<p> Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 1 USE SPECIFIC NOUNS AND VERBS IN A NOUN VERB SENTENCE</p><p>1. Fire belched from the dragon’s mouth. 2. The computer exploded. 3. Her diamond ring sparkled. 4. His racecar flipped 3 times. 5. My wristwatch beeped.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. </p><p>Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 2 USE SPECIFIC NOUNS AND VERBS IN A NOUN VERB NOUN SENTENCE 1. The car crusher devoured the wrecked cars. 2. Our secretary typed the newsletter. 3. A bumblebee stung my sister. 4. The waiter dropped a huge tray of dishes. 5. Van Gogh painted sunflowers.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 3 INTERROGATIVE – ASK A QUESTION 1. What steps do good writers follow to produce a good work? 2. When will this boring English class end? 3. How many paintings did Picasso produce during his Blue Period? 4. Who drives the red Corvette? 5. Where have all the flowers gone?</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 4 OPEN WITH AN ADVERB 1. Noisily, the mosquitoes buzzed around our heads. 2. Quickly, the beautician shaved my head. 3. Silently, the mouse nibbled on the cheese. 4. Ferociously, the bull charged at the matador. 5. Yesterday, my grandmother wrecked her Harley.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 5 OPEN WITH A PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE 1. During the day the robber hid in a dingy basement apartment. 2. In the morning the blackbirds stole the berries from the bushes. 3. Between 1900 and 1902, Picasso made three trips to Paris. 4. During this time, Picasso painted with shades of blue. 5. Because of the snow, our principal cancelled school today.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 6 USE AN APPOSITIVE 1. Claude Monet, a French Impressionist, painted many outdoor scenes. 2. My sister, a pilot, came home for Christmas. 3. Tyrannosaurus Rex, a carnivore, lived during the Mesozoic era. 4. Homer Simpson, my favorite cartoon character, hits himself on the forehead. 5. The billionaire bought a painting by Picasso, a famous cubist.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 7 OPEN WITH AN ADVERB CLAUSE 1. Because Renoir painted many oils of clowns, people often recognize his work. 2. After Thetis dipped Achilles in the River Styx, arrows could not pierce his skin. 3. Since Arachne wove a perfect tapestry, the jealous Athena turned her into a spider. 4. Even though people referred to Brahams as one of the three great B’s, he felt inferior to Beethoven and Bach. 5. Although the Beatles began singing in 1957, they did not gain popularity until they hired Ringo Starr.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 8 CLOSE WITH AN ADVERB CLAUSE 1. Hulk Hogan will run for President of the United States after he retires from wrestling. 2. Greco-Roman wrestlers cannot trip each other because they must apply all holds above the waist. 3. My nephew camped at Glacier National Park when he vacationed in Montana. 4. The space shuttle will launch tomorrow unless the weather turns nasty. 5. My dad barbecued some garden burgers so that my vegetarian sister could have a sandwich too. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 9 USE PARALLEL STRUCTURE IN WORDS 1. Mom bought chips, soda, and pickles for the picnic. 2. America, Fiji, and Chile have the same color flags. 3. Dell, IBM, and Gateway make personal computers. 4. For Christmas my bratty little sister received a CD player, a computer, and a new coat. 5. Last night the drug store, the grocery story, and a flower shop burned down.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 10 USE PARALLEL STRUCTURE IN PHRASES and CLAUSES 1. Fabio drew her to him, whispered in her ear, and asked for change for the soda machine. 2. Delta II will approach Mars, map its surface, and track its cloud cover. 3. Pinochet entered the courtroom, stared at the reporters, and spoke in a weak voice. 4. The trail ride wound through the forest, across Coleman Creek, and over Star Hill. 5. My German Shepherd jumped over the fence, raced across the field, and dove into the pond.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 7-8 PATTERN 11 OPEN WITH AN ADJECTIVE 1. Angry, the child threw the toy across the room. 2. Hungry, my uncle wolfed-down the ham sandwich. 3. Cold, the homeless man shivered. 4. Polite, the young man waited his turn. 5. Forceful, the speaker roused the crowds. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 12 OPEN WITH AN ADJECTIVE PHRASE 1. Afloat with confidence, the homecoming queen tripped on the steps. 2. Invisible after drinking the secret potion, the spy copied the top secret defense plans. 3. Angry with his brother, the young boy slammed the door to his room. 4. Proud of the victory, Michael Jordan held the trophy high in the air. 5. Stiff from the long plane ride, the passengers stretched as they stood up.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 13 OPEN WITH A PRESENT INFINITIVE 1. To prevent a mess, the chef covered the counter with wax paper. 2. To protect the waterway, the U S Army built Fort Dearborn along the Chicago River. 3. To brighten the kitchen, we painted the walls and ceiling white. 4. To reach the new world, the Pilgrims set sail on the Mayflower. 5. To communicate with Helen, Anne Sullivan taught her sign language.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8 PATTERN 14 OPEN WITH A PRESENT PARTICIPLE</p><p>1. Gazing at the ballerinas, Degas planned his next painting. 2. Studying with Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller quickly learned to read Braille. 3. Experimenting with phonographs, Edison invented the first talking motion picture. 4. Working as a team, the students produced a Power Point presentation for science class. 5. Hunching over the quilt, my grandmother looked for missed stitches. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8 PATTERN 15 OPEN WITH A PAST PARTICIPLE</p><p>1. Known as a landscape painter, Monet gave a shimmering quality to his artwork. 2. Caught red-handed, my brother admitted he had stolen the chocolate chip cookies. 3. Neglected by its owners, the puppy looked hungry and dirty. 4. Battered by the wind, the boat capsized. 5. Startled by their positive reaction, Beethoven cried tears of joy.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 16 OPEN WITH A PERFECT PARTICIPLE</p><p>1. Having kissed her father’s forehead, the teenager snatched the car keys and headed outside. 2. Having broken the lamp, the boys tried to hide the pieces behind the couch. 3. Having cheated on the test, the students received a zero and a detention. 4. Having sailed the Pacific Ocean, Magellan landed in the Philippines. 5. Having eaten a huge Thanksgiving meal, my uncles sat down to watch football.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 17 USE A RESTRICTIVE ADJECTIVE CLAUSE 1. This morning the technician tossed the computer that never worked into the dumpster. 2. After the basketball game the team that won received a trophy. 3. The watch that fell into the swimming pool never kept time again. 4. Donald Trump bought a new car for each employee who had worked for him 10 years. 5. The girls who failed the test could not play basketball tonight.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 18 USE A NON-RESTRICTIVE ADJECTIVE CLAUSE</p><p>1. Our art class studied the paintings of Seaurat, who developed a technique called pointillism. 2. Pablo Picasso, who invented cubism, also painted tranquil neoclassical pieces. 3. Hank Aaron, who played for the Braves, beat Babe Ruth’s homerun record. 4. Rocky Marciano, who boxed from 1947 to 1956, won the heavyweight championship title six times. 5. My brother climbed Arapaho Peak, which belongs to the front range of the Rocky Mountains.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 19 COMPOUND SENTENCE WITH A COORDINATING CONJUNCTION 1. The right tackle must stop the quarter back, or we will lose this game. 2. Cassandra had the gift of prophecy, but no one believed her. 3. In 1993 Jordan retired from basketball, and he attempted a career in professional baseball. 4. Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote, so Woodrow Wilson won the presidential election. 5. William Howard Taft served as the 27th president of the United States, and he later served as the 10th chief justice of the U. S. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 20 COMPOUND SENTENCE WITH A SEMI-COLON 1. Zeus blasted a lightning bolt from the sky; Io had made him angry. 2. Apollo played his lyre for the gods; his twin sister Artemis hunted for wild boars and bears. 3. Artemis killed Orion in a fit of anger; she then turned him into a constellation. 4. The Iliad tells the story of the Trojan War; the Odyssey describes the return journey of Odysseus. 5. Epimetheus had no gift for the humans; his brother Prometheus stole fire from the sun.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 21 COMPOUND SENTENCE WITH A CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB</p><p>1. Van Gogh suffered from severe mental problems; nevertheless, his still-lifes and landscapes hang in the world’s greatest museums. 2. Van Gogh worked many years as a preacher among the poor miners of Belgium; consequently, many of his early works express the poverty he saw. 3. In 1886 Van Gogh moved to Paris; therefore, the Impressionists influenced him. 4. Van Gogh studied the works of the Impressionists; hence, he adopted the brilliant hues found in works by Pissarro and Seurat. 5. Van Gogh argued violently with Gaugin; subsequently, Van Gogh cut off part of his own ear with a razor.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 22 COMPOUND SENTENCE WITH AN ELLIPTICAL EXPRESSION 1. Darby played a musical number by Bach; Joan, one by Mozart. 2. Eric the Red explored the coast of Greenland; Leif Ericson, the coast of Labrador. 3. Galileo invented the water thermometer; Fahrenheit, the mercury thermometer. 4. My mother drinks tea for breakfast; my father, coffee. 5. In science class we use IBM computers; in English class, Macintosh.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 23 USE A PARANTHETICAL EXPRESSION BETWEEN SUBJECT AND VERB</p><p>1. Gaugin, inspired by the island of Tahiti, used bold colors while painting. 2. Mary Cassatt, proclaiming her independence, moved to France to study painting in 1866. 3. Tyrannosaurus Rex, weighing more than 4 metric tons, preyed on the large herbivorous dinosaurs. 4. Its tiny forelimbs, out of proportion to the rest of the massive body, each bore two sharp claws. 5. The powerful hind limbs, armed with three forward-pointing claws, could tear the flesh of other animals.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. Name: ______Grade 8</p><p>PATTERN 24 OPEN WITH A PARALLEL STRUCTURE FOLLOWED BY A CLOSING STATEMENT</p><p>1. Chocolate, good books, and motorcycles – all of these bring a smile to our teacher’s face. 2. Monet, Degas, Renoir – these Impressionist painters all lived in France. 3. Whitney, McCormick, Deere – each of these American inventors changed the face of American agriculture. 4. Denali, Glacier, Yosemite – my sister has visited each of these national parks. 5. Sheep, goats, steers – my dad raises all of these animals on our farm.</p><p>Please write 5 sentences with your peer group. </p><p>Please write 5 sentences by yourself. </p>
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