TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27,1981 fAOB FOintTEEN iKattrhPatpr l^^rald Free Polio Clinic Open Until 9 O *clock Tonight in Municipal Building General Managbr Richard Mar­ Seaman Apprentice Robert 8. tin and Beldon H. Schaffer, 184 Maltempo. eon of Pollcernan Safn- Dessert Bridge About Town Parker St., director of the. Insti­ iicl 8. Maltempo, 231 Wells St., A vin tt DtHr Nft Prans Rob flit WaaliMr tute of Public Servloe, University has completed basic training at the Attended by 200 BDMown Gr»nf« will ■ponpor Par ttw WikakJMad etrfmtH at 0. •. Watlwi of ConnecUcul, will speak at a U.S. Coast Guard Receiving Cen­ ACRILAN WALL-TO-WALL Oct. 24, 1666 tlM iecond In a aeries of public workshop nreqUM on "Bducation ter, Caf>e May, N. J . He will now- FeUowshlp hall of Second Con- eXaar, eoM card parties aU tJie Orange Hall. In a Growing Colnhiunlty" Nov, 4 report to the U.8> Coast Guard grsgatlonal Chuph was decoAtad BROADLOOM CARPET m SIBig igMH|N taalgkA 617 Hill 8t., East Hartford, to- at the First Churtfi of Christ, Training ship, Unimak, for ad­ in an autumn theme last night for 13,036 Lawaol 16 ta 26. Ma iriCtlt a t 6. MonU Carlo whlat will Congrcgstional.'^^n Clinton. Reser­ vanced training. He was gradu­ thk Woman’s Club annual dessert Check your sizes aad select a big nig or wall-to-wraH aot aa ated from Manchester High School a a< tlM AndH iEurntun HiralJi be ^aSTMl hi*!* vations may -bs made with the bridge attended by 200 women. carpet from this large assortment. Buy now and save, wre 86. prises will be awarded, and re- and entered the Coast Gusrd last af Ctawdatlaa program sponsors, the Sepvice Two large Arrangements of will store year carpet nntil loetallation date at no charge. Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm freahmoits served. Proceeds will Bureau for Women’s Organlss- j July. chrysanthemums in yellow and benefit the building improvement : tions, Hartford. bronze tones flanked the stage, fuM. I Manchester Emblem Club mem­ and gold and brown clotha covered bers who plan t attend a potiuck VOL. LX X IX , NO. 24 (TWKNTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1959 aa Paga 26) PRICE FIVE CENTS ' Robertson PT a executive board I supper at RockvHfe Lodge will the bridge tables with autumn Dominic J. Squalrlto,son of Mr. i will meet tomorrow at 7 -.SO p.m. laat'es In various fall hues serving and Mrs Salvatore Sqtiatrlto, 587 ! meet at the Elks Lodge tomorrow- : at the school. ' St 6:30 p.m. to depart by bus. as centepieces Center S I . has been cited at Wes­ Mrs. Fred Geyer, membership leyan University’s fall convoca­ t Jacob F Miller of Manchester chairman, introduced three' new Robert Murphy tion In honor of scholarship for I I "The Fine Arts. Our American i and Robert S. Starr Jr., South i Heritage ’ will be the theme of the members to the club, Mrs. Isaac achieving a place on the dean's Windsor, were named new corpo- 1 fourth snnlial Fine Arti Confer­ Rhoades. Mrs. Elarl White and Mrs. honor list Castro Rejects ratpra of the Connecticut Institute ence of the Connecticut State Fed- Rosalrs G. Inkel. Mrs. Myron Bog- To Leave Post for the Blind at the directors' an­ j oration of Women's Clubs to be llsh, president, conductied a brief A rummage sale will be spon­ nual meeting yesterday In Hart­ held Nov. 12 In the parish hall of business meeting. Steel Union Fights Moves sored by W8CS of North Meth­ ford. Clirlst Episcopal Church on the Those in'charge of arrange­ In State Dept. odist Church tomorrow s i 9 a.m. West Haven Green. Tlie morning ments were Mrs. James McQovt Past Chief Daughters of Daugh­ session at 10 a.m. will feature ern, Mrs. Jam es Cooper and Mrs. Protest by U.S. Washington, Oct. 28>(JP)— AH Saints' Mothers' Circle will workshop sessions, followed by meet tomorrwv at 8;16 p.m. at the ters of Scotia will mbet tonight William Hannah of the prpgram Robert D. Murphy, under­ lunch at 12:30 p.m. Wheeler Wll-' committee, and Mrs. Richard Al­ home of Mrs. William Abraltls, 10 at the home of Mrs. Allan F. Hcll- llams, sculptor, will gpeak at the secretary of state and trouble­ strom Jr., 636 Vernon St. ton Jr., Mrs. George LaBonne, 311 MAIN ST.. OPP. STATE ARMORY Hmvaiu, Oct. 28 ((/P);—Cu- Robin Rd. Mrs. Robert Ardlni will afteriioon session. shooter in U.S. diplomacy, is be oo-hoetess. Mrs. Ralph Schwalkert, Mrs. Ben­ ban-American ralatlona grew jamin Crehore and Mrs. Albert AMPLE FREE about to retire after 39 years Members of Intermediate Girl Tickets for the speaking appear­ ■taadily worse today as Fidel To Speed End of WalKout The Ladles of the Assumption Scout Troop 7 of Center Church Harrison of the hospitality com­ PARKING in the foreign service. ^ ance of Victor Rieael Nov. 20 at I Ml V 510S • Castro’s regime rejected a srtll hold a business meeting Mon­ are reminded by their leader to mittee. Murphy, who is 65 years old to­ the Manchester High School au­ “ConneettcuVs Complete Carpet Specialty Shop” U.S.-protest against its rising day at 8:15 p.m. in the church hall. meet, in uniform, at the Commu­ ditorium, sponsored by the high The November meeting will be day, has decided, to accept a post nity Y at 3;30 tomorrmv after­ "Men’i Night" to which all hus- Mrs. Ross Miller will be guest school PTC, are now on sale at OPEN TUESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY TILL 9 anti-Americanism and aimed In private business, turning down speaker after the business meet­ noon to assial with the Senior banda of members are invited as a new shaft at American busi­ the opportunit./ to become new Cltlaens Club Halloween party. Manchester Drug, 717 Main St; ing. Potterton'a Inc., 180 Center St., well as other guests. ness in the island republic. United States Ambassador to In swift devalopmenta last Western Germany. U.S. Bids High Coiir| St. Mary's Guild will meet and the high school office. aight: Since 1953, the Wlsconsin-bom Thuraday at 11 a.m. at the pariah Murphy has been the highest house. Membera are to bring The Mother Cabrini Mothers 1. Prasidant Oavaldo Dorticoa, Circle will meet tomorrow at 8 after confardnea with Prime Min- ranking career olficer in the State aandwiches. Hoatessea who will KEEBLER a a Department’s top echelon. aerve dcasert and beverage are p.m. at the home of Mrs. June tstar Castro and his caMnat, de- Approve Injuncticni Begley. Kelly Rd., South Windsor. Aantly dlamlMed a U.S. govern­ ’Ike late John Foster Dulles re­ RUMMAGE Mrs. James Robinson. Mrs. Paul BUITERCUP / U e lied heavily on hla Judgment and Carter and Mrs. Walter. Wirtalla. ment prbteat that "dolibarate and ■kill as a negotiator to help settle The American Legion will hold a eoheertad efforts in Cuba” are be­ Washington, Oct. 28 (JF)— The government todAji business meeting tonight at 8 600KIES 10 Os. many a diplomatic crisis. Secre­ SALE Manchester Jaycee Wives wUI ing made to destroy relations be-1 tary of State Christian Herter has Supreme Court to approve an injunction to halt meet tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at the o’clock at the Post Home. Com­ bwaen the two countries. Dorticos ' mander John E. Stewart will pre- relied on Murphy Just aa heavily. old striKe. The U nit^ Steelworkers im m ediate a K S HALL Community Baptist Church. A ■aid tha U.S. charges wrare with­ aide. out foundation. Murphy has played key roles in the court’s jurisdiction. copper demonstration will be pre­ NABISCO helping settle the fighting in Leb­ THURSDAY. OCT. 29 sented by Mrs. Phyllis Reynolds Austrian Girl Arrives FOOD STORES 3. Tho cabinet whipped out a Atty. Gen. William P. Rogers Jr. asked that the e a a i i l t f Daughters of Liberty,. No. 17, anon, the Trieste dispute and after the business meeting. Mem­ GRAHAM naw law Unpoaing stiff taxes on a Taft-Hartley Act injunction go into effect unleM the bBJm K Doors Open 10 AJlt. Loyal Orange Lodge, will hold a THE BEST NEIGHBORHOOD STORES m^ahy backstage diplomatic quar­ bers are invited to bring guests. mtaiing eoncessions. The law ap- rels. flies an appeal by noon tomorrow. L Sponsored By The rummage aale In the Orange Hall panntly la aimed directly a t two He also has been one of the most The union’s reply promptly asked the court to taare imdHfr" Manchester Emblem Club basement Thursday at 6 a.m. To Live with Sister CARRY SUGAk HEART FOOD PRODUCTS CRACKERS , u. American-owned nickel and cobalt The annual "Autumn Leaves" Committee members will be at the influential men in the State De­ dance, sponsored by Upsilon XI producing oi>erationa in eaatam iUUGS DUBOIS turbed a 6-day stay of the injunction ordered by the Court e i hall tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. to Gerlinde Santer, 18, newly ar-^lish for the foreign born until she a partment in deciding on policy Appeals in Philadelphia. fraternity, whose members attend 2 for Ciffia — the Nicaro N 1 c k a 1 with Russia.. IVhen Soviet diplo­ the University of Hartford, will be receive donations from members rived from Eferding, Austria, Is masters enough of the language to •quad executions, which claimed and friends. Plant, owned by the U.S.
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