Grant Program Summary

Grant Program Summary

<p> Attachment A Grant Program Summary</p><p>State-Funded Grants</p><p>Grants for Student Clubs Continuation</p><p>2009–2010 School Year: The Grants for Student Clubs Continuation application was due on April 17, 2009. The deadline to submit an amendment for the 2009-2010 Continuation Grants for Student Clubs application is June 30, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in substantially approvable form.</p><p>Program Guidelines: The program guidelines for the 2009-2010 Grants for Student Clubs Continuation Grant are available at 09/Guidelines.pdf.</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The final written progress report is due by September 30, 2010. The final expenditure report is due on October 15, 2010. The revised final expenditure report is due on November 15, 2010.</p><p>Grants for Student Clubs, Cycle 2 </p><p>2009–2010 School Year: The Grants for Student Clubs, Cycle 2 application was due on May 1, 2009. The deadline to submit an amendment for the Grants for Student Clubs, Cycle 2 application is June 30, 2010. An amendment is effective the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form.</p><p>Program Guidelines: The program guidelines for the Grants for Student Clubs Continuation Grant are available at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The final written progress report is due by September 30, 2010. The final expenditure report is due on October 15, 2010. The revised final expenditure report is due on November 15, 2010.</p><p>2010-2011 School Year: Funding for Grants for Student Clubs was not appropriated for the 2010-2011 school year.</p><p>Life Skills Program for Student Parents</p><p>2009–2010 School Year: NOGAs for the Life Skills Program for Student Parents grant were issued in the fall of 2009. The deadline to submit an amendment for the Life Skills Program for Student Parents application is June 1, 2010. An amendment is effective the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form.</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009–2010 Life Skills Program for Student Parents are posted online at</p><p>If you are not a subscriber to the Pregnancy Programs listserv, please sign up now at Listserv information is located at the bottom of the Web page.</p><p>Page 1 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The final program evaluation report is due on October 1, 2010. The final expenditure report is due on October 15, 2010. The revised final expenditure report is due on November 15, 2010.</p><p>2010-2011 School Year: The level of funding for the Life Skills Program for Student Parents program has not yet been finalized. Further information will be provided once a final determination has been made.</p><p>Master Reading/Master Mathematics/Master Science Teacher Grant Programs</p><p>2009-2010 School Year: The Master Teacher (MT) Online Grant Application opened on October 1, 2009, to accept data from local educational agencies (LEAs) with eligible campuses. The deadline for districts to designate a Master Teacher on an eligible campus is May 1, 2010. Eligible LEAs should access the MT online application to verify the Master Teacher’s information by June 30, 2010, and enter the number of months the Master Teacher(s) mentored other teachers. LEA approvers must submit the application through the Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEA SE) system by June 30, 2010. </p><p>Program Information: Program information and lists of eligible campuses are available at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: No reports are required for the Master Teacher Grant Program.</p><p>2010-2011 School Year: The list of campuses eligible for 2010-2011 Master Teacher stipends should be available at about June 1, 2010.</p><p>Optional Extended Year Program (OEYP)</p><p>2009–2010 School Year: The 2009-2010 OEYP grant application closed on October 30, 2009. The deadline to submit an amendment for the OEYP grant is June 30, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form.</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009–2010 OEYP grant are available at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The following reports are required for LEAs that receive OEYP NOGAs:</p><p> 2009-2010 OEYP Final Evaluation Report: The final evaluation report must be submitted by October 1, 2010, through eGrants. TEA will place 10% of the LEA’s grant amount in reserve pending completion of the OEYP Final Evaluation Report.  2009-2010 Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) Submission 4 OEYP Participation Data via PEIMS EDIT +: The deadline for the extended data collection is September 9, 2010. Participation in OEYP programs must be submitted through the PEIMS extended data collection 4, or the LEA forfeits the entire grant. Grantees that report serving fewer than the required number of students as specified on their grant application may be required to refund money to TEA.  Expenditure Reports: Submission of the final expenditure report is required by October 15, 2010. The revised final expenditure report is due by November 15, 2010. </p><p>Page 2 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary</p><p>This grant reserves 10% of the grantee’s allocation until all reporting requirements are met. TEA will release the 10% reserve amount and make final payments to the grantees after all requirements are complete. The LEA is responsible for meeting all deadlines and tracking successful submission of all required reports. The final settlement payment will be based on submission of the Report of Project Expenditures and the Program Evaluation for School Year 2009-2010. Grantees are responsible for drawing down all of their reimbursements through ER, including the 10% reserve (if owed).</p><p>2010-2011 School Year: The level of funding for the OEYP program has not yet been finalized. Further information will be provided once a final determination has been made.</p><p>Prekindergarten Early Start (PKES) Tier 2</p><p>2009–2010 School Year: NOGAs for the PKES Tier 2 grant were issued in the summer of 2009. The deadline to submit an amendment for the PKES Tier 2 grant is June 3, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form.</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009–2010 PKES Tier 2 grant program are available online at, or on TEA’s Grant Opportunities Web site at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The final expenditure report is due by October 15, 2010. The revised final expenditure report is due on November 15, 2010. Interim progress reports and a final progress report will no longer be required for the PKES Tier 2 grant. Staff of the TEA School Readiness and Partnerships Division reached the conclusion that all relevant data required of grantees will be reported into the School Readiness Certification System (SRCS).</p><p>2010-2011 School Year: The 81st Texas Legislative Session appropriated funds for the Prekindergarten Early Start program. The Prekindergarten Early Start, Tier 2, Year 2 grant application will be available in early April 2010, with a due date of Wednesday, May 7, 2010, at 5:00 p.m. Central Time. </p><p>Student Success Initiative Grant (SSIG) Program</p><p>2009-2010 School Year: The 2009-2010 SSIG application closed on November 20, 2009. The deadline to submit an amendment for the SSIG grant is June 1, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form. The project end date is August 31, 2010.</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009–2010 SSIG grant program are available online at, or on TEA’s Grant Opportunities Web site at</p><p>Program Information: It is anticipated that the 2009-2010 SSIG implementation guide will be posted on the Texas Reading Initiative Web site ( in spring 2010.</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The following reports are required for LEAs that receive SSIG NOGAs: </p><p>Page 3 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary</p><p> 2009-2010 Consolidated Report: The final evaluation of the 2009-2010 SSIG program is the 2009-2010 Consolidated Report (formerly known as the Consolidated Reading Initiatives Report or CRIR). This report must be submitted by September 30, 2010 through eGrants. TEA will place 10% of the LEA grant amount in reserve pending completion of the report.  Expenditure Reports: Submission of the final expenditure report is required by October 15, 2010. The revised final expenditure report is due November 15, 2010.</p><p>Summer School Program for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students</p><p>2009-2010 School Year: It is anticipated that payments to LEAs for the 2009–2010 LEP Summer School program will be made in November 2010.</p><p>Program Information: Information about the LEP Summer School program is posted at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: LEAs must submit records of student participation in LEP Summer School through the PEIMS extended data collection 4 in order to receive funding for LEP Summer School. The deadline for the 2009-2010 extended data collection is September 9, 2010. </p><p>2010-2011 School Year: The 81st Texas Legislative Session appropriated funds for the 2010- 2011 LEP Summer School program.</p><p>Texas Fitness Now Grant Program</p><p>2009–2010 School Year: The last date to submit an amendment for the Texas Fitness Now grant is June 30, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form.</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009–2010 Texas Fitness Now Grant are posted at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: A program evaluation is required, but the deadline has not been determined. Submission of the final expenditure report is required by October 15, 2010, and the revised final expenditure report is due by November 15, 2010. </p><p>2010-2011 School Year: The level of funding for the Texas Fitness Now program has not yet been finalized. Further information will be provided once a final determination has been made.</p><p>Texas Ninth Grade Transition and Intervention (TNGTI)</p><p>2008–2010 School Year: NOGAs for the 2008–2010 TNGTI grant were issued in August 2009. The project end date is May 15, 2010. </p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for this program may be found on the TEA Grant Opportunities Web site at</p><p>Page 4 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The final evaluation report and final expenditure report are due by June 30, 2010. The revised final expenditure report is due on July 30, 2010.</p><p>Texas Ninth Grade Transition and Intervention Continuation Grant</p><p>2009-2011 School Year: The 2009-2011 TNGTI Continuation application is available for download from the TEA Grant Opportunities Web site at The deadline for submitting the application was March 31, 2010. The deadline for submitting an amendment is May 2, 2011. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form. The ending date of the project is June 30, 2011.</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for this program may be found on the TEA Grant Opportunities Web site at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: Interim progress reports are due on September 15, 2010, and January 14, 2011. The final evaluation report is due on July 29, 2011. The final expenditure report is due on August 15, 2011. The revised final expenditure report is due on September 15, 2011.</p><p>Federally-Funded Grants</p><p>American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)</p><p>ARRA federal funding includes the following grant programs:</p><p> ARRA Title I, School Improvement Program (SIP)  ARRA Title I, Part A—Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs  ARRA Title I, Part D, Subpart 2—Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk  ARRA Title II, Part D-Enhancing Education through Technology  ARRA Title XIV, State Fiscal Stabilization Funds  ARRA IDEA-B Formula to LEAs  ARRA IDEA-B Preschool to LEAs </p><p>Most ARRA funds have a carryover provision and are available through September 30, 2011. ARRA Title I, School Improvement Program (SIP) funds and ARRA Title XIV, State Fiscal Stabilization Funds are available through September 30, 2010. Expenditure of funds must be accounted for separately from the regular federal funds provided to LEAs. LEAs will be required to report the use of funds to TEA, and TEA, in turn, must report to the USDE.</p><p>Please refer to for in-depth information on ARRA funds and reporting requirements and the Section 1512 quarterly reporting requirements. Failure to comply with Section 1512 reporting requirements will result in a hold on the respective NOGA and the inability to draw down funds.</p><p>No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Title I School Improvement-Regular/ARRA Grant Application</p><p>Page 5 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary</p><p>This grant application includes funding for the following programs:  Title I School Improvement  Title I School Improvement – ARRA/Stimulus</p><p>2009–2010 School Year: The deadline to apply was October 22, 2009. The deadline to submit an amendment is June 1, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form. The ending date of the grant is September 30, 2010.</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009-2010 NCLB Title I School Improvement- Regular/ARRA Grant Application are posted at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The final expenditure report is due on November 1, 2010. </p><p>NCLB Consolidated Federal ARRA/Stimulus Grant Application</p><p>This grant application includes funding for the following programs:  ARRA Title I, Part A – Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs  ARRA Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 – Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk  ARRA Title II, Part D - Enhancing Education through Technology.</p><p>2009–2010 School Year: Grants in the 2009-2010 NCLB Consolidated Federal ARRA/Stimulus Grant have been extended to September 30, 2011. Maximum entitlements are available on the Formula Funding Web site at LEAs must amend their application to apply for their maximum entitlements. The deadline to submit an amendment is May 2, 2011. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form. </p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009-2010 NCLB Consolidated Federal ARRA/Stimulus Grant Application are posted at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The consolidated compliance report will be a mid-project report from April 15, 2009 or submission date (whichever is later) to June 30, 2010. The due date for the consolidated compliance report is August 3, 2010. The final expenditure report is due on October 31, 2011. The revised final expenditure report is due on November 30, 2011. </p><p>ARRA Title XIV State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) Grant Application </p><p>2009–2010 School Year: The deadline to apply for funds under the 2009-2010 ARRA Title XIV State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) Grant Application was September 30, 2009. The deadline to submit an amendment is July 30, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form. The ending date of the grant is September 30, 2010.</p><p>Page 6 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009-2010 ARRA Title XIV State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) Grant Application are posted at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: A final evaluation report is due by October 29, 2010. The final expenditure report is due on November 15, 2010, and the revised final expenditure report is due on December 14, 2010. </p><p>2010–2011 School Year: The 2010-2011 Title XIV SFSF Grant Application is tentatively scheduled for release in June 2010. LEAs will not be allowed to expend 2010-2011 SFSF funding until their 2009-2010 SFSF grant is fully expended.</p><p>IDEA – Special Education ARRA/Stimulus Grant Application</p><p>This grant application includes funding for the following programs:  ARRA IDEA-B Formula to LEAs  ARRA IDEA-B Preschool to LEAs</p><p>2009–2011 School Year: The application was due on September 8, 2009. Maximum entitlements for the 2009-2011 Special Education ARRA/Stimulus Grant will be available by approximately May 2010. LEAs must amend their eGrants application to apply for their maximum entitlements. The deadline to submit an amendment is July 1, 2011. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form. The ending date of the grant is September 30, 2011.</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009-2011 Special Education ARRA/Stimulus Grant Application are currently posted online at </p><p>Reporting Requirements: The final expenditure report must be submitted by October 31, 2011. The revised final expenditure report must be submitted by November 30, 2011. </p><p>Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins)</p><p>2009–2010 School Year: NOGAs for the 2009-2010 school year were issued through eGrants in fall 2009. Reallocations for the 2009-2010 Carl D. Perkins grantees were awarded in March 2010. The deadline to submit an amendment is May 3, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form. The ending date of the 2009- 2010 program is June 30, 2010. LEAs can locate additional information about the Perkins grant at </p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009–2010 Perkins Grant program are posted at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The Program Evaluation Report is due on September 1, 2010, through eGrants. The final expenditure report is due on August 16, 2010, and the revised final expenditure report is due by September 15, 2010. Ten percent of your NOGA amount will be held in reserve until all reporting requirements and any special requirements, such as Performance Based Monitoring Intervention (PBMI) requirements, are satisfied. TEA staff will </p><p>Page 7 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary release the 10% reserve when a grantee meets all reporting requirements. Grantees are responsible for drawing down their full reimbursement amounts through ER, including the 10% reserve (if owed).</p><p>2010-2011 School Year: It is anticipated that the Perkins Applicant Designation and Certification form will be available in eGrants in May 2010. The grant application should open in June 2010, and will close on September 1, 2010. </p><p>IDEA Special Education Consolidated Grant Application</p><p>2009–2010 School Year: The 2009-2010 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application includes the following grant programs:</p><p> IDEA-B Formula  IDEA-B Formula (Deaf)  IDEA-B Preschool  IDEA-B Preschool (Deaf)  IDEA-C Early Childhood Intervention (Deaf)  IDEA-D Deaf/Blind  State Deaf  SSVI</p><p>Maximum entitlements for the 2009-2010 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application program are available at</p><p>Maximum entitlements and roll forwards not budgeted by April 30, 2010, will be implemented by TEA staff. TEA staff will adjust budgets which may require increases to their maximum entitlement and/or roll forward amounts beginning in May 2010. LEAs will begin receiving email notifications of revised NOGAs, adjusted budgets, and maximum entitlements in May 2010.</p><p>The 2009-2010 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application closed on September 8, 2009, for original applications. The deadline to file an amendment is June 15, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form. The ending dates for grants in the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application are as follows:</p><p>Grant Program Ending Date IDEA-B Formula 9/30/2010 IDEA-B Formula (Deaf) 9/30/2010 IDEA-B Preschool 9/30/2010 IDEA-B Preschool (Deaf) 9/30/2010 IDEA-C Early Childhood Intervention 9/30/2010 IDEA-D Deaf/Blind 9/30/2010 SSVI 8/31/2010 State Deaf 8/31/2010</p><p>Page 8 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009-2010 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application are posted online at Reporting Requirements: As per the table above, note that the project end dates for IDEA-B Formula, IDEA-B Formula (Deaf), IDEA-B Preschool, and IDEA-B Preschool (Deaf) were extended to September 30, 2010. Accordingly, LEAs must submit their final expenditure report for IDEA-B Formula, IDEA-B Formula (Deaf), IDEA-B Preschool, and IDEA-B Preschool (Deaf) grants by November 1, 2010. Revised final expenditure reports will not be accepted. Grantees will not be able to access the ER system after November 1, 2010. TEA will not pay any expenditure report received after November 1, 2010, under any circumstances. Expenditure reporting deadlines for programs in the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application are as follows:</p><p>Grant Program Final Expenditure Report Revised Final Expenditure Deadline Report Deadline IDEA-B Formula 11/1/2010 Not applicable IDEA-B Formula (Deaf) 11/1/2010 Not applicable IDEA-B Preschool 11/1/2010 Not applicable IDEA-B Preschool (Deaf) 11/1/2010 Not applicable IDEA-C Early Childhood 11/15/2010 12/15/2010 Intervention IDEA-D Deaf/Blind 11/15/2010 12/15/2010 SSVI 10/15/2010 11/15/2010 State Deaf 10/15/2010 11/15/2010</p><p>2010-2011 School Year: It is anticipated that the 2010-2011 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application will be available in eGrants on or about May 18, 2010. The tentative deadline for submitting the application is September 10, 2010.</p><p>NCLB Consolidated Grant Application</p><p>2009–2010 School Year: The 2009-2010 NCLB Consolidated Federal Grant Application includes the following grant programs:</p><p> Title I, Part A  Title I, Part C Migrant  Title I, Part D, Subpart 1  Title I, Part D, Subpart 2  Title II, Part A  Title II, Part D  Title III, Part A Immigrant  Title III, Part A LEP  Title IV, Part A SDFSC  Title V, Part A</p><p>Maximum entitlements for the 2009-2010 NCLB Consolidated Federal Grant are available on the Formula Funding Web site at TEA staff will adjust budgets to incorporate the maximum entitlement amounts. LEAs will begin </p><p>Page 9 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary receiving email notifications of revised NOGAs, adjusted budgets, and maximum entitlements in April 2010. The deadline to submit an amendment is June 1, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form. The ending date for programs in the NCLB Consolidated Grant Application was extended to September 30, 2010.</p><p>Program Guidelines: For the 2009-2010 NCLB Consolidated Federal Grant Application, guidelines are posted at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The Consolidated Compliance Report and Gun-Free District and Campus Reports are due on August 2, 2010. LEAs must submit their final expenditure report for NCLB Consolidated Grant Application programs by November 1, 2010. Revised final expenditure reports will not be accepted. Grantees will not be able to access the ER system after November 1, 2010. TEA will not pay any expenditure report received after November 1, 2010, under any circumstances. </p><p>The NCLB compliance report, PR7000 – Private Nonprofit School Participation for the 2009- 2010 school year will be available in eGrants in the LEA’s Grantee Profile in April 2010, with a submission deadline of April 30, 2010. This compliance report collects from school districts information regarding the number of private nonprofit schools, number of students enrolled in those private nonprofit schools, and number of low-income students enrolled in those private nonprofit schools. Per U.S. Department of Education (USDE) guidance, the PR7000 will now be collecting private nonprofit school participation data for the Title III, Immigrant program, along with the Title III, Limited English Proficient (LEP) program data. These data will impact eligibility and funding for the Title III, LEP and Immigrant programs for school year 2010-2011. School districts that miss the April 30, 2010, submission deadline will not be funded for private nonprofit student enrollments for the Title III, LEP and Immigrant programs. Any districts that miss the deadline and are therefore not funded for private nonprofit student enrollments still must meet the private nonprofit school participation requirement for any eligible private schools within their boundaries. The school district is required to submit the PR7000 even if no private nonprofit schools chose to participate, and even if there were no private nonprofit schools located within the boundaries of the school district.</p><p>The PR7000 does not pertain to open-enrollment charter schools, South Texas ISD, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, Texas Youth Commission, and Windham School District.</p><p>The PR7000 can be located through the school district’s Grantee Profile in eGrants. To locate the report, select 2009-2010 NCLB Consolidated Federal Grant Application from the drop-down list of Available Grant Programs in eGrants.</p><p>2010-2011 School Year: The U. S. Department of Education (USDE) will allocate Title I, Part A funds using the Census Bureau’s 2008 school district estimates of low-income school-age children, and the annual update of neglected and foster home children. The estimated funding level for Title I, Part A for Texas, currently shown on the USDE’s Web site, reflects a slight decrease for the 2010-2011 school year. Please be mindful that the estimated funding level is subject to change as all source data to be used in the USDE’s allocation process are not yet available.</p><p>Page 10 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary</p><p>Planning amounts for the programs of the 2010-2011 NCLB Consolidated Federal Grant will be available in April 2010. Charter schools planning amounts will be available in July 2010 to coincide with the revised planning amount posting for school districts. It is anticipated that the 2010-2011 NCLB Consolidated Federal Grant will become available in eGrants on or about June 7, 2010.</p><p>Special LEAs: The SC5010 – Data Request Form for Federal Funding for school year 2010- 2011 is an eGrants special collection report that applies only to special LEAs to determine eligibility and planning amounts for the NCLB Consolidated programs. Special LEAs include charter schools, South Texas ISD, and specific state schools. The SC5010 became available in eGrants on March 1, 2010. The submission deadline is April 30, 2010, for existing charters and November 1, 2010, for new charter schools opening for the first time in fall 2010. </p><p>NCLB Title I School Improvement Program (SIP) Academy Roll Only Grant Application</p><p>2009-2010 School Year: The application for 2009-2010 Title I SIP Academy Roll Only Grant closed December 11, 2009. The ending date of the 2009-2010 program is September 30, 2010. The deadline to submit an amendment is May 3, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in substantially approvable form. </p><p>Program Guidelines: Program guidelines are available at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: The final expenditure report is due on November 15, 2010, and the revised final expenditure report is due December 15, 2010. The deadline for the final compliance report has not been determined.</p><p>Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) (NEW)</p><p>2009-2011 Grant Years: The SLDS grant will be used to enhance the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) to include classroom-level information for students and teachers and to expand the collection of student-level course completion data. The application should be available through eGrants on or about June 15, 2010. It is estimated that the project period will be from the stamp-in date of the application through May 31, 2011. The start date of the Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) will be the date that the application is received by the Texas Education Agency in substantially approval form. The applicant will be able to request pre-award costs for allowable expenses incurred between December 1, 2009, and the start date of the NOGA. The SLDS subgrant will help LEAs offset school district and charter school costs to implement the expanded data collection. TEA will notify LEAs regarding the timeline and process for applying for the funds. Please monitor the TEA Grant Opportunities Web page at for further updates, program details, and application information. </p><p>Title VI, Part B Rural and Low-Income School Program (RLIS)</p><p>2009-2010 School Year: The application for the 2009-2010 Title VI, Part B Rural and Low- Income Schools Program Grant closed on December 4, 2009. The deadline to submit an amendment is May 3, 2010. An amendment is effective on the date it is received by TEA in </p><p>Page 11 of 12 Attachment A Grant Program Summary substantially approvable form. The ending date of the grant was extended to September 30, 2010.</p><p>Program Guidelines: Guidelines for the 2009-2010 Title VI, Part B RLIS grant application are posted online at</p><p>Reporting Requirements: LEAs must submit their final expenditure report for Title VI, Part B Rural and Low-Income School Program grants by November 1, 2010. Revised final expenditure reports will not be accepted. Grantees will not be able to access the ER system after November 1, 2010. TEA will not pay any expenditure report received after November 1, 2010, under any circumstances. </p><p>2010-2011 School Year: The 2010-2010 Title VI, Part B RLIS grant application will be available for completion and submission through eGrants by approximately September 15, 2010.</p><p>Page 12 of 12</p>

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