Influence of Halothane Anaesthesia in Horses with Abdominal Surgery Upon Some Endocrine

Influence of Halothane Anaesthesia in Horses with Abdominal Surgery Upon Some Endocrine

<p> Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol.1, No 3, pp 26-31, 2003 Copyright © 2003 Trakia University Available on line at: HTTP://WWW.UNI-SZ.BG ISSN 1312-1723 Original Contribution INFLUENCE OF HALOTHANE ANAESTHESIA IN HORSES WITH ABDOMINAL SURGERY UPON SOME ENDOCRINE PARAMETERS</p><p>D. Dinev1*, P. Georgiev2</p><p>1Department of Surgery, 2Department of Radiobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria</p><p>ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of halothane anaesthesia combined with abdominal surgery on some stress hormones concentrations in horses. The studies were performed in six male mixed-breed horses (5-12 years, 350 ± 18 kg). All horses were submitted to pure halothane anaesthesia for 2.5 hours and a month later –to anaesthesia and abdominal surgery of 1-2.5 h duration. Blood samples for the determination of ACTH, cortisol, TTH, T3 and T4 were obtained at premedication, induction, maintenance, recovery and in the course of the experimental abdominal surgery (laparotomy, enteroectomy, enteroanastomosis, abdominal closure). Halothane anaesthesia and surgery induced a stress reaction independently, beginning from the induction of anaesthesia and the intubation in the former case and the laparotomy in the latter. The surgery resulted in a consistent increase in АСТН, ТТН, cortisol and Т4 while T3 values remained statistically insiginficant, so, there was an accumulation of the stress responses in the anaesthestized organism. The key point for a supplementary hormone production during the surgery was the intervention on intestines.</p><p>Key words: Halothane anaesthesia, Abdominal surgery, Horse, Stress hormones</p><p>INTRODUCTION The activation of hypothalamus-pituitary- and halothane anaesthesia combined with thyroid-adrenal axis is mediated by a number abdominal surgery. of factors. An increased activity is observed following the administration of anaesthetic MATERIALS AND METHODS substances. The influence of pain during Animals surgical interventions is also well The experiments were performed in six male documented. The studies upon the anaesthetic local breed horses, aged 5-12 years, weighing stress are numerous (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Some of 350  18 kg. Horses were kept at the them refer to the immediate post anaesthetic university clinic under ambient light period whereas others emphasize on changes conditions and fed a diet of commercially occurring during the anaesthesia itself (8, 9, available pellet and mixed alfalfa grass. They 11) were assessed for general soundness and A special attention should be paid on the health prior to the experiment.The animals anaesthetic protocol in emergencies related to were fasted for 18 h prior to anaesthesia but acute abdominal diseases because of the high had free access to tap water. risk. It is reported that the issue in 22.95% of cases of equine abdominal surgery was lethal Schedule of anaesthesia (12). The stress response in such cases was The schedule of anaesthesia included i.m. influenced by the anaesthesia itself as well as premedication with diazepam (Diazepam®, by the surgical intervention (13-15).. Sopharma; 0.1 mg/kg) followed by i.v. The aim of the present studies was to xylazine (Rometar®, Spofa; 2.2 mg/kg) after follow out and compare the functional activity 10 min; i.v. The induction was performed of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid-adrenal with ketamine hydrochloride (Imalgen® 1000, axis during halothane anaesthesia in horses Rhône Mérieux; 2.2 mg/kg). After orotracheal intubation, anaesthesia .*Correspondence to: Department of Surgery, was maintained with halothane (5 vol% Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia initially; 3% when a stable anaesthesia was University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria achieved; Floutec Mark III vaporizer; soda 26 lime absorption) and oxygen flow of 3-4 enterectomy (27,8 ± 2,1 mUI/l at p<0,05), l/min. During the whole period of anaesthesia, enteroanastomosis (37,2 ± 2,8 mUI/l at a constant flow of 2-3 ml/kg/h of р<0,001) and abdominal wall closure (42 ± 4 physiological saline was maintained. A closed mUI/l at p<0,001) (Figure 3). breathing circuit was used with changing the The data from Т3 and Т4 determinations soda lime absorbent at 5 hour intervals. are presented on Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. T3 Abdominal operation dynamics was characterized by changes vs The abdominal surgery consisted in median baseline, but not between both groups. celiotomy, enteroectomy of a segment of the Thyroxine levels however increased from jejunum, enteroanastomosis and closure of the baseline values of 77 ± 5 nmol/l to 152 ± 8 abdominal cavity. nmol/l (p<0,01) at enterectomy and 171 ± 7 nmol/l (p<0,001) at eneteroanastomosis. At Experimental design those periods, the differences between groups Prior to and during the different stages of the were significant too. inhalation anaesthesia - premedication, induction, maintenance and recovery and the DISCUSSION corresponding stages of the abdominal surgery (celiotomy, enteroectomy, The results of our studies showed that the enteroanastomosis and closure of the stress response induced by various factors was abdominal wall) blood samples were obtained not specific and was manifested by activation from v. jugularis. of sympathoadrenal and corticomedullar The following hormones have been systems. The response included an enhanced assayed: adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion of ACTH, cortisol, catecholamines, (ACTH), thyreotropic hormone (TTH), total glucagon and a simultaneous decrease in thyroxine (Т4), total triiodothyronine (Т3) and insulin (16). The degree and the duration of cortisol using IMMUNOTECH Beckman those events are dependent on tissue damage coulter company RIA kits. extent and could last from few hours to several days (17-20). Statistical analysis During anaesthesia, the stress reaction is Data are presented as mean  standard mediated by a number of factors (6, 7, 10,), deviation. Statistical analysis of results was the most important being the anaesthetic done using one-way ANOVA (Statmost for protocol (21-23), the amount of the Windows) at p<0.05 level of significance. anaesthestic agent (5) the way of induction of anaesthesia, the degree of hypoxia (6, 9). RESULTS It is reported that the increase in cortisol in The results of ACTH determinations are inhalation halothane anaesthesia was from 1.5 presented on Figure 1. The ACTH changes to 2 times (6, 7) and it is suggested that it was followed a biphasic pattern: a significant due to usually occuring hypotensia (6). The increase during the first phase (from the application of halothane results in activation beginning of anaesthesia to post anaesthetic of pituitary-adrenocortical system despite the hour 1) followed by normalization during the induction agents. The peak values could be second phase when only anaesthesia was maintained longer after the use of an alpha-2 applied. In anaesthesia plus abdominal agonist and a dissociative agent (8). This fact surgery, a supplementary ACTH release was is confirmed by our experiments too and was noticed. From initial levels of 18 ± 8 pg/ml, manifested by a statistically significant ACTH increased to 97 ± 5 pg/ml (p<0,001) at increase in ACTH and cortisol levels after enterectomy, whereas at enteroanastomosis hour 1, that could be explained by the and abdominal wall closure  173 ± 8 pg/ml influence of xylazine and ketamine, used for and 192 ± 6 pg/ml respectively (p<0,001). premedication and induction. The differences between groups were also statistically significant (p<0.001). Cortisol changes (Figure 2) were similar to those of ACTH. The changes between groups were statistically significant during the manipulations on intestines (61 ± 5 pg/ml, p<0,01) and at abdominal wall closure (92 ± 7 pg/ml, p<0,001). TTH dynamics was characterized by significant differences between groups at</p><p>27 *** c 200 192</p><p>175 *** с 173 150</p><p>125 *** 97 100 *** 69 * 75 90</p><p>50 * с 33,4 20 25 18 0 a b 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5h</p><p>Figure 1. Changes in АСТН (pg/ml) in horses with halothane anaesthesia (dotted line) and halothane anaesthesia and abdominal surgery ( black line); b = baseline values; *p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001 vs baseline; c p < 0.001 between groups</p><p>100 *** c</p><p>*** b 92 80 75</p><p>61*** *** 50 46.5</p><p>* 18.9 25 27 13 21.2**</p><p>0 a b 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5h</p><p>Figure 2. Changes in cortisol (pg/ml) in horses with halothane anaesthesia (dotted line) and halothane anaesthesia and abdominal surgery ( black line); b = baseline values; *p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001 vs baseline; b p < 0.01; c p < 0.001 between groups.</p><p>50 *** b 42 40 *** с 37.2 *** a 30 27.8</p><p>20 *** * 12.4 10 4.1 10 2.08 3.9 0 a b 0 0.5 1 1.5 h 2 2.5</p><p>Figure 3. Changes in ТТН (mUI/l) in horses with halothane anaesthesia (dotted line) and halothane anaesthesia and abdominal surgery ( black line); b = baseline values; *p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001 vs baseline; a p < 0.05; b p < 0.01; c p < 0.001 between groups</p><p>28 Gann, 1983; Fox et al. 1994). Some authors After a direct induction with isoflurane, the support the thesis that the anaesthesia itself stress reaction evidenced via ACTH and has an insignificant endocrine effect (14, 23, cortisol levels, occured by min 75 and 195 24). Te intervention on intestines provokes a respectively and initial levels were restored up greater endocrine and metabolic response to post operative min 300; a fact, supporting compared to the operations of peripehral our data. The dynamics of ACTH and cortisol organs (20). concentrations was indicative for the tension The comparison of cortisol levels during of the pituitary-adrenal chain during all stages laparoscopy and nephrectomy revealed that in of halothane anaesthesia. Most probably, the former case, hormonal levels were much ACTH was sharply increased as early as the lower than those after the more serious induction and the realization of the negative surgical intervention (25, 26). feedback mechanism was responsible for the The surgery provoked an extra increase in low cortisol concentrations, thus explaining neuroendocrine activity manifested by higher the biphasic pattern of changes (11). values of a number of hormones including It is known that the degree of endocrine ACTH and cortisol. In our experiments, the response depends on both the character and abdominal operation was a key point for a the severity of the surgical intervention supplementary secretion of stress hormones, (Kamppainen & Satin, 1984; Dempsher & most probably because of the stimulation of</p><p>8 *** 6.8</p><p>6 *** ** ** 5.7 4.3 5.2 4 * 2.8 2 1.47 1.25 1.06</p><p>0 a b 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5h</p><p>Figure 4. Changes in Т3 (nmol/l) in horses with halothane anaesthesia (dotted line) and halothane anaesthesia and abdominal surgery ( black line); b = baseline values; *p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001 vs baseline; a p < 0.05; b p < 0.01; c p < 0.001 between groups.</p><p>200 *** с *** c 171 175 ** b 165 152 150 * 125 107 ** 119 ** 100 98 99 75 77</p><p>50</p><p>25 a b 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5h</p><p>Figure 5. Changes in Т4 (nmol/l) in horses with halothane anaesthesia (dotted line) and halothane anaesthesia and abdominal surgery ( black line); b = baseline values; *p < 0.05; ; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001 vs baseline; b p < 0.01; c p < 0.001 between groups.</p><p>29 the sympathetic nervous system and activation succinate in dogs. Res.Vet. Sci., 57: 349-352, of the pituitary-adrenal axis. This hypothesis 1994. is further confirmed by studies showing that 4. 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