<p> TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>SECTION 1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AGENDA SECTION 2 PROGRAM CALENDAR SECTION 3 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE SECTION CHAIR SECTION 4 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE PROGRAM CHAIR (SECTION VICE-CHAIR) SECTION 5 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE SECRETARY SECTION 6 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE TREASURER SECTION 7 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CHAIR SECTION 8 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE PUBLICITY CHAIR SECTION 9 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE NOMINATION CHAIR (PAST SECTION CHAIR) SECTION 10 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE AWARDS CHAIR SECTION 11 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE EDUCATION CHAIR SECTION 12 DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE PAST SECTION CHAIR SECTION 13 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR TECHNICAL PROGRAMS SECTION 14 IEEE VIDEO CONFERENCE CHECKLIST SECTION 1</p><p>AGENDA FOR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (EXCOM)</p><p>1. Review Section Meeting Preparation a. Request speaker's synopsis and biography (Program Chair) b. Reserve speaker's equipment (Program Chair) c. Reserve meeting room at the end of month (Program Chair) d. Prepare speaker's accommodation (Program Chair) e. Prepare meeting announcements (Secretary) f. Prepare publicity (Publicity Chair) g. Welcome speaker (Section Chair)</p><p>2. Plan the Following Section Meeting a. - g. See paragraph 1.0 above for details.</p><p>3. Review Program Calendar a. Schedule new speakers (Program Chair) b. Make contacts for potential speakers (appoint contact persons)</p><p>4. Officer / Committee Reports a. Treasurer b. Secretary c. Membership Development d. Professional Activities (PACE) e. Education/Student Activities f. Awards g. Publicity h. Program (Section Vice-Chair) i. Computer Chapter j. hIDEA</p><p>5. IEEE Meetings Report (Section Chair) a. Los Angeles Council b. Southern Area c. Region 6</p><p>6. Past Chair's Report</p><p>7. Other Business</p><p>8. Next Executive Committee Meeting a. Date (first Wednesday) b. Time (11:30 a.m.) c. Place (Seafarer's Club) SECTION 2</p><p>PROGRAM CALENDAR</p><p>The China Lake Section Program Calendar includes the following activities which the Section Chair can use as a checklist:</p><p>JANUARY: Executive Committee (EXCOM) Meeting (first Wednesday) Section Meeting (third Wednesday) L.A. Council Meeting Secretary's Report (due January 15) Treasurer's Report (due January 15) Prepare EXCOM Mail/Phone List Update Section Information Sheet New bank signature card New Treasurer Billing Address Reorder Mailing Labels</p><p>FEBRUARY EXCOM Meeting Engineer's Week sponsored by hIDEA (no Section Meeting) Award Section Chair Pin</p><p>MARCH EXCOM Meeting Section Meeting Region 6 Meeting (Section Chair attends) L.A. Council Meeting First Rebate Paid</p><p>APRIL EXCOM Meeting Section Meeting Southern Area Meeting (Saturday)</p><p>MAY EXCOM Meeting Section Meeting L.A. Council Meeting</p><p>JUNE EXCOM Meeting Section Meeting Request changes to Policies and Procedures Order Membership Roster Lists for Section and Chapter</p><p>JULY EXCOM Meeting Space Week sponsored by hIDEA (no Section Meeting) Review Policies and Procedures</p><p>AUGUST EXCOM Meetings (2 program planning meetings, no Section meeting) Approve Policies and Procedures Update Publicity Network SEPTEMBER EXCOM Meeting Section Meeting L.A. Council Meeting Nomination Committee appointed Second Rebate Paid</p><p>OCTOBER EXCOM Meeting Section Meeting Southern Area Meeting Election ballot approved Order Section and Chapter Past Chair Pins</p><p>NOVEMBER EXCOM Meeting Section Meeting L.A. Council Meeting Mail election ballots (return deadline: November 30)</p><p>DECEMBER EXCOM (transition meeting of incoming/outgoing members) Section Meeting (second Wednesday) Pay Annual Postal Permit Fee Reserve meeting room, third Wednesday, for next year Election report and committee appointments (Forms L4, L5) Print Meeting Announcement Covers Distribute Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Award Section and Chapter Past Chair Pins</p><p>JANUARY: EXCOM Meeting (first Wednesday) Section Meeting (third Wednesday) L.A. Council Meeting Secretary's Report (due January 15) Treasurer's Report (due January 15) Prepare EXCOM Mail/Phone List Update Section Information Sheet New bank signature card New Treasurer Billing Address Reorder Mailing Labels SECTION 3</p><p>DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE SECTION CHAIR</p><p>1. The Section Chair shall preside at all Section meetings and Executive Committee Meetings. The Section Chair shall:</p><p>Perform following Section Meeting Procedures: a. Contact and arrange to meet the speaker at the meeting place. b. Arrive early and welcome the speaker. c. Order speaker's lunch and your own lunch immediately, so the presentation can begin promptly at 12:00 noon. d. At 11:50 a.m. make announcements of interest to the general membership (elections, awards, next month's speaker, etc.). e. Introduce the speaker (use the meeting announcement for notes). Allow 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. for the presentation and questions. f. Send a thank-you letter to the speaker after each meeting.</p><p>2. Appoint the following: Standing Committee Chairs Program (duty of the Section Vice-Chair) Membership Development Professional Activities for Engineers (PACE) Education/Student Activities Awards Publicity Past Chair (immediate past Section Chair)</p><p>The Executive Committee (EXCOM) shall consist of the following: Officers Standing Committee Chairs Computer Chapter Chair</p><p>3. Immediately after election, review the China Lake Section Policies and Procedures for possible revisions. They shall be reapproved each year by the EXCOM at its first meeting in August.</p><p>4. Supervise the Officers and Chairs, and arrange for the execution of their duties in case of absence.</p><p>5. Use the immediate Past Section Chair as Chief Advisor, Parliamentarian, and Chair of the Nomination Committee. 6. Attend meetings of the High Desert Engineering Association (hIDEA).</p><p>7. Obtain a copy of IEEE Computer Society Chapter Manual from the Past Chair, or order a new copy from IEEE Field Services.</p><p>8. Appoint a Ticket Sales Chair from the EXCOM for hIDEA events. SECTION 4</p><p>DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE PROGRAM CHAIR (SECTION VICE-CHAIR)</p><p>1. The duties of the Program Chair shall be assumed by the vice-Chair of the China Lake Section (see Section 13 for Standard Operating Procedure for Technical Programs).</p><p>2. At the direction of the Section Chair, the Program Chair shall record and maintain a Program Schedule of Section activities and a prospect list for future meetings. Shall arrange monthly programs as scheduled in Section 2. There will be two EXCOM meetings in August for planning purposes. February and July shall be joint meetings with hIDEA. Throughout the term, shall advise the EXCOM about openings in the program schedule and ask EXCOM members to make speaker contacts.</p><p>3. In December, reserve a meeting room for next year. Reserve third Wednesday of each month except (1) no third Wednesday in February and July, and (2) second Wednesday in December.</p><p>4. Make Section Meeting preparations as follows: a. Obtain a one-paragraph synopsis of the speaker's talk and a one-paragraph biography. b. Deliver the synopsis and biography to the Section Secretary for the meeting announcement. c. Ascertain the equipment needs (projector, screen, extension cords, etc.) of the speaker and arrange for their set-up at the meeting room. d. Reserve the meeting room. e. Request service for 20 persons, and request a speaker's podium. f. If necessary, arrange for base passes and motel accommodation. g. Double check all arrangements on the day of the meeting. h. Display the Section Banner at the meeting (and hIDEA meetings also).</p><p>5. As Vice-Chair, perform the duties of the Section Chair in the absence of that Chair: a. Contact the speaker and arrange to meet speaker at the lobby. b. Arrive early and welcome the speaker. c. Order speaker's and your own lunch immediately, so the presentation can begin at 12:00 noon. d. Chair the meeting and introduce the speaker (use the meeting announcement for the introduction). 6. Attend meetings of the High Desert Engineering Association (hIDEA) and prepare a report of IEEE participation. IEEE will chair the hIDEA Ticket Committee. Committee duties involve printing the tickets, distributing tickets for sale by other engineering associations, sales at the door, collecting, and accounting. The Section Chair will also appoint a separate ticket Sales Chair for EXCOM ticket sales.</p><p>7. Obtain a copy of Meeting Guide, Section and Chapters from the previous Program Chair, or order a new copy from IEEE Field Services. SECTION 5</p><p>DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE SECRETARY</p><p>1. Upon assuming office, the Secretary shall prepare a mail and phone list of all members of the Executive Committee (EXCOM) and distribute a copy to each member and to S.A.S.S.</p><p>2. The Secretary shall prepare and mail the monthly Meeting Announcements: a. Obtain a one paragraph synopsis of each speaker's talk and a one paragraph biography from the Program Chair. b. Prepare a rough draft of the meeting announcement before the EXCOM meeting and deliver it to S.A.S.S. , 114 N. Balsam, phone: 375-1003. Simply mark up an extra copy of last month's announcement and attach the new synopsis and biography. c. Proofread announcement before S.A.S.S. has it printed. Print extra copies for the IEEE Publicity Network. Print 15 extra to distribute for publicity at the EXCOM meeting. d. Assist IEEE Computer Chapter with their meeting announcement and mail it with Section announcement. e. S.A.S.S. will mail the announcements via Bulk Rate Postage. f. The Secretary shall deliver a meeting announcement to the scheduled speaker. g. Periodically, ask S.A.S.S. to check the Bulk Rate Postal Account (Permit #10) to verify sufficient funds. Notify the Treasurer when the funds are low. Remind the Treasurer to pay the Annual Permit Fee in December.</p><p>3. Distribute the attendance cards (Form L-10) before each Section Meeting, collect them, and notify the Membership Chair of those persons who indicated interest in joining. Record attendance in each monthly meeting report.</p><p>4. Prepare monthly meeting reports (Form L-31) for the files and include a copy of the announcement. Collect and file monthly L-31 Reports from the IEEE Computer Chapter.</p><p>5. Prepare a thank you letter for each speaker to be signed by the Section Chair.</p><p>6. Complete the Annual Meeting Report as directed by the Los Angeles Council. Send copies of all L-31 Meeting Reports for Section and Chapter meetings to the Los Angeles Council before January 15. Send an extra copy of all L-31 Meeting Reports to IEEE Field Services. 7. Maintain files of the current administration including the following and other material as directed by the EXCOM: a. Section Reports (monthly meeting reports, annual reports, EXCOM mail and phone list, Section Information Sheet, Award/Nominations, election ballot, and Committee Reports of significant programs) SECTION 5 (Continued)</p><p> b. Forms (supply orders (Form FS-25), report forms, nomination forms, etc.), c. Correspondence (correspondence of all Section Officers) d. Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, Section Zip Code Roster</p><p>At the end of the year, the above four separate folders shall be combined into one folder with that year's date such that all these papers shall be kept in a file for their respective calendar year. The accumulation of these annual files shall form the Archives of the Section. </p><p>8. Reorder mailing labels in January from IEEE Field Services. Use last year's order form (Form FS-25) as a guide. Order labels to be done on the 15th of each month for 12 months. Also order one each membership roster list for Section and Computer Chapter Chairs to be delivered in August.</p><p>9. In December, Reorder Meeting Announcement Covers from the printer. These consist of 5,000 sheets printed with the postal stamp and the Secretary-elect's return address. The covers are used for 11 meetings, 420 each, and one election ballot, 420 each.</p><p>10. After the election of Officers, fill out the Report of New Officers (Form L5) and New Committee Chairs (Form L4). Also complete additional forms which may be supplied by the Los Angeles Council. Obtain similarly completed forms from the Computer Chapter. Send all reports to the Los Angeles Council and send a copy to IEEE Field Services.</p><p>11. Order new manuals and supplies (Form FS-02) as needed for the EXCOM and the Computer Chapter Administrative Committee (ADCOM).</p><p>12. In December, distribute a copy of the China Lake Section Bylaws and Policies and Procedures to all newly elected members of the EXCOM. 13. In October, order Section and Chapter Past Chair Pins to be awarded to the Section and Chapter Past-Chairs. Use Form FS-03 and mail to IEEE Field Services. SECTION 6</p><p>DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE TREASURER</p><p>Upon assuming office, the Treasurer shall:</p><p>1. Give preferred mailing address for billing purposes to S.A.S.S. Secretarial Service, (114 Balsam St., Ridgecrest, phone 375-1003) and to Rainbow Printing, (104 Panamint Ave, Ridgecrest, phone 375-6205).</p><p>2. Ensure that the financial spreadsheet and check book are up- to-date when receiving them from the former Treasurer and when surrendering them to the succeeding Treasurer.</p><p>3. Obtain a new Signature Card form the Bank of America and obtain the signatures of the incoming officers. Treasurer shall have the outgoing officers sign off the old Signature Card. This should be done at the Executive Meeting in December when old and new officers are present.</p><p>4. Pay the set-up fee at the meeting place and the meal bill for the speaker after each Section meeting.</p><p>5. Deposit sufficient funds in the bulk rate postal account (Permit #10) when notified by the Secretary.</p><p>6. Pay the annual fee in December for the bulk rate postal permit.</p><p>7. Complete the Annual Financial Report (forms supplied by IEEE Field Services). Treasurer shall pass one copy to the Secretary for the Secretary's annual file and mail one to the Los Angeles Council (L.A. Council shall mail one to IEEE Field Services before January 15th).</p><p>8. Assist IEEE Computer Chapter with financial obligations. Upon phone call with follow-on documentation, write and sign check and give to Computer Chapter Treasurer. SECTION 7</p><p>DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CHAIR</p><p>1. Upon assuming office, the Membership Development Chair shall receive the IEEE Information Center display, application forms, and other pamphlets from the outgoing Chair. The Membership Chair may obtain a copy of the Form MD-02 from the Secretary to reorder Membership supplies.</p><p>2. Update the China Lake Section Information Sheet. Use facts from the previous year to update the Information sheet. Pass a sample to the Secretary for the Section's Archive file.</p><p>3. Display the IEEE Information Center at each Section Meeting. Also display the IEEE Information Center at hIDEA sponsored events.</p><p>4. When names are received of prospective members, contact that person and mail a copy of the Membership Information and Application pamphlet (Form F-69) and a copy of the China Lake Section Information Sheet.</p><p>5. Upon receiving the membership "pink" changes sheets from IEEE Field Services, note the new members moving into the China Lake Section and give them a welcome call. Follow-up by mailing a China Lake Section Information Sheet and letter of welcome. Forward the pink sheets to the Membership Development Chair of the Computer Chapter. SECTION 8</p><p>DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE PUBLICITY CHAIR</p><p>1. At each Executive Committee Meeting, the Publicity Chair shall obtain copies of the meeting announcement and deliver one to the Rocketeer, the Daily Independent, the News Review, and the NWC Announcements (Blue Sheet), Code 341. If the meeting announcements are not available in a timely manner, prepare publicity notices for distribution.</p><p>2. Maintain the IEEE Publicity Network. This Network consists of the names and addresses of local engineering contractors, Cerro Coso Community College, and NWC Department Heads and Division Heads who are located in each of the buildings at NWC. The Network list shall be kept at S.A.S.S. (114 Balsam Street, 375-1003) who shall be directed to print address labels for the monthly meeting announcements and a copy shall be given to the Secretary for the Section's files. The Publicity Chair shall periodically update the Publicity Network.</p><p>3. Give extra copies of the meeting announcement to other members of the EXCOM for posting in Government work areas and engineering firms in Ridgecrest.</p><p>4. Send meeting information to the L.A. Council "IEEE Bulletin" (use forms supplied) 2 months prior to publication. If meeting has not been planned, enter "to be announced" for topic and speaker. After the Planning Meeting in August, send the meeting information for the entire year. Changes can be sent as they occur.</p><p>5. Publicize the following events in periodicals and the L.A. Council IEEE Bulletin: a. Election of new officers b. Committee appointments (EXCOM members) c. Attendance at Regional and Southern Area Meetings (especially the Rocketeer) d. Engineers' Week and Space Week (after event, send pictures and story to L.A. Council IEEE Bulletin) SECTION 9</p><p>DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE NOMINATION CHAIR (Past Section Chair)</p><p>1. The Nomination Chair shall prepare a slate of candidates for Section offices, prepare a mailed ballot, receive returned ballots, and count correctly marked ballots.</p><p>2. Nominations should commence in September and the ballot should be approved at the October Executive Committee Meeting. The deadline for returning marked ballots shall be November 30.</p><p>3. The Nomination Chair shall contact qualified members and request that they be candidates for elected office or possible appointees for standing committee chairs (Section Chair-Elect will make the official appointments). Candidates for elected offices cannot include members from the grade of "associate" or "affiliate". Associate members may serve as standing committee chairs, but affiliates may not serve on the EXCOM.</p><p>4. The ballot shall contain candidates' names and write-in spaces. It shall contain write-in spaces for nominating/volunteering for Standing Committee Chairs. It shall contain instructions for marking and returning the ballot. It shall have a space for the voter's signature and membership number, which shall be printed in such a manner as to allow verification and removal before opening the ballot (use previous ballot for sample).</p><p>5. Send a sample ballot to the Secretary for the Section's Archive files.</p><p>6. Election results shall be announced at the December EXCOM meeting. Write-in nominations for Committee Chairs shall be given to the Section Chair-Elect for appointment consideration. SECTION 10</p><p>DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE AWARDS CHAIR</p><p>1. Receive a copy of the Guidelines for Section Awards Chair and pass it on the succeeding chair.</p><p>2. Request from the Chair the Section Chair Pin for the new Chair-Elect to be presented soon after Chair-Elect takes office. Ascertain whether Chair-Elect is a member or senior member and pass this information to the Secretary if a different Section Chair Pin needs to be ordered. The Past-Chair will award the pin. Request from the Secretary the Past Section Chair Pin for the Past-Chair to be awarded in December by the Awards Chair. The Secretary will handle ordering details. </p><p>3. Conduct a campaign to encourage Section members to apply for Senior Member grade: a. Order Senior Member application kits. b. Publish an announcement in the monthly meeting announcement (see announcement from previous years). (1) Outline of procedure, (2) List of local Senior Members for references (see membership list), (3) Address of Awards Chair for members to send a request for application kit. c. Publish names of new Senior Members in: (1) Monthly meeting announcements, (2) Rocketeer, (3) Announce in a Section Meeting (invite new Senior Members personally to attend).</p><p>4. Receive Nomination Forms for IEEE Awards and consider local people.</p><p>5. Consider local Senior Members for nomination to grade of Fellow.</p><p>6. Enlist the aid of the Computer Chapter Awards Chair in performing these duties. SECTION 11</p><p>DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE EDUCATION/STUDENT CHAIR</p><p>1. Upon assuming office, the past Education/Student Chair shall introduce the new Chair to the present contact at the NWC Training Center.</p><p>2. In April, meet with the NWC Training Center representative to derive a Video Conference budget for the next fiscal year considering: a. Usual number of Video Conferences supported per year is four, b. Cost for each Video Conference should include the cost of the video tape which is ordered after the conference.</p><p>3. In December, select and contract with the IEEE Field Services for the four Video Conferences to be presented during the following calendar year.</p><p>4. Organize and present the IEEE Video Conferences: a. Arrange for a location to put on the conference (Carriage Inn, Sandpiper Room, include rolls and coffee). b. Arrange for the satellite downlink (e.g. Carol's, Bob Leaky). c. Arrange to have the Video Conference handouts reproduced by the NWC Training Center. d. Arrange for publicity (Flyers, Rocketeer, NWC Announcements (Blue Sheet), Daily Independent). e. Pick up the civil service registration roster from the NWC Training Center. f. Set-up and man the registration table by the entrance to the conference room. g. Arrange to have the Treasurer pay for the conference location and satellite downlink at the end of the conference.</p><p>5. Establish and maintain contacts in the Engineering Department at Cerro Coso Community College to: a. Ensure that they are on our mailing list for program flyers. b. Arrange for a student membership meeting on campus at the start of each semester.</p><p>6. Act as an information resource for local and regional IEEE sponsored student activities. 7. Develop local student activities as directed by the Executive Committee (EXCOM). SECTION 12</p><p>DUTIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE PAST CHAIR</p><p>1. The immediate Past Chair shall perform the duties of Chief Advisor, Parliamentarian, and Chair of the Nominations Committee.</p><p>2. As Chief Advisor, do the following: a. Advise the EXCOM on improvements in operation. b. Counsel Section officers in performing their duties. c. Monitor the Program Calendar of Section 2 and remind the EXCOM of upcoming events.</p><p>3. As Parliamentarian, review the Section Bylaws for possible changes and change them when directed by IEEE Headquarters. Also review Computer Chapter Bylaws when they are submitted to the EXCOM for approval.</p><p>4. As Parliamentarian, maintain the Section Policies and Procedures (POL/PRO) by: a. Review the Section POL/PRO for periodic updating. Redline the official copy at the EXCOM meeting when procedures are changed. When changes become numerous, retype the affected sections. b. Make current copies of the POL/PRO for distribution to EXCOM members in June. c. Prepare for the annual review in August by receiving proposed changes from all EXCOM members. At the August review, submit a typed preliminary for approval. The original title page and revision history shall be attached to the final version and shall be signed by the Section Chair and Secretary.</p><p>5. As Chair of the Nomination Committee, perform the duties and procedures of that office as stated in Section 9 of this POL/PRO.</p><p>6. Award a Section Chair Pin to the new Section Chair. SECTION 13</p><p>STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR TECHNICAL PROGRAMS</p><p>Synopsis: The Program Chair is responsible for scheduling programs, obtaining speakers, and making meeting arrangements.</p><p>1. Two EXCOM meetings are conducted in August for the purpose of scheduling programs for the following year. </p><p>2. The Program Chair shall receive prospective topics and speakers from EXCOM members. Program Chair will maintain a Prospect List. The Prospect List shall be given to the Program Chair's successor at the end of the year for program continuity.</p><p>3. Program Chair shall request EXCOM members to contact the prospective speakers, give speakers the available meeting dates, and report back to the Program Chair the dates speakers will talk.</p><p>4. After the initial contact, Program Chair shall contact the prospective speaker and do the following: a. Schedule the program date, time and place. b. Request a synopsis of the topic. c. Request a biography of the speaker. d. Request the audio-visual needs of the speaker. e. Determine if monetary compensation is needed by speaker.</p><p>5. Program Chair shall maintain contact with each speaker and manage changes which may occur.</p><p>6. Program Chair shall maintain a Program Schedule of speakers for the year, which shall be available to the other EXCOM members and brought to EXCOM Meetings.</p><p>7. Program Chair shall deliver the Program Schedule to the Publicity Chair for publication in the L.A. Council IEEE Bulletin.</p><p>8. Each month, Program Chair shall forward the topic, speaker's name, synopsis, and biography to the Section Secretary to prepare the Meeting Announcement.</p><p>9. When the Secretary has typed and printed the Meeting Announcement, Program Chair shall deliver several copies to the Section Publicity Chair in time for distribution at the EXCOM meeting and submission to the Rocketeer, NWC Announcements, and other publicity networks. If the Meeting Announcements are not available, the Publicity Chair will prepare notices for publicity.</p><p>10. Secretary shall deliver a Meeting Announcement to the scheduled speaker.</p><p>SECTION 13 (Continued)</p><p>11. Program Chair shall make all meeting arrangements: a. Schedule the meeting place. b. Make luncheon arrangements. c. Obtain audio-visual equipment. d. Obtain transportation and motel accommodations for the speaker, if required. e. Display the Section Banner at Section Meetings and hIDEA meetings.</p><p>12. Secretary shall distribute Attendance cards (Form L-10) before each meeting, collects them after the meeting, and notifies the Membership Chair of prospective members.</p><p>13. Secretary shall prepare a monthly meeting report (Form L- 31).</p><p>14. Membership Chair shall display the IEEE Information Center at all Section Meetings and hIDEA events.</p><p>15. Treasurer shall pay the meal bill for each speaker, and any transportation, accommodation, and honorarium fees.</p><p>16. Secretary shall prepare a thank you letter to the speaker signed by the Section Chair.</p><p>17. Program Chair shall schedule the meeting place for the full calendar year.</p><p>18. Throughout the year, Program Chair shall advise the EXCOM about openings in the Program Schedule, and ask EXCOM members to make speaker contacts.</p><p>19. Program Chair shall merge the hIDEA program into the Program Schedule, and recruit help from the EXCOM as necessary. 20. Section Chair shall appoint a hIDEA Ticket Committee Chair for Engineers Week and Space Week.</p><p>21. Section Chair shall appoint another person as Ticket Sales Chair from the EXCOM for hIDEA events. SECTION 14</p><p>IEEE VIDEO CONFERENCE CHECKLIST</p><p>A. PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS:</p><p>1. At the start of the calendar year, with the help of the Executive Committee (EXCOM) and the NWC Training Center, select and contract with the IEEE Field Services for four (4) Video Conferences.</p><p>2. Arrange for a location to put on the conference. a. Ensure that there is enough seating for the anticipated number of attendees. b. Arrange the seating to maximize the viewing convenience of the conference attendees. c. Provide coffee and rolls for the attendees. d. Ensure that there is a telephone available with an outside line to call in questions with.</p><p>3. Arrange for the satellite downlink. a. Ensure that there is a location to park the satellite dish within easy access to the conference room. b. Arrange to have sufficient video monitors or a large screen monitor and stand(s) so that all attendees can easily view the conference.</p><p>4. Arrange for the reproduction of the Video Conference Handouts by the NWC Training Center.</p><p>5. Arrange for publicity. a. Flyers b. Rocketeer Ads c. NWC Announcements Ads (Blue Sheet) d. Daily Independent Ads</p><p>6. Keep on top of the number of pre-registered attendees to ensure that the accommodations will be sufficient.</p><p>7. Pick-up the civil service registration roster from the NWC Training Center.</p><p>8. Arrange for at least two IEEE volunteers to assist at the registration table on the day of the conference.</p><p>B. START OF VIDEO CONFERENCE:</p><p>1. Bring the cash box with sufficient cash for change. 2. Provide a receipt book.</p><p>3. Set-up the phone-in instructions next to the phone and provide index cards/pencils to jot down the questions.</p><p>SECTION 14 (Continued)</p><p>4. Provide a NWC Training Center evaluation form to each civil service attendee.</p><p>5. Provide a local evaluation form for each attendee.</p><p>6. Have each attendee check off on the NWC roster or sign up on our registration roster.</p><p>7. Provide a Video Conference Handout to each attendee.</p><p>C. END OF VIDEO CONFERENCE:</p><p>1. Collect evaluation forms from all attendees.</p><p>2. Pay for conference accommodations (IEEE China Lake Section Treasurer will write check).</p><p>3. Pay for satellite downlink (IEEE China Lake Section Treasurer will write check).</p><p>D. AFTER VIDEO CONFERENCE:</p><p>1. Return the civil service roster and evaluation forms to the NWC Training Center.</p><p>2. Return all unused Handouts to the NWC Training Center.</p><p>3. Tally the local evaluation forms, transfer the averages to the IEEE Video Conference evaluation form and sent it to the IEEE Field Services.</p><p>4. Check with the IEEE Field Services for the availability of the conference video tapes and order them as soon as they are available.</p><p>5. Take the conference video tape to the NWC Training Center as soon as it arrives. </p>
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