<p>Planning and evaluation outline- 2016-2017 £136400</p><p>Pupil Premium Amount Is this a new or Brief summary of the intervention or Specific How will this Actual impact: What used for: allocated to the continued action, including details of year groups and intende activity be did the action or intervention / activity/cost pupils involved, and the timescale d monitored, when activity actually action centre? outcom and by whom? How achieve? Be specific: (£) es: how will success be ‘As a result of this will this evidenced? action…’ interve If you plan to repeat ntion or this activity, what action would you change improve to improve it next achieve time? ment for pupils eligible for the Pupil Premiu m? What will it achieve if success ful? Same day Cost of New Autumn 2016 All year groups to implement Same day This Teachers will identify intervention intervention – interventions to close the gap for PP pupils interventi need through AFL of cover from 0.5 Education Endowment Foundation (Feedback + 8 on is morning sessions, use Costed at £240 pr teacher and grade months progress ) proven of hinge questions. term per 3 chn – 3 6 TA to make Evidence in bks- x 20 mins per week 8 months Monitored by PP lead (on pupil provision differenc maps) e in 71 KS2 pupils progress (Educatio n Endown ment Fund) Resident Artist £5365 pr yr New Autumn 2016 To broaden and deepen the curriculum for KS2 To PP lead, head teacher, 2 x afternoons disadvantaged pupils children . encourag governors , class 29 weeks at £185 Education Endowment Foundation (+ 2 months e teacher. progress) creativity . Build a sense of achievem ent – foster confiden ce and build self esteem. Speech and £1872 pr year New Autumn 2016 To target S and L needs of PP pupils with SALT To PP lead Language programs . improve intervention (1:1) – Education Endowment Foundation (+ 5 months varied 3 afternoons progress) SALT 6x £8 pr hour needs to enable pupil to fully access curriculu m Early S and L £6000 Yearly To target S and L needs of PP pupils with SALT To EYFS team and Y1 support /Phonics programs . improve team. and early reading Promotion of Reading EYFS varied PP lead EYFS and Y1 Education Endowment Foundation (+ 5 months SALT progress) needs to enable pupil to fully access curriculu m IDL £350 pr year: PP Ongoing To allow personalised reading and spelling/ Proven Monitored online and 45% phonic intervention at home and school. successe benchmarking of £157 Education Endowment Foundation (+ 4 months s of the spelling (SWST) will progress) program also supplement – assessment particular ly around raising spelling attainme nt. Year 1 teacher £32831 pr year 1 year in first Year 1 pupils. Identified a significant need for S The This support will be 2 qualified teachers impact to measure and L and early reading intervention in this year rationale monitored by the vice to ensure S and L impact group. for this principal and adapted and early reading is Education Endowment Foundation (+ 3 months investme to suit needs of the boosted thus progress- more if phonics and early oral nt is that pupils closing EYFS and language considered) reading KS1 gap. and Sand L will be prioritize d for the year group. Disadvantaged £2000+ ongoing To coordinate and manage provision. Train and Clear Performance Pupil fund manager 5 days supply pr support staff and pupils. guidance management for term @£120= Promote the key recommendations from and teachers and SR =£1800 Education Endowment Foundation and our regular School Actions regarding the Disadvantaged Pupil monitori Fund. ng / staff support will result in closing the gap with better effect. Primary writing 45% of all costs : New – spring 2017 This project has proven impact for disadvantaged The gap The project will be project program and all pupils as it builds on the Talk4Writing program. between monitored by external CPD We anticipate that adopting this project will disadvan trainers, English co- Aprox £10000 further support the S and L and early reading/ taged ordinator and staff writing needs of our pupils pupils team. http://www.primarywritingproject.org.uk/schools- and their data/ peers should significan tly reduce (and close) Attendance and (half an hour pr Ongoing This monitoring enables lateness and absences to To Attendance will be late arrival – morning ) be tracked and where needed phone calls made ensure monitored by school monitoring 2 ½ hours@ £8 pr to establish reasons for absence/ late arrival . attendan admin team and hour= £22 pr week ce and tracked by duty TA. x 39 weeks lateness £858 are addresse d and that there is no differenc e between the attendan ce of disadvan taged pupils and their peers. Munch and Crunch £40 staff x Ongoing This provision aims to enable all disadvantaged To target The reading ability of with the Reading 39weeks pupils to read daily with an adult and have a daily children will be tracked bunch £1560 warm breakfast. reading by class teacher weekly Education Endowment Foundation (+ 5 months and book and benchmarked as progress- Reading comprehension) talk for required. disadvan taged pupils My Maths 45% of £299 New –Autumn 2 This online provision enables teachers to target For The gaps in (exVAT) gaps in pupils learning and set homework/ pupils to disadvantaged pupils’ =£134.55 intervention aimed at closing the gap. have understanding of key Education Endowment Foundation (+ 4 months access to objectives will be filled. progress) online maths lessons/ activities aimed at closing the gap and consolida ting understa nding . Supplement Approx. 86 pupils yearly Without supplementing trips many of our For our Reviews of trips will be educational visits (based on Sept educational visits would be simply inaccessible disadvan completed and all (entry to 2016 audit and for our disadvantaged pupils. The valuable taged educational visits will museums/ projection of 10 learning opportunities created by out-of the pupils to feed into the school residential stays) rec pupils) @ £50 classroom experiences is vital for our be able curriculum. Thus pupils per year disadvantaged pupils. to access will be able to have an £4300 learning enriched learning outside experience. of the classroo m thus enriching and enhancin g their in school curriculu m. Grade 6 TA 4 days per week Yearly cost In class support to meet Same day intervention This in The gaps identified Aprox £14000 requirements and to deliver bespoke reading class between interventions . support/ disadvantaged pupils class progress and their cover will peers will close. both deliver and cover delivery of same day interventi on. 0.5 Teacher £16580 Yearly cost A 0.5 teacher will teach classes to enable class This Teachers will identify teachers to deliver SDI. interventi need through AFL of Education Endowment Foundation (Feedback + 8 on is morning sessions, use months progress) proven of hinge questions. to make Evidence in bks- 8 months Monitored by PP lead differenc e in progress (Educatio n Endown ment Fund) Pupil voice/ teacher 5 classes @ 1 day Yearly cost Year2 –year6 each ½ term: Pupil Teachers will have 1:1 pupil conferencing per teacher per 1:1 conferencing with disadvantaged pupils, voice mentoring sessions 1:1 per half term half term (from review books, look at targets, respond to pupils and with disadvantaged Autumn 2nd half). learning needs. mentorin pupils and will set 25 days supply ½ day- 1:1 sessions ½ day additional PPA to g actions together. @£120 plan provision. another £3000 Promote meta-cognition and self regulation. proven Education Endowment Foundation (+ 8 months interventi progress) on to close the gap between disadvan taged pupils and their peers. Engaging families £5000 to purchase Yearly cost Our vision is to continue to improve our positive Disadvan Disadvantaged pupils and working essential items to working relationships with our families. We hope taged will be supported at together carry out family to support parents , support their children’s pupils home in their learning events. learning and well-being through well organised and their through the positive community events and information sharing families links with school staff. meetings. will have Possible Toy bank . support Education Endowment Foundation (+ 3 months with progress) their learning and gain confiden ce in their communi cations with teaching team. Support the £4570 (approx.) Yearly cost Regular attendance at meetings for vulnerable The These pupils will feel wellbeing of pupils To cover supply disadvantaged pupils to ensure their; safety, support more able to access linking with outside costs health and wellbeing. from their education through agencies Education Endowment Foundation (+ 4 months meetings the support in place. progress ) will improve the well being and health of our vulnerabl e disadvan taged pupils Nurture and 3x£8 per hour (2 Yearly ongoing Playtime support (PR) – sport based intervention/ Our Our disadvantaged Playtime support grade 4 TAs and 1 cost games ,turn taking and team building. disadvan pupils will return from midday assistant ) taged playtimes, ready to x 5 days per week Nurture: specialist provision CA to support pupils’ learn thus enabling x 39 weeks per emotional wellbeing emotiona them to close gaps in year Education Endowment Foundation (+ 4 months l their learning. £4680 progress) wellbeing will be supporte d during playtime s to enable them to maintain a ‘ready to learn’ dispositio n . Behaviour System £192.40(est) Yearly ongoing Marlfields Primary Academy has a well- All All disadvantaged established behaviour management system disadvan pupils will be able to –‘Good to Be Green’. Paper/ Stationary linked to taged manage their this costed system. pupils behaviour by adhering Education Endowment Foundation (+ 4 months will be to the school’s progress) able to behaviour manage management system. their behaviou r by adhering to the school’s behaviou r manage ment system. Promotion of £1000 Yearly ongoing This cost enables parent’s with pupils entitled to Gap Gap closes for all pupils disadvantaged fund cost the funding to complete forms and access the closes entitled. and admin tasks extra support. for all linked to provision pupils entitled. Purchase of £15000 Yearly Disadvantaged funding will be used to purchase Children Children will have equipment to a range of equipment / learning materials to have quality equipment/ enhance the support and enrich the curriculum . quality books to enable them learning experience Possible purchases: reading books/ IT equipment materials to close the gap. of disadvantaged Education Endowment Foundation (+ 5 months to work pupils progress average – link funding to reading with thus comprehension or digital learning) enriching their curriculu m ,experien ces and closing the gap. Implementation of £5500 From Spring term Pupils will have access to a wide range of A range A range of enrichment curriculum 2017 enrichment opportunities between 3pm and 4pm. of opportunities to enrichment (3pm- Education Endowment Foundation (+ 2 months enrichme enhance disadvantaged 4pm) progress- although can be +10 months) nt pupils learning opportun experience . ities to enhance disadvan taged pupils learning experien ce . </p>
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