<p> INFANTRY SCHOOL</p><p>COMMON ARMY PHASE</p><p>DEMONSTRATION SECTION ATTACK</p><p>PO 101.06</p><p>INFANTRY SCHOOL</p><p>COMMON ARMY PHASE</p><p>DEMONSTRATION SECTION ATTACK</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>SERIAL ANNEX SUBJECT REMARKS</p><p>1 General Instructions</p><p>A Detailed Timetable</p><p>2 Directing Staff Instructions</p><p>3 Safety Instructions</p><p>4 Demonstration Troop Instructions</p><p>5 Administration Instructions</p><p>6 Demonstration Section Attack Script INFANTRY SCHOOL</p><p>COMMON ARMY PHASE</p><p>DEMONSTRATION SECTION ATTACK</p><p>SERIAL 1</p><p>GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>GENERAL</p><p>1. The demonstration section attack is a six x 40 minute period scripted demonstration that must take place prior to the conduct of PC 101.</p><p>AIM</p><p>2. The aim of this demonstration is to enhance the candidates’ understanding of the theoretical material taught during PO 101.06, Conduct Section Battle Drills. </p><p>SCOPE</p><p>3. Each of the seven section battle drills will be demonstrated.</p><p>CONDUCT</p><p>4. Prior to the conduct of this demonstration, candidates must be taught PO 101.06, Conduct Section Battle Drills.</p><p>5. The section attack demonstration will be conducted in three stages:</p><p> a. Stage One: a frontal section attack broken down by battle drills; and</p><p> b. Stage Two: a frontal section attack executed in real time.</p><p> c. Stage Three: a flanking section attack executed in real time.</p><p>6. Groupings and Tasks. See serial 2 for Directing Staff instructions and serial 4 for demonstration troop instructions.</p><p>7. Coordinating Instructions.</p><p> a. Timings. See annex A to this serial.</p><p>SERVICE SUPPORT</p><p>8. See serial 5.</p><p>COMMAND AND SIGNALS</p><p>9. Command. Ex OPI – respective platoon commanders with assistance from Common Army Phase cell.</p><p>10. Signals. Platoons will maintain communications with Range Control.</p><p>1/1 Annex A To Serial 1 DEMONSTRATION SECTION ATTACK</p><p>DETAILED TIMETABLE</p><p>No. DATE AND TIME ACTIVITY LOCATION COMMENTS</p><p>1 1000 D-2 All demo staff to meet for talk through H3</p><p>2 0800-1200 D-1 Demo staff to conduct dry rehearsals Sports Field</p><p>3 0700 D-Day Advance Party Departs Lawfield</p><p>4 0800-1000 Demo staff to conduct final preps Lawfield</p><p>5 0800 Buses depart Lawfield</p><p>6 1000-1200 Demo of Frontal Attack Lawfield</p><p>7 1200-1300 Lunch Lawfield Box Lunch</p><p>8 1300-1500 Demo of Flanking Attack Lawfield</p><p>9 1500-1600 Debrief Lawfield</p><p>10 1600 Re-Deploy to base H3</p><p>11 1700 Supper Kitchen</p><p>A-1/1 INFANTRY SCHOOL</p><p>COMMON ARMY PHASE</p><p>DEMONSTRATION SECTION ATTACK</p><p>SERIAL 2</p><p>DIRECTING STAFF INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>GENERAL</p><p>1. The aim of this demonstration is to enhance the candidates’ understanding of the theoretical material taught during PO 101.06, Conduct Section Battle Drills.</p><p>2. Candidates must be permitted every opportunity to ask questions.</p><p>CONDITIONS</p><p>11. The OPI of the attack must recce suitable locations for:</p><p> a. an assembly area for Battle Drill number one to be conducted;</p><p> b. a frontal section attack broken down by battle drills; and</p><p> c. a frontal section attack executed in real time.</p><p> d. a flanking attack executed in real time</p><p>12. The section attack is being used as a tool for assessment of leadership and also their ability to apply the combat estimate on the ground. The standard expected of the candidates is not that of an infantry section commander. Candidates will be issued the section battle drills handout as a learning aid.</p><p>13. Enemy positions must be roughly centered on the axis of advance. Enemy positions will comprise two x enemy force placed 15 to 25 m apart in order to give depth to the position.</p><p>1/1 INFANTRY SCHOOL</p><p>COMMON ARMY PHASE</p><p>DEMONSTRATION SECTION ATTACK</p><p>SERIAL 3</p><p>SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>GENERAL</p><p>1. Safety is a function of common sense, discipline and good leadership. All training will be conducted in the safest possible manner for candidates, Directing Staff and support staff.</p><p>AMMUNITION AND PYROTECHNICS</p><p>2. The following ammunition and pyrotechnic safety rules will be adhered to:</p><p> a. weapons loaded with blank ammunition will not be pointed directly at anyone within 10 m;</p><p> b. thunderflashes will not be thrown within 10 m of individuals or flammable material; and</p><p> c. smoke grenades will not be thrown within 25 m of any flammable material.</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY</p><p>3. It is a command responsibility to monitor the welfare of all candidates during periods of training. Commanders at all levels must be aware of the possible dangers of working in extreme climatic conditions such as dry heat, windy or below freezing conditions. Directing Staff will closely monitor candidates for signs of heat sickness and cold exposure. </p><p>VEHICLE SAFETY</p><p>4. At all times, the senior Directing Staff passenger is completely responsible for the vehicle and the actions of the driver. The following vehicle safety rules must be strictly enforced:</p><p> a. posted speed limits will be strictly adhered to and common sense must prevail when weather conditions deteriorate;</p><p> b. ground guides will be used when backing the vehicle, especially in close confines and during periods of limited visibility; </p><p> c. safety straps on troop carrying vehicles must be fastened; and</p><p> d. vehicles will be mounted and dismounted in a safe and controlled manner.</p><p>1/1 INFANTRY SCHOOL</p><p>COMMON ARMY PHASE</p><p>DEMONSTRATION SECTION ATTACK</p><p>SERIAL 4</p><p>DEMONSTRATION TROOP INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>GENERAL</p><p>1. Each platoon will be allocated at least one section of demonstration troops for the purposes of this demonstration.</p><p>FIELDCRAFT</p><p>2. Demonstration troops are expected to use proper fieldcraft at all times. Directing Staff will make all attempts to ensure that demonstration troops are properly prepared to complete their tasks and will conduct rehearsals as necessary as per the detailed timetable.</p><p>1/1 INFANTRY SCHOOL</p><p>COMMON ARMY PHASE</p><p>DEMONSTRATION SECTION ATTACK</p><p>SERIAL 5</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>GENERAL</p><p>1. Administration and re-supply will occur through normal channels. </p><p>RATIONS</p><p>2. Box Lunches will be required for lunch.</p><p>WATER</p><p>3. Candidates will carry full water bottles. </p><p>4. Water re-supply will occur at platoon level.</p><p>TRANSPORT</p><p>5. Platoon transport will be augmented with additional lift if necessary. </p><p>DRESS</p><p>6. Candidate’s dress will be in accordance with the training company’s direction.</p><p>SANITATION</p><p>7. Chemical toilets will be pre-positioned prior to the start of the demonstration. </p><p>MEDICAL</p><p>8. First aid kit, stretchers, blanket and emergency vehicle will be available at platoon command posts.</p><p>9. Non life-threatening medical evacuation will be by platoon vehicle to C/S 8A in Petersville.</p><p>10. Life-threatening medical evacuation will be coordinated by the company command post and will involve one of the following means:</p><p> a. ambulance from C/S 8A in Petersville to location of injured personnel;</p><p> b. transfer from platoon vehicle to ambulance at midway point (if injured personnel can be moved); or</p><p> c. helicopter (if available).</p><p>11. During all priority and routine medical evacuations, platoons must provide the following information to the company command post (to be relayed to C/S 8A):</p><p> a. name and rank of individual;</p><p> b. service number; and</p><p> c. description and priority of casualty.</p><p>STORES</p><p>12. All stores required for this demonstration will be requested through CQ. </p><p>1/1 INFANTRY SCHOOL</p><p>COMMON ARMY PHASE</p><p>DEMONSTRATION SECTION ATTACK</p><p>SERIAL 6</p><p>SCRIPT</p><p>Narrator</p><p>WHAT</p><p>During the next 4 x 40 min periods, you will see a demonstration of the seven section battle drills. The section attack demonstration will be conducted as follows:</p><p> a. a frontal section attack broken down by battle drills; and</p><p> b. a frontal section attack executed in real time.</p><p> c. A flanking section attack executed in real time</p><p>WHY</p><p>One of the requirements of this course is the completion of PC 101. You will be assessed on your ability to command a dismounted rifle section during an advance to contact and an attack on an isolated enemy position. The aim of this demonstration is to enhance your understanding of the theoretical knowledge taught during PO 101.06 Conduct Section Battle Drills. </p><p>WHERE</p><p>You will apply what you learn here today during EX LIGHTNING STRIKE where you will be required to successfully conduct a msn analysis and command a section through the seven battle drills.</p><p>CONTROL STATEMENT</p><p>The first part of this demonstration is broken down by battle drills. Read along in the section battle drills handout. If you have any questions, write them down and I will answer them at the end of each battle drill. </p><p>Introduce the participants. Have each participant identify his role.</p><p>CONDUCT OF THE DEMONSTRATION</p><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>The preparation and execution of the attack at section level is broken down into SEVEN SECTION BATTLE DRILLS. Section battle drills provide an instinctive reaction to enemy encounters. When applied sensibly on the battlefield, they enable the section to overcome minor enemy opposition.</p><p>Remember that the section works as part of the platoon in the offence and will rarely work independently.</p><p>We will begin the first part of battle procedure which is the receipt of the warning order by the section commander. Remember that Warning Orders are issued as soon as the first news of an operation is received. Warning Orders should always include a general outline of the situation, probable tasks, a rendezvous and time for the Orders group and relevant timings such as no move before. Warning Orders may also include other details such as regrouping, restrictions on reconnaissance, location of the assembly area and administrative instructions.</p><p>Listen as I issue a Warning Order to the section commander.</p><p>WARNING ORDER</p><p>SITUATION. After encountering heavy casualties, the GRANOVIAN DEFENCE FORCES (GDF) were forced to halt their advance and withdraw North of the__ Northing to regroup. They have left behind a number of 2-3 man standing patrols to delay our forces from advancing and gaining ground. GRANOVIAN forces possess Eastern European arms and equipment. They possess some chemical warfare capability, but would likely only use as a means of last resort. Assume Mission Orientated Protective Posture (MOPP) 0.</p><p>PROBABLE MISSION. __ section will advance on bearing______and destroy all enemy within boundaries NLT__ hours to set the conditions for the battle group advance.</p><p>TIME AND RV FOR ORDERS. Platoon headquarters at ___ hours.</p><p>NO MOVE BEFORE. __ hours.</p><p>1/8 Now that he has been warned of an impending offensive operation, the section commander commences his battle drills.</p><p>STAGE ONE</p><p>BATTLE DRILL ONE – PREPARATION FOR BATTLE</p><p>Aim. The aim of this battle drill is to ensure that every member of the section is properly prepared for battle.</p><p>This drill will, wherever possible, be conducted out of contact with the enemy, preferably in a secure area such as a mounting base. It may also be conducted much closer to the enemy in a concentration or assembly area and security and concealment must be considered. The section commander will assemble his section and pass on the warning order, operation orders or any change to the section organization. He will detail fire team leaders as required. He will supervise the preparations for battle. </p><p>On the order “SECTION MUSTER” the section will fall in and the section 2I/C will report that the section muster is complete.</p><p>Watch as the section commander gives the order “SECTION MUSTER”.</p><p>Once the section has mustered for battle, the section commander issues his Warning Order.</p><p>Watch as the section commander issues his Warning Order to the section.</p><p>WARNING ORDER</p><p>SITUATION. After encountering heavy casualties, the GRANOVIAN DEFENCE FORCES (GDF) were forced to halt their advance and withdraw North of the__ Northing to regroup. They have left behind a number of 2-3 man standing patrols to delay our forces from advancing and gaining ground. GRANOVIAN forces possess Eastern European arms and equipment. They possess some chemical warfare capability, but would likely only use as a means of last resort. Assume Mission Orientated Protective Posture (MOPP) 0.</p><p>PROBABLE MISSION. __ section will advance and destroy all enemy within boundaries NLT__ hours to set the conditions for the battle group advance.</p><p>TIME AND RV FOR ORDERS. This location at ___ hours.</p><p>NO MOVE BEFORE. __ hours.</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS. Ensure everyone has front line ammunition including 2 x grenades per fire team.</p><p>Once the Warning Order has been issued the section commander will give the word of command “PREPARE FOR BATTLE”. The section commander will move to platoon headquarters to receive orders leaving the Section 2IC to supervise the following preparations:</p><p> a. applying camouflage paint to all exposed skin;</p><p> b. applying foliage to helmets and equipment;</p><p> c. checking and setting weapon sights;</p><p> d. preparing weapons, ammunition and equipment;</p><p> e. securing equipment, checking for fit and serviceability; and</p><p> f. any other direction issued in the Warning Order form the section commander.</p><p>Watch as the section commander issues the order “PREPARE FOR BATTLE”.</p><p>The section commander now moves to platoon headquarters to receive his orders. The remainder of the section should, at this time, be involved in concurrent activity as directed in the Warning Order. Section commanders should arrive a minimum of 15 minutes early to copy a trace onto his map and consult air photos.</p><p>Listen as I issue orders to the section commander.</p><p>ORDERS</p><p>Platoon commander christens the ground and explains any map models.</p><p>2/8 SITUATION</p><p>Enemy Forces. After encountering heavy casualties, the GRANOVIAN DEFENCE FORCES (GDF) were forced to halt their advance and withdraw North of the__ Northing to regroup. They have left behind a number of 2-3 man standing patrols to delay our forces from advancing and gaining ground. GRANOVIAN forces possess Eastern European arms and equipment. They possess some chemical warfare capability, but would likely only use as a means of last resort. Assume Mission Orientated Protective Posture (MOPP) 0.</p><p>Friendly Forces. </p><p>Commanding Officer (CO) Royal Regina Rifles intends to resume the battle group advance NLT __ hours.</p><p>Officer Commanding (OC) ___company intends to rapidly advance on a wide frontage, destroying all encountered enemy. The company will advance from DONALD DUCK to BUGS BUNNY with ____ platoon left, ____platoon right and ____ platoon in depth. His main effort is ____ platoon. The company end-state is the destruction of all enemy within boundaries.</p><p>Attachments and Detachments. </p><p>OPCON to __ company G41, 51B</p><p>MISSION </p><p>___ Platoon will destroy all enemy within boundaries no later than ______IOT set the conditions for the battle group advance. I SAY AGAIN</p><p>EXECUTION</p><p>Concept of Operations. I intend to destroy all enemy in my area. I will advance one section up two down. The lead section(s) will attack and destroy small 2-3 standing patrols. Should the lead section come into contact with a machine gun post or a section-size position, it will remain in place as a firebase while the remainder of the platoon assaults. I will rotate sections through the lead as necessary. My main effort is the lead section. My end-state is the destruction of all enemy within boundaries no later than______.</p><p>Grouping and Tasks.</p><p>__ Section.</p><p>Grouping. No change.</p><p>Tasks. Point section in the advance. Be prepared to attack and destroy enemy within boundaries. If you encounter a machine gun post or a section-sized position, you will form a firebase and await further instructions.</p><p>__ Section.</p><p>Grouping. No change.</p><p>Tasks. Left rear section. Provide left flank security. Be prepared to replace__ section as the point section.</p><p>__Section.</p><p>Grouping. No change.</p><p>Tasks. Right rear section. Provide right flank security. Be prepared to replace__ section as the point section.</p><p>Platoon 2IC.</p><p>Grouping. No change.</p><p>Tasks. Be prepared to move forward and control firebase in the event of a platoon attack. Upon consolidation, handle casualties, prisoners of war and ammunition resupply.</p><p>Coordinating Instructions:</p><p>Timings. H hour ______(cross LD).</p><p>Axis. As per trace.</p><p>Limit of exploitation. Consolidate on or past objective. Exploit no more than 50m plus of objective.</p><p>SERVICE SUPPORT</p><p>Dress. Full fighting order.</p><p>3/8 Equipment. As issued.</p><p>Weapons. As issued. </p><p>Ammunition. Front line carried by all. Redistribute on consolidation.</p><p>Rations & Water. Full canteens to be carried. IMP lunch carried.</p><p>Medical. Self first aid. After consolidation administer "buddy" first aid. Send ammunition and casualty report and Platoon 2IC will arrange evacuation to company casualty collection point. </p><p>Prisoner of War. Disarm, search, apply first aid if necessary, and segregate. Platoon 2IC will arrange evacuation to company prisoner of war collection point.</p><p>COMMAND AND SIGNALS</p><p>Command:</p><p>Location of Commanders. Platoon headquarters will be located 1 tactical bound behind lead section. Company headquarters will be located 1 tactical bound behind lead platoons.</p><p>Chain of Command. Platoon commander, Platoon 2IC, 1 Section Commander, 2 Section Commander, 3 Section Commander.</p><p>Signals:</p><p>Frequencies. Company frequency is 44.50. The alternate is 35.90. </p><p>Passwords. Until 1200 today it is B-L-I-N-K. From 1200 today until 1200 tomorrow it is C-R-A-C-K.</p><p>Time check.</p><p>Questions.</p><p>After receiving orders, the section commander must ask any relevant questions pertaining to his mission that were not detailed in the orders.</p><p>Upon completion of the orders, the section commander moves off and conducts a detailed map study and time appreciation as required.</p><p>Once these are complete, the section commander may have enough time in which to conduct a quick reconnaissance. This will allow him to determine the physical boundaries on the ground, look at the terrain to determine spacing and determine likely areas of enemy positions.</p><p>The section commander must now prepare his orders. The orders the section commander receives from his platoon commander cannot simply be passed on to the members of section as he receives them. The platoon commander’s orders will not likely assign tasks to individual section members. Therefore, the section commander will have to extract only the relevant parts of the platoon commander’s orders and put these in the appropriate place in his own orders format.</p><p>Once the section commander is ready to issue his orders he will “ORDER FALL IN FOR BATTLE” the section will fall in in an inverted V facing the section comd and then the sect comd will inspect the section and move to the center to issue his orders. Once orders have been issued, the section can conduct rehearsals if required and test fire weapons if authorized.</p><p>Watch as the section commander conducts the inspection and give his orders.</p><p>ORDERS</p><p>Section commander christens the ground and explains any map models.</p><p>SITUATION</p><p>Enemy Forces. After encountering heavy casualties, the GRANOVIAN DEFENCE FORCES (GDF) were forced to halt their advance and withdraw North of the__ Northing to regroup. They have left behind a number of 2-3 man standing patrols to delay our forces from advancing and gaining ground. GRANOVIAN forces possess Eastern European arms and equipment. They possess some chemical warfare capability, but would likely only use as a means of last resort. Assume Mission Orientated Protective Posture (MOPP) 0.</p><p>Friendly Forces. </p><p>Officer Commanding (OC) ___company intends to rapidly advance on a wide frontage, destroying all encountered enemy. The company will advance from DONALD DUCK to BUGS BUNNY with </p><p>4/8 ____ platoon left, ____platoon right and ____ platoon in depth. His main effort is ____ platoon. The company end-state is the destruction of all enemy within boundaries.</p><p>__ platoon commander intends to destroy all enemy within his boundaries. He will advance one section up two back. Our section is the point section. __ section is left rear and __ section is right rear. He will rotate sections through the lead as necessary. His main effort is the lead section. His end-state is the destruction of all enemy within boundaries no later than______.</p><p>Attachments and Detachments. </p><p>OPCON to __ company G41, 51B</p><p>MISSION ___ section will destroy all enemy within boundaries no later than ______in order to prevent a major enemy attack.</p><p>EXECUTION</p><p>Concept of Operations. I intend to destroy all enemy within boundaries. We will advance in arrowhead formation. If we come into contact with a machine gun post or a section-size position, we will remain in place as a firebase while the remainder of the platoon assaults. My end-state is the destruction of all enemy within boundaries no later than______.</p><p>Grouping and Tasks.</p><p>__ Section.</p><p>Grouping. No change.</p><p>Tasks: </p><p>Number one rifleman: point security. </p><p>Team B: provide left flank security. </p><p>Team C: provide right flank security. </p><p>Team D: Section 2IC, control spacing and fire support as required.</p><p>Coordinating Instructions:</p><p>Timings. H hour is ___. All enemy must be destroyed NLT___.</p><p>Axis. Section commander explains using the ground or a map model.</p><p>Route to line of departure. Through the re-entrant at Grid____. Order of march is A, B, C and D team.</p><p>Limit of exploitation. Consolidate on or past objective. Exploit no more than 50m plus of objective.</p><p>SERVICE SUPPORT</p><p>Dress. Full fighting order.</p><p>Equipment. As issued.</p><p>Weapons. As issued. </p><p>Ammunition. Front line carried by all. Redistribute on consolidation.</p><p>Rations and Water. Full canteens to be carried. IMP lunch carried.</p><p>Medical. Self first aid. After consolidation administer "buddy" first aid. Send ammunition and casualty report and Platoon 2IC will arrange evacuation to company casualty collection point. </p><p>Prisoner of War. Disarm, search, apply first aid if necessary, and segregate. Platoon 2IC will arrange evacuation to company prisoner of war collection point.</p><p>COMMAND AND SIGNALS</p><p>Command:</p><p>Location of Commanders. Platoon headquarters will be located 1 tactical bound behind lead section.</p><p>Chain of Command. 1 Section Commander, Section 2IC, B Team leader, C Team leader.</p><p>Signals:</p><p>5/8 Frequencies. Company frequency is 44.50. The alternate is 35.90. </p><p>Passwords. Until 1200 today it is B-L-I-N-K. From 1200 today until 1200 tomorrow it is C-R-A-C-K.</p><p>Time check.</p><p>Questions.</p><p>Depending on the tactical situation, the section commander might conduct a rehearsal of special tasks.</p><p>If a test fire of weapons has been authorized, the section commander will ensure that each rifleman fires a minimum of 3 rounds on repetition and a 2-3 round burst on automatic. Each C9 gunner will fire a minimum of a 2-3 round burst.</p><p>Watch as the section commander conducts the test fire.</p><p>The section commander will now move the section into a suitable location overlooking the terrain they will cover and CHRISTEN THE GROUND. As they begin their advance, the section commander continuously updates the axis of advance and reference points and issues anticipatory orders so the section knows what action to take if they encounter effective enemy fire.</p><p>Watch as the section commander christens the ground for his section and begins the advance to contact.</p><p>Are there any questions on Battle Drill One - Preparation for Battle?</p><p>BATTLE DRILL TWO - REACTION TO EFFECTIVE ENEMY FIRE</p><p>Aim. The aim of this battle drill is to ensure that all members of the section take immediate action against effective enemy fire.</p><p>Effective enemy fire is fire that would produce casualties if the section continued on its course. Sections must continue the advance in spite of noise of fire directed at someone else and regardless of stray rounds amongst them. Most soldiers instinctively drop to the ground when under fire. This action is generally wrong because the enemy usually opens fire when a target is in place offering little or no cover. </p><p>When the section comes under effective enemy fire the section commander will order “CONTACT TAKE COVER”. Each section member will fire two rounds (DOUBLE TAP) in the direction of the enemy to disrupt his fire or force him to take cover. Each section member will then:</p><p> a. DASH - get out of the enemy’s view or enemy’s fire to apposition of cover;</p><p> b. DOWN - dive for cover;</p><p> c. CRAWL - move out of enemy fire and aiming point based on our down-point. Crawl to a point of observation or fire;</p><p> d. OBSERVE - locate the enemy and friendly troops;</p><p> e. FIRE - adopt a fire position and change position if necessary. Adjust sights and return fire to win the fire fight and to indicate the enemy;</p><p> f. COMMUNICATE - pass information on enemy strength and location to the remainder of the section; and</p><p> g. MOVE - on order to regroup or assault.</p><p>As soon as the comd takes cover he must info his chain of comd that he has come under contact he will do this on the radio by saying “11 this is 11C contact wait out”</p><p>Watch as the section conducts Battle Drill Two.</p><p>Are there any questions on Battle Drill Two - Reaction to Effective Enemy Fire?</p><p>BATTLE DRILL THREE - LOCATING THE ENEMY</p><p>Aim. The aim of this battle drill is to locate and determine the size and composition of the enemy position.</p><p>This drill is carried out when the section has come into contact with the enemy but the section does not see the Enemy. The section commander may be required to order “SPECULATIVE FIRE” or “CHANGE FIRE POSITIONS…PREPARE TO MOVE” in order to locate the enemy. A section cannot attack unless the enemy location and composition has been identified. Any member of the section that sees the enemy before the comd can give an indication using G R I T (GROUP, RANGE, INDICATION) the type of fire can only be given by the comd after he sees the enemy. If any member of the section does not see the enemy they can info the comd and then take a bound.</p><p>6/8 Watch as the section commander demonstrates each of these techniques.</p><p>Are there any questions on Battle Drill Three - Locating the Enemy?</p><p>BATTLE DRILL FOUR - WINNING THE FIREFIGHT</p><p>Aim. The aim of this battle drill is to bring effective fire to bear on the enemy to neutralize him.</p><p>Once the section commander has determined the enemy location and strength. he must control the fire of the section so as to bring maximum effective fire onto the enemy position and thus win the firefight. Using the mnemonic GRIT, the section commander gives the fire control order to engage the enemy. </p><p>Concurrent with winning the firefight, the section commander must make a combat estimate. He passes control of the firefight to the 2IC. Having won the firefight, he must retain the initiative by continuing to bring fire down on the enemy while he plans his attack. Once he completes his combat estimate on weather he will do a frontal or a flanking, if fire support is needed grid of enemy he will send a proper contact report to his platoon comd with his intentions.</p><p>Watch as the section commander wins the fire fight.</p><p>Section commander gives a fire control order using GRIT and sends a verbal contact report to the platoon commander.</p><p>Are there any questions on Battle Drill Four – Winning the Firefight?</p><p>BATTLE DRILL FIVE - APPROACH</p><p>Aim. The aim of this battle drill is to approach within assault or grenade throwing range of the enemy while continuing to suppress him.</p><p>Before the approach can begin, the firefight must be won and the enemy neutralized. The section commander completes his combat estimate, gives his quick battle orders and starts the section moving towards the assault position. His orders must be short and contain only what must be known. The section moves using fire and movement. The maintenance of momentum is important during the approach and crucial during the transition from the approach phase to the assault phase. In his estimate the section commander decided he would attack frontally. The section commander must direct the section, group and finally team fire and movement at the right time in the battle. </p><p>The section commander issues quick battle orders using the mnemonic GETM.</p><p> a. G – Group… 1 Section;</p><p> b. E – Enemy…Enemy trench 150 m to your front;</p><p> c. T – Task…We will conduct a frontal(flanking);</p><p> d. M- Move order…1 Group fix bayonets…2 Group fix bayonets. Consolidate on my whistle blast. 2 Group will move first. Prepare to move. Section, Section, Section!</p><p>Watch as the section conducts Battle Drill Five.</p><p>Are there any questions on Battle Drill Five – Approach?</p><p>BATTLE DRILL SIX - THE ASSAULT</p><p>Aim. The aim of the assault is to destroy or capture the enemy.</p><p>This drill commences once the section arrives at the assault position or to within grenade throwing range of the objective. The section pauses only long enough for the section commander to designate assault group objectives, a single trench often being the maximum size of a group objective. The momentum must be maintained. If objectives can be designated on the move, it will not be necessary to pause and the section can carry right on into the assault.</p><p>Watch as the section conducts Battle Drill Six.</p><p>The section commander designates the Assault Group objective. The Assault Group Commander issues final quick battle orders using GETM as required. The Assault Team Leader will designate who the grenadier will be and the grenadier acknowledges. The other member of the Assault Team assumes task of intimate fire support. The remainder of the section becomes fire support. The Assault Team approaches the objective to within grenade range. Grenadier prepares grenade and personal weapon in cover. Grenadier throws or posts grenade. If the grenadier has posted the grenade, he rolls over and fires into the enemy trench. If he has thrown the grenade he doubles forward and then fires </p><p>7/8 into the enemy trench. Once the grenadier has taken up a fire position, his partner moves forward and takes up a fire position. The remainder of the Assault Group moves through the position using fire and movement.</p><p>The drill is repeated as often as necessary as the section fights its way through the objective or until the section is ordered to halt.</p><p>Are there any questions on Battle Drill Six – The Assault?</p><p>BATTLE DRILL SEVEN - CONSOLIDATION</p><p>Aim. The aim of this battle drill is regroup the section, redistribute weapons and ammunition, evacuate casualties and prisoners of war and prepare to defeat a possible enemy counter attack.</p><p>An immediate enemy counter-attack should be expected at this stage, especially if the objective is part of a defensive position. All activities must be executed with maximum speed. Those parts of the section that were not part of the assaulting force must move forward and rejoin the section as soon as the section commander calls them forward. The section commander must ensure that the section is oriented on the original axis of advance. The following actions must occur:</p><p> a. form a defense;</p><p> b. preparation of a hasty defense;</p><p> c. report ammunition expenditure and redistribute ammunition within the section;</p><p> d. evacuate casualties and prisoners; and</p><p> e. search the objective.</p><p>Once all this is done the section comd must send a SITREP to his platoon comd </p><p>Watch as the section conducts Battle Drill Seven.</p><p>Demonstrate the correct method of searching dead enemy personnel.</p><p>Are there any questions on Battle Drill Seven - The Consolidation?</p><p>STAGE TWO</p><p>The section attack will now be conducted in real time. </p><p>CONCLUSION</p><p>An effective section attack requires the proper application of the seven section battle drills. Some of the critical elements of a successful attack are:</p><p> a. the enemy position must be located before any other battle drill can be conducted;</p><p> b. the firefight must be won before beginning the approach;</p><p> c. the section commander must conduct a combat estimate;</p><p> d. the section commander must issue a GETM;</p><p> e. the section must continue to neutralize the enemy during the approach;</p><p> f. the section must maintain momentum during the assault; and</p><p> g. the section commander must assert and regain control during the assault.</p><p>At all times, every member of the section must display a high standard of personal fieldcraft and weapons handling, as well as maximum drive and aggression.</p><p>8/8</p>
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