<p> COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ADDENDUM No. 2 to RFP No. 901308 for ES and VESL Services</p><p>Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Networking/Bidders Conferences Held on July 16, 2015 and July 17, 2015</p><p>This County of Alameda, General Services Agency (GSA), RFP Addendum has been electronically issued to potential bidders via e-mail. This RFP Addendum will also be posted on the GSA Contracting Opportunities website located at http://www.acgov.org/gsa_app/gsa/purchasing/bid_content/contractopportunities.jsp .</p><p>PLEASE NOTE: BID RESPONSE DUE DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED TO SEPTEMBER 4, 2015</p><p>**BIDDERS MUST USE THE ATTACHED REVISED EXHIBIT A – BID RESPONSE PACKET, AND REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION AND SUBMITTALS WHEN SUBMITTING THEIR BID RESPONSE**</p><p>1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: 510-208-9600 Website: http://www.acgov.org/gsa/departments/purchasing/ County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFP No. 900977, Addendum No. 2</p><p>Alameda County is committed to reducing environmental impacts across our entire supply chain. If printing this document, please print only what you need, print double-sided, and use recycled- content paper.</p><p>RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 2 The following Sections have been modified to read as shown below. Changes made to the original RFP document are in bold print and highlighted, and deletions made have a strike through.</p><p>Page 4 of RFP, (Statement of Work), Section A (Intent), paragraph 2, has been revised as follows:</p><p>The County intends to award a three-year contract, with option to renew for two additional years, to a maximum of one (1) bidder per region (one in the north and one in the south region) selected as the most responsible bidders whose response(s) conforms to the RFP and meet the County requirements.</p><p>To better facilitate delivery of services to eligible participants, SSA has divided the County into two regions—Region 1 and Region 2. Region 1 is comprised of the northern and central portions of Alameda County and is served by SSA’s North Oakland and Eastmont Self-Sufficiency Centers. Region 2 is comprised of the southern and eastern portions of Alameda County and is served by SSA’s Hayward-based Eden Area Self-Sufficiency Center and its two satellite offices in Fremont and Livermore.</p><p>Page 5 of RFP, (Statement of Work), Section B (Scope), paragraph 5, has been revised as follows:</p><p>There will be a three month start-up period from November October 1, 2015 to January December 31, 2016 to assure that service providers are adequately prepared to provide services on February January 1, 2016. </p><p>Page 16 of RFP, (Statement of Work), Section E (Specific Requirements), item 6. d, has been revised as follows:</p><p> d. The service provider(s) will be expected to maintain, at all times, approximately one hundred and 180 daily ES/VESL slots in Region 1 and approximately one hundred and twenty 120 daily ES/VESL slots in Region 2. These ES/VESL daily slots will accommodate a combination of referrals from the County’s Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Trafficking and Crime Victims Assistance Program (TCVAP), CalWORKs, General Assistance, and CalFresh Programs. The ES/VESL daily slot numbers are contingent on the number of new arrivals to the County and may need to be adjusted.</p><p>Page 24 of RFP, (Statement of Work), Section E (Specific Requirements, Funding), items 7. b,c,d, has been revised as follows:</p><p> b. This solicitation of proposals will cover the 35 12 month period of November October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2018 2016. However, SSA reserves the option to extend any contracts entered into as a result of this solicitation for up to two (2) four (4) additional years based on project outcomes and available funding. Funding beyond September 30, 2016 is not guaranteed.</p><p> c. The selected Contractor(s) will be provided with a three (3) month start-up implementation period that will begin on approximately November October 1, 2015 and RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 3 end on approximately January 31, 2016 December 31, 2015. It is imperative that starting on approximately February January 1, 2016, the selected Contractor(s) must be fully able to offer all the service components in full as outlined in this RFP. Therefore, all Bidders are required to submit a start-up implementation plan for the three (3) month period from approximately November October 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016 December 31, 2015 in their proposals as well as a complete description of their fully implemented program service model that will commence starting on approximately February January 1, 2016, after the initial startup implementation period is completed. During the start- up period, selected contractors will provide the new upfront LEP orientation and assessment services. There are three bid budget forms provided in a separate attachment for bidders to detail program costs for each budget term period: 1) Start- up Period: November 2015 to January 2016, 2) First Year Full Program: February 2016 to September 2016, 3) Full Program: Years Two and Three: October 2016 to September 2018. </p><p> d. Bidders must also provide a budget outline in their proposal that clearly identifies cost allocation methods used to delineate those administrative and program costs associated with the startup implementation period as well as the cost associated with providing full services that will start on approximately February January 1, 2016.</p><p>Pages 27 – 28 of the RFP, CALENDAR OF EVENTS, has been revised as follows:</p><p>EVENT DATE/LOCATION Request Issued July 2, 2013 Written Questions Due by 5:00 p.m. on July 17, 2015 *Networking/Bidders July 16, 2015 @ 10:00AM at: General Services Agency Conference #1 Room 1105, 11th Floor 1401 Lakeside Drive (Online conference option Oakland, CA 94612 enabled for remote participation) OR remotely @ http://gsaalamedacounty.adob econnect.com/admin/show- event-catalog</p><p>*Networking/Bidders July 17, 2015 @ 2:00PM at: Alameda County Conference #2 Public Works Agency Conference Room 4825 Gleason Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Addendum No. 1 Issued July 31, 2015 August 17, 2015 Addendum No. 2 Issued August 20, 2015 August 21, 2015 Response Due August 18, 2015 September 3, 2015 September 4, 2015 by 2:00 p.m. Evaluation Period August 18 - August 31, 2015 September 2 – September 15, 2015</p><p>RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 4 Vendor Interviews August 24-25, 2015 September 16 – 17, 2015 (Tentative) Notices of Awards Issued October 27, 2015 October 20, 2015 to Bidders/Board Letter Recommending Award Issued Board Consideration October 6, 2015 October 27, 2015 Award Date Contract Start Date October 15, 2015 November 1, 2015</p><p>Page 29 of RFP, (County Procedures, Terms, And Conditions), Section H (Evaluation Criteria / Selection Committee), paragraph 1, has been revised as follows:</p><p>All proposals that pass the initial Evaluation Criteria which are determined on a pass/fail basis (Completeness of Response, Financial Stability, and Debarment and Suspension) will be evaluated by a County Selection Committee (CSC). The County Selection Committee may be composed of County staff and other parties that may have expertise or experience in employment services, vocational English as a second language and/or limited English proficient services for refugee, CalWORKs or other populations describe the nature of the services being contracted services. The CSC will score and recommend a Contractor in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFP. Other than the initial pass/fail Evaluation Criteria, the evaluation of the proposals shall be within the sole judgment and discretion of the CSC.</p><p>Page 30 of RFP, (County Procedures, Terms, And Conditions), Section H (Evaluation Criteria / Selection Committee), paragraph 7, has been revised as follows:</p><p>Each of the Evaluation Criteria below will be used in ranking and determining the quality of bidders’ proposals. Proposals will be evaluated according to each Evaluation Criteria, and scored on the zero to five-point scale outlined below. The scores for all Evaluation Criteria will then be added, according to their assigned weight (below), to arrive at a weighted score for each proposal. A proposal with a high weighted total will be deemed of higher quality than a proposal with a lesser-weighted total. The final maximum score for any project is five hundred (500) five hundred fifty (550) points, including the possible fifty (50) points for local and small, local and emerging, or local preference points (maximum 10% of final score).</p><p>Page 32 of RFP, (County Procedures, Terms, And Conditions), Section H (Evaluation Criteria / Selection Committee), Section C, has been revised as follows:</p><p>RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 5 C. Budget & Cost Effectiveness: Proposals will be evaluated against the RFP specifications and the questions below: Does Bidder’s proposed budget support the proposed program design and staffing pattern? (5 points 3 points) Are specific budget line items reasonable and are costs allocated appropriately? (5 points 3 points) Does the budget include leveraged funding and/or other resources? (5 points 4 points) 10 Points</p><p>Page 32 of RFP, (County Procedures, Terms, And Conditions), Section H (Evaluation Criteria / Selection Committee), Section E, has been revised as follows:</p><p>E. References (See Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet) Do Bidders provide credible, reasonable references and letters of support from stakeholders, especially immigrant and refugee ECBOs and individual letters from the targeted refugee/immigrant communities? If a short list process is used for a solicitation, references are only performed on the short list vendors and the score is not included in the preliminary short list score. (5 points 10 points) 10 Points</p><p>Page 32 of RFP, (County Procedures, Terms, And Conditions), Section H (Evaluation Criteria / Selection Committee), Section I, has been revised as follows:</p><p>I. Oral Presentation and Interview: The oral presentation by each bidder shall not exceed sixty (60) minutes in length. The oral interview will consist of standard questions asked of each of the bidders and specific questions regarding the specific proposal. The proposals may then be re-evaluated and re-scored based on the oral presentation and interview. (10 points 5 points) 5 Points</p><p>Page 35 – 36 of RFP, Section J (NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION), Item 2, has been revised as follows:</p><p>2. At the conclusion of the RFP response evaluation process, debriefings for unsuccessful bidders will be scheduled and provided upon written request and will be restricted to discussion of the unsuccessful offeror’s bid. Under no circumstances will any discussion be conducted with regard to contract negotiations with the successful bidder.</p><p> a. Under no circumstances will any discussion be conducted with regard to contract negotiations with the successful bidder.</p><p> b. Debriefing may include review of successful bidder’s proposal with redactions as appropriate.</p><p>RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 6 Page 43, Section T (SUBMITTAL OF BIDS), Item 5, has been revised as follows:</p><p>5. Bidders may quote on one or both regions. There are two separate bid forms, one for Region 1 and one for Region 2. Only one bid response will be accepted from any one person, partnership, corporation, or other entity; however, several alternatives may be included in one response. For purposes of this requirement, “partnership” shall mean, and is limited to, a legal partnership formed under one or more of the provisions of the California or other state’s Corporations Code or an equivalent statute.</p><p>Responses to Written/Verbal Questions</p><p>Q1) Along with mandated inclusion of Ethnic Community Based Organization (ECBO) providers, can the County also take into consideration service deliveries which are designed to meet the true population needs of new arrivals who may not have formal ECBO representation? A) Yes, the County will take into consideration service deliveries which are designed to meet the true population needs of new arrivals who may not have formal ECBO representation.</p><p>Q2) The RFP emphasizes VESL/ES case management and services. Is this emphasis spelled out? A) The County will ensure that the Social Adjustment (SA) services offered under this contract will be required to meet a high standard of accountability with regards to, but not limited to, providing an effective initial assessment, providing follow-up, and maintaining up to date documentation and case files on all participants served. Requirements for SA services are described on page 22 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 5.a.: 5. Social Adjustment Services</p><p> a. Description - Service providers will provide all refugee and asylee clients with social adjustment services to assist refugees to understand and effectively utilize and interact with basic systems involving daily living and deal with problems that arise when these systems prove difficult to navigate. Social adjustment services are provided under subcontract agreements with ECBOs and are refugee-specific and highly accessible. Social adjustment services include outreach, information and referrals, translation and interpretation, individual and family counseling, tutoring </p><p>RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 7 and educational support, citizenship and other application assistance, crisis/emergency assistance, and comprehensive case management.</p><p>Q3) How long is the training, the process for the CalWIN data collection and reporting programs? A) It will be approximately a two-week training session to be scheduled sometime during the months of November through December. There will be a follow up training session sometime during the months of February and/or March. The expectation will be that the data collection and reporting will begin in January 2016.</p><p>Q4) What is the County’s strategy in referring General Assistance applicants under the new program? A) The following is the County’s strategy under the new program: A General Assistance participant will meet with a County Eligibility Technician. The Technician will interview the participant to determine if the participant is eligible for the General Assistance program. If the Technician determines during the interview process that the participant has limited English proficiency, then the participant will be referred to the LEP VESL provider for employment and vocational English language training. </p><p>Q5) Does the Social Adjustment (SA) service have to be delivered by an ECBO? A) Yes, the service must be provided by an ECBO.</p><p>Q6) Will the grant for this RFP be the same one funding the Lao Family Community Development contract or will there be two separate SA grants? A) The SA component in this RFP will be separate from the current Lao Family Community Development grant.</p><p>Q7) Where are the specific requirements described in the RFP? A) Please refer to pages 7 – 24 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS).</p><p>Q8) Is the online process configured to accommodate online bids for both Region 1 and Region 2 submittals? A) Yes, the online process will accept 2 submittals.</p><p>Q9) Are there guidelines on how to structure the contents of the bid submittal in response to the RFP? A) Please refer to pages 7 – 10 of the Revised Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet (REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION AND SUBMITTALS).</p><p>Q10) Page 22 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 5, states: Social adjustment services include outreach, information and referrals, translation and interpretation, individual and family counseling, tutoring and educational support, citizenship and other application assistance, crisis/emergency assistance, and comprehensive case management. Should bid responses be structured to refer to this section the RFP? RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 8 A) This sentence is part of the services in this RFP required of the contractors.</p><p>Q11) Why did the County split the region into two, rather than having one fiscal agency for both regions? A) The County would like to see collaboration among the potential contractors who receive awards as a result of this RFP. The County encourages collaboration and partnerships that will result in the most effective delivery of services for the various unique and special populations of refugees and other limited and non-English speakers throughout Alameda County.</p><p>Q12) Is it appropriate for an agency to be involved in different proposals? A) Yes, a bidder may be a party to more than one submittal.</p><p>Q13) Is there a page limit for bid responses? A) There is no page limit for bid responses.</p><p>Q14) What is envisioned during the training process? What other activities are critical from the County’s perspective? A) The County will train the new contractors on how to use our internal database to track the progress of all enrolled program participants. It is also expected that during the training process, the new contracted staff will learn how to input data that will be used to provide reports related to the stated outcome measures of this RFP. Lastly, there may be a transition period involving the current contractor closing out their service delivery program while the new contractor starts up their service delivery program. The scope of training for the new contractor will be determined during the transition phase.</p><p>Q15) Is Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) part of the required services? A) Yes, please refer to page 13 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 3.</p><p>Q16) Does a sub-contractor providing SA services have to be an ECBO? A) Yes, a sub-contractor providing SA services must be an ECBO.</p><p>Q17) Will the County consider an ECBO that is already under contract? A) Yes, the County will consider an ECBO that is already under contract.</p><p>Q18) Will the County consider business models that do not have ECBO representation? A) No. The County will not consider business models that do not include an ECBO.</p><p>Q19) What are the documentation requirements for SA service providers? A) Refer to pages 25 – 27 Section F (DELIVERABLES / REPORTS). Service providers will be expected by the County to maintain detailed case notes, referral information, follow-up records, and other to be determined documentation of all participants they assist. The County will work with the selected providers to identify the full scope of document requirements based on national and state best practices and guidelines. RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 9 Q20) When will the list of vendors attending the Bidders Conferences be available? A) A list of vendors that signed in at the Bidders Conferences is included in the Addendum.</p><p>Q21) What organizations are currently the incumbents? A) The incumbents are Catholic Charities of the East Bay and International Rescue Committee (IRC).</p><p>Q22) How can a bidder be alerted of any date changes? A) All updates will be posted online on the GSA website at http://www.acgov.org/gsa_app/gsa/purchasing/bid_content/contractingdetail.jsp? BID_ID=1592.</p><p>Q23) May an educational provider partner with other organizations? A) Yes, an educational provider may partner with other organizations.</p><p>Q24) How are the weighted points calculated for the Evaluation Criteria? A) Please refer to pages 29 – 34 of the RFP, Section H (EVALUATION CRITERIA / SELECTION COMMITTEE). The actual weights for each evaluation criteria are listed in the Evaluation Criteria Table.</p><p>Q25) How is a bidder’s proposed satellite office in the Tri-Valley area evaluated? A) The bidder should describe the proposed satellite office in the bid submittal. The agency’s capacity to address specific populations and geographical areas will be evaluated.</p><p>Q26) Please clarify page 35, Section J. Notice of Recommendation to Award, Item 2b. A) Please see page 5 of this ADDENDUM No. 2 for revisions to this section. This section has been updated to meet the County’s current policies and procedures. </p><p>Q27) Are the dates for the Vendor Interviews set for August 24-25, 2015? A) Please refer to the revised Calendar of Events above, tentatively set on September 16-17, 2015.</p><p>Q28) Will only one agency be selected as a provider for Region 1 and Region 2? A) As stated on page 4, Section A (INTENT), second paragraph: The County intends to award a three-year contract, with options to renew, to a maximum of one (1) bidder per region (one in the north region and one in the south region) selected as the most responsible bidders whose response(s) conforms to the RFP and meet the County requirements. The County may select different agencies for Region 1 and Region 2. </p><p>RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 10 The following participants attended the Bidders’ Conferences:</p><p>Company Name / Address Representative Contact Information Phone: 510-768-3121 Catholic Charities of the East Bay E-Mail: [email protected] 433 Jefferson St Emma Jones Prime Contractor: Oakland, CA 94607 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Phone: 510-836-6700 The English Center E-Mail: [email protected] 66 Franklin St John Tay Prime Contractor: No Oakland, CA 94607 Subcontractor: Yes Certified SLEB: Yes Phone: 510-559-3193 Hatchuel Tabernik & Associates E-Mail: [email protected] 2560 9th St, Suite 211 Tim Tabernik Prime Contractor: Yes Berkeley, CA 94710 Subcontractor: No Certified SLEB: Yes Phone: 510-859-5858 International Rescue Committee E-Mail: [email protected] 405 14th St, Suite 1415 Lara Maxey Prime Contractor: Oakland, CA 94612 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Phone: 510-768-3121 Catholic Charities of the East Bay E-Mail: [email protected] 433 Jefferson St Elisabeth Lang Prime Contractor: Oakland, CA 94607 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Phone: 510-533-8850 Lao Family Community Development, Inc. E-Mail: [email protected] 2325 E 12th St Mai Quach Prime Contractor: Yes Oakland, CA 94601 Subcontractor: No Certified SLEB: Yes Phone: 510-436-4968 E-Mail: [email protected] Jennie Mollica Consulting Jennie Mollica Prime Contractor: Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Phone: 510-852-8920 International Rescue Committee E-Mail: [email protected] 405 14th St, Suite 1415 Maggie Hicks Prime Contractor: No Oakland, CA 94612 Subcontractor: Yes Certified SLEB: Yes</p><p>RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 11 Company Name / Address Representative Contact Information</p><p>RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 12 Phone: 510-452-8222 International Rescue Committee E-Mail: [email protected] 405 14th St, Suite 1415 Christine Lemonda Prime Contractor: No Oakland, CA 94612 Subcontractor: Yes Certified SLEB: Yes Phone: 510-407-3874 International Rescue Committee E-Mail: 405 14th St, Suite 1415 Karen Ferguson Prime Contractor: No Oakland, CA 94612 Subcontractor: Yes Certified SLEB: Yes Phone: 510-559-3193 Hatchuel Tabernik & Associates E-Mail: [email protected] 2560 9th St, Suite 211 Sarah Dewitt Prime Contractor: Berkeley, CA 94710 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Yes Phone: 510-239-8448 Bhutanese Community of California E-Mail: [email protected] 1130 Regent St, Suite B Ganesh Subedi Prime Contractor: Alameda, CA 94501 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Phone: 510-302-8157 Bhutanese Community of California E-Mail: [email protected] 1130 Regent St, Suite B Dawa Tshering Tamang Prime Contractor: Alameda, CA 94501 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Phone: 510-213-4451 Bhutanese Community of California E-Mail: [email protected] 1130 Regent St, Suite B Sushan Rai Prime Contractor: Alameda, CA 94501 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Phone: 510-533-8850 Lao Family Community Development E-Mail: [email protected] 1551 23rd Ave Ballav Poudyel Prime Contractor: Yes Oakland, CA 94601 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Yes Phone: 510-881-5921 ext 111 La Familia Counseling Service E-Mail: [email protected] 26081 Mocine Ave Aaron Ortiz Prime Contractor: Yes Hayward, CA 94544 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: </p><p>RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 13 Company Name / Address Representative Contact Information Phone: 510-293-8595 E-Mail: [email protected] Hayward Adult School 22100 Princeton St Veronica Ewing Prime Contractor: Hayward, CA 94541 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Yes Phone: 510-293-8595 ext 4861 E-Mail: [email protected] Hayward Adult School 22100 Princeton St Elaine Kanakis Prime Contractor: Hayward, CA 94541 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Phone: 510-293-8595 E-Mail: [email protected] Hayward Adult School 22100 Princeton St Shaun Chu Prime Contractor: Hayward, CA 94541 Subcontractor: Certified SLEB: Phone: 415-956-2556 Jungle Communications, Inc E-Mail: [email protected] 2560 9th St, Ste. 319B Divya Purnima Prime Contractor: No Berkeley, CA Subcontractor: Yes Certified SLEB: No Phone: 510-836-6700 The English Center E-Mail: [email protected] 66 Franklin St, Suite 220 Lynne Wilkins Prime Contractor: Yes Oakland, CA Subcontractor: No Certified SLEB: Yes Phone: 510-717-3100 East Bay Refugee Forum E-Mail: [email protected] c/o LFCD 1551 23rd Ave Blythe Raphael Prime Contractor: No Oakland, CA Subcontractor: Yes Certified SLEB: No Phone: 415-794-6174 Refugee Transitions E-Mail: [email protected] 870 Market St., Ste 718 Jane Pak Prime Contractor: No San Francisco, CA Subcontractor: Yes Certified SLEB: No</p><p>RFP No. 901308, Addendum No. 2 Page 14 REVISED EXHIBIT A BID RESPONSE PACKET</p><p>RFP No. 901308 – ES and VESL Services</p><p>To: The County of Alameda</p><p>From: (Official Name of Bidder)</p><p>. AS DESCRIBED IN THE SUBMITTAL OF BIDS SECTION OF THIS RFP, BIDDERS ARE TO SUBMIT ONE (1) ELECTRONIC COPY OF THE BID IN PDF (with OCR preferred). THE ELECTRONIC COPY MUST HAVE ALL APPROPRIATE PAGES SIGNED </p><p>. ALL PAGES OF THE BID RESPONSE PACKET (EXHIBIT A) MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH STRATEGIC SOURCING SUPPLIER PORTAL AS PDF ATTACHMENT(S) IN TOTAL WITH ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS ATTACHED THERETO; ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED MUST BE SUPPLIED; ANY PAGES OF EXHIBIT A (OR ITEMS THEREIN) NOT APPLICABLE TO THE BIDDER MUST STILL BE SUBMITTED AS PART OF A COMPLETE BID RESPONSE, WITH SUCH PAGES OR ITEMS CLEARLY MARKED “N/A”</p><p>. BIDDERS SHALL NOT SUBMIT TO THE COUNTY A RE-TYPED, WORD-PROCESSED, OR OTHERWISE RECREATED VERSION OF EXHIBIT A – BID RESPONSE PACKET OR ANY OTHER COUNTY-PROVIDED DOCUMENT</p><p>. ALL NOTATIONS MUST BE PRINTED IN INK OR TYPEWRITTEN; NO ERASURES ARE PERMITTED; ERRORS MAY BE CROSSED OUT AND CORRECTIONS PRINTED IN INK OR TYPEWRITTEN ADJACENT, AND MUST BE INITIALED IN INK BY PERSON SIGNING BID</p><p>. BIDDER MUST QUOTE PRICE(S) AS SPECIFIED IN RFP DOCUMENT AND AS SPECIFIED IN THE STRATEGIC SOURCING SUPPLIER PORTAL EVENT </p><p>. BIDDERS THAT DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS, AND/OR SUBMIT INCOMPLETE BID PACKAGES, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO DISQUALIFICATION AND THEIR BIDS REJECTED IN TOTAL</p><p>. IF BIDDERS ARE MAKING ANY CLARIFICATIONS AND/OR AMENDMENTS, OR TAKING EXCEPTION TO POLICIES OR SPECIFICATIONS OF THIS Error: Reference source not found, , THESE MUST BE SUBMITTED IN THE EXCEPTIONS, CLARIFICATIONS, AMENDMENTS SECTION OF THIS EXHIBIT A – BID RESPONSE PACKET IN ORDER FOR THE BID RESPONSE TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE</p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 1 BIDDER INFORMATION AND ACCEPTANCE</p><p>1. The undersigned declares that the Bid Documents, including, without limitation, the RFP, Addenda, and Exhibits have been read.</p><p>2. The undersigned is authorized, offers, and agrees to furnish the articles and/or services specified in accordance with the Specifications, Terms & Conditions of the Bid Documents of RFP No. 901308 – ES and VESL Services.</p><p>3. The undersigned has reviewed the Bid Documents and fully understands the requirements in this Bid including, but not limited to, the requirements under the County Provisions, and that each Bidder who is awarded a contract shall be, in fact, a prime Contractor, not a subcontractor, to County, and agrees that its Bid, if accepted by County, will be the basis for the Bidder to enter into a contract with County in accordance with the intent of the Bid Documents.</p><p>4. The undersigned acknowledges receipt and acceptance of all addenda.</p><p>5. The undersigned agrees to the following terms, conditions, certifications, and requirements found on the County’s website:</p><p>. Bid Protests / Appeals Process [http://www.acgov.org/gsa/departments/purchasing/policy/bidappeal.htm]</p><p>. Debarment / Suspension Policy [http://www.acgov.org/gsa/departments/purchasing/policy/debar.htm] </p><p>. Iran Contracting Act (ICA) of 2010 [http://www.acgov.org/gsa/departments/purchasing/policy/ica.htm] </p><p>. General Environmental Requirements [http://www.acgov.org/gsa/departments/purchasing/policy/environ.htm] </p><p>. General Requirements [http://www.acgov.org/gsa/departments/purchasing/policy/genreqs.htm] </p><p>. Proprietary and Confidential Information [http://www.acgov.org/gsa/departments/purchasing/policy/proprietary.htm] </p><p>6. The undersigned acknowledges that Bidder will be in good standing in the State of California, with all the necessary licenses, permits, certifications, approvals, and authorizations necessary to perform all obligations in connection with this RFP and associated Bid Documents.</p><p>7. It is the responsibility of each bidder to be familiar with all of the specifications, terms and conditions and, if applicable, the site condition. By the submission of a Bid, the Bidder certifies that if awarded a contract they will make no claim against the County based upon ignorance of conditions or misunderstanding of the specifications.</p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 2 8. Patent indemnity: Vendors who do business with the County shall hold the County of Alameda, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from liability of an nature or kind, including cost and expenses, for infringement or use of any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, secret process, patented or unpatented invention, article or appliance furnished or used in connection with the contract or purchase order.</p><p>9. Insurance certificates are not required at the time of submission. However, by signing Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet, the Contractor agrees to meet the minimum insurance requirements stated in the RFP. This documentation must be provided to the County, prior to award, and shall include an insurance certificate and additional insured certificate, naming the County of Alameda, which meets the minimum insurance requirements, as stated in the RFP.</p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 3 Official Name of Bidder: </p><p>Street Address Line 1: </p><p>Street Address Line 2: </p><p>City: State: Zip Code: </p><p>Webpage: </p><p>Type of Entity / Organizational Structure (check one):</p><p>Corporation Joint Venture</p><p>Limited Liability Partnership Partnership</p><p>Limited Liability Corporation Non-Profit / Church</p><p>Other: </p><p>Jurisdiction of Organization Structure: </p><p>Date of Organization Structure: </p><p>Federal Tax Identification Number: </p><p>Primary Contact Information:</p><p>Name / Title: </p><p>Telephone Number: Fax Number: </p><p>E-mail Address: </p><p>SIGNATURE: </p><p>Name and Title of Signer: </p><p>Dated this day of 20 </p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 4 BID FORM</p><p>Online Bid Process https://ezsourcing.acgov.org/psp/SS/SUPPLIER/ERP/h/?tab=DEFAULT</p><p>By submission through the Alameda County Strategic Sourcing Supplier Portal Bidder certifies to County that all representations, certifications, and statements made by Bidder, as set forth in each entry in the Alameda County Strategic Sourcing Supplier Portal and attachments are true and correct and are made under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of California.</p><p>COST SHALL BE SUBMITTED ON EXHIBIT A AS IS. NO ALTERATIONS OR CHANGES OF ANY KIND ARE PERMITTED. Bid responses that do not comply will be subject to rejection in total. The cost quoted b elow shall include all taxes and all other charges, including travel expenses, and is the cost the County will pay for the term of any contract that is a result of this bid.</p><p>Quantities listed herein are not to be construed as a commitment. No minimum or maximum is guara nteed or implied.</p><p>Bidder hereby certifies to County that all representations, certifications, and statements made by Bid der, as set forth in this Bid Form and attachments are true and correct and are made under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of California.</p><p>Bidders must submit a budget that supports its proposed program design and staffing patterns. Bidders must submit project costs and funds requested for each listed budget item. Costs must be re asonable, allocated appropriately, and must include all available leveraged funding and/or other reso urces.</p><p>The costs quoted shall include all taxes and all other charges and is the cost the county will pay, not to exceed the grand total, for the single year term of any contract that is a result of this bid. A bid form s hall be used to evaluate cost in the “evaluation criteria” section for ES/VESL services.</p><p>Bidder agrees that the budget quoted represents the budget they will use during the term of any cont ract awarded.</p><p>Bidders must itemize each budgeted line item listed on the bid form(s) and on the detail narrative tabl es for each of the services in this RFP that their bid response addresses. All requested “start-up costs” must be detailed and explained. Use additional lines and pages, if necessary.</p><p>For leveraged funding or other resources, bidders must disclose the funding source and provide verific ation from the funding source that the funding may be used for this project. For any amount over $1, 000 verification must be in the form of a letter submission from the funding source on their letterhea d.</p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 5 BID FORM IS ATTACHED IN SEPARATE PAGE IN EXCEL FORMAT.</p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 6 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION AND SUBMITTALS</p><p>All of the specific documentation listed below is required to be submitted with the Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet in order for a bid to be deemed complete. Bidders shall submit all documentation, in the order listed below and clearly label each section with the appropriate title (i.e. Table of Contents, Letter of Transmittal, Key Personnel, etc.) and attached it as PDF file(s) to their online bid submissions through Strategic Sourcing Supplier Portal.</p><p>1. Table of Contents: Bid responses shall include a table of contents listing the individual sections of the proposal/quotation and their corresponding page numbers. </p><p>2. Letter of Transmittal: Bid responses shall include a description of Bidder’s capabilities and approach in providing its services to the County, and provide a brief synopsis of the highlights of the Proposal and overall benefits of the Proposal to the County. This synopsis should not exceed three (3) pages in length and should be easily understood.</p><p>3. Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet: Every bidder must fill out and submit the complete Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet.</p><p>(a) Bidder Information and Acceptance:</p><p>(1) Every Bidder must fill out and submit a signed page 4 of Exhibit A. </p><p>(b) References:</p><p>(1) Bidders must use the templates on pages 11 - 12 of this Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet to provide references. (2) Bidders are to provide a list of 5 current and 5 former clients. References must be satisfactory as deemed solely by County. References should have similar scope, volume and requirements to those outlined in these specifications, terms and conditions. . Bidders must verify the contact information for all references provided is current and valid. . Bidders are strongly encouraged to notify all references that the County may be contacting them to obtain a reference. (3) The County may contact some or all of the references provided in order to determine Bidder’s performance record on work similar to that described in this request. The County reserves the right to contact references other than those provided in the Response and to use the information gained from them in the evaluation process.</p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 7 (c) Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments: </p><p>(1) This shall include clarifications, exceptions and amendments, if any, to the RFP and associated Bid Documents, and shall be submitted with your bid response using the template on page 13 of this Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet. (2) THE COUNTY IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO ACCEPT ANY EXCEPTIONS, AND SUCH EXCEPTIONS MAY BE A BASIS FOR BID DISQUALIFICATION.</p><p>4. Key Personnel: Bid responses shall include a complete list of all key personnel associated with the RFP. This list must include all key personnel who will provide services/training to County staff and all key personnel who will provide maintenance and support services. For each person on the list, the following information shall be included:</p><p>(a) The person’s relationship with Bidder, including job title and years of employment with Bidder; (b) The role that the person will play in connection with the RFP; (c) Address, telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail address; (d) Person’s educational background; and (e) Person’s relevant experience, certifications, and/or merits.</p><p>5. Description of the Proposed Services: The following information shall be included:</p><p>(a) Budget & Cost Effectiveness Proposals will be evaluated against the RFP specifications and the questions below:</p><p>(i) Does Bidder’s proposed budget support the proposed program design and staffing pattern? (ii) Are specific budget line items reasonable and are costs allocated appropriately? (iii) Does the budget include leveraged funding and/or other resources?</p><p>(b) Relevant Experience Proposals will be evaluated against the RFP specifications and the questions below:</p><p>(i) Does the Bidder demonstrate a track record of providing successful employment services to limited and non- English speaking public assistance recipients and refugees? (ii) Does the Bidder demonstrate a track record of providing successful VESL services to limited and non-English speaking public assistance recipients and refugees?</p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 8 (iii) Does the Bidder demonstrate they have the capacity to provide Upfront services to limited and non-English speaking public assistance recipients and refugees?</p><p>(c) Program Design Proposals will be evaluated against the RFP specifications and the questions below:</p><p>(i) Does Bidder demonstrate that they can successfully serve refugee, CalWORKs, and GA clients in the various program components? (ii) Does Bidder describe and detail the elements required to successfully provide VESL instruction to clients from a variety of cultural backgrounds and with varying levels of English language proficiency? (iii) Does Bidder detail a VESL curriculum that combines language instruction with the acquisition of common workplace vocabulary necessary to assist clients with finding and keeping employment? (iv) Does Bidder describe all of the employment service elements required by the RFP and provide them in a well thought out manner? (v) Does Bidder specifically describe the means by which LEP CalWORKs clients will be able to meet their individual work requirement? (vi) Does Bidder specifically describe how participants’ attendance in program activities will be documented and verified by project staff?</p><p>(d) Organizational Capacity Proposals will be evaluated against the RFP specifications and the questions below:</p><p>(i) Does Bidder demonstrate the linguistic capacity necessary to serve a diverse group of limited English speaking and refugee client groups? (ii) Does Bidder demonstrate that project staff and managers have the qualifications and experience necessary to successfully achieve the required objectives? (iii) Does the Bidder demonstrate an adequate staffing plan that will maintain high-quality services for the projected caseloads? (iv) Does Bidder demonstrate that the organization has strong ties with the business community and has staff with sufficient experience to successfully engage potential employers? (v) Does Bidder provide evidence of having continuous access to a facility sufficient to house the required activities? (vi) Does Bidder demonstrate the organization’s ability to collect required </p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 9 data and submit accurate and timely reports?</p><p>(e) Knowledge of Target Population’s Needs Proposals will be evaluated against the RFP specifications and the questions below: (i) Does Bidder describe and substantiate an adequate level of understanding of the targeted populations’ common linguistic, cultural, and labor market driven barriers to employment including how they will engage women who come from cultures where women are traditionally excluded from the workforce? (ii) Does Bidder describe and substantiate an adequate level of understanding of the current requirements of the RCA, CalWORKs, GA, and TCVAP programs? (iii) Does the Bidder effectively include refugee Ethnic Community Based Organizations (ECBOs) representative of the eligible refugee populations?</p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 10 CURRENT REFERENCES</p><p>RFP No. 901308 – ES and VESL Services</p><p>Bidder Name: </p><p>Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Services Provided / Date(s) of Service: </p><p>Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Services Provided / Date(s) of Service: </p><p>Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Services Provided / Date(s) of Service: </p><p>Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Services Provided / Date(s) of Service: </p><p>Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Services Provided / Date(s) of Service: </p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 11 FORMER REFERENCES</p><p>RFP No. 901308 – ES and VESL Services</p><p>Bidder Name: </p><p>Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Services Provided / Date(s) of Service: </p><p>Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Services Provided / Date(s) of Service: </p><p>Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Services Provided / Date(s) of Service: </p><p>Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Services Provided / Date(s) of Service: </p><p>Company Name: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: City, State, Zip: E-mail Address: Services Provided / Date(s) of Service: </p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 12 EXCEPTIONS, CLARIFICATIONS, AMENDMENTS</p><p>RFP No. 901308 – ES and VESL Services</p><p>Bidder Name: </p><p>List below requests for clarifications, exceptions and amendments, if any, to the Error: Reference source not found and associated Bid Documents, and submit with your bid response.</p><p>The County is under no obligation to accept any exceptions and such exceptions may be a basis for bid disqualification. Reference to: Description Page No. Section Item No.</p><p> p. 23 D 1.c. Vendor takes exception to…</p><p>EXAMPLE </p><p>*Print additional pages as necessary</p><p>Revised Exhibit A – RFP No. 901308 Page 13 EXHIBIT C VENDOR LIST RFP No. 901308 – ES and VESL Services</p><p>Below is the Vendor Bid List for this project consisting of vendors who have been issued a copy of this RFP. </p><p>This RFP Addendum is being issued to all vendors on the Vendor Bid List; the following revised vendor list includes contact information for each vendor attendee at the Networking/Bidders Conferences.</p><p>RFP No. 901308 - ES/VESL Services Contact Business Name Contact Name Address City ST Email Phone Catholic Charities of the 433 Jefferson St East Bay Emma Jones 510-768-3121 Oakland CA [email protected] Catholic Charities of the 433 Jefferson St East Bay Elisabeth Lang 510-768-3121 Oakland CA [email protected] The English Center John Tay 510-836-6700 66 Franklin St Oakland CA [email protected] Hatchuel Tabernik & 2560 9th St, Suite Associates Tim Tabernik 510-559-3193 211 Berkeley CA [email protected] Hatchuel Tabernik & 2560 9th St, Suite Associates Sarah Dewitt 510-559-3193 211 Berkeley CA [email protected] International Rescue 405 14th St, Suite Committee Lara Maxey 510-859-5858 1415 Oakland CA [email protected] International Rescue 405 14th St, Suite Committee Maggie Hicks 510-852-8920 1415 Oakland CA [email protected] International Rescue 405 14th St, Suite [email protected] Committee Christine Lemonda 510-452-8222 1415 Oakland CA g International Rescue 405 14th St, Suite Committee Karen Ferguson 510-407-3874 1415 Oakland CA [email protected] Lao Family Community 2325 E 12th St Development Mai Quach 510-533-8850 Oakland CA [email protected] Lao Family Community 2325 E 12th St Development Ballav Poudyel 510-533-8850 Oakland CA [email protected] Jennie Mollica Consulting Jennie Mollica 510-436-4968 [email protected] Bhutanese Community of 1130 Regent St, ganesh.subedi@cabhutanese California Ganesh Subedi 510-239-8448 Suite B Alameda CA .org Bhutanese Community of Dawa Tshering 1131 Regent St, ganesh.subedi@cabhutanese California Tamang 510-302-8157 Suite B Alameda CA .org Bhutanese Community of 1132 Regent St, California Sushan Rai 510-213-4451 Suite B Alameda CA [email protected] Bize-Boutte Sheryl J. Bize- Organizational Solutions Boutte 510-569-8935 [email protected] La Familia Counseling 510-881-5921 [email protected] 26081 Mocine Ave Service Aaron Ortiz ext 111 Hayward CA g Hayward Adult School Veronica Ewing 510-293-8595 22100 Princeton St Hayward CA [email protected] 510-293-8595 Hayward Adult School 22101 Princeton St Elaine Kanakis ext 4861 Hayward CA [email protected] Hayward Adult School Shaun Chu 510-293-8595 22102 Princeton St Hayward CA [email protected] Jungle 2560 9th St, Ste. Communications,Inc Divya Purnima 415-956-2556 319B Berkeley CA [email protected] 66 Franklin St, The English Center Lynne Wilkins 510-836-6700 Suite 220 Oakland CA [email protected] Refugee Transitions Jane Pak 415-794-6174 870 Market St., Ste San CA [email protected]</p><p>Exhibit C – RFP No. 901308 Page 1 718 Francisco c/o LFCD 1551 23rd eastbayrefugeeforum@gmail East Bay Refugee Forum Blythe Raphael 510-717-3100 Ave Oakland CA .com Jungle 2560 9th St, Ste Communications,Inc Juan M Santana 510-847-1107 319B Berkeley CA [email protected]</p><p>Exhibit C – RFP No. 901308 Page 2</p>
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