Professor of Environmental History Dr.Phil. (Aarhus), R, FTCD, MAE Trinity College Dublin

Professor of Environmental History Dr.Phil. (Aarhus), R, FTCD, MAE Trinity College Dublin

<p>1</p><p>Poul Holm</p><p>Professor of Environmental History Dr.Phil. (Aarhus), R, FTCD, MAE Trinity College Dublin, 2 College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland office e-mail: [email protected] web: Tel: 00353 876 188 039 (mobile)</p><p>Qualifications 1979 Cand. Phil. (MA) History, University of Aalborg, Denmark 1991 Dr. Phil., University of Aarhus, Denmark</p><p>Awards 1996 and 2012 Visiting fellow, San Cataldo Foundation, Amalfi, Italy 2005-6 Carlsberg Foundation Visiting Fellow, Centre for History and Economics, King’s College, and by-fellow Churchill College, Cambridge, UK 2007 Honorary Professor, Ocean University of Qingdao, and Three Gorges University, China 2008 Knight of Dannebrog (R) 2009 Winner, Best Research of the Year 2009 (, Danish science magazine) 2010 Professorial Fellow of Trinity College Dublin (FTCD) 2010-2016 NORD-STAR (Nordic Centre of Excellence for STrategic Adaptation Research) Visiting Professor (Aarhus/Reykjavik) 2011 Co-recipient, Cosmos Prize (40 mill Yen) to Scientific Steering Committee of the Census of Marine Life 2013 Rachel Carson Center, University of Munich, senior research fellow, Jan-July 2013-14 European Institutes for Advanced Studies EURIAS Fellowship, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies, Uppsala 2015- International Corresponding Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, National Taipei University, Taiwan 2015 Foreign Invited Specialist, Tsinghua University 2015 ERC Advanced Grant 2015 Elected member, Academia Europaea (MAE)</p><p>Appointments Positions held 1979-82 Assistant Lecturer, Aalborg University 1983-85 Research Fellow, Danish Research Council for the Humanities 1986-94 Senior Curator, Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet (National Fisheries Museum), Esbjerg 1994-99 Research Professor, Centre for Maritime and Regional History (FOS / Aarhus University) 2000-06 Professor, University of Southern Denmark 2006-2008 Rector (Vice-Chancellor), Roskilde University 2008- Professor (tenure), Trinity College Dublin 2</p><p>Research Council appointments 2001-2005 Chairman, Danish Research Council for the Humanities 2002-2004 Chairman, European Network of Research Councils for the Humanities (ERCH), now HERA 2004-06 Member, Standing Committee for the Humanities, European Science Foundation 2005-06 Member, Scientific Steering Committee, HERA Humanities in the European Research Area 2007-2008 Member, Linnaeus Grants Committee, Swedish Science Council 2007-2009 Member of Steering Committee, ESF-COST Interdisciplinary Initiative, A European Network of Networks: New Perspectives on Landscapes 2008-2009 Chairman, METRIS, EU DG Research committee, Monitoring European Trends in Research in the Social sciences and the humanities 2008- Member of Steering Committee, AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK), Landscape and Environment Programme 2010 Member of Commissioning Panel, Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK), Arts and Humanities Approaches to Researching Environmental Change 2010- Deputy Member, Scientific Steering Committee RESCUE (Responses to Environmental and Societal Challenges for our Unstable Earth), ESF-COST Forward Look 2012-2013 Member of Programme Committee, conference on the Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities, to be held under the Lithuanian EU presidency, 23-24 September 2013 2014 Member, International Review Panel, Lorentz Centre, University of Leiden 2014 Member, International review panel, Marine research, Bergen University 2014 Chair International review panel, Humanities, Stockholm University 2015-16 Member, International Review Panel, Cultural Heritage, Riksbanken Jubileumsfond</p><p>Peer-reviewer for Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, French and British research councils, European Union FP7 and European Science Foundation</p><p>Other appointments 2001-2 Member, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Committee on Environmental Impact and Fisheries Resources 2004-2007 Member, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Fish Tax Foundation 2003-06 Member, board of Danish Institute for International Studies 2003-07 Member, board of Institute for Fisheries Management and Coastal Communities Development 2005-06 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Black Sea Studies 2006-8 Member, Board of Governors and Executive Committee, Øresund University (consortium of 14 Danish and Swedish universities) 2006-8 Member, Executive Committee, Øresund Science Region (public-private consortium of Danish-Swedish businesses, universities, regions and municipalities) 2006-8 Member, Council, Royal Danish Geographical Society 2006-8 Member, Governing Board, Lejre Experimental Centre 2007-8 Member, Governing Board, Viking Ship Museum 2007-8 Member, Executive Committee, Vækstforum Sjælland (public-private regional development foundation) 2008 Member, Steering Committee, Danish-German Fehmarn Belt Region (EU fund) 3</p><p>2011- Member, Advisory Board, Center for Environmental History, European University at St Petersburg, Russia 2015- Member, Advisory Board, Rachel Carson Center, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, München</p><p>Professional activities</p><p>Teaching BA module in Maritime History at the University of Aarhus Foundation Course and Maritime History module at the University of Southern Denmark 2002-06 Director of Research School for Studies in Marine and Coastal Environment, Heritage and Sustainable Tourism (MAST)</p><p>PhD supervision: Mette Guldberg (1995-98), Søren Byskov (1998-2001), Maibritt Bager (2000-2003), Charlotte Jensen (2001-2005), René Taudal Poulsen (2002-2005), Bo Poulsen (2002-2005), Mette Busch (2002-2005), Klaus Heine Jensen (2003-6), Christine Overgaard (2003-2006), Aoife Daly (2004- 2007), Margit Eero (2004-2007), Erika Washburn (2004-2007), Anne Marboe (2007-2011). Currently I have one doctoral student (Margaret Duff Garvey).</p><p>External PhD examiner at the University of Glasgow 2001, University of Tromsø 2005, Utrecht 2008, University of Stirling 2011, University of East Anglia 2013, University College Cork 2014, Murdoch University, Australia 2015.</p><p>1998-2006 external examiner BA and MA levels (history), Universities of Copenhagen, Roskilde, Odense, and Aalborg, and since 2000 external examiner BA and MA levels (history), University of Greenland.</p><p>I am currently Director of the Digital Arts and Humanities Structured PhD programme, an all-Irish consortium including TCD, UCC, UCG, UCM, UU and Queen’s, Belfast, funded by €6.8 mill from the Irish Government PRTLI V. </p><p>Media I have extensive experience with media, such as: BBC Viewpoint: Ghosts of oceans past and future German TV NDR, interview for feature film Universe of the Oceans, 2010 Census of Marine Life press launch Irish Times http://www.irishtimes.comnewspaperireland201010051224280400736.html Census of Marine Life press launch Irish Times http://www.irishtimes.comnewspaperfinance201009101224278567359.html Role of arts in society debated at Trinity http://www.irishtimes.comnewspaperireland201004161224268447598.html Ignite Talk at Science Gallery RTE Seascapes interview, 19 Nov 2010 http://www.rte.ieradio1seascapes The Naked Scientists: radio interview http://www.thenakedscientists.comHTMLcontentinterviewsinterview1446 4</p><p>Times Higher Education </p><p>Professional organisations 1992-93 Treasurer, Association for the History of the Northern Seas 1992-2000 Coordinator, Danish Museums Network for Fisheries History 1993-97 President, Association for the History of the Northern Seas 1996-99 Member, Academic Advisory Council, National Fishing Heritage Centre, Grimsby, UK 2000-2003 Member, Academic Advisory Council, Centre for Maritime Archaeology , Danish National Museum 2001-2005 Member, External Research Advisory Board, Danish National Museum 2000-02 Secretary, Northern European History Research Network 2000-2011 Member, Census of Marine Life , Scientific Steering Committee 2003-2005 Vice-President, ESEH, European Society for Environmental History 2005-2007 President, ESEH, European Society for Environmental History 2011-16 Founding President, European Consortium of Humanities Institutes and Centres 2015- President, European Alliance for the Social Sciences and Humanities</p><p>Recent invited lectures (last 10 years) 2016 April, Inauguration lecture, Network for Environmental Humanities, Gothenburg University Feb-March, Interdisciplinary Research – how to do it, NIWA (New Zealand Institute for Weather and Aquatic Sciences (talks at Universities of Auckland, Hamilton, Christchurch and at NIWA in Wellington)</p><p>2015 Jan, Humanities World Report, Swedish Research Council – Riksbankens Jubileumsfond June, New Human Condition, Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes, University of Wisconsin – Madison July, Foreign Invited Specialist, Tsinghua University Graduate School July, Oceans Past, Peking University September, Oceans Past, 50th Conference of European Association of Marine Biology, Helgoland, Germany September, European Conference on Cultural Heritage (Cheriscape), Madrid November, Eurpean Fish Revolution, Dept. History, Stockholm University</p><p>2014 Jan, Oceans Past, Stockholm University, Dept. Archaeology, Sweden March, The Need for History, European University St Petersburg, Russia April, Oceans Past, Umeå University, Dept. History, Sweden June, Global Humanities, Volkswagen-Stiftung Herrenhausen Symposium, Germany July, keynote, Agenda for environmental history, ESEH Summer School, Porto, Portugal Nov, Marine environmental History, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm Nov, Humanities World Report, University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study conference, Taipei 5</p><p>2013 March, Aquatic Food Supply, Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie, Germany May, Environmental humanities, Nanjing Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, China July, Studying the environment, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, Munich, Germany September, Oceans Past, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala, Sweden November, Coasts and Oceans, keynote, University of Sydney, Australia</p><p>2012 November, keynote on World War II and fisheries, Oceans Past IV, Fremantle, Australia April, North Atlantic marine environmental history, University of Nuuk, Greenland May, keynote on European humanities, National University of Taiwan June, keynote on environmental humanities. Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes conference. ANU, Canberra, Australia July, public speaker, Oceans Forum, EXPO, Yeosu, South Korea August, keynote, European Science Foundation, Water conference, Stresa, Italy November, keynote, Oceans Past. Notre Dame University, Perth, Western Australia</p><p>2011 28 November, Fishing Matters. Bio-Resources from the Ocean. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie 20 October, Ocean Resources. Keynote, conference on Heritage, Uses and Representations of the Sea. University of Porto 9 June, Impacts of New Publication Practices on Humanities Research. European Science Foundation workshop for early career researchers 24 May, North Sea Fisheries in the Middle Ages. G. O. Sayles Memorial Lecture, Aberdeen University 16 February, The METRIS Report: Future Agendas for Social Sciences Research. ESF and EU Joint Conference on Central and East European Social Science. Berlin, Social Sciences Institute</p><p>2010 5 October, ‘History of Marine Animal Populations, ten years’ of research’. J. Frederick Grassle Symposium of Census of Marine Life, Royal Society, London, UK 4 October, ‘Oceans Past’. Census of Marine Life, global press conference. Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, UK 24-26 September, ‘Perfect Storms: Dark Ages Compared’. Crisis, what Crisis? Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar: Collapses and Dark Ages in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge, UK 12 June, Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes, (response to Bonnie Reiss, Secretary of Education, State of California, Our Interconnected World: Education and the Environment). Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island</p><p>2009 1 February, History of Marine Animal Populations, Census of Marine Life, All-Program Conference, Long Beach, California 10 February, History of Marine Animal Populations, Asia workshop. Perth, Australia 13 March, METRIS report, EU Committee for Social Sciences and Humanities, Brussels 10 March, METRIS report, EU General Directorate Advisory Board for Social Sciences and Humanities, Brussels 18 March, Nordic Environmental History. Stockholm, Sweden 6</p><p>23 April, European Humanities and Social Sciences Policy. Uppsala, Sweden 10 June, Graduirten-Kolleg Environmental History. Göttingen, Germany 4 August, Keynote, First International Congress of Environmental History. Copenhagen, Denmark 1 October, Keynote, International Congress of Maritime Museums. Esbjerg, Denmark</p><p>2008 Environmental History. HERA Conference (Humanities in the European Research Area), Strasbourg 350th Anniversary of the 1658 Swedish-Danish peace treaty. Uddevalla, Sweden Cod and Herring Conference. Cambridge-Orkney, UK</p><p>2007 The Oxford-Kobe Environment Seminar. Kobe, Japan Census of Marine Life All-Program meeting. Auckland, New Zealand</p><p>Journal editorships 1995-2000, Co-Editor of Studia Atlantica for the North Atlantic Fisheries History Association 1993-2006, International Journal of Maritime History, St. John's, Newfoundland, International Maritime Economic History Association, Book Review editor 1993-99, Joint Editor 2000-2006 1998-2000, Advisory Editor, Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History 2005-, Arts and humanities in higher education, London, Paul Chapman Pub, member ed. board 2005-, Mediaeval Scandinavia (UK), member, editorial committee 2006-12, Mariner’s Mirror (UK), Society for Nautical Research, Overseas corresponding member 2007-, Global Environment, Naples, Italy, Global Environment Society, member ed. board 2007-, Marine Biodiversity, Springer Verlag, member ed. board 2012-, Mariners’ Mirror, Society for Nautical Research, member ed. board 2013-, Journal of Maritime and Island Cultures, co-editor 2014-, Humanities, member ed. board</p><p>Conference organisation 2011 World Conference on Marine Biodiversity (Aberdeen, 26-30 October), member International Scientific Committee 2009 World Congress of Environmental History (Roskilde and Malmö, 1-6 August), President of Local Organising Committee (until my move to Dublin October 2008)</p><p>Research funding (Principal Investigator) Total research funding as Principal Investigator to date about €18 million: Danish Research Council for the Humanities SHF 1983-87 (1 mill.DKK), Nordisk Kulturfond 1996-99 (0,9 mill.DKK), Esbjerg Fiskeindustri 1997 (0.6 mill.DKK), Strategisk MiljøforskningsProgram SMP2 1998-2000 (2.3 mill.DKK), Danish Academy for Research Training FUR 2001 (3.5 mill.DKK), Danish Research Council for the Natural Sciences SNF 2002 (STF-partner 2.2 mill. DKK), Danish Research Agency research school programme 2005 (2 mill DKK). Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 (total $6 mill); EU 6FP Network of Excellence MARBEF partner 2004 (€0.4 mill); Nordic Research Traning Academy 2004 (0.4 mill NOK); EU INCO 2005 (€0.2 mill); Trinity College Innovation Bursary 2010 (€0.69mill); Riksbankens Jubileumsfond 2010 (1 mill SEK); Swedish Research Council 2010 (1 mill SEK); Dutch Research Council 2011 €0.02; (Irish) Programme for Research in Third-Level Institutions, cycle V 2010 (€6.8 million); Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 2013 ($0.15 mill.); EU 7FP 2013 €0.35 7 mill.), EU COST network 2015 (€0.5 mill.), European Research Council Advanced Grant 2015 (€2.5 mill.).</p><p>In 2005 I received philanthropic support from the TK Foundation of 3 mill DKK to establish the Chair of Marine Archaeology at the University of Southern Denmark.</p><p>Publications Single-author books: 3, Multi-authored books: 8, Edited volumes: 16, Academic papers: 125, Popular papers: 34. Total publications: 186.</p><p>Publications (accepted, in press) Travis, C. & Holm, P., The digital environmental humanities - what is it and why do we need it? The NorFish Project and SmartCity Lifeworlds. Charles Travis & Alexander von Lünen (eds.), The Digital Arts and Humanities: Neogeography, Social Media and Big Data Integrations and Applications, Springer, pp19 Holm, P., Bela Buck, Richard Langan, Introduction. Bela Buck & Richard Langan (eds), New approaches to sustainable offshore food production and the development of offshore platforms, 1-20 (Springer) </p><p>Publications Holm, P. (2016), Commercial Sea Fisheries in the Baltic Region, c1000-1600. James H. Barrett (ed), Cod and Herring: The Chronology, Causes and Consequences of Medieval Sea Fishing , Oxford, Oxbow, 13-22</p><p>Holm, P. (2016), Historical fishing communities. K. Schwerdtner Máñez & B. Poulsen (eds.), Perspectives on Oceans Past: A Handbook of Marine Environmental History. Springer 31-46</p><p>P Holm, Review of The Vikings in Ireland and Beyond. Before and After the Battle of Clontarf. , by Howard Clarke and Ruth Johnson (eds.) , Eolas, 2016</p><p>Holm, P., Norske fiskerier. Historisk Tidsskrift (DK), 115, (2), 2016, 533-543</p><p>Holm, P., Joni Adamson, Hsinya Huang, Lars Kirdan, Sally Kitch, Iain McCalman, James Ogude, Marisa Ronan, Dominic Scott, Kirill Ole Thompson, Charles Travis, and Kirsten Wehner, Humanities for the Environment – a Manifesto for Research and Action. Humanities IV, 2015, 977-992</p><p>Engelhard, Georg H., Ruth H. Thurstan, Brian . MacKenzie, Heidi K. Alleway R. Colin A. Bannister, Massimiliano Cardinale, Maurice W. Clarke, Jock C. Currie, Tomaso Fortibuoni, Poul Holm, Sidney J. Holt, Carlotta Mazzoldi, John K. Pinnegar, Sasa Raicevich, Filip A.M. Volckaert, Emily S. Klein, and Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet, ICES meets marine historical ecology: placing the history of fish and fisheries in current policy context, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 1-18</p><p>Poul Holm, Review of Human Ecodynamics in the North Atlantic: A Collaborative Model of Humans and Nature through Space and Time, by Ramona Harrison & Ruth A. Maher (eds.). Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology, 1-3</p><p>Holm, P. (2015), Manning and Paying the Hiberno-Norse Dublin Fleet. Emer Purcell, Paul MacCotter, Julianne Nyhan & John Sheehan (eds), Clerics, Kings and Vikings. Essays on medieval Ireland, Dublin, Four Courts, 67-78 </p><p>Poul Holm, Review of The Beginning of Scandinavian Settlement in England: The Viking 'Great Army' and Early Settlers, c. 865-900 (2014), by Shane McLeod , The Medieval Review, 15.08.70, 2015 8</p><p>Holm, P. (2015), Climate Change, Big Data and the Medieval and Early Modern. R. Hutton (ed.), Medieval or Early Modern. The Value of a Traditional Historical Division, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, 70 – 84</p><p>Holm, P. (2015), Integrative Platforms for the Humanities. Think Ahead [RJ Yearbook 2015/2016], Gothenburg, Makadam, 2015, 101 – 109</p><p>L Moos, T Wubbels, P Holm, P Zgaga (2015), A panel discussion: the European Educational Research Association's role in Europe - now and in the near future, European Educational Research Journal, 14, (1), 35 - 43</p><p>Holm, P., Arne Jarrick, Dominic Scott, (2014) Humanities World Report 2015 (London: Palgrave)</p><p>Holm, P. (2014), The Slave's Tale in, editor(s)S. Booker & C. Peters, Tales of Medieval Dublin. Dublin: Four Courts Press</p><p>Holm, P. (2014), Learning from Asian and Indo-Pacific fisheries history. J. Christensen, M. Tull (eds.), Historical Perspectives of Fisheries Exploitation in the Indo-Pacific. Dordrecht:, Springer Science+Business Media , 2014, 269 – 272</p><p>Kathleen Schwerdtner Máñez, Poul Holm, Louise Blight, Marta Coll, Alison MacDiarmid, Henn Ojaveer, Bo Poulsen, Malcom Tull (2014). The future of the oceans past: towards a global marine historical research initiative, PLoS ONE, 9, (7), 1-10</p><p>Holm, P. (2014), Anthropocene Humanities. Jane Conroy and Margaret Kelleher (eds.), Restating the Value of the Humanities. Dublin, published under the auspices of the Humanities Serving Irish Society Consortium, 2014, 8 - 11,</p><p>Holm, P. (2013), World War II and the 'Great Acceleration' of North Atlantic fisheries. Global Environment, 66-91</p><p>Francis Ludlow, Juliana Adelman & Poul Holm (2013), Environmental History in Ireland , Environment and History 19, 247-252</p><p>Rosi Braidotti; Poul Holm; Hsiung Ping Chen; Khum Khum Bahvani, Changing Global Environments – The Contribution of the Humanities in, editor(s)ISSC and UNESCO , World Social Sciences Report 2013, Paris, UNESCO, 2013, pp506 – 508</p><p>Goodsite et al. 2013) Michael Goodsite, Anne Gammelgaard, John Culton, Allan Gross, Camilla Rahbek and Poul Holm, Interdisciplinary research in meteorological sciences. Editorial for the Inaugural Issue of Advance Research in Meteorological Sciences, Advance Research in Meteorological Sciences, 1, (1), 2013</p><p>Jill Jäger, Poul Holm, Karen O'Brien, Gísli Pálsson, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Ilan Chabay, Jonathan Reams, Responses to environmental and societal challenges for our unstable Earth. Editorial for RESCUE Special Issue, Environmental Science and Policy, 28, 2013, p1 – 2</p><p>Holm, P., Goodsite, M., Cloetingh, S., Vanheusden, B., Yusoff, K., Agnoletti, M., Bedřich, M., Lang, D., Leemans, R., Oerstroem Moeller, J., Pardo Buendia, M., Pohl, W., Sors, A. & Zondervan, R. (2013), 9</p><p>Collaboration between the Natural, Social and Human Sciences in Global Change Studies, Environmental Science and Policy 28, 25 - 35</p><p>Pálsson, G., Crumley, C., Hackmann, H., Holm, P., Ingram, J., Kirman, A., Marks, J., Pardo Buenída, M., Sörlin, S., Szerszynski, B. (2013), Challenges of the Anthropocene: Contributions from Social Sciences and Humanities for the Changing Human Condition. Environmental Science and Policy, 28, 3 - 13</p><p>Holm, P. et al. (2012) Poul Holm; Marta Coll; Alison MacDiarmid; Henn Ojaveer; Bo Poulsen , HMAP Response to the Marine Forum, Environmental History, 2012, d oi: 10.1093/envhis/ems118</p><p>Holm, P. (2012), European Humanities and Global Challenges ─ A View Towards 2060, IHS Newsletter, National University of Taiwan, December 2012, 2012</p><p>Holm, P. (2012), Humanistiske fund, in Maria Wallenberg Bondesson, Orsi Husz, Janken Myrdal & Mattias Tydén (ed), Människans kunskap och kunskapen om människan: En gränslös historia, Lund, Sekel Bokförlag</p><p>Holm, P. (2011) (review), Matthew McKenzie, Review of Clearing the Coastline, 2011, Global Environment, 6, 2010, 2011, p184-185</p><p>Holm, P. (2011), Duffy, Medieval Dublin X (Holm), by S. Duffy (ed) , The Medieval Review, 11.03.18, 2011</p><p>Holm, P. (2010), Oceans and Seas. Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, Second Edition, ed. W. McNeill et al. Berkshire Publishing Group, 1860-1866</p><p>Holm, P., Anne Husum Marboe, Bo Poulsen, Brian R. MacKenzie (2010), Marine Animal Populations: A New Look Back In Time, Life in the World's Oceans: Diversity, Distribution and Abundance , ed. Alasdair D. McIntyre , Oxford, Blackwell, 3-23</p><p>Holm, P. (2010), Människan och havet — en oroväckande historia, Tvärsnitt [Magazine of Swedish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences] 2, 15 – 19</p><p>Narayanaswami, BE, Ojaveer, H., Boxshall, G,, Appeltans, W., Danovaro, R., Holm. P., & Nickell, T. (2010), Diversity of European Seas. Finding New Life. EuroCoML Non-Technical Report, Oban, UK, November, 55pp</p><p>Bloemers, T., Daniels, S., Fairclough, G., Pedroli, B., Stiles, R., Antoine, A., Bürger-Arndt, R. Holm, P., Orejas, A., Thoen, E., Urbanczyk, P. & Widgren, M., Landscape in a Changing World. Bridging Divides, Integrating Disciplines, Serving Society. Strasbourg, European Science Foundation - COST, 2010, 16pp</p><p>Holm, P. (2010), What is the Trinity Long Room Hub? McCullough Mulvin Architects (eds.), The Long Room Hub at Trinity College, Dublin, Gandon editions, 26-33</p><p>Holm, P. (2010), Fishing Down the North Sea. Beiträge zum Göttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2007 – 2009 ed. Herrmann, Bernd (Hrsg.). , Göttingen, Germany, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 1-12</p><p>Holm, P. et al. (2009) Holm, P. (Chair), Nicolas Guilhot (Rapporteur), Dalina Dumitrescu, Gabriele Griffin, Arne Jarrick, Istvan Rév, Gulnara Roll, Daniel Smilov, Piotr Sztompka, Françoise Thys-Clement, 10</p><p>Panos Tsakloglou, Luk Van Langenhove, Gerhard Wolf (2009), METRIS, Emerging Trends in Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, European Commission, 139pp</p><p>Poulsen, R. T. & Holm, P. (2008) Poulsen, R. T., Cooper, A. B., Holm, P., & MacKenzie, B. R. (2008), Beware the misapplication of results: Response to Cardinale and Svedding (2007), Fisheries Research, 89, (3), 307 - 308 </p><p>Holm, P. (2008), The Last Fish - a historical perspective on the exploration of the North Sea, The Environmental Histories of Europe and Japan: The Oxford-Kobe Seminar, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 September 2007, edited by Mizoguchi, T. , Nagoya University, 2008, 139 - 147 </p><p>Starkey, D. J., Holm, P., & Barnard, M. (2007), Oceans Past: Management insights from the history of marine animal populations, London, Earthscan Research Editions, 2007, 223pp</p><p>Poulsen, B., Holm, P., & MacKenzie, B. R. (2007), A long-term (1667–1860) perspective on impacts of fishing and environmental variability on fisheries for herring, eel, and whitefish in the Limfjord, Denmark, Fisheries Research, 87, (2 - 3) 181-195 </p><p>Poulsen, R. T., Cooper, A. B., Holm, P., & MacKenzie, B. R. (2007), An abundance estimate of ling (Molva molva) and cod (Gadus morhua) in the Skagerrak and the north-eastern North Sea, 1872 , Fisheries Research, 87, (2-3), 197 - 207 </p><p>Beaumont, N., Austen, M., Atkins, J., Burdon, D., Degraer, S., Dentinho, T., Derous, S., Holm, P., Horton, T., Ierland, E. V., Marboe, A. H., Starkey, D. J., Townsend, M., & Zarcyski, T. (2007), Identification, definition and quantification of goods and services provided by marine biodiversity: Implications for the ecosystem approach, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54, (3 ) 253-265 </p><p>MacKenzie, B. R., Bager, M., Ojaveer, H., Awebro, K., Heino, U., Holm, P., & Must, A. (2007), Multi- decadal scale variability in the eastern Baltic cod fishery 1550–1860—Evidence and causes , Fisheries Research, 87, (2-3) 106-109 </p><p>Poulsen, R. T., & Holm, P. (2007), What can fisheries historians learn from marine science?: The concept of catch per unit effort (CPUE), International Journal of Maritime History, XIX, (2) van Voss, L. H., & Holm, P. (2006), Close encounters with the Dutch, Ricchezza del Mare secc. XIII- XVIII : Istituto Internazionale di storia economica "E Datini" Prato, Serie II - Atti delle "Settimane di Studi" e altri Convegni, 37, 147 - 178 </p><p>Bager., M. & Holm. P. (2006), Havet som forskningsfelt: Vinkler på marin miljøhistorie i Danmark. Björk, F., Eliasson, P., & B. F. (eds.), Miljöhistoria över gränser: Skrifter med historiska perspektiv, Malmö, Malmö Högskola. , 2006, 81 - 96 </p><p>Poulsen, B., Mackenzie, B.R., Bager, M. & Holm, P. (2006), Klimaforandringers betydning for fisk og fiskeri. M Søndergaard, B Kronvang, M Pejrup, K Sand-Jensen (eds.), Vand og vejr om 100 år : Klimaforandringer og det dansk vandmiljø, Viborg, Hovedland, 2006, 107 - 121</p><p>Holm, P. (2005), Human impacts on fisheries resources and abundance in the Danish Wadden Sea, c1520 to the present, Helgoland Marine Research, 59, (1), 39 - 44 11</p><p>Holm, P. (2005), History of marine animal populations. P. Miloslavich and E. Klein (eds.), Caribbean Marine Biodiversity : the known and the unknown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, DEStech Publications, 249 - 252 </p><p>Lotze, H.K., Reise, K., Worm, B., van Beusekom, J., Busch, M., Ehlers, A., Heinrich, D., Hoffmann, R.C., Holm, P., Jensen, C., Knottnerus, O.C., Langhanki, N., Prummel, W., Vollmer, M. & Wolff, W.J. (2005), Human transformations of the Wadden Sea ecosystem through time: a synthesis. , Helgoland Marine Research, 59, (1), 84 - 95 </p><p>Holm, P. & Mackenzie, B.R. (2004), Environmental History and Historical Fish Populations in the Baltic. Learning from Environmental History in the Baltic Countries (ed. P Eliasson). Malmö : Liber AB, 39-44</p><p>Winiwarter, Verena ; Armiero, Marco ; van Dam, Petra ; Dix, Andreas ; Eliasson, Per ; Holm, Poul ; Jelecek, Leos ; Lambert, Robert A ; Massard-Guilbaut, Genevieve ; Gonzalez de Molina, Manuel ; Myllyntaus, Timo ; Oosthoek, Jan ; Pfister, Christian ; Racz, Lajos (2004), Environmental History in Europe from 1994 to 2004: Enthusiasm and Consolidation. Environment and History 10: 4, 2004, 501-530</p><p>Holm, P. (2004), Fishing. Encyclopedia of World Environmental History (ed. Shepard Krech ; J. R. McNeill ; Carolyn Merchant) Vol. 2 New York : Routledge, 529-535</p><p>Holm, Poul ; Løkke, Anne ; Simonsen, Dorthe Gert ; Ringtved, Jytte ; Schjellerup, Inge ; Arler, Finn ; Fritzbøger, Bo ; Poulsen, Bo (2004), Humanistisk naturforskning : omverden, individ og samfund. København: Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd, 82p (Temarapporter fra Forskningsrådet for kultur og kommunikation; 4)</p><p>Fink, Hans ; Harder, Peter ; Holm, Poul ; Sonne Jacobsen, Karen ; Stjernfelt, Frederik ; Pahuus, Anne Marie (2004), Humanistisk viden i et vidensamfund . København : Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd, 69p (Temarapporter fra Forskningsrådet for kultur og kummunikation; 2).</p><p>Holm, P. (2004), Oceans and Seas. Encyclopedia of World Environmental History (ed. Shepard Krech ; J. R. McNeill ; Carolyn Merchant) Vol. 3 New York : Routledge, 2004, 957-996</p><p>Holm, P. (2003), Dansk fiskeri : fra succes til sammenbrud. Geografisk Orientering 33:1, 9-16</p><p>Holm, P. (2003), History of marine animal populations : a global research program of the Census of marine life. Oceanologica Acta 2003 5:5, 207-211</p><p>Starkey, D. J., Holm, P., Thór, J. Th. & Andersson, B. (eds.) (2003), Politics and people in the North Atlantic fisheries since 1485. Hull : North Atlantic Fisheries History Association, 202pp (Studia Atlantica 5).</p><p>Holm, P. (2003), The Bohuslen Herring : Interlude to Dutch supremacy in the European fish market, 1556-1589. In het kielzog Maritiem-historische studies aangeboden aan Jaap R.Bruijn, bij zijn vertrek als hoogleraar zeegeschiedenis aan de Universiteit Leiden (ed. L. M. Akveld ; F. Broeze ; F. S. Gaastra ; G. Jackson ; W. M. F. Morzer Bruyns). Amsterdam : De Bataafsche Leeuw, 282-288 12</p><p>Holm, P. & Mackenzie, B. R. (2003), Østersøens historiske fiskebestande : hvor mange fisk var der i gamle dage? Fisk og Hav 55, 2003, 4-10</p><p>Delrapport vedr. klimaændringer : Udvalget om Miljøpåvirkninger og fiskeriressourcer. Charlottenlund : Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri, Danmarks Fiskeriundersøgelser, 2002. 34 s. (DFU rapport; 109).</p><p>MacKenzie, Brian R. ; Alheit, Jürgen ; Conley, Daniel J ; Holm, Poul ; Kinze, Carl Christian (2002), Ecological hypotheses for a historical reconstruction of upper trophic level biomass inthe Baltic Sea and Skagerrak. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2002 59:1, 173-190</p><p>Holm, P. (2002), Maritime Dependency in Ribe and Aalborg, 1450-1800. Concentration and Dependency : The Role of Maritime Activities in North Sea Communities, 1299-1999 (eds. David J. Starkey ; Morten Hahn-Pedersen). Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet , 47-68</p><p>Holm, P. (2002), Resources and Infrastructures in the Danish Maritime Economy : Evidence for the Coastal Zone, 1500-2000. Resources and Infrastructures in the Maritime Economy, 1500-2000 (eds. Gordon Boyce ; Richard Gorski). St. John's, Newfoundland : International Maritime Economic History Association (Research in Maritime History 22) 63-82 </p><p>Holm, P. (2001). 100 års dansk fiskeri. Sjæk'len, 105-114.</p><p>Holm, P. (2001). Når udgangspunktet flytter sig: miljøhistorie som mødested for humaniora og naturvidenskab. Humaniora, 16(2), 3-6</p><p>Holm, P., & Bager, M. (2001). The Danish Fisheries, c. 1450: Medieval and Early Modern Sources and their Potential for Marine Environmental History. Holm, P., Smith, T. D., & Starkey, D. J. (eds.). The exploited seas: new directions for marine environmental history. (Research in maritime history 21). International Maritime Economic History Association/Census of Marine Life: International Maritime Economic History Association/Census of Marine Life, 97-122</p><p>Holm, P., Smith, T. D., & Starkey, D. J. (eds.) (2001), The exploited seas: new directions for marine environmental history. (Research in maritime history 21). St.John's, Newfoundland: International Maritime Economic History Association/Census of Marine Life.</p><p>Holm, P. (2001). Turgesius. Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (2001). Aalborg as a Regional Centre, 1400-1814. Eliassen, F., Mikkelsen, J., & Poulsen, B. (eds.), Regional integration in early modern Scandinavia. Odense: Odense University Press, 213-231</p><p>Grau Møller, P., Holm, P., & Rasmussen, L. (eds.) (2000). Aktører i landskabet (Odense University studies in history and social sciences; 232). Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag</p><p>Holm, P. (2000). An International Perspective on the British Fisheries in the New Millennium. Starkey, D. J., Reid, C., & Ashcroft, N. (eds.). England's Sea Fisheries: The Commercial Sea Fisheries of England and Wales since 1300. London: Chatham, 260-272</p><p>Holm, P. (2000). Det skånske opgør. Lund, J. (ed.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon. 13</p><p>Holm, P. (2000). Die Nördlichen Meere: Regionen, Gemeinschaften, Kultur. Busch, B., & Förster, L. (eds.). Wasser (s. 662-70). (Schriftenreihe Forum; 9). (Elemente des Naturhaushalts; 1). Köln: Wienand</p><p>Holm, P. (2000). Havenes økohistorie - et globalt forskningsprojekt. Sjæk'len, 9-13.</p><p>Starkey, D. J., Holm, P., Smith, T., Francis, R., & Rozwadowski, H. (2000). H-OBIS: A historical dimension to the ocean biogeographical information system. Oceanography, 13(3), 39-40.</p><p>Holm, P. (2000). Kystens ejendomsforandringer i det 20. århundrede. Munk Sørensen, E. (ed.). Ejendomsændringer i det 20. århundrede. Copenhagen, 335-64</p><p>Holm, P. (2000). Kystens erhverv og bebyggelse, 1500-2000: Bidrag til Kulturhistorisk bygdeinddeling af Danmark. Grau Møller, P., Holm, P., & Höll, A. (eds.). Aktører i landskabet. (Odense University studies in history and social sciences; 232). Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag</p><p>Guldberg, M., Byskov, S., & Holm, P. (2000). På tobisfiskeri. Esbjerg.</p><p>Holm, P. (2000). Under overfladen - havenes økohistorie. Nyt fra Syddansk Universitet, (10A).</p><p>Holm, P. (2000). Viking Dublin and the polis Concept: Parameters and Significance of the Hiberno- Norse Settlement. Hansen, M. H. (ed.). A comparative study of thirty city-state cultures: an investigation conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Centre . (Historisk-filosofiske skrifter; 21). København: Det kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab / C. A. Reitzel</p><p>Holm, P., Hahn-Pedersen, M., & Just, F. (1999). Bro mellem museums- og universitetsforskning. Sjæk'len, 141-149.</p><p>Holm, P. (1999). Capital and Labour in the Port Town of Esbjerg, 1945-1999. Fischer, L. R., & Jarvis, A. (red.). Harbours and Havens: Essays in Port History in Honour of Gordon Jackson. (Research in maritime history 16). St. John's, Nfld.: International Maritime Economic History Association, 213-228</p><p>Marquardt, O., Holm, P., & Starkey, D. J. (eds.) (1999). From sealing to fishing: social and economic change in Greenland, 1850-1940. (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets studieserie; 14). (Studia Atlantica 4). Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet.</p><p>Holm, P. (1999). Hvordan det danske havfiskeri blev til, 1770-1914. Sjæk'len, 18-53.</p><p>Holm, P., & Starkey, D. J. (eds.) (1999). Technological change in the North Atlantic fisheries. (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets studieserie; 12). (Studia Atlantica 3). Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet.</p><p>Holm, P. (1999). Aalborg og Søfarten gennem 500 år. (Aalborgbogen). Aalborg: Selskabet for Aalborgs Historie / Aalborg Historiske Museum.</p><p>Damgård, E., Guldberg, M., & Holm, P. (red.) (1998). A North Sea region: West Jutland and the world, II : proceedings of the Lemvig conference. (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets studieserie; 11). Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet. 14</p><p>Holm, P., & Byskov, S. (1998). Coastal Heritage and Sustainable Development: The Need for an Integrated Approach. Littoral'98: proceedings form the 4th International Conference of the European Coastal Association for Science and Technology. Barcelona, 205-08</p><p>Holm, P. (1998). Dansk havfiskeris gennembrud 1880-1940 - museets nye permanente udstilling. Sjæk'len, 50-56.</p><p>Holm, P. (1998). De danske Vesterhavsbåde. Människor och båtar i Norden: Sjöhistorisk årsbok 1998- 1999. Stockholm, 145-159)</p><p>Holm, P. (1998). Fiskeriets økonomiske betydning i Danmark 1350-1650. Sjæk'len, 8-42</p><p>Bruhn, V. & Holm, P. (1998), Havneby og storkommune, Esbjergs Historie, 3: 1910-1998. Esbjerg: Rosendahl</p><p>Holm, P., & Byskov, S. (1998). Nyt liv på Esbjerg Fiskerihavn: debatoplæg. Esbjerg / Hirtshals: Center for Maritim og Regional Historie, Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet / Institut for Fiskeriforvaltning og Kystsamfundsudvikling, Nordsøcentret</p><p>Holm, P., Byskov, S., & Toft Hansen, S. (1998). Proteiner fra havet: Fiskemelsindustrien i Esbjerg, 1948-1998. Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet.</p><p>Holm, P. (1998). Sønderside - fiskerleje og handelsplads. Mark og Montre, 34, 69-80.</p><p>Holm, P. (1998). The Global Fish Market: Internationalization and Globalization 1880-1997. Research in Maritime History, 13, 239-258.</p><p>Holm, P. (1998). Aalborgs handel i regionalt perspektiv, 1400-1814. Lund, J., & Ringtved, J. (red.). Variation og enhed omkring Limfjorden. (Rapport / Limfjordsprojektet; 8). Limfjordsmuseet, 21-38</p><p>Holm, P. (1997). Det maritime arbejdsmarked i Danmark 1880-1900. Sjæk'len, 70-91.</p><p>Holm, P. (1997). Galej og karak: Venedigs storhed og fald belyst ved byens skibe, 1300-1600. Middelhavets skibe. Århus: Sfinx, 137-150</p><p>Holm, P. (1997). Gottfried. Lund, J. (ed.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon</p><p>Holm, P. (1997). Irland: Historie (før 1150). Lund, J. (ed.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1997). Ivar. Lund, J. (ed.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P., & Janzen, O. (eds.) (1997) Northern Seas Yearbook. Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet</p><p>Holm, P. (1997). Verdensmarkedet for fisk: Internationalisering og globalisering 1880-1997. Sjæk'len, 29-42.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Catches and Manpower in the Danish Fisheries, c1200-1995. Holm, P., Starkey, D. J., & Thór, J. T. (red.). The North Atlantic fisheries, 1100-1976: national perspectives on a common 15 resource (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets studieserie; 7). (Studia Atlantica; 1). Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet, 177-206</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Céli Dé. Lund, J. (ed.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Clomacnoise. Lund, J. (ed.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Clontarf. Lund, J. (ed.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Columbanus. Lund, J. (red.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Columcille. Lund, J. (red.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Dagbog fra et kloster i Syditalien. Mark og Montre, 32, 81-89.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Dicuil. Lund, J. (red.). DenStore Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Dubh-gail. Lund, J. (red.). Den store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Finn-gaill. Lund, J. (red.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Finnian. Lund, J. (red.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Fiskefartøjer: Historie. Lund, J. (red.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Fiskeredskaber: Historie. Lund, J. (red.). Den store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Fiskeri: Historie. Lund, J. (red.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). Kulturarv og fiskeripolitik. Sjæk'len, 93-104.</p><p>Holm, P. (1996). South Scandinavian Fisheries in the Sixteenth Century: the Dutch Connection. Roding, J., & van Voss, L. H. (red.). The North Sea and culture (1550-1800): proceedings of the international conference held at Leiden 21-22 April 1995 (s. 108-123). Hilversum: Verloren.</p><p>Holm, P., Starkey, D. J., & Thór, J. T. (red.) (1996). The North Atlantic fisheries, 1100-1976: national perspectives on a common resource. (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets studieserie; 7). (Studia Atlantica; 1). Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet. 16</p><p>Holm, P. (1995). Audacht Morainn. J. L. (red.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1995). Bjergelavet 'Blaavand': om at nære sig af vrag ved den jyske vestkyst. Mark og Montre, 59-78.</p><p>Holm, P. (1995). Book of Durrow. Lund, J. (red.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1995). Book of Kells. I. Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1995). Brendan. Lund, J. (red.). Den Store Danske Encyklopædi. København: Danmarks National Leksikon.</p><p>Holm, P. (1995). European and Native Ways: Fishing, Whaling and Sealing in the Danish North Atlantic Empire, c1750-1807. Northern Seas Yearbook. Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet</p><p>Holm, P. (1995). Havskab og kystkulturer. Den jyske historiker, 68, 36-50.</p><p>Holm, P. (1995). Kystkultur som forskningsemne. Kystsamfunnets materielle kultur: Museumsnettverk 5 (s. 7-13). Oslo: Norges forskningsråd.</p><p>Holm, P., Janzen, O., & Thór, J. (red.) (1995). Northern Seas Yearbook. Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet.</p><p>Holm, P. (1995). Tre foretagere på Esbjerg Havn: Firmaet C. Breinholt 1875-1953. Sjæk'len, 59-78.</p><p>Holm, P. (1995). Uvelkomne gæster: havets økonomiske zoner. Fiskeri Tidende, 2(34), 10-11.</p><p>Bruhn. V. & Holm, P., En by bliver til. Esbjergs Historie, 2: 1850-1910. Esbjerg</p><p>Holm, P. (1994). Between Apathy and Antipathy: The Vikings in Irish and Scandinavian History. Peritia 8, 151-169.</p><p>Holm, P., & Hahn-Pedersen, M. (1994). Center for Maritim og Regional Historie. Sjæk'len, 113-122.</p><p>Holm, P. (1994). Coastal Life, 'Nordic Culture' and Nation State: Reflections on the Formation of the Nation State and Maritime History. Fischer, L. R., & Minchinton, W. (red.). People of the Northern Seas. (Research in Maritime History; 3). St. John's, Newfoundland: International Maritime Economic History Association, 191-204</p><p>Holm, P. (1994). Det sydlige Vesterhav. Holm, P. (red.). Fiskere og Farvande: tværsnit af moderne dansk fiskeri. Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet 465-544)</p><p>Holm, P. (1994). Et erhverv i sammenbrud. Sjæk'len, 23-46.</p><p>Holm, P. (red.) (1994). Fiskere og farvande: tværsnit af moderne dansk fiskeri. (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets studieserie; 4). Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet 17</p><p>Holm, P., Hinkkanen, M., & Thór, J. (red.) (1994). Northern Seas Yearbook. Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet.</p><p>Holm, P. (1994). Technology Transfer and Social Setting: The Experience of Danish Steam Trawlers in the North Sea and off Iceland, 1879-1903. Northern Seas Yearbook 1994, 113-57.</p><p>Holm, P., & Hahn-Pedersen, M. (1994). The Danish Maritime Labour Market, 1880-1900. Fischer, L. R. (red.). The Market for Seamen in the Age of Sail (Research in maritime history 7). St. John's, Newfoundland: International Maritime Economic History Association, 141-166</p><p>Holm, P. (1993). Danish Maritime History, 1976-1992: A Review. Broeze, F. (ed.). New Directions in Maritime History. (Research in Maritime History 9). St. John's.</p><p>Guldberg, M., Holm, P., & Madsen, P. K. (eds.) (1993). Facing the North Sea: West Jutland and the World : Proceedings of the Ribe Conference, April 6-8, 1992. (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets studieserie; 2). Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet</p><p>Holm, P. (1993). Ireland, the Norse. Pulsiano, P. (red.). Encyclopedia of Scandinavia in the Middle Ages. New York: Garland.</p><p>Holm, P. (1993). Kystkultur i internationalt perspektiv. Norske Kunst- og Kulturhistoriske Museers årsmøde 1992. Oslo.</p><p>Holm, P. (1993). Riberfisk. Mark og Montre. Ribe: Museerne i Ribe Amt, 36-38</p><p>Holm, P. (1993). The Decline in Fishery and Fish Trade from West Jutland, c. 1300-1900. Guldberg, M., Holm, P., & Madsen, P. K. (eds.): Facing the North Sea: West Jutland and the World, Proceedings of the Ribe Conference, April 6-8, 1992. (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets studieserie; 2). Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet, 119-127</p><p>Holm, P. (1992). Den moderne havn, 1950-1993: Esbjerg Havn 1868-1993. Sjæk'len, 99-118</p><p>Holm, P. (1992). Fishermen's Shares and Maritime Wages in Scandinavia, 1880-1910. International Journal of Maritime History, IV(2), 219-226</p><p>Holm, P. (1992). Havnene før havnen: Sydvestjyske havne ca. 1200-1867. Sjæk'len, 9-40</p><p>Holm, P. (1992). Hjerting: et maritimt lokalsamfund midt i verden : ca. 1550-1930. Hjerting: Hjerting Fiskeriforening</p><p>Holm, P., & Edwards, J. (red.) (1992). North Sea Ports and Harbours: Adaptions to Change : Second North Sea History Conference, Esbjerg 1991. (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets studieserie; 1). Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet</p><p>Fischer, L. R., Hamre, H., Holm, P., & Bruijn, J. R. (red.) (1992). Social History of Maritime Labour: First North Sea History Conference 1989. Stavanger</p><p>Holm, P. (1992). Some Why's, How's and Retorts. International Journal of Maritime History, IV(2), 297-306 18</p><p>Holm, P. (1992). The Modernisation of Fishing: The Scandinavian and the British Model. Fischer, L. R., Hamre, H., Holm, P., & Bruijn, J. R. (red.). Social History of Maritime Labour: First North Sea History Conference 1989. Stavanger, 197-210</p><p>Holm, P., Guldberg, M., & Madsen, P. K. (1992). Vestjylland og verden. Mark og Montre, 28, 48-50.</p><p>Holm, P. (1991). Den flåde vi ikke fik: Danske damptrawlere i Nordsøen og ved Island, 1887-1903. Sjæk'len, 49-75.</p><p>Holm, P. (1991). Kystfolk: Kontakter og Sammenhænge over Kattegat og Skagerrak ca. 1550-1914. Esbjerg: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet, Saltvandsakvariet.</p><p>Holm, P. (1990). Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseets Frilandsudstilling. Mark og Montre, 26, 32-35.</p><p>Holm, P. (1990). "Saa lidet estimerede...": Eller hvor blev fiskerne og sømændene af i danmarkshistorien? Sjæk'len, 59-64.</p><p>Holm, P. (1989). "... med hvad der er indfødt og norsk": Migration over Skagerrak i skudehandelens tid. Fortid og Nutid, 36(4), 271-282. Also as Holm, P. (1989). "... med hvad der er indfødt og norsk": Migration over Skagerrak i skudehandelens tid. Nordisk migration: Symposium i Växjö. Växjö, 14-31</p><p>Holm, P. (1989). Moderniseringen af fiskeriet: Den skandinaviske og den britiske model. Sjæk'len, 53- 65.</p><p>Holm, P. (1989). Sydvesten. Mark og Montre, 73-75.</p><p>Holm, P. (1988). De skånsk-hallandske bondeoprør 1180-82. Bøgh, A., Würtz Sørensen, J., & Tvede- Jensen, L. (red.). Til kamp for friheden: sociale oprør i nordisk middelalder. Ålborg: Bogsmedjen, 72- 89</p><p>Holm, P., & Hahn-Pedersen, M. (1988). Det lugter af penge: moderne tider på Esbjerg Havn. Messenburg, J. (red.). Moderne tider i Esbjerg. Esbjerg, 54-70</p><p>Holm, P. (1988). Kampen om det som ingen ejer: om rettighederne til den øde jord indtil 1241 som baggrund for den tidlige middelalders bondeuro. Bøgh, A., Würtz Sørensen, J., & Tvede-Jensen, L. (red.). Til kamp for friheden: sociale oprør i nordisk middelalder. Bogsmedjen: Ålborg, 90-109</p><p>Holm, P. (1988). Kattegat- og Skagerrak-kysternes kulturhistorie i 1800-tallet. Wåhlin, V. (red.). Historien i kulturhistorien. Århus, 179-187</p><p>Holm, P. (1988). Kattegat- og Skagerrak-kysternes kulturhistorie i 1800-tallet. Norveg, 31, 117-129.</p><p>Holm, P. (1988). Kattegat-Skagerrak-projektet: en foreløbig liste over projektets skrifter. Meddelelser fra Kattegat-Skagerrak Projektet, 16, 107-117</p><p>Holm, P. (1988). Vadehavsfiskere. Mark og Montre, 24, 31-35</p><p>Holm, P. (1987). Status efter tredive års indsamlinger og undersøgelser. Sjæk'len, 20, 14-19</p><p>Holm, P. (1986). Handelen på de danske provinstoldsteder, 1826-1851. Meddelelser fra Kattegat- Skagerrak Projektet, 10, 7-25 19</p><p>Holm, P. (1986). The Slave Trade of Dublin, Ninth to Twelfth Centuries. Peritia (5), 317-345</p><p>Holm, P. (1985). De skånsk-hallandske bondeoprør 1180-82. Würtz Sørensen, J., & Tvede-Jensen, L. (ed.). Til kamp for friheden. Ålborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 66-86</p><p>Holm, P. (1985). Fiskernes kontakter over Kattegat og Skagerrak: en skitse. 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