<p> SUNY Downstate Medical Center/ Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn New York New York Institute for All Hazard Preparedness (NYIAHP)</p><p>440 Lenox Road, Suite 2M Brooklyn New York, 11203 (718) 270-1168/3216</p><p>2002-2009 Emergency Preparedness-related collaborative projects, drills, presentations </p><p>Date Accomplishment details April 3,2002 2 Hospital Drill, Mass Casualty with University Hospital of Brooklyn local EMS using Joint Triage System (UHB), KCHC (Kings County Hospital Center), Brooklyn, NY May 10, 2003 Mass Casualty with optional Decon UHB, KCHC, Brookdale of 108 victims using 6 hospital of Hospital, Kingsbrook Jewish Brooklyn & local EMS Medical Center (KJMC), Brooklyn Veterans Hospital, Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, NY July 26, 2002 2 Hospital Drill, DECON UHB, KCHC, Brooklyn NY February- March Small Pox Clinic KCHC, Brooklyn NY 2003 March 10,2003 City Wide Drill, Mass Casualty at a NYC Sports Stadium (Shea Stadium) June 2, 2003 Surgery, ED Tabletop, 2 Hospital UHB, KCHC, Brooklyn NY Drill Sept 2003 Poster Presentation: Joint Triage 2nd Mediterranean Emergency Among Hospitals Medicine Congress, Barcelona, Spain February 2004 Centers for Biological Preparedness UHB, KCHC, Kingsboro and Planning (CBPP) Award, Psychiatric Center (KP) , KJMC Smallpox Award, Table top Award December 12, Disaster Planning/Surge Capacity UHB, KCHC, Kingsboro 2003 Drill Psychiatric, and Kingsbrook Jewish, Brooklyn NY June 6-10, 2004 Poster Presentation on Joint Triage 10th International Conference System on Emergency Medicine, Cairns, Australia October 2004 Award Winning Oral Presentation on 3rd Asian Conference on Graded Multi-hospital Response to Emergency Medicine, Hong Disasters Kong, China December 18, NYCDOHMH-sponsored Plague UHB, Brooklyn 2004 Tabletop December 27, Clinics Drill UHB, KCHC, Brooklyn NY 2004 January 10,11, Disaster Instructor Eastern Association of Surgeons 2005 and Trauma January 19, 2005 5 Hospital Drill, SARS CBPP, Brooklyn NY February 2005 Co-chair of Pediatric Advisory New York Hospital/ Bellevue </p><p>Page of 12 1 Revised: 12/14/09 Disaster Group CBPP, sponsored by NYCDOHMH March 2005 Smallpox Clinic UHB, Brooklyn, NY May 16, 2005 Presentation: Tiered Multi-hospital 14th World Congress on Disaster Response and Joint Triage for and Emergency Medicine, Disaster: A Model for Resource Edinburgh, Scotland Allocation and Surge Capacity July 2005 Pediatric Advisory Disaster Group New York Hospital/ Bellevue City-wide Conference with final CBPP, sponsored by reports/documents NYCDOHMH July 13, 2005 Hospital Drill, DECON KCHC, Brooklyn NY July 2005 Started Disaster Medicine SUNY Downstate, KCHC, NYC Fellowship DOHMH (partial funding) July 28, 2005 CBPP Surge Task Force-General NYC Committee </p><p>September 2005 HRSA Grant Proposal submitted on Included collaboration of: delivering healthcare provider Primary Care Development disaster-preparedness training Corporation, the Regional Perinatal Network of NYS, Nat. Assoc. of State EMS Directors, Nat. Council of State EMS Training Coordinators, CentreLearn, and NYU Schools of Medicine, Nursing and Dentistry September 2005 Article submitted pending approval Society of Annals of Emergency on Medical Student Support Team: Medicine An Answer to a Disaster Relief Need September 2005 Article submitted pending approval Society of Annals of Emergency on EM Residency model of mass Medicine information distribution during a disaster November 29, Surge Capacity Table Top Drill 11 HHC Hospitals and the HHC 2005 using Biological Hazard of Severe central office Respiratory Infection January 11, 2006 Pediatric Tabletop Exercise January New York City Bioterrorism 1,2006-August 31, 2006 Hospital Preparedness planning Program 2005-2006 Essentials of Clinical Medicine, SUNY Downstate Medical Block 3, Disaster Preparedness Center, Community Response lectures 3rd Year medical Students</p><p>January 2006 “Hospital Working Group for NYC DOHMH Grant – New Developing a Model Plan to Address York City Bioterrorism Hospital the Surge Capacity Response to an Preparedness Program</p><p>Page of 12 2 Revised: 12/14/09 Outbreak Due to a Contagious Looking at Pandemic Flu Respiratory Illness” March 15, 2006 ABC News Interview on Pandemic ABC News Flu, Dr Arquiila April, 2006 Arquilla, B, Kohlhoff S, Presentation Pediatric Disaster Advisory Group. April 2006. Pediatric Disaster Tool Kit Section Presentations: Pharmacy. Presentation by the Centers of Bioterrorism Preparedness Planning Pediatric Task Force and the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Bellevue Hospital May 1,2005 “Pediatric Tool Kit: Hospital CBPP Pediatric task Force and Guidelines for Pediatrics in New York City Department of Disasters” Health and Mental Hygiene New York City, NY 10013 First Edition Copyright 2005</p><p>May 2,2006 Presentation of Pediatric Task Force NYC DOHMH and GNYHA Document </p><p>May 4, 2006 Community Outreach for The plan was approved and funded by the NYC KCHC highlighting the DOHMH in September of 2005 isolation ward in Central o KCHC A42 Disaster Ward Brooklyn Opening of unit; NYCAHP identified and converted an existing hospital unit, which was not currently in use, into an isolation ward. The A42 unit of Kings County Hospital Center was built originally as an isolation ward to house the increasing population of TB patients in the 1980’s. </p><p>May 9,2006 Small Pox Tabletop KCHC, NYC DOMH Exercise KCHC May 11,2006 CBPP and New York City Department of Health An Integrated Plan to and Mental Hygiene Augment Surge Capacity New York City, NY 10013 Authors: Christopher Posting on NYCDOHMH Website Dayton, MD1, Jamil First Edition Copyright 2006 Page of 12 3 Revised: 12/14/09 Ibrihim, MD2, Michael Augenbraun, MD1, Steven Brooks,PhD3, Kiaran Mody, MS3, Donald Holford, MPA4, Patricia Roblin, MS, 1, Bonnie Arquilla, DO2</p><p>Central Brooklyn Center for Bioterrorism and Preparedness Planning Hospitals; 1University Hospital Brooklyn, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn,New York 2 Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn,New York 3 Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center , Brooklyn,New York 4 Kinsboro Psychiatric Center, Brooklyn,New York. May 17,2006 Plague Tabletop Exercise UHB, Brooklyn, NYC DOMH</p><p>May 22, 2006 HHC Conference - 111 E. 59th Street, NYC Lighthouse – Disaster Ethics</p><p>June 6, 2006 Community Outreach for Community Board 17, UHB New Hope Christian Fellowship Preparing for Emergencies 4615 Church Avenue in NYC, Household Disaster Brooklyn, NY 11203 Plans, Infection Control, Drills and Exercises, Syndromic Surveillance, Seniors and People with disabilities, Pediatric Planning July 5, 2006 Model for Multiple City Poster Presentation at the 2006 NY ACEP, Hospitals Network; Scientific Assembly, July 5-7,2006 Biological Exercise Sagamore Hotel Evaluating Surge Capacity Bolton Landing, New York. Bonnie Arquilla, DO, Patricia Roblin, MS, Michael Augenbraun, MD, Jay Reich, MD, Joseph Masci, MD October 4-8, Model for Multiple City Presentation at the 4th European Congress on 2006 Hospitals System; Emergency Medicine 4-8 October 2006, Crete, Biological Exercise Greece Evaluating Surge Capacity Page of 12 4 Revised: 12/14/09 Bonnie Arquilla, DO, Patricia Roblin, MS, Michael Augenbraun, MD, Jay Reich, MD, Joseph Masci, MD</p><p>May 13-16, Chronic Renal Presentation: 2007 Insufficiency and Diabetes 15th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Mellitus Following Medicine, Amsterdam, Holland, Disasters: A Model for May 13-16, 2007 Reform.</p><p>Andrew C Miller MD* ‡, Bonnie Arquilla DO*†</p><p>Departments of * Emergency Medicine, ‡ Internal Medicine, and † Director of Disaster Preparedness and the Disaster Medicine Fellowship, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center. Brooklyn, NY. USA.</p><p>May 13-16, Postgraduate Fellowship Presentation: 2007 in Emergency Medicine 15th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Disaster Preparedness: Medicine, Amsterdam, Holland, Providing Physicians with May 13-16, 2007 Special Skills in Disaster Mitigation as well as Planning and Response</p><p>Christiana Campbell, MD, FAAP</p><p>SUNY Downstate/Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA</p><p>May 13-16, New York City Pediatric Presentation: 2007 Preparedness; 15th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Decontamination of the Medicine, Amsterdam, Holland, Pediatric Patient May 13-16, 2007</p><p>Authors: Christopher Freyberg1, George L. Foltin2, Katherine Uraneck3, Arthur Cooper4, Bonnie Page of 12 5 Revised: 12/14/09 Arquilla5</p><p>1Veterans Administration New York Harbor Hospital System, New York, NY, 2Bellevue Hospital Center, New York University Medical School, New York NY, 3New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, NY, 4Harlem Hospital Center, New York, NY, 5State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY May 13-16, Family Information and Presentation: 2007 Support Center – 15th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Preparing for ALL of the Medicine, Amsterdam, Holland, Victims of a Large Scale May 13-16, 2007 Disaster</p><p>Authors: Esther Chackes 1, Gloria Mattera 1, Mary Caram 1, Silka Aird 1, George Contreras 2, Katherine Uraneck 4, George L. Foltin 1,2, Bonnie Arquilla 3</p><p>1 Bellevue Hospital Cener, 2 New York University Medical Center, 3 State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, 4 New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene</p><p>May 13-16, Presentation: 2007 An Integrated Plan to 15th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Augment Surge Capacity Medicine, Amsterdam, Holland, May 13-16, 2007 Authors: Christopher Dayton, MD1, Jamil Ibrihim, MD2, Michael Augenbraun, MD1, Steven Brooks,PhD3, Kiaran Mody, MS3, Donald Holford, Page of 12 6 Revised: 12/14/09 MPA4, Patricia Roblin, MS, 1, Bonnie Arquilla, DO2</p><p>Central Brooklyn Center for Bioterrorism and Preparedness Planning Hospitals; 1University Hospital Brooklyn, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn,New York 2 Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn,New York 3 Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center , Brooklyn,New York 4 Kinsboro Psychiatric Center, Brooklyn,New York.</p><p>May 13-16, How to Train Physicians to Presentation: 2007 Respond to a Radiation 15th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Emergency Medicine, Amsterdam, Holland, May 13-16, 2007 Rajesh Mittal, MD MBA1, Kate Uraneck, MD2, Debra Berg, MD MPH2, Bonnie Arquilla, DO1</p><p>1 State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, 2 New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene May 13-16, Hospital-Based Pediatric Presentation: 2007 Disaster Triage Algorithm: 15th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency A Collaborative Effort from Medicine, Amsterdam, Holland, New York City’s Pediatric May 13-16, 2007 Disaster Advisory Group</p><p>Authors: Jeffrey Hom1, Stephan Kohlhoff1, George L. Foltin2, Katherine Uraneck3, Arthur Cooper4, Bonnie Arquilla1</p><p>1State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY 2Bellevue Hospital Center, New York University Medical School, New York Page of 12 7 Revised: 12/14/09 NY, 3New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, NY, 4Harlem Hospital Center, New York, NY May 2007 Testing Hospital Disaster Goldman M, Anderson T, Zehtabchi S, Arquilla B. Communication Plan has Department of Emergency Medicine, KCHC Immense Value PMID: 17517359 May 31, 2007 Dialysis Center Drill Parkside Dialysis Center, UHB and KCHC June 18, 2007 Emergency Preparedness Joint UHB/CKHC Mandatory orientation and Presentation annual mandatory education for new and Bonnie Arquilla, DO, reappointed residents FACEP Assist. Prof., EM, UHB June 20, 2007 Pediatric emergency Erie County Medical Preparedness forum. Smith Auditorium Invited speaker; Dr Bonnie Center, Buffalo, N.Y. Arquilla </p><p>July 8-10, 2007 Disaster Preparedness: New York ACEP, Scientific Assembly, Bolton, Training Outcomes for Landing, New York Hospital Staff,Allon Amitai, MD, R. Gentry Wilkerson Patricia Roblin, MS , Rajesh Mittal, MD, Bonnie Arquilla July 18, 2007 Clean Baby Disaster Drill Participant Centers 4 Hospital Radiation UHB, KCHC, Psyc. Kinboro Center and KJMC. Evaluations and Decontamination Drill with Special Attention to Pediatric Decontamination Center for Biological Preparedness and Planning August 2007 “Disasters, Women's Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Volume 22, Health, and Conservative Number 5. August 2007 Society: Working in Pakistan with the Turkish Red Crescent following the Earthquake in Southeast Asia “</p><p>Spring 2008 Miller, A., Arquilla B., Prehospital and Disaster Medicine – Chronic Diseases and Environmental Catastrophes: The Impact of natural Disasters on diabetic, renal and cardiac patients. Page of 12 8 Revised: 12/14/09 Submitted Multicenter Drill in Wallace, DJ. Arquilla B., Kramer, M., Anderson,T., August 2007 Brooklyn; A Test of New Heffernen, R., Layton, M. Bernstein, D., York City Syndromic Augenbraun, M., Surveillance using Severe Emergency Infectious Disease Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) model Submitted An Integrated Plan to Dayton, C., Ibrahim, J., Augenbraun, M., Brooks, August 2007 Augement Surge Capacity S., Mody, K., Holford, D., Roblin, P., Arquilla, B., Annals of Emergency Medicine Submitted Multi-hospital Response to Arquilla, B., Reich, C., Paladino, L., Lucchesi, M., August 2007 a Mass Casualty Incident: A Brandler, E., Celentano, J., Ibrahim, J., Shetty, S. Model for Joint Triage PMD September 18, Medical Surge Capacity Bonnie Arquilla 2007 During Disaster Rajesh Mittal A Call for Radiological Emergencies: Protect New York Papers and Detection and Alleviation Panels </p><p>January 1, 2008 Tabletop – Explosion Water SUNY Downstate Medical Center interruption January 22, Geriatric Tool Kit Grant received from NYC DOHMH to address 2008 Conference Disaster Preparedness for Geriatric Population January 1 – 11, 1st Annual Protect NY NY Academic and Professional Society Devoted to 2008 Conference Research and Education to Safeguard NY State against Disasters and Terrorism January 29 – 30, CDC Secondary Review Bonnie Arquilla 2008 Committee Meeting Reviewing Disaster Preparedness Grants 2008- 2009 funding March 5, 2008 Critical Care Ventilator SUNY Downstate Disaster Preparedness Drill Drill Tabletop Exercise interdepartmental - Joint Commission and NYS Department of Health fulfillment</p><p>March - April Chronic Diseases and Miller, A., Arquilla B., 2008 Environmental Catastrophes: Prehospital and Disaster Medicine The Impact of natural 2008 Mar-April, 77(1):121-6. Epub 2007 Dec 31 Disasters on diabetic, renal PMID: 18164798 and cardiac patients. [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]</p><p>March – April An Integrated Plan to Dayton, C., Ibrahim, J., Augenbraun, M., Brooks, 2008 Augment Surge Capacity S., Mody, K., Holford, D., Roblin, P., Arquilla, B., Prehosp Disaster Med. 2008 Mar-Apr;23(2):113- 9.PMID: 18557290 [PubMed - in process]</p><p>April –June EM Residency Model of Goldman, M., Anderson, T., 2008 Mass Information Zehtabchi, S., Arquilla, B.</p><p>Page of 12 9 Revised: 12/14/09 Distribution during a Disaster Manag Response. 2007 Apr-Jun;5(2):27. Disaster No abstract available. PMID: 17517359 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] March – April Disaster Preparedness: Freyberg, C., Arquilla, B., Tunik, M., Fertel, B., 2008 Hospital Decontamination Cooper, A., and the Pediatric Patient. Heon, D., Kohlhoff, S., Uraneck., K., Foltin, G. Guidelines for Hospital and Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Emergency Planners 2008 Mar-April, 23(2):166-73 PMID: 18557297 [PubMed – in process]</p><p>March 11, 2008 Activation of Critical Care – Afteraction report Kings County Medical Center- IT Failure Joint Commission and NYS Department of Health fulfillment</p><p>April 8, 2008 CDC Secondary Review Bonnie Arquilla Committee Meeting Reviewing Disaster Preparedness Grants 2008- 2009 funding April 30, 2008 National Incident KCHC and UHB -Joint Commission and NYS Management Systems Department of Health fulfillment Training for Hospital Staff May 29, The Clean Baby 2007 Fertel B, Kohlhoff S, Roblin P, Arquilla B. Lessons 2008 Pediatric Decontamination From The Clean Baby 2007 Pediatric Drill. Oral platform Decontamination Drill. presentation Oral platform presentation at Society Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) annual meeting Washington, DC 5/29/08</p><p>July 20, 2008 Cover Your Cough 2008- Joint Commission and NYS Department of Health Pandemic Influenza fulfillment ASPIR Grant received from in Exercise with 325 victims conjunction with the NYC Dept of Health and presenting to NYIAHP NYIAHP hospitals- Largest Full Scale in NYC October 2008 White Paper on Academic AK Das, SB Gupta,SR Joshi, P Aggarwal, LR Emergency Medicine in Murmu, S Bhoi, T Sanson, KP O’Keefe, C Carruba, India: INDO-US Joint S Galwankar, B. Arquilla, R Mittal Working Group (JWG) JAPI Vol. 56 October 2008</p><p>February 2009 Development of Geriatrics B.L..Crouch, M.D., M.P.H., J.C.Ahonheim, M.D. , Toolkit to Assist Hospitals B. Arquilla, DO, FACEP, D.E. Berg, M.D., Public in Preparing to Care for Health Preparedness Summitt, Washington D.C. Geriatric Patients During an February 2009 Emergency</p><p>May 17, 2009 Randomized Controlled Abstract : Trial Of High Fidelity Patient Simulators David Wallace, Brian Gillett, David Wright, Jessica Page of 12 10 Revised: 12/14/09 Compared To Actor Patients In A Drill Scenario Stetz, Bonnie Arquilla. SAEM May 17, 2009.</p><p>May 2009 Institutional Self Response B. Arquilla, DO, FACEP, B. Fertel, P Roblin , to a Disaster Drill: A (Poster), 16th World, Congress on Disaster and Descriptive Study, Emergency Medicine, Victoria, Canada, May 2009. </p><p>July 25, 2009 One ventilator multiple Paladino L, Silverberg M, Charchaflieh JG, Eason patients-What the data JK, Wright BJ, Palamidessi N, Arquilla B, Sinert R, really supports. Manoach S. Resuscitation. 2008 Jul 25. RESUS-D-08-00290 PMID: 18657892 </p><p>February 10, Quarantine Grant - Grant - NYC DOHMH grant -working on 2009 Quarantine and Isolation protocols for NYC Hospitals April 23, 2009 Quarantine Full Scale “Do Not Pass Go” Simulation of outbreak of SARS Exercise on airline arriving at JFK Quarantine station. Patients transported to A42 Isolation unit. Do Not Pass GoEvaluating Hospital Response to Activation of Quarantine Unit – 15 patients, 36 hours </p><p>May 2009 CDC COTPER Division of Dr Bonnie Arquilla in attendance state of Readiness Conference</p><p>June 2009 A Test of New York City Wallace, DJ. Arquilla B., Kramer, M., Anderson,T., Syndromic Surveillance Heffernen, R., Layton, M. Bernstein, D., using Severe Acute Augenbraun, M., The Journal of American Journal Respiratory Syndrome of Emergency Medicine, American Journal of (SARS) Model, Academic Emergency Medicine (2009) 27, 419–423. Emergency Medicine. </p><p>May-August Multi-hospital Response to Arquilla, B., Reich, C., Paladino, L., Lucchesi, M., 2009 a Mass Casualty Incident: A Brandler, E., Celentano, J., Ibrahim, J., Shetty, S. Model for Joint Triage Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock, 2009 | May-August | Volume 2 | Issue 2 108-110.</p><p>May 2009 “Lessons from the Clean Fertel, B.S., Kohlhoff, S.A., Roblin, Baby 2007” (pediatric PM., Arquilla, B decontamination drill) American Journal of Disaster Med, 4(2):77-85, 2009.</p><p>May-2009- NYIAHP Long Distance Table Top Exercise September 2009 9 Hospitals, Western Cape, South Africa In Page of 12 11 Revised: 12/14/09 preparation for the 2010 WORLD CUP.</p><p>Oct 29-31 Dr. Bonnie Arquilla Academic Chairperson, INDO-US Emergency 2010 Medicine & Trauma Education Center for Health 2010, Couimapitor, India </p><p>November 2009 NYC Department of New York Institute for All Hazard Preparedness, Heath and Mental Geriatrics Disaster Preparedness Advisory Hygiene Committee http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/bhpp/bhpp.shtml Web portal :Online publication </p><p>Geriatric Toolkit: Hospital Guidelines for Geriatric Patients during Disaster</p><p>November 2009 Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine Society of South Africa Society of South Africa (EMSSA) Dr. Mark Silverberg and John Adelaine second International Presentation of “ Western Cape-Abilities” Long Distance Emergency Medicine Table Top Exercise, In Preparation for the 2010 FIFA Conference World Cup November 23-26, 2009 January 28, EP Coordinators Meeting GNYHA, EP Coordinator meeting , NYC 2010 Presentation Bonnie Arquilla, DO “Do Not Pass Go” KCHC Quarantine Exercise</p><p>February 2010 Cape Town Hospitals “In Bonnie Arquilla, DO Training” for World Cup, February newsletter of the Section of Disaster Medicine, February 2010, Vol 19, #1</p><p>Page of 12 12 Revised: 12/14/09</p>
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