HINCKLEY THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021 NEWS VOL. 130 NO. 48 www.HinckleyNews.com $1.00 LEGION NEWS: Bassett receives 50-year award. P12 Pine County offering backyard compost bins, rain barrels PINE COUNTY PLANNING, ZONING & SOLID WASTE April 23. Once ordered, the bins will order online, go to http://recyclemin- space. Landfills are expensive to oper- Pine County is partnering with the be available for pickup at the Pine nesota.org/work/compost-bins-rain- ate, create environmental challenges, Recycling Association of Minnesota County Zoning Office, 1610 Building barrels/ and are generally undesirable land use this spring to provide a sale of home (1610 Highway 23 N, Sandstone) during in our communities. A 2013 study by compost bins ($66+tax) and rain bar- business hours from Wednesday, April WHY COMPOST? the Minnesota Pollution Control rels ($79+tax). 28 through Friday, April 30. Backyard composting serves as a Orders are due by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, For more information, or to place an cost-effective means to save landfill SEE COMPOST, PAGE 2 Kids, camp and COVID-19 BY JAMIE LUND said. “It’s heartbreaking.” [email protected] Still, it’s an improvement over last summer. In 2020 The Salvation Army the camp was restricted to Northwoods Camp will 12-14 children per day and open this summer with a no overnight camps. pandemic twist. “It was strange to have Staff members continue summer so quiet,” Ceder- to offer the typical summer strom said. camp fun that memories She added they allowed are made of such as making two days between camps new friends, archery, swim- to allow for CDC mandated ming and fishing. cleaning and held most This summer the camp activities outside. This will follow the Centers summer all activities will for Disease Control and be held outdoors, weather Prevention mandates permitting. including wearing masks Cederstrom said they are inside of buildings, provide waiting to find out if they sanitation stations set up can hold overnight camps throughout the camp and this year. allow for cleaning time She said she is looking between camps, said Missy forward to seeing the kids. Cederstrom, guest services Many from the Twin Cities and contract manager. area have never visited the She said the groups will country or interacted with come from one geographic farm animals. area of Minnesota or North “Maybe they catch their Dakota at a time and the first fish, or try archery for number of campers will be the first time,” Cederstrom reduced due to COVID-19. said. “Then they get their Many campers visit from first shot and it gets on the St. Cloud, Duluth and the target...we have a great Twin Cities areas. time with the kids. I miss Each of the four dorms them so much.” can house 48 kids and eight The camp is hidden away staff. Each dorm is divided on 280 wooded acres outside into four cabins. In a nor- of Finlayson. KARI MATSON mal year they accept up to Call the divisional head- 12 kids and two councilors quarters in Roseville at in each cabin. 1-651-746-3400 for more in- Jaguar wrestler heads to state This year they will accept formation on how to sign up up to four kids and one for camp or email Captain Hinckley-Finlayson junior, Justin Matson entered the 8-Person Minnesota 7AA-8AA Super-Sections on Saturday counselor in each cabin Marisa McCluer at marisa. receiving a NC against Blake Cota of Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton. This moved him into the semifinals where took with a total of 16 children [email protected] out the #5 ranked heavyweight, Andreas Barnett of Detroit Lakes, with a score of 7-6. Justin then wrestled in and four counselors in each army.org the championship round against #6 ranked Elijah Novak of Foley, where he fell, 5-7. Justin’s only loss came from dorm. The camp is also hiring Novak earlier in the season with a 2-3 loss. This now puts Justin into the final rounds of the state tournament, “We are not able to serve summer staff. The applica- another 8-person bracket. Justin’s season record is now 26-2 as he moves in the MSHSL State Championships as many children as we tion is located on the camp this Friday, March 26, held in St Micheal-Albertville. Good Luck Justin! Bring home a medal! would like to,” Cederstrom website. PRIDE OF PLACE Sandstone | 320-245-2212 | EssentiaHealth.org NEWS ADVERTISING PUBLIC NOTICES SUBSCRIPTIONS 320-384-6188 218-384-1855 320-384-6188 320-384-6188 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2 HINCKLEY NEWS MARCH 25, 2021 www.HinckleyNews.com Local woman fends off scam caller BY MIKE GAINOR had an emergency. Or that there’s a [email protected] virus on your computer. Some scammers say there’s a prob- The voice on Judy’s voicemail mes- lem with one of your accounts and sage was friendly, but that was just that you need to verify some informa- part of the trick. tion. A person calling himself Roy Others will lie and say you won claimed that he was reaching out money in a lottery or sweepstakes but from Amazon customer support. He have to pay a fee to get it. gave an employee ID number, and 3. Scammers pressure you to act said the call was regarding a pur- immediately. chase made on Amazon for $909.99. Scammers want you to act before He gave an order number for the you have time to think. They might supposed purchase. tell you not to hang up so you can’t PHOTO PROVIDED “If you have made this online pur- check out their story. They might chase ... then simply hang up the call threaten to arrest you, sue you, and your order will be shipped short- take away your driver’s or business Parked squad struck by driver on I-35 ly to Los Angeles,” he said. “But if you license, or deport you. They might have not made any such transaction say your computer is about to be On March 17 on I-35 near Rock Creek a Pine County Sheriff’s Office squad vehicle was struck then immediately call [the] billing corrupted. from behind by another motorist while at an accident scene. According to the Pine County and fraud prevention department.” 4. Scammers tell you to PAY in a Sheriffs Office, the deputy was out of the squad at the time and suffered no injuries, and And then he left a phone number. specific way. They often insist that the driver of the other vehicle was not seriously hurt. The sheriff’s office urges all drivers to Of course, Judy knew she had never you pay by sending money through remember to slow down and move over for emergency vehicles. placed such an order. Something was a money transfer company or by wrong. But the story seemed like it putting money on a gift card and then could possible, even though she was giving them the number on the back. immediately suspicious of what the Some will send you a check (that will caller was saying. later turn out to be fake), tell you to “It was elaborate,” Judy said. deposit it, and then send them money. However, she knew better than to The FTC offers these recommenda- call a number that an unknown caller tions: claimed was billing and fraud preven- • Take steps to block unwanted calls tion. Instead, she did the smart thing. and to filter unwanted text messages. COMPOST: Consider participating in She checked her Amazon account • Don’t give your personal or fi- herself online. And of course, there nancial information in response to a was no record of any transaction like request that you didn’t expect. program to help environment the one described on the call. • If you get an email or text message But just to be sure, she also got a from a company you do business with hold of her credit card company. and you think it’s real, it’s still best FROM PAGE 1 “The gal said there had been no not to click on any links. Instead, activity on the credit card, and the contact them using a website you Agency indicated that number he gave me was not an Ama- know is trustworthy. Or look up their approximately 30% of zon number,” Judy said. phone number. Don’t call a number Minnesota’s garbage This scam has been confirmed they gave you or the number from arriving at landfills on sites like calldetective.net and your caller ID. consists of organic nomorerobo.com – and the phone • Resist the pressure to act immedi- waste (food scraps, plant number that “Roy” gave Judy has ately. Legitimate businesses will give material, etc.). This been reported 56 times to the Federal you time to make a decision. Anyone constitutes a tremendous Communications Commission and who pressures you to pay or give waste of energy, financial Federal Trade Commission. them your personal information is a resources, and landfill scammer. space that could be SIGNS OF A SCAM • Never pay someone who insists reduced by composting at The Federal Trade Commission you pay with a gift card or by using Pine County homes. says there are four clues that a call a money transfer service. And never might be a scam. deposit a check and send money back WHY COLLECT RAIN WATER? 1. Scammers pretend to be from to someone. Roofs concentrate an organization you know.
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