•1841 -194L- S.M.U. EDITOR QUAKES AND NOW WE PRESENT BEFORE RAMS THEUACHARAN 4 PACE 4 THI PACE6 New York, N. Y., October 3, 1941 Rams Rally On Great White Way Tonight Holy Ghost Mass Inaugurates Fordhamites Tm Welcome Mustangs To Oty University's 101st Season for Grid Opener in Polo Grounds Tomorrow Recent Craduates Officiate at Traditional Mass; PROBABLE STARTING Fr. Atherton, S.J., Warns of False Education Rose Hill Given Entire LINEUPS Sectional Champions i Fordham's 101st academic year Street to Salute Fordhun S.M.U. Will Vie for Nation i.«ii«iiif .......L.E Tunnel was formally inaugurated Wednes- Pigskin Rivals Hudacek L.T Booth Wide Ranking day morning with the traditional Fr. Walsh to Act Sartori L.G Ramsey Mass of the Holy Tonight, Fordham's student body, Sabutianskl .. .C Wright By PETE CALLERY ' Ghost in the in greeting the Southern Methodist Bennett R.G.... O. Johnson Tomorrow at two o'clock Southern University As Moderator of contingent, will ignite the fuse of Santilli R.I Pasqua Methodist University will seek to Chapel. The cus- another century of spirit with the Tepo R.E Goss supply the answers to the gridiron tom in Jesuit in- Student Council greatest off-campus demonstration Pieenlewlei . ..Q.B. Yonni questions of 1500 Fordham students sti tut ions of ever to hit Rose Hill. With the Great Blumenstoek . L.H.B Maley and faculty members alike, not to holding this cer- White Way as a backdrop, Broadway Andrejeo R.H.B.... Hagerman mention thousands of Maroon ad- emony at the be- Callery, '42, Takes Post will have fifty-yard line seats as Fillpowki ... .F.B P. Johnson herents. This first Polo Grounds ginning of every the Rambling Rams give the Mus- struggle brings together two teams, school year dates As President; Social tang Swing Band and S. M. U. root- each highly touted as the champions from 1548. Plan Arranged ers a sample of the spirit to expect of their respective sectors and each In the sermon on the morrow when the Ram and Mr. Clark to Guide vieing for a spot high in the national which followed Mustang fight to the bitter end at ranking. The Student Council, this year un- the Polo Grounds. the awarding of der the direction of Father Lawrence Mimes lor 41-42 Bristling with speed and confi- the scholastic A. Walsh, S.J., Dean of the College, Promptly at 6:45 P.M. a cordon of dence the powerful Mustangs invade prizes, Father Fp. Atlwrton held its initial police will block off 45th Street be- Season Lawrence S. meeting of the tween 7th and 8th Avenues to pro- I Atherton, S. J., offered "wisdom, year this past vide a fitting meeting place for judgment and a heart attuned to Fordham's welcoming S.M.U. to the Brooks New President; Tuesday with Isle of Manhattan. divine law" as the three greatest Peter Callery, Three Act Play, Two gifts Fordham can impart to its stu- '42, the newly The Lincoln Hotel on Forty-fifth is Cycles Planned dents. elected presi- where Southern Methodist is lodged "Were you able to look ahead to dent, in charge. for the duration of their stay in New the end of your days at Fordham," York. Just outside of the 45th Street Under a new aegis, the Mimes and The other offi- Mummers, the dramatic society of he said, "and see yourself with those cers of the Coun- entrance to the Lincoln, a temporary three possessions, you would con- speakers' platform will be erected the college, at its organization meet- cil will be cho- to serve as the focal point of the ing held last sider yourself more than rewarded sen later. As in Tuesday, made for all the labor, sacrifice and heart- ceremonies and will be equipped other years the with a microphone and public ad- known the men aches which the life of a serious Council is con- dress system. It is also from this en- who will guide student carries in its train." stituted of the trance that the far-famed S.M.U. the destinies of Father Atherton said that the col- heads of the va- Swing Band will make its appear- the society, and lege men of today need an antidote rious school or- "• «•'•" ance. discussed tenta- against the prevalent teaching, that ganizations, including Richard A. tive plans for the pleasure and worldly success is the White, '42, Editor of The RAM; Jo- But in the fact that the Mustang year's activities. most vital consideration in educa- seph V. Cotter, '42, Editor of the Band will make its appearance lies Mr. Edward F. tion. Fordham's answer, he said, is Monthly; Blaise A. Pjrfquarelli, '42, more than meets the eye. In this Clark, S.J., has the person of Christ. "When you be- President of the Cornell of Debate; hundred - man organization every supplanted Mr. gin with the fact of Christ, you will John C. Gilhooly/"42, President of (Continued on page 8) William K. Triv- see through the iron bound stock- the Harvester C?lub, and the Presi- ett, S.J., who is ades that herd men together. You dents of the tjifee years, Arthur Mc- now at Wood- will see your actual brothers in Gurty of Senior, John P. Ryan of st Ock a S m d Christ." Such reasoning, he de- Junior andrAndrew W. Lawrence of Prizes Awarded to Mr.Trlv.«t,S.J. ( ' . ° ^- clared, will overcome the two ex- Sophomoft!. The Band and the Glee ator. The Presi- LARRY SARTORI dent of the Mimes is John N. Brooks, tremes of individualism and collect- Club vM be represented respective- the Fordham stronghold fully cogni- ly by/fohn J. Canning and John J. Forty Undergrads '42. Albert L. Bartlett, '42, will be ivism. Vice-President, and Joseph P. Han-zant of the Ram threat to their hopes In accordance with the custom of both of Senior year. son, '43, Secretary. Heading the of an unbeaten season. In turn the recent years, the officers of the mass first business to come before Board of Directors for the '41-'42 entire Maroon squad realizes Just were all graduates of Fordham. Council was the hitherto ticklish Fordham Senior Victor season will be Robert F. Lenk, '43. how important this game is to them (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 8) Other members of the Board are and to a man they intend to spell out In Collegiate Irish Richard A. White, '42, Robert J. the right answers to the questions. Essay Contest Kibbee, '43, and Robert Buckley, '44. Only Jim Crowley and his assist- At the executive meeting held im- ants could venture to predict the mediately after the organization actual strength of the Rose Hill ag- Impressive Thm-Day Program About forty undergraduates re- (Continued on page 8) (ContliUKHl on page 5) ceived rewards for their scholastic endeavor In a ceremony following the Mass of the Holy Ghost on Concludes Ceittenary Year Wednesday morning. Rev. Robert I. Greek Students Plan Production Gannon, S.J., President of Fordham Delegates worn 571 Institutions Attend Ceremo- University, presented the various awards and citations to the members nies; Vice-fres nt Wallace Speaker at Waldorf of lust year's Freshman, Sophomore, Of Another Athenian Tragedy THOMAS P, MORTIMER vrrslty, (lodlcntrcl Fordhum to ii full and Junior Classes. Aeschylus' "Eumenides" Slated for Early Spring Feature Editor role In the ri'stornl of Wisdom to a The awards were divided into two On Wednesday morning, Septem- world in possession of "a glut of groups: gold and .silver medals for Presentation With All Soph-Frosh Chorus ber 17th, the lust lino was written fuels which It, cannot yet assimilate." the top members of the ninety per- The celebration hruilfjht to the With thu critical un<l scholurly av- IH'IS iif tin1 clmni.s will hi" uhoivn find the venerable old miiroun tenth- cent average group in eiK'h of the 1 ••rn binding rumpus ili'li'KHle.H from 4411 nillc((ra three years and various prizes jjivrM I'hilm nf the "Oedipus Hex" still I fi'imi tin Kri'.sliiniiii iiiul Siiphoiiioro ami universities anil 125 leinneil no- ringing In their earn, Kui'illumi's clns.j yi'iirn Di'Vliilinw friini Illi' 1'oill'Hii of cloned of tint liy nllii'i' liullviilniilii anil in'Kanl/ii- 1 hul|(lng volume cli'tleH In Hie Hnlleil Slates nnil Hlx- linns outside of tile llnivei'Hlly, siciil (li'uinntic stiiili'iil-i' I'ITIU'IM will pri'vi'Uis yi'iiiH, inn hniir uf tht' Unit la lln. Ktory leeli rmelHIi I'nlllll I'ICM, Nlliely Iwn iHnin tui'ii tnwnnl tin' prnilni'lliiii nf whi'iliili'il (iii'i'k I'lusHi'M in liuth the 11 1 Juinn Medal WIIM awarded to ' f in (Iluiin'M were eulleKf mid iinlvcnilly l'i Kilwinil K, Meiiny, 'la. for Ilie l>e«t I (il'i'i'll pill V nf Illi' 'i.ill I r ll 111 It'll): Kill.'l, |.'ri';iliiniiii nnil Suplminnii' illviKlntis lji«t 100 yeiini, deula KIIIIII' lilen of Hie linpinliilirii puper mi Ilie "KVIIII'IMTH i'f l "Klin wii'k will he ili'\'iili'il to ('(in- nf tin- nccaul'in limy In' K'llneil I'linii liin." TliiHilliy .1 Murphy, '44, re mil fur tin, piny In In mk nf (III' Illllllrltly I rni'l Hull. deMplle eeiveil Hie Itnlirl'l .IlllllcM KlM|: 'lltl, lull- In M.-in-h of '"Ii ut the "tliim nf iwiii'd, tint only fur 11iM Hch<ihirslil|i Till' "Klllllrlll.lt Hi'' firm entry In ml fur liln Inviil Kmilliiiin Spirit Mi'htrtl lull runr tltnr'i In III I'Hl.
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