<p>THE OCEAN IS A SPLASH May 18-22, 2015</p><p>The students will be assessed on their knowledge of the computer. (st sht p250) CCS: W.K.6</p><p>SPLASHING IN THE OCEAN – Sharks 5-18-2015</p><p>MORNING MESSAGE/STAR STUDENT Daily Skills: *Sentence Structure *Punctuation/Capitalization *Grammar/Spelling *Letter/Sound/Recognition</p><p>PROJECT READ UNIT 14 Lesson 1 (Uu) Day 1 Sight Words of the Week: Mr./Mrs. (TM p14--1-14-16) OBJECTIVES 1. To understand that {u} is a vowel 2. To read and write words with short /u/ 3. To identify Mr. and Mrs. as red (sight) words ANTICIPARTORY SET Display the alphabet with the vowels a, e, i, o, and u and review all red words previously taught MODEL 1. (state): This vowel captures the sound /u/. 2. It is heard in the word {up}. 3. The umbrella I am holding has a handle shaped like a {u}. 4. The word [umbrella] starts with the sound /u; When I push it [u] say /u/.</p><p>VAKT IN PUT 1. Glued letter 2. Felt paper 3. Skywrite 4. Memory Box</p><p>CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING 1. Read words from Student Practice Sheet 14A, page 14-5 2. Vowel discrimination, Student Practice Sheet 14B, page 14-7 ORAL/GUIDED READING Student Story/Quiz Mud Brad’s Hut Bud’s Hut STUDENT PRACTICE 1. Word Web/Writing Notebook (Uu) 2. Nursery Rhyme Hi-Lite (Humpty Dumpty) *PASS OUT AND DISCUSS SPELLING WORD LIST</p><p>STAR STORY Title: The Rainbow Fish Day 1</p><p>LARGE GROUP/PHONEMIC AWARENESS (comparing texts) The students will review the story of THE THREE LITTLE PIGS. The students will then listen to the story of the THREE LITTLE FISH AND THE BIG BAD SHARK. The students’ will then compare the key ideas (characters, setting, problem, solution) for the two texts, using the doc camera. (stories, sht p28–comparison chart) CCS: RI.K.1, RI.K.2, RI.K.3, RI.K.5, RI.K.6, RI.K.7, RI.K.9, RI.K.10, RF.K.1, RF.K.1a, RF.K.1b, RF.K.1c, RF.K.2, RF.K.2a, RF.K.2b, RF.K.2c, RF.K.2d, RF.K.2e, RF.K.3, RF.K.3a, RF.K.3c, RF.K.3d, RF.K.4, RL.K.1, RL.K.2, RL.K.3, RL.K.4, RL.K.5, RL.K.6, RL.K.7, RL.K.9, RL.K.10, L.K.1, L.K.1 L.K.1a, L.K.1b, L.K.1c, L.K.1d, L.K.1e, L.K.1f, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.K.2c, L.K.2d, L.K.4, L.K.4a, L.K.4b, L.K.6, SL.K.1, SL.K.1a, SL.K.1b, SL.K.2, SL.K.3, SL.K.4, SL.K.5, SL.K.6 </p><p>CALENDAR MATH/MATH (assessment/two-three dimensional shapes/graphing) The students will write 1-100, using classroom charts. Next, the students will complete. The students will then count and tally the number of fish in the fish bowl and then show the numbers counted by placing an equal number on the graph or the students may graph colors of goldfish and then analyze the data. (EV- Unit 16 assessment, st sht p195, colored goldfish crackers, color organizers, chart paper) CCS: K.G.2, K.G.3, K.G.4, K.G.6 </p><p>Calendar Daily Activities: *Months of Year/Day of Week *Addition/Subtraction *Money/Time *Tally Marks/Graphs *Patterns *Time Line *Counting by 2, 5, 10 *Weather/Temperature *Number Sequencing *Odd/Even/Place Value *Measurement *Historical Events *Spanish *Estimation CCS: K.OA.1, K.OA.2, K.OA.3, K.OA.4, K.OA.5, K.MD.1, K.MD.2, K.MD.3, K.CC.1, K.CC.2, K.CC.4, K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4c, K.CC.5, K.CC.6, K.NBT.1 SCI K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1 WRITING (portfolio – draft) The students will re-write their story, telling how one animal goes through its life- cycle (chicken, frog, butterfly - student choice – Transactive). (writing paper w/chosen animal pics) CCS: W.K.2, W.K.5 L.K.1, L.K.2, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.K.2c, L.K.2d, L.K.4a, SL.K.5 THEME (journal) The teacher will cut the end of a large white envelope to look like a shark's mouth. The students will then write a short story on the outside of the envelope about things a shark might eat. Finally, the students will illustrate the story and place the pictures in the shark's mouth. If time permits, the students will write and illustrate a short story about a shark. (lg white envelopes w/mouth cut out, small paper, journal drawing paper) CCS: L.K.1, L.K.2, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.K.2c, L.K.2d, L.K.4a, L.K.5, SL.K.5 </p><p>SPLASHING IN THE OCEAN 5-19-2015 NO SCHOOL – ELECTION DAY</p><p>SPLASHING IN THE OCEAN – Whales 5-20-2015</p><p>MORNING MESSAGE</p><p>PROJECT READ UNIT 14 Lesson 1 (Uu) Day 2 Sight Words of the Week: Mr./Mrs. (TM p14--1-14-16) Follow Monday’s Lesson OBJECTIVES 1. To understand that [Uu] is a vowel 2. To read and write words with short /u/ 3. To identify Mr. and Mrs. as red (sight) words STUDENT PRACTICE 1. HAR 11-p15&16 2. HAR 11-p17&18 STAR STORY Title: Rainbow Fish Day 2 **The students will make the Rainbow Fish, adding one shiny to his body.</p><p>PHONEMIC AWARENESS/LARGE GROUP/WRITING (portfolio – publish) The students will re-write their story, telling how one animal goes through its life-cycle (chicken, frog, butterfly - student choice – Transactive piece). (writing paper w/chosen animal pics) CCS: RI.K.1, RI.K.2, RI.K.3, RI.K.5, RI.K.6, RI.K.7, RI.K.9, RI.K.10, RF.K.1, RF.K.1a, RF.K.1b, RF.K.1c, RF.K.2, RF.K.2a, RF.K.2b, RF.K.2c, RF.K.2d, RF.K.2e, RF.K.3, RF.K.3a, RF.K.3c, RF.K.3d, RF.K.4, RL.K.1, RL.K.2, RL.K.3, RL.K.4, RL.K.5, RL.K.6, RL.K.7, RL.K.10, L.K.1, L.K.1 L.K.1a, L.K.1b, L.K.1c, L.K.1d, L.K.1e, L.K.1f, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.K.2c, L.K.2d, L.K.4, L.K.4a, L.K.4b, L.K.6, SL.K.1, SL.K.1a, SL.K.1b, SL.K.2, SL.K.3, SL.K.4, SL.K.5, SL.K.6 W.K.2 CALENDAR MATH/MATH (attributes) The students will write 1-00, using class charts. Next, the students will discuss the attributes of shapes found in their environment. (EV-13-1&13-2(R&P), class charts) CCS: K.MD.3, K.G.1</p><p>THEME (science/art) The students will read the chart to compare sharks and whales. The students will then stuff a paper bag to make a whale w/spout, adding the facial features and the fins made from construction paper. (Venn Diagram, st sht p28, charts, bags, newspaper, pop sticks, light blue paper for water, tape, markers, wiggle eyes) CCS: SCI K-LS1-1 A/H 3.4.1, 4.4.2</p><p>SPLASHING IN THE OCEAN – Shells/Hermit Crabs 5-21-2015</p><p>MORNING MESSAGE/STAR STUDENT</p><p>PROJECT READ UNIT 14 Lesson 1 (Uu) Day 3 Sight Words of the Week: Mr./Mrs. (TM p14--1-14-16)</p><p>OBJECTIVES 1. To understand that Uu is a vowel 2. To read and write words with short /u/ 3. To identify Mr. and Mrs. as red (sight) words STUDENT PRACTICE 1. HAR 11-p19-20 2. HAR 11-p21-22 </p><p>SHARED STORY Title: The Little Mermaid Day 1</p><p>PHONEMIC AWARENESS/LARGE GROUP/WRITING (writing portfolio) The students will complete the table of contents. If time permits, the students will choose topics to write/illustrate in their journals. (journals, st shts) CCS: RI.K.1, RI.K.2, RI.K.3, RI.K.5, RI.K.6, RI.K.7, RI.K.9, RI.K.10, RF.K.1, RF.K.1a, RF.K.1b, RF.K.1c, RF.K.2, RF.K.2a, RF.K.2b, RF.K.2c, RF.K.2d, RF.K.2e, RF.K.3, RF.K.3a, RF.K.3c, RF.K.3d, RF.K.4, RL.K.1, RL.K.2, RL.K.3, RL.K.4, RL.K.5, RL.K.6, RL.K.7, RL.K.10, L.K.1, L.K.1 L.K.1a, L.K.1b, L.K.1c, L.K.1d, L.K.1e, L.K.1f, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.K.2c, L.K.2d, L.K.4, L.K.4a, L.K.4b, L.K.6, SL.K.1, SL.K.1a, SL.K.1b, SL.K.2, SL.K.3, SL.K.4, SL.K.5, SL.K.6 </p><p>CALENDAR MATH/MATH (shape attributes) Using class charts, the students will write 1-100. Next, the students will sort the shapes by stated attributes. (EV–13-3&13-4(R&P), class charts) CCS: K.MD.3, K.G.1 THEME (art) The students will be shown several different types of shells. The students will “listen” to the shell and attempt to tell why they hear sound in the shell. The students will then review A HOUSE FOR A HERMIT CRAB. The teacher will discuss several types of crabs found in the ocean/beach (where they live, how they eat/protect themselves). The teacher will then show a live hermit crab. The students will then make a hermit crab using paper plates as a shell. The students will use construction paper to draw add items that the hermit crab found along the ocean floor. (pics of crabs, a real hermit crab, 2 paper plates per child, pieces of construction paper, hermit crab body) CCS: SCI K-LS1-1 A/H 3.4.1</p><p>SPLASHING IN THE OCEAN – Mermaids 5-22-2015</p><p>MORNING MESSAGE/STAR STUDENT</p><p>PROJECT READ UNIT 14 Lesson 2 (Mr./Mrs.) LONG A Day 4 Sight Words of the Week: Mr./Mrs. (TM p14--1-14-16) OBJECTIVES 1. To read and write red words (phonetically irregular words) Mr. and Mrs. ANTICIPARTORY SET 1. Display all red words previously taught. 2. Display red words [Mr.] and [Mrs.]</p><p>MODEL 1. (state): [Mr.] stands for the word mister or man. [Mr.] is an abbreviation. It starts with the first letter of mister and ends with the last letter. To show it is an abbreviation, it ends with a period. 2. [Mrs.] is also an abbreviation. It means a married lady. It also ends with a period because it is an abbreviation. 3. Tap arm and spell [Mr.] and [Mrs.] CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING Read words from Student Practice Sheet 14A (p14-11-14-16)</p><p>STUDENT PRACTICE 1. Trace/Write red word with red crayon (Mr./Mrs.) 2. HAR 11-p23-24 LONG VOWELS Lesson 1 Long Aa (a_e & ai) Day 1 Letters/Word of the Week: (a_e & ai) Sight Words: All unfamiliar words have been underlined in the stories</p><p>OBJECTIVE 1. The student will understand and represent [Aa] as a long vowel. 2. The students will understand that [e] at the end of the word will make the vowel say its long sound. 3. The students will read and spell words with long [a] – [a-e]. 4. The students will review the double vowel rule for [ai].</p><p>ANTICIPATORY SET 1. Display the vowels [a, e, o, i, u] 2. (question): What kind of letters are these? 3 (answer): Vowels. 4. (question): What sounds do these letters make? 5. (answer): [short /a/ /e/ /i/ /o/ /u/] 6. (state): These letters also make another sound. It is called the long sound; they say their own name. There is a vowel rule that says: " When the [ e ] is silent at the end of a word, it makes the vowel say its long name." 7. (sing): " When the [ e ] is at the end of the word, the end of the word, the end of the word; when the [ e ] is at the end of the word, it makes the [ a ] say [a]-[a]! 8. (state-review): These letters also make another sound. It is called the long sound; they say their own name. There is a rule that states: " When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking." 9. Teacher introduces long [a_e] & [ai] word cards/sentences.</p><p>ORAL/GUIDED READING 1. Student Practice Sheet (a_e & ai) 2. Students Story/Quiz: The Mermaid’s Cave </p><p>STUDENT PRACTICE 1. Writing “Long Aa” Words (p38) 2. Writing/Illustrating Sentences (Long Aa2) SHARED STORY Title: House for a Hermit Crab Day 2</p><p>PHONEMIC AWARENESS/LARGE GROUP/WRITING (writing portfolio) The students will complete the title page for their portfolio. If time permits, the students will choose topics to write/illustrate in their journals. (journals, st shts) CCS: RI.K.1, RI.K.2, RI.K.3, RI.K.5, RI.K.6, RI.K.7, RI.K.10, RF.K.1, RF.K.1a, RF.K.1b, RF.K.1c, RF.K.2, RF.K.2a, RF.K.2c, RF.K.2d, RF.K.2e, RF.K.3, RF.K.3a, RF.K.3c, RF.K.3d, RF.K.4, RL.K.1, RL.K.2, RL.K.3, RL.K.4, RL.K.5, RL.K.6, RL.K.7, RL.K.10, L.K.1, L.K.1 L.K.1a, L.K.1b, L.K.1c, L.K.1d, L.K.1e, L.K.1f, L.K.2a, L.K.2b, L.K.2c, L.K.2d, L.K.4, L.K.4a, L.K.4b, L.K.6, SL.K.1, SL.K.1a, SL.K.1b, SL.K.2, SL.K.3, SL.K.4, SL.K.5, SL.K.6 </p><p>CALENDAR MATH/MATH (problem-solving/logical reasoning) Using class charts, the students will write 1-100. Next, the students will identify how each set was sorted. (EV-13-5, class charts) CCS: K.MD.3, K.G.1 THEME (ss/art) The teacher and students will discuss mermaids. The teacher/students will distinguish between things that are real or fantasy. Next, the student will decide if mermaids are real or fantasy. Next, the students will use permanent markers to make stained glass ocean windows (the mermaid is one selection). (pictures of real/fantasy, vocab) CCS: SS 2.1.1(DOK 1) A/H 3.4.1</p><p>LEARNING TARGETS May 18 – 22, 2015 Monday, May 18, 2015 Reading: I can read and write words with short /Uu/and long Aa. Math: I can demonstrate my knowledge of geometric shapes.</p><p>Tuesday, May 19, 2015 NO SCHOOL – ELECTION DAY</p><p>Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Reading: I can read and write words with short /Uu/ long Aa. Math: I can sort and classify shapes by attributes.</p><p>Thursday, May 21, 2015 Reading: I can read and write words with short /Uu/ long Aa. Math: I can sort and classify same set in different ways.</p><p>Friday, May 22, 2015 Reading: I can read and write words with short /Uu/ and long Aa and the red words Mr. and Mrs. Math: I can use problem solving and logical thinking to identify how a set is sorted. </p>
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