74 CHA HUNTINGDONSHIRE. [ KELLY'S Chandler Mrs. Priory villas. St. Neots Davison Mrs. The Y,aurels, Fenstanton, Flanders Charles, Avenue road, Et. Neots Chandler Mrs. Manning, Godmanchester, St. Ives Flavell Francis George, 3 The Walks Huntingdon Dawson Mrs. Stanley house, Fenstan- north, Huntingdon Chandler T. 6 Ingram st. Huntingdon ton, St. Ive~ Flawn George, East street, St. Neots Chaplin Capt. C. S. The Corn. Huntingdon Day Frank M.A. The Priory, St. Neots 1<1etcher Misses, Brampton, Huntingdon Chapman Rev. William James M.A. Rec- Day G. D. M.A., LL.B. Rheola, St. Ives Flint Misses, The Elms, Brampton,Hntgdn tory, Little Stukeley, Huntingdon Day Mrs. The Priory, St. :Keots Flowers Mrs. High st. Ramsey, Huntngdn Chapman George, Bank house, Pave- Day \Villiam, Huntingdon st. St. Neots Flowers Thomas, Great Whyte, Ramsey, ment, St. Ives Dean John, Brook street, St. Neots Huntingdon Chapman Mrs. Ashfield ho. Kimbolton Deane Rev. William Hodgson M.A. Vicar- Forbes Rev. Harry Warren M.A. Rectory, Charles Clark, Eynesbury, St. Noets age, Buckden, Huntingdon Conington, Peterborough Chesham Maj.-Gen. Lord K.C.B. The Hay- Dear James, 23 West street, Huntingdon Fordham J. Hemingford Grey, St. Ives cock, Etibbington, Wansford R.E.O. Dear M. 5 The Walks east,Huntingdon Fordham T.B. Godmanchester, Huntingdn (Northants) Dear Mrs. 5 The Walks north, Huntingdon Fordham Wm. Hartford road, Huntingdn Chichester Lieut.-Col Alan George, The Dear S. 6 The Walks east, Huntingdon Forrest Rev. Ernest William M.A. Ree· Grove, Godmanchester, Huntingdon De la Pryme Mrs. Wistow 10. Huntingdon tory, Elton, Peterborough Child ~'[rs. E. Warboys, Huntingdon Denton Miss, Brampton, Huntingdon Forrest Mrs. Stihbington, Wansford Christmas Fred. J.P. RectDry farm, Great De Ramsey Lord D.L., J.P. Ramsey abbey, R.S.O. (Northants) Gransden,Sandy Huntingdon; Haverland hall, Norwich Forster C. H. I. Wistow, Huntingdon Claridge Miss, 6 The Walks nth. Huntngdn & 3 Belgrave square & Carlton club, Foster E. William, Broadway, St. Ives Clark Rev. Nassau ]\l.A. Sawtry, Peterboro' London s w Foster Misses, 35 High street, Huntingdon Clark Frank, Hartford rd. Huntingdon Desborough Charles John J.P. Hartford Fowler T. F. Farrar house, Huntmgdon Clark Mrs. Sweet Briar house, Houghton, house, Huntingdon Fox Miss, 1. Fountain villa, Brampton Huntingdon Desborough Miss, 2 Park viIs. Huntingdon road, Huntmgdon Clarke Mrs. Blenheim road, Ramsey, Dexter John, Godmanchester, Huntingdn Frampton Mrs. Somersham, St. Ives Huntingdon Dickerson W. Woodhurst, Huntingdon Franey Stephen, Normancross house, Clarkson Rev. John Mayhew M.A. Rectory, Dilley Arthur George, Park villas, Bramp- Yaxley, Peterboroug~ .. Brington, Huntingdon ton road, Huntingdon Freeman Rev. FrederIck Wllliam, The Clayton Miss, Cemetery road, St. Ives Dorrington T. U. Wistow, Huntingdon Manse, Fenstanton, St. Ives Clemcnger Rev. George Godfrey \Vard Dowman Rev. Charles B.A., LL.B. Rectory, Freeman. James Edmund, Hemingford B.A. Rectory, Alwalton, Peterborough Fletton, Peterborough Grey, St. Ives T Clifton Mrs. Frederick, Carlton house, Dring WiIliam, Avenue road, 1;t. Neots Freestone Mrs. New street, St. Neots Houghton, Huntingdon Duberly Hon. Mrs. Gaynes hall, Great Freshfield Mrs. GOdmanchester,Huntngdn Cole James, 8 River terrace, St. Neots Staughton, St. Neots Frewer Rev. George Herbert M.A. Fen- Collier Daniel, Elmhurst, Palmerston Duberly Grey William J.P. Gaynes hall, FrstantAonl' St. Ives b Ki 'll road, Woodstone, Peterborough Great Staughton, St. Neots ost gernon H er ert, ora VI a, t Collins Rev. Berkeley G. A.T.S. Blunti- Duberly H. Houghton hill, Huntingdon F Crowdn:alk' S1 3' ICrves II I St I sham, ~t. Ives Duffy Rev. P. New town, Huntingdon ullar <.:..S omwe p. ves Cook Tom W. Yaxley, Peterborough Duncombe Capt. WaIter Henry Octavius Fuller ~lfred J.P. Church green, Ramsey, Cooke Rev. Thomas Frederick ASSOC. J.P. Waresley park, Sandy; & 84 F ~untIGngdon 5 B'd t F X.C.L. Woodhurst, Huntingdon Eaton square, London w u er eorge, rI ge errace, en- Cooke Bryan Davies, The Lodge, Kim- Dysart The Countess of, Weald, Eynes- F~~ant~ll~t. I'Sets t' d St I boUon park, St. Neots bury, Hardwicke. St. Neots F er B 1 l~~, ahlOn rS~ ves yson i . (;ooksey Rev. John Francis M.A. Vicarage, Ebsworth Ernest A. Hemingford Grey, F Fen'kl::°CmeWrs abm, H' vet~ d T od H . d St I yson ran ,. ar oys, un mg on ( pwo , untmg on ,. ves. Fyson Samuel J.P. Stoneleigh house, (;ooper H. S. M.B., C••M Yaxley, P~terboro Edey John T. 6 RIper terrace, St. Neots Warboys, Huntingdon Cooper M.r:s.. Hartford rd. Huntmgdon Edrr.lOnds Rev. Arthur Jonathan M.A. Gadsby George, Warboys, Huntingdon (;ooper Wllliam, The Ba~k house, Great VICarage, Great Gransden, Sandy GadSby W. J.P. Godmanchester, Huntg<in Whyte, Ramsey, Huntmgdon Ed~ardsW. Luke s;. Eynesbury, ~t. Neots Galloway Mrs. Hemingford Grey, St. Ives CooteC.H.J.p. Houghtongrange, St. Ives Ek~n.'l Fredk. G. "'.arboys, Huntlllgdo~ Garrood Jess&> Robert, Alconbury hill, Coote Howard D.L., J.P. The Rookery, Ekins George. Lems, Manor house, "ar- Alconbury Weston, Huntingdon Fenstanton, St. Ives boys, Huntmgdon Gatty Miss Buckden Huntinrrdon Coote Thomas D.L., J.P. Oaklands, Fen- Ekins Thos. L. \Varboys, Huntingdon Geeson Fracl., Crown 'walk, St.olves stanton, St. Ives. EIgcod Arthur, Berkeley street, Eynes- Gee~on Henry, Linden house, Hemingford Cope Miss, Buckden, Huntmgdon bury, St. Neots Grey, St. Neots Copley Henry, Broadway, St. Ives EIgood Mrs. Market square, St. Neots Geeson Lambert, The Willows, London Copley Phillimore Herbert B.A. St. Ives Elgood Samuel, Market square, St. Neots 1'011,0, Fenstanton, St. Ives school, St. Ives Ell~s Mrs. East street, Kimbolton Geldart Henry Charles M.A., D.L., J.P. Copley Robert M. Crown street, S1. Ives Ellis Thomas, Hazlemere, Ramsey St. Walden house, Huntingdon Copping John, Ferrars road, Huntingdon Mary's, Huntingdon Giddings George, East street, Kimbolton Copsy Charles, Brampton, Huntingdon Elliston Mrs. 80 Ermine st. Huntingdon Giddings Mrs. North road, St. Ives ('ory Miss, Godmanchester, Huntingdon Elliston Robert, Oaklands, Brampton, Giddins John, Hemingford Grey, St. Ives Coulton Capt. James, Silverton, Buck- Huntingdon Giddins Mrs. Pear Tree house, HeIDing- den, Huntingdon Ellwood John, New Town, Huntingdon ford Grey, St. Ives (;ousins William, The Waits, St. Ives Elphick Richard, King's road, St. Reots Gifford .John, Rosenthal, Hemingford Cox~. The Cottage, Bluntisham, St. Ives Elwell Ernest, The How, St Ives Grey, St. Ives Cranfield Henry, Park farm, Buckden, English Marcus, Park cottage, Orton Gifford Thomas, Sandringham house, Huntingdon Longueville, Peterborough Fenstanton, St. Ives Cranfield Mrs. 6 Cromwell place, St. Ives EnnaIs John Adams, New stIe()t, St. Neots Gill Upcott, The Cedars,Houghton,Hntgdn Cranfield Mrs. Umvoti, Brampton,Hntgdn EnnaIs Mrs New street, St. Neots Gilliat H. J.P. Abbots Ripton hI. Huntgdn Crawley Charles Edward, Aboyne lodge, Eveleigh Thoma.'!, 178 Palmerston road, GodfreY ~. Stavenhill, Bluntisham, Woodstone, Peterborough Woodstone, Peterborough St. Ives Crawley John, Hazelhurst, Palmerston Everitt Rev. Claude Arthur B.A. West- Good Mrs. Huntingdon st. St. Neots road, W~stone. Peterborough wood house, St. Ives Goode Mrs. Godmanchester, Huntingdon Crippin H. H. Valoch cottage, Buckden, Evison ,John ~.P. Fpwood house, RamseJ;" Goodgames Miss, Berkeley house, Eynes- Huntingdon Ewart W. \Valtelands, Yaxley, Peterboro bury, St. Neots Croome Rev. William M. M.A. The Rec- Fairey J. D. Roslin, Avenue rd. St. Neots Goodger William, Quadrant, St. Ives tory, \V~stone, Peterborough Farey Miss, Warboys, Huntingdon Goodliff Frank, Ermine villa, Ermine Croshaw Benjamin, Grotto house, Great Farrow Mrs. J. Brinkley cottage, Great street, Huntingdon Gransden, Sandy Gransden, Sandy Goodliff John, Foundry ho. Huntingdon Cross Edward J. Market square, St. Neots Favell William, 28 Ermine st. Huntingdon Goodliff Richard, Brewery house, High Crouch Mrs. Fenstanton, St. Ives Felder l\irs. Hemingford Abbots, St. Ives street, Huntingdon Crump Rev. \Valter W. M.A. St. Neots Fenn Rev. Tom Henry, Fernleigh, Hart- Goodman H. J.P. Witton house, St. Ives Curtois Major Chauncy, Ellerslie, Buck- ford road, Huntingdon Goodwin Sidney Herbert, The Elms, den, Hun~i~gdon . Fielden John Ashton D.L., J.P. Holme Ramsey St. Mary's, Huntingaon Custance \YIlliam, 'Yarboys, Huntmgdon Wood, Holme, Peterborough Gordon Lady E. S. Paxton park,St.Neots Dalton Captain Robert Fitz Gerald, Fielding Smith, New Town, Huntingdon Grainger Robert D. 11 Bridge terrace, Tilbrook hall, St. Neots Firks Rev. Samuel Henry, Great Whyte, Fenstanton, St. Ives Dan Arth. Burley ho. \Vaits, St. Ives Ramsey, Huntingdon Graves James, Fenstanton, St. Ives Dashwood Alfred Henry, Stibbington Firman C. Great Staughton, St. Neots Gray Geo. Colwyn Avenue rd. St. Neots house, Stibbingron, Wansford R.S.O. Fisher Allan, 5 Ingram st. Huntingdon Green F. C. Sydney, Coneygarths, Buck- (Northants) Fisher William Fellowes M.B. The Gables, den Huntinrrdon Davies Rev. "Valter Embrey, The Manse, High st~eet, R~msey, Huntingdon Green' Frank,° Coneygarths, Buckden. Thrapston road, Kimbolton Flack DaVld, Earlth, St. Ives Huntingdon.
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