
<p> RĪGA STRADIŅŠ UNIVERSITY</p><p>Professional Bachelor’s degree Study program</p><p>NUTRITION</p><p>(45761)</p><p>Riga, 2005 CONTENT</p><p>1. Evaluation of the Bachelor’s degree study program 3</p><p>1.1. Professional Bachelor’s degree study program 3 1.2. Characterization of the program 3 1.3. Aim of the program 3 1.4. Tasks of the program 4 1.5. Organization of the Bachelor’s degree study program 4 1.6. Practical realization of the Bachelor’s degree study program 5 1.7. System of evaluation 5 1.8 Characterization of students 6 1.8.1. Poll among students and input 6 1.8.2. Participation of students in the perfection of study process 7 1.8.3. Substantiation of practice 7 1.9. Finances for studies, materially–technical and methodical security 7 1.10. Qualification and professionalism of the academic staff involved in the Bachelor’s degree study program 7</p><p>2. Evaluation of the Bachelor’s degree program from the viewpoints of International recognition and Latvia’s state interests 8 2.1. Similitude of the Bachelor’s degree program with programs realized in other counties of the world 8 </p><p>3. Development plan of the Bachelor’s degree study program 10</p><p>Annexes:</p><p>1st Annex – Faculty of Rehabilitation development plans for an Academic year 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 15 2nd Annex – Regulation of the RSU Academic School of Nutrition 33 3rd Annex – RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation Matriculation regulations in the part-time study program “Nutrition” for an Academic year 2004/2005 35 4th Annex – Regulation “Order how to acquire Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition at the RSU” 37 5th Annex – Matriculation regulations of the RSU Faculties of Medicine, Stomatology, Pharmacy, Rehabilitation and Public health in Academic year 2005/2006 40 6th Annex – Brief descriptions of the subject programs 45 7th Annex – Study program plans for full and part time students 12 8th Annex – CV of teaching staff 114</p><p>1. Evaluation of the Bachelor’s degree study program</p><p>2 1.1. Professional Bachelor’s degree study program</p><p>Study program (course): Bachelor’s degree study program Nutrition (Code 45761) Profile: Health care Duration and kind of study: 8 semesters (4 years) for full-time studies and 9 semesters (4,5 years) for part time studies Acquired qualification: Bachelor’s degree of Health Science in Health Care</p><p>1.2. Characterization of the program</p><p>Specialist in Nutrition is a new profession in Latvia. So far in this field worked doctor- dietitian who acquired specialization after graduating Faculty of Medicine and nurse-dietitian who graduated special courses in diet-therapy. Their main place of employment is hospitals. Of late years notably has increased society’s interest concerning healthy food, various fresh food, functional food, food refines and additives and prevention of various diseases in relevance to food. Ever increase in number investigations showing that with faulty nutrition is connected progression of such diseases as: cardio – vascular diseases and oncology. Right these diseases form the major part of mortality in Latvia. Recently notably topical is such a problem as feeding of patients in hospitals, for the moment existing staff (nurse dietitian) can’t completely solve complicated ways of treatment with food – such as parenteral and enteral feeding, individually to consult patients with complicated diagnoses. In hospitals has grown up a necessity to frame a team where creatively work both doctors, doctor assistants and specialists in nutrition. Increases a request for specialists who can educate society (school children, students, associations of patients, medicos) concerning questions of healthy nutrition. Already for the last year feeding at schools is sore point. With its quality malcontent are both school children and their parents. So as to meet the market demands and to educate competitive specialists who manage the recent theories and practice in this field (also including the recent knowledge in nutrition, processes in food technology and public catering) and can use them in their practical work (private practice, hospitals, educational establishments, health centers, largest food product production and feeding establishments) arise a necessity to frame professional Bachelor’s degree study program, accordingly generating highly qualifies respective specialists in the country. Specialist in nutrition is a highly qualified medical person with higher education participating in the patients’ health promotion, education, and processes of treatment and rehabilitation. Topicality of the professional Bachelor’s program is determined by the modern tendencies in the development of public health. Bachelor’s degree gives the rights to continue education in academic and professional Master’s degree program. </p><p>1.3. Aim of the program</p><p>To prepare highly qualified and compete able specialists who manage to work creatively and professionally in all fields related to nutrition, effectively using their knowledge and skills in health improvement, invigoration as well as in prevention of diseases and treatment.</p><p>1.4. Tasks of the program</p><p> To give theoretical and practical knowledge in fundamental medical disciplines, clinical subjects and nutrition science, as well as in technology of food production and basics of public catering. To facilitate ability of thinking creatively and critically, to carry out and organize scientific research work.</p><p>3 To give to students the latest cognition in nutrition science that should allow them successfully to work in the fields of medicine, health promotion and education. To process specialists who will carry out research work in the development of nutrition science. To master proficiency for constant life-long learning. To facilitate ability of specialists to compete in the local and EU labor market.</p><p>1.5. Organization of the Bachelor’s degree study program</p><p>The study program is realized in 8 semesters (4 academic years). Bachelor’s degree study program comprises theoretical and practical courses, practice and Bachelor’s degree work. The program includes 52 subjects that are divided into 3 (three) categories: A – compulsory study subjects (150 CP); B – compulsory free choice study subjects (4 CP); C – free choice study subjects (6 CP).</p><p>All category study subjects in toto form 160 credit points, 6400 lessons, incl., 3386 contact hours (52, %) and 3014 independent work hours (47,1%). For successful graduation compulsory is all A category subjects with pretests and examinations. From B category must be chosen the major part (at least 20 CP). Free choice (C category) study subjects are consistently advisable but not compulsory. The students are to carry out and defend foreseen projects, to work off foreseen practices (26 CP) and successfully defend Bachelor’s degree thesis during the 8th semester (12 CP).</p><p>Bachelor’s degree programs compulsory content is:</p><p> Compulsory study courses – Introduction into specialty and general and human rights basics, basics of organization of health care and rehabilitation, history of medicine, medical terminology in foreign languages, public health, psychology, basics of economics and business, philosophy and ethics – 20 CP.</p><p> Compulsory study courses for professional specialization – anatomy, physiology, pathologic physiology, chemistry, biochemistry, food chemistry, microbiology, information knowledge, medical statistics & data bases, emergency medical aid, I and II general rehabilitation, evaluation and classification of functional ability limitation, basics of pharmacology, propedeutics, basics of internal diseases, basics of clinical care, nutrition, pediatrics and food, woman’s health and food, food production, technology of cooking, infectious diseases, epidemiology – 66 CP. </p><p> Compulsory choice study courses for professional specialization – psychiatrics and drug abuse, functional histology and embryology, anthropology, surgical diseases, toxicology, parenteral and enteral feeding, medical biophysics, politics of nutrition and legislation, environmental health, occupational medicine & diseases, prevention of dental diseases, food refines, food quality and dressings, pedagogy, sport for health, sport pedagogy, aesthetic group gymnasium – 26 CP.</p><p> Free choice study courses – 6 CP.</p><p> Practice – 26 CP.</p><p> Research work and Bachelor’s degree thesis carry out and defense – 16 CP. 4 1.6. Practical realization of the Bachelor’s degree study program</p><p>The main form of study is lectures and seminars, which comprise 60% of the total number of hours. Practical classes, together with students’ independent work comprise 40%. In framework of the 4th course is foreseen to carry out Bachelor’s degree thesis. Theoretical and practical knowledge is fixated in seminars and practice. Aim of the used teaching methods is to form in students’ ability completely to orient in the nutrition science taking as a basement theoretical knowledge mastered before: anatomy, histology, biology, microbiology, physiology, chemistry, biochemistry as well as to acquire knowledge in basics of economics and business. For the future specialists in nutrition science is established special course in food chemistry that, in conformity with an Agreement, is realized by the Latvian University of Agriculture academic personnel. In the 3rd and 4th course students’ master clinical subjects and pedagogy, deeper they master nutrition, basics of food production, technology of food production and the other subjects related to food turnover. Great regard is paid to the students’ individual work, adoption and analysis of scientific literature, performance of sociological research. Task of teachers is to help students to organize independent work, in case of necessity to consult them and give advise. For each subject is worked out detailed course description where containing particular information on topics in classes, requirements and list of obligatory literature.</p><p>1.7. System of evaluation</p><p>Evaluation system for each specific subject is indicated in the course description. With the evaluation criterion students are introduced at the beginning of each course. Knowledge is evaluated in the ten-point marking system, regarding 5 points (satisfactory) as the lower successful evaluation. Mastering of the study material is evaluated by using the following 6 forms of check-up:</p><p>1. Attendance of lectures, seminars and practical classes. 2. Interim check-up – pretest after definite cycle. 3. Theoretical and practical individual project. 4. Examinations after a course of study. 5. Practice account. 6. State examination and defence of Bachelor’s thesis.</p><p>1.8. Characterization of students</p><p>Total number – 13 Since year 2003 in the professional Bachelor’s degree program “Nutrition” study students whom have graduated secondary or secondary special educational establishments. The number of students increases, giving an opportunity to study on favourable terms. </p><p>Matriculation regulations</p><p>In Bachelor’s degree program is matriculated person with secondary education who successfully has passed entrance examinations. To be selected applicants are to pass competition. Applicants are to pass the following differential examinations:</p><p>5 Biology. Applicant is exempt from this differential examination if he presents SUE Certificate in biology with evaluation from A to D. Physics. Applicant is exempt from this differential examination if evaluation in physics in his GSEC is successful or in SUE Certificate evaluation in physics is from A to D or he has received successful evaluation after attending eight-month RSU preparatory course.</p><p>Applicants must present a passport. All differential examinations are in Latvian language. Knowledge is evaluated on levels from A to F. </p><p>Applicants in the Faculty of Rehabilitation are matriculated in compliance with the results of competition comprised by the following amount of evaluation:</p><p> SUE evaluations, prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Science as obligatory for graduates from general secondary education establishments at the corresponding academic year. SUE evaluation in biology (from A to D level). If the applicant has not passed SUE in biology the evaluation is supplanted with passed by him differential examination (test) in biology. </p><p>1.8.1. Poll among students and input</p><p>Attitude of students towards the study course is estimated by performing anonymous poll after each course. The received results let to understand that: Mainly all study courses are estimated as “good”. The manner of teaching is apropos to the wants of students. In several subjects offered form of training – discussion – is estimated positively. Method of discussion is particularly applicable to solve indistinct and knotty problems that arise in a course of study. In the course of study occur integration of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. Volume of given information during the lectures and practical classes suits the Bachelor’s degree level.</p><p>The results of questionnaire are discussed at the Department proceedings. </p><p>1.8.2. Participation of students in the perfection of study process</p><p>At the Faculty of Rehabilitation are 2 (two) representatives from the University self-government. Accordingly, students take an active part in Faculty and University activities. </p><p>1.8.3. Substantiation of practice</p><p>In the Bachelor’s degree study program is included practice whose aim is to process specialists in nutrition for a professional career in a concrete environment. Probationer’s work must be hardly definite with concrete aim and tasks. After practice student renders an account of done work and a reference from practice manager (representative from enterprise). Practice account must be defended. </p><p>6 After the 1st year of study students pass introductory practice at the health care rehabilitation centers (2 CP). After the 2nd year of study students pass practice at the laboratories and health promotion centers relevant to the food quality – FVS, FVSSVMDC, HPSA – (6 CP). During the 4th year of study students have practical training at the clinical bases – (18 CP). </p><p>1.9. Finances for studies, materially – technical and methodical security</p><p>Studies at the RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation Academic School of Nutrition in the Bachelor’s degree program are payment studies. Tuition fee is 800 LVL per year. Allotment of the tuition fee is following: about 80% are wages and state obligatory social insurance, 15% - organization outlay and 5% - acquisition of textbooks, materials and disbursement of services to ensure a teaching process. </p><p>University ensures students with completely fitted premises for studies process, library and free access to Internet. Currently at the library are 268 books about the theme of food and nutrition and periodicals – such as “The Journal of Nutrition”, “Problems of Nutrition” and others. </p><p>Via RSU “home page” students have access to all the most significant libraries in Latvia, disposable are 30 computers at the Library’s Information center. Lecture and seminar premises are provided with codoscopes and good quality blackboards. On request of teachers auditoriums are equipped with video and other apparatus. </p><p>1.10. Qualification and professionalism of the academic staff involved in the Bachelor’s degree study program</p><p>Professional Bachelor’s degree study program “Nutrition” is implemented by the highly qualified academic personnel from RSU and, in compliance with agreement, by the specialists from LUA, FVS, FVSSVMDC and HPSA. Readers and lectors are employed at the Latvia’s research establishments and higher educational establishments, all of them have necessary academic background for an academic work to implement the Bachelor’s degree study program.</p><p>2. Evaluation of the Bachelor’s degree program from the viewpoints of International recognition and Latvia’s state interests</p><p>Topicality and necessity of the professional Bachelor’s degree study program “Nutrition” is determined by the contemporary tendencies in health care. The program’s topicality is intensified by necessity to facilitate perfection and development of nutrition science in Latvia, yet association with the EU could influence more where these questions are very important. Analyzing experience of the EU and candidate countries in educating specialists in nutrition, we conclude that such specialists are modern life’s dictated necessity. At present Latvia’s higher educational establishments doesn’t prepare specialists in nutrition science. Therefore is caused necessity to comprise a study program in Latvia that could provide processing of qualified specialists in nutrition science. Considering the mentioned above, the professional Bachelor’s degree study program ‘Nutrition” at the RSU FR is positively estimated both from international recognition and Latvia’s state interests. </p><p>7 2.1. Similitude of the Bachelor’s degree program with programs realized in other countries of the world</p><p>The widest possibility to acquire similar education is in Great Britain and USA. So, for example, in the GB is potentiality to acquire education related to nutrition specialties in 22 different educational establishments. Comparatively great possibilities also have our neighbouring countries Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Finland. Must be noticed that in our nearest neighbouring country – Lithuania – such kind of education has been opened at the Vilnius College Faculty of Medicine. </p><p>Similitude with the Göteborg University in Sweden Bachelor’s degree study program</p><p>At the Göteborg University professional Bachelor’s degree program in toto are received 120 CP in 4 study years. This study program prepares nutrition specialists for hospitals and health centers. Therefore they are called “clinical nutrition specialists”. To basic sciences are given only 10 CP, but 90 CP – to such special courses as gastro-intestinal and kidney diseases, fatty, ……., etc treatment with food. Much attention is paid to parenteral and enteral feeding as well as to food for expectant mothers and children. For Bachelor’s degree thesis are given 20 CP. The greatest difference between both universities is that the RSU Academic School of Nutrition prepares wide profile specialists in nutrition who will need not only clinical knowledge but also knowledge in food chemistry, food technology and in communicative science and pedagogy.</p><p>Similitude with the King’s College in Great Britain Bachelor’s degree study program</p><p>This study program offers 4-year program where education is organized by unit – cu system. ………………………. At the 1st course students master introduction into nutrition science, physiology, biochemistry, general chemistry, sociology and psychology. At the 2nd course – basics of research work, statistics, microbiology, emzymology and public health and health promotion. At the 3rd course – clinical nutrition doctrine, food quality, endocrinology, food dressings and food refines, parasitology and infectious diseases, immunology, oncology, communication science, basics of food technology, pedagogy. At the 4th course is carried out Bachelor’s thesis and mastered knowledge in management and food politics. This study program has many similarities with program of the RSU RF Academic School of Nutrition. Only is difficult to estimate volume of CP, as in this program is used another unit of evaluation. </p><p>Similitude with the Wisconsin University in USA Bachelor’s degree study program</p><p>At the Wisconsin University professional Bachelor’s degree program in toto are received 124 – 125 CP. They are divided as follows: basic sciences (physics, chemistry, biochemistry, food chemistry, biology, physiology, anatomy, statistics) – from 45 to 46 CP, nutrition science – 79 CP. The utmost number of credit points at the Wisconsin University in professional Bachelor’s degree programs subjects is 8 CP. Similarities in these programs are basic sciences and nutrition science as well as basics of food technology. Difference is that in the Wisconsin University Bachelor’s degree study program less accent is put on mastering the clinical subjects,</p><p>8 but slightly more is emphasized ready-to-serve food and food technologies. Such differences could be explained by a fact that the RSU FR nutrition specialists after graduation acquire Bachelor’s degree in health care.</p><p>Similitude with the Purdue University Bachelor’s degree study program </p><p>Unlike the RSU FR professional Bachelor’s degree study program “Nutrition”, in the Purdue professional Bachelor’s degree study program comparatively much place take up algebra, trigonometry, statistics and computer knowledge. Common – in programs of both universities are included the same basic sciences of medicine. At the Purdue University professional Bachelor’s degree program in toto are received 125 – 127 CP. They are divided as follows: basic sciences (physics, chemistry, biochemistry, food chemistry, anatomy, biology, physiology, mathematics, trigonometric, statistics) – 63 CP, nutrition science – 64 CP. The utmost number of credit points at the Purdue University in professional Bachelor’s degree programs subjects is 5 CP (algebra & geometry). </p><p>Similitude with the Michigan University Bachelor’s degree study program</p><p>At the Michigan University professional Bachelor’s degree program in toto are received 79 – 84 CP in the basic program where the most attention is paid to nutrition science and food technology. As electives with total CP – 18 are anatomy, chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, psychology, etc. The utmost number of credit points at the Michigan University in professional Bachelor’s degree programs subjects is 4 CP. </p><p>Similarities in these programs are nutrition science as well as basics of food technology. Difference is that in the Michigan University Bachelor’s degree study program lesser accent is put on mastering clinical subjects and medical basic subjects. </p><p>3. Development plan of Bachelor’s degree study program</p><p>Every academic year Faculty Board discusses study program. Faculty Board prepares and certifies own faculty’s and linked to it University’s structural units’ activities and development priorities on the strength of work plans approved at the departments. Activities foreseen in the study program development plan: To perform a poll among students from the RSU RF Academic School of Nutrition concerning the duration of courses incorporated in the study program, timeliness and quality of content with subsequent analysis of results at the Faculty Board and elaboration of recommendations for further improvement of study programs. To search for the possibilities to increase exchange of students. To enlarge in number the elective study courses in collaboration with the other RSU faculties. To proffer to graduates a possibility to continue studies in the Master’s degree program in nutrition science (such intermediary program is approved in year 2005 between RSU, LUA and LU). </p><p>9 Abbreviations used in the text</p><p>RSU – Rīga Stradiņš University FR – Faculty of Rehabilitation CP – Credit points LUA – Latvia University of Agriculture LU – Latvia University FVS – Food and Veterinary Service SVMDC – State Veterinary Medicine Diagnostic Center HPSA – Health Promotion State Agency</p><p>10 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 07/05/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) – GENERAL BASICS OF RIGHTS</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Mag.iur. J.Bernāts</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Dipl.iur. A.Liepiņš</p><p>Auditory – RSU students in Audiologopedia, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – 1. To facilitate formation of positive, active, democratic, tolerant attitude towards society. 2. To impart knowledge in jurisprudence, paying attention to administrative juridical and civil juridical aspects, organizing medical and rehabilitation work. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To ensure knowledge about the structure, concepts and terminology of jurisprudence. 2. To give colour to rights and system of rights in the framework of continental Europe rights. 3. To introduce students with juridical aspects of practical medicine and rehabilitation work. </p><p>Check-up – Test of independent work</p><p>11 Requirements for auditory: To know – structure of jurisprudence, basic concepts and terminology in the framework of continental Europe rights, juridical regulation of medicine and rehabilitation in the Republic of Latvia. To know – to separate public and private rights, to differentiate various sectors and sub-sectors of jurisprudence, to understand juridical aspects of various situations from the standpoint of cause and effect. </p><p>Literature Doctrine - Civillikuma komentāri. Autoru kolektīvs. Torgāns K. (Zin. red.). Rīga: Mans Īpašums, 1998, 688.lpp. - Briede J. Administratīvais akts. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2003, 176.lpp. - Briede J., Ļubļina A., Groduma M., Meņģele L. Administratīvā procesa vispārīgie noteikumi un administratīvais process iestādē shēmas. Rīga: TNA, 2003, 79.lpp. - Gatawis S., Broks E., Bule Z. Eiropas tiesības. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2002, 416.lpp. - Raihs N., Godars K., Vasiļjeva K. Izprotot Eiropas Savienības tiesības: Kopienas tiesību mērķi, principi un metodes. Rīga: TNA, 2004, 412.lpp. - Civilprocesa likuma komentāri. Papildinātais izdevums. Autoru kolektīvs. Torgāns K. un Dudelis M. (Zin. red.). Rīga: TNA, 2001, 646.lpp. - Juridisko terminu vārdnīca. Rīga: Nordik, 1998, 203.lpp. - Neimanis J. Lietas faktisko apstākļu apzināšana un juridiska noteikšana. // Likums un tiesības 2000. jūnijs, nr.6 (10). - Nīcgalis A. Prasījumu metode. Rīga: TNA, 2003, 37.lpp.</p><p>Normative Acts - Ārstniecības likums: LR likums. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1997. 01.jūlijs, nr.167. - Latvijas Republikas Satversme: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1993. 01.jūlijs, nr.43. - Krimināllikums: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1998. 08. jūlijs, nr.199/200. - Administratīvā procesa likums: LR likums. Rīga: TNA, 2004, 226.lpp. - Civillikums: LR likums. TIC, 1998, 673.lpp. - Grozījumi Latvijas Republikas Satversmē: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1998. 23.oktobris, nr.308. - Grozījumi Civilprocesa likumā: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2003. 10.jūlijs, nr.103. - Grozījumi Civillikumā: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2002. 20.decembris, nr.187. - Grozījumi Civilprocesa likumā: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2002. 20.novembris, nr.169. - Grozījumi Komerclikumā: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2002. 01.marts, nr.34. - Darba likums: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2001. 6.jūlijs, nr.105. - Komerclikums: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2000. 04.maijs, nr.158/160. - Civilprocesa likums: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1998. 03.novembris, nr.326/330. - Grozījumi Civillikumā: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1998. 20.jūnijs, nr.184/185. - Eiropas Cilvēktiesību un pamatbrīvību Vēstnesis, 1997. 13.jūnijs, nr.143.Grozījumi Civillikumā: - Civillikums: LR likums. Ziņotājs, 1993, nr.22/23.</p><p>12 Par tiesu varu: LR likums. Ziņotājs, 1993. 14.janvāris, nr.1</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 04/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – HISTORY OF MEDICINE (category B) </p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Associated Professor Juris Salaks</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Associated Professor Juris Salaks and Maija Pozemkovska</p><p>Auditory – Students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 14 contact hours (8 h – lectures, 6 h – practical classes) – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to widen general and special horizon, to form scientific thinking; to relate development of medicine with development of science in other fields.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To explore scientific and practical evolution of medicine in the world and separate countries. 2. To master knowledge to investigate sources of history reflecting humans’ activitu in the field of medicine, to collect facts, codify and analyse them.</p><p>Content of subject – 1. Social and cultural basics of medicine (patient, medical personnel, medical institutions). 2. Doctor’s thinking, knowledge and practice (with aspects of ethics). 3. Concepts of health and disease; alterations of concepts about health, diseases prevention, tratment, rehabilitation (health, diseases and society).</p><p>Check-up – theoretical pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory to pass test in theoretical knowledge before practical classes;</p><p>13 to participate in seminars and practical classes, to perform concrete tasks.</p><p>Literature 1) Medicīnas vēsture: senie laiki, K.Ē. Arons, 1993. 2) Medicīnas ētikas pamatprincipi, V. Sīle, 1999. 3) История медицины. Т.С. Сорокина, в 2-х томах, 1992. 3) Атлас истории медицины. Первобытное общество. Древний мир. Т.С.Сорокина.2-е изд., перераб. и доп., 1987. 4) Атлас истории медицины. Новое время (1640–1917). Т.С. Сорокина, 1987. 5) Geschichte der Medizin, W.U. Eckart, 1998. 6) Geschichte der Medizin systematisch, P. Schneck, 1997. 7) Geschichte der Medizin, D. Jetter, 1992. 8) Geschichte der Medizin, E.Ackerknecht, 1992. 9) The Western Medical Tradition, L.I. Conrad, M. Neve, V. Nutton, R. Porter, 1995. 10) Short History of Medicine, E. Ackerknecht, 1982. 11) Geschichte der Medizin. 2. Auflage. Eckart Wolfgang U., 1994.</p><p>Additional Literature</p><p>1) Hipokrats spīlēs, A. Alksnis, 1993. 2) Tāds bija mūsu laiks… J. Stradiņš, K.Ē. Arons A. Vīksna, 1996. 3) Zelta skalpelis, A. Vīksna, E. Platkājis. 2.izd., 1991. 4) Vecās aptiekas, A. Vīksna, 1993. 5) Pa ārstu takām, A. Vīksna, 1990. 6) Laime ir kalpot bērniem, Dz. Mozgis, 1999. </p><p>14 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 09/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – HUMAN ANATOMY</p><p>Managers of subject (course) – Docent Ruta Žagare, Docent I.Duļevska </p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Docent I. Duļevska, Assistant Dz. Kažoka, Assistant ad interim Z. Cederštrēma</p><p>Auditory – 1st year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR </p><p>Volume – 5 CP</p><p>Aim – to give to students classified knowledge about structure of human body, location of organs and their functions, paying more attention to digestive, urine, endocrine and nerve systems.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To explain the basic principles of human body growth and structure. 2. To teach a structure and functional importance of the active and passive locomotor apparatus. 3. To teach a structure and functions of the viscera system. 4. To teach the parts of circulation system and to explain their functional importance. 5. To create an understanding about the regulating role of endocrine system. 6. To explain basic principles of structure and working of nerve system. 7. To teach a structure of organs of sense.</p><p>Content of subject: Locomotor apparatus. Viscera system. Circulation system. Endocrine system. Nerve system. Organs of sense.</p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of 2nd semester</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to attend lectures and practical classes.</p><p>15 Literature 1. V. Kalbergs. Cilvēka anatomija. 1., 2.daļa. Zvaigzne, Rīga, 1971. 2. P. Apinis. Cilvēks. Anatomija, fizioloģija, patoloģijas pamati. 1998. 3. Под. ред. М.Р.Сапина. Анатомия человека. Медицина, Москва, 1986. 4. Р.Д.Синельников. Атлас Анатомии человека.. 1,2,3,4, ч. Медицина, Москва, 1990. 5. В.Я. Липченко, Р.П.Самусев. Атлас нормальной анатомии человека. Медицина, Москва, 1983. 6. Sobotta. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 1.,2.vol., 1989. 7. Anatomija. Metodiskās rekomendācijas FF studentiem. RSU, Rīga, 2003.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>16 “Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 11/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – BIOLOGY </p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Docent, Dr.med. L. Zinčenko</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Docent, Dr.med. L. Zinčenko</p><p>Auditory – 1st year 2nd semester and 2nd year 3rd semester students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 4 CP</p><p>Aim – to give to students’ knowledge about a man as a one system; about a role of genetic processes in health maintenance and disease progression; to give knowledge about a role of parasites in disease progression, to form basement for the further studies in medicine. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To show insight into a place of human in organic nature and a link with it. 2. To know human’s as a typical representative of eucaryota biological individualities. 3. To understand the importance of cognition of human’s biological individualities in medicine. 4. To know the main inheritance regularities for human’s features. 5. To know the main pathologic types for humans: genetics of metabolism diseases and their characteristic individualities. 6. To understand principles of diagnostics, therapy and prevention of genetic pathology . 7. To know the main human’s parasites that cause diseases: morphologic properties of parasites, progression in body, their localization in human body; clinical properties of such diseases, diagnostics and prophylaxis. 8. To master knowledge in cytology, genetics and parasitology necessary for further studies and for practical work. </p><p>Content of course: Human – the main object and typical representative of eucaryota in medical biology. Multiplicity of life forms. Cell – human’s structural and functional basic unit. Structure of eucaryota cells. Cell communication. Cell possible contacts. Cell pathology as reason of organism’s pathology. Structure of human chromosomes. Cell division. Cell cycle, its regulation. Factors of growth. Cytokines. Cell aging. Apoptosis. Necrosis. Biology of human proliferation. Ovogenesis. Spermatogenesis. Human as an object for genetic research. Molecular gentics. </p><p>Check-up - Examination</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Must know basics of cytalogy and genetics.</p><p>Literature</p><p>17 1. Bioloģijas rokasgrāmata (red.V.Egle) .- R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 1996.-428 lpp. 2. Krūmiņa A. Eikariotu šūna. I, II un III daļa.- R.: AML,1994.-88 lpp. 3. Misiņa M., Loža V. Ģenētika ar selekcijas pamatiem. -R: Zvaigzne, 1991.- 397 lpp. 4. Nagle E. Plazmatiskā membrāna.- R.: AML,1991.-26 lpp. 5. Raipulis J. Cilvēka ģenētika.- R.: Zvaigzne, 1977.- 284 lpp. 6. Alberts B., Bray D., Lewis J., Raff M., Roberts K, Watson J.D. Molecular biology of the cell.2nd ed., Garland Publishing,- NY&London, 1989 -1218 p. 7. V.Dogelis Bezmugurkaulnieku zooloģija.1986. 8. Cooper G.M. The cell. -ASM Press,Sinaer, 1997.-673 p. 9. Elseth G.D., Baumgardner K.D. Genetics.- Addison-Wesley Publ.comp., USA, 1984.- 780 p. 10. Goodman R. Medical cell biology, 2nd ed.- Philadelphia, Lippincott-Reven,1998.- 320 p. 11. Karp S. G. Cell and molecular biology. -NY,Willey, 1996.-77 p. 12. Krumina A. Problems in genetics. - R.: AML,1991.-56 lpp. 13. Lackie S.M. The dictionary of cell biology. Academic Press Limited,- London, 1995. -390 p. 14. Lewin B. Genes IV. Oxford University Press,- Oxford, 1990.-855 p. 15. Raven P.H, Johnson G.B. Biology. 3rd Edition- Mosby year book,1992.-1217 p. 16. Watson J.D, Hopkins N.H., Roberts J.W.,.Steitz J.A., Weiner A.M. Molecular biology of the gene, 4th ed., I and II volume,- The Benjamin/Cummings Publ.comp., 1987.- 1163 p. 17. Блюгер А. Ф., Вингре И.Я., Кибиткина Э.Н., Акинфова Т.А., Барац С.М. «Mетодические рекомендации», «Малярия». Рига-МЗ Латв.ССР.1987 г. 18. Генис Д.Е. «Медицинская паразитология», Л. Медицина. 1975 г. 19. Гинецинская Т.А., Добровольский А.А. «Частная паразитология.» Ч.1., M., 1978 г.,М.Высшая школа. 20. Казанцев А.П. «Токсоплазмоз», Л. Медицина. 1985 г. 21. Клименко Б.В. «Трихомониаз», Л. Медицина. 1987 г. 22. Найт Р. «Паразитарные болезни», М. Медицина. 1985 г. 23. Jeffrey H.C., Leach R.M. Atlas of Medical Helminthology and Protozoology. Edinburg. London. Melburne. New York. 1991. 24. James R. Stringer «The Identity of Pneumocystis carinii: Not a Single Protozoan, but a Diverse group of Exotic Fungi», Infectious Agents and Disease, Vol.2, No.3, Raven Press, Ltd., New York, 1993. 25. J. Helweg-Larsen, A.G. Tsolaki, R.F. Miller, B. Lundgren and A.E.Wakefield «Clusters of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia: analysis of person-to-person transmission by genotyping» Q J Med 1998. 26. Hunter G.W., Swartzwelder J.G., Ph.D.F. Clyde «Tropical Medicine», W.B. Saunders Company Philadelphia. London. Toronto.1976. 27. Harold W. Brown, Franklin A. Neva «Basic clinical parasitology», Appleton-Century- Crofts/Norwalk, Connecticut ,1983. 28. «Medical Mikrobiolog» Chapter «Parazitology» Jawetz, Melnick, Adelberg XX II Ed., 2001.g. 29. Grūtniecība un toksoplazmoze. Inese Muskate, Doctus, N 3, 2001.g. 30. Medicīniskā parazitoloģija (shēmas). A. Krūmiņa, Rīga, RSU, 1998.g. 31. Metodiskās rekomendācijas studentiem parazitoloģijā. A. Krūmiņa, L. Zinčenko, E. Nagle, O. Tretjuka, Rīga, AML, 1996.g. 32. Metodiskās rekomendācijas studentiem parazitoloģijā I daļa, O. Tretjuka, N. Voskoboinika, L. Zinčenko, Rīga, RMI, 1989.g. 33. Metodiskās rekomendācijas studentiem parazitoloģijā II daļa, O. Tretjuka, N. Voskoboinika, L. Zinčenko, Rīga, RMI, 1989.g.</p><p>18 34. Tortora, Funke, Case “Microbiology”, 1989.g. 35. Zinčenko L. Ģenētikas uzdevumi.(Metodiskie rekomendācijas SV I kursa studentiem), - R.:RSU, 2002., 18 lpp. 36. Zinčenko L. Cilvēka ģenētikas pamati. R: RSU, 2002., 45 lpp. 37. Zinčenko L. Vienšūņi – cilvēka parazīti. Rīga, RSU, 2004.g.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 18/05/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) – CHEMISTRY (category A)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Lector Aija Gulbe</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Lector Aija Gulbe, teacher Maruta Zariņa</p><p>19 Auditory – 1st year (full and part time) students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 4 CP</p><p>Aim – to give to students’ knowledge about basic course of general chemistry, more attention paying to chapters necessary to master sciences in food chemistry and special nutrition. </p><p>Tasks – students are to master skills to use acquired knowledge when they solve theoretical and practical tasks in chemistry.</p><p>Content of subject – 1. Basic classes of inorganic compounds, their interrelation and properties. 2. Determinative concepts and fundamentals in chemistry. 3. Process of oxidation – deoxidization. 4. Atomic structure and chemical bond. 5. Theoretical basics of organic chemistry. Hydrocarbons. 6. Hydrocarbon halogen fluxions, spirits, phenols. 7. Aldehydes and ketons. 8. Carbon acids and their functional fluxions – anhydrides, esters, halogen anhydrides, amides. 9. Amines. 10. Hetero-cyclic compounds. Compounds with functional groups in nature and food products.</p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of 2nd semester</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to know inorganic and organic chemistry on the volume of secondary scool program.</p><p>Literature 1. A. Rauhvargers “Vispārīgā ķīmija”, 1996.,Rīga, “Zinātne”, 383 lpp. 2. N. Gļinka “Vispārīgā ķīmija”, 1991.,Rīga, “Zinātne”, 685 lpp. 3. B.A. Молочко‚ С.В. Кринкина, “Xимия″, Mосква, “Xимия”, 646 lpp. 4. I. Meirovics. Organiskā ķīmija, “Zvaigzne”, Rīga, 1992. 5. O. Neilands. Organiskā ķīmija, “Zvaigzne”, Rīga, 1977. Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 27/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – MEDICAL BIOPHYSICS (category B)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor Uldis Teibe</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Professor Uldis Teibe, Docent Imants Kalniņš and the others</p><p>20 Auditory – 1st year 2nd semester Bachelor degree program students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to acquire knowledge and skills in medical physics necessary in practical work for specialists in nutrition. </p><p>Tasks – to teach students’ the main conceptions of the theoretical basics of medical physics, to work with laboratory equipment and solve tasks. </p><p>Content of subject – Biomechanics. Biomaterials, their physical properties. Biomechanics of gasses and liquids. Hemodynamics. Acoustics. Audition. Ultrasound and infra-sound. Vibrations. Basics of thermodynamics. Electric charge. Electric field. Direct current, its laws. Magnetic field. Alternating current. Transformers. Three-phase chains. Electromagnetic oscillations and waives. Optics. Human optic analyzers. Vision defects and their preclusion. Physical basics of vision. Natural sources of electromagnetic field. Ionizating radiation. Dosimetery. Physical fields of human body – kinds. Sources and research methods. Protection against uncongenial influence of external physical factors. Work safety.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in physics on the level of secondary School program, attend all practical classes.</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. Fizika (A. Valtera redakcijā) - R.: Zvaigzne, 1984., 734 lpp. 2. Grabovskis R. Fizika. - R.: Zvaigzne, 1983, 648 lpp. 3. Teibe U., Berķis U., Kalniņš I., Avota Z.,. Sprieslis J, Poriņš V.. Laboratorijas darbi fizikā (1. un 2. semestris) - Rīga, AML, 2001., 76 4. Uzziņu materiāls fizikā un biofizikā datortīklā un multimediju materiāli. 5. Methodic materials from the Department. Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 27/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – INFORMATION SCIENCE</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor Uldis Teibe</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Professor Uldis Teibe, Docent Imants Kalniņš and the others</p><p>Auditory – 1st year 1st semester Bachelor degree program students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>21 Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim - to acquire knowledge and skills in computer knowledge and information science necessary in practical work for specialists in nutrition</p><p>Tasks - to teach students’ the main conceptions of the theoretical basics of information science and computer knowledge, to work and find information in computer network, to use e-mail, to frame and edit texts, electronic tables, graphic pictures and diagrams.</p><p>Content of subject – Subject of information science. Conception about computer structure And programs. Text editors. Graphical editors. Databases. Conception about computer network and e-mail. Multimedia systems.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course </p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in mathematics and basic course in information science on the level of Secondary School program, attend all practical classes.</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. Ķiņķere A. Microsoft Excel 2000 no A līdz Z.2. grāmata. – Rīga: Datorzinību centrs, 2000 – 136 lpp. 2. Ķiņķere A., Norņicka S. Microsoft Excel 2000 no A līdz Z.1. grāmata. – Rīga: Datorzinību centrs, 2000 –136 lpp. 3. Murāne D., Pāvilsone I. Microsoft Word 2000 no A līdz Z. – Rīga: Datorzinību centrs, 2000 –136 lpp. 4. Murāne D., Sataki K. Microsoft Word 97 no A līdz Z. - R.: Datorzinību Centrs, 1999, 116 lpp 5. Murāne I.. Internet - tas ir vienkārši. - R.: Datorzinību Centrs, 1997., 234 lpp. 6. Nāgelis J. Microsoft Access 2000 … no A līdz Z. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: Datorzinību Centrs, 2000, 181 lpp. 7. Nāgelis J.. Microsoft Access ikvienam. - R.: Datorzinību Centrs, 1998., 200 lpp. 8. Narņicka S., Vēzis V. Microsoft Excel 97 ikvienam. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: Datorzinību Centrs, 1999, 200 lpp. 9. Uzziņu materiāli lāzerdiskos un datortīklā. 10. Vēzis V.. Microsoft Excel 5.0 ikvienam. - R.: Datorzinību Centrs, 1996., 200 lpp.</p><p>22 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 27/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – MEDICAL STATISTICS and DATABASES</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor Uldis Teibe</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Professor Uldis Teibe, Docent Imants Kalniņš, Lector Oskars Rasnačs and the others</p><p>Auditory – 1st year 1st semester Bachelor degree program students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR </p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to give to students’ knowledge and skills in general statistics, mathematical statistics and applied mathematics necessary both for mastering the other subjects </p><p>23 and for rehabilitologists in general</p><p>Tasks – to teach the basic conceptions and methods of general statistics, theory of chances and mathematical statistics; basic conceptions of analysis of correlation, factors and discrimints; basic conceptions of databases and theories of databases management systems: to process results and questionnaire data by using computers (programs Excel, SPSS and Access); to make and edit tables, diagrams, databases: to perform test of simple statistical hypotheses; to search information in databases; to make own database.</p><p>Content of subject – Introduction. Yield of data. Absolute and relative values. Basics of Theory of chances. Data interpretation. Graphical depiction of statistic data. Tasks of mathematical statistics. Average amplitude. Indicators of variation. Basics of analysis of dispersion. Test of hypotheses. Elements of theory of correlation. Analysis of regression. Non-parameter statistics. Ranges of dynamics. Cognition about the analysis of factors. Databases. Nature of database. Conception about the database management system. Elements and resources of database system (data, methods of data access and processing). Principle of independence. Levels of database representation: conceptual or logic, internal, external. Database physical and logical model. Structure of data. Relations. Operations with relations. Administration of databases. Security of databases. Rights to access. Encryption of information. Use of database for automation of offices.</p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in mathematics on the level of Secondary school Program; attendance of all practical classes. </p><p>Literature 1. Altman D. et al. Statistics with confidence. - BMJ, 2000, pp. 240. 2. Altman D. Practical Statistics for Medical Research. - Chapman & Hall, 1997, pp. 612. 3. Arhipova I., Ramute L, Paura L. Datu statistiskā apstrāde ar Microsoft Excel. Mācību līdzeklis studentiem. Jelgava: LLU, 1998,-159 lpp. 4. Christensen R. Analysis of variance. Design and Regression. Applied statistical methods. Chapman & Hall, London, 1996, p. 587. 5. Gujarati D. Essentials of econometrics. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1992, p.466. 6. Krastiņš 0. Statistika un ekonometrija. Mācību līdzeklis augstskolām. Rīga: LR Centrālās statistikas pārvalde, 1998, 436 lpp. 7. Krastiņš 0. Varbūtību teorija un matemātiskā statistika. Mācību grāmata. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1985, - 359 lpp. 8. Liepa I. Biometrija. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1974, 336 lpp. 9. Lwanga S. K., Tye C., Ayeni O. Teaching health statistics. - WHO, Geneva, 1999, pp. 230. 10. Mead R., Curnow R. N., Hasted A. M. Statistical methods in agriculture and experimental biology. Chapman & Hall, London, 1993, p.415. 11. Nāgelis J. Microsoft Access 2000 … no A līdz Z. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: Datorzinību Centrs, 2000, 181 lpp. 12. Narņicka S., Vēzis V. Microsoft Excel 97 ikvienam. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: Datorzinību Centrs, 1999, 200 lpp. 13. Norušis M.J. SPSS 8.0 Guide to Data Analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1998. p. 564.</p><p>24 14. Pagano M., Gauvreau K. Principles of Biostatistics. - Duxbury, 2000, pp. 525. 15. Raščevska M., Kristapsone S. Statistika psiholoģijas pētījumos. - R.: Izglītības soļi, 2000, 356 lpp. 16. Rosner B. Fundamentals of Biostatistics. - Duxbury, 2000, pp. 792. 17. Vasermanis E., Šķiltere D. Statistika I. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 1996, - 78 lpp.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) - HISTOLOGY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor Māra Pilmane</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Professor Māra Pilmane and Assistant</p><p>Auditory – 1st year 2nd semester students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to give to students knowledge about the structure of human cells, tissues and, particularly, organs of head and face, especially marking mutual regulation’s morpho- functional mechanisms of digestive, respiratory, endocrine and nerve systems, age alterations, compensatory and adaptation reactions, complex development of digestive system and regulating it factors. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To form positive attitude and understanding of functional histology of digestive, respiratory, endocrine, nerve and sense systems, and embryology. 2. To teach students to work with histological preparations.</p><p>25 3. To teach students in documentation of different kind histological preparation. 4. To teach students to distinguish the main digestive, respiratory, nerve systems and sense organs’ groups of tissue according to their histological chemes and photos. 5. To teach students to work with a special literature, write reports, to speak in classes, to demonstrate histological preparations.</p><p>Content of course – Introduction into histology. Doctrine about tissues. Epithelium tissues. Inward tissues. Blood. Blood and immune system. Muscle tissues. Nerve tissues and nerve system. Skin, hair. Individualities of mucosa in oral cavity. Digestive system and its development. Organs of sense. Respiratory system. Neuro – endocrine system. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to attend lectures and practical classes.</p><p>Literature 1. “Introduction to functional Histology”, I.R.Telford, C.F.Bridgman, 2d ed, Harper Collins CollegePublishers, 1995; 2. “Histoloģija”, A.Dālmane, O.Koroļova, Rīga “Zvaigzne”, 1990; 3. “Text/Atlas of Histology”, T.S. Leeson, C.R. Leeson, A.A. Paparo, W.B. Saunders co, Philadelphia, 1988; 4. “A color Atlas and text of oral anatomy, histology and embryology”, B.K.B. Berkovitz, G.R. Holland, B.J.Moxham, Mosby-Wolfe, 1995; 5. “Orban's histology and embryology”, St. Lois, 1990; 6. Review Questions for human Histology. Burns, New York, 1995. 7. „Human Histology“, Alan Stevens and James Lowe, 3d edition, Elsevier Mosby, 2005; 8. “Sobotta Atlas Histologie Zytologie, Histologie, Mikroskopische Anatomie“, 7th ed., herausgegeben von Ulrich Welsch, Urban und Fischer, 2005.</p><p>26 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 18/05/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) – FIRST AID</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor I. Vanags</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Professor I. Vanags, Docent E. Daugulis Associated Professor A. Sondore, Assistant R. Spručs and the others</p><p>Auditory – 1st year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to teach students’ what to do in urgent, danger for life situation before medical person arrives.</p><p>Tasks – to know how to do basal cardio-pulmonary reanimation, to stop dangerous for life bleeding, to immobilize extremities in case of skeleton trauma, to render aid in cases of thermal traumata, overheat, hypertermia and acute poisonong.</p><p>Content of subject – steps at the place of accident. Practical process of cardio-pulmonary reanimation. Bleeding. Shock. Skeleton injuries. Hurts. Thermal injuries. Poisoning.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in human anatomy, biology and physiology on the level of Secondary school program.</p><p>27 Literature</p><p>1. Materials of lectures and practical classes. 2. Advanced Trauma Life Support. Course for Physicians. Raymond H.Alexander, Herbert S.Pructor. 1995, 396 p. 3) Traumas pacients. D.Krieviņa redakcijā. 2000, 312 lpp. 3. Neatliekamā palīdzība. Atdzīvināšana. D.Krieviņa redakcijā. 2003. </p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 03/06/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) – MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY IN LATIN LANGUAGE</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Lector L. Krusta</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Lector L. Krusta, Lector A. Zilvestre</p><p>Auditory – 1st year 1st semester students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP (20 h – practical classes)</p><p>Aim – 1. To read and translate Latin and Greek terms. 2. To form and correctly use anatomic and clinical terms.</p><p>Tasks – 1. Correctly to read and write Latin and Greek terms. 2. To learn correct translation and usage of terms.</p><p>Content of subject – 1. Technique of reading. 2. Forming of anatomic and clinical terms. 3. Review of five declinations of noun. 4. Review of usage of adjectives in anatomic terms. 5. Integrated and un-integrated adjunct. 6. Structure of anatomical and clinical terms. 7. Endings of nouns and adjectives in anatomical terms. 8. Latin and Greek prefixes in anatomical terms. 9. Forming of terms and translation. 10. Greek synonyms and their usage in clinical terms. 11. Usage of Greek term-elements in clinical terms. 28</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Literature 1. V.Erte “Lingua Latīna pro medicis”, R., LMA, 1992. 2. J.Gorodkova “Latīņu valoda”, R., Zvaigzne, 1988</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Lector Mg.phil. Ināra Ābelīte</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Lectors Mg.phil. Ināra Ābelīte, Mg.paed. Ņ. Zazerska, Mg.paed. O. Voika Auditory – 2nd year 2nd- 4th semester students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 5 CP</p><p>Aim – 1. To develop comprehensive skills and proficiency in English language for further studies and work in specialty. 2. To facilitate mastering and practical usage of special terminology. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To teach students’ to read and understand popular science publications (authentic). 2. To teach students’ to write annotations and reviews. 3. To teach to work with dictionary. 4. To develop skills for social contacts necessary for work with patients. 5. To know to orient in indicative abstracts.</p><p>Content of subject – 1. Perfection of reading skills (pronunciation of medical terms, stree). 2. Usage of language (sistematization of grammar structures). 3. Work with dictionary, passive / reproductive lexicon (forming of an individual lexicon in specialty). 4. Activization of colloquial speech. 5. Writing. 6. Individual work – home reading. 7. Themes for discussions – education, human body, health, care, likeness, dietary, diseases and their symptoms, meals, food and health.</p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of 4th semester (orally – report and in writing) </p><p>29 Requirements for auditory – Obligatory attendance of practical classes</p><p>Literature 1. Textbook: M.Sosare "English that Doctors speak",1998 Medically Speaking (with cassettes) 2. English in Medicine (with cassettes) 3. Journals: JAMA, Nursing, Science, etc. 4. Science in Medicine.VAO Special English Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 24/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – PHYSIOLOGY (category A)</p><p>Managers of subject (course) – Professor L. Aberberga-Augškalne, Docent A. Krauja</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Faculty members</p><p>Auditory - Students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 4 CP</p><p>Aim – To give knowledge about the functions of healthy body and skills to use this knowledge for further studies in medicine.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To define physiological terms and expressions. 2. To understand and explain control and regulation of body functions on different level (cell, organ, system, body). 3. To acquire practical skills to determinate basic functions of body. 4. To acquire skills that helps to integrate and evaluate information and to come to well- grounded conclusions. 5. To distinguish usage of physiological mechanism in practice.</p><p>Content of subject: General physiology. Regulation of organism’s functions. Interrelated systems in organism, their functions. Digestive system, exchange of substances and energy. Food, nutrition.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of 1st semester, examination at the end of 2nd semester; Independent individual work on one’s own choice </p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in human anatomy, biology, biochemistry</p><p>Literature</p><p>30 1. Fizioloģija rehabilitologiem. „Nacionālais medicīnas apgāds“, 2002. 2. Cilvēka fizioloģija. „Zvaigzne“, 1986. 455lpp 3. Wander, A. Human physiology: The mechanisms of body funkcion. New York, 1990. 5 th ed. – 800p 4. Sherwood, L. Human physiology from cells to systems. 1993. 2nd ed. – 834p. 5. Fox, S. Human physiology. 1987. 2nd ed. – 701p. Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – MICROBIOLOGY (category A)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Lector Ilze Strepmane</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Lector Ilze Strepmane</p><p>Auditory – 1st year 2nd semester and 2nd year 3rd semester students of FR</p><p>Volume – 4 CP</p><p>Aim – 1. To give to students’ knowledge about the world of microorganisms and viruses, their properties and prevalence in environment; the role of microorganisms and viruses in initiation of infectious diseases and development of immune response. 2. To give knowledge about the methods of disinfection and sterilization of medical instruments and equipment. 3. To give knowledge about the role of microorganisms in obtaining, keeping and realizing food products. 4. To give knowledge about human body micro-flora, its role. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To introduce with morphology of microorganisms and viruses, their properties and influence on microorganism. 2. To let to understand a role of microorganisms in etiology and pathogenesis of infectious diseases as well as to get general notion about clinical progress, prophylaxis and therapy of more common infectious diseases. 3. To give understanding about the protection mechanism of human body against infectious diseases. 4. To get acquainted with the latest diagnostic methods in bacteriology and virology. 5. To master principles of food production microbiological technologies. 6. To get acquainted with the microbiological control methods of food.</p><p>Check-up -Examination </p><p>Requirements for auditory – 1. Grounding in biology, cytology and anatomy. 2. Attendance of practical classes and lectures.</p><p>31 3. Successfully pass colloguy. </p><p>Literature 1. V. I. Kalniņa “Virusoloģija”, Nacionālais apgāds, 2003. 2. Metodiskās rekomendācijas praktiskajām nodarbībām. “Vispārējā mikrobioloģija”, Rīga, RSU/AML, 2005. gada 16. jūnijs 3. Metodiskās rekomendācijas Medicīnas fakultātes studentiem praktiskajām nodarbībām. “Infekcija un imunitāte”, Rīga, RSU, 2005. gada 16. jūnijs 4. Lekciju konspekti. Specišlā mikrobioloģija. Rīga, AML, 1994 5. Lekciju piezīmes mikrobioloģijā. Stomatoloģijas fakultātes studentiem. Rīga, AML, 1997.</p><p>32 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/04/2005 Title of subject (course) – SPORT FOR HEALTH</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – I. Vinberga</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – M. Hoferte, I. Upeniece</p><p>Auditory – 1st year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Tasks – 1. To improve movements skills and proficiency in various kinds of sport. 2. To improve knowledge about the evaluation of physical readiness and operational capability and usage of corresponding physical exercises and load for health strengthening. 3. To fix operational capability and to control its changes during the sport activities. </p><p>Content of subject – 1. Aerobic exercises, their specifics. 2. Generally expanding exercises. 3. Generally expanding exercises with various items (at the wall, on desk). 4. Various kinds of aerobics and rhythmic gymnastics with accompaniment. 5. Athletics. 6. Ductility exercises. 7. Sport games: basketball, volleyball, badminton. </p><p>Check-up – Pretests and tests during the course of study.</p><p>Requirements for auditory – promptly to perform and show different exercises.</p><p>Literature 1. Aberberga-Augškalne L. Fizioloģija rehabilitologiem. Rīga, Nacionālais apgāds, 2002, 215 lpp. 2. Brēmanis E. Sporta fizioloģija. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991, 224 lpp. 3. Delavjē F. Muskulatūras attīstīšana. Spēka vingrinājumi anatomiskā skatījumā. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2003, 124 lpp. 4. Grants J. Fiziskā audzināšana, sports un vesels bērns. Rīga, Mācību grāmata, 1997, 215 lpp. 5. Konrads A. Spēka attīstīšana. Rīga, LSPA, 2000, 92 lpp. 6. Nagle E. (sastādītāja) un autoru kolektīvs. Veselības grāmata. Apgāds Krauklītis, 1998, 226 lpp. 7. Rubana I. Veselības izglītības pamati. Rīga, RaKa, 1997, 143 lpp. 8. Švinks U. Vispārattīstošie vingrojumi sporta stundā. Rīga, 1997, 103 lpp. 9. Upeniece I. Fiziskā audzināšana Latvijā. Rīga, RaKa, 2000, 161 lpp. Form No. M-3</p><p>33 “Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – SPORT PEDAGOGY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – V. Arnis</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – M. Hoferte, I. Upeniece</p><p>Auditory – 2nd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – To facilitate understanding of prospective specialist about the usage of sport pedagogy in everyday practice.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To master exercises available for health strengthening and prophylaxis, their particularities and influence on human body. 2. To learn to determine optimal physical activity for different age groups. 3. To learn to use in practice knowledge and skills acquired in sport pedagogy.</p><p>Content of subject – Lectures: 1. Physical activity and health. 2. Short description of history and perspectives in healthy sport. 3. The importance of physical activities in prophylaxis. 4. The importance of physical activities in prophylaxis of fatty. 5. The main functions of healthy sport. 6. Exercises used in healthy sport. 7. Basic indicators of optimal physical load. 8. Basic principles of health facilitating training. 9. Physical properties, methodic of development. 10. General characterization of sport, its multiplicity.</p><p>Practical classes: 8. Aerobic exercises, their specifics. 9. Generally expanding exercises. 10. Various kinds of aerobics and rhythmic gymnastics with accompaniment. 11. Athletics. 12. Ductility exercises. 13. Sport games.</p><p>Check-up – Pretests and tests during the course of study.</p><p>Requirements for auditory – promptly to perform and show different exercises.</p><p>34 Literature</p><p>1. Aberberga-Augškalne L. Fizioloģija rehabilitologiem. Rīga, Nacionālais apgāds, 2002, 215 lpp. 2. Brēmanis E. Sporta fizioloģija. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991, 224 lpp. 3. Delavjē F. Muskulatūras attīstīšana. Spēka vingrinājumi anatomiskā skatījumā. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2003, 124 lpp. 4. Grants J. Fiziskā audzināšana, sports un vesels bērns. Rīga, Mācību grāmata, 1997, 215 lpp. 5. Grasis N., Dzenis A., Grāvītis U. u.c. Trenera rokasgrāmata. Rīga, 2003, 304 lpp. 6. Konrads A. Spēka attīstīšana. Rīga, LSPA, 2000, 92 lpp. 7. Švinks U. Vispārattīstošie vingrojumi sporta stundā. Rīga, 1997, 103 lpp. 8. Švinks U. Valoda sportā. Rīga, N.I.M.S., 1998, 176 lpp. 9. Švinks U. Studentu sports. Rīga, LSPA< 2001, 41 lpp. 10. Upeniece I. Fiziskā audzināšana Latvijā. Rīga, RaKa, 2000, 161 lpp.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/05/2005</p><p>35 Title of subject (course) – AESTHETIC GROUP GYMNASTICS</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Maruta Hoferte</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Maruta Hoferte</p><p>Auditory – RSU students</p><p>Volume – 2 CP (20 classes)</p><p>Aim – To awake interest in Aesthetic group gymnastics </p><p>Tasks – 1. To introduce with the basic principles of aesthetic group gymnastics. 2. To develop culture of movement, body plastic, grace and femininity. 3. Advantages of aesthetic group gymnastics in comparison with another kinds of gymnastics. 4. To master basics of aesthetic group gymnastics.</p><p>Content of subject: 1. Introduction into history of aesthetic group gymnastics. 2. History of development of aesthetic gymnastics in Latvia and world. 3. Aesthetic group gymnastics – a new and perspective kind of gymnastics in the world. 4. Aesthetic group gymnastics in comparison with the other kinds of gymnastics – art, rhythmic and women gymnastics. 5. Basic elements of aesthetic group gymnastics – waves, wags, swirls, equilibrium, hops. 6. Choice of music in aesthetic group gymnastics. 7. Combination of music and elements of movement in an aesthetic group gymnastics. 8. Basics of composition. 9. Performance presentation. 10. Use of original and untraditional tools in composition. 11. Advantage of aesthetic group gymnastics – from childhood to great age. 12. Development possibilities for aesthetic gymnastics in Latvia. 13. Race regulations and basics of judgement in aesthetic group gymnastics.</p><p>Check-up - Pretest</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. Auziņa I. Lielā Fitnesa grāmata. Rīga, Jumava, 2000. 2. Brēmanis E. Sporta fizioloģija. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991. 3. Jaružnijs N., Švinks U. Ritmiskā vingrošana. Rīga, Avots, 1990. 4. Kūpers.K. Aerobika veselībai. Rīga, Zinātne, 1990. 5. Pirmie starptautiskie kursi Estētiskajā grupu vingrošanā Somijā, Helsinkos, 2000. 6. Metodiskie materiāli:</p><p>36 7. Finnish Gymnastics and Fitness Association. International rules of Aesthethic Group Gymnastic, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) – ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Mag.oec. Māra Kakse</p><p>37 Readers involved in subject program – Mag.oec. Māra Kakse</p><p>Auditory – 1st year 2nd semester students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP (40 h)</p><p>Aim – to give a knowledge and skill in basic subjects of economics and business; to teach necessary comprehensive skills in accounting.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To cause apprehension about essence, basic questions, terms, planning and foundation of business. 2. Received knowledge to strengthen at seminars and practical classes. 3. Every student has to work out independent work – business plan.</p><p>Content of subject – 1. Introduction into market economics; basics of economics. Insufficiency of resources and needs. 2. General basics of market functioning, multiple forms of property. Demand and supply. Price of balance. 3. Market and forms of competition. 4. Essence and functions of business. Business and enterprise. 5. Business plan – its essence, necessity, structure, methodic of making and application. 6. Business environment, means and their structure. 7. Allowances of production and realization. Cost price and its determination. 8. Essence of profit and its economical content. 9. Risk factors in business, their kinds and influence on results. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in basics of Civil law, History of Latvia, theory of politics ans philosophy; attendance of lectures and practical classes.</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. V.Bikse. Tirgus ekonomikas pamati. 1.daļa. R, 2000. 2. G. Libermanis. Īpašuma attiecības un uzņēmējdarbības formas. R, Kamene,1998. 3. G.Libermanis. Tirgus, cena, konkurence. R, Kamene, 1996. 4. V.Nešpors. Ievads ekonomikā. R, Kamene, 2002. 5. A.Klauss. Uzņēmējdarbība. Ventspils, 1998 6. O.Joksts. Saistību tiesības saimnieciskajos darījumos. Turība, 2003 7. M.Rūrāne. Uzņēmējdarbības organizācija un plānošana. Turība, 2002. 8. K.G.Hofs. Biznesa ekonomika. R, J.Rozes apgāds 2002. 9. Kas Latvijas uzņēmējasm jāzina par ES? Apgāds Rasa ABC, 2002. 10. Biznesa plāna ceļvedis. Pētergailis, 1994.</p><p>38 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 11/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY IN GERMAN LANGUAGE</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Lector Mg.philol. Aija Zilvestre</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Lector Mg.philol. Aija Zilvestre</p><p>Auditory – 1st year students with grounding in German language from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>39 Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to improve and systematize skills in German language; to master medical terminology for independent work with medical literature; to form students’ intercultural conversance.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To read and understand special medical literature. 2. To orient in descriptions about food and food refines. 3. To improve colloquial speech.</p><p>Content of subject – 1. Development and improvement of reading skills. 2. Work with dictionary. 3. Writing (business letters, CV, letter of motivation, annotation, application forms).</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Regular attendance of classes </p><p>Literature 1. Deutsch im Krankenhaus (Leh- und Arbeitsbuch) Langenscheidt, 1999 2. K.Sējeja, A.Straube “Deutsche Lehrtexte für Mediziner” 3. U.Nagel, Ch.Romberg Deutsch im Beruf – Medizin (Teil I) Kessler Verlag für Sprachmethodik, 1989 4. H.Birkenfeld, M.Roschek, Medizin 1, 2 Hueber Verlag, 1994 5. Authentic texts in German language.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 11/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – RUSSIAN LANGUAGE </p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Lector Irēna Vaļkova</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Lector Irēna Vaļkova</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students with grounding in Russian language students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP, practical classes</p><p>Aim – to facilitate mastering of special medical terminology in Russian language, to </p><p>40 develop skills in use of practical language.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To improve colloquial speech necessary for work in specialty. 2. To facilitate students’ to read and understand authentic texts as well as special literature in Russian language.</p><p>Content of subject: 1. Reading of medical terms (pronunciation, stress). 2. Use of language on basis of systematization of grammar structures. 3. Work with dictionary. 4. Improvement colloquial speech. 5. Writing skills. 6. Individual work (home reading, report – in writing or orally, annotation – in writing).</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course. </p><p>Requirements for auditory – Obligatory attendance of practical classes</p><p>Literature 1. "Практический курс русского языка" Москва,"Арсис Лингва", 1993 г. 2. Сараева А.Н. Хочешь быть грамотным - стань! Пособие по русскому языку. Орфография. Теис – 2002 3. Л.Вербицкая Давайте говорить правильно. Пособие по русскому языку. Высшая школа, 2003. 4. J.Tiškina Pie ārsta. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga, 1989</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – ALTERNATIVE SOCIAL LABOUR: DIACONIA AND CHRISTIAN SOCIAL LABOUR</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Dr.phil. Lolita Vilka</p><p>Auditory - Students from Academic school of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to form notion about the tradition of Christian service and place of Christian social work in the practice of contemporary social work.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To introduce with the theological basics of Christian service.</p><p>41 2. To give notion about the theological methods and principles that is a basement of motivation to Christian service. 3. To give comparative understanding about the Christian and post-modern world outlook. 4. To five understanding about the social dimension of Christian service, to introduce with forms and kinds of Christian service in work with different target groups. 5. Integration of Christian service and social labour as an innovative paradigm in theory and practice of social work.</p><p>Content of subject: 1. Bible doctrines. 2. Bible anthropology: Imago Dei. 3. Belief and unbelief. 4. Sin. Alienation from God – spiritual death, mutiny. 5. Sin and social problems. 6. “Caritas” principles in Christian service. 7. “Sent to serve” – Deaconia’s basic principle and social dimension. 8. Spiritual healing and its forms. 9. Acquiesce with God. 10. Inward healing, healing of wounded emotions. 11. Riddance from “spiritual chains”. 12. Corporate spiritual liberation of community and society. 13. Prayer. 14. Proviso of spiritual hygiene in caritative practice: forms, ways and methods of its realization. 15. Possibilities of Christian healing: problems, perspectives. 16. International organizations of Christian social work and deaconic service and their role in coordination of Christian service. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – regular mastering of theoretical literature, quality of seminars, independent work – report.</p><p>Literature 1. Bible. 2. History of theology. 3. Dišlers G. Dievs un cilvēku vēsture Vecajā Derībā. R.: Jumava, 2001. 4. Stark, Rodney and Lynne Roberts. 2002. Contemporary Social Research Methods: A Text Using MicroCase®, 3rd Ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson Learning. 5. De Santo, C. Christian Perspectives on Social Problems. Scottdale: Herald Press, 1983. (Library owns the 1992 ed.) 6. Dorothy C. Bass, ed. Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. (Recommended Text: Study Guide, 1998) 7. Derrell Watkins. Christian Social Ministry: An Introduction. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1994. 8. Hugen, Beryl, ed. Christianity and Social Work: Readings on the Integration of Christian Faith and Social Work Practice. Butsford: North American Association of Christians in Social Work, 1998. 9. Perkins, John M. Beyond Charity: The Call to Christian Community Development. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993</p><p>42 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – CONFESSIONS AND NOVEL RELIGION MOVEMENTS IN LATVIA</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Nikandr Gills</p><p>Auditory – 1st year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 20 h</p><p>Aim – To introduce students with religious life in Latvia – history and our days; to show its multi-confessional expression. To inform what is common and different in the world’s feeling, notion and action among representatives from separate religions and confessions.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To give to students historical, sociological, philosophical and theological information about the religious life in Latvia in history. 2. To introduce with activities of traditional for Latvia religions and confessions, religious groups and movements. 3. To introduce students with representatives from different religions and confessions, religious groups and movements.</p><p>43 4. To establish contact with official representatives from churches, congregations and missions.</p><p>Content of subject – Acquaintance with a history of religion and confessions in Latvia in its multi-form aspects and their situation in our days as well as to introduce with representatives from different religious organizations.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Obligatory attendance of lectures and seminars. Summary of literature and reports.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – HISTORY OF PEDAGOGY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Irēna Upeniece</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Irēna Upeniece</p><p>Auditory - Students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to facilitate understanding about the humans and society in a historical aspect, observing needs, systems and development tendencies in nurture and education.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To master knowledge about the history of pedagogy in different stages of society’s development. 2. To facilitate understanding about the priorities for education in the process of society’s development in several countries of the world. </p><p>Content of subject: 1. Subject, sources and research methods in history of pedagogy. 2. Education in primeval society. Origination of Education conception. 3. Educational and pedagogical conceptions in the Ancient East countries (China, Egypt, India, etc.).</p><p>44 4. Slavery. Nurture and education in the Ancient Greece. Education ideals in Spartan and Athens. Pedagogic viewpoint of Ancient Greece thinkers (Socrates, Platoon, Aristotle, etc.). 5. Education and school in Ancient Rome. The most distinguished representatives of pedagogical idea (Cicerone, Quintillion, etc.). 6. Feudalism. Cloister schools. Cathedral schools. Knighthood. Medieval universities. 7. Renascence. The role of renascence in development of education. 8. Utopias. The most characteristic concepts of utopists. 9. Reformation. 10. Lightening. 11. Pedagogical directions and pedagogical views in 19th – 20th century. Humanism. Pragmatism. 12. Pedagogical direction in modern world. Alternative pedagogy.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. Žukovs L. Pedagoģijas vēsture. R.,1999. 2. Ķestere I. Pedagoģijas vēsture R.,2005. 3. Obšteins K. Pedagoģijas vēsture. 1. - 4. d., R.,1929.-1932. 4. Komenskis J.A. Lielā didaktika. R., 1992. 5. Rubenis A. Senās Grieķijas dzīve un kultūra R., 1994. 6. Rubenis A.Senās Romas dzīve un kultūra. R., 1995. 7. Rubenis A. Viduslaiku dzīve un kultūra Eiropā. R.,1994. 8. Rubenis A. Dzīve un kultūra Eiropā renesanses un reformācijas laikmetā. R.,1994. 9. Rubenis A. Dzīve un kultūra Eiropā absolūtisma un apgaismības laikmetā. R., 1996. 10. Saļimova K. u.c. Ārzemju pedagoģijas vēstures apcerējumi. 1-4 d. Liepāja. 1994., 1995. 11. Seile V. Pedagoģijas vēsture. Daugavpils, 1943. </p><p>45 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – CULTURE OF BEHAVIOUR AND INTERFACE</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Irēna Upeniece</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Irēna Upeniece</p><p>Auditory - Students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to facilitate formation of understanding about successful interface, public utterance and standards of business-like etiquette that further should be used for public and patient – client weal.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To master basic axioms of art of interface. 2. To facilitate mastering of public utterance. 3. To review standards of business - like etiquette.</p><p>Content of subject: 1. Interface. Basic needs of personality. Temperament in interface. Life position in interface. 2. Structure of interface. Social perception. Exchange of information. Interaction of partners. 3. The first impression and its creation. Eye contact. Theory of interfaces. 4. Non-verbal interface. 5. Meaning of likeness in interface. Dress style. Dress colour. 6. Greeting. Visit-cards. Telephone talk. Presents and souvenirs. 7. Invitations. At the table: approach, compaction, toasts and speeches, discussions. 8. Verbal interface. 9. Ability to listen. Ability to ask. Ability to answer questions. 10. Public utterance. Ability to perform. </p><p>46 Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Literature 1. Žukovs L. Pedagoģijas vēsture. R.,1999. 2. Ķestere I. Pedagoģijas vēsture R.,2005. 3. Obšteins K. Pedagoģijas vēsture. 1. - 4. d., R.,1929.-1932. 4. Komenskis J.A. Lielā didaktika. R., 1992. 5. Rubenis A. Senās Grieķijas dzīve un kultūra R., 1994. 6. Rubenis A.Senās Romas dzīve un kultūra. R., 1995. 7. Rubenis A. Viduslaiku dzīve un kultūra Eiropā. R.,1994. 8. Rubenis A. Dzīve un kultūra Eiropā renesanses un reformācijas laikmetā. R.,1994. 9. Rubenis A. Dzīve un kultūra Eiropā absolūtisma un apgaismības laikmetā. R., 1996. 10. Saļimova K. u.c. Ārzemju pedagoģijas vēstures apcerējumi. 1-4 d. Liepāja. 1994., 1995. 11. Seile V. Pedagoģijas vēsture. Daugavpils, 1943. </p><p>47 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – THEORIES OF PERSONALITY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Irēna Upeniece</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Irēna Upeniece</p><p>Auditory - Students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to facilitate formation of understanding about the essence of psychology of personality in the process of its formation that further should be used for public and patient – client weal. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To master knowledge about the creators of theory of personality. 2. To facilitate understanding about the essence of psychology of personality. 3. To review different approaches to comprehension of personality.</p><p>Content of subject: 1. Personality and different approaches to its perception. Definition, structure, typology, directions and conceptions of personality. 2. Classic psychoanalysis. 3. Analytic psychology. 4. Individual psychology. 5. Psychoanalytic EGO psychology. 6. Humanistic psychoanalysis. 7. Cognitive orientation. 8. Transactive analysis. 9. Theory of self-actualization. 10. Theory of guide-mark.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Literature 1. Reņģe V. Personības psiholoģiskās teorijas. R.,1999. 2. Karpova Ā. Personība. Teorijas un to radītāji. R.,1998. 3. Fromms Ē. Mīlestības māksla. R.,2003. 4. Freids Z. Psihoanalīzes nozīme un vēsture. R.,1994. 5. Freids Z. Trīs apcerējumi par seksuālo teoriju. R.,1935.</p><p>48 6. Jungs K. Dvēseles pasaule. R.,1994. 7. Reņģe V., Lūsis K. Personības psiholoģiskā struktūra. R.,1988. 8. Reņģe V., Rubenis A. Cilvēks un kultūra. R., 1988. Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – METHODS OF ACTIVE DIDACTICS</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Irēna Upeniece</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Irēna Upeniece</p><p>Auditory - Students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to facilitate formation of understanding about the active methods of didactics used for successful contact with auditory – everywhere people come together to learn and improve. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To master how to present information successfully. 2. How to disengage participants in interface. 3. How to make feedback?</p><p>Tasks of subject: Brain storm. Role game. Work in-groups. On problem based method. Solving problem-situations. Discussions. Critical estimation. Cooperative work. Creative seminar. Games. Learning styles.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Literature 1. Rubana I.M. Mācīties darot. R.,2000. 2. Urdze T. Būt, zināt, prast. R.,1999. 3. Albrehta D. Didaktika. R., R.,2004. 4. Autoru kol. Plaudes I. Red. Kooperatīvā mācīšanās. R.,2004. 5. www.raka.lv </p><p>49 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) - BIOCHEMISTRY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Docent Māra Girgensone</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Docent Māra Girgensone</p><p>Auditory – 2nd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 4 CP</p><p>Aim – to give to students’ knowledge about molecular basics of human existence, accentuating the main component of food – carbohydrate as well as to teach to use this knowledge in mastering the further disciplines and in professional activities. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To expound the main theoretical questions. 2. To perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of some components of metabolism.</p><p>Content of subject: 1. Important for biochemistry hetero-functional compounds. 2. Biomedical important carbohydrates. 3. Biomedical important lipids. 4. Proteins – structure, classification, functions. 5. Enzymology. 6. In water and fat purgatory vitamins. 7. Bio-energetic. 8. Digestive process of the main food components – carbohydrates, fat and albumen. 9. Functions and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids. 10. Metabolism of nucleotides. 11. Metabolism of xenobiotics. 12. Biochemistry of hormones. 13. Biochemistry of food.</p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Knowledge in chemistry and biology on the level of secondary school and university 1st course level.</p><p>Literature 1. D. Cēdere, J. Logins. „Organiskā ķīmija ar ievirzi bioķīmijā”, Zvaigzne ABC, 1996 2. R. K. Murry, D. K. Granner, D. A. Mayes. „Hapers biochemistry”, Lange medical Publications, 2004. 3. Berg J. „Biochemistry”. New York, 2002. Form No. M-3</p><p>50 “Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) – FOOD CHEMISTRY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor V. Kreicbergs</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Professor V. Kreicbergs</p><p>Auditory – 2nd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR </p><p>Volume – 5 CP</p><p>Aim – to teach to students understanding about the chemical essence of food.</p><p>Tasks – to master structure and properties of food and its alteration in the process of production, processing and storage.</p><p>Content of subject: 1. In the course of Food chemistry is observed structure and properties of water, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. 2. Are analyzed compounds that form sensorial properties and pollution of food as well as observed food fixings. </p><p>Check-up - Examination</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in inorganic, analytic, organic, physical and colloid chemistry</p><p>Literature 1. Materials of lectureas and practical classes. 2. H.-D. Belitz, W. Grosch. Lehrbuch der Lebensmittelchemie. - Springer-Verlag, 1992. 3. Food chemistry / edited by Owen R. Fennema. – Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1996. 4. V. Baltess. Pārtikas ķīmija. - Latvijas Universitāte, 1998.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>51 “Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 26/06/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – PATHOLOGIC PHYSIOLOGY (category A)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor J. Leja</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Professor J. Leja, Lector D. Lutinska, Lector H. Kārkliņa</p><p>Auditory – 2nd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 3 CP</p><p>Aim – to give necessary for clinical disciplines basic knowledge as well as to teach the students to think clinically. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To give to students basic knowledge to master clinical medicine. 2. To teach students to think clinically. 3. To give additional information about the most often met pathological processes in the body. </p><p>Content of subject: Subject of pathologic physiology. General nosology. Standard pathologic processes. Doctrine of etiology, pathogenesis. Doctrine of disease. Disturbances of central, peripheral blood circulation and microcirculation. Hypoxy. Disturbances of cell functions. Inflammation. Fever, etiology, pathogenesis. Shock, etiology, pathogenesis, principles of classification. Forms of shock. Natural and untimely end. Stages. Terminal states, pathogenesis. Reanimatology, reanimation. Post-reanimation disease. Stress – forms, clinical triad. Basic stages, pathogenesis. Types and diseases of body constitution. Classification of constitution types. Immuno-pathology. Allergy. Auto-immune diseases. Oedema. Disturbances of albumen rotation. Disturbances of carbohydrates rotation. Etiology and pathogenesis of diabetes. Disturbances of lipid rotation. Disturbances of liver functions, etiology, pathogenesis. Disturbances of digestive system basic functions. Pathologic physiology of leukocytes. Acute and chronic leukosis. Disturbances of blood fibrillation. Etiology and pathogenesis of endocrine disturbances.</p><p>52 Metabolic processes in bones, their endocrine regulation. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, histology, normal physiology, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, anatomy. To attend practical classes.</p><p>Literature 1. J. Leja “Vispārīgā klīniskā patoloģiskā fizioloģija.” 2. J. Leja , E. Pevznere “Speciālā klīniskā patoloģiskā fizioloģija.” 3. Methodological materials: “Perifērās asinsrites traucējumi.”, Rīga, AML, 1993 “Ūdens-sāļu maiņas traucējumi.”, Rīga, AML, 1995 “Skābju-sārmu līdzsvara traucējumi.”, Rīga, AML, 1995 “Ogļhidrātu vielumaiņas traucējumi.”, Rīga, AML, 1994 “Diabetes mellitus.”, Rīga, AML, 1994 “Tauku un lipoīdu vielumaiņa.”, Rīga, AML, 1996 “Olbaltumvielu maiņas traucējumi.”, Rīga, AML, 1998 4. J. Leja “Klīnisko analīžu novērtēšana. I. Asinis. Asinsrece.” 5. J. Leja “Klīnisko analīžu novērtēšana. II. Urīns.” 6. J. Leja “Klīnisko analīžu novērtēšana. III. Organisma šķidrumi.” 7. J. Leja, E. Pvznere, R. Visockis “Medicīniskā ģenētika.” 616-092, M-49 8. Miller “Pathophysiology (Princeples of Disease), w.s. Sounders Company 616-092(07), 667 Basic Pathophysiology, A conceptual approch, The C.U. Mosby Company, London.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2004</p><p>53 Title of subject (course) – GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – G. Ķilkuts</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – V. Sīle, V. Sīlis</p><p>Auditory – 2nd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to introduce with basic concepts and theories of general psychology.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To master basic concepts of general psychology. 2. To introduce with human behaviour in groups. 3. To form and develop skills to understand human behaviour.</p><p>Content of course: Subject and specific of psychology. Insight in history of psychology. Biological basics of human behaviour. Psychology of development. Feelings and perception. Sense and its states. Thinking. Language and speech. Characterization of memory processes. Kinds of memory. </p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in humanities on the level of Secondary school program</p><p>Literature 1. Borns L.E., Ruso L.S. Psiholoģija (4 daļas) – Rīga, 2000. 2. Freids Z. Psihoanalīzes nozīme un vēsture – Lielvārde, 1994. 3. Jungs K. Psiholoģiskie tipi – Rīga, 1994. 4. Reņģe V. Psiholoģija – Rīga, 1999. 5. Reņģe V. Personības psiholoģija – Rīga, 2000. 6. Reņģe V., Lūsis K.Personības psiholoģiskā struktūra – Rīga, 1998. Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) – PSYCHOLOGY OF INTERFACE</p><p>54 Manager of subject (course) – V. Sīlis</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – S. Mežinska, I. Neiders, V. Sīle, G. Ķilkuts</p><p>Auditory – Full and half time students from the Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to introduce students with necessary conceptions of psychology of interface that will be necessary in their work with patients.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To form theoretically well-grounded notion about the kinds, functions and structure of interpersonal interface, as well as about language, cognitive and environment factors that essentially influence interface. 2. To rise students’ communicative efficiency as well as skills to analyze and influence process of interface. 3. To teach generalize and use acquired theoretical knowledge in practice – adequate solution of conflict situations, constructive relations with patients and their relatives as well as with colleagues. 4. To develop skills to give and receive information: to listen, ask and find adequate solutions in problem-situations. </p><p>Content of course: Basics of intra-personal communication – kinds, functions and structure of interface. Skills of interface – listening and answering, non-verbal and verbal communication. Dimensions and principles of interpersonal relations. Relations with social groups – family, friends, colleagues. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to know the basic conceptions and principles of communication theory</p><p>Literature 1. Garleja R. Sociālā uzvedība- Rīga, 1997. 2. Kupčs J. Saskarsmes būtība.- Rīga, 1997. 3. Omarova S. Cilvēks runā ar cilvēku – Rīga, 2001. 4. Omarovs S. Cilvēks dzīvo grupā-Rīga, 1996. 5. Pikeringa P. Strīdi, nesaskaņas, konflikti.- Rīga, 2000. 6. Reņģe V. Personības psiholoģija.- Rīga, 2003. 7. Saskarsme audzēkņiem. – Rīga, Jumava, 1999. 8. Saskarsme.- Rīga, Jumava, 2002. 9. Beebe, Steven A., Beebe, Susan J., Redmond, Mark V., Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1996. </p><p>55 10. DeVito, Joseph A., The Interpersonal Communication Book, 10th Edition, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 2003 11. Johnson, David W., Reaching out. Interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization, Prentice Hall, Minnesota 1972. 12. Ruscher, Janet B., Prejudiced Communication: A Social Psychological Perspective, The Guilford Press, New York, 2001 13. Trenholm S., Jensen A., Interpersonal Communication, 5th edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003 14. Wetherbe, James C., So, What's Your Point?: A Practical Guide to Learning & Applying Effective Techniques for Interpersonal Communication, Mead Pub, Houston, 1996</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) - ETHICS</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – I. Neiders</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – S. Mežinska, V. Sīlis, V. Sīle, G. Ķilkuts</p><p>56 Auditory – 2nd year 2nd semester students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to introduce students with ethics as a philosophic discipline and with the most important theories in ethics.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To introduce with contemporary notions about the professional ethics and medical ethics as one of fields where it is applied. 2. To develop skills to analyze and estimate, to use morally correct argumentation for substantiation of own positions and standpoints. 3. To learn to find out morally adequate solutions in cases from practice by using mastered basic principles and professional etiquette. </p><p>Content of course: Lectures - Introductory lecture: Morality and its function Insight in ethical problems of medicine</p><p>Seminars - Normative theories. Medical ethics</p><p>Check-up – Examination in writing at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to know basic conceptions and principles, to answer questions, attend practical classes.</p><p>Literature 1. Blackburn, S. “Dictionary of Philosophy”. Oxford University Press, 1996. 2. Klīve V.V. Rīcības ceļos. – Rīga, 1998. 3. Kūle, M. Kūlis, R. „Filosofija”, II izd., Rīga, Zvaigze ABC, 1998. 4. Razs Dž. Brīvības morāle. – Rīga, 2001. 5. Rubenis A. Ētika XX gadsimtā. Praktiskā ētika. – Rīga, 1996. 6. Rubenis A. Ētika XX gadsimtā. Teorētiskā ētika. – Rīga, 1997. 7. Rubenis A. Kristīgās antropoloģijas un ētikas veidošanās. – Rīga, 2004. 8. Sīle V. Medicīnas ētikas pamatprincipi. – Rīga, 1999. 9. Vorbertons N. „Filosofijas pamati.” Rīga, Raka, 2003.</p><p>57 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) - PHILOSOPHY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – I. Neiders</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – V. Sīlis, S. Mežinska, V. Sīle</p><p>Auditory – 2nd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to introduce students with the most important contemporary problems in </p><p>58 philosophy; to give colour to philosophy as a subject. </p><p>Aim – to introduce students with the most important contemporary problems in philosophy; to give colour to philosophy as a subject. Tasks – 1. To get acquainted with the specifics of philosophy, its relation to science and medicine. 2. To comprise skills to master philosophic texts independently. 3. To develop skills to argue own decisions. 4. To facilitate critical estimation of information – ability to discuss concrete theme, question, problem.</p><p>Content of course: Lectures - Introductory lecture: Solution of basic problems in philosophy. Epistemology I. Epistemology II. Psyche philosophy I. Psyche philosophy II. Psyche philosophy III.</p><p>Seminars - Bases of philosophy. The outer world. Bases of philosophy. Science. Bases of philosophy. Psyche. “Practical I”.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest in writing at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to take an active part in seminars.</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. S. Blackburn, "Dictionary of Philosophy". Oxford University Press, 1996. 2. D. Hjūms "Pētījums cilvēka sapratni". Rīga, Zvaigzne, 198 3. M. Kūle, R. Kūlis, “Filosofija”, II izd., Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 1998. A. Svece. "Praktiskais Es" Kentaurs XXI Nr. 21. 113-124. lpp. 4. L. Vitgenšteins "Dzeltenā grāmata" Kentaurs XXI. No. 20., 61.-73. lpp 5. N. Vorbertons "Filosofijas pamati.", Rīga, Raka, 2003.</p><p>59 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 24/05/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) – ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (category A)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Associated Professor B. Aulika</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Associated Professor B. Aulika</p><p>Auditory – 2nd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to teach students the basic principles of environmental health.</p><p>Tasks – to master necessary knowledge in environmental health, as well as necessary skills to use this knowledge in health retain and prevention of diseases by regulating relations between man and environment. </p><p>60 Content of subject: Importance of environmental health, tasks and methods. Physical properties of air. Natural and artificial lighting in the premises of health care. Chemical contamination of the air. Significance of the dust hygienic and chemical structure in health maintenance. Physiologic and hygienic significance of water. Indicators of the wholesome water inoffensiveness and its control. Water supply and its pollution.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in chemistry, biochemistry, physics, microbiology and physiology</p><p>Literature 1. Materials from lectures and practical classes. 2. “Higiēna”, prof. Z.Lindbergas redakcijā, Rīga, “Zvaigzne”, 1991. 3. “Cilvēka ekoloģija”. Sastādījusi prof. M.Eglīte, Rīga, 1993.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 19/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – METHODOLOGIC BASICS OF SCIENTIFIC WORK</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Assistant Lolita Cibule</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Assistant Lolita Cibule, Assistant Signe Tomsone</p><p>Auditory – Full and half time students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume - 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to develop basic skills to perform scientific research and critically read scientific articles.</p><p>Tasks – 1. Students must perform all foreseen in practice tasks. 2. Students must master the following skills: critically read scientific articles;</p><p>61 critically and independently reason by using mastered knowledge; to prepare and perform observation and questionnaire (interview) in quantitative research. </p><p>Content of course: Development of scientific philosophy. Scientific approaches: positivism, hermeneutics its characteristic features. Analysis of scientific articles (critical approach). Process of scientific research. Ethics in biomedical research. Kinds to receive information in research. Observation as data getting method in research. Questionnaire as data getting method in research. Interview as data getting method in research.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in human anatomy and physiology, pathologic physiology, pharmacology </p><p>Literature In Latvian language: 1. M. Raščevska, S. Kristapsone, (2000). Statistika psiholoģijas pētījumos, Rīga, SIA „Izglītības soļi”. 2. Baltiņš M. (2003) Lietišķā epidemioloģija. Rīga: Zinātne 3. Dravnieks J. (2000) Bakalaura pavārgrāmata. http://lspa.lanet.lv/metron/sakums.html (Internet) 4. Nucho A., Vidnere M. (2003). Intervēšanas prasme, Rīga: RaKa. </p><p>In English language: 1. Douglas G. Altman, (1997). Practical Statistics for Medical Research, Chapman & Hall. Stephen Polgar, Shane A.Thomas, Introduction to Research in to Health Sciences, Churchill Livingstone, 1991. 2. DePoy, E., Gitlin, L. (1998). Introduction to research: understanding and applying multiple stategies.Toronto: Mosby,Inc. </p><p>62 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) – BASICS OF CLINICAL CARE</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Ilze Umalas</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Ilze Umalas and the others</p><p>Auditory – 2nd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – knowledge and understanding concerning patient’s nurse, factors facilitating recovering, skills in performing clinical manipulations. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To understand functions of medical establishments; duties and rights of patients and staff. 2. To understand process nursing and its importance. 3. To know importance of convenient and safe environment in the period of treatment and recovery. 4. To observe labour hygiene of staff – correctly wash hands, observe and keep antiseptic in working premises. 5. To know to determine and evaluate indicators of radial pulse, body temperatures, breathing frequencies and arterial blood pressure. 6. To know ways and importance of introducing enteral and parenteral medicaments.</p><p>63 7. To know how to perform introduction of medicaments with inhaler in form of drops; to know how to avert possible complications. 8. To know possible ways of feeding. 9. To know introduction, withdrawn and care of naso-gastral probe. 10. To know kinds, functions of stoma and their care. 11. To know how to provide catharsis.</p><p>Content of course: Kinds, functions and structure of the health care institutions. Duties and rights of patients and staff. Process of clinical care and its importance. Patient and environment. Meaning of comfort in the recovering period. Tidiness of environment. Determination of patient’s vital parameters. Enteral introduction of medicaments. Parenteral introduction of medicaments. Intra-venous introduction of medicaments. Feeding of patients. Naso-gastral probes. Education of patients. Stomas, care of them. Education of patients and their relatives. Enemas. Obstipations, prophylaxis. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in human anatomy and physiology, pathologic physiology, pharmacology </p><p>Literature 1.Standarti procedūru tehnikā. Rokasgrāmata. Medicīnas profesionālās izglītības centrs, 1998. 2.Medicīnas māsas palīgs slimnieku kopšanā. Madonas tipogrāfija, 1994. 3.Šiliņa M., Dāboliņa D. Ievads aprūpē. 1998. 4.LEMON Mācību materiāli māsām. World Health Organization, 1996. 5. Lu Werne W.Lewis, Barbara K.Timby Fundamental Skills and Concepts in Patient Care. 4th Edition. Library of Congress Catologing-in-Publication Data J.B.Lippincott Company Philadelphia , 1988. 6.”Medicīniskās aprūpes rokasgrāmata” Jumava, 2001. 7. www. likumi.lv 8. J.Gardovska red. „Ķirurģija”, Rīga, 2001.</p><p>64 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 25/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – BASICS OF PHARMACOLOGY (A)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor I. Purviņš</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Lector S. Purviņa</p><p>Auditory – 2nd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 3 CP</p><p>Aim – to acquire practically useful knowledge in general and special pharmacology.</p><p>Tasks – mastering the basics of pharmacology, pharmalogical groups of remedies as well as practically important pharmaco-kinetic and pharmaco-dynamic remedies. </p><p>Content of course – 1. General pharmacology. 2. Special pharmacology. 2.1. Neuro-pharmacology. 2.2. Pharmacology of tissue metabolism. 2.3. Emunctory pharmacology. 2.4. Anti-parasite remedies pharmacology. 2.5. Anti-microbe remedies pharmacology. 2.6. Undesirable effects of remedies. 2.7. Interaction of remedies.</p><p>Check-up – Weekly tests and examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to know basics of normal and pathologic physiology and biochemistry; to orient in symptomatic and pathogenesis of different diseases.</p><p>65 Literature 1. Purviņš, S. Purviņa. Praktiskā farmakoloģija. 3.izd. 2002., 794 lpp. 2. Vispārīgās receptūras, praktiskās farmakoloģijas un farmakoterapijas pamatjautājumi. Purviņa redakcijā, 2003., 253 lpp. 3. Latvijas Zāļu grāmata 2004. 4. Katzung B.G. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. Appleton Lange (last ed.)</p><p>66 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 01/06/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – PUBLIC HEALTH</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor Ģirts Briģis</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Prof. Ģirts Briģis, Assoc. Prof. Anita Villeruša, Lector Ieva Strēle, Teacher Inese Stars </p><p>Auditory – 2nd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to give knowledge and understanding in basics of public health and contemporary epidemiology as well as to form in students scientific, systematic and analytical thinking. </p><p>Tasks – To introduce with conceptions of health and illness. To introduce with conception, actualities and tasks of public health emphasizing the current situation in Latvia. To teach the scientific cognition methods in health problems. To give insight in problems of demography. To introduce with monitoring (statistics) of health and health care, and its critical application in practice of public health. To teach planning and performing epodemiological research. To give insight in problems of social medicine, prophylaxis and health promotion. To inform about the structure of health care system in Latvia and order of financing. </p><p>Content of subject: Notion of health. Illnesses. Notion of norm. Self-valuation of health. Categories of health disturbances and perspectives of interpretation. Public health. Practice of public health, Playgrounds. Health of population, dominating factors. Insight in demography. Basic indicators of demography, their calculation. Notion of epidemiology and contemporary understanding. Aims and tasks of epidemiology. Application of epidemiology. Causality. Notion of the risk factor. Measurement of health. Indicators of illness frequency – prevalence, cumulative incidence, frequency and density of incidence. Conjoint (undivided), category specific (stratified) indicators and standardized (commensurable) indicators. Classification of illness and death reasons: principles, practice, documentation. Diagnostic criteria as a frequency of illness influencing factors.</p><p>67 Health information, its classification. Sources of health information. Health statistics. Factors influencing accuracy and veracity of statistical data. Screening – aims and preconditions. Evaluation of health measure (clinical and screening test). Descriptive epidemiological investigations. Correlation investigations, descriptions of cases and series of cases. Sectional investigations. Analytic investigations in epidemiology. Experimental (clinical) investigations in epidemiology. Evaluation of results of investigations. Indicators: relative risk, attributive risk, etiological fracture, and correlation of expectations. Primary, secondary and treacle prophylaxis of illness. Health promotion. Insight in social medicine. Organization and financing of health care.</p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in basics of philosophy and scientific world Outlook.</p><p>Literature 1. M.Baltiņš „Lietišķā epidemioloģija”. „Zinātne”, Rīga, 2003. 2. R.Beaglehole, R.Bonita, T.Kjellstrom „Basic Epidemiology”. WHO, Geneva, 2000. 3. J.F.Jekel, J.G.Elmore, D.L.Katz „Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Preventive Medicine”. „Saunders”, Philadelphia, London, 1996. 4. R.S.Greenberg „Medical Epidemiology”. „Lange Medical Book”, London, 1993. 5. B.B.Gerstman „Epidemiology Kept Simple”. „Wiley-Liss”, New York, 1998. 6. C.H.Hennekens, J.L.Mayrent „Epidemiology in Medicine” Little, Brown and &, Boston, Toronto 1987 7. K.Rothman „Epidemiology. An Introduction.” Oxford University Press, 2002. 8. Helman, C.G. (2000) Culture, Health and Illness. 9. Turner B.S. (1995) Medical Power and Social knowledge. SAGE publ., London. 10. Rosengren W.R. (1980) Sociology of Medicine: Diversity, Conflict, and Change. Harper & Row publ., London.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2004</p><p>68 Title of subject (course) – SPORT PEDAGOGY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – V.Arnis</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – M.Hoferte, I.Upeniece, I.Vinberga, V.Arnis</p><p>Auditory – 2nd students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2CP </p><p>Aim – to facilitate mastering of sport pedagogy, to form understanding about the further use of sport pedagogy in everyday practice for the benefit of clients. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To master exercises applicable for health strengthening and prophylaxis if illnesses, their specifics and influence on human body. 2. To learn to prescribe an optimal physical activity for people in various age groups depending on health condition and level of physical training. 3. To teach to use in practice mastered knowledge.</p><p>Content of subject – Lectures: Physical activity and health. Short historical description and perspectives of health sport. Importance of physical activity in prophylaxis of illnesses caused by contemporary civilization. Importance of physical activity in prophylaxis of steatosis and regulation of body mass. The main functions of health sport. Exercises used in sport pedagogy. Basic indicators of optimal physical load. Basic principles of health promoting training. Physical properties, methods for their development. General characteristics of sport, multiplicity of sport.</p><p>Practical classes: Aerobic exercises, their specifics. Well-developing exercises. Some kinds of aerobic and rhythmic gymnastics in music accompaniment. Athletics. Flexibility exercises. Sport games. </p><p>Check-up – tests in the course of study; pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – precisely to perform and demonstrate various exercises.</p><p>Literature</p><p>69 1. Aberberga-Augškalne L. Fizioloģija rehabilitologiem. Rīga, Nacionālais apgāds, 2002, 215 lpp. 2. Brēmanis E. Sporta fizioloģija. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1991, 224 lpp. 3. Delavjē F. Muskulatūras attīstīšana. Spēka vingrinājumi anatomiskā skatījumā. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2003, 124 lpp. 4. Grants J. Fiziskā audzināšana, sports un vesels bērns. Rīga, Mācību grāmata, 1997, 215 lpp. 5. Grasis N., Dzenis A., Grāvītis U. u.c. Trenera rokasgrāmata. Rīga, 2003, 304 lpp. 6. Konrads A. Spēka attīstīšana. Rīga, LSPA, 2000, 92 lpp. 7. Švinks U. Vispārattīstošie vingrojumi sporta stundā. Rīga, 1997, 103 lpp. 8. Švinks U. Valoda sportā. Rīga, N.I.M.S.,1998, 176 lpp. 9. Švinks U. Studentu sports. Rīga, LSPA, 2001, 41 lpp. 10. Upeniece I. Fiziskā audzināšana Latvijā. Rīga, RaKa, 2000, 161 lpp.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2004</p><p>Title of subject (course) – OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE & DISEASES (A)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor, Dr.habil.med. Maija Eglīte</p><p>70 Readers involved in subject program – Professor, Dr.habil.med. Maija Eglīte, Docent, Dr.med. Tatjana Farbtuha</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year 5th semester students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – To give to students’ knowledge about the basic principles of occupational medicine and pathologic changes in a human body caused by pernicious factors in an occupational environment. </p><p>Tasks – To give to students’ theoretical and practical knowledge about the effect of various occupational environment risk factors on a human body. To give necessary skills to use the mastered knowledge in health maintenance and prevention of occupational diseases. To introduce with the most important legislation in occupational medicine. To develop in students ability to understand a role of labour factors not only on employees but on the whole society.</p><p>Content of subject – Organization of employees health protection. List of occupational diseases. Methods to estimate work-ability. Dust in labour environment and their effect on employees. Chemical substances in a labour environment and their effect on employees. Caused by physical factors occupational pathology. Stress at working place and related to it illnesses. Effect of occupational factors on reproductive health. Occupational oncological diseases. International organizations and documentation concerning occupational health. Organization of obligatory employees’ health control. </p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in chemistry, biochemistry, physics, microbiology, physiology, internal medicine, neurology, environmental health</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. Materials of practical classes. 2. Eglīte M. Darba medicīna. - Rīga, 2000. – 671. 3. V. Kaļķis, Ž. Roja (redaktori). Darba vides riska faktori un strādājošo veselības aizsardzība. – Rīga: Elpa, 2001. – 500. 4. Global strategy on occupational health for all. Geneva; Helsinki: Mikor, 1995. – 68 p. 5. Occupational medicine. Editor C.Zenc. – Third edition. – St.Louis, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago: Mosby Year Book Inc., 1994. – 840 p.</p><p>71 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 29/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – ANTHROPOLOGY</p><p>Managers of subject (course) – Docent R. Žagare, Docent I. Duļevska</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Docent I. Duļevska, Lector S. Umbraško, Assistant Dz. Kažoka, Assistant Z.Cederštrēma </p><p>72 Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to introduce students with methods of anthropology and their practical application in examination of structure of human body. </p><p>Tasks – To teach the students to somatoscopic or descriptive method to determine anthropologic features. To teach determination of the main somatometry points – head, waistline, extremities. Determination of body’s longitudinal sizes with anthropometer. Calculation of relative measures and indexes. </p><p>Content of subject: History of anthropology in the world and Latvia. The main research methods in anthropology and calculation of indexes. Basic principles of auxology. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to determine anthropological features and the main anthropometric points; to perform calculation of measures and indexes.</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. Prīmanis J. Ievads antropoloģijas metodikā. A/S Valters un Rapa apgāds, 1937. 2. Deņisova R., Grāvere R. Antropoloģijas zinātne Latvijas vēstures institūtā. LVIŽ. Nr.4, 1995. 3. Fedders G. Rīgas latviešu pamatskolēnu garums un svars. Rīga: Izglītības ministrija, Māc. līdz. nodaļa, 1936. 4. Fuks N. (Cauna N.) Latgales latviešu antropoloģiskās pazīmes. Rīga, 1937. (manuskripts). 5. Jēruma–Krastiņa L. Antropoloģiskie dati par latviešu skolu jaunatni. LU Raksti, Medicīnas fakultāte, sēr. III, 2., 1937. 6. Plūme A. Antropometrijas nozīme skolēnu veselības stāvokļa novērtēšanā. Pašvaldības Balss. Rīga, 1931. 7. Segleniece K. Bērnu fiziskā attīstība. Zvaigzne. Rīga, 1977. 8. Martin R. Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. I und II Bd. Jena, 1928. 9. Martin R., Saller K. Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. Stuttgart: Fischer, Bd. I, 1957. 10. Под.ред. Баранова А.А., Кучмы В.Р. Методы исследования физического развития детей и подростков в популяционном мониторинге. Москва, 1999. 11. Тегако Л. И., Марфина О. В. Практическая антропология. Феникс. Ростов-на-Дону, 2003.</p><p>73 12. Харрисон Дж., Биология человека. Мир. Москва, 1979.Уайнер Дж.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – BASICS OF PSYCHOTHERAPY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Associated Professor Gunta Ancāne</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Assoc. Prof. Gunta Ancāne and assistants</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to give to students knowledge about the regularities of human’s psychical functions and interaction of psychic and somatic processes. </p><p>Tasks – </p><p>74 To give basic knowledge in psychology of personality. To give knowledge about the basic regularities in interface and a possibility to develop skills in interface. To help to develop skills to built medically effective relations between physiotherapist and patient. To give knowledge about the models of psychosomatic disturbances and development of illness. </p><p>Content of course: The main theories of identity, their basic concepts. Psychology of development. EGO and object-relation psychology. Theory of affects. Psychology of interface. Basic principles of making relations between specialist and patient. Etiopathogenesis of psychosomatic disturbances. Therapy, role of emotions in somatisation. Basic elements of psychotherapy and their therapeutic efficacy. </p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Literature 1. K. Rudzitis - Diagnostikas pamati un terapijas preambula. Zvaigzne. Rīga.1972 2. P. Kumar, M.Clark - Clinical Medicine. W.B.Saunders Co Ltd, 1996 3. R. Berkow - The Merck Manual. Editor-in-chiff 17-th Edition, 1999 4. N. Andrējevs, J.Anšelēvičs, I. Siliņš - Praktiskā kardioloģija. Zvaigzne, Rīga. 1984 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 26/06/2002</p><p>Title of subject (course) – INTERNAL DISEASES WITH BASICS OF PROPEDEUTICS</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Docent J. Karpovs</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – From the Department of Internal diseases</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year 6th semester students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 3 CP (34 h – lectures, 34 h – practical classes) </p><p>Aim – to give to students’ basic knowledge in internal diseases, their diagnostics and treatment, particularly underlining diseases related to metabolic disturbances and the others where important is diet-therapy. </p><p>Content of course – </p><p>75 Propedutic into internal diseases. Symptoms and syndromes. General view. Examination of patient with lung disease. Examination of patient with heart disease. Arterial hypertension. Examination of digestive system. Examination of endocrine system. Diabetes. Steatosis. Thyriod diseases. </p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in morphology of organism, physiology, pathologic physiology, pharmacology </p><p>Literature K.Rudzītis – Diagnostikas pamati un terapijas preambula. Zvaigzne. Rīga, 1972. P.Kumar M.Clark – Clinical Medicine. W.B.Saunders Co Ltd, 1996. R.Berkow – The Merck Manual. Editor-in-chief 17-th Edition, 1999. N.Andrējevs, J.Anšelēvičs, I.Siliņš – Praktiskā kardioloģija. Zvaigzne. Rīga, 1984.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 15/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – FOOD DOCTRINE</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Dr.med. Zigurds Zariņš</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Lolita Neimane, Edgars Bodnieks, Inguna Bērziņa</p><p>Auditory – 3rd and 4th year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR </p><p>Volume – 6 CP (144 h – contact lessons)</p><p>Aim – to give expanded knowledge in nutrition</p><p>Tasks – to know possibilities of human food in various physiologic conditions and in prophylaxis and treatment of diseases</p><p>Content of course – Food – stuffs. Food products. Food in prophylaxis of diseases. Food in treatment.</p><p>76 Check-up – 2 pretests during the 3rd year of study, examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in anatomy, normal and pathologic physiology, biochemistry</p><p>Literature 1. Z. Zariņš ., L. Neimane „Uztura mācība”, Rīga, 2002. 2. G. Vitenbergs „Olbaltumu un tauku uzturvērtība”, Rīga, 1987. 3. L. Žihare „Slimnieku uzturs mājas apstākļos”, Rīga’,1992. 4. SIA Medikamentu informācijas centrs, Latv. Pārtikas centrs„Uztura bagātinātāji”, Rīga, 2002. 5. V.Baltess, ,,Pārtikas ķīmija”, tulk., Rīga, 1998. 6. H.Kasper, „Erna²hrungsmedizin und Dia²tetik” Mu“nchen Jena 2000. 7. L.Kathlen Mahan „Krauses Food, Nutrition & Diet Therapy, Philadelphia, 2000. 8. Souci-Fachman-Kraut „Die Zusammensetzung der Lebensmittel Na²hwert-Tabellen”, Scientfic Publishers Stuttgart, 2000. 9. G.M.Wardlow „Perspectives in Nutrition” 2002. 10. Ozola „ Pārtikas piedevas” Rīga, 2003. 11. Rice Evans C. “Wake up to Flavonoids” Royal Society Press, 2000. 12. Simopoulos A.P. “Evolutionary Aspects of Nutrition and Helth”, 1999. 13. FAO, WHO „Fats and Oils in human Nutrition”, Rome, 1994. Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 15/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – PEDIATRICS AND FOOD</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor Dace Gardovska</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Associated Professor I. Ranka and the others</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 3 CP</p><p>Aim – to give to students knowledge about the structural and functional properties of child’s body, up-growth and development, importance of food in development of a healthy child, problems caused by unsuitable food, more frequent illnesses in period from birth to 18 years of age, as well as to form necessary skills and attitude to use this knowledge in professional work with children.</p><p>Tasks – To master regularities and criteria for child’s growth and development. To master factors facilitating and retarding development. To master feeding of healthy child from birth to 18 years of age. To know the most frequent illnesses in early age related to unsuitable food. 77 To master feeding of thick child from birth to 18 years of age. To make advisable nutrition program for healthy and thick child.</p><p>Content of subject: Periods of childhood and their characteristics. Up-growth and development of healthy child. Deviations in growth and development from birth to 18 years of age. Principles of feeding healthy child. Anatomically – physiological individualities of digestive system and semiotics of illnesses. Illnesses related with the imbalance of food. Health promotion events in an early age. Republic of Latvia legislative documents related to child’s nutrition.</p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Literature</p><p>Advisable 1. Inga Flēmiga, Zīdaiņa attīstība un attīstības traucējumi, Rīga, ,,Zvaigzne’’, 1987.; 2. Lawrence R.A., Breastfeeding: a guide for medical profession, 4thed., Mosby, 1994.; 3. Ranka I., Ribaļčenko S., Kalcija metabolisma traucējumi, Latvijas Ārsts, 1994., 5, 387-391; 4. Ф.Сэведж Кинг, Помощь матерям в кормлении грудю, WHO, 1995.; 5. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, ed. by R.E.Behrman, R.M.Kliegman, A.M.Arvin, 17thed. Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders Company, 2004.; 6. Kim Fleisher Michaelsen,Lawrence Weaver, Francesco Branca, Aileen Robertson, Кормление и питание грудных детей и детей раннего возраста, 2001., BO3, Европейская серия Nº87; 7. Aizsargājot zīdaiņa veselību. Veselības aprūpes darbinieku ceļvedis ,,Krūts piena aizstājēju aprites Starptautiskajā Kodeksā’’, Rīga,2002.; 8. Elizabete Helsinga, Eli Heiberga, Kā zīdīt bērnu, Rīga, 2002.; 9. www.lpc.gov. lv – LM rīkojums Nr.233, 2001.23.08. Ieteicamās enerģijas un uzturvielu devas. 10. VM rīkojums Nr.201, 2003.25.07. Veselīga uztura ieteikumi zīdaiņu barošanai; 11. VM rīkojums Nr.202, 2003.25.07.Ieteikumi veselīga uztura pagatavošanai bērniem vecumā no 2 līdz 18 gadiem; 12. Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease, Robert Wyllie, Jeffrey S. Hyams, 1993. </p><p>Extra 13. Rudolph A.M., Hoffman J.I.E., Rudolph C.D., Rudolph’s Pediatrics, 20th ed., 1996.; 14. Jansons E., Dzelzs deficīta anēmija, Jums, Kolēģi!, 1998., 6, 53-59.</p><p>78 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – WOMAN’S HEALTH AND NUTRITION</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Assistant Maira Jansone</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Assistant Maira Jansone and the others</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year full and half time students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to give to students’ knowledge about the pregnancy, gestation, physiology of childbed period. </p><p>Tasks – to prepare students theoretically and practically about the physiology and pathology of gestation, physiological and pathological course of childbed period.</p><p>Content of course: Practical classes</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in human anatomy, physiology, endocrinology, internal diseases, organization of health care, ethics.</p><p>Literature 1. Materials from lectures. 2. A.Bergmane un aut. “Normālā dzemdniecība”, 1987. 3. William W. Beck “Акушерство и гинекология”, 1997.</p><p>79 4. M.L.Pernoll, R.C.Benson“Current obstetric and gynecologic diagnosis and treatment”, reiterative eddition. 5. G.Chamberlain.“Obstetrics by ten teachers”, reiterative eddition.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – INFECTIOUS DISEASES, EPIDEMIOLOGY (A)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor Ludmila Vīksna</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Department members</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to teach to students’ etiology of infectious diseases, principles of diagnostics, the main stages of pathogenesis as well as principles of treatment, particularly taking up aspects connected with nutrition both as a part of treatment and rehabilitation.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To make in students’ understanding about the multiplicity of infectious diseases, their fluidity and meaning in the context of mankind’s development. 2. To show theoretically possible role of infectious diseases in the future world both they progress and regress. 3. To introduce students’ with possibilities to diagnostic infectious diseases in the future, including vaccination. 4. To emphasize importance of the food in prophylaxis and treatment of infectious diseases. </p><p>Content of subject – Pathogenesis of infectious diseases – its physiological and biochemical stages.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – obligatory attendance of lectures and seminars.</p><p>80 Literature</p><p>1. Gaļina Biksone. Klasiskā farmakoloģija un pacienta aprūpe. Rīga, 1998. 2. Л. Черкасский. Инфекциознние и поразитарние болезни человека. Издательство Медицинская газета, Moсkвa, 1994 3. A.Г. Рахманов. В.K. Пригожина, В.A. Нeвeрoв. Инфекциознние болезни., Moсkвa - Санкт - Петербург, 1995. 4. Заразние болезни человека. Справочник. Подю ред. Н.Д. Ющука, Ю.Е. Венгерова, Moсkвa, 1997. 5. Sheila Sherlock, James Dooley. Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System. - 10th ed. Blackwell Science, Inc. Commerce Place, 1997. 6. Tom Bergan. Urinary Tract Infectios, 1997. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland. 7. Guy P. Youmans, Philip Y. Peterson, Herbert M. Sommers. The Biologic and Clinical Bases of infectious diseases. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1986. 8. Bibhan K. Mandel, Edmund G.L. Wilkins, Edward M. Dunbar, Ričard T. Mayon - White. Infectious diseases. 5th ed/Blackwell Science Ltd., 1996. 9. M. Schaecter, G. Medoff, Dissclessinger. Mechanisms of Microbial Disease. William&Wilkuns, Baltimore, USA, 1989. 10. Cedric A. Mims, john HK Playfair, Ivan M. Roitt, Derek Wakelin, Rosamund Williams, Roy M. Senderson. Medical Microbiology. Mosby - Year book Europe Ltd., 1993. 11. Michael S. Niederman, G. A. Sarosi, J. Glassroth. Respiratory infectious. W. B. Saunders Company, Phyladelphia, 1994 12. Daniel H. Connor, Francis W. Chandler, D.A. Schwartz, H. J. Manz, Ernest E. Lack. Pathology of Infectious Diseases- I vol. Appleton $Lange, Stamfort, Connecticut, 997. 13. Paul W. Ewald Evalution of Infectious Disease. Oxford University Press Inc, Oxford, 1994. 14. Russel W. Steele. The Clinical Handbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. The Pathenon Publishing Group Ltd., 1994. 15. Klinisches Worterbuch. Waltwr de Gruyter, Berlin, 1994 16. Maladies Infectieuses. Red. du E. Pilly, Montmorency, 1994. 17. L. Vīksna. Ceļotāju veselības rokasgrāmata. Rīga, 2002. 18. L. Vīksna. Vīrushepatīts C: norise, ārstēšana, prognoze, profilakse. Rīga, 2003. 19. J. Dzenis, B. Rozentāle. Antimikrobiskās terapijas ceļvedis. Rīga, 2003. 20. V. - I. Kalniņa. Virusoloģija. Rīga, 2003. 21. A. Brila. Infekciju slimību epidemioloģija. Rīga, 2003. </p><p>81 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – PSYCHIATRICS AND DRUG ABUSE</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor R. Andrēziņa</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Prof. R. Andrēziņa and the others</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 60 h – practical classes</p><p>Aim – to give to students’ basic knowledge in general psychopathology, psychiatrics and drug abuse.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To give knowledge about neurotic anorexia, neurotic bulimia and eating disturbances as well as about methods of treatment and results in cases of such disturbances and illnesses. 2. To give a necessary image about the sociopsychologic and pharmacotherapeutic methods of the mentioned disturbances. 3. To introduce with possibilities of permanent backstop and supporting therapy.</p><p>Content of subject – General psychology Psychical and behaviour disturbances due to use of psychoactive substances. Schizophrenia, schizophrenic disturbances and delirium. Affective disturbances. Neurotic related to stress somatophorm disturbances. Reaction on deep stress and disturbances of adaptation. Specific disturbances of personality. Eating disturbances: neurotic anorexia. Atipical neurotic anorexia. Neurotic bulimia. Atipical neurotic bulimia. Bulimia due to another psychological disturbances. Development, behaviour and emotional disturbances of children and teenagers. Eating peculiarities for elder patients with organic and symptomatic disturbances. </p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>82 Literature 1. Anthony W., Cohen M. Psihiatriskā rehabilitācija. Tallina, 1998. 362 lpp. 2. Eglītis I. Vispārīgā psihopatoloģija. Rīga, Zvaigzne. 1986. 3. Eglītis I. Psihiatrija. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1989. 4. Kaplan H. J., M. D., Sadock B. J., M.D. Comprehensive textbook of Psychiatry. Volume one. 5th ed. Baltimore. Honkong. London, Sydney. 2000 5. Vetterbergs L. Psihiatrija. 1997. 171 lpp.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>83 “Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 15/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – SURGICAL DISEASES (A)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor Jānis Gardovskis</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Prof. J. Gardovskis and the others</p><p>Auditory – 4th year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP (25 h – practical classes)</p><p>Aim – To give knowledge about the essence of surgical diseases, to orient in etiology and pathogenesis and to introduce with diet individualities in certain cases of surgical diseases. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To teach the feeding individualities in cases of surgical diseases, the main peculiarities during the pre and post operation period. 2. To interpret results of special examinations as well as to orient in enteral and parenteral feeding.</p><p>Content of subject – Short description of the study program. Working of the surgical clinics. Examination of patients with surgical diseases. The main diseases – clinical features, peculiarities of treatment and diet. Enteral and parenteral feeding principles for surgical patients in a pre and post operation period. Processing patients’ for a surgical operation.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. Textbook “Ķirurģija”, prof. J.Gardovska redakcijā, 2001. 2. Materials from lrvtures and practical classes. 3. V.Utkins. Klīniskā ķirurģija. “Zvaigzne”, 1992. (Textbook) 4. Sabiston. Textbook of Surgery,1997,I-2208.(London,etc.). 5. Sabiston & Lyerly Textbook of Surgery Pocket Companion, 1992, 1064 pp. 6. Seymour I., Schwartz M.D., Richard C., Lillychei M.D. Principles of Surgery, 1982., (Nev- Yourk,London,etc.). 7. George L. Nardi M.D., George D., Zuidema M.D. Surgery, Essentialis of clinical Practice, Boston, 1982., I-1182. 8. Richard J. Howard, Richard L. Simmons. Surgical Infections Diseases, Connecticut, 1988., I- 913. 9. R.Liechty, R.T.Soper. Fundamentals of Surgery.IE,1989. 84 10. H.Bailey. Chirurgieche Kranken-untersuchung,1991,I-691. 11. R.Berchtold, H.Hamelmann, H.J.Peiper. Chorurgie. (Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen und Spezieellen Chirurgie),1987,I-780. 12. Braash, Sedgwick, Veidenheimer & Ellis. Atlas of Abdominal Surgery, 1991, 464 pp. 13. Clark & Duh. Texbook of Endocrine Surgeryy, 1997, 655 pp. 14. Berci & Cuschieri. Bile Ductss and Bile Ducts Stones, 1997, 315 pp. 15. Cameron, et al. Advances in Surgery, 1996. 16. Schrock. Handbook of Surgeryy, 1994, 1022 pp. 17. Norman L. Browse. An Introduction to the Symptom, and Signs of Surgical Dissease, 1991, 444 p. 18. H.George Burnitt Clive R.G. Quick Dennis Gatt Essential Surgery, 1991, 739. 19. Lawrence W.Way. Current, Surgical Diagnosis et Treatment, 1993, 1227. 20. Harold Ellis .Sir Roy Calne. Lecture Notes on General Surgery, 1987, 479. 21. Peter F. Lawrence Richard M.Bell Merril T.Dayton. Essentials of Surgical Specialities, 1993, 431. 22. A.P.M.Forrest, D.C.Carter, I.B.Macleod. Principles Practice of Surgery, 1995, 640. 23. Michael F.Lubin, H.Kenneth Walker M.D. Robert B. Smith III. Medical managament of the Surgical Patient, 1988, 707. 24. J.Volkolakovs. Vispārīgā ķirurģija. Rīga, 1985. (Textbook) 25. Bailey & Love’s. Short practice of Surgery, London, 1971., I-699. 26. R.Haringg und H.Zilch. Lehrbuch Chirurgie mit Repetitorium, Berlin – New York, 1988.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/05/2005</p><p>85 Title of subject (course) – TOXICOLOGY, PARENTERAL & ENTERAL FEEDING </p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Docent E. Daugulis</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Docent E.Daugulis, Professor I.Vanags, Assoc. Prof. A.Sondore, Assistant R.Spručs </p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP (25 h – practical classes)</p><p>Aim – to teach basic principles of enteral and parenteral feeding in care of nasty patients; to give basic knowledge in clinical toxicology.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To mater principles, indications, regime, conditions and components of enteral and parenteral feeding. 2. To master theoretical basics of toxicology and general treatment of toxicological patients.</p><p>Content of subject: Particularities of metabolism in a period of conventional feeding and post-aggression phase. Malnutrition. Provision of energetic substratum. Calculation of necessary calories. Enteral feeding. Theoretical basics of toxicology: toxicological epidemiology, mechanisms of intoxication, symptomotology, general principles of treatment, possible consequences and prognosis of intoxication, hastened elimination methods. Toxicology of specific contaminants: CNS depressants and stimulators, irritant substances, hypoxants, plant toxins, hard metals, spirits and their surrogates, phosphor organic substances, caustics, hydrocarbon and its deviations, etc. Chemical weapons and terrorism substances – general characteristics, description, division, possible kinds of contamination, expression of intoxication and principles of treatment. Individual protection – ways and means. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Literature</p><p>1) Materials from lectures and practical classes. 2) Anestezioloģija, reanimatoloģija un intensīvā terapija. I.Vanags, E.Daugulis, P.Tomiņš. Rīga, Nacionālais apgāds, 2002, 486.-495.lpp. 3) Toksikoloģijas rokasgrāmata. V.Liguts. Nacionālais medicīnas apgāds, Rīga, 2001 4) Ekstrēmā toksikoloģija. V.Liguts. Nacionālais Apgāds, Rīga, 2003.</p><p>86 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 10/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – PREVENTION OF STOMATOLOGIC ILLNESSES</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Associated Professor, Dr.med. Anda Brinkmane</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Associated Professor, Dr.med. Anda Brinkmane</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>87 Volume – 1 CP (21 h – practical classes, 20 h – independent work) </p><p>Aim – to give knowledge about the methods and ways haw to prevent stomatologic illnesses </p><p>Tasks – 1. To introduce with and evaluate indicators of stomatologic illnesses in the world and Latvia. 2. To evaluate risk factors of stomatologic illnesses. 3. To introduce with objects and ways and means of prophylaxis.</p><p>Content of subject: Theoretical foundation of prophylaxis. Primary, secondary and tertiary prophylaxis. Indicators of stomatologic illnesses in the world and Latvia. Intensity and prevalence of caries. Structure of enamel, deliquescence of enamel. Importance of re-mineralization and de- mineralization. Micro-flora of oral cavity. Importance of fluorides in prophylaxis. Kinds of fluoride prophylaxis – endogenic and exogenic prophylaxis. Workings of fluorides, their metabolism in organism. Endogenic prophylaxis: fluoridation of water, milk and salt, use of flour tablets, dosage. Exogenic use of fluorides. Objects and means of oral cavity hygiene. Toothbrushes, their kinds. Tooth-pastes, their ingredients, usage, kinds. Methods of tooth cleaning.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Literature 1. Klaus – Dieter Hellwege (1996) – Die Praxis der Zahnmedizinischen Prophylaxe. Ein Leitfaden fur die Individualprophylaxe, Gruppenfrophylaxe und Initiale Paradontaltherapie, 322.pp. 2. Norman O. Harris, Arden G. Christen (1994) – Primary Preventive dentistry 4th Edition, 6415.pp. 3. Brinkmane A. (1995) – Kritēriji piemērotas zobu sukas izvēlei. Zobārstniecības Raksti 6/7, 11. – 14.lpp. 4. Brinkmane A. (1996) – Starpzobu virsmu tīrīšana. Zobārstniecības Raksti 1., 9 – 11 lpp. 5. Brinkmane A. (1996) – Zobu tīrīšana. Zobārstniecības Raksti 1., 12 – 13 lpp. 6. Senakola E., Brinkmane A. (1996) – Žilbinoša smaida noslēpumi. 139 lpp. , Alberts XII. 7. Senakola E., Brinkmane A. (1997) – Tavi zobiņi veseli. 31 lpp. Jāņa sēta. 8. Senakola E., Brinkmane A. (1995) – Nacionālā profilakses programma zobārstniecībā (projekts)., Zobārstniecības Raksti, 5., 37 – 40 lpp. 9. Gardovska D., Ranka I, Skrīvele I., Purviņš I., Brinkmane A., Senakola E. (1998) – Drudzis bērniem. Vitamīnu farmakoterapija. Mutes veselības veicināšana., 49 lpp. 10. Senakola E., Brinkmane A. (1998) – Fluorīdi kariesa profilaksē. 16 lpp. 11. Lois K. Cohen, Helen C. Gift (1995) – Diseases Prevention and Oral Health Promotion. Socio – Dental Sciences in Action. Munksgaard, Copenhagen.</p><p>88 12. Murray J.J., Rugg – Gunn A.J., Jenkins G.N. (1991) – Fluorides in caries prevention. Oxford: Wright. 13. Schou L., Blinkhorn A.S. (1993) – Oral Health Promotion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 14. Esther M. Wilkinis (1994) Clinical practise of the dental hygienist .</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – FOOD QUALITY & FOOD ADDITIVES</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Associated Professor A. Blija</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Docent L. Ozola</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to introduce students’ with multiplicity of food additives, their most important functions in food products; to create understanding about the role of quality in food production.</p><p>Tasks – </p><p>89 1. To create understanding about food additives. 2. To understand necessity for using food additives in production of concrete food products. 3. To introduce with necessity of quality systems, their role to ensure the food quality.</p><p>Content of course: Definition of food additives, their most important functions in food products, multiplicity of food additions, their recognition, detailed characterization of several groups of food additions. Criteria in choosing food products, food additives, their effect on customers. Concept of the food quality, system of quality, their role in production safe and harmless food products. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to make individual works, participate in seminars, pass foreseen tests.</p><p>Literature 1. Ozola L., Pārtikas piedevas. Rīga: NEO, 2003. - 112 lpp. 2. Food Additives/ed. By A. Branen, P. Davidson, S. Salminen. - New York: Marcel Dekker, inc., 2002. - 938 p 3. Spēkā esošie MK noteikumi par pārtikas piedevām, to lieotošanas kārtību (konkrēti noteikumi netiek uzrādīti)</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – FOOD PRODUCTION</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor D. Kārkliņa</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Assoc. Prof. I. Ciproviča, Assistant Z. Krūma</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 3 CP</p><p>Aim – To get knowledge about a chemical composition and properties of milk, meat, eggs, grain, fruits and vegetables. To master technologies of food production and to understand ongoing physical, biochemical and microbial processes as well as the reasons for defects in food and possibilities to avert them. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To get knowledge about a chemical composition and properties of milk, meat, eggs, grain, fruits and vegetables and criteria for their evaluation.</p><p>90 2. To master basics of food production, to understand ongoing physical, biochemical and microbial processes. 3. To get knowledge about the reasons for defects in food and possibilities to avert them.</p><p>Content of course: To get knowledge about a chemical composition and properties of milk, meat, eggs, grain, fruits and vegetables and criteria for their evaluation. To master basics of food production, to understand ongoing physical, biochemical and microbial processes. To get knowledge about the reasons for defects in food and possibilities to avert them. In laboratory works students get practical skills the food production and quality control. </p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – To finish and defend all laboratory works, pass, foreseen in program tets.</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. Ozola L., Ciproviča I. Piena pārstrādes tehnoloģijas. - Jelgava: LLU, 2002. - 248.lpp 2. Dairy Technology/ Principles of Milk Properties and processes. \ P. Walsta, T.J. Geurts, etc. - New York: Marcel Decker, Inc, 1999. - 727 pg. 3. Ozola L. Siera tehnoloģijas pamati. - R. :NEO, 1997. - 114lpp. 4. Girard J.P. Technology of meat producēts. - Ellis Harwood, 1992. - 273pg. 5. Леванидов И.П. Технология сольеных, копченых u вяленых рыбных продуктов. - M. Aгропромиздат, 1987. - 160 str. 6. McWilliams. Food Fundamentals. - New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1985. - 600pg. 7. W. Kunze Technology brewing and malting. - Berlin, 1996. - 726 pg. 8. Bennion M. Introductory Foods. -New York, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1985. - 632 pg. 9. Vaclavik V.A Essentials of Food Science. New York, International Thomson Publishing, 1998. - 419 pg.</p><p>91 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 12/05/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – HEALTH SELF-CONTROL & EXPRESS DIAGNOSTICS</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Professor Juris Leja</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Professor Juris Leja</p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP</p><p>Aim – to acquire knowledge about the basic methods of contemporary health self-control and express-diagnostics. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To give basic knowledge in express-diagnostics. 2. To teach thinking clinically and to analyze results of laboratory tests.</p><p>Content of course: Concept about the principal 11 parameters in express-diagnostics. Express-diagnostic test in emergency cases (information, practice). Express-diagnostics of cholesterol, lipoproteins and triglycerides in blood (demonstration). Determination of blood-flow period (demonstration). 92 Basics of topic and functional diagnostics (information and demonstration). Basics of functional diagnostics of respiratory system (information and practice). Demonstrations.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in biology, biochemistry, normal physiology and microbiology. Obligatory attendance of practical classes. </p><p>Literature 1. Bandere B. , Banders., Dāle M., Gavars D., Gulbis E., Pučkure I., Šķenders G., E. Gulbja laboratorijas klīnisko analīžu rokasgrāmata. Adverts. Rīga, 1999, 249lpp. 2. Данилова Л. A. Aнaлизи kрови u мoчи. Изд. Деан. Санкт - Петербург, 1999, 128lpp 3. Dominiczak M.H. Seminars in Clinical Biochemistry. ed. University of Glasgow, 1997, 415lpp. 4. Douglas Collins R. Algorithmic Selection and Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests. 5. Williams & Willkins Company. Baltimore, 1998, 716pp. 6. Guder W. G., Narayanan S., Wisser H., Zawta B. Samples: From the Patient to the Laboratory. GIT Velgar. Darmstadt, 1996, 101pp. 7. Horny J. Differential - diagnostisches Kompendium. 4. Auflage. Karger. Basel, 1995, 171 ss. 8. Leja J. Klīnisko analīžu novērtēšana. I. Asinis. Asinsrece. Izd, AML. Rīga, 1996, 75lpp 9. Leja J. Klīnisko analīžu novērtēšana. II. Urīns. Izd, AML. Rīga, 1996, 84lpp 10. Leja J. Klīnisko analīžu novērtēšana. IV. Olbaltumvielas. Ogļhidrāti. Lipīdi. Pigmenti. Izd, AML. Rīga, 1999, 160lpp 11. Pagana K.D., Pagana T.J. Mosby’s Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests Reference. 4th ed. A Times Mirror Company. St. Louis, 1999, 967pp. 12. Sox H. Common diagnosticē tests. Use and interpretation. Ed. American Collede of Physicians. Philadelphia, 1990, 441pp 13. Wallach J. Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests. A Synopsis of Laboratory Medicine. 5th ed. Little, Brown and Company. Boston/Toronto/London, 1992, 933pp.</p><p>93 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 27/04/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – CLASSICAL MASSAGE (C)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Associated Professor, Dr.med. Ints Zeidlers</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Assoc. Prof., Dr.med. Ints Zeidlers and technician </p><p>Auditory – 3rd year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to give to students’ knowledge about the classical massage, as well as necessary skills for using this knowledge in practice.</p><p>Tasks – to teach students to know what methods are used in classic massage and how to implement them performing massage on the separate parts of body. </p><p>Content of course: Palm method in classical massage. Rub method in classical massage. Knead method in classical massage. Pummel method in classical massage. Vibration method in classical massage. Classical massage on neck region. Classical massage on spin – pectoral region. Classical massage on small of the back and back region. Classical massage on upper extremities. Classical massage on lower extremities. Classical massage on head’s hair part. Classical massage on head’s face part.</p><p>94 Classical massage on abdomen region.</p><p>Check-up – Knowledge and skills are evaluated according to 10 point marking system.</p><p>Requirements for auditory – To know methods of classic massage and to implement these methods performing massage on the separate parts of the body. </p><p>Literature</p><p>1. Zeidlers I. Klasiskās masāžas vēsture, efekti, indikācijas un kontrindikācijas. “Jums, kolēģi”, 1997., Nr. 2, 24. –26. lpp. 2. Zeidlers I. Klasiskās masāžas tehnika (glaudīšana). “Jums, kolēģi”, 1998., Nr. 6, 29. –30. lpp. 3. Zeidlers I. Klasiskās masāžas tehnika (berzēšana, mīcīšana, dauzīšana, vibrācija). “Jums, kolēģi”, 1998., Nr. 7, 40. – 43. lpp. 4. Zeidlers I. Pašmasāža. Rīga: Avots, 1999, 101.lpp. 5. Maksvela – Hadsone Klēta Masāža. Rīga, “Zvaigzne ABC”, 168. lpp. 6. Dambenieks D. Masāža. Rīga: Jumava, 2001., 103 lpp. 7. Susan G. Salvo. Massage Therapy. W.B. Sounders comp., 1999., 693 p.</p><p>95 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 14/06/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – FOOD REFINES</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Lolita Neimane</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Docent, Dr.pharm. Edita Romāne</p><p>Auditory – 4th year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP</p><p>Aim – to introduce students with specific group of food – food refines – food products used in limited amount apart or in combinations on purpose to refine food with vitamins, mineral substances and the other natural origin biologically active substances, whose source is flora and fauna drugs having a food value of physiological influence on a human body. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To give grounding about a chemical composition of the flora and fauna products included in food refine. It’s physiological and medical importance. 2. To form ability to analyze usage’s advisability and innocuousness of nature products included in food refine depending on features of biologically active substances in their composition.</p><p>Content of course: Conception of food refines. Demands in the Republic of Latvia legislation concerning food refine. The main groups of components in the food refine – their classification, sources and characteristics. Basic principles of preparing and keeping nature product drugs containing food refine. Indicators of drug identity and quality. Usage of drugs and their mixtures to prepare water extract (tea) at home. Groups of the most characteristic active substances in nature products containing food refine. Survey of plant groups having great virtue biologically active substances. Effect of these compounds on a human body, its functions. Survey of more frequently used animal etc. origin drugs as food refine. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course.</p><p>96 Literature</p><p>1. LR normatīvie akti, kuros aprakstītas pārtikas precēm, tostarp, uztura bagātinātājiem un to reklāmai, izvirzītās prasības (Pārtikas aprites uzraudzības likums, Pārtikas preču marķēšanas noteikumi, Obligātās nekaitīguma prasības uztura bagātinātājiem un prasības to marķējumam, Obligātās nekaitīguma prasības uztura bagātinātājiem). 2. Rubine H., Eniņa V. Ārstniecības augi. – Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2004. – 344 lpp. 3. Tyler V.E. Pharmacognosy. – Philadelphia, 1986. 4. Муравьева Д. Фармакогнозия. – Москва, 1991. 5. Ботанико-фармакогностический словарь. – Москва, 1990. 6. Соколов С.Я., Замотаев И.П. Справочник по лекарственным растениям (фитотерапия). – Москва, 1984. 7. Энциклопедический словарь лекарственных растений и продуктов животного происхождения. – Санкт-Петербург, 1999. 8. WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants. – Geneva: WHO. - Vol. 1: 1999; Vol. 2: 2002. 9. The Complete German Comission E Monographs: Therapeutic guide to herbal medicines/American Botanical Council. 10. Herbal medicine = Expanded Commision E monographs: Herb monographs, based on those created by a special Expert Committee of German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Services. 11. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia/British Herbal Medicine Association. 12. British Herbal Compendium = A handbook of scientific information on widely used plant drugs/British Herbal Medicine Association.</p><p>Extra literature 13. ESCOP – The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytopharmaceuticals (www.escop.com/publications) 14. EMEA – The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medical Products 15. (www.emea.eu.int) 16. FDA – Food and Drug Administration (USA) 17. (www.fda.gov) 18. PLC – Latvijas Pārtikas centrs</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>97 “Brief description of subject program” </p><p>Title of subject (course) – POLITICS OF NUTRITION & LEGISLATION</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Ineta Zīriņa</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Ineta Zīriņa and faculty members</p><p>Auditory – 4th year full and part time students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP (20 h – lectures, 20 h – seminars) </p><p>Aim – to give to students’ insight and knowledge about the development of nutrition politics in Latvia, main directions and research as a basement in formation of nutrition politics.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To teach students’ to orient in Latvian politics of nutrition, to understand how it is formed. 2. To teach to evaluate various research data related to nutrition and to use them in realization of nutrition politics. </p><p>Content of course: Role of questionnaire in modeling and monitoring nutrition politics. Insight in epidemiology of food. Research methods concerning a food for suckling. Research methods concerning a food for children and teenagers. Results of questionnaire among Latvia’s school children. Research methods concerning a food for adults. Results of questionnaire among Latvia’s adults. Research methods concerning a food for oldsters. Research methods concerning food for expectant mothers. Influence of food on the health of Latvia’s inhabitants. </p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to know epidemiology of food, modeling and modeling of nutrition politics, methods of research.</p><p>Literature</p><p>1. Robertson A., Tirado C., Lobstein T., Jermini M., Knai C., Jensen J.H., Ferro-Luzzi A. and W.P.T. James, Food and Health in Europe: a New Basis for Action, 2004. 2. Michaelsen K.F., Weaver L., Branca F., Robertson A., Feeding and Nutrition of Infants and Young Children, 2000. 3. Alexander J. &. all , Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2004, Integrating Nutition and Physical Activity, 2004. 4. Willett W.., Nutritional Epidemiology, 1998. 5. Ziegler E.E. Filer L. J., Present Knowledge in Nutrition,, 1996. 6. Lavon J. Dunne, Nutrition Almanac, 1990. 98 7. Truswell S &. all, ABC of Nutrition, 1999. 8. Pudule I. , Villerusa A., Grinberga D., Dzērve V., Zīle S. “FINBALT veselības monitorings – Latvijas iedzīvotāju (15-64 gadu vecumā) veselību ietekmējošo paradumu pētījums, 2002”, 2003. 9. Pudule I, Grīnberga D, Rituma A, Villeruša A, Zīle S, Prättälä R, Helasoja V, Puska P “Latvijas iedzīvotāju veselību ietekmējošo paradumu pētījums, 1998.”, (Health Behaviour among Latvian Adult Population, 1998), Helsinki: National Public Health Institute, 2000. 10. Villeruša A, Pudule I, Grīnberga D, Rituma A “ Ar veselību saistītie Latvijas iedzīvotāju paradumi. 1998. gada pētījums FINBALT veselības monitoringa projekta ietvaros” Latvijas Ārsts 4/99: 198- 204. 11. Pomerleau J, McKee M, Robertson A, Vaask S, Pudule I, Grinberga D, Kadziauskiene K, Abaravicius A, Bartkeviciute R. Nutrition and Lifestyle in the Baltic Republics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2000. 12. Pomerleau J, Pudule I, Grinberga D, Kadziauskiene K, Abaravicius A, Bartkeviciute R, Vaask S, Robertson A, McKee M. Patterns of body weight in the Baltic Republics. Public Health Nutrition 2000; 3(1): 3-10. 13. Pudule I, Grīnberga D, Rituma A, Villeruša A, Zīle S, Prättälä R, Helasoja V, Puska P “Latvijas iedzīvotāju veselību ietekmējošo paradumu pētījums, 2000.”, (Health Behaviour among Latvian Adult Population, 2000), Helsinki: National Public Health Institute, 2001. 14. Helasoja V, Prättälä R, Dregval L, Pudule I, Kasmel A. Late Response and item-nonresponse in the Finbalt Health Monitor Survey. European Journal of Public Health. 2002; 12(2): 117- 123. 15. Pudule I, Villerusa A, Grinberga D, Rituma A. The First FINBALT Health Behaviour Survey in Latvia, 1998. In abstract book of Global Issues and Perspectives in Monitoring Behaviors in Populations: Surveillance of Risk Factors in Health and Illness; 1999 Sept 22-24; Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 1999:54. 16. Pomerleau J, McKee M, Robertson A, Kadziauskiene K, Abaravicius A, Bartkeviciute R, Vaask S, Pudule I, Grinberga D. Dietary beliefs in the Baltic republics. Public Health Nutrition. 2001, 4(2): 217-225. 17. Pomerleau J, McKee M, Robertson A, Kadziauskiene K, Abaravicius A, Vaask S, Pudule I, Grinberga D. Macronutrient and food intake in the Baltic republics. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2001, 55: 200-207. 18. Pomerleau J, McKee M, Robertson A, Vaask S, Kadziauskiene K, Abaravicius A, Bartkeviciute R, Pudule I, Grinberga D. Physical inactivity in the Baltic Countries. Preventive Medicine. 2000; 31, 665-672. 19. Pomerleau J, McKee M, Robertson A, Vaask S, Pudule I, Grinberga D, Abaravicius A, Bartkeviciute R. Food security in the Baltic Republics. Public Health Nutrition. 2002; 5(3): 397-404 20. Materials from lectures and practical classes.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 14/06/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – EMERGENCY MEDICAL AID</p><p>99 Manager of subject (course) – Assistant R. Spručs</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Assistant R. Spručs, Professor I. Vanags, Docent E. Daugulis, Assoc. Prof. A. Sondore</p><p>Auditory – 4th year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP (18 h – practical classes, 2 h – lectures)</p><p>Aim – mastering of theoretical and practical basic knowledge in rendering emergency medical aid to patients in pre-hospital and hospital stage.</p><p>Tasks – to teach how to act in various urgent situations connected with the acute states of more frequent illnesses and traumas. </p><p>Content of course: Basics of reanimation. Urgent situations in pulmonology. Urgent situations in cardiology. Trauma. Urgent procedures. Environmental extreme situations. Intoxication. Urgent situations in pediatrics.</p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in first aid, human anatomy, biology and physiology on the level of Secondary school program.</p><p>Literature 1) Materials from lectures and practical classes. 2) Advanced Trauma Life Support. Course for Physicians. Raymond H.Alexander, Herbert S.Pructor. 1995, 396 p. 3) Traumas pacients. D.Krieviņa redakcijā. 2000, 312 lpp. 4) Atdzīvināšana. D.Krieviņa redakcijā. 2003. 5) Anestezioloģija, reanimatoloģija un intensīvā terapija. I.Vanags, E.Daugulis, P.Tomiņš. Nacionālais apgāds, Rīga, 2002, 576 lpp.</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 22/06/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – TECHNOLOGY OF COOKERY (PREPARING A FOOD)</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Lector Mag.paed. Valda Kozule</p><p>100 Readers involved in subject program – Lector Mag.paed. Valda Kozule</p><p>Auditory – full and part time students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP </p><p>Aim – to give an information concerning technological process of preparing a food (cookery) and making out an integrated menu</p><p>Tasks – Lectures: 1. To inform about the existing legislation in the field of cookery (preparing a food). 2. To explain: 1) functions, tasks and stages of technological processes at feeding enterprises; 2) preparation of the all food groups with complete processing cycle of products; 3) desirable and undesirable changes in food-stuffs while preparing a food and maximal preservation of food-stuffs; 4) Making out an integrated menu for various groups on inhabitants.</p><p>Laboratory works: To fixate the theoretical knowledge and to master basic methods in products’ first processing and heat processing.</p><p>Content of course: Introduction. Technological process of cookery. Changes in foodstuffs. Vegetable food. Potages. Grain product food. Egg and cottage cheese food, dressings. Fish food. Meat food. Dessert. Snacks. Flour patisserie.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – Grounding in study of food merchandise, good chemistry, physiology and microbiology in nutrition .</p><p>Literature 1) Z.Zariņš, L.Neimane. Uztura mācība. Apgāds Rasa ABC, 2002. – 415 lpp. 2) V.Kozule. Uzutrs I.daļa. Ozolnieki, 1998. – 161 lpp. 3) V.Kozule. Uzturs II.daļa. Ozolnieki, 2000. –151 lpp. 4) V.Kozule. Uzturs III.daļa. Ozolnieki, 2001. – 152 lpp. 5) V.Kozule. Uzturs IV.daļa. Ozolnieki, 2002. – 114 lpp. 6) A.Bicāne. Jaunā konditora rokasgrāmata I, II daļa. Rīga: Turība, Biznesa augstskola, 2002. – 115 lpp.</p><p>101 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/06/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – BASICS OF HEALTH CARE & ORGANIZATION IN REHABILITATION. INTRODUCTION INTO SPECIALTY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Assoc. Professor Aivars Vētra</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Assoc. Professor V.Linaberga, Assistant A.Horna-Butkēviča, Dr.V.Ģīlis, Dr. L.Neimane</p><p>102 Auditory – Full and part time students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 1 CP </p><p>Aim – 1. To facilitate formations of positive, insightful and integrated attitude towards the people with restrictions in functional ability. 2. To five to students’ a basic knowledge in organization of health care rehabilitation services. 3. To create an understanding about a place and role of chosen profession in health care and rehabilitation on purpose to motivate for further studies. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To ensure a knowledge about the organizing structure, resources, cognition and terminology in rehabilitation. 2. To ensure a knowledge about regularities in development of rehabilitation historically and in perspective in the world and Latvia. 3. To introduce with the aims, tasks, technologies and aspects of practical activities in the chosen profession.</p><p>Content of course: Lectures in theoretical questions of the course. Practical classes introducing with health care and rehabilitation establishments and practical aspects of work.</p><p>Check-up – Pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – To know structure, basic cognition, definitions and terminology in the health care and rehabilitation. </p><p>Literature</p><p>1) Malcom Peat- Community Based Rehabilitation –WB Saunders Company, 1997; 2) Joel A.Delisa, Bruce M.Gans- Rehabilitation Medicine, Principles and Practice, Third Edition –Lippincot- Raven Publishers, 1998; 3) M.P. Barnes, A.B.Ward- Textbook of Rehabilitation Medicine – Oxford University Press, 2000; 4) Peter M. Fayers, David Machin- Quality of Life, Assessment, Analysis and Interpretation, John Wiley& Sons, 2000; 5) Medical Rehabilitation Standarts Manual, The Commision on Acreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, 2003;</p><p>103 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 26/06/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – GENERAL REHABILITATION</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Assoc. Professor Aivars Vētra</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Assoc. Professor V.Linaberga, Assistant A.Horna-Butkēviča, Assistant I.Znotiņa, Assistant S.Tomsone, Assisatant I.Spodriņa </p><p>Auditory – Full and part time students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP </p><p>Aims – 1. To facilitate formation of understanding about the aims, tasks and practical application of medical rehabilitation in medical and social aspect. 2. To create an understanding of a work in team. </p><p>Tasks – </p><p>104 1. To ensure knowledge about a working ability and life quality. 2. To give knowledge about a team work in rehabilitation and a role of various functional specialists (therapists) in it. </p><p>Content of course: Lectures about the theoretical aspects in rehabilitation. Training in practical teamwork. Seminar-like practical classes with analysis of patient’s case. </p><p>Check-up – Examination at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – decision making in structural questions concerning life quality, work ability and its expertise; interaction and evaluation of physical, pathological and environmental factors; work in team. Literature 1) Donald G. Shurr, John W. Michael- Prosthetics and Orthotics- 2nd ed. -Pearson Education, 2002; 2) Joel A.Delisa, Bruce M.Gans- Rehabilitation Medicine, Principles and Practice, Third Edition –Lippincot- Raven Publishers, 1998; 3) M.P. Barnes, A.B.Ward- Textbook of Rehabilitation Medicine – Oxford University Press, 2000; 4) Peter M. Fayers, David Machin- Quality of Life, Assessment, Analysis and Interpretation, John Wiley& Sons, 2000;</p><p>Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 14/06/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) - PEDAGOGY</p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Dr.paed. Irēna Upeniece</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Dr.paed Irēna Upeniece</p><p>Auditory – 4th year students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP (20 h – lectures, 20 h – seminars) </p><p>Aim – to facilitate mastering of basics in pedagogy, to form understanding of the application of pedagogic knowledge in everyday practice.</p><p>Tasks – 1. To facilitate mastering of general basics in pedagogy: categories, principles, forms and methods. 2. To introduce a system of pedagogic science and its link with the other sciences. 3. To introduce with research methods in pedagogy.</p><p>105 4. To form an understanding about a structure of personality and factors having an influence on its development. 5. To form skills and experience of creative interface.</p><p>Content of course: Education as a social fact. Pedagogy as a subjects. General basics of pedagogy: categories, forms, principles, methods and manners. System of pedagogic science. Link of pedagogy with the other sciences. Research methods in pedagogy. Personality and factors for its development. Orientation of values. Motivation to study. </p><p>Check-up – Combined test (oral and in writing)</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to know basics of pedagogy, pedagogic terminology; to prepare and present report.</p><p>Literature</p><p>1.Zelmenis V. Pedagoģijas pamati. – RaKa, 2000. 2.Žukovs L. Pedagoģija. – RaKa, 1997. 3.Gudjons H. Pedagoģijas pamatatziņas. – Zvaigzne ABC,1998. 4.Špona A. Audzināšanas teorija un prakse.- RaKa, 2002. 5.Šteinberga A.,Tunne I. Jauniešu pašizjūta un vērības.- RaKa, 1999. 6. Granuma V. Pacienta izglītošana. Med.prof.izgl.centrs, 1998. 7. Omārova S. Cilvēks runā ar cilvēku. „Kamene”, 1996. 8. Karpova Ā. Ģimenes psiholoģija. RaKa, 2000.</p><p>106 Form No. M-3</p><p>“Brief description of subject program” CONFIRMED on 28/06/2005</p><p>Title of subject (course) – EVALUATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF RESTRICTIONS IN FUNCTIONAL ABILITY </p><p>Manager of subject (course) – Assoc. Professor Aivars Vētra</p><p>Readers involved in subject program – Dr. Anita Vētra, Assistant L.Cibule, Assistant S.Tomsone, Assistant A.Horna-Butkēviča, Assistant I.Znotiņa</p><p>Auditory – Full and part time students from Academic School of Nutrition, FR</p><p>Volume – 2 CP </p><p>Aim – 1. To form practical attitude towards an evaluation of human’s functional disturbances and their analysis. 2. To give a basic knowledge in usage of the International Classification of Functioning in connection with the other WHO regulations. </p><p>Tasks – 1. To introduce with the theoretical aspects of functional ability and its restriction, the most important instruments for their evaluation and tasks and possibilities for their evaluation. 2. To give practical skills to evaluate functional ability individually and in team.</p><p>Content of course: Theoretical lectures. Practical classes with analysis of situation. </p><p>107 Check-up – Practical pretest at the end of course</p><p>Requirements for auditory – to know principles how to evaluate functional ability; practically to determine and interpret restrictions of functional ability.</p><p>Literature 1) Malcom Peat- Community Based Rehabilitation –WB Saunders Company, 1997; 2) Joel A.Delisa, Bruce M.Gans- Rehabilitation Medicine, Principles and Practice, Third Edition –Lippincot- Raven Publishers, 1998; 3) M.P. Barnes, A.B.Ward- Textbook of Rehabilitation Medicine – Oxford University Press, 2000; 4) Peter M. Fayers, David Machin- Quality of Life, Assessment, Analysis and Interpretation, John Wiley& Sons, 2000; 5) International Classification of Functioning- ICF, World Helth Organization, 2001; CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name JĀNIS BERNĀTS Date / Place of birth 15/08/1975, Liepāja town Address / Contact phone 110 Kalnciema Str., Apt.6, Riga LV 1046 7409135 – working hours 9432214 – mobile </p><p>EDUCATION 1999 – 2001 Latvia University Faculty of Law, Master’s degree program 1994 – 1999 Latvia University Faculty of Law, Professional study program in jurisprudence, qualification – lawyer 1982 – 1993 Liepaja town Secondary School No.6 (GCSE)</p><p>ACADEMIC DEGREE - Mag.iur.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2004 – up to date RSU Faculty of Public Health – lector ad interim 2003 – up to date RSU Rector’s Adviser in Legal Affairs 2001 – 2003 RSU Office for Legal and Staff Affairs - Manager 1999 – 2001 RSU Office for Legal and Staff Affairs – Head of Legal Dept. 1998 – 1999 RSU Office for Legal and Staff Affairs – Specialist-jurist 1996 – 1998 Riga city Kurzeme district – Public prosecutor’s assistant</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native English – good Russian – good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge (MS Office, Internet, NAIS WWW </p><p>108 version, Personnel Navigator 6) Driving licence - category B and C </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ALDIS LIEPIŅŠ Date / Place of birth 12/11/1975, Riga city Address / Contact phone 106 A.Deglava Str., Apt. 1, Riga LV 1082 7588906 – working hours 9135849 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2004 – up to date Latvia University Faculty of Law, Master’s degree program 1998 – 2004 Latvia University Faculty of Law, Professional study program in jurisprudence, qualification – lawyer 1993 – 1997 Medical Academy of Latvia 1982 – 1993 Ludza town Secondary School No.1 (GCSE)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2004 – up to date RSU – lector in subject “Basics of jurisprudence” 2002 – up to date RSU Office for Legal and Staff Affairs – Head of Legal Dept. 2000 – 2002 Profitless State Stock Company “Latvijas pasts” – jurisconsult 1998 – 2000 Ltd. “Polla” – security officer 1996 – 1998 Stock Company “Poligons” – security officer 1993 – 1994 Riga Clinical Hospital No.7 – sanitary at operating-theatre </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – completely English – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge (MS Office) Driving licence – category B Hobby – water sport</p><p>109 Interests – mental games, music </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name JURIS SALAKS Date / Place of birth 11/10/1961, Aluksne town Address / Contact phone 74 Brivibas avenue, Jurmala LV 2010</p><p>EDUCATION 1981 – 1987 Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Medicine – physician 1968 – 1979 Aluksne town Secondary School (GCSE)</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med., Associated Professor</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE RSU Institute of History of Medicine - Director</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 26 – in all, incl., 3 books</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian, Russian, German, English, Polish </p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>110 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name MAIJA POZEMKOVSKA Date / Place of birth 17/12/1966, Riga city Address / Contact phone 61 Kr.Valdemara Str. Apt.9., Riga LV 1010 7332946 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION 1996 Master’ s degree in History 1991 Latvia University – teacher of history </p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1993 – up to date Paula Stradina Museum of History of Medicine – specialist</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 50 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Association of Latvian Medical Historians – secretary Scientific Committee of Paula Stradina Museum of History of Medicine – scientific secretary Information Center at Latvian Association of Doctors and Dentists – manager Student Corporation “Spidola” – philistine </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>111 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name ILVA DUĻEVSKA Date / Place of birth 11/10/1949, Riga city Address / Contact phone 22 Sudraba Edzus Str., Apt.2, Riga LV 1014 9251832 - mobile EDUCATION 1970 – 1976 Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Pediatrics – physician 1956 – 1966 Riga Secondary School No. 49 (GCSE)</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>2002 Attendance Certificate in the International Conference “Record of Human activity in the Environment”, Lomza 1996 University of Dundee Development of a Core Curriculum, Riga 1983 Qualification improvement course in Normal Anatomy at the Leningrad (former USSR) Institute of Pediatrics 1978 Qualification improvement in Pediatrics at the Jaroslavl (former USSR) Medical Institute</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2003 – up to date RSU Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology (IAA), Department of Anatomic studies – docent 1996 – 2003 RMI Department of Anatomic studies – lector 1997 RMI IAA, Department of Anatomic studies – head 1996 – 2000 RMI Faculty of Medicine 1st and 2nd course – Vice Dean 1981 – 1996 RMI Department of Anatomy – assistant 1976 – 1981 Riga Medical School No. 1 – teacher in pediatrics</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 31 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS European Association of Anatomists, Embryologists and Histologists European Association of Anthropologists Clinically Integrated Association of Morphology</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Anatomy, anthropology</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native; Russian – good; English and German – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge – MC Office</p><p>112 Hobby – landscape gardening Interests – travel, sport, classical music CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name SILVIJA UMBRAŠKO Date / Place of birth 20/06/1952, Preiļu reg., Silajāņu parish Address / Contact phone Riga reg., Stopiņu parish “Emīlijas” LV 2130 7910239 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1970 – 1976 Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Pediatrics – physician 1959 – 1970 Aglona Secondary School - GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 1993 Basic course in rehabilitation</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1996 – up to date RSU Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Department of Anatomy studies – lector 1989 – 1996 Department of Anatomy, Physiology and biochemistry – lector 1979 – 1989 RMI Department of Anatomy – assistant 1976 – 1979 Jēkabpils town Central Hospital – pediatrician </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 34 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>European Association of Anatomists and Anthropologists Latvian Association of Physiotherapists Clinically Regional Association of Morphology</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Anthropology</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – good English and German – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge – MC Office Driving licence – category B Hobby – health Interests – sport</p><p>113 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name DZINTRA KAŽOKA Date / Place of birth 05/06/1974, Līvāni Address / Contact phone 121 Ģertrūdes Str. Apt. 53, Riga LV 1009 9634843 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1993 – 1999 Medical Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine - physician 1981 – 1993 Kārļa Videnieka Riga Secondary School No.77 – GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>5 years in Anatomy</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 21 – in all 20 – during the last five years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvian Association of Anatomists, Embryologists and Histologists</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS </p><p>“Characterization of woman’s biological status in Latvia”</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian, German, English – good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge – MC Office Driving licence – category B Hobby – travel Interests – foreign languages, psychology, music</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>114 PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ZELTĪTE CĒDERŠTRĒMA Date / Place of birth 03/10/1968, Saldus town Address / Contact phone 52/4 Valdķu Str. Apt. 92, Riga LV 1058 6541725 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1997 – 2000 Medical Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Post-graduate Education specialty – Family Medicine 1990 – 1996 Medical Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine – physician 1987 – 1989 Riga Medical School No.2 – general medical nurse 1984 – 1987 Saldus town Secondary School No. 1 – GCSE 1975 – 1984 Saldus town Elementary School</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>2005 – up to date RSU Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology – doctoral degree studies</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2004 – up to date RSU Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Department of Anatomic studies – assistant ad interim 2000 – 2003 RSU Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Department of Anatomic studies – teacher 2001 International College of Aesthetic – lector 1996 – 1997 Saldus region Red Cross – charity nurse 1989 – 1990 Saldus policlinic Department of Therapy – nurse</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 5 – in all</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Anthropology </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – good English – enough for social contacts German – with dictionary</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge – MS Office Driving licence – category B Hobby – travel Interests – unconventional medicine, psychology, classical music</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name LUDMILA ZINČENKO</p><p>115 Date / Place of birth 25/12/1939 Address / Contact phone 49 Kr.Barona Str., Apt. 3, Riga 7272339 – working hours EDUCATION 1962 – 1963 Tashkent (former USSR) State Medical Institute, Faculty of Sanitary and Hygiene – specialization in Human biology, Cytogenetics, Medical genetics, Parasitology 1957 – 1962 Frunze (former USSR) State Medical Institute, Faculty of Sanitary and Hygiene 1947 – 1957 Secondary School – GCSE</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE</p><p>1992 Dr.med. 1971 Cand.biol.sc. (Embryology and Histology)</p><p>ACADEMIC DEGREE 1984 Docent</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1984 – up to date RSU Dept. of Medical Biology & Genetics (MB & G) - Docent 1980 – 1983 Riga Medical Institute (RMI), Dept. MB & G – Senior Reader 1976 – 1980 RMI Dept. MB & G – assistant 1974 – 1976 RMI Dept. MB & G – teacher 1966 – 1974 Tashkent State Medical Institute Dept.MB & G – assistant 1964 – 1966 Tashkent State Medical Institute – research associate 1964 Tashkent State Hospital – physician </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 94 – in all (incl. Method handbooks – 48) 13 – during the last six years (incl. Method handbooks – 6)</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvian Association of Specialists in Genetic and Selection Latvian Association of Parasitologists Latvian Association of Medical Genetics </p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Cytogenetics, Medical genetics, medical parasitology </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian, Russian English, German – with dictionary ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name MARUTA ZARIŅA Date / Place of birth 11/09/1942, Riga city Address / Contact phone 5 Katrīndambis Apt. 40, Riga LV 1045</p><p>116 9283392 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION 1962 – 1967 Riga Polytechnic Institute Faculty of Chemistry – engineer chemist-technologist 1949 – 1960 Bauska town Secondary school No. 1 - GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>Academic – Latvia University of Agriculture, extramural Master’s degree program in pedagogy (1997) Qualification improvement – Moscow (Russia) State University, General & Inorganic chemistry (1971)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 2004 – up to date RSU Dept. of Chemistry in Pharmacy – senior technician 1988 – 1998 Jelgava town and region – teacher in chemistry 1981 – 1987 Latvia Academy of Agriculture, Dept. of Inorganic chemistry -junior scientific associate 1970 – 1981 Riga Polytechnic Institute – senior lector 1969 – 1970 Riga Polytechnic Institute – assistant</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently German – enough for social contacts ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge, driving licence – category B and C</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name AIJA GULBE Date / Place of birth 02/05/1958, Riga city Address / Contact phone 91 Airu Str. Apt. 2, Riga LV 1015 7409215 – working hours</p><p>117 EDUCATION</p><p>1990 Graduated 1st Moscow Medical Institute – Residency 1983 Graduated Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Pharmacy 1976 Graduated Riga Secondary School No. 31 - GCSE</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1983 – up to date RSU 1994 – 2003 RSU Faculty of Pharmacy – lector 1990 – 1994 RSU Faculty of Pharmacy – assistant 1987 – 1990 1st Moscow Medical Institute, Dept. of Pharmacy 1983 – 1987 Riga Medical Institute, Dept. of Pharmacy – senior technician and teacher</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>10 – in all 6 – Methodic recommendations for students in pharmacy SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Scientific & Pedagogic activities </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – good English - enough </p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge, driving licence – category B</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ULDIS TEIBE Date / Place of birth 1939 Address / Contact phone 7409172 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1966 – 1969 A.Zhdanova Leningrad State University, Dr.biol.sc.</p><p>118 1958 – 1962 P.Stučka Latvia State University, Faculty of Physics & Mathematics </p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATIN</p><p>2001 Toronto University – physics 1988 2nd Moscow Medical Institute – biological statistics</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.biol.sc. (1969)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 1967 – up to date RSU Dept. of Physics – Head, Professor </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 109 – at all 14 – during the last 6 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>European Association of Anatomists, Embryologists & Histologists European Association of Anthropologists Clinically Integrated Association of Morphology </p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Anatomy, anthropology</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently German – good English – enough for social contacts</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name OSKARS RASNAČS Date / Place of birth Riga city Address / Contact phone 3 Raiņa Str., Apt. 43, Jelgava town, LV 3001 6411228 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1999 – 2002 Latvia University of Agriculture, 1994 – 1996 Latvia University, Faculty of Physics & Mathematics</p><p>119 1989 – 1994 Latvia University, Faculty of Physics & Mathematics</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Qualification improvement in Latvia and abroad</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE RSU Dept. of Physics – lector</p><p>PUBLICATIONS About 40</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – good English – enough for social contacts</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name IMANTS KALNIŅŠ Date / Place of birth 15/06/1947, Valmiera town Address / Contact phone 6 Austrumu Str., Riga</p><p>EDUCATION Riga Technical Institute - engineer</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1969 – up to date RSU</p><p>120 PUBLICATIONS 48 – at all</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS</p><p>Biomechanics of human locomotor apparatus </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – excellent English – good</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name MĀRA PILMANE Date / Place of birth 22/05/1962 Address / Contact phone 7326526 – working hours 9490710 - mobile EDUCATION 1980 – 1986 Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Pediatrics – physician 1986 – 1990 Medical Academy of Latvia, post-graduate education</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Qualification improvement in Latvia and abroad</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.habil.med. (1997) Dr.med. (1992) WORK EXPERIENCE 2002 – up to date Profit-less State Stock Company “Children Clinical</p><p>121 University Hospital”, Bureau of Pathology – consultant in histology 2002 – up to date RSU Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Dept. of Study in Embryology – Head 2001 – up to date RSU professor, Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology - Director 2001 – up to date Latvia University of Agriculture, Scientific Center “Sigra” Leading research worker 2001 – 2002 Latvia University Museum of Anatomy & Embryology – Head 2000 – 2003 Latvia University Faculty of Post-graduate Education – Head of Residency 1998 – 2002 Latvia University Dept. of Anatomy & Histology – Head, Professor 1994 – 1997 Medical Academy of Latvia, Dept. of Histology – Head, Docent 1992 – 1994 Medical Academy of Latvia Dept. of Histology – assistant 1990 – 1992 Medical Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Pediatrics – Post graduate </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 260 – at all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS European Association of Anatomy, Embryology & Histology European Association of Anthropologists</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently German – good English – enough for social contacts</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name INDULIS VANAGS Date / Place of birth 06/10/1948, Gulbene town Address / Contact phone 41 Mārupes Str. Apt. 2, Riga 9472402 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1967 – 1973 Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine – physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Qualification improvement in Latvia and abroad</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1998 – up to date RSU Dept. of Anesthesiology & Reanimation – Head, Professor 1994 – 1998 Medical Academy of Latvia, Dept. of Anesthesiology &</p><p>122 Reanimation – Docent 1984 – 1994 Medical Academy of Latvia, Dept. of Pathologic Physiology – Docent Riga city Clinical Hospital No. 2 – anesthesiologist 1975 – 1984 Riga Medical Institute, Dept. of Lung Surgery – Senior Scientific collaborator P.Stradina Clinical Hospital & Riga city Clinical Hospital No.2 – Anesthesiologist 1973 – 1975 Gulbene Region Central Hospital – anesthesiologist </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 188 – at all 12 – inventions (patents)</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS European Academy of Anesthesiology (EAA) – member European Society of Anesthesiologists (ESA) – active member World Association of Pain Study – member Latvian Association of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists – member of board</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian Russian, English, German</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ANTOŅINA SONDORE Date / Place of birth 11/10/1936 Address / Contact phone 16 Ruses Str., Apt. 100, Riga LV 1029 9471008 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION 1954 Graduated Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine – Physician</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med. (1992)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>RSU Dept. of Anesthesiology & Reanimation – Associated professor</p><p>PUBLICATIONS About 300</p><p>123 MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Anesthesiologists & Reanimatologists – President Foundation for European Education in Anaesthesiology, Latvia Regional Center European Academy of Anaesthesiology – member Confederation of European National Societies of Anaesthesiologists - member </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name EGONS DAUGULIS Date / Place of birth 13/05/1934, Riga city Address / Contact phone 9 Līdaku Str. Apt. 3, Riga LV 1002</p><p>EDUCATION 1952 – 1958 Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine – physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Qualification improvement 1999, 1996 IV World Federation of Anesthesiologists 1990 Anesthesiology & Intensive Therapy, Stockholm 1986 Moscow (Russia) Qualification Improvement Institute 1985 Leningrad (Russia) Qualification Improvement Inst. 1977 1st Moscow (Russia) Courses for teachers 1967 Moscow (Russia) Institute of Neurosurgery</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 1996 – up to date P.Stradina Clinical University Hospital, Clinics of Anesthesiology & Reanimation - Head 1974 – up to date RSU Dept. of Anesthesiology - Docent 1970 – 1971 P.Stradina Clinical Hospital, Dept. of Reanimation –</p><p>124 Head 1967 – 1974 Riga Medical Institute - Assistant 1965 – 1967 P.Stradins Clinical Hospital, Dept. of Anesthesiology 1961 – 1964 Riga Medical Institute, Dept. of Surgery – post-graduate 1958 – 1961 Kuldiga region Central Hospital – Surgeon, otolaryngologist </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 80 – at all; 16 – during last 10 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Latvia Association of Intensive & Emergency Aid – Vice President Latvian Kidney Foundation - member</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Medical terminology </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – good English, German – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge Driving licence – category B</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ROBERTS RASNAČS Date / Place of birth 08/12/1972 Address / Contact phone 54 Miera Str. Ap. 18, Riga LV 1013 8315588 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2003 – up to date Latvia University, Faculty of Economics & Management Master degree program 1998 – 2002 Medical Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Post-graduate Education – specialization in reanimatology 1992 – 1998 Medical Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine – physician</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2002 – up to date RSU Dept. of Anesthesiology – assistant 2002 – up to date Clinical Hospital “Gailezers”, Center of Toxicology Dept. of Reanimation & Intensive Therapy 2002 – 2004 Instrumentarium Corporation (Finland) – local representative 1998 – 2003 Ministry of Welfare, Center of Catastrophe Medicine,</p><p>125 Organization & Planning – specialist 1998 – 2002 P.Stradina Clinical University Hospital – resident in Anesthesiology – Reanimation 1991 – 1998 Riga Emergency Medical Aid Station – Assistant doctor</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Politics</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native English – very good German – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge (MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint) Driving licence – category Hobby - travel</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name AIJA ZILVESTRE Date / Place of birth 17/05/1951 Address / Contact phone 16/2 Ozolciema Str. Apt. 10, Riga</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1972 – 1978 Latvia University, Faculty of Foreign Languages</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>Academic courses – German, Latin languages 1999 – 2000 British Council 2-year qualification improvement courses for English language teachers 1979 Qualification improvement courses at Minsk (former USSR) Foreign Languages Pedagogic Institute 1970 – 1972 Higher courses at Latvia State University</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1981 – up to date RSU Language Center – lector 1996 – 2003 Riga Polytechnic Institute – German language reader 1978 – 1981 Riga Polytechnic Institute, Dept. of Foreign languages – teacher</p><p>PUBLICATIONS Translation Latvia Pharmindex, R. 1991 (25 pages)</p><p>126 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES </p><p>Latvian, German, Russian</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Skills – translation (in writing / orally / synchronous / consecutive) </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name LIDIJA KRUSTA Date / Place of birth 17/06/1942 Address / Contact phone 8 Skuju Str. Apt. 10, Riga </p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1960 – 1966 Latvia State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>Academic courses – Latin, English languages 1985 Moscow (Russia) 1st Medical Institute – qualification improvement courses 1977 Moscow (Russia) 1st Medical Institute – qualification improvement courses</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 1967 – up to date RSU Language Center</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Hebrews – Medics in Latvia, 1918 – 1996., R. 1997 (translation into Russian language) Lingua Latina pro Medicis, AML, R. 1996 </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>127 Latvian, German, Russian, English</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Skills – translation (in writing)</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name INĀRA ĀBELĪTE Date / Place of birth 25/05/1942 Address / Contact phone 6 Indranu Str. Apt. 4, Riga</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1960 – 1966 Latvia University, Faculty of Foreign Languages</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Academic courses – English, Latin languages</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Mag.philol.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1961 – up to date RSU Language Center</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>1991 – 2005 Annotations in English for journals in medicine</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian, English, Russian, Latin</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Skills – translation </p><p>128 (in writing / orally – synchronous / consecutive) </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name OLGA VOIKA Date / Place of birth 20/08/1967 Address / Contact phone 36 Kr.Barona Str. Apt. 25, Riga</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2003 – 2005 Latvia University Faculty of Pedagogy & Psychology Master degree program in General Pedagogy 1995 – 1998 English language center “KLAS’S” 1995 Institute of Practical psychology, Faculty of Translators 1987 – 1993 Medical Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Academic courses – English language</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1999 – up to date RSU Language Center – lector 1996 – up to date English language center “KLAS’S”</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian, English, Russian</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Translation ( in writing / orally)</p><p>129 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ŅINA ZAZERSKA Date / Place of birth 14/06/1953 Address / Contact phone 1 Maras Str. Apt. 68, Jelgava</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1972 – 1978 Latvia State University Faculty of Foreign Languages</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>Academic courses – English, Latin languages October 2003 Seminar “The Latest in English Academic Writing” 1999 – 2000 British Council 2-year courses for English language teachers 1988 Qualification improvement in Guilford Technical University (GB) 1987 Moscow (Russia) 2nd Medical Institute – qualification improvement courses </p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Mag.paed.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1978 – up to date RSU Language Center</p><p>PUBLICATIONS “Out-patient Department Hospital” (Texts & Exercises)</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Russian, English, Latvian, German, Latin</p><p>130 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Skills – translation (in writing)</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name LĪGA ABERBERGA AUGŠKALNE Date / Place of birth 28/03/1944, Riga city Address / Contact phone 35 Mārkalnes Prosp. Apt. 6, Ogre LV</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1971 Graduated Moscow (former USSR) Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport - Residency 1980 – 1986 Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Medicine – physician</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.habil.med.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1995 – up to date RSU Dept. of Normal Physiology - Head</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 109 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvian Association of Physiologists Latvian Central Committee of Bio-ethics International Union of Physiology Science (IUPS) – Ethics Committee SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Physiology, Bio-ethics</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>131 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ASTRĪDA KRAUJA Date / Place of birth 25/10/1940, Ogre region Address / Contact phone 432/1 Brīvības Str. Apt. 40, Riga LV 1024</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1976 Graduated Latvia State University Faculty of Biology – Teacher of biology and chemistry</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>2003 Innovation University Education (Certificate)</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.biol.sc.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1990 – up to date Pedagogical work 1976 – 1990 Research work</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 44 - in all 10 – during the last 6 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Baltic States Association of Physiologists – member (since 1980) SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Sport and Blood circulation physiology</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – good German – enough for social contacts English – with dictionary</p><p>132 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Driving licence – category B Hobby - travel Interests – art, culture, literature, theatre </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name ILZE STREPMANE Date / Place of birth 17/06/1946, Ogre reg., Ikšķile Address / Contact phone 291/1 Maskavas Str. Apt. 61, Riga</p><p>EDUCATION 2002 Graduated Latvia University Institute of Pedagogy & Psychology – Doctoral degree study program 1996 Graduated Latvia University Institute of Pedagogy & Psychology – Master degree study program (Mg.paed.) 1965 – 1970 P.Stucka Latvia State University Faculty of Biology – teacher of biology and chemistry</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 1989 Department of Ethics & Aesthetics 1978 Department of Philosophy</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 1989 – up to date RSU Dept. of Microbiology – reader 1992 – 1993 Riga 2nd Medical School – teacher 1978 – 1991 P.Dauge Riga 1st Medical School – educator 1975 – 1986 Academy of Science A.Kirhenstein Institute of Microbiology – junior researcher 1973 – 1975 Academy of Science Experimental Works 1972 – 1973 Riga Secondary School No. 66 – teacher 1971 – 1972 Academy of Science A,Kirhenstein Institute of Microbiology – senior technician 1970 – 1971 Academy of Science Institute of Biology – technician 1969 – 1970 Riga Part-time Secondary School – teacher 1964 – 1965, 1969 Academy of Science A.Kirhenstein Institute of Microbiology - technician</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 40 – in all 16 – during the last 5 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Latvian Society of Microbiologists – Member of Board Latvian Association of Medical Microbiology - Member</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Onco-virology, Virology</p><p>133 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently English – fluently special literature </p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge, Driving licence – category B,Interests – travel, politics CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name VOLDEMĀRS ARNIS Date / Place of birth 17/10/1960, Talsi town Address / Contact phone 6 Alīses Str. Apt. 56, Riga 9517305 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1997 Latvia Institute of Experimental & Clinical Medicine 1982 – 1986 Latvia State Institute of Physical Culture 1975 – 1978 Saldus town Secondary School - GCSE</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.biol.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2002 – up to date RSU Associate Professor 1998 – 2002 Medical Academy of Latvia – Docent 1986 – 1998 Medical Academy of Latvia – lector</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 33 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Council of the Faculty of Rehabilitation - member</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>134 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name MARUTA HOFERTE Date / Place of birth 15/09/1951, Blagoveshchensk (former USSR) Address / Contact phone 63 Kalnciema Str. Riga LV 1046</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1970 – 1974 Latvia Institute of Physical Culture – teacher in physical culture & sport, instructor of remedial gymnastics 1967 – 1970 Riga Secondary No.4 – GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>1997 Training courses in Helsinki, Finland 1996 Qualification improvement courses 1995 Qualification improvement courses 1993 Qualification improvement courses in Rehabilitation</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Mag.paed. in Sport Pedagogy</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1995 – up to date Medical Center “Elite”, gymnastics for expectant mothers – Manager 1988 – up to date RSU Team of Rhythmic gymnastics – Coach 1977 – up to date RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation – lector 1972 – 1977 4th Youth Sport School – Coach in calisthenics </p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Federation of Aerobics – member of board Federation of Gymnastics – member of auditing commission International Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics – member of administrative commission</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>135 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name IRĒNA UPENIECE Date / Place of birth 04/09/1955, Riga city Address / Contact phone 15 Stabu Str. Apt. 60, Riga LV 1001 6157576 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1990 – 1995 Latvia University, Doctoral degree study program in Pedagogy & psychology 1972 – 1976 Latvia State Institute of Physical Culture – pedagogue</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1998 – up to date RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation – Docent 1995 – up to date RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation – lector 1998 – 2000 Department of Medical education – specialist 1979 – 1990 Riga Medical Institute – teacher 1976 – 1979 Sport Association “Daugava” - instructor</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 1 –Monograph 11 – Conference’s thesis 28 – Articles in Scientific journals 3 – Methods handbooks 1 – Dissertation </p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Baltic States Association of Pedagogues – Historians Latvian Association of Pedagogues – Scientists</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS</p><p>History of Pedagogy & Medicine Health care & Prophylaxis</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – excellent English – enough for social contacts</p><p>136 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name MĀRA KAKSE Date / Place of birth 17/06/1942 Address / Contact phone 5a Blaumaņa Str. Apt. 17, Riga LV 1011</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1994 Latvia University, Master’s degree study program 1973 – 1977 Moscow (Russia) State University – Residency 1966 Graduated P.Stucka Latvia University, Faculty of Economics and Law – economist</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Academic courses (1966)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1991 – up to date RSU Dept. of Public health & Epidemiology – lector 1978 – 1991 Dept. of Philosophy & Political economy – senior reader 1969 – 1973 Riga Polytechnic Institute, Dept. of Political economics – senior reader 1966 – 1969 Latvia University, Teaching dept. – Methodist </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 13 – in all</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian, Russian, German, English, Polish </p><p>137 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name LOLITA VILKA Date / Place of birth 27/12/1951 Address / Contact phone 8 Celtnieku Str. Apt. 40, Tukums LV 3100</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1986 – 1989 Latvia State University, Faculty of History & Philosophy Dept. of Philosophy – Residency 1971 – 1975 J.Vitola Latvia State Conservatoire - Precentor</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.phil.sc. (1990)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2004 – up to date RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation – Methodist and Manager of Master’s degree study program 2003 – up to date Higher School of Social Technologies – Assoc.prof. Latvian Christian Academy – Assoc.prof. Latvia University Faculty of Philosophy – lector Tukuma reg. Dept. of Culture – Head 1973 – 1980 Tukuma town Children Academy of Music – teacher</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>50 – in all 5 – during the last 6 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Expert Commission of the Quality of Higher Education – member International Project VETURI - collaborator</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Social labour, Philosophy, Axiology </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>138 PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name NIKANDRS GILLS Date / Place of birth 10/03/1945 Address / Contact phone 46/5 Ozolciema Str. Apt. 4, Riga LV 1058</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1982 – 1986 Latvia Academy of Science Institute of Philosophy & Rights – Residency (extramural teaching) 1967 – 1972 Latvia State University Faculty of Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy – reader in philosophy, sociologist</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1990 – up to date Latvia University Institute of Philosophy & Sociology – Assistant – research worker 1981 – 1989 Latvia Academy of Science Institute of Philosophy & Law Research Associate 1980 – 1981 Latvia Academy of Science Institute of History – Research Associate 1975 – 1980 Press “Liesma” & “Avots” – Editor 1972 – 1975 Ministry of Building Materials Design Office - Sociologist </p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>83 – in all 18 – during the last 6 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>CESNUR representative in Latvia State Bureau of Human Rights - member Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Support Foundation, Prague, stipendiary in project “Influence of New Religious Minorities on the Development of New Multicultural Identity”</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Live issues, history and sociology of religion </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Computer knowledge, driving licence, hobby, interests) </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name IRĒNA VAĻKOVA</p><p>139 Date / Place of birth 24/04/1958 Address / Contact phone 19 Puškina Str. Apt. 27, Riga</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2002 – up to date Latvia University Faculty of Pedagogy & Psychology Master degree study program in General pedagogy 1999 Graduated Latvia University Faculty of Pedagogy & Psychology. Qualification – teacher of English language 1982-1983; 1985-1987 P.Stradina Clinical Hospital – clinical traineeship 1981 – 1982 Riga Medical Institute – internship 1975 – 1981 Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Medicine - physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>Academic courses – Ophthalmology, English language, Russian language Qualification improvement: 2003 – RSU Seminar “The Latest Conceptions in English Academic Writing” 1996 – Glaucoma course at Amsterdam University 1995 – Ophthalmology at Munich University</p><p>QUALIFICATION Certified Ophthalmologist</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2000 – up to date RSU Dept. of Ophthalmology – assistant 1999 – up to date RSU Language Center – lector 1990 – 1999 Medical Academy of Latvia Dept. of Ophthalmology – Senior technician 1987 – 1990 Museum of History of Medicine – Research Associate KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian, Russian, English language </p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Translation (in writing, orally) </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name MĀRA GIRGENSONE Date / Place of birth 1943, Valka reg.</p><p>140 Address / Contact phone 3 Zemitāna Square Apt. 2, Riga 9122353 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION 1968 Graduated Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Pharmacy</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.biol.sc.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1975 – up to date RSU Dept. of Medical Biochemistry – Docent</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>62 – in all 1 – invention </p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name VIESTURS KREICBERGS Date / Place of birth 12/01/1955, Saldus town Address / Contact phone 20 Plostu Str., Jelgava </p><p>EDUCATION 1983 – 1985 Riga Polytechnic Institute 141 1973 – 1978 Latvia University</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 1996 University of Bonn 1993 University of Gent</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.chem.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2001 – up to date Latvia University of Agriculture – Professor 1998 – 2001 Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Chemistry – Associated professor 1995 – 1998 Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Chemistry – Docent 1992 – 1995 Latvia Academy of Agriculture Dept. of Chemistry – lector 1987 – 1992 Latvia Academy of Agriculture Dept. of Chemistry - senior lector 1976 – 1987 Institute “Biolar” Research laboratory - Director</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>41 – in all 9 – during the last 3 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Council of the Faculty of Food Technology – member Council of Agriculture at the Latvia University - member</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native German – good Russian – good English – with dictionary</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge Driving licence Hobby – philosophy CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name HELĒNA KĀRKLIŅA Date / Place of birth 18/10/1957, Riga city Address / Contact phone 9 Baldones Str. Apt. 2, Riga LV 1046 9223621 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>142 1976 – 1982 Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Pediatrics Qualification – pediatrician 1965 – 1976 Zanta Ozola Riga Secondary School No.5 - GCSE</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2003 – up to date RSU Dept. of Pathologic physiology – lector 1992 – 2003 Medical Academy of Latvia Dept. of Pathologic Physiology – assistant 1985 – 1992 Riga city Children polyclinic No. 8 1982 – 1985 Riga reg. Baldone Ambulance, Children’s Consultation</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 3 – Methodic Aids in Pathologic Physiology</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native German – fluently Russian – fluently English – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge – MS Word, MS Excel Driving licence – category B</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name DAINA LUTINSKA Date / Place of birth 26/08/1956, Limbažu reg. Address / Contact phone 82 Kurzemes Prosp. Apt. 31, Riga LV 1067 9525631 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1976 – 1982 Riga Medical Institute, Qualification – pediatrician</p><p>143 WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>At present RSU Dept. of Pathologic physiology – lector</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 13 – in all 5 – Methodic materials</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native English, Russian</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge Driving licence – category B</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name VENTS SĪLIS Date / Place of birth 01/05/1977, Riga city Address / Contact phone 8/2 Tadaiņu Str., Apt. 19, Riga LV 1010 7409104 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1999 – 2001 Latvia University Faculty of History & Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy – Master of Arts in Philosophy 1995 – 1999 Latvia University Faculty of History & Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy – Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy</p><p>144 ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>2004 Practice at Helsinki University Faculty of Social Sciences 2002 Knowledge improvement at Helsinki University Faculty of Social Sciences, Mater degree program 2000 In the framework of “Socrates” exchange program – Helsinki University Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept. of Applied Philosophy</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Mag.phil.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2001 – up to date RSU Dept. of Humanities – lector</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 3 during the last 5 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvian Association of Aesthetics - member</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently English – fluently German – elementary Finnish – elementary </p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name GUNTIS ĶILKUTS Date / Place of birth 18/09/1961, Riga city Address / Contact phone 19/23 Baznicas Str., Riga LV 1010 7409104 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1998 – 2000 Medical Academy of Latvia, Master’s degree program in Public health 1985 – 1986 Jelgava Central Regional Hospital, Internship in Internal diseases 1979 – 1985 Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine - physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>1997 In the framework of PHARE project training in the Netherlands and Great Britain</p><p>145 WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2000 – up to date Baltic Sea Region Special Workgroup in Localization of Infectious Diseases – local representative 1998 – up to date Private practice of Family Doctor 1998 – 2000 Latvia University Institute of Postgraduate Education in Medicine – Program Director in Family medicine 1997 – 1998 Medical Center “Vesels” – Family doctor 1994 – 1997 Hospital “Linezers”, Out-patient Department – manager 1989 – 1994 Red Cross Hospital in Riga, Dept. of Internal Diseases - Head 1988 – 1989 Jelgava Central Region Hospital – Internist 1986 – 1988 Kalnciema Zonal Hospital - Internist</p><p>PUBLICATION 3 – during the last 5 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Latvian Association of Family Doctors – member of board</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – very good English – very good French – good Norwegian - good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name IVARS NEIDERS Date / Place of birth 12/08/1974, Jelgava town Address / Contact phone Bauska reg., Gailisu parish “Mezazi”</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2002 – up to date Latvia University, Doctor’s degree study program in Philosophy 1999 – 2001 Latvia University Faculty of History & Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy – Master of Arts in Philosophy 1995 – 1999 Latvia University Faculty of History & Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy – Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>2001 In the framework of “Socrates” exchange program studies at the Helsinki University Faculty of Social Sciences</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Mag.phil.</p><p>146 WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2002 – up to date RSU Dept. of Humanities – lector 2002 – 2003 Latvia University Faculty of History & Philosophy – manager of Course papers</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 3 – during the last 2 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Classic & Oriental Research Center “Ad Fontes” – member of board KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – excellent English – excellent German – elementary </p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name SIGNE MEŽINSKA Date / Place of birth 12/05/1973, Riga city Address / Contact phone 1 Bezdeligu Str. Apt. 1, Riga LV 1007 9146661 - mobile EDUCATION</p><p>2001 – 2004 Latvia University Institute of Pedagogy & Psychology, Doctor’s degree study program in Pedagogy 1998 Graduated Latvia University Faculty of History & Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy – Master of Arts in Philosophy 1995 Graduated Latvia University Faculty of History & Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy – Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy </p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>2003 Republic of Latvia Ministry of Education & Science Program “Unitary approach to appreciation of Textbooks”</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Mag.phil.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>147 2001 – up to date RSU Dept. of Humanities – lector 1999 - Riga State Gymnasium No.1 – teacher in philosophy 2000 – 2001 Riga Higher School of Pedagogy & Management of Education – lector 2000 Latvia Academy of Sport Pedagogy - lector 1999 – 2000 Humanitarian Private Gymnasium – teacher 1995 – 1997 Ministry of Welfare Dept. of Social Assistance – Senior Reporter</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 3 – during the last 3 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Riga City Central Region Methodic Union of Teachers in Philosophy & Ethics – Head Republic of Latvia Ministry of Education & Science, Center of Examinations – Supernumerary International Association of Teachers in Philosophy – local representative SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS EU PHARE Project</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently German – fluently English - good CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name VIJA SĪLE Date / Place of birth 26/07/1952, Riga city Address / Contact phone 14 Rupniecibas Str. Apt. 4, Riga LV 1010 7409104 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION 1975 – 1979 Latvia State University Faculty of History & Philosophy Residency 1970 – 1975 Latvia State University Faculty of History & Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy – teacher in philosophy, sociologist</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 1997 Qualification improvement at the Oslo University Institute of Philosophy 1997 Qualification improvement at the organized by Dundee University Center of Medical Education seminar in Riga 1996 Qualification improvement at the organized by Dundee University Center of Medical Education seminar in Riga 1990 Qualification improvement at the Latvia University 1985 Qualification improvement at the St.Petersbourg University</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.phil.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2001 – up to date State School of Administration – (half time) reader 1979 – up to date RSU Dept. of Humanities – professor 1998 – 2001 Ventspils Higher School – visiting lecturer</p><p>148 PUBLICATIONS 3 – during the last 3 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>International Association of Aesthetes Baltic States Bureau – member Latvian Patents Rights Bureau – member of board</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Research work</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently English – good French – enough for social contacts ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name BRIGITA AULIKA Date / Place of birth 22/04/1933 Address / Contact phone 3b Saldus Str. Apt. 28, Riga LV 1007</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1958 Graduated Riga Medical Institute - physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>Academic courses Qualification improvement</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1985 – up to date RSU (Associated Professor) 1989 – 1998 RSU Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Preventive Medicine – Vice Dean 1973 – 1985 Moscow (Russia) institute of General & Communal Hygiene – Senior research associate 1970 – 1973 Moscow (Russia) Institute of Occupational Diseases – Junior research associate 1966 – 1969 Moscow (Russia) Institute of Children and Teenagers Hygiene – Postgraduate 1964 – 1966 Riga Medical Institute – Clinical Traineeshil 1960 – 1964 Several Latvia Medical establishments – physician 1958 – 1960 Madona region Health Department – Head.</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>149 78 – Scientific articles 21 – Conference thesis 1 – Textbook 5 – Handbooks </p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS</p><p>Environment, environmental problems </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian, Russian, German</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ILZE UMALAS Date / Place of birth 06/07/2975, Riga city Address / Contact phone 29 Stabu Str. Apt. 47, Riga 9414652 - mobile EDUCATION</p><p>2004 – up to date Liepaja Pedagogic Academy – Master’s degree study in Pedagogy 1998 – 2003 RSU Faculty of Nursing Science – degree “Nurse” 1992 – 1996 P.Stradina 2nd Medical School – laboratory diagnostician 1982 – 1991 N.Draudzinas Gymnasium – GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Courses in Record-keeping </p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2003 – up to date RSU Faculty of Nursing Science – acting assistant 2001 – 2003 Ltd. “Riga 1st Hospital” – Computer operator 1997 Ltd. “Valnis – AA” – operator 1996 Italian restaurant “1739” – administrator 1995 Riga Maternity Home, Untraditional Maternity Ward – ward-maid 1994 P.Stradina Republican Clinical Hospital, Operation theater – ward- made 1993 Riga Clinical Emergency Aid Hospital, Maternity Ward – Ward-maid </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – good</p><p>150 English – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge – MS Word, Excel, Power Point Driving licence – category B Hobby – swimming, sport Interests – pathless tourism </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name MĀRCIS ZEIBĀRTS Date / Place of birth 12/07/1966 Address / Contact phone Riga reg., Babīte</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2000 – 2003 RSU Doctoral study program 1984 – 1993 Medical Academy of Latvia Faculty of Pediatrics 1973 – 1984 Riga Secondary School No.3 – GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>2004 – 2005 Latvia University, Innovations in the higher education system – manager of education</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2001 – up to date RSU Dept. of Pharmacology – lector 1995 – 2001 Ltd. “Mucos-Balt” – consultant </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 25 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Clinical Pharmacologists</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS </p><p>Pathology of inflammations and medicament therapy, pharmacology of cytokines Participation in International Conferences</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>151 Latvian - native Russian – fluently English - fluently </p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ARDIJS RANKS Date / Place of birth 13/05/1940, Riga city Address / Contact phone 3 Auces Str. Apt. 6, Riga LV 1004 7452284 –working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1964 Graduated Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine - physician</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 37 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian –native Russian – fluently English - fluently</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>152 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name INDULIS PURVIŅŠ Date / Place of birth 1947, Cēsu region Address / Contact phone 2 J.Vācieša Str. Apt. 103, Riga LV 1021 8701111 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1975 Graduated Riga Medical Institute – Residency in Pharmacology 1971 Graduated Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Medicine 1965 Graduated Talsu Secondary School - GCSE</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1998 – up to date RSU Faculty of Pharmacology – Professor 1998 – 2003 RSU Institute of Pharmacology – Director 1994 – up to date RSU Dept. of Pharmacology – Head 1985 – 1998 RMI Dept. of Pharmacology – Docent 1977 – 1985 RMI Dept. of Pharmacology – Assistant 1975 – 1977 RMI Dept. of Pharmacology – Research Associate 1971 – 1977 RMI Dept. of Pharmacology - reader</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 21 – during the last 6 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>153 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ĢIRTS BRIĢIS Date / Place of birth 13/03/1953 Address / Contact phone 52/54 Lāčplēša Str. Apt. 40, Riga LV 1011 7338310 – working hours 9161787 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1977 Graduated Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Medicine - physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>1987 – 2003 Participation in International and local seminars and quality improvement courses</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med. (1986)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 2003 – up to now RSU Faculty of Public Health – Professor 1998 – 2003 RSU Faculty of Public Health – Associated Professor 1992 – 1998 AML Faculty of Public Health – Docent 1988 – 1992 AML Faculty of Public Health – Senior research worker 1978 – 1988 Latvia Institute of Clinical & Experimental Medicine, Laboratory of Endocrinology – Junior research worker 1977 – 1978 Pļaviņu Zonal Hospital - physician </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 64 – in all 20 – during the last 6 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Public Health Latvia Association of Endocrinologists Scandinavian Society of Diabetes Research International Diabetes Epidemiology Groups (DERI) Latvian Association of Statistics</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Public health, Endocrinology, Epidemiology </p><p>154 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian Russian, English</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name INESE STARS Date / Place of birth 1978 Address / Contact phone 164 Deglava Str. Apt. 72, Riga LV 1021 9255248 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2000 – 2002 Latvia University Faculty of Social Science – Master of Social Science in Sociology 1996 – 2000 Latvia University Humanitarian Institute – Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology 1987 – 1996 Riga Secondary School No. 90 – GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>4.2004 OSI – ASPHER RSU – Implementation and Evaluation of Public Health Interventions 2.2004 OSI – ASPHER RSU – Needs Assessment. Priority Setting in Public Health 10.2003 OSI – ASPHER RSU – Health Status Monitoring. Determinants of Health and Health Indicators</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – good English - good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Driving licence – category B</p><p>155 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ANITA VILLERUŠA Date / Place of birth 29/07/1958 Address / Contact phone 16 Dzirciems Str., Riga LV 1007 7338310 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1982 Graduated Riga Medical Institute - Pediatrician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Improvement of qualification and skills at International and local seminars and courses</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1999 – up to date RSU – Associated Professor 1997 – up to date RSU Faculty of Public Health – Dean 1996 – 1999 RSU Dept. of Public Health & Epidemiology – Docent 1992 – 1996 RSU Dept. of Public Health & Epideniology – Assistant 1989 – 1992 AML Dept. of Social Medicine – Residency 1986 – 1988 RMI Dept. of Social Hygiene – Clinical traineeship 1984 – 1986 Riga Maternity Home and Republican Children Clinical Hospital – Pediatrician 1982 – 1984 Valmiera Regional Clinical Hospital - Pediatrician</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 27 – in all 5 – during the last 6 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Public Health – member of board Inter-ministries Commission for Questions in Health Teaching – member Health Promotion Consultative Council - member</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Public Health, Epidemiology</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – good German – good English - good</p><p>156 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name IEVA STRĒLE Date / Place of birth 04/06/1973, Kuldīga town Address / Contact phone 26 Kūdras Str. Apt. 26, Riga LV 1083 7338310 – working hours 9406188 - mobile EDUCATION</p><p>1999 – 2003 RSU – Doctoral degree training 1999 – 2001 RSU Faculty of Postgraduate Education – qualification of Endocrinologist 1997 – 2000 AML Faculty of Postgraduate Education – qualification of Internist 1991 – 1997 AML Faculty of Medicine - Physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION Improvement of qualification and skills at International courses and seminars</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2004 – up to date RSU Dept. of Public Health & Epidemiology – Acting lector 2001 – up to date P.Stradina Clinical University Hospital, Center of Endocrinology – Endocrinologist 2001 – 2004 P.Stradina Clinical University Hospital, Diabetes patients’ instruction bureau – Endocrinologist 2000 – 2004 RSU Latvia Academy of Science project – Acting assistant</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 5 – in all</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>157 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name MAIJA EGLĪTE Date / Place of birth 22/12/1939, Riga city Address / Contact phone 5a Auru Str. Apt. 24, Riga LV 1069 9513041 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>In 1968 USSR Academy of Medical Science Institute of Hygiene & Occupation Medicine – Dr.med 1964 – 1967 Moscow (Russia) Central Qualification Improvement Institute – Residency 1958 – 1964 Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Medicine - Physician </p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 1995 – 2004 International qualification improvement courses </p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.habil.med., Professor</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 1992 – up to date RSU Institute of Occupation and Environmental Health – Director 1990 – up to date RSU Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Health – Head 1980 – up to date RSU P.Stradina Clinical University Hospital, Center of Occupational and Radiation Medicine – Head 1980 – 1990 AML Laboratory of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases – Head 1969 – 1980 RMI Laboratory of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases – Research associate </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 314 – in all 86 – during the last 10 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Latvia Association of Occupational Diseases Doctors – President EU Expert (Occupational Health & Hygiene) Latvia Council of Science 8th Department of Experts - Chairman SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Occupational allergic diseases Effect of small activating radiation dose Heavy metals at situation and environment</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – enough for social contacts English – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>158 PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name MAIRA JANSONE Date / Place of birth 02/04/1963, Riga city Address / Contact phone 7551444 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2000 – up to date RSU Doctoral studies in Obstetrics & Gynecology 1987 – 1988 RMI Internship in Obstetrics & Gynecology 1981 – 1987 RMI Faculty of Medicine – Physician 1970 – 1981 Riga Secondary School No. 50 – GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>1999 – 2005 International courses to improve knowledge and skills</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2000 – up to date P.Stradina Clinical University Hospital, Clinics of Obstetrics & Gynecology – Head 2000 – up to date P.Stradina Clinical University Hospital, Center of Perinatal Care – Head 1993 – up to date RSU Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology - Reader 1988 – 2000 Riga Maternity Home – Specialist in Obstetrics 1991 – 1993 Republic of Latvia Ministry of Welfare, Dept. of Health – Chief Perinatologist </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 21 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvian Association of Specialists in Women Diseases & Obstetrics - member European Association of Gynecology & Obstetrics – member Nordic & Baltic State Countries Group of Perinatal Audit - member</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – fluently English - fluently</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge – MS Word, Powerpoint</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>159 First name / Last name TATJANA FARBTUHA Date / Place of birth 01/01/1951, Irkutsk (former USSR) Address / Contact phone 20 Ed.Smiļģa Str. Apt. 4, Riga LV 1002 7069429 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1967 – 1973 Irkutsk (former USSR) Medical Institute – Physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>1995 – 2004 Qualification improvement at International courses</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1996 – up to date RSU Dept. of Occupational & Environmental Medicine – Docent 1979 – 1996 AML – Junior Research Associate 1973.1979 Riga Polyclinics No. 10 – Physician 1973.1980 PUBLICATIONS</p><p>70 – in all 50 – during the last 10 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Occupational Doctors</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Occupational health & Medicine, Radiation Medicine, Internal Medicine</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Russian – native Latvian – good English – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge – MS Word, Internet, PowerPoint) Driving licence category B</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name GUNTA ANCĀNE</p><p>160 Date / Place of birth 07/11/1953 Address / Contact phone 3 A.Bieziņa Str. Apt.36, Riga LV 1029</p><p>EDUCATION 2001 – 2003 SAPU Sweden, Training program in Psychosomatic Psychotherapy – 2nd stage 1997 – 2000 Karolinska Institute, Sweden, Training program in Psychosomatic Psychotherapy – 1st stage 1990 – 1995 Sweden, College of Health & Care Science 1982 – 1986 Riga Medical Institute, Course in Psychotherapy & Sexsology – Residency 1980 – 1982 Riga Medical Institute – Clinical Traineeship in Therapy 1979 – 1980 Riga Medical Institute – Internship in Therapy 1973 – 1979 Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine – Physician (with distinction) 1961 – 1972 Riga Secondary School No. 36 – GCSE</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 1994 – up to date RSU Dept. of Psychosomatic Medicine & Psychotherapy – Head 1993 – 1994 AML Course in Psychotherapy – Head 1989 – 1993 Senior Research Associate, Manager of Research group 1986 – 1989 RMI Research Associate 1982 – 1986 RMI – Residency 1980 – 1982 RMI – Clinical Traineeship 1979 – 1980 RMI – Internship</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 4 – Inventions 29 – Articles 31 – Conference theses 4 – Teaching aids</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently English - fluently</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge Driving licence – category B Hobby – to play piano, violin </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ZIGURDS ZARIŅŠ Date / Place of birth 1937 Address / Contact phone 9822389 - mobile</p><p>161 EDUCATION</p><p>1964 – 1967 Latvia Institute of Experimental & Clinical Medicine – Residency 1956 – 1962 RMI Faculty of Medicine - Physician</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med. (1992)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1999 – up to date RSU Nutrition Laboratory – Head 1995 – 1998 Latvia Institute of Experimental & Clinical Medicine, Nutrition Laboratory – Head 1991 – 1998 Latvia Institute of Experimental & Clinical Medicine, Nutrition Laboratory – Leading Researcher 1967 – 1991 Latvia Institute of Experimental & Clinical Medicine – Junior Research Associate</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – fluently German – fluently English - good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge – MS Word Driving licence – category B</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name LOLITA-VIJA NEIMANE Date / Place of birth 1960 Address / Contact phone 9491001 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>162 2002 – up to date RSU Doctoral studies in Nutrition Science 1989 – 1993 Latvia Institute of Experimental & Clinical Medicine – Clinical Traineeship in Dietology 1978 – 1984 Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Medicine - Physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>1984 – 1985 Internship in Emergency Medical Aid 1985 Course in Narcology</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2003 – up to date RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation, Academic School of Nutrition – Manager of Study program 1998 – 2002 Telecast “Lolita’s receipts” – Redactor and Presenter 1996 – up to date Riga Clinics of Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery – Consultant 1997 – 2004 Latvia Food Center – PR 1994 – up to date National Rehabilitation Center “Vaivari” – Diet Doctor 1989 – 1993 P.Stardina Republican Clinical Hospital, Center of Gastroenterology – Clinical Traineeship 1985 – 1989 Riga Narcology Dispensary – Doctor 1984 – 1985 Riga Emergency Medical Aid Station – Doctor</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 7 (books) – in all</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently English - fluently</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge – MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint Driving licence category B</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name EDGARS BODNIEKS Date / Place of birth 24/06/1973 Address / Contact phone 9821200 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2004 Certified Dietologist</p><p>163 2003 RSU Certified Internist 1998 Postgraduate training course in Dietology - Certificate 1992 – 1998 AML Faculty of Medicine - Physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>2000 Courses of Accountants 2002 – 2005 International courses for qualification improvement</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2004 P.Stardina Clinical University Hospital, Gastroenterology Ward – Internist, Dietologist 2003 Clinical Hospital “Gaiļezers” – Doctor-volunteer 2001 – 2003 RSU Faculty of Postgraduate Education – 3rd year Resident in Internal medicine at P.Stradina Clinical University Hospital Gastroenterology Ward 1999 – 2000 Ltd. “Medical Food Products” – Deputy Director 1998 – 1999 Ltd. “Medical Food Products” – Consultant 1997 – 1998 Ltd. “Medical Food Products” – Marketing Manager 1994 – 1997 Riga Emergency Medical Aid Hospital – Nurse</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 12 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Society of Internists – member Association of Diet products distribution Public Organization “Ārstniecisko Augu Apgāds” – member of board</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently English - fluently</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge – MS Word, Excell, PowerPoint</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name IEVA RANKA Date / Place of birth 20/11/1937, Riga city Address / Contact phone 9739210 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION 1964 – 1967 Riga Medical Institute – Residency 1956 – 1962 Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Medicine – physician</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2000 Canada, Toronto University (2 months)</p><p>164 1999 Sweden, Gethebourg (1 month) 1998 Finland, Dept. of Health Science University of Jyvaskyla (1 month) 1994 Canada, Toronto University (4 month) 1992 Canada, Toronto University (2 month)</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med. (1993)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 1998 – up to date RSU Dept. of Pediatrics – Associated Professor 1982 – 1998 AML 2nd dept. of Pediatrics – Head 1980 – 1998 RMI Dept. of Pediatrics – Docent 1967 – 1980 RMI Dept. of Pediatrics – Assistant 1964 – 1967 RMI Residency in Pediatrics 1962 – 1964 Daugavpils region – Pediatrician</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 75 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Society of Breast-feeding and Protection – President Latvia Association of Pediatricians – member Latvia Association of Public Health - member </p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Child’s health and its promotion</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – good English – enough for social contacts German – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge Driving licence – category B</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name LUDMILA VĪKSNA Date / Place of birth 22/10/1946, Riga city Address / Contact phone 14 Skolas Str. Apt.6, Riga LV 1010</p><p>EDUCATION 1988 – 1989 Peking (Japan) Medical University 1981 –1987 Moscow (Russia) 1st Medical Institute 1965 – 1971 Riga Medical Institute</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2004 RSU Faculty of Postgraduate Education</p><p>165 2001 Hepatology course at Royal college of physicians of London</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE DR.habil.med., Professor</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 1991 – up to date RSU Head of Department 1992 – up to date Professor 1986 – 1992 Docent 1977 – 1979 Resident 1976 – 1986 Assistant 1973 – 1976 Junior research associate 1971 – 1973 Clinical trainee </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 269 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Latvia Medical Society (LMS) – Vice President (since 2003) LMS Latvia Association of Infectologists – President, Chairman of Certification Commission, LMS Latvia Association of Hepatologists – Vice President, Chairman of Certification Commission LMS Latvia Association of specialists in Health Care management – member of board</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Infectology, Hepatology, Family medicine</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently English - good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge Driving licence Hobby – skiing Interests – literature CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA First name / Last name ANDA BRINKMANE Date / Place of birth 03/09/1955, Riga city Address / Contact phone 32 Gaujas Str. Apt. 36, Riga LV 1026</p><p>EDUCATION 1984 – 1986 RMI Dept. of Therapeutic Stomatology – Clinical traineeship in pediatric dentistry 1973 – 1979 Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Stomatology</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 1991 - 2005-07-15 Participation in International and local seminars and courses to improve knowledge and skills</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med.</p><p>166 WORK EXPERIENCE 1999 – up to date RSU Dept. of Therapeutic Stomatology, Course in prevention of Stomatologic diseases – manager 1995 – up to date RSU School of Dental Hygiene – Head of Teaching Office 1994 – 1995 Latvia National Prevention Program in Dentistry – Co-author AML School of Dental Hygiene – Co-author of Project 1991 – 1998 AML Dept. of Therapeutic Stomatology – Assistant Prevention of dental diseases, Periodontology and Children dentistry – Reader 1986 – 1991 AML Dept. of Therapeutic Stomatology – Senior technician 1980 – 1986 RMI – Junior research associate 1979 – 1980 Tukums Regional Central Hospital - Stomatologist</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 66 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Latvia Association of Dentists – Chairman of Certification & Re-certification Commission Journal “Dental Articles” – Member of Editorial Staff Latvia Association of Dentists Commission of Quality & Expertise – Member Latvia Association of Dentists – Member of Board </p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Prevention in Dentistry</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently German – enough for social contacts English – with dictionary</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge – MS Office Driving licence – category B Hobby – travel CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name INGŪNA BĒRZIŅA Date / Place of birth 07/07/1967 Address / Contact phone RSU Laboratory of Nutrition 7612611 – working hours 9453618 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1994 – 1997 AML Faculty of Postgraduate Education – Family doctor 1986 – 1994 AML Faculty of Medicine – Physician</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1999 – up to date RSU Laboratory of Nutrition – Assistant 1998 – 1999 Latvia Institute of Experimental & Clinical Medicine – Chief Specialist</p><p>167 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – good English - fluently</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge – MS Word, Excell, PowerPoint Driving licence – category B</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name INTS ZEIDLERS Date / Place of birth 30/05/1946 Address / Contact phone 7069469 – working hours 9783555 - mobile EDUCATION 1967 – 1973 St.Petersbourg (Russia) Military Medicine Academy 1961 – 1965 Riga Medical Scholl No. 1 1953 – 1965 Baldone Secondary School - GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>1983 – 1992 Participation in International and local courses to improve qualification and skills</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.med. (1992)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>168 2003 – up to date RSU – Associated professor in Physical Medicine 1987 – 2003 RSU Docent 1982 – 1987 RMI Assistant 1975 – 1982 Jurmala town Research Laboratory in Health Resort – Research Associate 1974 – 1975 Baldone town Health Resort Sanatorium – Physician 1973 – 1974 Military Wagon Medical Division - Superior</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 95 – in all 21 – during the last 5 years (incl. 5 books)</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Latvia Association of Physical Medicine – Member of Board and Certification Commission</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Application of Physical Medicine methods in treatment and rehabilitation of internal and the other diseases</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native English – enough for social contacts Russian - good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Driving licence Hobby – swimming, chess, books Interests – nature and animals CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name INGA CIPROVIČA Date / Place of birth 03/08/1969, Riga city Address / Contact phone 2 Lielā Str., Jelgava town, LV 3001 </p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1994 – 1997 Latvia University of Agriculture – Doctoral degree study program in Food Technology 1987 – 1992 Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Food Technology – Engineer-technologist in milk & milk products technologies </p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2000 – up to date Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology – Associated Professor 1999 – 2000 Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology – Professor 1998 – 1999 Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology – Senior lector 1992 – 1998 Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology - Assistant</p><p>169 PUBLICATIONS</p><p>46 – in all 9 – during the last 3 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Dairy-farmers – Member of Technical Committee SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS </p><p>Microbiology of Functional food and milk products</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – fluently English - fluently</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Driving licence</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name ANITA BLIJA Date / Place of birth 26/11/1957, Jelgava town Address / Contact phone 2 Lielā Str., Jelgava town, LV 3001 3005673 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1984 – 1988 Latvia University of Agriculture – Doctoral degree program in Food technology 1976 – 1981 Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology – Milk & Milk products technologies</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2000 – up to date Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology – Associated Professor 1995 – 2000 Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology – Professor 1981 – 1995 Latvia University of Agriculture Scientific Laboratory – Research worker</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>32 – in all</p><p>170 11 – during the last 5 years</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Academy of Agricultural & Forestry Science - Member</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS </p><p>Management of Quality System & Food Safety </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – fluently English - good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Driving licence</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name LILITA OZOLA Date / Place of birth 27/12/1937, Jelgava town Address / Contact phone 2 Lielā Str., Jelgava town, LV 3001 3005673 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1965 - 1969 Latvia University of Agriculture – Doctoral degree program in Meat, Milk & Fish products technologies 1957 – 1962 Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology </p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1976 – up to date Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology – Associated Professor 1979 – 1985 Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology – Vice Dean 1969 – 1975 Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology - Assistant</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>37 – in all 16 – during the last 5 years</p><p>171 MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Dairy- farmers – Member of Technical Commission</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS </p><p>Technology of Milk Processing</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – fluently English - good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name VALDA KOZULE Date / Place of birth 03/03/1937, Jelgava town Address / Contact phone 2 Lielā Str., Jelgava town, LV 3001 3022829 – working hours</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1961 – 1970 Latvia University of Agriculture – specialization in Food Technology </p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1961 – up to date Latvia University of Agriculture Dept. of Food Technology – Assistant, Senior lector</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>More than 40 – in all 10 – during the last 5 years</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS </p><p>Food, technology of cooking </p><p>172 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – fluently English – good German – good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Hobby, interests – food of other nations </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name DAIGA GRĪNBERGA Date / Place of birth 22/04/1964 Address / Contact phone 6186120 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1997 – 2000 AML School of Public Health – Master’s degree program in Public Health 1989 – 1990 RMI Internship at the Republican Children Clinical Hospital 1983 – 1989 RMI Faculty of Pediatrics – Pediatrician 1971 – 1982 Riga Secondary School No. 6 – GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>1997 – 2003 Participation in International and local seminars and courses to improve knowledge and skills</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2004 – up to date State Agency of Health Promotion, Dept. of Organization & Methodic – Head 1997 – 2004 Ltd. “Health Promotion Center” Dept. of Health Risk Factors’ Analysis – Deputy Head 1996 – 1997 Ministry of Welfare Dept. of Health – Senior Reporter in Health Promotion 1990 – 1996 Riga city Emergency Medical Aid Station – Pediatrician 1989 – 1990 Republican Children Clinical Hospital – Internist</p><p>173 1986 – 1989 Republican Children Clinical Hospital - Nurse</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 17 – in all</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – fluently English – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Participation in research projects Computer knowledge – MS Office Driving licence</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name EDITA ROMĀNE Date / Place of birth 29/07/1958, Balvi town Address / Contact phone 9155722 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION 1981 – 1984 Leningrad (former USSR) Institute of Chemistry & Pharmacy – Residency in Pharmacy’s Chemistry & Pharmacognosy 1976 – 1981 RMI Faculty of Pharmacy – Pharmacist (Diploma) 1965 – 1976 Balvi town Secondary School – GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION 2004 Daugavpils University Professional skills improvement 40 hours program “Innovations in Higher Education System” 2000 Computer knowledge courses at the Latvia University 1985 – 1993 Participation in courses to improve qualification</p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.pharm. (1993)</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE 1998 – up to date RSU Faculty of Pharmacy, Dept. of Drug Form Technologies – Docent 2001 – up to date Ministry of Health Consultative Council – Member in the field of Pharmacy 2001 – 2003 Profitless State Stock Company “Valsts Zāļu aģentūra” – Member of Board 1998 – 2002 Ltd. “Zāļu grāmata” Publication “Latvijas Zāļu grāmata” – Editor-in-chief 1992 – 1997 Latvia Medical Society and Riga International publication in medical science and pharmacy “Latvijas Zāļu grāmata” – Editor in pharmacy 1985 – 1998 RSU Faculty of Pharmacy Dept. of Drug Form Technology - Assistant </p><p>174 1984 – 1985 Leningrad (former USSR) Institute of Chemistry and Pharmacy Dept. of Pharmacognosy & Botany 1981 RMI Faculty of Pharmacy, Dept. of Pharmacognosy – Senior Technician</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 169 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Latvia Association of Pharmacists - member</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Impurity of Medical Herb Drugs reaped near motorways and inhabited localities </p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Latvian – native Russian – good English – with disctionary</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Computer knowledge</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name JURIS LEJA Date / Place of birth 09/08/1938, Riga city Address / Contact phone</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1962 Graduated Riga Medical Institute Faculty of Medicine - Physician </p><p>SCIENTIFIC DEGREE Dr.habil.med.</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1976 – up to date RSU Dept. of Pathologic Physiology – Professor 1972 – up to date RSU Dept. of Pathologic Physiology – Head 1962 – 1972 Latvia Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine – Junior Research Associate</p><p>PUBLICATIONS More than 300</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Society of Pathologic Physiology Latvia Association of Gastroentereologists International Club of Stomach Surgery</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native</p><p>175 Russian – fluent English - fluent</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name HELĒNA KĀRKLIŅA Date / Place of birth 18/10/1957, Riga city Address / Contact phone 9223621 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>1976 – 1982 RMI Faculty of Pediatrics – Pediatrician 1965 – 1976 Zanta Ozola Riga Secondary School No.5 – GCSE</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2003 – up to date RSU Dept. of Pathologic Physiology – Lector 1992 – 2003 RSU Dept. of Pathologic Physiology – Assistant 1985 – 1992 Riga Children Policlinic No. 8 1982 – 1985 Baldone town Ambulance Pediatric Consulting Room</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 3 – in all (teaching aids for students in pathologic physiology)</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – fluently German – fluently English – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Driving licence – category B</p><p>176 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name LOLITA CIBULE Date / Place of birth 29/06/1959 Address / Contact phone 9121580 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2000 – 2002 Riga Strains University – Doctoral degree study 1995 – 1996 Medical Academy of Latvia Faculty of Rehabilitation 1977 – 1983 Tartu (Estonia) State University Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Sport Medicine</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1996 – up to date RSU Faculty of Rehabilitation, Academic School of Occupational Therapy – Acting assistant 2002 – 2004 European Commission Research Directorate – general RSU Research Project Enable-age – research worker 1996 – up to date Center “Mēs esam līdzās” – Rehabilitologist, certified Occupational Therapist 1996 – 2003 National Rehabilitation Center “Vaivari” – Occupational therapist 1983 – 1995 State Sport Medicine Center – Sports doctor</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 15 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Sports Doctors Latvia Association of Rehabilitologists Latvia Association of Occupational Therapists</p><p>SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Development, appreciation and importance of human hand’s functions </p><p>177 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – fluently English – good Estonian – enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge Driving licence </p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name SIGNE TOMSONE Date / Place of birth 24/01/1970 Address / Contact phone 6547288 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2004 – up to date RSU Doctoral study program 1995 – 1996 AML Modified courses in Occupational therapy 1994 – 1995 AML Faculty of Postgraduate Education in specialty – Rehabilitation 1988 – 1994 Tartu (Estonia) University Faculty of Medicine 1977 – 1988 Riga Secondary School No. 2 - GCSE</p><p>QUALIFICATION</p><p>2001 Certified Occupational Therapist 1996 Qualification of Occupational Therapist 1994 Qualification of Sports Doctor</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>1996 – up to date RSU Facylty of Rehabilitation, Academic School of Occupational Therapy – Manager of Clinical practice & Acting Assistant 2000 – 2002 Profitless State Stock Company Children Clinical University Hospital – Occupational Therapist 1996 – 2000 National Rehabilitation Center “Vaivari” – Occupational Therapist 1994 – 1995 Children Hospital “Gaiļezers” – Physiotherapist 1992 – 1994 Tartu (Estonia) Military Hospital – Nurse</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 4 – at all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Occupational Therapists</p><p>178 KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – fluently English - good</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge – MS Word, Excell Driving licence – category B</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name BIRUTA VELIKA Date / Place of birth 01/05/1969 Address / Contact phone 9359597 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2002 – 2005 RSU Faculty of Public Health – Master’s degree of Health Science in Health Care 1998 – 2002 RSU Faculty of Public Health – Bachelor’s degree in Health Care & Degree of Specialist in Public Health 1987 – 1989 Riga Medical School No. 5 – Nurse 1976 – 1987 Daugavpils reg. Vabole Secondary School – GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION March 2005 RSU OSI-ASPHER</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2001 – up to date State Health Promotion Agency, Dept. of Strategy – Chief specialist in Research office 1997 – 1999 Policlinic “VIA UNA” – Nurse at Procedure room 1993 – 1997 Riga Clinical Hospital “Gaiļezers” – Nurse 1989 – 1993 Kuldiga town Central Hospital – Nurse at the Ward if Intensive therapy </p><p>PUBLICATIONS 2 – in all</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native Russian – fluent English - enough for social contacts</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge</p><p>179 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name INESE JĒCE Date / Place of birth 12/03/1979 Address / Contact phone 9469208 - mobile</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2002 – 2004 RSU Faculty of Public Health – Master’s degree in Health Science 1997 – 2002 RSU Faculty of Public Health – Degree of Specialist in Public Health 1986 – 1997 Plaviņas Gymnasium – GCSE</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>2002 – 2005 Participation in seminars and courses to improve qualification and skills</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2004 – up to date Health Promotion State Agency, Dept. of Research – Head 2002 – 2003 Public Organization “Youth against AIDS” – Project Coordinator</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 6 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Public Health</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian – native English – fluent Russian - fluent</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge – MS Word, Excell, PowerPoint Interests – music, literature, travel, cats</p><p>180 CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>First name / Last name IVETA PUDULE Date / Place of birth 12/02/1958 Address / Contact phone</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2002 – up to date RSU Doctoral degree studies in Public Health 1994 – 1996 University of Bergen Faculty of Psychology, Master of Science 1976 – 1982 Leningrad (Russia) Institute of Sanitary & Hygiene – Diploma of Physician - Hygienist</p><p>ADDITIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>1997 – 2002 International and local seminars and courses to improve qualification</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE</p><p>2004 – up to date Health Promotion State Agency, Dept. of Strategy – Head 1997 – 2004 Center of Health Promotion, Dept. of Analysis of Health Risk Factors – Head 1994 – 1997 National Environmental Health Center – Physician-hygienist 1991 – 1994 National Environmental Health Center Dept. of Health Education – Head 1982 – 1991 National Environmental Health Center – Physician-epidemiologist</p><p>PUBLICATIONS 15 – in all</p><p>MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Latvia Association of Public Health – Chairman Association of Preventive Medical Employees - member</p><p>KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES</p><p>Latvian, Russian, English, German, Norwegian</p><p>ADDITIONAL INFORMATION</p><p>Computer knowledge – MS Word, Excell Driving licence</p><p>181 182</p>
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