Survey Area : Fulton County, Ohio (OH051)

Survey Area : Fulton County, Ohio (OH051)

<p>Fulton County, Ohio FIELD OFFICE TECHNICAL GUIDE Section II Land Use Interpretations</p><p>Land Evaluation (LE)</p><p>Survey Area : FULTON COUNTY, OHIO (OH051)</p><p>Group Number 1 ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------Cn 2w colwood lo 0- 2 131 100 2 5,208 2.0 755,160 131 682,469 Mf 2w mermill lo 0- 2 130 99 2 22,125 8.5 3,186,000 130 2,877,188 Mo 2w millgrove 0- 2 130 99 2 3,208 1.2 461,952 130 417,176</p><p>TOTAL 30,541 11.7 4,403,112 3,976,832</p><p>Weighted Average Yield = 144.17 Adjusted Weighted Average Yield = 130.21</p><p>Group Number 2 ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------Ho 2w hoytville 0- 2 119 90 2 33,072 12.7 4,464,720 119 3,920,009 Gf 2w gilford fi 0- 2 118 90 2 8,126 3.1 1,056,380 118 956,859</p><p>TOTAL 41,198 15.8 5,521,100 4,876,867</p><p>Weighted Average Yield = 134.01 Adjusted Weighted Average Yield = 118.38</p><p>Group Number 3 ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------La 3w lamson fin 0- 2 116 88 2 1,067 0.4 136,576 116 123,508 Wf 3w wauseon fi 0- 2 115 88 2 4,134 1.6 525,018 115 474,388 Pm 2w pewamo cla 0- 2 114 87 2 9,297 3.6 1,208,610 114 1,055,484 Lf 2w lenawee si 0- 2 110 84 2 6,028 2.3 759,528 110 660,244 KfA 2w kibbie loa 0- 3 106 81 2 6,634 2.5 796,080 106 703,485 TuB 2e tuscola fi 3- 8 105 80 1 1,319 0.5 138,495 105 138,495</p><p>TOTAL 28,479 10.9 3,564,307 3,155,604</p><p>Weighted Average Yield = 125.16 Adjusted Weighted Average Yield = 110.80</p><p>USDA-NRCS Ohio August 29, 2002 Fulton County, Ohio FIELD OFFICE TECHNICAL GUIDE Section II Land Use Interpretations</p><p>Group Number 4 ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------Ad 4w adrian muc 0- 2 116 88 0 661 0.3 84,608 116 76,513 Sh 2w shoals sil 0- 2 106 81 0 1,443 0.6 170,274 106 152,601 Gr 4w granby loa 0- 2 104 79 0 11,781 4.5 1,366,596 104 1,222,311 Ee 2w eel silt l 0- 2 100 76 0 429 0.2 42,900 100 42,900 SfC2 3e shinrock s 6-12 94 72 0 371 0.1 35,245 94 34,761 So 3w sloan silt 0- 2 93 71 0 6,941 2.7 742,687 93 645,807</p><p>TOTAL 21,626 8.3 2,442,310 2,174,893</p><p>Weighted Average Yield = 112.93 Adjusted Weighted Average Yield = 100.57</p><p>Group Number 5 ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------DmA 2w digby loam 0- 3 100 76 2 1,037 0.4 118,218 100 103,744 RbB 2e rawson san 2- 6 100 76 1 1,851 0.7 188,802 100 185,008 DtA 2w dixboro fi 0- 3 98 75 1 1,774 0.7 198,688 98 173,927 SfB2 2e shinrock s 2- 6 99 75 1 604 0.2 60,400 99 59,613 BnA 2w blount loa 0- 2 98 74 2 8,435 3.2 961,590 98 822,662 DfA 2w del rey si 0- 3 96 73 2 4,553 1.7 500,830 96 437,281 GnB2 3e glynwood l 2- 6 96 73 1 4,939 1.9 484,022 96 473,899</p><p>TOTAL 23,193 8.9 2,512,550 2,256,133</p><p>Weighted Average Yield = 108.33 Adjusted Weighted Average Yield = 97.28</p><p>Group Number 6 ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------SgB2 2e shinrock-t 3- 8 93 71 1 881 0.3 82,814 93 81,665 BnB 2e blount loa 2- 6 91 70 2 9,328 3.6 1,016,752 91 850,954 FtA 3w fulton sil 0- 2 91 69 2 7,993 3.1 855,251 91 723,603 RnA 2w rimer loam 0- 3 89 68 2 5,235 2.0 528,735 89 464,621</p><p>TOTAL 23,437 9.0 2,483,552 2,120,842</p><p>Weighted Average Yield = 105.97 Adjusted Weighted Average Yield = 90.49</p><p>USDA-NRCS Ohio August 29, 2002 Fulton County, Ohio FIELD OFFICE TECHNICAL GUIDE Section II Land Use Interpretations</p><p>Group Number 7 ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------SdB 2e seward loa 2- 6 90 68 0 3,317 1.3 301,847 90 297,522 GnC2 4e glynwood l 6-12 91 69 0 765 0.3 71,145 91 69,577 SdC 3e seward loa 6-12 86 65 0 311 0.1 27,057 86 26,652 OtB 3s ottokee fi 0- 6 87 66 0 17,852 6.9 1,695,940 87 1,544,411 PeB 3s perrin san 2- 6 87 66 0 455 0.2 43,225 87 39,363 Ch 3w cohoctah f 0- 2 86 66 0 392 0.2 39,200 86 33,729 GnD2 4e glynwood l 12-18 83 63 0 265 0.1 22,525 83 21,982 OuB 3s ottokee-gl 3- 8 82 62 0 2,661 1.0 239,490 82 216,903 GoC3 4e glynwood c 6-12 80 61 0 253 0.1 20,746 80 20,227</p><p>TOTAL 26,271 10.1 2,461,175 2,270,366</p><p>Weighted Average Yield = 93.68 Adjusted Weighted Average Yield = 86.42</p><p>Group Number 8 ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------BcA 2w bixler loa 0- 3 88 67 1 2,254 0.9 225,400 88 197,795 HkA 2w haskins lo 0- 3 88 67 2 13,508 5.2 1,404,832 88 1,182,349 GaB 2e galen loam 1- 6 87 66 1 1,361 0.5 134,739 87 118,070 Lc 3w latty silt 0- 2 86 65 2 10,814 4.2 1,103,028 86 924,916 FtB 3e fulton sil 2- 6 86 65 2 2,130 0.8 217,260 86 182,178 NnA 3w nappanee l 0- 2 84 64 2 8,448 3.2 844,800 84 705,657 NnB 3e nappanee l 2- 6 80 61 2 745 0.3 71,520 80 59,249</p><p>TOTAL 39,260 15.1 4,001,579 3,370,215</p><p>Weighted Average Yield = 101.93 Adjusted Weighted Average Yield = 85.84</p><p>Group Number 9 ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------ByA 2w brady sand 0- 3 78 59 1 2,238 0.9 201,420 78 174,011 BoB 2e blount-rim 2- 6 77 59 2 2,906 1.1 276,070 77 224,418 OrB 3s oshtemo lo 0- 6 68 52 1 906 0.3 68,856 68 61,166</p><p>TOTAL 6,050 2.3 546,346 459,595</p><p>Weighted Average Yield = 90.31 Adjusted Weighted Average Yield = 75.97</p><p>USDA-NRCS Ohio August 29, 2002 Fulton County, Ohio FIELD OFFICE TECHNICAL GUIDE Section II Land Use Interpretations</p><p>Group Number 10 ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------TdA 3s tedrow loa 0- 3 76 58 0 10,487 4.0 880,908 76 791,894 OaB 4s oakville f 0- 6 75 57 0 302 0.1 25,066 75 22,503 BrB 3s boyer loam 1- 6 73 55 0 449 0.2 36,369 73 32,558 SpB 3s spinks fin 1- 6 72 55 0 4,836 1.9 386,880 72 345,832 SpC 3e spinks fin 6-12 68 52 0 2,430 0.9 184,680 68 164,054 SpD 4e spinks fin 12-18 61 46 0 369 0.1 25,461 61 22,329</p><p>TOTAL 18,873 7.3 1,539,364 1,379,169</p><p>Weighted Average Yield = 81.56 Adjusted Weighted Average Yield = 73.08</p><p>UNGROUPED Data ------</p><p> adj map nir prd I acres yield x adj adjust symbl lc soil name slope yld ind F number pct acres yld product ------OaC 6s oakville f 6-12 0 198 0.1 0 0 Ps 0 psammaquen 0- 0 0 104 0.0 0 0 Uo 0 udorthents 0- 0 0 184 0.1 0 0 W 0 water - 0 874 0.3 0 0</p><p>Worksheet 2 ------</p><p>Survey Area : FULTON COUNTY, OHIO (OH051)</p><p> important potential or cum'ltv cum'ltv relative group lcc farmland productivity % % acres acres value ------1 2w prime 99-100 11.7 11.7 30,541 30,541 100 2 2w prime 90- 90 15.8 27.6 41,198 71,739 91 3 2e-3w prime 80- 88 10.9 38.5 28,479 100,218 85 4 2w-4w other 71- 88 8.3 46.8 21,626 121,844 77 5 2e-3e prime 73- 76 8.9 55.7 23,193 145,037 75 6 2e-3w prime 68- 71 9.0 64.7 23,437 168,474 69 7 2e-4e other 61- 69 10.1 74.8 26,271 194,745 66 8 2e-3w prime 61- 67 15.1 89.9 39,260 234,005 66 9 2e-3s prime 52- 59 2.3 92.2 6,050 240,055 58 10 3e-4s other 46- 58 7.3 99.5 18,873 258,928 56</p><p>FPPA acres: 192,158 (73.8% of county ) Farmable acres: 258,928 (99.5% of county ) Grouped acres: 258,928 Total acres: 260,288</p><p>USDA-NRCS Ohio August 29, 2002</p>

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