<p> KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Proverbs 15: 13 - 27 When A Little Becomes A Lot </p><p>We all want to experience joy in life and to have the “merry heart” that is promised in the Scriptures. However, few of us truly understand how affordable such a blessed life really is! We live in times when happiness is based on what “happens” and what we “have.” The writer here tells us that the person who learns the secret of the merry heart will feast on it continually. The resources available to those who learn this secret are endlessly abundant.</p><p>God promises that it is better to have a little in life when it is accompanied by a reverential respect for God that it is to have what the world might consider great worldly treasure that brings with it worldly troubles and concerns. Furthermore, we are promised that it is better to have our meals consist of beans or vegetables only when they are eaten in an environment of love than it would be to have a freezer full of meat and no blessings of family and friendship. Other valuable assets are mentioned in these verses: Patience, hard work, family, heavenly wisdom, joy, protection and contentment.</p><p>The same God that promises these blessing warns us of the burdens that accompany greed. It brings trouble to our lives that can spill over into the lives of those that we love. He that refuses to measure his happiness by how much wealth he has truly has more treasure than many people will ever imagine. When we enjoy Kingdom Prosperity we live every day giving thanks to God!</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Ask God to show you the true meaning of wealth and prosperity. Take some time to thank him, among other things, for your health, family, career and friends. Remember that there are millions of Americans who would love to drive to your job tomorrow or spend the night in your home.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Proverbs 16: 1 - 9 The Fear of the Lord</p><p>The “fear of the Lord” was mentioned in this morning’s text as well. To “fear” the Lord is to hold God in a reverential awe – to respect Him for who he is! This kind of attitude towards God is part of the heart that God has prepared to serve him. It is born, not of the will of the flesh, but of the spirit. It is found in those who have committed their works unto the Lord and who have allowed him to be the foundation for all of their thinking and beliefs. It is this fear/respect for God that helps us to avoid throwing our lives away on evil, selfish things. It is this same respect for God that is noticeable by all who know us and causes even our enemies to speak only good of our lives.</p><p>We may think that the life that we desire can only be purchased with much revenue. However, God tells us that this life has been purchased for us by his own mercy and truth. It is better to have fewer material possessions than to not have the righteousness that comes from a right relationship with God.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Ask God to use this study to help you to see the true riches that are available to God’s people today. Learn to seek God and his Kingdom first and you will find true happiness! </p><p>Page 1 Morning Scripture: Deuteronomy 15: 1 - 6 Blessed</p><p>Who among us, even in the most uncertain of times, can say that we are not a people blessed of Almighty God? The Bible contains many promises – and we are careful to claim as many of them as we can find. But many of those promises contain provisions for those promises. Such is the case with the verses that we have read this morning. Verse 4 contains a strong promise of blessing. As a matter of fact, it promises great blessings. And since these great blessings come in the land, “Which the LORD thy God gives you for an inheritance,” then these are actually blessings upon blessings. However, there is a proviso for these great blessings found in the following verse. There we are told that these great blessings are conditioned on our obedience to the voice of God. This obedience is evidenced in our willingness to observe the commandments that are given to us from him. When we remain obedient to God we become a source of blessings to other nations and servant to none. When we fail to obey God, we soon lose the promised blessings and look to other sources for our material needs. When we borrow from others we place our lives under their control and the work of our hands begins to benefit them more than our God and even our own nation or families.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Realize that God’s promises of blessing are for his people today just as much so as they were to his people during Bible times. Expect God to provide when we obey his commands. Exercise faith and become obedient to God in all areas of your life.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Deuteronomy 15: 7 - 11</p><p>Close the Loopholes</p><p>Deuteronomy 15 contains information and instructions regarding the Sabbatical Year, or the Year of Release. Leviticus 25 is a companion chapter to this portion of Scripture and may add a little more understanding to what is taught here. Part of the observation of the Sabbatical Year was a release of debts owed from one Israelite to another. There were obviously some who tried to manipulate the system by avoiding lending to those in need because the Year of Release was drawing near. You only have to read verse 9 of our Scripture lesson this morning to see that this is a practice that must be carefully avoided.</p><p>People still find creative reasons for not being generous. We find many reasons for holding on to our wealth as long as we can and avoid using it to meet the many needs with which we are confronted on a daily basis. This is not to say that every believer has to give to every cause or person that stands in need. But it does indicate that it should be a “red flag” to our spirit when we find ourselves making excuses for not being obedient in the matter of giving when we are being prompted by the Spirit. Just as it is for the New Testament believer today, so it was with those who lived in Old Testament times. God was interested in the intent and condition of the heart.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Listen carefully and prayerfully when the Spirit speaks to you about being generous. Realize that it is easy to rationalize and find reasons not to give. Good stewardship demands that we be cautious in some situations. Make sure that your decisions are based on God and not greed. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: 1 Timothy 5: 3 - 13 Meeting Needs</p><p>Paul is writing to help a younger pastor understand better how to meet the needs of his flock. This section addresses the needs of widows. In both Old and New Testaments, widows were viewed as special people by God and his people. One of the first orders of business for the church in the Book of Acts addresses the issue of meeting the needs of widows within the fellowship. First, Paul says that widows should be “honored” and given proper recognition in the church. Second, he states that widows who have no family to assist them should be identified. If they have family, then the blessing of assisting that widow should fall to family first and then to the church. These family members should see this as an opportunity to put their faith into practice. Note carefully the stern warning contained in verse 8 of our lesson. If we cannot find it in our hearts to be generous to our own parents, how shall we ever become the people that God desires us to be? Next, Paul helped the church understand better how to qualify widows for assistance through the church. Beyond the age qualification, the widow’s need must be determined as genuine. Notice that, even though they were widows, some still lived for pleasure – or, still had funds to do things that they enjoyed. Need was not to be based on poor management but on genuine lack. But, note that Christian life of the widow should be genuine as well. Notice the law of sowing and reaping as it stands out in the words of verse 10. </p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Look closely to the needs of your family. Beyond that, make sure that no one within our own flock is being left desolate (“really in need” NIV) while we have so much to share. Recognize those who have been a blessing to you and now take advantage of the opportunity to be a blessing to them.</p><p>Evening Scripture: 1Timothy 5: 14 - 21 Worthy Labor</p><p>Verse 16 serves as a second reminder to the responsibility of family. Note the emphasis that is placed on the fact that our relatives are to be cared for financially by the family not just because of our relationship to them, but because of our relationship with God. Underscore the words, “who is a believer” in this verse and understand the standard by which God’s family is to live. Notice that a believing “woman” has opportunity to provide for her family widows, she is just as responsible to do so as a male believer. Besides the widows, the Elders (Pastors) who bore teaching responsibilities within the church were to be cared for as well. Deuteronomy 25: 4 is quoted here and refers to the Israelite custom of allowing the ox to feed from the grain that it is grinding. Since the life of the ox was limited to servicing the grain, it made sense that it could also be sustained by the grain. The reference to workers deserving their wages refers to passages like Deuteronomy 24: 15 and Leviticus 19: 13. The word “reward” in the KJV is translated “wages” in many other translations. A great responsibility falls to those who shepherd God’s flocks to make sure that their work is found worthy of the investment of God’s people.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Pray for our pastors as they lead God’s churches. Recognize the time and energy that it takes to prepare and preach messages that are true to God’s Word. Accept nothing less than the truth from the pulpit and allow for what it takes to have it available every time that the church meets.</p><p>Page 3 Morning Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16: 1 - 9 God’s Finance Plan</p><p>Throughout the earlier portion of his letter, Paul had dealt with doctrinal issues. Now, as he begins to close his letter, he deals with the practical matter of church finances. Note that the teaching on giving was to be consistent among all of the churches. Since the churches of Galatia were the earliest planted by the apostle, he points to their practices as an example of how other churches should respond to the need for giving. Although Paul never used the word “tithe” in these instructions, he gives specific instructions on how believers are to give on a regular, systematic basis to provide for the needs encountered by the church. Giving was to be proportionate to each believer’s income. This does seem to indicate that a percentage might be appropriate. Each believer was to be involved in giving to the ministry. We may differ in our individual spiritual gifts, but we do not differ in our individual responsibilities to provide for the needs of ministry. Regular, faithful, proportionate giving on the part of all of God’s children would eliminate the need for so many “special” offerings that are required to meet immediate and specific needs. One thing is certain, if every believer were a faithful giver then the ministry would never be without the funds to do the work of God.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Pray about becoming a regular giver to the work of God. Review your giving history and see if you have placed other things over and before God. Practice tithing and prove God’s promises of provision to be true.</p><p>Evening Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9: 1 - 8 A Gentle Reminder</p><p>It is not difficult to forget some of our promises about giving. In 2 Corinthians 8: 10 Paul noted that the church at Corinth had begun giving to the needs of the churches. He commended them for having done so. He even mentioned to them that he had boasted of their generosity to the believers at Macedonia. But now, it seems that he needs to remind them of their good beginning and to encourage them to continue to be faithful in their commitment to giving. This should not have come as a surprise to Paul, since he had been forced to address so many spiritual issues with the church at Corinth. If they had not been careful to discipline the flesh from wrong activities, then it would be probably even more difficult to discipline the flesh in the matter of doing good. Note that Paul emphasizes the law of sowing and reaping in verse 6. Also, note the words, “Every man,” (“Each man” NIV) in verse 7. Again, the Scriptures clearly indicate that giving is a responsibility of every saved individual. Note the promise of verse 8. God is surely able to provide what we need to be able to be regular and faithful in the matter of giving. Notice that verse 3 indicates that Paul had sent teachers to help instruct the church in the matter of financial faithfulness.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Relive some of your past promises to God, especially in the matter of giving faithfully to the work of the ministry. Develop an attitude of faith when it comes to money and financial matters. Trust God to supply your needs as you obediently supply the needs of the church. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Job 29: 1 - 13 Better Days</p><p>In the midst of Job’s bitter days, he could clearly recall better days. It is evident that these better days were not so long past since Job mentions measures the time by “months” and not years. Job recalled brighter days where his path had been clearly lit and more easily travelled. He could well remember days where he felt young, strong, and vibrant; blessed with his children around him. But, most importantly, Job recalled when he sensed the presence of God in his life in a very powerful way. He mentioned the respect that he had received from others as he communed with the people of his city. He could also clearly recall the times that God had used him to deliver the poor that cried out for alms as he and others passed by. He remembered well the times that he had been blessed with the ability to assist the fatherless and others who had no one to help them. In verse 13 Job was reminded of the blessings that he received from those with whom he shared and helped financially. Perhaps, above all, he recalled the joy obvious joy that came upon the faces of the many widows who received help from a mortal man and then sang praises to an infinite God.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Recall times that God has used someone to help you in special times of need. However small that gift might have been, it brought joy to your heart because it served as a reminder that God had not forgotten or forsaken you. Be a blessing to someone today. Bring joy to someone’s heart by sharing some of what God has given to you.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Job 31: 13 - 25 Evidence</p><p>Throughout his trials, Job maintained that he was innocent of any sin that would require such drastic and devastating punishment from God. As he reviewed his life, he mentioned some things that he considered to be evidence of a right relationship with God. Most of the good deeds that he had done proved to be very simple, ordinary acts of kindness. He referenced his fair treatment of his servants and his faithful support of the poor and widowed. His stated that his own food was often shared with others who had none. The fact that he had sufficient clothing while others had none had not escaped his notice and he had, obviously, made sure that no one had gone without proper clothing. He knew that he had never done anything to harm or take advantage of the needy around him. But more than anything, he had the evidence of his own personal knowledge that he had never put money before God! His hope had never been in gold or his worldly possessions. His joy had never been founded on his abundance of wealth or his success in financial matters. When Job’s material possessions vanished, his confidence in his right relationship with God remained strong. Clearly his evidence was based on what God had done within him and not on just what God had done for him.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Inventory your life and look for evidence that money has not become too important to you. If you had to present evidence of your faith in God, would your financial life be a witness for the defense or the prosecution?</p><p>Page 5 Morning Scripture: Job 31: 26 - 40 The Closing Argument</p><p>Job presents his closing argument before his critics and continues to denounce any thought that his unfortunate circumstances could be laid to blame at some evil act or intent in his own life. He knew that he had not been a proud, boastful man in regards to the good works that he had done for others. He knew that he had not limited his kindness to his friends and family alone. He had been honest and kind to those who others might have considered to be his enemies. Even homeless strangers were not left to lodge in the streets. He had been faithful to show hospitality to all people and not just to those who might have opportunity to give to him in return. In fact, he had probably helped many people who would have denied him help if he had ever become needy at a later time. In other words, he did not give to get. He stated that even his enemy could record evil, selfish acts on his part. He believed that even the report of his enemies would be a “crown” in his life. He closes his argument by stating that he had been a good citizen and honest in his business dealings. If he had not, then let the blessings of God be discontinued upon his work and let the thistles grow instead of the barley. Then, note the final statement of Job in this section of the Scriptures. Isn’t it interesting to note how much evidence of Job’s right relationship with God is based on what he did with all that God had provided him? At the last, he stated, “The words of Job are ended.” Someone else might have put it more like this, “And that’s all I have to say about that!” </p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Realize that our every act bears witness. It may not be a good witness, but it is a witness nonetheless. Strive to live in such a way that your record says it all. Do good even to those who might consider themselves your enemies. Sounds a whole like what Jesus would do, doesn’t it?</p><p>Evening Scripture: Acts 5: 1 - 11 Ananias and Sapphira</p><p>Have you ever wondered if the names of these two individuals might have even been mentioned in the Scriptures had it not been for this sad story contained in Acts 5? This man and wife watched as Barnabas sold a parcel of land and then donated the full proceeds of the sale to the church. No doubt, there was much talk about this act of generosity. Ananias and Sapphira then sold some property of their own and conspired to make the church believe that they, too, were donating the full proceeds to the Lord’s work. One at a time they are questioned by Peter and they both lie before God and then die for their sinful actions. Pride can be a terrible thing among God’s people. Unlike the man of whom we read this morning, these two church members gave in such a way that their giving became a witness against them. God was not honored in their actions and he responded accordingly. Our money is just one way that we can honor God and help the church. God does not expect us all to give the same amounts but he does expect us to all give with the same intent. Only God is to receive honor and glory from our giving.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Be careful to give only to God’s glory! Remember that what is given to be “seen of men” is seen by God as well! Give in such a way that God would be pleased. Allow your giving to be a witness of your right relationship with God. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Habakkuk 1: 1 - 12 Correction, Please!</p><p>We know very little about the man Habakkuk. We do know that his name means, “The wrestler.” We can clearly see that he wrestled with questions about some of the financial situations faced by God’s people during his life and ministry. The prophet complained to God that the law was not being honored and that injustice often seemed to prevail. It seemed that wicked, godless men controlled the fate of those who had once believed themselves to be the children of God. Verse 6 indicates that the enemy had come in and prevailed to the extent that Habakkuk’s people were losing much more than their freedom. The enemy had marched in and had taken possession of their lands and personal homes. We speak much of the pride of home ownership. If so, then we should also speak much of the shame that hangs over those who can no longer provide even shelter for their family. But note the words of verses 5 and 6. God stated that he was going to do something the people would not believe. He was going to raise up the enemy against them. Why would God allow the enemy to prosper against his own people? And, much more, why would he assist them in doing so? He allowed these horrible reverses of fortune in order to solicit some corrected attitudes and actions from his own people! We know this about God: He is always at work on our behalf, even if it means humbling us financially so that we can experience a correction in our ways. </p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Pray for the many unemployed and homeless people in America and around the world today. Be thankful for your job and praise God for providing a home in which you and your family can live. Even during these difficult times, we are a people who are very blessed of God!</p><p>Evening Scripture: Habakkuk 3: 12 - 19 Rejoice in the Lord!</p><p>The worst of times seemed to have brought Habakkuk to the best of places! Look closely at verses 12 – 15 and notice how many times the writer uses the word “you” in reference to God and all that he did for his people! A little bit of adversity quickly moved this man and nation from a dangerous “me” attitude to an attitude of praise for God and his mighty works. Habakkuk goes on to state that even in what might seem to be the worst of times: when the fig trees do not blossom and the fruit does not appear on the vines; even when all of the work in the olive groves and gardens produce no crops; even when there are no flocks or herds in the pens, he will still rejoice in the Lord and find joy in God alone! He goes on to state the his strength is now known to be found in his right relationship with God and not in material possessions, no matter how abundant they might be. He could finally see beyond all that God had provided and to see that God that had provided it all! If we can praise God in uncertain times, then we know that we can praise God, period!</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Commit to praise God no matter the circumstances in your life. Recognize that God has to chastise and correct those that he loves. See God at work in your life in every circumstance and situation. Take some time to praise him tonight for all that he has done for you! </p><p></p><p>Page 7 Evening Scripture: Philippians 4: 1 - 15</p><p>With Thanksgiving</p><p>Paul repeats his emphasis on these believers experiencing true, Christian joy in their lives. Two things seem evident: 1) Joy is more important than being right or wrong in our Christian family disputes, and 2) Joy is to be dependent on our attitude about the Lord’s soon return. If we can be truly convinced of how short this stay on earth may be, then we can more easily avoid becoming too attached to it. Paul explains that we can help overcome worry by the process of continued prayer and thanksgiving. A peace that is beyond human explanation is promised to those who will place their hope and trust in Christ. Real joy sustains us in good times and bad. When joy is not based on possessions or circumstances, then joy can be constant. The apostle thanks these fellow Christians for their sharing with him in the matter of giving. But note that he mentions both “giving and receiving.” There is no circumventing the law of sowing and reaping. When we give we will surely receive. Imagine how their hearts must have surged with joy when they learned that they had been faithful to give to Paul’s ministry when other, more mature churches had apparently chosen not to do so. Looks like these saints understood Kingdom Prosperity from the very beginning.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Reflect on the many ways that God has met your needs. Take some extra time to recall those situations and thank him again for his faithfulness. Ask God to reveal some needs that others may have to you and show you how you might be able to assist someone else. Recognize that God most often uses one saint to supply the needs of another. Remember that those who give can rest assured that they will someday receive.</p><p>Morning Scripture: Philippians 3: 1 - 14</p><p>“ Profit” in Perspective</p><p>Rejoicing is one of the primary themes of the letter to the Philippians. However, we would do well to notice that the kind of rejoicing that Paul desires for these believers is the kind of rejoicing that is done, “In the Lord!” The preacher is about to warn against believers placing too much confidence in the flesh, but he gives them something better in which to be confident before he asks them to put their self-confidence away. Note that Paul speaks of “gain” (KJV) or “profit” (NIV) and states that any gain in social status or personal value was a “loss” when compared to what we have to gain in Christ and our relationship with him. As a matter of fact, Paul stated that he considered everything a “loss” but what he had found in Christ. One of the greatest blessings that we have is the joy that we have in and from Christ. May we never be tempted to trade what we have in him for KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p> all of the wealth in the world. There is a prize to be won by those who will not be distracted by the temptations of this temporary world. Wouldn’t you rather have the things that are permanent?</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Consider you choices daily and choose wisely. We all are tempted to take the path of least resistance sometimes. However, the joy that is found in obedience is one of the greatest assets obtained when we pursue Kingdom Prosperity. Make a commitment to obedience in an area where God has been speaking to your heart lately.</p><p>Morning Scripture: Jeremiah 22: 13 - 21 A Stern Warning</p><p>The prophecy spoken in the verses we read this morning were spoken against Shallum, the third son of King Josiah who became king after his father had been slain. Shallum is the same man as Jehoahaz in the books of Kings and Chronicles. He was only 23 years old when he this great responsibility was thrust upon him and he reigned for a very brief three months before self and sin got the best of him and caused him to lose his throne to his brother. The prophet stated that this young man would die in a place where he lived as a captive. That prophecy came true after Shallum was eventually taken to Syria and then Egypt before he died in the latter place while in captivity. Verse 19 clearly implies that there is to be no honor given to this king’s life and service. His problems centered in the fact that he did not know how to handle all that God had given him. God said that he had spoken to him in his “prosperity” (KJV) but Shallum had refused to hear. This was nothing new for this young man, as we see God stating that this had been the man’s habit since his youth. It is not uncommon for prosperity to dull our senses towards God. Sometimes we think that we have all that we need when we are materially blessed. However, true prosperity must be measured in more than money or position. How wise we would be to teach our children such things while they are young.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Remember that true prosperity is not always measured by material gain or possessions. Teach your children to be faithful to God while they are young and impressionable. Be an example of true prosperity to them in every way possible.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Nehemiah 5: 1 - 13 Difficult Times</p><p>When we read these words written by Nehemiah so long ago it may seem as though we are reading from a local newspaper written in our own times. People were forced to put their very homes at risk just to have enough money to provide the most basic needs for their families. They were also being taxed so heavily that they were even losing their lands and businesses. When they looked to their own people for help, they found that people were only interested in taking advantage of their bad situation. The key to being the right kind of person in any situation is found in verse 9. When we walk “in the fear God” we are walking</p><p>Page 9 with a constant consciousness that God is observing all that we do. As we see the many needs around us, we are often saddened that we cannot do more to help. At the least, we can be sure that we do nothing to hurt anyone through our own greed or selfishness. These times are good times to do for others what we would have them to do for us. This rule was “Golden” when it was first spoken and it is just the same today!</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Practice honesty and integrity in all of your dealings with others. Avoid taking advantage of anyone during what are already difficult times. Be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Give when and what you can, even if it is only a kind word of encouragement or the simplest gesture of understanding. Remember that you may be the one in need on another day. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Galatians 6: 1 - 10</p><p>“ Brotherly” Love</p><p>The first word in our reading today clearly identifies Christians as the target of Paul’s appeal for kindness to others. The word “brothers” is an expression that could just as easily be translated, “Fellow Christians.” In these verses God teaches us the way that we should be towards our faith family. It is clearly God’s desire that we carry one another’s burdens (physical and spiritual); remember our own faults and weaknesses as we observe the same among others; carry our own loan as much as is humanly possible; and share the good things we have with one another. Immediately following this teaching is yet another reminder of the law of sowing and reaping. We are again reminded that we reap exactly what we sow (v.7). These verses teach that this law is one to be applied positively and not just negatively. It is true that we will reap what we sown when we do sinful things. Howard, we are also to be aware that we will sow good things as a result of our doing good things to and for others. Note that this practice of doing good should be magnified within our family of faith. We should be aggressively pursuing ways that we can do encouraging things for one another. These deeds should not be performed just so that we might “reap” a blessing in the future, but there may be a time in our lives where we will be extremely thankful that we made the most of our opportunities to be helpful to others.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Be observant as you move among God’s family and watch for opportunities to be a blessing to someone in need. Remember that all needs are not monetary and that it might only a kind word or act of friendship that God is calling us to share. Do something kind for someone today.</p><p>Evening Scripture: James 2: 5 - 17 Playing Favorites</p><p>James gives some strong warnings against showing favoritism within our family of faith. He begins by reminding us that we are all “rich” as a result of having placed our faith in Christ Jesus and that we are now “heirs” to the very kingdom of God! And why has God been so good to us? There is only one answer: He loves us! Since we have been loved with such a wonderful love, we are expected to express love to others. James has to warn the church against being different in the way that they treat people when that difference is based on what people have, or their position in life. He has to remind his church members that the “royal” law of the Scripture is that we, “Love our neighbors as ourselves,” and treat them as we would want them to treat us. In this case, James is clearly saying that words of encouragement alone are sometimes insufficient to fulfill our personal responsibilities toward one another. He clearly considers meeting the physical needs of others as an expression of our true faith in God. When we learn to give unselfishly, we will have learned the true meaning of Kingdom Prosperity.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Love and appreciate others for who they are and not what they have. Realize that those who might appear to be less fortunate than others may be the very ones who are truly blessed with the kind of prosperity that only God can give.</p><p></p><p>Page 11 Morning Scripture: 1 Chronicles 29: 1 - 9 Who is Willing? </p><p>We sometimes hear people say something like, “I’m not gossiping, I’m just stating the facts!” Well, in the words that we have read this morning, we do not find David bragging, but simply stating the facts. This short section of Scripture discloses David’s personal, monetary contribution for the building of the temple. These gifts involved his sharing of his gold, silver and other precious materials. But it also involved the sharing of wood and stone. The latter gifts serve to remind us that some things may hold a lesser monetary value than others but still remain necessary for a work for God to be completed. In verse 5 we read where David even gave “over and above” what he had originally planned to give. He also issued a challenge to others within God’s kingdom to give sacrificially to this great cause. He asks a simple question: “Now, who is willing to consecrate himself today to the LORD?” The term “consecrate” suggests that one of the ways that we give ourselves to God is by giving to him from what we possess. Notice that generosity towards God began with the “leaders” and that they did, indeed give “willingly”. Verse 9 clearly indicates the impact that the faithfulness of the leaders had upon the people. </p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> How would you feel if God asked you to let your personal giving become an example to others within the Kingdom? Would they have cause to rejoice or would they have cause for concern? Begin to give to God willing and wholeheartedly and you will begin to see the full meaning of Kingdom Prosperity!</p><p>Evening Scripture: 1 Chronicles 29: 10 - 20 Wealth and Honor</p><p>Just as the people were inspired by the generosity of the leaders, King David was moved to offer a prayer of praise and thanksgiving after seeing the generosity of the people. Everyone within the family of God understood that they were only able to give so abundantly to God because he had first given so abundantly to them. They readily acknowledged that everything in heaven and earth already belonged to God. They knew that their wealth and honor had come from him, so they, without hesitation, returned as much of it as they could to him. We would do well to remember that God alone is the source of all things and that when we give to noble causes it is really God giving to that cause through us. As we share our wealth with God, he shares more of his wealth with us. Thus begins a wonderful cycle of giving and receiving which results in God being glorified to the highest extent possible by human hearts and hands. Notice that David does not pray that the people’s wealth be always turned to God but that their hearts would be always turned to him (v. 18). When our hearts are right, what we do with our hands will be right as well.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Examine your personal giving habits and see if there is cause for rejoicing or remorse. We should rejoice when we see God providing for his kingdom work via our personals live. Those who are not faithful to God in material things will someday experience great remorse when they stand before our Lord. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Deuteronomy 8: 1 - 10 Dangers of Prosperity</p><p>God provides some excellent advice for all in the Scriptures that we have read this morning! He first required that his children obey every command given to them so that he, in turn, could bless and increase them and allow them to possess the land promised to them. He then asked them to remember how he had led them and provided for them all the way through the desert for forty years! He reminded them of the manna and the lessons that it provided. Jesus quoted these very words during his preaching ministry on earth. He, like his Father, wanted people to know that, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” The people were told to revere God by walking in his ways. They were to be mindful that he was bringing them into a good land that would abound with blessings and harvests. It was a land where bread would not be scarce and where they would lack nothing. But, the last verse we read today reminds us of the greatest danger of material prosperity. When we are living in times of plenty, we are sometimes too “satisfied” and less faithful to prayer and thanksgiving. Kingdom Prosperity demands thankful hearts and obedient lives.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Listen carefully to what God is saying to us today. Seek to obey him as fully as possible in your personal life. Walk in harmony with his commands. Be appreciative of all that he has given you. Brag on God to someone with whom you come in contact today.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Deuteronomy 8: 11 - 19 A Solemn Warning</p><p>In the NIV, our first verse tonight begins with the very first words that we read this morning: “Be careful!” One cannot help but see the sense of urgency that the Holy Spirit places on our obedience to God. Obedience is the key to receiving God’s fullest blessing. When we forget the source of our blessing, we soon forget the purpose for our living! We have been created to serve God. When we partake of his blessings and walk away to serve our own desires until confronted with our next need, we begin to live as if God was created to serve us! Material blessings become a curse when they become proud and forget from whence our God has brought us. We, like the people of Israel, may become tempted to say to ourselves, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” This is why we must continually remind ourselves that Kingdom Prosperity is a gift from God and that it is he who gives us the ability to produce wealth. Note that which God says will be reaped by those who forget the LORD and follow after other gods. May it never be so among us! </p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Page 13 Read again the solemn warning given in verses 19 & 20. Give place only to God in your ways and he will give to you all that you need to experience Kingdom Prosperity in this world as well as in the world to come! KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Psalms 127: 1 - 5 The Very Necessities</p><p>In the first three verses of this Psalm, Solomon reminds us of some of the most basic necessities in life. Shelter, security and food may sometimes be taken for granted, but we are here reminded that they are to be regarded as blessings from the LORD. If our homes are not founded on him then they are not well founded at all. If our security is not found in him then we have no security at all. We may begin work early and work to the late hours of the night so that we might be able to provide food for our families, but it will all be in vain if we see ourselves are self-reliant people with no need for God. True peace does not come to those who build strong houses, make large incomes, and have full pantries. True peace come to those who sleep soundly while resting on the knowledge that God is always at work on our behalf and that he is ever able to meet our every necessity. So, rather than focus on the kind of home in which we live, let us focus on those who live within its walls and be ever thankful for our children. Kingdom Prosperity can be found in right relationships with those who will follow us as we walk with God through this life. We are truly blessed when God chooses to entrust us with the raising of children. Teach them to be strong in Christ so that they will not be put to shame when it is their time to lead.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Thank God for your children this morning. Speak to them and let them know that you love them and that you are praying for them. Volunteer to assist in our children’s ministries and be a blessing to as many children as you can. </p><p>Evening Scripture: Psalm 128: 1 - 6 A Song of Degrees</p><p>Many of you will see in your Bibles the title “A Song of Degrees” (Ascents in NIV) above the words of this Psalm. If so, you will probably see the same title for Psalm 120 through Psalm 134. The Hebrews referred to these Psalms as “Songs of the Stairs” or “Songs of Steps” and often sang them as they journeyed towards their times of worship in the temple or during their feasts. These songs praised God for their spiritual blessings as they walked with him. Notice that the first blessing mentioned is for those who “fear” or have a reverential respect for God. When they do, they are more sure to walk in his ways. However, there are more blessings described as they continue to sing. They sing of the blessings of food and prosperity. They sing of the blessings of family. The vine was a symbol of fruitfulness. Olive trees are symbols of productivity and blessing. These walkers sang from their hearts because they knew that one did not have to walk far to experience Kingdom Prosperity. However far their journey might be, they knew that they had been fully blessed before they had ever left their homes. Perhaps they willingly made their journey to visit God’s house because they knew that he had been faithful to make a visit to their’s. </p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Sing as you go about your business at home tonight. Praise God for your home and family. Give appreciation to the God who would leave heaven and dwell among men on earth so that they might be saved.</p><p>Page 15 Morning Scripture: Luke 6: 17 - 26 A Stark Contrast</p><p>The sermon recorded in Luke 6: 17 – 49 is a shorter version of the Sermon on the Mount found in the Gospel of Matthew. This sermon is given at a time when the Jesus has become extremely popular with the multitudes (v. 17) and after he has captured the attention of the people through the performance of many wonderful miracles. Both records include the beatitudes, are followed by the same parables, and contain much the same information. And, it is clear to the careful reader that both of these recorded sermons are addressed to “his disciples.” Some of these listening disciples must have smiled broadly as they learned of the “blessings” that are available to God’s people in spite of such obstacles such as hunger, sorrow, and persecution. They were reminded to rejoice and remember that their true reward is not found in this life but in the one to come. Note the “woes” that are then pronounced on others that are listening to Jesus preach and see the sharp contrast between those who had given up everything to follow Jesus and those who had held tightly to their personal wealth and riches. Remember, these very words are being spoken to disciples and clearly indicate that even some followers of Jesus will be rich on earth and receive limited rewards in heaven. If you have found the true meaning of Kingdom Prosperity, then you have reason to be thankful indeed!</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Ask God to help you to be the “blessed” Christian that realizes that success in life is not about what we accumulate on earth! Rejoice more in your relationship with Jesus than your personal riches! Encourage someone who may be experiencing difficult times and share with them if the opportunity arises.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Luke 6: 27 - 38 Love</p><p>Jesus spoke of six difficult responsibilities of the believer. We are to: </p><p>Do good to those who hate us (v. 27), Bless those who curse us (v. 28a), Pray for those who use and abuse us (v. 28b), Refuse to retaliate against those who do us wrong (v. 29), Give freely to those who are in need (v. 30), And, treat others the way that we would want to be treated (v. 31).</p><p>How in the world are we going to be able to do that? It all starts with love! Jesus said, “Love your enemies” and you will be empowered to do good for them as well! Notice that one of the things that love does for the believer is to create an unselfish attitude within us. This unselfish attitude is magnified even more by the fact that none of the above is given with the motivation of our receiving anything in return. But note, again, the reference to the law of sowing and reaping in verse 38. Jesus makes it clear that we receive in direct proportion to what we ourselves are willing to give! Perhaps the greatest thing about Kingdom Prosperity is that it allows us to return something good even when what we receive is less than desirable.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Defeat that seed of selfishness that lives somewhere within all of us! Choose to love first and then you will surely learn to choose to give. Remember, that God first loved the world and then he gave his only begotten Son. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p></p><p>Page 17 Morning Scripture: Hosea 4: 1 - 12 A “Bad News” Letter</p><p>One would have to consider the words that we have read today to be difficult to hear and receive. God begins by stating that he has a charge to bring against his people. He states that there is no faithfulness, no love, and no acknowledgment of God in the land. At the same time he states that there is only cursing, lying, murder, stealing, adultery, and bloodshed being exhibited by his own people. All of this leads to a time when the entire nation is brought to mourning. One of the reasons for such desperate conditions in the nation is the fact that God’s people were not being faithful in their walk with him and their treatment of one another. Even the priests seem to have chosen material things over the things of God to the extent that they made a very bad trade. They exchanged their glory for something disgraceful. A life well lived is a wonderful offering to God. God has Hosea tell the people that they will eat but not have enough. He adds that they will work but have no increase. Why would anyone not respond appropriately to such a warning? It might be a good question for us to be asking one another today. Kingdom Prosperity comes in many forms. One of those is the glory that is found in an obedient lifestyle. </p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Listen carefully to what God is trying to say to you. Remind others to do the same. Prioritize your life to where God is not in second place to anything or anyone else. Honor him in the way that you live on a daily basis.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Hosea 13: 1 - 10 A Bad Reaction</p><p>God often reminds his of the many blessings that he has bestowed upon them. Such is the case with God’s people during the ministry of Hosea. Beginning at verse 4, the LORD reminds them that he had brought them out of Egypt, cared for them, and fed them. Notice that he had not forced them to barely survive as they followed him. He had fed them until they were “satisfied” (NIV). And how had they reacted to him? The first verses of our text tell all as they state that God’s own people had turned to the worship of idols – even the worship of Baal. Notice that this worship involved images fashioned out of silver. We may not create many idols from our silver today, but we often trade our hard-earned currency for things that distract us from loyal service to God. God’s response is devastating. His wrath was to punish his people like a wild animal might tear apart his prey. There was nothing that could save them short of their turning their hearts back to God. Notice that government was no answer to their problems and was of no help in protecting the people from the chastising hand of God. Kingdom Prosperity is found in reacting to God’s goodness in ways that bring him honor and glory and allow him to continually bless us as a people.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Think again about how good God has been to you and your family. Remind yourself of how good God has been to our church. React to God’s blessings in a positive way. Never take the blessings of God for granted. There is not enough money or things in this world to replace God in our lives. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7: 1 - 12 Some Words to the Wise</p><p>Although no name is given for the writer of Ecclesiastes, there are several passages in the book that indicate Solomon, the son of David, to be the author. The writer of Ecclesiastes reviews his entire life and seeks to understand the purpose for his existence. He soon learns that Kingdom Prosperity is more easily achieved when we make God’s purposes a priority over our own. In our morning verses, the writer speaks of a good name being better than “precious ointment” (KJV) or “perfume” (NIV). This fragrant mixture to which Solomon refers is used as a symbol of joy and prosperity in the Bible. He suggests that one might have lived a life of Kingdom Prosperity if, when they come to the end of their life, they have maintained a good name (reputation). Solomon goes on to say that we often learn less from our happy times that we do our hard times. That is why it is “better” to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting and that sorrow is sometimes better for us than laughter. The last verse (12) reminds us that there are some things that money cannot buy. Our possessions will soon possess us if we lack the kind of wisdom that only God and his Word can supply.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Refuse to allow things to own you! Remember that it is better to have less than it is to live life with less integrity. Forsake the things that so easily distract you before they are used to lead you to forsake the path to which you have been called. </p><p>Evening Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7: 13 - 26 Consider</p><p>How blessed we could be and how advanced we would be in our pursuit of Kingdom Prosperity if we would heed the wisdom offered to us in tonight’s reading. Both the KJV and NIV begin verse 13 with the word, “Consider.” The Hebrew word employed here is one that means to learn, see, perceive or understand through life experience. That is exactly what the writer is speaking of in verse 14. He reminds us that it is fine to be joyful or happy in the days of our “prosperity” (KJV) but to never forget that the same loving God who designs our better days is the same God who also designs the bitter ones as well. How inconsiderate we would be if we could only praise God during the mountain top experiences in life. We learn so little while on those “peak” times while we seem to gain so much while in the valley of trial. The richest soil is always found in the valley. That is where we will grow strong in and for the Lord. The writer recalls seeing the righteous sometimes perishing early while seeing a wicked man living what appeared to be a long and prosperous life. Remember, Kingdom Prosperity requires a King and a Kingdom. We have been promised both. Consider that the next time trouble comes for a little visit.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Avail yourself to all the joy and blessing that God desires to give you. Consider the words of Solomon and ask God to give you wisdom enough to apply them to your heart and life. Seek out someone in the valley and be a true friend to them tonight or at your very next available opportunity.</p><p>Page 19 Morning Scripture: Genesis 33: 1 - 9 Esau</p><p>One might have to visit many churches or read many commentaries to find Esau being used as an example of Kingdom Prosperity. However, how much more prosperous can one be than to be fully satisfied with that which he already possesses? Jacob has returned to his homeland and he is soon to confront his elder brother Esau. This is the same man that Jacob had earlier deceived and conned into surrendering his birthright. Now Jacob is seeking to pacify what he believes to be a very angry, hostile welcoming party. Imagine Jacob’s amazement at the response of Esau. His brother runs to meet him, embraces and kisses him, and weeps with him as they experience a very glad reunion. After this initial meeting, and some family introductions, Esau asked about the droves of animals that had been sent ahead of him (see Genesis 32: 13 – 15) and is told by Jacob that they were a gift to him, given in hope of his finding grace at his older brother’s hand. Then the shocker! Esau, a man from whom Jacob had taken so much, tells his younger brother to keep his gifts. Even though he did not have all that he might have expected as a first-born son among God’s people, what he did have was “enough”. Sometimes we discount Esau and fail to see that God does not throw anyone away when they do not meet every expectation. It was so with this man and it will forever be so with us.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Ask God to help you be satisfied with enough. Like any other man, Esau had his faults, but coveting was obviously not one of them! How many of us would have taken the gift anyway? Pray that we will all dethrone that selfish spirit that desires to control our thoughts and actions.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Genesis 33: 10 - 20 A Restored Relationship</p><p>There is no end to the list of things that can help lead us to better understand and appreciate Kingdom Prosperity. In tonight’s reading we find two brothers rejoicing in a restored relationship. Both are trying very hard to give something of material value to the other while both are fully satisfied just to celebrate in the joy that comes when people love each other in God’s intended way. Jacob pressed Esau to accept his peace offerings but Esau had obviously already received a blessed peace from God. Time had allowed God to work miracles in the lives of both of them men. Jacob’s heart was one that now desired to be humble, fair, and generous. Esau’s heart was one that had been emptied of the desire for revenge and filled with a desire to forgive and be reconciled to his brother. Imagine the blessings that would have been missed by both parties if they had not allowed God to do this wonderful work in their lives. Our family relationships should be considered to be some of our greatest blessings and our children and grandchildren should be valued as our most precious assets. Our reading ends with Jacob building an altar to God and naming it El Elohe Israel, or, God is the God of Israel. There is no time where God seems more like God than when God’s people act and react more like God’s people!</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Make the first move toward restoring a relationship with a friend of family member. Know that there is nothing more precious that the fellowship that God desires his people share with one another. Ask God to provide an opportunity to build a bridge to someone today. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Haggai 1: 1 - 13 A Bag With Holes</p><p>This morning we find Haggai repeatedly asking God’s people to consider their actions in order for them to determine what kind of message their deeds are sending to God. It seems that Haggai lived and preached in a time where God’s people had begun paying more attention to their own needs than those of God because they had somehow allowed the things of God to become a lower priority in their lives. At a time when God’s house remained unfinished, the people lived in houses that were completely finished and furnished. How did God react to their careless actions? He had removed his blessing from the work of their hands and diminished the return on their investments. He spoke of their sowing much but harvesting little. He said that they had food to eat, but never really enough. They had beverages to drink but they never seemed to be filled. No matter how much clothing they put on, they never seemed to get warm. But, most importantly, they earned their wages, but they never seemed to have any money! It was as if they were putting their money in a bag with holes. It is time for all of us to ask if God has cut holes in our pockets! Our circumstances are crying out to us and asking us to return to proper priorities. It has to begin somewhere and it might as well begin with us!</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Examine your checkbook register today and see how many things might be a higher priority than giving to God. Many people spend more money on leisure and entertainment than they give to God’s work. Kingdom Prosperity comes when we realize that God must be the first priority in our financial lives.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Haggai 2: 1 - 9 The First Priority</p><p>The first priority of every believer should be that God be glorified. This should be a desire that is evident in the lives of all of God’s children. It is not a coincidence that Haggai is delivering this message on the “21 st day of the 7th month” of the year. This day would be the last day of the Feast of the Tabernacles – a time when God’s people celebrated God’s blessings on their harvests. However, we learned this morning that the harvests now paled in comparison to the times when God’s people had honored him first in their lives. Notice that, just as their harvests were smaller, so was the temple that they were constructing for God. Some of these same people had been alive to see and remember Solomon’s magnificent temple that was destroyed 66 years earlier. When they viewed the foundation for the new temple, they realized that it was much smaller than the one that they had intended to replace. This resulted in some tearful moments for God’s people. Ezra 3: 12 tells us that, upon viewing the foundation of the new temple, some wept for sorrow and some shouted for joy. What made the difference? Experience! Some had a standard to which the new could be compared. We need more people to remind us of how it used to be in America so that we can humble ourselves before God and see those blessed times once more! </p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Kingdom Prosperity requires that God be first and foremost in our lives. Commit to seeking first the Kingdom of God and watch as he adds to us everything that we need to succeed in this life.</p><p>Page 21 Morning Scripture: Luke 4: 1 - 13 Temptation</p><p>It may seem odd to us to read that Jesus was “full of the Holy Ghost” and “led by the Spirit” and yet be “in the desert” and “tempted by the devil.” Many of us have lived under the false assumption that one might someday grow to be spiritual enough that you do not have to struggle with temptation on a day to day basis. We need to think again! Jesus was tempted with doubt as Satan repeatedly used the word “if” in each one of his assaults. He was tempted to deny as the enemy tried to get him to do things contrary to the Word of God. He was tempted to destruction when the evil one tried to persuade him to leap from the highest point of the temple. Every temptation had something to do with personal gain. The first was for the physical man – food. The second was for the mental or emotional man – power and authority. The third temptation was to the spiritual man – spiritual pride and arrogance. All three temptations are met with the quoting of a Word from God. Kingdom Prosperity will always align itself with God’s Word. We will never have to violate the commands of God to prosper. The richest person among us is the one who has God’s word in his heart and constantly on his mind.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Commit to daily Bible reading and prayer. Recognize that temptation may increase as we begin to grow in grace and our commitment to God and that it may often be attached to physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Defeat the enemy with the weapons that God desires to put at your disposal. Encourage a fellow believer today.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Luke 12: 22 - 34 Consider the Ravens</p><p>Earlier Jesus had spoken to his disciples and referenced sparrows (Luke 12:6). He had stated that five sparrows sold for “two farthings” (KJV) or “two pennies” (NIV). Whatever term you use, it is apparent that two sparrows were of little value in the economy of Jesus’ time. Jesus spoke of their small value and then added, “Yet not one of them is forgotten of God.” Now Jesus goes even further. He now uses “ravens” as an illustration of God’s love, care, and provision. Sparrows had little value to people at that time, but ravens had no value at all! They were scavengers and could not be eaten since such creatures were considered to be unclean. However, the raven is the first bird mentioned in the Scriptures (Gen. 8:7). Jesus clearly wants us to understand that there are no social stratums in the Kingdom of God. God provides for all who choose to follow him. Therefore, we are being most like unbelievers when we fail to trust God to provide our needs. One of the sins that can overtake those who do not understand the depth and width of God’s love is that they think that they have to make their own way through life. Because of that, they hold on to everything as long as they can. Jesus said that we can have the kind of faith that will allow us to give freely and willingly to others because we know that God is going to continually care for even the least of his people. Kingdom Prosperity is taking God at his Word and investing in God’s Kingdom now.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Refuse to worry about matters that are covered under the promises of God. Trust God to keep his word and bless those who invest in his Kingdom. Open an account in the Bank of Heaven today by giving to the ministry. Look at your checkbook register and see where it says your heart belongs. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: 1 Samuel 2: 1 - 10 VIP Seating</p><p>Hannah’s song of praise to God is one of the earliest poems in the Bible. It became such a staple in the Jewish faith that Mary used portions of it in her own song of praise after learning that God had chosen her to be the human mother of Jesus. Note two things about Hannah’s joy: 1) It is from the heart, and 2) It is in the LORD. The “horn” was a symbol of strength and protection. Her reference to God as a “Rock” was to praise God for his unchanging, foundational love for her. Hannah says it all when she states that the LORD, “Sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor.” It is clear that Hannah has no desire to rob her God of any of the glory and praise that is due him. She sees the gift of her precious son, Samuel, as something that God has entrusted to her for a purpose. Kingdom Prosperity is available to all who will turn to God in prayer and seek their most basic needs from him. Hannah was married to a man who had two wives. The other wife had children and Hannah was barren. But now she had taken a backseat long enough. She has humbled herself before the LORD and now finds herself sitting on a throne of honor. Wow! Talk about special, reserve seating!</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Persist in prayer! Do not give up simply because you do not get what you want the very first time that you ask. 1 Samuel 1: 12 states that Hannah, “Kept on praying to the LORD.” Follow that example and you will soon better understand Kingdom Prosperity.</p><p>Evening Scripture: 1 Samuel 2: 12 - 21 Sons</p><p>Samuel was a son given to God and he, “ministered before the LORD under Eli the priest” (1 Sam. 2: 11). Eli, the priest, had two sons who were said to be wicked men who had no regard (respect) for the LORD. Their lives were marked by greed and selfishness. Rather than get their provisions after the accustomed manner, they wanted their portion of the offerings even before they had been fully given to God! And, if that were not sin enough, they wanted the choicest parts of the offerings for themselves (see v. 29). When they did that, they were putting themselves before God. This “Me first” attitude proved to be a fatal mistake (v. 34) and a source of continual sorrow for Eli. At the same time, Samuel is growing in the LORD (v. 21). Those who truly understand Kingdom Prosperity know that there are things that our children need that money cannot buy. We would do well to see to the spiritual needs of our children first and understand that they are really a gift to us and entrusted to us for his divine purposes. Note that God rewarded Hannah with three additional sons and two daughters. You simply cannot out give God!</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Be the best parent that you can possibly be! Realize that this is the most important calling upon your life. Invest time into your children. Understand that the time and energy that you invest into the lives of your children will bring a far greater return than anything else that may be barking for your time and attention. Pray for your children daily. Tell them that you love them and are praying for them today.</p><p>Page 23 Morning Scripture: Matthew 13: 1 - 13 Parables</p><p>A parable is a mostly fictional story that serves to illustrate factual truth about God’s Kingdom. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke contain about 30 of these stories. Although John’s Gospel contains no parables, it does use figures of speech and illustrations that help us to better understand God’s Word. The parable that we have read this morning was given to help us better understand the human heart. Many call this the Parable of the Sower, but I am convinced that it is more about the Seed and the Soil than anything else. The Seed is the Word of God. The Soil represents the conditions of the human hearts into which that seed must be sown. Some have gladly received God’s Word by faith and, as a result, enjoy what we know to be Kingdom Prosperity. Others, however, respond to God differently, and even sometimes reject God’s Word altogether. If we have heard and understood the Word of God, then we are to be most thankful! Verse 11 clearly states that such understanding of the Gospel message is a gift to us. It did not come because we are smarter or better than others. It came as a gift of God’s divine mercy and grace. But note that God desires to give us more (v. 12) and to the point that we have his blessings in abundance (v. 12). Here is a bit of non-fiction for you: We all owe God a great deal and should be serving him at every opportunity and to the fullest of our capabilities.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Take an inventory of your blessings today. Thank God for the very fact that you heard his Gospel and were able to understand it well enough to come to his for your salvation. Pray for an unsaved friend, neighbor or family member today.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Matthew 13: 14 - 23 The Deceitfulness of Wealth</p><p>When Isaiah first began his ministry, God told him that people were not going to understand him. What happened to Isaiah was prophetic of what was to happen to the Messiah when he came to rescue man from sin and its bondage. As Jesus preached the truth, many were like those in Isaiah’s day. They could hear but not understand. They could see but not really perceive. It was just the opposite with the disciples. Jesus could take them aside and teach them clearly the meaning of his words, whether given in parables or not. They were “blessed” with spiritual seeing and hearing (v. 16) and, therefore, heard and saw things that many righteous people before them had desired to see. As Jesus explains the parable of the Sower, Seed, and Soil, we cannot help but be saddened by what some people will cling to even if it costs them dearly. Verse 22 speaks of those who hear the Word but allow their interest therein to be choked out by things that are considered to be of greater value. How sad that people would be so distracted by material wealth and possessions that they would miss hearing the truth from God’s Word. Wealth was a deceitful thing in the society in which Jesus lived and it remains a very deceitful thing today. Even some that are truly saved remain far too attached to the things of this world. </p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Remember that Satan is a liar and has only evil intentions. Commit your heart to God and his Word and trust God to supply all that you need to have true Kingdom Prosperity. Remember that we have been given this blessed gift of salvation. Make the most of your life you have in Christ. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: 1 Timothy 6: 1 - 10 The Love of Money</p><p>We have read today one of the most often quoted and misquoted verses in the Bible. Many have misquoted this verse by merely stating that, “Money is the root of all evil.” Money, in and of itself, is not evil. Like all things, money can be used to glorify ourselves or to glorify God. Money can be invested in the work of God’s Kingdom or money can be used to advance the work of our enemy. But money is not the problem. People are the problem, especially those who misquote Scriptures and attempt to lay the blame for the condition of this world at the feet of an inanimate object. Quoted correctly, this verse clearly states that it is the “love of money” that serves as the “root” of evil. People who live only to become rich in material possessions are in love with money. People who measure their personal value by the bottom line on a financial statement or the balance in asset accounts are in love with money. This love for money can become the most distracting thing in our lives and lead us to wander from the path of faith to which we have all been called. Perhaps one of the greatest facets of Kingdom Prosperity is the ability to be content without having to have every material thing that we see and desire. Grief awaits those who place too much “stock” in anything but Jesus.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Examine your heart today to see if it is too easily impressed by material things. Detach yourself from the kind of thinking that places too much emphasis on what we can hold in our hands and attach yourself to the kind of thinking that emphasizes that which we hold in our hearts. Invest in God’s Kingdom work today.</p><p>Evening Scripture: 1 Timothy 6: 11 – 21</p><p>The Best Kind of Rich</p><p>Paul is careful to warn even Pastor Timothy to flee from the love of money and the disasters that it can introduce into the lives of God’s people. But fleeing the wrong things is not enough. Timothy is exhorted to “follow” (KJV) or “pursue” (NIV) after righteousness and other spiritual matters. This pastor is to “command” any affluent believers to avoid arrogance and to see the danger of putting their hope in what they possess and not in whom it is that possesses them. All Christians should God richly provides for us according to our needs. There are no recessions in Heaven. But note that the pastor is to “command” those who have been blessed financially to, “Do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” When they do that, it is clear that they have chosen to, “Lay up treasure for themselves” for life to come. The best kind of rich is the kind that does not hinder our ability to see money for what it is, from whence it comes, why God gives it and where we are to invest it. How strange it seems that God what have to remind the pastor to “command” believers to be careful about money. What a powerful thing it must be!</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Page 25 Ask God to give you the wisdom to know when and what to flee in life! Pray for the kind of humility that will allow you to listen to spiritual authorities on subjects such as money. Pray for pastors today and support them in their efforts to teach the meaning of true Kingdom Prosperity. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Proverbs 21: 1 - 9 It’s All About the LORD</p><p>Proverbs 21 begins (v. 1) and ends (v. 31) with references to the LORD. It is well that every segment of life, no matter how large or small, would do the same. Verse 2 declares that a person’s ways may seem right to him, but God has a way to weigh the heart and reveal to us our innermost motivations. God desires our obedience to him more than he desires our religious sacrifices. When we diligently plan (v. 5) our every action we can be assured that we will lead profitable lives. When we hastily obey the motivations introduced to us by the flesh, we will find just the opposite to be true. Kingdom Prosperity comes to those who carefully weigh their every action to determine the motivation. When our motivations are godly, then right actions will follow. Ill gotten gains are of no value to the believer and do more to hurt us than to help us. We must never be willing to sacrifice our character for the sake a financial profit. The kind of fortune that comes without honor and integrity is short-lived and like a deadly snare. Satan continues to bait his traps with money and too many people never learn the lesson the first time they are caught in them. The best thing is just to keep it all about the LORD! Amen!</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Put God first in your every thought and he will soon be first in your every act. Memorize a verse of Scripture today. Write a favorite out on a card or slip of paper and carry it with you. Look at it, read it, meditate on it as you go about your day. There is nothing better for your heart than a good dose of God’s Word!</p><p>Evening Scripture: Proverbs 21: 13 - 21 The Big “If”</p><p>The NIV begins verse 13 with the word “If.” That word may represent many things, but to me it discloses that I have options! Closing our ears to the cries of the poor is something that God knows we need to be warned against. The word “poor” does not always mean to be without money and the “cries” of the poor are not always for monetary help. In Proverbs we find the needy being assisted by sharing food (22:9), lending money (28:8), and defending rights (31:9). All of these are things that we would want to have done for us if we ever found ourselves in times of need. We must never forget the law of sowing and reaping. We always reap exactly what we sow. If we shut our ears to the cry of the poor, we will (not may) someday cry out and not be heard ourselves. There is a strong word of caution in verse 17 of our reading. When we live for pleasure (from a Hebrew word meaning sport) we soon become poor. America is a prime example of such folly. While multiplied millions of Americans are without jobs, athletes and entertainers continue to earn salaries in the millions. “Wine and oil” were both associated with lavish feasting and extravagances such as various lotions and perfumes. “If” we invest our money in our own personal entertainment and extravagant luxuries while others have nothing with which to even feed their children, we will surely “never be rich” (17b). I will leave the interpretation of Proverbs 21: 9 and 19 to your opinion. </p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Decide now to be a kind and generous person. Remind yourself of all the kindnesses that have ever been done for you and recall how good it made you feel to know that someone cared about you. Be on the giving end and you will surely be blessed.</p><p>Page 27 Morning Scripture: 1 John 3: 1 - 10 Behold!</p><p>This verse begins with a Greek word that is translated “behold” in most Bibles. It is not translated in the NIV, but merits our mention this morning. John is inviting us to take a close look at the greatness of the love that God has lavished on us – love enough that sinners could now be called the very sons of God! As the children of God, we are heirs to the one who owns the world and all that is contained therein! However, since the world refused to recognize Jesus for who he was, they will also refuse to recognize us for who we are. But John says that we are “now” the children of God. When Jesus appears to take the church to be with him, we will then be “like him.” In the meantime, this hope (Jesus) strengthens us and leads us to the right paths. True Kingdom Prosperity is finding and walking in the right way – “The Way, the Truth, and the Life.” When we find this way we will find that it allows us to avoid being in bondage to constant and habitual sin – the kind that so easily gets us off track and leads us astray. When we find this way we are not so easily deceived by those who teach false doctrines or misinterpret God’s Word to their own advantage. How do you best determine who is born of God and who is following the evil one? Watch the way that they walk! Some of the most memorable moments of my life are of times that someone would stop me and ask, “Are you Hyman Linton’s boy?” It always made me proud to know that I reminded people of my father. Walk tall today, for you are “now” a child of God Almighty! Make your Father proud!</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Express love to a fellow believer today. Exhibit a lifestyle that reminds people of your Father in heaven. Thank God for your salvation and call to serve him. </p><p>Evening Scripture: 1 John 3: 11 - 23 A Personal Word</p><p>John is very clear here that he is writing to believers. He clearly states that such things as hatred, anger, and strife are abnormal among believers. We have known that from the beginning – but we sometimes lose sight of this basic tenet of our faith as we walk together in this world. The phrase “from the beginning” holds a dual purpose. It speaks of the time in which we first began to believe and follow the Lord and it also speaks of the relationship of Cain and Abel, brothers who lived near “the beginning” of Biblical history. Verse 17 clearly indicates that, as heirs of God, we have access to the greatest treasure of all – the love of God. He has already bestowed that part of our inheritance upon us, for we are told that it already “in” us. Because of this love, we can respond righteously to opportunities to share our material possessions with those in need. We may not be called to the ultimate sacrifice which our Savior faced, but we can express what that sacrifice means to us as we share with others. It is one thing to talk about God’s love but it is another thing to live it out in our daily lives. Words can only say so much. When we live unselfishly, we can boldly come before God and ask him for all things. It’s like John wants to let us in on a personal secret: “You cannot out give God!”</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Look for opportunities to share what you already have and then pray for God to give you even more good things to distribute to those in need. Give in such a way that those who receive know the best part of the gift - someone loves them! KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Hebrews 13: 1 - 9 Last Words</p><p>We do not know the name of the human writer of Hebrews, but we do know that these words are inspired by God and that they are written for all believers. The words that we have read this morning make up the first part of the writer’s closing remarks. These are some of the last words that he will probably ever have opportunity to share with these fellow believers. He asked them to continue to love one another as brothers. And then he asked them to remember to “entertain” (share with, provide for) strangers – people that they might not even know. He even admonishes them to remember those who are in prison or being mistreated by others – and to treat them as you would want to be treated if you were yourself a prisoner or suffering from persecution. It seems that Kingdom Prosperity keeps coming back to that Golden Rule of doing for others what we would desire that they would do for us! But, note that this Golden Rule is to be applied even within our closest relationships, including marriage. Money, or the love thereof, can be one of the greatest distractions for believers. Therefore, we are warned to keep our lives free from the love of money and to learn to be content with what we have. One of our greatest possessions is found in God’s promise to never leave us or forsake us. If we cannot find contentment in that, then we may never find it all.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Pay attention to what matters most today. Do not allow distractions to hinder you from your true calling to walk as an ambassador for Christ. Focus on your Christian life and make decisions that are based on faith and not on finances.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Hebrews 13: 10 - 25 Do Not Forget</p><p>Verse 15 encourages us to continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise. But this in no way is referring to an offering that can be held in our hands. This “praise” is found in the attitudes of our heart. A right heart attitude will be a constant reminder to “do good and share with others” (v. 15). It will also remind us to listen and learn from those who are in places of spiritual authority in our lives (v. 17). These are powerful admonitions and obviously were matters of great importance to this devoted Christian writer. However, we find more last words that should be of great importance to every believer. Perhaps one of the greatest assets of the child of God is the peace that only God can give. That “peace” will equip us with everything necessary for doing the will of God in our lives. When we have peace enough within us to allow God to work through us then God will be pleased and glorified. How, in this world, can we live in such a heavenly way? The answer is made clear in the final words of the letter: Grace be with you all! Kingdom Prosperity never allows us to forget that God’s grace is the foundation for all that we say or do as we live out our faith in this world.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Humble yourself before God tonight and acknowledge the grace that has been shown so abundantly in your own life. Allow the peace of God to live within you and then exhibit the power of God to others as he works through you. Do not forget that this life is about ministering to others.</p><p>Page 29 Morning Scripture: Psalm 23: 1 – 6 The LORD Is . . .</p><p>If you were handed a “fill in the blank” exam in your Life 101 Class, how would you complete the phrase, “The LORD is ______”? David chose to write the word “Shepherd” to describe his perception of the Father and the love that the Father had so clearly expressed to him. In ancient times, it was not an uncommon thing for kings to be referred to as shepherds. Thusly Jesus, the “King of kings,” referred to himself as the “Good Shepherd” (John 10: 14). As our Shepherd, the God makes every provision necessary for our earthly life – to the point that we can say that we do not live “in want” (in lack) of anything. Through our Good Shepherd our needs are met. We are nourished at the hands of our Shepherd as he leads us to green pastures and beside still waters (v. 2). We are nurtured by our Shepherd as he guides us in paths of righteousness (v. 3). We are noticed by our Shepherd all through our lives and even to the point where we take our final walk through the valley of the shadow of death (v. 4). We are anointed by our Shepherd to the point where our cup overflows and we are convinced that the goodness and mercy that he has bestowed upon us will last us from here to eternity where we will dwell with him forever (vs. 5 – 6). But, in light of all these blessings, we should remember that we are named for our Shepherd and that it is for his name’s sake that he guides us in the paths of righteousness (v. 3). Kingdom Prosperity is as more about living a life than it is about making a living!</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Spend some time “filling in the blank” with titles by which you may reference the LORD. Praise him for the many wonderful things that he has done for you. Share how good your Shepherd has been with you with someone that you meet along the paths of righteousness today.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Psalm 24: 1 - 10</p><p>Who Is The King of Glory?</p><p>Just as plainly as the LORD is identified as our Shepherd in Psalm 23, he is identified as our King in Psalm 24. No believer will ever fully enjoy Kingdom Prosperity until share David’s conclusion that the earth, and everything therein, belongs to God. God’s ownership is not limited to mere possession, but he also lays claim to the ownership of the people of the world. Note the “they” (KJV) or “all” (NIV) in verse 1 and make a note in your Bible that God is talking about you! The words “clean hands” refers to right actions while a “pure heart” refers to right attitudes. What outward evidence of clean hands and pure hearts is mentioned in verse 4? Those who have given their lives to vanity (idol worship – NIV) or lived by teachings that have strayed from the Word of God can know that their actions and attitudes are far from God’s desired intention. David gives his readers and exhortation to lift up their heads and then offers an explanation for why they should do so. Note the reference to “gates” and “doors” in verse 7. Just as surely as a city would allow passage to a coming king, we are to allow the King of Glory to ride freely into our hearts and take his appropriate place in our lives. Only one person can answer the question asked in our title today. Let him prove himself to you as you begin to trust and treat him as your King.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis: KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Realize that stewardship is based on trust. Decide to trust God enough to treat God as your King. Allow him in to your life in a most personal way and soon you will be telling all about the King of Glory! Trust God with everything!</p><p>Morning Scripture: Romans 8: 17 - 28 A Precious Promise</p><p>The fact that we are called “heirs” in verse 17 can only be attributed to our being “joint” or “co-heirs” with Christ. As believers, we are to share in his sufferings as we walk through this life, but we do so with the fullest confidence that we will also share in his glory. As Paul weighed this truth, he came to the conclusion that this was a good deal on our part as he compared what we must face in this world today with what we will face in eternity! The sufferings of this world are temporary while the glory that we experience in Christ is eternal. How wise we are to trade in temporary things for things that we can enjoy for all eternity. As we wait eagerly for that day, we are reminded that God has not lost control of this world. We can rest assured that all things really are working together for our good if we love him and are called to his purposes. We do not have a promise that all things in our lives will “seem” good. Sometimes it is difficult to praise God in our sufferings. However, we do have the promise that all of these things will work together for our good and that we will grow closer and closer to God through our many trials and tribulations. How much more can God give us than his own precious promise that he is always working on our behalf?</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Accept that thing that you have repeatedly asked God to remove today and allow him to blend it in to the other ingredients of your life. Allow the bitterness of your trials to be overcome by the sweetness found in the many blessings that God has given to you. Believe that God is at work for good on your behalf.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Romans 8: 29 - 37 Predestined</p><p>Predestined! The mere mention of this word can create chaos in what was otherwise a most friendly conversation. Without adding to the mix, let me circumvent the arguments about what the word “predestined” means theologically and offer an explanation for what it means to God’s people personally. We have been predestined to be conformed to the image of God’s Son. Being conformed to Christ means that we adopt and accept his life purpose as our very own. He was among us as one that served – and then he lived up to that statement at his every opportunity to obey the will of the Father. If we are truly like him, then we realize that we have been predestined to be called to walk in his likeness – or “like” he walked. Since that walk is going to involve suffering, we can rest assured that we have been predestined to be convinced of his divine presence and that God will not spare us anything necessary to be his people and walk as lights in this very dark world. No matter our circumstances, we can enjoy Kingdom Prosperity as we remain confident that nothing – absolutely nothing – can separate us from the love of Christ. Because of these things, we are predestined to be conquerors through him who loves us.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Page 31 Note that we are not called to simply sound like Jesus when we talk. We are called to resemble Jesus in our walk. Praise God for every opportunity to be obedient and them make the most of each and every one of them. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: John 6: 1 - 12 The “Manna Man”</p><p>Note that Jesus has been speaking to his disciples about Moses in the closing statements of the preceding chapter. Sometime after that, Jesus was again surrounded by a great crowd of needy people. Since they had been drawn by the witness of his ability to cure those who were diseased, we can assume that many of these people came to him for healing. However, Jesus looked far beyond the obvious and noticed that which was most immediate. He went to Philip to discuss how they might secure bread enough to feed this large crowd of people. Philip had already given thought to this very thing and announced to Jesus that “eight month’s wages” (NIV) would not be enough to even one bite of bread to be offered to the crowd. Most believe that this amount of money signified all that Philip and the disciples had available to them in their funds. Philip and the disciples were to learn a very valuable lesson about Kingdom Prosperity on this day. They were soon to discover that we cannot serve Jesus and while limiting ourselves to thinking in the natural and trusting in our earthly possessions. Jesus had a super-natural plan in mind and he was quick to involve the disciples in it. Moses had been blessed with manna from heaven while in the wilderness and we are not to forget that God can provide for us as well. Imagine the joy of the disciples as they could share so freely with others while realizing that they were never going to run out of food. Wouldn’t we have loved to be there with them? We have so many ways to share God’s blessings today. We can feed people who live around the block at the same time that we meet the needs of those who live around the world. Wouldn’t the disciples love to be here with us today?</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis: </p><p> Think and like someone who truly believes in God today! Face your situations with faith in God and believe him to be your source for every need. Share what God has given you and praise him when he just keeps on refilling your basket!</p><p>Evening Scripture: John 6: 26 - 35</p><p>The Bread of Life</p><p>The words of verse 26 were spoken to the multitudes that followed Jesus for reasons that might not have been all spiritual. He so much as told them this as he told them that they were more motivated by their physical needs than their spiritual needs. What a waste it would be to leave a meeting with Jesus with a full belly but an empty heart! However, it happened then and it still happens today! Many people only pursue a relationship with Christ for what they can get from him with no thought as to what he would have us give to others. The bread of this world will eventually spoil but the bread that comes from heaven endures and has no expiration date. When we share this bread with others, we are giving them the eternal truth of God’s Word. When we “labor” (KJV) or “work” (NIV) for this eternal bread, we are not investing in this world but the world to come. When Jesus becomes our source we are told that we will never hunger. When we place our faith in him we will never again thirst. I don’t know about you, but that sure sounds a lot like Kingdom Prosperity to me!</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Evaluate your reasons for following Christ. Forsake all selfish motivations and ask God to make your every motivation sincere in its purpose and spiritual in its practice. Serve God today for no other reason than he is Lord!</p><p>Page 33 Morning Scripture: Luke 19: 1 - 10 Zacchaeus</p><p>Zacchaeus responded to the message of Jesus in a different way than other rich people in the New Testament. Although he was wealthy, he knew that he was a sinner. As the chief publican (head of the local IRS Office) he was probably rejected by those in his community because he was loyal to Rome. It is hard to imagine this man of influence and affluence running ahead of the crowds and climbing a tree so that he could get a look at Jesus. Sycamore trees grew to 30 or 40 feet in height, but had short trunks and low hanging branches, so it was not a difficult tree to climb. Imagine how this man felt when Jesus came to a stop beneath the tree in which he perched and said, “Zacchaeus, come down here now so that I can go to your house with you!” The second verse in our reading this morning tells us that he was rich (19: 2). Verse 6 we are told that he is richer because he has joyfully received Christ. Verse 8 finds him at his richest when his life has been so transformed that he desires to make restitution to those whom he has falsely collected taxes plus give half of everything that he owned to the poor. I think that this man has received a good dose of what we call Kingdom Prosperity!</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Ask God for a proper perspective about money. Being a good Christian is infinitely more important than having a good job or lots of status with others. It didn’t take Zacchaeus long to see what was really important in life. Become the financially responsible saint that God has called you to be.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Luke 19: 11 - 26 Minas or Minus?</p><p>At the time that Jesus gave the parable we have read tonight, most of his disciples had been walking with him long enough to have already been assigned duties and responsibilities. Judas was already the treasurer and Philip was already the one responsible for the procurement of food. Since this parable was not addressed to the disciples only, it was given to help all of Israel see that they were responsible to God for all of the good things that he had done for them. Jesus tells of 10 servants receiving one “mina” each. A mina represented about 3 months’ wages for the average person, so it was a considerable sum of money. With the gift came responsibility. They were to put the money to use until their benefactor returned. When the nobleman returned, he called the servants together to find out what they had done with the money. The first two servants had put their gift to work and had earned profits. We do not know the results from all ten of the servants, but we do know that one of them did absolutely nothing with the gift that he had received. His mina was taken away from him and given to those who could be more trusted with blessings. The nobleman in our story represents Jesus. He was soon to depart this world with the promise that he would return again. We, his servants, are to be employing our gifts in his service until that time. </p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Kingdom Prosperity has much to do with recognizing our responsibility to work for Jesus until the day of his return. Seek out your spiritual gift and put it to work as soon as possible. When he returns will you honor him with your “minas” or be found in the “minus” because you never activated the gift he gave you?</p><p>Morning Scripture: Leviticus 26: 1 - 13 KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Blessings on Obedience</p><p>There are three distinct blessings promised to God’s people if they would obey him and avoid falling into worshipping idols and other gods. First, God promised them prosperity (v. 3–6). If they would follow his decrees and commands, God promised to send them rain in its due season so that the ground would yield its crops and the trees would produce an abundance of fruit. The grain harvest was promised to be so bountiful that they would still be threshing grain when it was time to begin harvesting their grapes! The grape harvest was to be so blessed that they would still be harvesting grapes until it was time to plant again. In verse 10 he told them that they would still be eating from the previous year’s harvest when it was time to bring in the new crops. They were going to have to make room for all that God was going to give his obedient children! In addition, God promised them peace (v. 6-10). The people were to receive divine protection from wild animals as well as from all their enemies. If they did have to fight, they were going to be victorious and supernaturally empowered to the point that 100 of them could defeat 10,000 from an invading army. Then, God promised his presence to his obedient people (v. 11-13). God promised to walk with them as he had with their forefathers and to be with them as he had been with those whom he had brought out of Egypt. He certainly gave them some promises worth living for!</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Believe God when he promises you something! Accept his challenge to live for him and watch him provide for you just as he has promised. Claim your promises of prosperity, peace and presence today.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Leviticus 26: 14 - 26 The “Other” Answer</p><p>There is another answer to God’s call to obedience. It is really not to answer at all. Doing nothing when God calls us to follow him is as sinful as any evil thing that we could ever imagine to do. Disobedience brings great distress into the lives of God’s children (v. 14-17). This does not mean that all sickness and trouble is a result of disobedience, but it does mean that willful disobedience will result in loss of blessing and chastisement from the Lord. Disobedience brought seasons of draught and poor harvests (v. 18-20). The skies above would be like iron and the ground like bronze – hardened due to the lack of rain. Disobedience would bring dread to these same people who had been promised safety and protection if only they would obey God (v. 21-22). The same people who had so easily defeated their enemies and had walked without fear of wild animals would soon see their children and livestock lost to wild animals. If all of this was not enough to get their attention, God stated that he would be forced to send disease in the form of a plague against them (v. 23-25). Last, God said that the disobedience of the people would result in a time of financial depression (v.26). Bread would be scarce and they would never have enough to eat and be satisfied. Makes you wonder how anyone would choose to give that “Other Answer” and say “No” to God.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Promise to be an obedient Christian who does not refuse to give God all that is due him. Be attentive to God’s commands and be ready to obey. Walk in Kingdom Prosperity today and thank God every step of the way!</p><p>Page 35 Morning Scripture: Proverbs 3: 1 - 10 The Best Life</p><p>Many are the promises to those who will remember and keep the commandments of God. To those who choose to the best life God promises prolonged life. In several places in Proverbs longevity is promised to those who obey God (See Proverbs 3:16; 4: 10; 9:11; 10:27; 14:27; and 15:24). A longer life offers us greater opportunity to live for God and be his witnesses in this world. But God’s blessings go far beyond extended time. The best life also is rewarded with prosperity. In this case, prosperity is found in our love and faithfulness to God. When we love God and live faithfully for him, then we will enjoy the favor of God and man. But God isn’t finished with his promises just yet. He goes on to say that the best life also holds the promise of plenty. When we trust in the LORD with all of our heart and acknowledge him in all of our ways; when we honor the LORD with our wealth and the first fruits of all of our blessings, then our barns will be filled to overflowing and our vats will be filled beyond capacity and overflow with new wine. We all have been given the blessing of life – and we have been given the blessing of free will as well. The best life does not come to those who have it by chance but by choice. Choose wisely, my friend, and you will always be grateful that you did.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Choose to live not by your own wisdom. Elect to live by the wisdom of God. Honor him today with a gift of your very best – and honor him first before you use what he has given you for any other reason. Watch and see that God always keeps his promises to those who choose to live in Kingdom Prosperity.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Proverbs 3: 11 - 18 Gold, Silver and Precious Stones</p><p>My girls love to watch the Jewelry channel on television. By doing so, they have become quite wise in their knowledge of many different kinds of precious metals and stones. In our verses tonight, we find wisdom personified as a woman. Those who find this woman (wisdom) come to the understanding that she is more profitable to them than silver and yields a far better return than gold or precious stones. Nothing else compares to the riches that a life of obedience can bring to all of God’s children. Wisdom accepts God’s love even when it is presented in the form of discipline or rebuke. Wisdom does not become angry with God when he corrects or chastises. Right responses to God result in longer, better lives that are rich in things that money cannot buy. Honor is one of those things. When we fully embrace wisdom as a dear friend, our lives are made more pleasant, peaceful and prosperous. Surely we are blessed when we lay hold to wisdom and choose her as a life-long companion. The greatest blessing in my life is found in watching those I love make wise choices. The Bible is God’s “Jewelry Channel.” Watch it and learn the difference that wisdom can make in your life and the lives of those you love.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Tune in to God and his Word and watch God go to work in your life. Praise your children for the right decisions that they make and gently, lovingly guide as you set the right example for them in your own life. Believe that God’s promises are the key to Kingdom Prosperity and put your faith to practice as you walk humbly before God. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Malachi 3: 1 - 10 The Windows of Heaven</p><p>God warns us that there is coming a day when he will return to examine him people. This examination is not to harm us but to help us. He will purify and judge his people in accordance to the lives that they have lived for him. This is not a test is not about redemption. If so, then salvation is found in our works and not in the work of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This examination is about rewards. However, God promised his people that this examination will not be unannounced or without proper time to prepare. He promised to send a messenger before him to prepare us for this ultimate test. In this time of testing, God will reveal the quality of the works of those who love him as fire refines silver and gold. No one is exempt from this final exam – not even the priests can avoid this time of testing. Those who score well in this time of testing will be those who paid careful attention to the words of our Divine Teacher. They will recognize the important questions and be prepared with the right answers. One of the most important questions will be whether or not we have robbed God. We might ask, “How can we rob God?” His response is that we can rob God with our tithes and offerings. When we do, we are sure to flunk even the most basic courses of life! Unlike our earthly educators, God tells us that the best way to prepare for his test is to test him. We are encouraged to bring the whole tithe to him and watch how he opens the “windows” (KJV) or “floodgates” (NIV) of heaven and pours out more blessings than we have room enough to receive.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Bring the whole tithe to God! Give to him from more than your treasures. Give to God of your time and talents. Honor God by returning to him from all of the many things that he has given to you. Kingdom Prosperity is to graduate from the School of Life with honors!</p><p>Evening Scripture: Malachi 3: 11 - 17 Watch Your Words!</p><p>Our God is always working on the behalf of those who choose to obey him. He promises to protect us from the things that can devour our crops and the fruit or our vines. He promises to provide to us a Kingdom Prosperity that will be the envy of the nations. In all of our testing, perhaps the greatest test is the one that tests our tongues. We speak “harsh things” against God when we question his motivations and purposes. When we begin to question whether or not it is beneficial to obey him in all that he asks or think that he asks too much of us, we dare to challenge the love and loyalty that he has promised to those who obey him. When we mourn at the thought of giving to God, then we are surely not being the cheerful givers that he has commanded us to be. Those who fear the LORD speak words of wisdom to their fellow believers and encourage them to trust God with every aspect of life. God hears these wise believers and will remember those who have chosen to maintain a Christian witness in this world. The greatest blessing will be to know that our lives have been invested in service to God and not to ourselves.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Page 37 Measure what you give to God against what he has given to you and you will never give with regret. Rejoice at the opportunity to give to God and you will surely rejoice in his presence when you stand before him. Stop worrying and start trusting. Give and it will surely be given unto you!</p><p>Morning Scripture: Ecclesiastes 5: 1 - 9 Keep Your Promises to God</p><p>When we are warned to “Guard our steps when we go near to the house of God,” we are being warned against making promises that we have not carefully thought out and have made no preparation to keep. We are told to “listen” and make sure that our promises are in direct response to that which he is asking of us and not based on what we simply think that he wants to hear. Quick and hasty promises are often made without thought or full understanding of all that they may demand from us. When we are warned to let our words be “few” we are being told that it is far better to promise less and perform more than it is to promise much and perform little. A promise to God should be well thought out and a promise that we have every intention of keeping – no matter the costs. When you make a promise to God, be prepared to act on that promise as soon as possible. It is not pleasing to God when we do otherwise and he considers such promises to be foolish. The term “fool” in the Bible is not used to describe those who cannot learn but those who will not learn. Empty promises are meaningless and show a lack of respect for God. When the poor are oppressed and justice is denied, it is usually because someone has not kept a promise to God to care for those with greater needs than our own. Kingdom Prosperity always provides enough to share.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Recall some past promises that you have made to God. Act on those promises at your earliest opportunity. Promises to God are important and should be fulfilled to the best of our ability. Guard your steps and be sure to live up to your Christian commitments.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Ecclesiastes 5: 10 - 20 Never Enough!</p><p>There are some things that can never satisfy us or cause us to say “enough!” Money is one of those things. When we become too attached to the things of this world, or measure our life’s success by our possessions, we are sure to stray from the most meaningful purpose for living. Sweet sleep comes to those who labor for the right reasons. Those who put their trust in what they have will never find the peace and contentment that brings true rest and satisfaction. When we trust more in what we have than in he who has so graciously provided it, we are sure to see our fortunes become misfortune. We are assured of one thing: We cannot leave this world with things that have to be carried out by hand. We only leave this world with those things that we carry in our hearts. Kingdom Prosperity is found in knowing that a life well lived is the greatest gift that we can offer to God.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Refuse to participate in the race to see who has the most! Give God that which he truly desires – a life that is lived in devotion to him and has been invested in eternal things. When we stand before God, we will all wish that we had given more to him while we had the opportunity. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Isaiah 32: 1 - 8 Compare and Choose</p><p>Isaiah had a special ability to compare the life that is lived in this world to the one that will be lived in the world to come. Each man (person) will have the opportunity to live in a way that will make an eternal difference in the lives of others. When we think in eternal ways, we live wisely and choose not to pattern our lives after those that are considered “noble” in this world and we will no longer hold in respect those who are not choosing to live wisely themselves. Those who speak foolishly and busy themselves with evil by practicing ungodliness and spreading error will be ignored rather than immortalized as heroes in our lives and the lives of our children. When the “rich” and “successful” of this world turn deaf ears to the cries of the poor and devise schemes to gain all that they can from even the needy, they are called “Scoundrels” and are considered “wicked” in the eyes of God. On the other hand, the “noble” makes more noble plans and performs deeds that are noble in the eyes of God. Kingdom Prosperity is about making wise choices and seeking God’s approval over that of our fellow man.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Compare time to eternity today and choose wisely to live for that which will live on long after this world has passed. Honor those who are worthy of honor and praise only those who stand firmly on doing the deeds of the Father. Help your children to recognize those who live for godly purposes as their heroes and “She”roes in life.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Isaiah 32: 9 - 18 Wise Women</p><p>God is faithful to recognize women for their significance and value to our society even when some societies during Bible times considered women to be of little value over that of a common slave. One of the most godly roles that a woman can play is the part she plays in the stabilization of our homes and nation. Verse 10 warns us of the difference that a little time can make in our society and economy. We have all been witnesses to that in the events of our most recent years. Women who place their security in what they have may quickly see that security vanish. The wise woman wears well the finest of garments and the roughest of sackcloth. The wearing of sackcloth represent mourning and served much the same purpose as fasting. It was a reminder that we are to be faithful to God in both the good and bad times in life. Without godly women our fortress walls soon fall and our cities become as ghost towns. There is nothing that makes the home more secure and prosperous as the presence of a woman committed to obeying God. We have all heard the phrase, “When Momma isn’t happy then no one is happy!” I don’t know who first said it, but I will say “Amen!” to it. But even moreso, we should understand that, “When the woman of the house is happy in God, then the whole house will be a much more secure and pleasant place in which to live.”</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Recognize the important role that woman has always had in God’s Kingdom. Praise the women in your life for all of the good that they do and bring to your home. Thank some godly woman for the testimony that her life has been to you and your family. Do something kind for a widow that you know and let her know how much she is loved and appreciated.</p><p>Page 39 Morning Scripture: John 11: 1 - 11 Mary and Martha</p><p>I am not sure why, but when I come to a place in Scripture where more than one name is given, I make note of the order of the names. In our story this morning, we find Lazarus described as being from Bethany, “the village of Mary and her sister Martha.” We are reminded that this is the Mary who had poured her very expensive perfume on the Lord and then washed his feet with her hair. The details of this event are recorded in John 12. This act of kindness had apparently made such an impression on John that he could not mention Mary here without also mentioning this act that was later performed after Lazarus was raised from the dead. Regardless of who had the honor of first mention in this story, verse 3 tells us that it was “the sisters” who sent word to Jesus that their brother was sick. It is important to note that these women had a profound faith in the Lord and his love for their family. Even in times of sorrow, we should be reminded of how rich we are to have a Savior that loves us and one upon whom we can call in times of need. Mary and Martha recognized that Kingdom Prosperity is found in a person and not in possessions. We would all do well to follow this godly example. Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Turn to the Lord in times of trial and affliction. The Lord was most assuredly on the mind of these sisters, so their first words spoken about their problem was to the Lord. Mary and Martha acted wisely on this occasion and we would do well to follow their example. Involve God in your current situation today!</p><p>Evening Scripture: John 11: 17 - 29 Martha and Mary</p><p>Tonight’s reading once again includes the names of these devoted sisters, but now mentions their names in reverse order. Since we know Martha as one who was often busy serving others, we find her home soon filled with “many” who came to offer comfort and condolences to her and her sister after the death of their brother. When Martha received word that Jesus was nearing the house where they were gathered, she went out to meet him. In spite of her current situation, the first word that she said to Jesus affirmed his place in her life. “Lord,” she said, “If you had been here, my brother would not have died.” These words assured Jesus that this woman had an abounding faith in all that he could have done only if he had been there while Lazarus was sick. But what she said next must have been an even greater blessing to Jesus for Martha went on to say that, “But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” Such knowledge proved to be of great value to this family on this occasion and it is still of great value to all who believe so strongly in the Lord today. Kingdom Prosperity rests not on the foundation of what we can do but on the strong foundation of what God can do!</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Ask God to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. When you know the Lord for who he is then you will most assuredly know all that he can do. Seek him at all times and not just in desperate times. Pray for someone who is grieving tonight and do something for them tomorrow. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Psalm 37: 1 - 9 No Reason to Be Jealous!</p><p>David tells us to not be envious of the seemingly prosperous people in this world. He goes on to say that their prosperity is as short lived as the grass that is soon to wither at the first sign of inclimate weather. However, those who trust in the LORD and obey him will dwell in the land and enjoy safe pastures. Because of this, we are to find our delight in God and all that he provides us. Furthermore, we are to be committed to him to the point of trust and he will give us something for which even the richest people on Earth will envy. He will make our righteousness as obvious and consistent as the rising of the Sun and will make our just lives shine down like that great light shines in its brightest at noon. This is something well worth the wait because it sustains us when we see others who seem to prosper no matter how they live or what they are willing to do to obtain wealth. Don’t allow the short-lived prosperity of the wicked to cause you to doubt God and his promises to the righteous. There is coming a day when evil men will know that they have made the wrong choices and they will envy those who have lived righteously as they see God bestow upon them the inheritance that only God can give.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Be patient and you will see that God has not led us down a path that does not bring rich blessings to all who choose it. Praise God for the eternal wealth that he gives you and let go of your grip on the things of this world. Live like a “Saint” and not an “Ain’t” today! </p><p>Evening Scripture: Psalm 37: 10 - 21 It Won’t Be Very Long</p><p>We sometimes forget how brief life can be. On God’s clock it is still just a little while before this world passes away and only eternal things will remain. At that time, the meek will surely inherit the Earth and enjoy the blessing of peace. When the wicked rant and rave against God and his children, the LORD simply laughs at them because he knows that their days are numbered and that his day is soon to come. Verse 16 reminds us that the “little” that the righteous have is better than all of the so-called wealth of the wicked. While their lives are far more fragile than they could ever imagine, our lives are safely held in the strong hands of our Father in Heaven. We must remember that our inheritance will last forever. In good times and bad, we rejoice because we know that God will be ever faithful to provide our needs. The wicked love their money so much that they will be hesitant to even pay their just debts. On the other hand, the righteous have so much confidence in the goodness of God that they always find a way to be generous to those in need. Kingdom Prosperity is the only true prosperity and it allows us to be a blessing to all those around us.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Remember that you cannot out give God and share generously with those who may benefit from your blessings. Trust God to do all that he has promised. Prosperity here may not necessarily mean prosperity in heaven if we base it on the standards of this world. Ask God to teach you the true meaning of prosperity.</p><p>Page 41 Evening Scripture: Colossians 1: 1 - 10 God’s Grace</p><p>Paul never ceased to stand amazed at the goodness of God’s grace. There are several things mentioned in our verses this morning that should lead us all to be thankful for the grace that God has given to us. First, Paul mentions his love and appreciation for his faithful Christian brothers and sisters (v. 2). He is thankful for their faith in God and their love for one another. Without the grace of God being shown to him, Paul knew that he would still be an outsider and persecutor of these same people with whom he served now. Then, Paul observes God’s grace at work as he witnesses the fruit that can come from a life committed to God (v. 6). Paul also sees God’s grace in those who give their lives as faithful ministers to the church (v. 7). Paul loved and admired this man who was obviously the pastor of the church there and referred to him as a, “dear fellow servant” and commended him as a “faithful minister of Christ.” But Paul had at least two more blessings of grace that had to be expressed. The first was for our ability to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will through spiritual understand (v. 9). The knowledge of God’s will meant more than the mere possession of facts. It referred more to the willingness to accomplish God’s will in our everyday living. Last, he thanked God for the way that grace could shape our lives into something that could worthy of God’s pleasure (v. 10). </p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Only Kingdom Prosperity can be of long-term benefit to us in Kingdom work. The wisdom of this world will not equip us to be servants of God. Pray for an opportunity to exhibit God’s grace to someone today.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Colossians 1: 11 - 20 Real Strength</p><p>When we grow in God’s grace we are strengthened from a source of power that is made only to believers. This power is an enduring power that allows us to serve God patiently and joyfully while always giving thanks to our Father for allowing us to share in such Kingdom Prosperity. God’s people are to be ever reminded that we have been “rescued from the dominion of darkness” and then “brought into the kingdom of the Son.” Among our many blessings is the fact that we have received forgiveness for our sins. As such, we are now living in a blessed relationship with Jesus, “the “image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” Just as the firstborn son had certain rights and privileges in this world, Christ has certain rights and privileges over all things. It is by him that all things were created, whether things in heaven or on earth. It is also for him that all things were created. He is the head of the church and in everything he is to have the supremacy. Everything that can be found in God can be found in Christ Jesus. Our greatest asset is our relationship with God. We would do well to be constantly reminded of the price that was paid for our salvation.</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Humble yourself before God tonight. Bow on your knees before him as your Creator and Redeemer. Express your appreciation for the forgiveness of sins. Confess any known sin in your life and seek his wisdom and strength for the day that you must face tomorrow and every day. KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: 1 Peter 3: 1 - 12 The Best Dressed Woman in Town</p><p>Peter could speak with personal knowledge about marriage because the New Testament reveals, on more than one occasion, that Peter was both a husband and a preacher. In these verses he speaks of a beauty that is found in behavior and a sermon that can be preached without words. Purity and reverence are two adorning jewels that all women should wear. This letter appeals to the women in the church to let their beauty be exhibited not so much in their outward adornment such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. He encourages the women to let the true beauty found in their inner person to make their fashion statement. He speaks of the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. We know from the Scriptures that Sarah was a beautiful woman. However, Peter uses her as an example of those whose beauty is found more in their glory than their gold or garments. We all love nice things, but we must all remember that the most beautiful woman in town may be deemed so more for what is in her heart than what is worn on her hand or in her hair. Husbands should be thankful for a godly wife and see her as his most cherished blessing.</p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Allow God’s Word to set the precedence for what we consider beautiful and blessed. Avoid getting too caught up in the fashions and affairs of this world. Realize that we all want to look and be our best in life, but never forget that looks can be deceiving. People may like what they see on the outside, but they learn to love the person the person that you are within.</p><p>Evening Scripture: 1 Peter 4: 1 - 11 Above All . . .</p><p>Peter shares a deep, personal conviction with us in our verses tonight. He believes that the person who has experienced salvation should be done with sin and committed living a life that avoids doing evil and pursues the will of God. However the amount of time that we spent living in sin was time enough in the opinion of this apostle. He lists some of the evil activities that are so prevalent in our world and says that those who participate in such things are somewhat taken back by the fact that we do not join them in their pursuit of worldly pleasures. When they try to bring you into account with them and ask you to defend your life choices, remind them that they will one day give an account to God and be forced to defend their poor choices in life. Their poorest choice, of course, was to not believe in Jesus as the Son of God and Savior of the world. Since that time of judgment is so soon upon us, we are reminded to, “above all,” love one another and be hospitable to one another without regrets or complaints. Each one of us is encouraged to use whatever gifts we have to serve others. When we do this God will be praised and he will receive glory forever and ever. Peter had to say an “Amen!” to that and I think that I will do the same. Amen!</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Live every day like it is your very last. Involve as much of your life as possible in the work of the kingdom. Kingdom Prosperity allows us to be generous without fear of ever doing without ourselves. When we have and share love, we are the richest of all people.</p><p>Page 43 Morning Scripture: Matthew 1: 17 - 25 The Birth of Jesus</p><p>As Christians, we have received the gift of faith from God. Ephesians 2: 8 tells us that we are saved “by faith” and “through faith”. This wonderful verse includes the statement that this wonderful, saving faith is not something of our own mind or making, but that, “It is the gift of God.” So, when we read the first phrase in our Scripture today, we are told that we are going to receive an explanation of “how the birth of Jesus Christ came about.” Since we have the gift of faith, we may not think that an explanation is necessary. However, there are many living in our society who do not see this story through the eyes of faith, and need to have it explained to them. Mary was “pledged to be married to Joseph.” This pledging was considered a betrothal period in Jewish society and was much more binding than our engagement period. This pledge, just like a marriage, could only be broken by divorce (v. 19). While in this time of betrothal, and before Mary and Joseph had ever been together in the act of love, it was discovered that Mary was pregnant. Joseph could have “divorced” her at that time and was obviously considering it. However, his plan was to do it quietly and with as little disgrace for Mary as possible. An angel came and visited with Joseph and told Joseph the whole story. Mary had not been unfaithful to Joseph. The child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. She was to give birth to a son and he (Joseph) was to name him Jesus. To help Joseph understand more fully, the angel reminded him of one of the most popular prophecies in the Bible about the Messiah. Joseph awoke from his dream and did all that the angel had commanded him. He kept his relationship with Mary pure until the baby was born and he gave that baby the name Jesus. </p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Thank God for the gifts that cannot be purchased with money! Men like Joseph, who understand the meaning of love and commitment are a blessing to everyone they know. Kingdom Prosperity is about faith, love, commitment and devotion. When we give these precious gifts to those that we love, they are truly blessed beyond measure. </p><p>Evening Scripture: Matthew 2: 1 - 12 The Visiting Magi</p><p>We know very little about these unnamed who have come to be such a large part of our Christmas Story. All that we know of them is found here in Matthew 2. They were probably astrologers and astronomers who “came from the east.” This leads us to believe that the writer himself knew little more about these men then than we do know. We speak and sing of “Three Kings” when no reference in the Bible provides us with the number of Magi who came to worship Jesus. We probably based the number of the Magi on the number of types of gifts that they brought to Jesus. The idea that they were kings was probably born from portions of Scripture like Psalm 68: 31 and 72: 10 as well as Isaiah 49: 7 and 60: 3. As far as we know, these strangers became the first Gentiles to ever worship the Christ. Although the Jewish world was slow to accept it, the Lord’s heart has always been for the whole world. We can learn much about worship from these early visitors. They gave God gifts of their time and talents long before they ever arrived in Bethlehem and opened their treasures. When they did give something tangible to God, it was given in worship and of the very best that they had. These may or may not have been “kings”, but they did understand Kingdom Prosperity. </p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p>Give something extra and special to someone this Christmas Season. Try to do something for someone who can give nothing to you in return. Tell the one(s) who receive that this is a gift from Jesus! KINGDOM PROSPERITY</p><p>Morning Scripture: Luke 2: 1 - 7 A Manger</p><p>God often uses circumstances to get us to the exact place that he wants us to be, and at the exact time that he wants us to be there. Such was the case with the birth of Jesus. God used a financial matter (a tax cencus) to get Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem of Judea, the town of David, so that the birth of Christ would be in accordance to the prophecies of old. Nowhere in the angel’s message to Joseph (Matthew 1) was there any mention of where Jesus was to be born. Joseph was not going to Bethlehem Judea because he was told by the angel that he was to take Mary there or because he was trying to help God fulfill prophecy. He was going there because he was a tax paying citizen and fulfilling an obligation that had been thrust upon him. When he went, he took Mary, his pregnant, espoused bride with him. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be delivered. Because there was no room in the inn, Mary was forced to bring forth her firstborn child in an animal stall and his first crib was a manger. From the very night of his birth, Jesus sent a very clear message that Kingdom Prosperity has nothing to do with how much we make, how much we have, or the beauty of the home in which we live. </p><p>Morning Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Count your blessings this morning, and keep counting them as the day goes on! Thank God for the many nice things that you have and that you are able to provide for your family. Praise him for the way that he provides your every need.</p><p>Evening Scripture: Luke 2: 8 - 20 Shepherds</p><p>The flocks that were reserved for temple sacrifices were kept in the fields near Bethlehem. The shepherds who carefully guarded these special lambs were careful to protect them from the dangers posed by thieves and wild animals. These sheep had a special purpose and their purpose made the work of these shepherds a special job. How beautiful is the thought that the shepherds who hurried off to Bethlehem after receiving the angel’s message and hearing the heavenly host sing the praises of God might very well have been the shepherds who were assigned to carefully guard the sacrificial lambs that died to help people understand the One who was to come and make the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind? These men, no doubt, had been told many times about the value and importance of these unblemished lambs. And they probably knew more about what these lambs represented than most of the others who went to temple worship. It is no wonder that they “hurried” to see the One who was the true Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world!</p><p>Evening Prayer Emphasis:</p><p> Use your every opportunity to worship the Lamb of God tonight. Pray to him. Give to him. Bow before him. Confess your sins to him. Love and adore him. Thank him for that he is, all that he does, and all that he says. Behold the Lamb tonight and know that he died on the cross in your place.</p><p>Page 45</p>
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