Y375 War and International Conflict (Section 5234)

Y375 War and International Conflict (Section 5234)

<p> Y377 – Globalization (Section 22985)</p><p>Dr. Scott Pegg Office: CA 503K Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-10:00 AM and 3:00-4:00 PM, or by prior appointment. Phone: (317) 278-5749 E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Objectives:</p><p>This course is designed to introduce you to globalization. Amongst other topics, we examine the cultural, economic, environmental, political and technological dimensions of globalization. No prior knowledge is assumed. There are no course prerequisites, but Y219 “Introduction to International Relations” is helpful.</p><p>Course readings: </p><p>There are three required books for this course. They are:</p><p>1) Jagdish Bhagwati, In Defense of Globalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. 2) Robin Broad, ed., Global Backlash: Citizen Initiatives for a Just World Economy. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002. 3) David Held and Anthony McGrew, eds., The Global Transformations Reader: An Introduction to the Globalization Debate, 2nd edition. Cambridge: Polity, 2003.</p><p>All of these books are available in the university bookstore. They can also be ordered from Amazon.com or from the publishers directly. In addition to these three books, there are also a number of additional readings which will be made available to registered students in the course through the University Library Course Reserves System at the IUPUI library. To access these readings, you can either click on the course reserves link from the university library’s main home page or visit http://reserves.ulib.iupui.edu directly. The reserve readings will come up as weblinks or PDF files which you can read on the screen, print out or save. Please note that the electronic reserve readings are as important as the other course readings and they will be covered on the exams.</p><p>Course grading:</p><p>15% of your overall grade is based on attendance and participation 10% of your overall grade is based on a short letter writing assignment 25% of your overall grade is based on the written assignment 25% of your overall grade is based on the first midterm exam 25% of your overall grade is based on the second midterm exam 2</p><p>There are no extra credit assignments available in this course.</p><p>Your final course grade will solely be based on these five components (attendance and participation, short letter writing assignment, written assignment, two midterm exams). Students are entitled to an explanation of their grades. If you wish to challenge any of my grades, you must write me a memo explaining why. I will not consider changing any grades without a written request to do so. The grading scale that will be used in this course is as follows:</p><p>97-100=A+ 93-96=A 90-92=A- 87-89=B+ 83-86=B 80-82=B- 77-79=C+ 73-76=C 70-72=C- 67-69=D+ 63-66=D 60-62=D- 0-59=F</p><p>Statement on incomplete (I) grades:</p><p>As a general rule, I do not give grades of I or incomplete. In extremely unusual circumstances, I will do so but only if you have completed all graded components except one. In other words, you can have a paper or an exam missing, but if you have a paper and an exam missing, you cannot receive a grade of I or incomplete. Anyone who seeks a grade of I in this course should anticipate having to make the missing work up within one calendar month of the date of the final exam. After one month, I will assign you a grade of zero on that assignment or exam and turn in a change of grade form to reflect that.</p><p>Statement on plagiarism and academic integrity:</p><p>Plagiarism is defined by IUPUI as “the use of the work of others without properly crediting the actual source of the ideas, words, sentences, paragraphs, entire articles, music or pictures.” Buying papers written by someone other than yourself also constitutes plagiarism. I support and intend to abide by the university’s position that “Plagiarism, a form of cheating, is a serious offense and will be severely punished.” Plagiarism can easily be avoided by properly citing all references used in your papers. If you have any questions, please see me during office hours or before or after class to talk about this. Any plagiarism will be penalized. Papers which contain substantial plagiarized sections will automatically receive an F in this course and may lead to disciplinary action by the university. For more information, 3 please see the IUPUI Student Code of Conduct which is available at http://www.life.iupui.edu/help/code.asp. </p><p>Students with disabilities or special needs:</p><p>Students with disabilities or special needs are encouraged to make use of the services provided by Adaptive Educational Services (AES). Students may get in contact with AES by visiting their office in the basement of Cavanaugh Hall, calling 274-3241, e-mailing [email protected] or visiting their website at http://www.life.iupui.edu/aes/index.asp. </p><p>Student Advocate Office:</p><p>If you have questions or problems and require assistance, please visit the Student Advocate Office in UC 002. They can also be contacted via 278-7594 or [email protected]. Their website is http://www.life.iupui.edu/advocate/. </p><p>Exams, exam dates and make-up exams:</p><p>The midterm exams will cover the course readings, documentary films and in-class lectures and discussions. Some of the lectures might follow the readings closely. Others will have a more indirect connection to the readings. Students are responsible for all material covered in the course whether it comes from the readings or from our classroom sessions. The second midterm exam is not designed to be cumulative and it will be given during the university’s final examination period. While we may occasionally diverge from some of the lecture and class discussion topics listed on the syllabus, the exam dates listed below are permanently fixed and will not be changed. Please do not ask me to reschedule the exams. Make-up exams will only be given to students with a valid excuse who give me prior notification that they will not be at the regularly-scheduled exam. Unless you are literally on your death bed, you can either call my office and leave a voicemail message or you can send me an e-mail ahead of time. Make-up exams will not necessarily be in the same format as the regular exam and they may be harder than the regular exam.</p><p>Attendance and participation:</p><p>Attendance will be taken regularly. You do not have to e-mail me every time you miss class. I understand that students do get sick and occasionally miss class for important reasons. As such, one or two absences will not be penalized. Additional absences will result in a proportional lowering of your grade in this area. Students who participate in class actively can expect to score higher on this component of their grade than students who merely sit in their chairs passively. Active participation can include such things as asking questions about the readings, asking questions about the lecture, making connections between different readings in the course, making connections between the course material and current events, answering questions posed by the professor, answering questions posed by another student, etc. The quality of your participation is more important than the quantity of your participation. Students who ask questions which are directly pertinent to our class discussions 4 or readings or synthesize the different readings together will score better than students whose comments or questions are only of peripheral relevance to our class material.</p><p>Short letter writing assignment:</p><p>The short letter writing assignment is due at the beginning (10:30 AM) of class on Tuesday, February 13th. It must be double-spaced typed in Times New Roman 12 point font with 1 inch margins all around. In completing this assignment, you should at all times avoid plagiarism. See the above statement on plagiarism and academic integrity for more on this. This assignment is designed to introduce you to some of the non-governmental organizations and social movements actively working on issues of global concern. You need to visit the websites of one or more of the following ten organizations: 1) Amnesty International (www.amnestyusa.org); 2) The Clean Clothes Campaign (www.cleanclothes.org); 3) Environmental Defense (www.environmentaldefense.org); 4) Friends of the Earth (www.foe.org); 5) Global Exchange (www.globalexchange.org); 6) Human Rights Watch (www.hrw.org); 7) Jubilee USA (www.jubileeusa.org); 8) The One Campaign (www.one.org); 9) Oxfam America (www.oxfamamerica.org); 10) Results (www.results.org). The short letter writing assignment asks you to join one of these organization’s campaigns and write a letter in support of one of their current goals. These campaigns can be found on their websites, usually through some sort of “what you can do,” “how you can help,” “campaigns” or “advocacy” link. Your letter should be between 1-3 pages long and it should not be directly copied or plagiarized from a sample letter on one of these group’s websites. I will check this. The letter should be expressed in your own words and it should demonstrate some evidence of having researched the topic (through material on these group’s websites and/or outside material). You should a) actually mail the letter to its intended recipient (political leader, corporate leader, etc.); and b) turn in two things to me – a double spaced copy of the letter in Times New Roman 12 point type with 1 inch margins all around and a short (1-2 pages) covering note indicating why you selected this topic, what research you did and what, if any, insights this assignment generated for you in terms of global politics. A note on politics and different political viewpoints: This assignment asks you to engage with the work of one of these 10 organizations as a window into the kinds of global campaigns and politics that NGOs and social movements engage in. Many of you will be able to find a campaign that you personally support and believe in. Some of you, however, might disagree with the goals and objectives that some of these organizations are advocating. Starbucks, with support from The Economist, for example has been sharply critical of Oxfam America’s campaign against it in terms of legal trademarks for Ethiopian coffee beans. If you cannot find a campaign that you can support, you can write a letter to a corporate or political leader actively campaigning against one of these organization’s goals. If you do this, you should do the same two things listed in the above paragraph. In either case, the assignment will be graded on the basis of modified versions of the same factors listed below for how your written assignment will be graded.</p><p>Written assignment: 5</p><p>The written assignment is due at the beginning (10:30 AM) of class on Thursday, April 5th. It must be double-space typed in Times New Roman 12 point font with 1 inch margins all around. The paper must be a minimum of 6 pages in length and it should not be more than 12 pages in length. In writing your paper, you should at all times avoid plagiarism. See the above statement on plagiarism and academic integrity for more on this. The written assignment for this course is to write a review article or literature review on three-five different academic sources that address the same topic, ideally from different or contrasting perspectives. Before getting into the substance of the paper, there are two broad eligibility criteria that you must keep in mind in doing this assignment. First, what counts as an acceptable subject for this paper? Broadly speaking, any topic that falls under the general rubric of globalization is acceptable. Broad topics covered on your syllabus include such things as globalization and democracy, the economy, the environment, culture and trade. You could select a broad topic like this or a more specific topic from within one of these categories like debt relief, global climate change, or liberalizing trade in agriculture. There are also a number of other topics not specifically covered on this syllabus like corruption, human rights, religious fundamentalism and global public health that might be of interest to you. Second, what counts as an eligible academic source? There are three basic things that are acceptable here: 1) academic journal articles (American Political Science Review, Foreign Affairs, International Security, Third World Quarterly, World Politics, etc.); 2) chapters from academic edited volumes; 3) a single author academic book or a chapter from it. There are other potential sources that might be eligible here like reports from international organizations such as the World Bank or the UN; US government reports; or reports from non- governmental organizations such as Human Rights Watch or Oxfam. It is, however, your responsibility to check with me on whether or not a given source is acceptable for this paper. All of your sources must be at least 10 pages in length. There are six main categories of sources that are not acceptable here. They are: 1) material on the syllabus for this course; 2) any form of media sources or journalism; 3) Internet websites; 4) textbooks used in other courses taught at IUPUI (Karen Mingst, Essentials of International Relations; John McCormick, Comparative Politics in Transition, etc.); 5) extremely broad or general history books (United States History; A History of the Modern World, etc.); and 6) Wikipedia. You can certainly consult these kinds of sources, but they do not count toward the requirement of between three-five academic sources. Note: a World Bank report or an academic journal article you download from the Internet is perfectly fine. A speech that somebody gave which is posted on a website, a blog, a media source or a short summary of an issue from a website is not. The substantive focus of this assignment is to get you to think comparatively and critically about different arguments or views on the same topic and force you to engage with a diversity of opinion in the given area. In writing your paper, you should briefly summarize each of the sources to demonstrate that you have read and understood their arguments. In the analysis and evaluation part of the paper, you should indicate how the different authors approach the problem, how their interpretations of it compare and contrast, how significant a challenge or issue they see it as being, what variables they see as causing or affecting it, what evidence they offer to support their arguments, and what, if any, solutions they offer for solving it. Obviously, it might not be possible to cover all of these topics in any given paper, but these are some of the kinds of questions you should keep in mind when reading these 6 sources. In the conclusion of your paper, you should indicate which argument(s) you found most and least convincing and explain why. Your written assignment will be graded on the basis of the following factors: a) following directions – papers that conform to the above specifications in terms of due date, word length, margins, typestyle, appropriate topics, etc. will score better than those which do not. See below for my late paper policy. b) quantity and quality of sources consulted – papers with between three- five eligible academic sources will score much better than papers without them. If you are not sure whether or not a source counts as academic, ask ahead of time. Papers without at least three eligible academic sources will not score higher than 65% on this assignment and may fail. c) clarity of argument and expression – papers that clearly and succinctly express themselves will score better than papers which do not. d) conciseness and brevity – avoid unnecessary repetition. e) structure – papers which are well-structured will score better than papers which are poorly organized and jump around between different unconnected points. f) ability to identify important points or concepts – as you have to read 3-5 different sources and you only have at most 12 pages to work with, you must carefully distill what is essential to each author’s argument from what is secondary or peripheral. You must also identify key points of similarity and difference between the different sources. Papers which fail to identify important points or concepts will not score as well as papers which do. g) depth, specificity, and sophistication of analysis and argument – papers which offer specific, original, innovative, complex and/or incisive analysis and argumentation will score better than papers which do not. h) quality of presentation – papers that are proofread, spell-checked and well-written will score better than papers which are not.</p><p>Late papers:</p><p>The short letter writing assignment is due at the beginning of class (10:30 AM) on Tuesday, February 13th. The written assignment is due at the beginning of class (10:30 AM) on Thursday, April 5th. Papers turned in after 10:30 but on the same day the assignment is due will have 5 points deducted from them. You will lose an additional 5 points for each 24 hour calendar period the paper is late. No papers will be accepted more than 2 weeks late.</p><p>Other Important Dates During the Semester</p><p>January 15 100% refund period ends January 20 (noon) 75% refund period ends January 27 (noon) 50% refund period ends February 3 (noon) 25% refund period ends March 2 Last day to withdraw with automatic grade of W March 30 Last day to withdraw</p><p>Class schedule and required readings: 7</p><p>This course meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30-11:45 AM in room CA 227. Course readings should be done before the class they are listed for as we will discuss them in class that day. GB = Global Backlash GTR = The Global Transformations Reader, 2nd edition</p><p>Tues. 1/9 – 1st day of class, no required readings.</p><p>Thurs. 1/11 – Introduction to Globalization George Modelski, “Globalization,” GTR # 1, pp. 55-59. Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr., “Globalization: What’s New? What’s Not? (And So What?),” GTR # 4, pp. 75-83.</p><p>Tues. 1/16 – Globalization and the Economy, part I Jacques B. Gélinas, “The Pillars of the System,” pp. 106-111 of GB. Robin Broad and John Cavanaugh, “The Death of the Washington Consensus?” pp. 56-59 of GB. Peter Dicken, “A New Geo-economy,” GTR # 26, pp. 303-310. Manuel Castells, “Global Informational Capitalism,” GTR # 27, pp. 311-334.</p><p>Thurs. 1/18 – Globalization and the Economy, part II Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson, “The Limits to Economic Globalization,” GTR # 28, pp. 335-348. Robert Gilpin, “The Nation-State in the Global Economy,” GTR # 29, pp. 349-358.</p><p>Tues. 1/23 – Globalization and Trade, part I Bhagwati, Chapter 5, “Poverty: Enhanced or Diminished?” Gary Burtless, Robert Z. Lawrence, Robert E. Litan, and Robert J. Shapiro, “Globaphobia: Confronting Fears About Open Trade,” pp. 23-25 of GB. Kofi Annan, “Address to WTO Ministerial Meeting,” pp. 26-28 of GB. Patrick J. Buchanan, “Free Trade Is Not Free,” pp. 34-37 of GB. Martin Khor, “How the South Is Getting a Raw Deal at the WTO,” pp. 154-157 of GB.</p><p>Thurs. 1/25 – Globalization and Trade, part II Documentary film: “The Global Trade Debate.” No required readings.</p><p>Tues. 1/30 – Globalization and Finance, part I Bhagwati, Chapter 13, “The Perils of Gung-ho International Financial Capitalism.” Allan H. Meltzer, “Report of the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission,” pp. 29-33 of GB. Jubilee South, “South-South Summit Declaration: Towards a Debt-Free Millennium,” pp. 275-281 of GB. Robin Round, “Controlling Casino Capitalism,” pp. 282-286 of GB.</p><p>Thurs. 2/1 – Globalization and Finance, part II Documentary film: Wide Angle, “The Empty ATM.” No required readings. 8</p><p>Tues. 2/6 – Globalization and Inequality United Nations Development Program, “Patterns of Global Inequality,” GTR # 35, pp. 423-429. Manuel Castells, “The Rise of the Fourth World,” GTR # 36, pp. 430-439. Robert Wade and Martin Wolf, “Are Global Poverty and Inequality Getting Worse?,” GTR # 37, pp. 440-446. David Dollar and Aart Kraay, “Spreading the Wealth,” GTR # 38, pp. 447-454. Thomas W. Pogge, “Priorities of Global Justice,” GTR # 47, pp. 548-558.</p><p>Thurs. 2/8 – Globalization and Labor Bhagwati, Chapter 6, “Child Labor: Increased or Reduced?” Bhagwati, Chapter 10, “Wages and Labor at Stake?” International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, “Building Workers’ Human Rights into the Global Trading System,” pp. 150-153 of GB. Rohini Hensman, “How To Support the Rights of Women Workers in the Context of Trade Liberalization in India,” pp. 158-164 of GB.</p><p>Tues. 2/13 – Globalization and Offshore Outsourcing, part I Kate Bronfenbrenner and Stephanie Luce, “Offshoring,” Multinational Monitor, Vol. 25 # 12 (December 2004): 26-29, available from university library course reserves. Daniel Drezner, “The Outsourcing Bogeyman,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 83 # 3 (May/June 2004): 22-34, available from university library course reserves. Alan S. Blinder, “Offshoring: The Next Industrial Revolution?” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 85 # 2 (March/April 2006): 113-128, available from university library course reserves. Short letter writing assignment due at the beginning of class (10:30 AM)</p><p>Thurs. 2/15 – Globalization and Offshore Outsourcing, part II Documentary film: Wide Angle, “1-800-India.” No required readings.</p><p>Tues. 2/20 – Globalization and Transnational Corporations United States Senator Frank Church, “Multinational Corporations and United States Foreign Policy,” pp. 95-98 of GB. Bhagwati, Chapter 13, “Corporations: Predatory or Beneficial?”</p><p>Thurs. 2/22 – Corporations, Consumers and Social Responsibility Academic Consortium on International Trade, “Letter to University Presidents Regarding Anti-Sweatshop Campaigns on American Campuses,” pp. 222-223 of GB. Scholars Against Sweatshop Labor, “Statement to College and University Presidents,” pp. 224-227 of GB. Rose Benz Ericson, “The Conscious Consumer: Promoting Economic Justice through Fair Trade,” pp. 188-191 of GB. Angela Hale, “What Hope for ‘Ethical’ Trade in the Globalized Garment Industry?” pp. 192-196 of GB. Levi Strauss & Co., “Business Partner Terms of Engagement and Guidelines for Country Selection,” pp. 197-198 of GB. 9</p><p>Michael E. Conroy, “Can Advocacy-Led Certification Systems Transform Global Corporate Practices?” pp. 210-215 of GB.</p><p>Tues. 2/27 – The Coffee Crisis: A Case Study of Globalization, NGOs and Fair Trade Charis Gresser and Sophia Tickell, Mugged: Poverty in Your Coffee Cup. Washington, DC: Oxfam International, 2002. Available for downloading at www.oxfamamerica.org/pdfs/mugged_coffee-report.pdf or from university library course reserves.</p><p>Thurs. 3/1 – A Case Study of Globalization in Jamaica Documentary film: “Life and Debt.” No required readings.</p><p>Tues. 3/6 – Review session for midterm examination Finish the film “Life and Debt.” Discussion on the film. Opportunity to ask questions about the exam, no required readings.</p><p>Thurs. 3/8 – Midterm Examination</p><p>Tues. 3/13 and Thurs. 3/15 – Spring break, no class.</p><p>Tues. 3/20 – Globalization and Challenges to Sovereignty Robert O. Keohane, “Sovereignty in International Society,” GTR # 13, pp. 147-161. David Held, “The Changing Structure of International Law: Sovereignty Transformed?” GTR # 14, pp. 162-176. Jessica T. Mathews, “Power Shift,” GTR # 17, pp. 204-212.</p><p>Thurs. 3/22 – Will the Sovereign State Survive Globalization? Susan Strange, “The Declining Authority of States,” GTR # 11, pp. 127-138. Michael Mann, “Has Globalization Ended the Rise and Rise of the Nation-State?” GTR # 12, pp. 135-146. Anne-Marie Slaughter, “Governing the Global Economy Through Government Networks,” GTR # 16, pp. 189-203.</p><p>Tues. 3/27 – Globalization and Democracy Bhagwati, Chapter 8, “Democracy at Bay?” Anthony McGrew, “Models of Transnational Democracy,” GTR # 43, pp. 500-513. Robert A. Dahl, “Can International Organizations Be Democratic? A Skeptic’s View,” GTR # 45, pp. 530-541.</p><p>Thurs. 3/29 – Global Governance James N. Rosenau, “Governance in a New Global Order,” GTR # 19, pp. 223-233. Bhagwati, Chapter 16, “Coping with Downsides.” Bhagwati, Chapter 18, “Managing Transitions: Optimal, Not Maximal, Speed.”</p><p>Tues. 4/3 – Globalization and Security, part I 10</p><p>Victor D. Cha, “Globalization and the Study of International Security,” Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 37 # 3 (May 2000): 391-403, available from university library course reserves. Moisés Naim, “The Five Wars of Globalization,” Foreign Policy, January/February 2003, pp. 29-37, available from university library course reserves.</p><p>Thurs. 4/5 – Globalization and Security, part II Michael Mousseau, “Market Civilization and Its Clash with Terror,” International Security, Vol. 27 # 3 (Winter 2002/2003): 5-29, available from university library course reserves. Stanley Hoffman, “Clash of Globalizations,” GTR # 8, pp. 106-111. Written assignment due at the beginning of class (10:30 AM).</p><p>Tues. 4/10 – Globalization, Migration and Population Flows Documentary film: Wide Angle, “Dying To Leave.” Bhagwati, Chapter 14, “International Flows of Humanity.”</p><p>Thurs. 4/12 – Globalization and Communications John B. Thompson, “The Globalization of Communication,” GTR # 21, pp. 246-259. Robert W. McChesney, “The New Global Media,” GTR # 22, pp. 260-268.</p><p>Tues. 4/17 – Globalization and Culture Kevin Robins, “Encountering Globalization,” GTR # 20, pp. 239-245. Anthony D. Smith, “Towards a Global Culture?,” GTR # 24, pp. 278-285. Bhagwati, Chapter 9, “Culture Imperiled or Enriched?”</p><p>Thurs. 4/19 – Globalization and the Environment Bhagwati, Chapter 11, “Environment in Peril?” Alan Thein Durning, “How Much Is ‘Enough’?” pp. 287-291 of GB.</p><p>Tues. 4/24 – The Backlash against Globalization Zahara Heckscher, “Long Before Seattle: Historical Resistance to Economic Globalization,” pp. 86-91 of GB. Wada Taw-il, “We Are to Be Sacrificed: Indigenous Peoples and Dams,” pp. 103-105 of GB. Subcomandante Marcos, “Our Word Is Our Weapon,” pp. 258-261 of GB. Bhagwati, Chapter 1, “Anti-Globalization: Why?” Chris Brown, “A World Gone Wrong?,” GTR # 49, pp. 564-576.</p><p>Thurs. 4/26 – Alternative Futures or Limits to Globalization International Forum on Globalization, “Alternatives to Economic Globalization,” pp. 42-46 of GB. David Held, “Cosmopolitanism: Taming Globalization,” GTR # 44, pp. 514-529. Mark Weisbrot, “Globalism on the Ropes,” pp. 38-41 of GB. Jerry Useem, “Globalization: Can Governments, Companies, and Yes, the Protesters Ever Learn To Get Along?” pp. 305-308 of GB. 11</p><p>The 2nd Midterm Examination will be held during the university’s regularly scheduled final exam period for this course: Tuesday, May 1st from 8:00-10:00 AM. Please note the much earlier starting time than our regular class.</p>

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