council tax support schemes in both 2013-14 and 2014-15 and the same amount will be provided in 2015-16.</p><p>For the first year of local council tax support only, the Government set out an indicative amount of £40,450,000 attributable to parish and town councils in England. Latest statistics show that 95 per cent of this indicative amount was passed down in 2013-14.</p><p> https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/398765/Revised_ RO1314_Supplementary_Tables_-_Final.xlsx</p><p>As schemes are designed and implemented by billing authorities, it is not for Government to calculate on an ongoing basis the appropriate level of funding parishes required. However I have previously written to the small number of authorities which in 2014-15 had no intention to pass on any of the funding to express concern. I also wrote to all billing authorities on 19 February 2015 reminding them of the Government’s clear expectation that they should pass down funding to eligible parishes in 2015-16 and have placed a copy of this letter in the Library of the House.</p><p>Every sector of local government should be doing their bit to keep council tax down for hard- working people. Although the referendum principle does not apply to town and parish councils in 2015-16, we continue to keep this option under active consideration. The Government has given new rights for taxpayers to approve or veto excessive council tax rises set by principal local authorities. If necessary, we are prepared to extend this to town and parish councils in the future if there is evidence of unreasonable hikes being imposed on taxpayers without their consent.'</p><p>2. Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities - Publication of Information</p><p>Some smaller parish councils without websites, have expressed concern about the requirement under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, for them to provide data and information specified in the Code, on a website which is publicly accessible. The Code does suggest that one way for this to be achieved would be for the data to be published on the website for the billing authority in its area.</p><p>6 In Dorset the billing authorities all use Dorset for You. I have been advised by the web manager that unfortunately Dorset for You does not have the capacity to host sites for parish councils.</p><p>Appendix B of the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities refers to 'proposed new burdens funding for smaller authorities to assist compliance with the code'. We have not heard anything more about this, or been given a definite date, but we believe this will provide funding for websites etc.</p><p>In the meantime we have been advising parish councils without a website to consider using free website provision such as, WIX.com ; Hugo Fox.com or 1and 1.Co.UK etc. Hugo Fox appears to be very community focused and advertises as being available for community groups and parish councils</p><p>3. Local Action Groups</p><p>The proposed Southern Dorset and Northern Dorset Local Action Groups (LAGS) will be supported by DEFRA to distribute European Funding across Dorset through the LEADER approach. LEADER is a well established method of delivering rural development funds through community participation. Unfortunately the programme cannot be launched or call for projects until after the General Election in May – but it is essential that LAGS are ready to select their first projects for funding in the summer. Therefore each LAG will be holding initial meetings in each area during March:</p><p>Southern LAG</p><p> 10th March at Bridport Town Hall, 7-8.30pm http://sdlagbridport.eventbrite.co.uk or 17th March at Wareham Town Hall, 7-8.30pm http://sdlagwareham.eventbrite.co.uk</p><p>Northern LAG</p><p> 11th March at Horton and Chalbury Village Hall 7-8.30pm, booking and information at http://ndlaghorton.eventbrite.co.uk or 16th March at The Exchange, Sturminster Newton 7-8.30pm, booking and information at http://ndlagsturminsternewton.eventbrite.co.uk</p><p>4. Parish and Town Elections 7 May 2015</p><p>We have recently updated the Democracy Pack which was prepared for the elections in 2011. This is now available under hot news on the DAPTC website.</p><p>Prospective Parish & Town Councillors – Various locations in DAPTC Areas including: - Western Area – Mountfield, Bridport TC on 18th March between 7-8pm - Purbeck Area – Wareham Town Hall on 24th March between 7-8pm - Eastern Area – Wimborne TC on 4th March between 7-8pm - Central Area - Dorchester TC on 10th March between 7-8pm - Northern Area – Sturminster Newton TC on 3rd March between 7-8pm</p><p>7 5. Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)</p><p>As you will be aware, Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) sought support for an urgent campaign to call on the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, not to withdraw funding for the ACRE Network of Rural Community Councils (RCCs).</p><p>Defra confirmed on 22 January that it will maintain its investment of £ 2.3m in the ACRE network for 2015/16</p><p>6. DAPTC Neighbourhood Planning Conference – Tuesday 24th March 2015 at Leigh Village Hall.</p><p>Planning expert Simon Williams will spend the morning explaining the procedures that are required to create a Neighbourhood Plan and after a buffet lunch any council’s that are currently working on their plans will be able to work with Simon and others to move their plans along and get any questions they have answered.</p><p>The DCLG are sponsoring the majority of the cost of this event, however to cover Office Admin costs, the cost will be kept at a very low price of £10 per delegate. </p><p>Cynthia Starkey Chief Executive</p><p>8 Agenda Item 13 - DAPTC Area Committee Reports</p><p>AREA REPORTS FOR DAPTC EXECUTIVE – March 2015</p><p>Eastern Area</p><p>Fourteen members from 11 councils, plus representatives from the district and county council, met at Ferndown Town Council offices on 19th January. Steve Ricketts, EDDC / CBC gave a presentation on the provisions of the Crime and Policing Act, 2014 and its implications for District and local councils.</p><p>There was considerable positive comment from councils on the preparatory winter maintenance work undertaken by DCC Highways. Members also shared local issues.</p><p>Northern Area</p><p>Ten members from nine councils, plus representatives from the district council, met at Okeford Fitzpaine Pavillion on 13th January.</p><p>There was exchange of information and discussion on the NDDC budget workshop; the Northern Dorset LAG; the Local Government Finance settlement; NDDC Overview and Scrutiny Committee; upcoming local council elections and neighbourhood planning; unauthorised traveller site at Todber (Stours PC); and withdrawal of school bus transport (Stourpaine PC). The major issue remained the need for wider discussions on the A350 / C13 and the question of a viable North / South route from Poole to Bristol or at least to the A303. An invitation was sent to Councillor Deborah Croney to attend a meeting at her convenience in Feb or March or failing that at the next area meeting on 01 April (notification received that she will be attending on 01 April).</p><p>It was also agreed to write to Liz Goodall, Chief executive, NDDC to thenk her and wish her well in her retirement.</p><p>Stephen Hill, General Manager, NDDC and Cllr. Val Pothecary gave an update on NDDC matters.</p><p>Central Area</p><p>No written report received.</p><p>Purbeck Area</p><p>The committee met on Wednesday 25th February 2015 at Stoborough Village Hall and was attended by 16 Town and Parish clerks and councillors from across Purbeck. </p><p>We were pleased to welcome our guest speaker, Tom Munro, Lead Officer for Dorset AONB. He gave an interesting and informative talk about the work of Dorset AONB on Purbeck, followed by a question and answer session.</p><p>9 Members then went on to consider a joint response to the Purbeck Local Plan Partial Review: Issues & Options and a very lively discussion ensued. This was followed with another lively discussion regarding the current proposal in respect of speaking at planning committees. It was agreed that a joint response would be sent to Purbeck District Council.</p><p>Cynthia Starkey, Chief Exec of DAPTC, gave a report for the period. </p><p>Other topics covered included the changing of 4 Purbeck schools to academy status and the reduction in the level of funding for council tax support</p><p>The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 24th June at Langton Matravers Village Hall, commencing 7pm</p><p>Western Area</p><p>Items of note / concern from the DAPTC Western Area November meeting.</p><p>1. The final tranche of the new Waste service by DWP for this part of Dorset is still on track for launch on 17 July 2015. 2. There are concerns regarding the lack of an approved West Dorset Local Plan which is affecting planning decisions in that the NPPF is having take precedence rather than the local plan policies 3. There are concerns that some communities in West Dorset are not going to benefit from the Superfast Broadband roll-out and that no alternative options / time-scales are being put forward. This will adversely affect businesses in these areas. It affects, for example, parts of Loders, Chideock (North Chideock), Char Valley and Symondsbury parishes and many other areas. 4. There are also concerns that some areas which were in the Superfast Phase 1 are still waiting for the service to be available. However it is noted that some communities are getting Superfast ahead of schedule.</p><p>Towns & Larger Councils Committee</p><p>No written report received.</p><p>10</p>
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