<p> December 8, 2009 7:00 P.M. Special Time: 6:30 P.M. Fairborn Senior Center 325 North Third Street Fairborn, Ohio Members Only December Meeting</p><p>2009 Holiday Potluck Dinner Come one, come all with your potluck dish for the December meeting (members only). Bring a dish to share and your own beverage. The guild will furnish paper plates and plastic utensils for the dinner. Our potluck will begin at a special time of 6:30 p.m. For the evening’s entertainment, we will have a fabric exchange. The theme for the exchange is the same as the 2010 Quilt Show: Traditional, Innovative, and Challenging. Bring 1/3 yard of fabric for each category. Traditional is a fabric that your mother or grandmother would have purchased. Innovative fabric is a fabric that you wonder what you were thinking when you purchased. And, challenging fabric is when you scratch your head and wonder. Join us for an evening of fun and fellowship. Joyce Marrs Hospitality A Note from the President Boy, can you believe it is December already! I know we all have a lot to do for Christmas and such, but I hope everyone gets all their preparations done and will have a little time for family and quilting. I want to say thanks to Debbie Bertke and Shari Brindley for their volunteering this year. Both have done a lot for our guild and we are all better for it. Thanks also to Lesa Bame (vice president) and Barb Hartings (corresponding secretary) for filling these vacant spots. I look forward to working with you both. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems. I’ve said this before, we have a great guild. I’ve had such fun being president and I thank all of you for your support and friendship. I loved working with everyone on the Extreme Makeover quilts. It was hectic but fun. We proved what can be done when we pull together and put our minds to it. I look forward to retreat, being with 90-95 ladies, sewing and having fun all weekend. If you haven’t signed up, please do so. Then, we will have the Quilt Show in May. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there and volunteering to help out. So, happy holidays and stay safe and healthy. Susan Hill President, 426-4740 [email protected] Welcome New Members Seventy-one members attended the November meeting. Please add these new member to your roster and welcome her as you meet her at future meetings. Connie Lim 8501 Gurney Court Centerville, OH 45458 937-238-0572 [email protected] Please make the following changes to your roster: Tricia Fecher 6505 Bagdad Road Fayetteville, NC 28306-9619 Lynn Hunger [email protected] Sunshine News If you hear of a member who could use our support, please call Diane McLane at 964-4142 or e-mail [email protected]. Best wishes go to Connie Howard who is recovering from surgery. If you would like to send her a get-well-soon card, her address is: Connie Howard 3132 Morningview Dr. Beavercreek OH 45432 Community Quilts Stocking Stuffer Ideas Fourteen people attended the Community Quilts sew-in on October 24, 2009 and thirty- one Christmas stockings were made. They will be donated to the Family Violence Prevention Center of Greene County. The stockings will be delivered to the center the week of December 14. If you would like to put on your Santa Hat and help fill the stockings, below are some gift ideas. Gifts can be brought to the December meeting. Adult suggestions: Hairbrushes, socks, foot crème, hand lotion, lip gloss/balm, perfume, emery boards, flip-flops, gloves, bookmarks, pocket calendars, journals, food/gas gift cards, little books with inspirational quotes or stories, pencils/pens, gum/small candy bars. Kid suggestions: Christmas coloring books, markers (they have lots of crayons), color pencils, activity books, travel size games, small stuffed animals, Playdough, toy cars, bubbles, yo-yo, stickers, toothbrush/toothpaste, fun socks, candy. Any questions, please contact Becky Siva at 937-681-3569. January 3rd Monday Stitch-In The 3rd Monday evening stitch-in will be held January 18th at Sue DeSantis’s home. The address is 102 Phillip Dr., West Milton. Her telephone number is 698-9182. Please call Sue for directions and to let her know you’ll be coming. Enjoy a summer evening with friends and get some of your quilting and piecing done! There will be no December stitch-in because of the holidays. Guild Members Art Quilts on SULPHUR Display Guild member Susan Voegtly, is among GROVE fiber artists featured in a new display at the Fitton Center for Creative Arts in Hamilton. The show, QUILT Harmony—Winter Quilt Show with Music-Inspired Sculpture will be on display from Saturday, SHOP November 14 – January 6, 2010. The Fitton Center is located at 101 S. Monument 7340 Taylorsville Rd. Avenue, Hamilton. Hours for the show are Mondays through Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 Huber Hts. OH 45424 p.m., Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sundays from (9 a.m. to noon). For additional information, Phone: 233-7021 Fax: 233-1326 visit the Fitton Center website at www.fittoncenter.org. T, W, F 10-6 – Th 12-8 Fran LaSalle will have many of her new art quilts on display from November 30 to December Sat 12-4 – Last Sunday of the month 12-4 31 at the Glen Helen Building Atrium, 405 Corry CLOSED MONDAY Street, Yellow Springs. The show also will include ceramics by Geno Luketic. Hours at the Glen Helen Building are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. GUILD MEMBER DISCOUNT 10% There is no admission charge.</p><p>Looking Ahead: MVQG’s 2010 Retreat Come to the Luau!!!! The Blue Hawaii Quilt Retreat Bergamo Center – Beavercreek February 19th, 20th and 21st, 2010 Come and sew without the home distractions!!! There will be a lot of door prizes and special treats. Sign up for the retreat so you don’t miss out. The fun will start in the islands. Janet Stohr Retreat Chairman (Retreat Forms are at the end of this Newsletter and are available on line. Additional retreat information will be available on the website.) For Sale: 50" x 60" cutting table with drawer and lower storage shelf. Excellent condition. $75 Alto Cutting System with bolt holder. New/Never Used. I paid $329. Will sell for $275.00 Email Marian Gebele at [email protected] or 937-429-2636. Workshops Update Merry Christmas Fellow Quilters! I am looking forward to the fabric exchange this year along with good food and fellowship. The Julianne Kravetz’ class was fabulous! Most of us were just about done with the project by the time we left Appalachian Quilt Shop. We are now taking payments for Maria Elkin’s class in February. There will be hard copies of a supply list for students to pick up at the meeting. If you would like me to e-mail a copy to you, please let me know and either I or Lesa Bame will do so. Because this workshop is so soon after Lesa becomes VP, she and I will be working very closely to get you the information needed for this class. The Saturday class is full and has people waiting, but as of now there are two spots open for Wednesday’s class. Lesa will have more information at the December meeting. Remember to pick up your supply list because there is a photo deadline and photo requirements on that list. Shari Brindley Vice President [email protected] 2010 Quilt Show Quilt Show — May 7, 8, 2010 Set Up — May 6, 2010 Isn’t the raffle quilt looking great! A great job was done by Pam Bohnke and Billie Ferguson assembling the top — and Chris Landis has don the wonderful machine quilting. We appreciate all of your quilting expertise! As Chris said in our last meeting, the raffle quilt is a huge chunk of our profit. I already have the raffle tickets printed. Once the quilt is bound, Ed will photograph it and we will get photos for your packet. I’ll have a picture and raffle tickets for everyone to pick up. We are almost there!! Susan Hill Quilt Show Chairperson Quilt Show 2010 Reminders I know that it’s holiday time and we are all very busy, but May isn’t far away. So when you are feeling the need for some time alone, make it with your quilting and sewing. Enjoy the holidays and be ready for me as I continue to remind you of the boutique, raffle tickets and quilts for the big show in May. Linda Adams Quilt Show Committee Treasurer’s Report Submitted by Mary C. Miller, Treasurer For period ending October 31, 2009 BEGINNING BALANCE $14,754.48 INCOME Door Prize 35.00 Retreat 1,390.00 Membership 330.00 Classified Ad 5.00 Fons & Porter 40.97 TOTAL INCOME $1,800.97 EXPENSES Bergamo Center 2,434.40 Jennifer McCann 210.00 Fons & Porter 30.00 Fairborn Senior Center 87.50 Newsletter—Printing 70.40 Newsletter—Postage 44.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,876.30 ENDING BALANCE $13,679.15</p><p>Earmarked Funds: $2000.00 — The Sally Kerr Scholarship Fund is being held in the main account, but will only be used in accordance with the agreed stipulations set forth by the retreat committee on behalf of the donor. Quilt Pins All quilt pins have been sold and will no longer be available. Thank you for your support with this project. ______Deadline for the January 2010 Issue: Monday, December 14 All articles are subject to editing and approval by the editor. Materials received after the deadline date will be considered for publication only if space and time permit. ______MVQG 2009 Officers President Susan Hill 9374264740 rk_hill(at)ameritech.net Vice President Shari Brindley 9373728861 sharing.stitches(at)yahoo.com Treasurer Mary C. Miller 9378901010 marysews(at)woh.rr.com Corresponding Secretary Debbie Bertke 9378845078 debertke1(at)juno.com Recording Secretary Ed Chamness 9373725821 mrandmrsquilter(at)aol.com 2010 Board Meetings February May August November Dates To Be Determined Note: 6:00 p.m. at Beavercreek Library, 3618 Dayton-Xenia Road, Beavercreek. No Food or Drinks (Tentative Location)</p><p>The Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild Board includes: The elected officers President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer plus the chairs of the standing committees, the immediate past president of the guild, and the founder of the guild, Suellen Wassem. All officers and committee chairs are expected to attend the Board meetings which are held quarterly as announced. All Guild members are invited to attend. Minutes of Board meetings are posted in the News section of the website. Quilting stories, ideas, news? Send to: Chris Garcher MVQG Newsletter Editor 6258 Gander Road East Dayton OH 45424 E-mail: </p><p>DJGarcher(at)compuserve.com Advertisers For fees and contracts, please contact: Ed Chamness P.O. Box 694 Wilberforce, OH 45384 Phone: 9373725821 E-mail: mvqgoh(at)aol.com Need to reach us? Please send all guild correspondence to our post office box address. That way our officers will receive it. Our address is: Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild P.O. Box 340141 Beavercreek, OH 45434 E-mail: mvqgoh(at)aol.com Website www.miamivalleyquiltersguild.org </p><p>Quilters’ Quotes is a copyrighted publication of the Miami Valley Quilters’ Guild. No one may reprint this newsletter for other than personal use in any form, in part or in whole, without written consent. BLUE HAWAII RETREAT PACKAGES – MVQG 2010 February 19, 20 & 21, 2010 Bergamo Center – Beavercreek, Ohio</p><p>LODGER: ARRIVE FRIDAY MORNING Set up time is 9:00 a.m. Single, double or triple – Check in time is 5:00 p.m. Meals: Friday: lunch, dinner, Saturday: breakfast, lunch, dinner; Sunday: breakfast, lunch Feel free to bring snacks to share</p><p>COMMUTERS: 1, 2 OR 3 DAYS Set up time is 9:00 a.m. Meals: Friday: lunch, dinner, Saturday: lunch, dinner, Sunday: lunch Feel free to bring snacks to share NOTE: BREAKFAST ON ANY DAY IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH COMMUTER PACKAGES</p><p>Fill in this portion and hand in with your deposit</p><p>Name ______Phone No. ______Address ______E-Mail ______Roommate(s) ______New Retreater? Yes _____ No _____ Desired package (Select one)</p><p>LODGER COMMUTER (Specify which day/days) ___ Single $190.00 ___ 1 Day $40.00 FRI – SAT - SUN ___ Double $160.00 ___ 2 Days $70.00 FRI – SAT - SUN ___ Triple $145.00 ___ 3 Days $90.00 FRI – SAT - SUN</p><p>Package Total $______Sally Kerr Fund Contribution $______Total $______Deposit ($50 required) $______Ck/Cash ____ Date _____ Balance $______</p><p>** NO DEPOSIT REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY MEETING UNLESS REPLACEMENT IS FOUND</p><p>Lodging and/or dietary requests:______</p><p>Contributions toward the Sally Kerr Memorial Retreat Fund may be included with your retreat payment or confidentially mailed to Kathy Bean, 5410 Oakbrooke Dr., Kettering, OH 45440.</p><p>Retreat registration form and payment can be sent to: Chris Landis, 2110 Germantown-Liberty Rd, New Lebanon, OH 45345 Sally Kerr Scholarship Fund Application Miami Valley Quilt Guild 2009 Quilt Retreat</p><p>* Scholarship created for a Quilter in need of funds in order to have the opportunity to attend the Winter retreat. Please apply between the September and November guild meetings. Notification will be made by the December meeting. * Contact Kathy Bean, Heidi Young or Lesa Bame.</p><p>Name______Phone______</p><p>Address______E-mail______</p><p>City______State____ Zip______</p><p>1. Are you a guild member? Yes_____ No_____ Returning Member______</p><p>2. How many years have you been a member? ______</p><p>3. How often do you attend meetings per year? ______</p><p>4. Please list any committees, guild community service projects or any other way you have been involved in the larger quilting community ______</p><p>5. Do you need a full or partial scholarship? ______</p><p>6. Situational comments: (optional) ______</p><p>PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO ANY SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE MEMBER. QUESTIONS? Please contact any committee member.</p><p>2009 dues must be paid by the recipient before the retreat!</p><p>*This scholarship is based on double occupancy if staying overnight and is not transferable to any other person. </p>
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