<p>German Online German III</p><p>Unit 4: Fun with Words</p><p>Plan on finishing one lesson per day. If you are on a block schedule you should be finishing 1-2 lessons per day.</p><p>Material you will need for Unit 4:</p><p>- paper and glue for your Gedichtbuch (explained below), - a German/English dictionary.</p><p>Whenever you see this symbol please go to your course to complete an online assignment.</p><p>Lektion 1 - Introduction</p><p>This unit is about</p><p>- having fun! Since learning a foreign language with all those lists of vocabulary can be pretty dull and dreary sometimes, I thought we'd have some fun with the language.</p><p>- being creative. I want you to look at words in a different way. For some of you that might mean that you will have to stretch your imagination and give some little-used parts of your brain a work-out. </p><p>- drawing pictures. I know that some of you are convinced that you cannot draw. If that applies to you, drawing stick persons is o.k., copying pictures out of books is, too.</p><p>There will not be a final test for this unit. Instead, there will be a graded project: I want you to prepare a "Gedichtbuch," a book of poetry. The project is described on page 2 of this handout.</p><p>You may also complete your Gedichtbuch electronically. If you do this option, please follow the Table of Contents. </p><p>Einheit 4: Fun with Words Page 1 Einheit 4: Spaß mit Wörtern</p><p>Your project for this unit will be to prepare a Gedichtband, a booklet with your poems. The poems I want you to put in this booklet will be described on different pages in this handout. Your completed booklet will contain the following items:</p><p>Page in your Described on this page booklet: of this handout:</p><p>1 Cover Page 2 2 Four Graphic Words 3 3 Two Word Pictures 4 4 One Concrete Poem 5 5 One Vowel Poem 7 6 One Illustrated Poem 9 7 One ABC Poem 10 8 One Poem of your Choice 10 </p><p>Your booklet should look like this: use construction paper for the pages. On the title page, write Gedichte and your name. On the next pages, write/type/draw your poems on regular white paper, then cut them out and glue them onto the construction paper, one poem per page. When you are finished, punch three holes in the construction paper (use a three-hole or a one-hole holepunch). Get some yarn or string and tie your pages together, like this:</p><p>Mail your finished Gedichtband to us, together with this handout.</p><p>Please go ahead and get 8 pages of construction paper (or 4 pages of large construction paper, folded in half). Prepare the cover page of your booklet.</p><p>Einheit 4: Fun with Words Page 2 A. Graphic Words</p><p>Wouldn't it be nice if we could tell what a word means just by looking at its shape? It would take all the hassle out of learning the vocabulary in a new language. But unfortunately there is no compelling reason why, let's say, the letter combination h-a-m-m-e-r should describe a certain tool. But how about if we try to represent the thing named by the very shape of the word? Like this: </p><p>1. What do these words mean? Write the English word next to the German: </p><p>KNOPFE: b he en </p><p>2. You get the idea? Try to do the same thing with these words: *fallen, *Loch, Treppe, *Unordnung:</p><p>3. Now try this on your own: pick four German words and write them in a way that would show their meaning. Glue those words on page 2 of your Gedichte booklet.</p><p>Einheit 4: Fun with Words Page 3 Lektion 2 - Word Pictures</p><p>1. With a little more effort, you can use words to paint pictures, like this: </p><p>Try this with these words: Giraffe, Kamel, Sonne, Haus:</p><p>2. Now pick two other German words and turn them into "word pictures:" Glue them on page 3 of your Gedichte booklet. </p><p>Einheit 4: Fun with Words Page 4 Lektion 3 - Konkrete Poesie</p><p>1. Some poets and writers like the idea of using shape to show the meaning of words: </p><p>Ist das nur ein Apfel?</p><p>Nein, da ist auch ein </p><p>Reinhard Döhl</p><p>Was hat der Mann im Kopf?</p><p>Was hat die Frau im Kopf?</p><p>2. Use the "Apfel" above as a pattern to write your own concrete poem: pick a German word (or several words), type them over a fairly large area, then cut a shape out of the typed words and glue it on a piece of white paper. Here is an example of what I had in mind:</p><p>Sabine Lewis</p><p>Einheit 4: Fun with Words Page 5 Here are some concrete poems from other students:</p><p>Dori Edens, Pampa, TX</p><p>Catrina Allen, Burns Flat, OK</p><p>Nach einer Idee von Gerod Hall, Seneca, MO</p><p>Theresia Smith, Tipton, KS</p><p>Reinhard Döhl3. Now make your own concrete poem and paste it on page 4 of your booklet. Lektion 4 - Wortspielereien</p><p>1. The Austrian poet Ernst Jandl was born in Vienna in 1925. In the following poem he </p><p>Einheit 4: Fun with Words Page 6 shows that it is possible to tell a whole story using only one vowel. (Note: You can write all words in lower case if you are a famous poet. Otherwise please remember that all nouns are capitalized in German!) Practice reading this poem out loud:</p><p> ottos mops° pug (type of dog)</p><p> ottos mops trotzt° won't obey otto: fort mops fort ottos mops hopst fort otto: soso</p><p> otto holt koks° coal otto holt obst° fruit otto horcht° listens otto: mops mops otto hofft</p><p> ottos mops klopft° knocks otto: komm mops komm ottos mops kommt ottos mops kotzt° pukes otto: ogottogott</p><p>2. Use Ernst Jandl's poem as a "recipe" to write your own: pick a vowel, collect some German words that use only that vowel, then make a short poem (at least 4 lines) out of those words. Glue this poem on page 5 of your booklet.(One tip: a lot of German verbs have only one vowel in the du- and er/sie/es-forms). Some German names with only one vowel are: Anna, Birgit, Dagmar, Elke, Gudrun, Ingrid, Iris, Katja, Natascha, Sandra, Detlef, Frank, Hans, Herbert, Karl, Peter, Ralf, Steffen, Werner, Willi. Below and on the next page are some samples:</p><p>Morgan Kern, Perry, OK: Willi</p><p>Willi liebt Ingrid. Willi hinkt. Ingrid ist himmlisch. Ingrid hinkt nicht. Ingrid: "Willi ist Kitsch!" Willi wird irrsinnig.</p><p>Gene Smith, Seneca, MO: Peters Nerz</p><p>Peters Nerz. Peters Nerz rennt gegen Treppen. Peters Nerz rennt gegen Menschen. Peters Nerz rennt weg. PetersEinheit Leben: 4: Fun besser.with Words Page 7 Brandy Frazier, Perry, OK: Milchtier</p><p>Ingrid trinkt. Ingrid trinkt Milch. Ingrid sieht Tier in Milch. Jeff Brown, Perry, OK: Ralf Tier schwimmt. Ingrid: "Flieg, Tier, flieg!" Ralf war langsam. Ralf: "Ach, halb acht!" Ralf rast: Krach - Wrack! Ralf: krank.</p><p>Gerod Hall, Seneca, MO: Ich</p><p>Ich. Ich bin. Ich bin ich. Wirklich? Caroline Vendel, Norcross, GA: Elkes Ente</p><p>Elkes Erbe: Enkel Peter. Peter erschreckt Elkes Ente. Elke enterbt Peter. Peter: entsetzt. Peter entstellt Elke. Elkes Erbe: Ente</p><p>Dori Edens, Pampa, TX: Scherben</p><p>Peter, Detlef heben den Becher. Der Becher: Scherben! Der Lehrer: Bengel! Den Besen! Peter, Detlef bestechen den Lehrer. Der Lehrer: Besser!</p><p>Einheit 4: Fun with Words Page 8 Lektion 5 - Figurative Language</p><p>1. Look at this cartoon from PUNCH, a British magazine:</p><p>Verehrst du wirklich den Boden, auf dem O Stückchen Boden, O Delilah, ich ich stehe? Oh, ... also gut. ich verehre dich, verehre den Boden ich verehre dich, auf dem du stehst! Ja, wirklich. ich verehre dich!</p><p>What is the misunderstanding here?</p><p>2. Poetry uses figurative language a lot. Read the poem by Rainer Maria Rilke, below. Then copy the poem on a separate sheet of paper (either typed or handwritten) and draw a picture of the literal meaning of what the poem describes. Glue that paper on page 5 of your booklet.</p><p>Ich lebe grad˚ , da das Jahrhundert geht. gerade = just Man fühlt den Wind von einem großen Blatt˚ , page, leaf das Gott und du und ich beschrieben hat und das sich hoch in fremden Händen dreht˚ . turn</p><p>Man fühlt den Glanz˚ von einer neuen Seite, glimmer, shine auf der noch Alles werden kann.</p><p>Die stillen Kräfte prüfen˚ ihre Breite examine, test und sehn einander dunkel an.</p><p>Rainer Maria Rilke</p><p>Einheit 4: Fun with Words Page 9 Lektion 6 - ABC - Poem</p><p>1. Theo Weinobst used the alphabet to write a poem:</p><p>Anfang Baby Creme Daumen Erfahrung Fortschritt Grundschule Hauptschule Irrwege Jugendsünden Küsse Liebe Mann und Frau Neureich Ordnung Posten Qualität Rastlosigkeit Sommerhaus Traumreise Untergang Veralten Warten X Y Zentralfriedhof</p><p>2. I want you to do the same thing: use the alphabet to write your own poem. Choose a topic like "Das mag ich", "Einkaufen", "Dinge in meinem Haus", "Ein Schultag", "Ein Tag in meinem Leben" and find German words for each letter. Paste this poem on page 7 of your booklet.</p><p>Lektion 7 - Poetry Dig</p><p>Find a German poem you like - either in a book or on the web. Copy that poem on a sheet of paper, either neatly handwritten or typed. Be sure to include the name of the poet. Find the English translations for a few words you think others may not know. Illustrate the poem: draw a picture, cut one out of a magazine, make a border or something similar. There are some links to websites with German poems on our website. On these sites you have to look under author names. My suggestions: Brecht, Busch, Droste-Hülshoff, Ebner-Eschenbach, Fontane, Goethe, Heine, Morgenstern, Rilke, Ringelnatz, Schiller, ... </p><p>Einheit 4: Fun with Words Page 10</p>
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