Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 1, Number 3, Fall 1992 ---- NEVVS -.------------------------------------ rn z 0:: W Call fo r worldwide day of prayer: Amelia Boynton Robinson (left), Helga Zepp -LaRouche. Judge Denies LaRouche New Trial; World Day of Prayer fo r LaRouche Freedom espite overwhelming new evi­ of assertions voiced at the trial, "Unable to prevail on this argu­ Ddence that the U.S. government namely, that there was a 'conspiracy' ment at trial, the defendants claim suppressed exculpatory evidence in or­ to silence the political movement of that new evidence developed since trial der to obtain the politically motivated defendant LaRouche and his associ­ reveals a massive cover-up by the gov­ conviction and imprisonment of Lyn­ ates; that the goal of the conspiracy, ernment and others .... As a conse­ don H. LaRouche, Jr., and in the fa ce insofar as the trial in this court was quence of this conspiracy, the defen­ of growing international opposition to concerned, was to destroy the move­ dants say they were convicted." this violation of human rights by the ment through criminal convictions of Bryan puts in a footnote, "The no­ U.S. government, Federal Judge Al­ the defendants; that it involved the tion that the movement's significance bert V. Bryan issued an arrogant and destruction of the movement's finan­ would prompt such retaliation was brutal decision on May 15 denying the cial ability to repay loans which were characterized by the court at sentenc­ motion fo r a new trial filed by the subject of the indictment .... The ing as 'arrant nonsense.' The term LaRouche and two of his co-defen­ conspiracy in this scenario is said to when transcribed appeared as 'errant dants. have begun as early as 1982 and in­ nonsense.' Either word will do." Mr. LaRouche issued the following cluded among the conspirators the for­ Bryan then spends fifteen pages statement upon hearing of the de­ mer Secretary of State, Henry Kis­ adopting the Government's position CISIOn: singer; the Director of the FBI; the on the evidence presented. He then "An appropriate comment in re­ President's Foreign Intelligence Advi­ concludes: sponse to the denial of the 2255 motion sory Board; attorneys in the Depart­ "If everything that the defendants in my case by Federal District Judge ment of Justice, U.S. Attorney's office; now say should have been revealed at Albert V. Bryan is to cite Harvard officalsof the CIA, IRS, and the FEC; or before trial had been revealed, there professor Alan Dershowitz in Der agents and agencies of Loudoun is not the slightest possibility, much Spiegel, where he compares the Su­ County, Virginia, and other counties less the probability, that the result preme Court under William Re­ and states, including Virginia, Massa­ would have been different. This was hnquist to Nazi judges of the Third chusetts, and New York; the Anti­ not a close case. In their ranging attack Reich." Defamation League of B'nai B'rith; on governmental behavior, character­ Bryan's 18-page decision character­ and the National Broadcasting Com­ ized by seeing in a multitude of public izes the 2255 motion as "a reiteration pany and other media. and non-public figuresacts of persecu- 61 © 1992 Schiller Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. tion, the defendants pay scant atten­ rights activist and recipient of the Mar­ tion to the real issues in the case .... tin Luther King, Jr. Freedom Award "The evidence that these defen­ in 1990, issued the fo llowing call fo r a LaRouche Allies dants never intended to repay the in­ worldwide ecumenical day of prayer: vestors was overwhelming. To say that "The world is heading more and n May 28, near the site where the the government, or anyone else, caused more towards an apocalyptic crisis, O conquistador Hernando Cortes the defendants to be convicted because with conflict and war flaring up in first assembled the Indian army that it was motivated by a desire to destroy many areas of the world. A horrible won Mexico back from the hideous LaRouche's movement is to ignore the war is being waged in the fo rmer Aztec empire-in Tlaxcala, Mexico­ evidence in the case." country of Yugoslavia, while terrible a convention sponsored by the Ibero­ He concludes, "Nor will the court danger is looming in the Transcauca­ American Solidarity Movement (MSI) permit fu rther discovery or an eviden­ sus. Poverty, disease and starvation are drew together fo rces from most of the tiary hearing. After three years in taking an incredible toll, with twenty leading Spanish- and Portuguese­ which the defendants have had access million people threatened with starva­ speaking nations of America and to transcripts of numerous intervening tion in the immediate fu ture in Africa guests from North America and Eu­ state court hearings, had numerous in­ alone. rope, to launch a new movement allied vestigators pursuing the histories of "Also in the United States there are to the ideas of the U.S. political pris­ jurors and witnesses, and interrogated extremely worrisome developments. oner and presidential candidate Lyn­ everyone remotely connected with the Because of a total lack of economic don LaRouche. case, they have come up short. Further development, an accelerating crisis of The opening panel of the conven­ proceedings in this court are unnec­ the cities is emerging, of which the tion must have sent shock waves essary." events in Los Angeles may only have around the world, as imprisoned lead­ been the fo retaste. Judicial barbarism ers of the continent's resistance to the Wodd Day of Prayer is reigning, as illustrated by the in­ fa scist austerity policies of the Anglo­ In response to this development Helga creasing number of virtually public ex­ American financial interests, and to Zepp-LaRouche, LaRouche's wife and ecutions, a travesty which cannot hap­ their all-out assault on national sover­ the fo under of the Schiller Institute, pen in a civilized nation. eingty, expressed their support to the and Amelia Boynton Robinson, civil "There is one man, who has de­ gathering. Speaking from their respec­ voted his entire life's work to overcom­ tive prison cells by written and re­ ing the source of all of these problems, corded messages were Lyndon Dope, Inc. by fightingfo r a just New World Eco­ LaRouche; Col. Mohamed Ali The Book that Drove nomic Order based on Christian prin­ Seineldin of Argentina, the hero of the HenryKissinger ciples in economics. Such a just eco­ Malvinas War who is serving a life Crazy nomic order would allow the sentence for having led a military ac­ by the editors of EIR development of all human beings liv­ tion in December 1990 against the $16.00 ing on this planet, all of whom are Menem government's betrayal of the created in the image of God with in­ nation; and prisoner of war Gen. Man­ alienable human rights. uel Antonio Noriega, who was ab­ "This man, Lyndon LaRouche, has ducted, tried, and convicted by the spent the last three and a half years as U.S. government in a monstrous mili­ a political prisoner in jail in the United tary invasion of Panama which tram­ States, despite the fact that thousands pled on international as well as U.S. of legal experts and parliamentarians constitutional law. In addition, the im­ from around the world, have ex­ prisoned Commander Hugo Chavez George pressed their conviction that he is in­ Frias of Venezuela, leader of the Feb­ Bush: The nocent. Now the court has refused to ruary military uprising against the cor­ Unauthorized allow a new trial to present an over­ rupt "democracy" of President Carlos Biography whelming mass of new evidence. So Andres Perez, was represented by his Webster Griffin Tarpley all legal routes are exhausted. brother, Adan Chavez, who attended and Anton Chaitkin "We therefore call fo r a worldwide the convention, brought special greet­ $20.00 day of prayer between the 5th and 7th ings, and read the program of the in­ To Order BEN FRANKLIN of June, when churches, synagogues, surgent patriots. BOOKSELLERS mosques, and temples should desig­ Warm greetings and a blessing 107 S. King St., Leesburg, VA 22075 nate one minute of silent prayer fo r were also given at the opening of the ph.: (800) 453-4108 . fax: (703) 777-8287 the fr eedom of Lyndon LaRouche and convention from the Catholic bishop Shipping: email .UPS ask all people of good will to pray to of Anapolis, Brazil, Dom Manuel Pes­ $1.75 lirst book $3.00 first book .75 ea add'i book 1.00 ea add't book God to intervene." tana Filho. 62 .
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