Flagstaff, THE LUMBERJACK Wednesday, Sept. 1*5. t^5; i I Jacks Meet Adams State LUMBERJACKS L. Fs Opponent* fat., Sept. 19 LUMBERJACK Score <Hwne Games t: nder*e«*re«l) I tie ASC Lumberjacks meet the Sept. 19, Adams State J fix State Indians, fvom Ala­ nia. Colorado, here Saturday Sept. 26, Eastern N. M. il. ■ in ihe first of nine names Oct. 3, Whittier ^ ■ (xluled. to break into New Me- Conference competition. Oct. 10, Western Colorado ^ K t t l e is known here of the In all hough they mad a good Oct. 17, La Verne ^Kwing in thir conference last (Homecoming) Stt ^Saturday's game will put to a Oct. 24, Highlands U. f^Ead. Coach John Pederson and ^Kcficld coach Jiggs ‘Insley have Oct. 31, Panhandle A & M H h hopes for th eir ‘Jack squad Nov. 7, N. M. Western ^B ch is sparked by ten lettermen, junior college transfers, attd Nov. 21, New Mexico M.l. ^ -al promising freshmen. I lie Lumberjacks’ high potential ws s demonstrated in the Blue- Gc. i intra-squad gam e held Saiur- dty. Sept. 12* H r h e Blue team rackcd up one ^Ec hdovvn as the result of a touch- Welcome Back! pass irom Manny Ruiz, top- m tn letterman quarterback to NEW and OLD ^ ■ d ie Van Winkle from the G old’s ■ie-yurd line. The touchdown play DARRELL MILLER - CHAR LBS COMPTON — HaK SAM MADRIAGA — Springer- B ILL H A N N A H — 170-pound MANUEL R1IZ — 150-lb. ju­ H s set up by an 18 yard pass from junior from Sedona, staff’s, fast-moving junior, will ville senior, a backfield man junior letterman. hails from W in ­ nior who hails from Superior. LUMBERJACKS H iiz to halfback Lavell Harris. down an end posit io play end. Tre two-year letterman slow. He plays in the backfield. He plays bark. H iir h put to ball on the 21 yard ‘Jacks this season. weigh * in at 185. weighing in at 170 pounds. Ruiz and Tom Speros ran H p ball 10 the nine. Speros kick­ SPROUSEREITZ CO. s ' for the extra point. ■The Gold team avenged the TD H i e in the third quarter on a pass! K iy . From the 42 yard mark. Jay | Merrill snapped the ball to; Charles Compton, letterman end. j THE WON’T WILT FLORISTS B io went across for the score. The j B mk- at 7-6. A cordial welcome awaits you ■ Rui/ took ihe ball for the Blues at H i the mid-stripe with less than ■ minute to go in the third per- “For Flowers That Last*’' Hd. Trying for the right sideline.; |uiz switched back to the left side 21 No. San Francisco Phone 1?? 4 id ran the ball down for a tourh- ?)uti. Speros repeated his kick- ig performance for the pxtra point S Runz is one o£ Ihe must promLs Hi<r 'Jacks on this year’ s squad. H h e 150 pound quarterback, a two- j Hear letterman. sparked the Blue j Switzer's Hardware H a m with his hot passing and run i l i n g . HVM 'h rcrru — 22s. pounV *«>ph L A V E L L H A R R IS — A senior ■ Jay Dee Merrill, the Phoenix FRANK GOMEZ — Backfield DAVID RABAGO — 218 th. EDDIE VAN WINKLE — 135- omore from Sedona, holds dowc from Red Mesa, Colo., will play Hollege transfer who quarterback- man from Nogales, is a 175- senior from Douglas. This let­ "The House of Color" tackle post on this year’s Lum­ lb. junior hack from Ajo. in the backfield for the Axmen. Hrt the Gold squad, w ill be a fast-! pound junior. berjack squad. terman plays tackle. Having asset to the Lumberjacks.; 9 Frosh Larry Larosae, Chicago. M ax W iltcher will be out <>f the Women’s Gym. Again chosen to Townjocks To Award head the organization during the B x-GI. showed himself to be good1 Faculty Note gann- for at least three weeks be­ General Hardware and Paint* ■uarterback material. Larosae j Rifle At Logger Tilt Injuries Take cause of a broken left wrist. Tom coming year wqaus Niki Cullum, ■earned up with 190 pound Don Williams Moore has a bad ankle J. B. Brown with Sylvia Whaley as vice pres­ Comjflhnentarv football tickets AH those purchasing tickets for , frosh end from Norwalk, has a bum shoulder. Harold Isaac­ ident, . Commercial Storage bers of the college faculty, announ-; and in attendance at Saturday Heavy Toll fta lif.. on a second period pass play j son is ill from flu. group include r Secretary, Iva He- sued free of charge to all mem- night's college fbotball opener be­ A siege «>f injuries has hit the to put Williams in possession of ward Smith; Recording Secretary, tween the Lumberjacks and Adams Lumberjack football squad, Coach the ball on the Gold’s two-yard fo r the football season will be is- f Dear. ne Holland; Treasurer, Mar­ Try Switzers Phone 94 State College o f Alamosa, Colo., John Pederson announced. lin, ced Far] F . Insley, director of ath-j Leaders Chosen garet Herrada: Social Manager, w ill be eligible to win a 30.t»6 rifle Knee injuries have benched John Pat Lorona; Publicity chairman, 17 No. Saan Francisco Demetrio Samaniego, transfer head football coach. to be awarded by the Town jacks, Glodis, Julian Castillo, Donald By WRA Group Bettye Miller; Freshman Repre­ from Palo Verde Junior College. Faculty members may pick up members of the athletic booster Montoya, Andy O nifer and Carl sentative. Georgiann Montegnani. ■Bayed a good game at halfback. their tickets by calling at the of; group reported today. Brown. Onifer has dropped out o f The Women’s Recreation Asso­ Qoai h Pederson was also pleased fices in the men's gymnasium be- j The rifle will be awarded be­ the squad, and Brown has checked ciation began its activities of the With the fine perform ance of John tween the hours of 9 a. m. and 13 j tween the halves of the football out of school because o f their in­ year with an election of new o ffi­ Sells, vet and transfer student, in a . m.. Monday through Friday. G e t: game. juries. cers Tuesday, September 15, in the the line. Also proving good line­ your tickets today or Friday in or­ The event is a part of a Town- men were Jim Fitzgerald and Dick der to see the first game Satur i jack plan to hike attendance at the K>raln. on, 19G pound Phoenix Col day night. gridiron contest. transfers holding down tackle ■osition. s and Ronald Bockleman. YOUR WEEKLY MOVIE GUIDE ■ o s h from W illiam s, at end. 6“ 4“ Bohn Glodis, a junior out for foot- Northern Arizona Theatres, Inc. Sall for the first time, also played Hi There! Bell at end. I Tentative starting lineup, accord- (■lad to see you here for the 1953-54 Term n g to Coach John Pederson, in- ORPHEUM FLAGSTAFF Hudes the following players: Charles Stop in the Compton, le; Dick Joralmon, Mr. MERCHANT— 15 WEST ASPEN 18 N . San Francisco |t: John Sells, lg; Jim F itzgerald, C; Frank Morales, rg; David Rabago CANDY BOX Box office opens 6: 45 p. m. PH O NE 423 ; Darrell Miller. r«; Manny Sat. Sun., Holidays 1: 45 BOX OFFICE OPENS E '. iz nr Jay Dee Merrill, qb; Frank j Romes, Ih; Demetrio Samaniego, j and say Hello p. m. Phone 568 1: 45 P M. A ; Tom Speros, fb. WED. - THURS. WEDNESDAY Few newspapers can boast of 100 Pet. circula­ tion. We can. ; m G S tA FF. PHARMACY CAMPIS FAVORITES S* e»u«t*TS M CMCh is t & * fk A & S T A F t J* A R IZ O N A "The Caddy" "Bad Blonde" •MOMl « « Martin and Lewis Barbara Payton Which means that your advertising reaches not Donna Reed Tony Wright, Audrey Cole just a segment of the population at Arizona FOR S A LE ’3. 1 Crosley Refrigerator I set) One Month FRI. - SAT. State College at Flagstaff; rather it reaches Contact Martin Fulton for "Twilight Women" particulars. every student, every faculty member, and ad Rm. 20? Hanley Hall, A . S. C. "Farmer Takes A Freda Jackson Rene Ray, Lois Maxwell college personnel. ' SPENCER Wife" INSURANCE AGENCY Beitv Grable - Dan Dailey THURS. - FRI. —ALL KINDS— Here, indeed, is a big and valuable consumer N. Leroux Ph. 447 "Arrowhead" "Gambler and the market. Charlton Heston Lady" El Patio Cafe . Jack Pa lance. Katy Jurado Dane Clark, Naomi Chance and And don’t forget the college family settle­ Cocktail Lounge BABBITTS' SUN. - MON. "Without Warning" ment at Cottage City, a market requiring an Where The Best In g lov leathtr motra*! * ,,, "Desert Song" Adam Williams even greater amount of necessities and mer­ Food and Drinks iHANKLlSj SHOf Kathryn Grayson >feg Randall chandise. Are Served »»>•» slcvt* fhi arch! Gordon Mat Rae COMING SOON In TUES. - WED. 95 Beige Remember this valuable market, and remember 'Mujeres en mi Vida" 6A A - B that LUMBERJACK advertising reaches EVIRY "Thunder Bay 4J to 9 Emilia Guiu, Hilda Sour lames Stewart, Joanne Dm Linda Rey college consumer. Gilbert Roland j G uillermin Grin J U iM iillv Shoe Dept. Dan Dureya.
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