WHIOffice and Professional Employees International Union, AFL-CIO and CLC No. 321 April, 1973 175 in Illinois Canadian breakthrough win escalator An across-the-board 400 an hour wage increase plus a cost- of-living escalator were obtained in a one-year contract nego- Initial contract for 500 tiated by Local 221, in Gales- burg, Ill., for its 175-member unit at Gale Products, a division of Outboard Marine Corp. Local 221 President Stanton brings four-day week Luker reports that the new agreement runs to March 9, An initial contract negotiated across - the - board increase in paid 50%), in addition to its The campaign to organize 1974. It sets a starting month- by Montreal Local 57 for its each year, with semi-annual ad- pension plan contributions. This the employees lasted almost ly minimum salary of $609 in new 500-member bargaining justments to bring the commis- will provide 2% per month for two years, during which the the lowest office classification, unit at the Quebec Construction sion's employees in 15 provin- each year of service, based on OPEIU made repeated repre- rising to a $685 maximum. It Industry Commission has in- cial offices up to parity with the best five pay years prior to sentations to the Quebec gov- calls for a starting minimum of troduced the four-day week for those in Montreal, where a $70 retirement, in addition to social ernment to grant them collective $770 in the top grade, rising to Canadian white collar em- per week pay differential existed security. The union is coowner bargaining rights. The campaign $903 per month. The cost-of- ployees in a union contract for prior to unionization. and cosigner of these plans. was a combined effort by the living allowance provides a 1¢ the first time, OPEIU Vice Pres- Under the agreement, office The pact provides unlimited OPEIU Eastern Canada Coun- an hour increase for each 0.4 ident Romeo Corbeil reports. messengers will earn $108 per sick leave. In case of lengthy cil and Local 57 officers and point change in the Consumer It establishes four 81/2 -hour week, typists $138, inspectors illness, the employer pays the representatives across the prov- Price Index, with a 6¢ top. days for inspectors, and a 321/2 - $251, and those in the Group first full week's pay, the remain- ince. Its success was due to their Alan D. Stephenson headed hour week (five 61/2 -hour days) Leader classification $303. Oth- ing absence is covered by the efforts in selling OPEIU's mer- the OPEIU negotiating team for 350 clericals with no reduc- er outstanding gains are six health-welfare plan. It also calls its as bargaining agent for white which included Elaine Morss, tion in pay. In addition, the statutory holidays annually, plus for a union shop, dues checkoff, collar employees. Deloris Sparling and Gary King. three-year pact calls for a 5% time off with pay for the period job posting, and doubletime for The unit numbered 430 when between Christmas Eve and Jan- any overtime in excess of four it was recognized, but has since uary 2. Employees required to hours. grown to 500. Eastern Canada New bank in Washington work on holidays will be entitled Approximately 250 employ- Council Representative Gilles to 31/2 times the regular rate. ees get rented cars paid for by Beauregard and Local 57 Rep- opens with union label Pay in the top grade comes close the employer for year-round resentative Jacques Leboeuf, to $10 per hour in the third business and personal use, with who were active in the organiz- Seeking organized labor's sup- tion, and a 15-minute break year. $10 to $15 weekly expenses for ing campaign, led the negotiat- port, the newly-established Com- after each four hours of work. Vacations are liberalized to those with regular routes. Those ing team which consummated Currently, the bank is open munity Bank of Renton, Wash- provide two weeks after one required to operate outside their the agreement without recourse a contract from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. on Thurs- ington State, signed year; three after seven; and four regular routes receive an addi- to mediation or conciliation. with Tacoma Local 23 calling days and Fridays, and from 9 after 20. An unusual vacation tional 40 per mile. for a starting minimum hiring a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays to feature is a special bonus, with The Quebec Construction In- rate about $90 a month higher service employees from nearby employees to get four weeks pay dustry Commission was set up than that paid by other banks in Boeing plants. after seven years; five after 10; by the provincial government to Local 12 unit the area, OPEIU Vice President The agreement also provides six after 15, and seven weeks insure that construction workers Bill Lowe reports. two weeks of paid vacation after after 20. get the wages and working con- moves up 11.5% The new bank, which opened one year. Additional vacation The employer agreed to pay ditions negotiated in contracts on March 1, is the first bank full Across-the-board wage raises benefits will be negotiated in fu- the $33.50 per month cost by their various unions, and to chartered by the state in Renton for health-welfare and insurance totaling 111/2 % over two years, ture agreements, as well as administer their vacation and in 50 years. The OPEIU con- coverage (previously employees pension plans. together with improved health- health and medical insurance. tract calls for a $433 starting welfare benefits, were gained by monthly minimum, rising to The one-year contract expires Twin Cities Local 12 for its unit $450 in six months and $470 on Feb. 25, 1974. Growing N.J. bank unit at Fund Administrative Asso- after one year. Local 23 Sec.-Treas. Floyd ciates of Minnesota, Inc., in St. It sets a 40-hour workweek, Kerschner says that Washington Paul. The company administers with premium pay for overtime labor councils already have be- wins wage, fringe gains health and welfare funds. and shift differentials, grievance gun to patronize the bank with Across - the - board salary Since being unionized, the Business Manager H. R. procedures and binding arbitra- the union label. boosts totaling some $1,500 per bank unit has grown by 33%, Markusen reports that the wage member, plus improved em- the result of a merger with a boosts are 5% in the first year ployer-paid pension and health- Hackensack bank. Reports are and 51/2 % six months later in welfare plans, were gained in a that Hudson-United plans fur- the second. A 25¢ an hour in- crease was gained for temporary two-year contract signed by Lo- ther expansion aggressive employees. cal 142 for its growing 200 - through mergers and the open- member unit at Hudson-United A greatly improved health- ing of new branches. Bank in Union City, N.J., Busi- welfare program, with major ness Manager Zach Schneider The OPEIU negotiating team medical added, was also ob- reports. was headed by Chief Steward tained, as well as new provisions The first year $7 per week Patricia Kelly and included Wal- governing job bidding and pro- increase is supplemented by a ter Wallach, Jerry Massa, Eliza- motions. The pact is retroactive $2.50 cost-of-living allowance, beth Mewees, June Luecktens to August 1 and runs to Decem- retroactive to March 1. The sec- and Lucille Orenstein. ber 31, 1974. ond-year increase is $6. The cost-of-living allowance will be adjusted semi-annually, based on the New York-New Jersey Staff to confer June 15-16 index. Other gains are an improved The annual conference of full-time representatives has pension plan, and a new insur- been scheduled for June 15-16. It will take place at the Courtesy John Van Decanter. King County Scanner Sheraton-Mt. Royal in Montreal, Canada, directly before the The ance carrier providing increased new Community Bank of Renton opens its door as a union shop. meeting of the OPEIU Executive Board. At opening ceremony are, from left, OPEIU Vice President Bill Lowe, medical-hospital care coverage, Local 23 Sec.-Treas. Floyd Kerschner, Bank President Bob Olson and together with major medical, all Further details to be announced. Washington State AFL-CIO Representative Kenneth Bowman. paid for by the employer. Page Two WHITE COLLAR April, 1973 WHITE COLLAR Official Organ of OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION affiliated with the AFL-CIO, CLC HOWARD COUGHLIN J. HOWARD HICKS President Secretary-Treasurer Room 610, 265 West 14th St., New York, N. Y. 10011 POSTMASTERS, ATTENTION. Change of address Form 3579 should be addressed to Office and Professional Employees International Union, 1012 14th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20005. Published monthly at 810 Rhode Island Ave., N.E., Washington, D. C. 20018. Second class postage paid at Washington, D. C. Reproduction by the Labor Press of any or all material herein contained is not only permitted, but wholly desirable in the interest of workers' education. Subscription Price $1 a Year Unionized banks deserve union members' NEW UNITED FUND PACT in Baltimore, Maryland brings Local 2 members annual wage increases patronage of 12 percent and 7 percent, two more holidays and fully paid major medical insurance protection. Sign- As an example of enlightened bank management we cite the ing are, from left, Pension Administrator Douglas Williams, International Representative Dan McShain, Shop Steward Louise Long, and United Fund of Central newly-established Community Bank of Renton, in the state of negotiating team members Shirley Napoli and Director H.
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