<p>SET Portfolio</p><p>Research Publications 2006</p><p>SET Portfolio Office 2</p><p>Aerospace, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering 2</p><p>Applied Sciences 11</p><p>Civil, Environmental & Chemical Engineering 19</p><p>Computer Science & Information Technology 24</p><p>Electrical & Computer Engineering 30</p><p>Health Sciences 40</p><p>Mathematical & Geospatial Sciences 45</p><p>Medical Sciences 51</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 1 of 53 SET Portfolio Office</p><p>Refereed Journal Articles Abdo, D., Seager, J., Harvey, E, McDonald, J, Kendrick, G, and Shortis, M, (2006), ‘Efficiently measuring complex sessile epibenthic organisms using a novel photogrammetric technique’, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 339 (1), pp. 120-133.</p><p>Refereed Conference Proceedings Berry, M, Shortis, M, McGovern, J & Farrell, M (2006), 'Two case studies on the influence of mobile computing on student learning behaviour', Creativity, Challenges, Change: Partnerships in Engineering Education, G Rowe (ed.), 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association of Engineering.</p><p>Shortis, M, Bellman, C, Robson, S, Johnston, G & Johnson, G (2006), 'Stability of zoom and fixed lenses used with digital SLR cameras', Proceedings of ISPRS Commission V Symposium, Vol. XXXVI, G Maas & D Schneider (ed.), Image Engineering and Vision Metrology, 25-27 September 2006.</p><p>School of Aerospace, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering</p><p>Book Chapters Alam, F, Subic, A & Watkins, S (2006), 'A study of aerodynamic drag and thermal efficiency of a series of bicycle helmets’, in The Engineering of Sport 6: Developments for Sports. Springer Science, New York, pp. 127–131.</p><p>Alam, F, We, P, Subic, A & Watkins, S (2006), 'A comparison of aerodynamic drag of a rugby ball using EFD and CFD’, in The Engineering of Sport 6: Developments for Disciplines. Springer Science, New York, pp. 145–150.</p><p>Mouritz, A, Feih, S, Mathys, Z & Gibson, A (2006), 'Mechanical property degradation of naval composite materials in fire’, in Modeling of Naval Composite Structures in Fire. Acclaim Printing, Melbourne, pp. 239–287.</p><p>Mouritz, A & Gibson, A (2006), 'Fire reaction properties of composites’, in Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 59–101.</p><p>Mouritz, A & Gibson, A (2006), 'Fire safety regulations’, in Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 313–323.</p><p>Mouritz, A & Gibson, A (2006), 'Fire tests for composites’, in Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 325–358.</p><p>Mouritz, A & Gibson, A (2006), 'Flame retardant composites’, in Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 237–286.</p><p>Mouritz, A & Gibson, A (2006), 'Health hazards of composites in fire’, in Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 359–384.</p><p>Mouritz, A & Gibson, A (2006), 'Introduction’, in Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 1–18.</p><p>Mouritz, A & Gibson, A (2006), 'Modeling of naval composite structures’, in Modeling of Naval Composite Structures in Fire. Acclaim Printing, Melbourne.</p><p>Mouritz, A & Gibson, A (2006), 'Modelling the thermal response of composites in fire’, in Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 133–161.</p><p>Mouritz, A & Gibson, A (2006), 'Structural properties of composites in Fire’, in Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 163–213.</p><p>Mouritz, A & Gibson, A (2006), 'Thermal decomposition of composites in fire’, in Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 19–58.</p><p>Mouritz, A, Gibson, A & Gardiner, C (2006), 'Post-fire properties of composites’, in Fire Properties of Polymer Composite Materials. Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 215–236.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 2 of 53 Savage, N & Subic, A (2006), 'Relating grip characteristics to the dynamic response of tennis racquets’, in The Engineering of Sport 6, Volume 2. Springer, New York, pp. 155–160.</p><p>Shen, H & Subic, A (2006), 'Smart design for assembly using the simulated annealing approach’, in Intelligent Production Machines and Systems. Elsevier, Great Britain, pp. 419–424.</p><p>Subic, A (2006), 'Synopsis of current developments: Modelling systems’, in The Engineering of Sport 6, Volume 2. Springer, New York, pp. 153–154.</p><p>Subic, A & Paterson, N (2006), 'Life cycle assessment and evaluation of environmental impact of sports equipment’, in The Engineering of Sport 6, Volume 3. Springer, New York, pp. 41–46.</p><p>Tempia, A & Pagliarella, R (2006), 'A preliminary investigation into racing motorcycle aerodynamics’, in The Engineering of Sport 6: Developments for Disciplines. Springer, New York, pp. 139–144.</p><p>Tempia, A, Subic, A & Pagliarella, R (2006), 'Dynamic characteristics of modern mountain bikes rear linkages’, in The Engineering of Sport 6: Developments for Sports. Springer, New York, pp. 91–96.</p><p>Refereed Journal Articles Abanteriba, S (2006), 'Development of strategic international links to promote undergraduate vocational training and postgraduate research programmes’, European Journal of Engineering Education, 31 (3), pp. 283–301.</p><p>Abu-Hijleh, B, Tu, J & Subic, A (2006), 'Effect of a rotor's aspect ratio and casing inlet/outlet geometry on the efficiency of a rotor-casing assembly’, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 40 (4), pp. 349–370.</p><p>Andrews, J (2006), 'Broadband technologies in Australia 1993–98: Developing the social shaping of technology approach 1’, Prometheus, 24 (2), pp. 169–188.</p><p>Chang, P, Mouritz, A & Cox, B (2006), 'Properties and failure mechanisms of pinned composite lap joints in monotonic and cyclic tension’, Composites Science and Technology, 66 (13), pp. 2163–2176.</p><p>Chang, P, Mouritz, A & Cox, B (2006), 'Properties and failure mechanisms of z-pinned laminates in monotonic and cyclic tension’, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 37, pp. 1501–1513.</p><p>Cheung, S, Lo, S, Yeoh, G & Yeun, R (2006), 'The influence of gaps of fire-resisting doors on the smoke spread in a building fire’, Fire Safety Journal, 41, pp. 539–546.</p><p>Choi, L, Tu, J, Li, H & Thien, F (2006), 'Flow and particle deposition pattern in a realistic human double bifurcation airway model’, Inhalation Toxicology, 19 (1), pp. 117–131.</p><p>Dharmawan, F, Simpson, G, Herzberg, I & John, S (2006), 'Mixed mode fracture toughness of GFRP composites’, Composite Structures, 75 (1-4), pp. 328–338.</p><p>Dilla, E, Tu, J & Yeoh, G (2006), 'Flow instability prediction in low-pressure subcooled boiling flows using CFD codes’, ANZIAM Journal, 46, pp. 1336–1352.</p><p>Dilla, E, Tu, J & Yeoh, G (2006), 'Improvement of low-pressure subcooled boiling models in RELAP/MOD3.2 code for predicting flow instability’, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 152, pp. 118–124.</p><p>Ding, S, Yuan, R, Li, Z & Wang, K (2006), 'CNC electrical discharge rough machining of turbine blades’, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 220 (7), pp. 1027–1034.</p><p>Do, D, John, S & Herzberg, I (2006), '3D deformation models for the automated manufacture of composite components’, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 37, pp. 1377–1389.</p><p>Gibson, A, Wu, Y, Evans, J & Mouritz, A (2006), 'Laminate theory analysis of composites under load in fire’, Journal of Composite Materials, 40 (4), pp. 639–658.</p><p>Illie, K & Subic, A (2006), 'Parametric modelling of helical rotors for efficient design of twin-screw superchargers’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers; Part C–Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 221, pp. 1–6.</p><p>Inthavong, K, Tian, Z, Li, H, Tu, J, Yang, W, Xue, C & Li, C (2006), 'A numerical study of spray particle deposition in a human nasal cavity’, Aerosol Science and Technology, 40, pp. 1034–1045.</p><p>Kesavan, A, Deivasigamani, M, John, S & Herzberg, I (2006), 'Damage detection in t-joint composite structures’, Composite Structures, 75, pp. 313–320. SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 3 of 53 Kousourakis, A, Mouritz, A & Bannister, M (2006), 'Interlaminar properties of polymer laminates containing internal sensor cavities’, Composite Structures, 76 (1-4), pp. 610–618.</p><p>Li, H, Beck, F, Dupouy, O, Herzberg, I, Stoddard, P, Davis, C & Mouritz, A (2006), 'Strain-based health assessment of bonded composite repairs’, Composite Structures, 76, pp. 234–242.</p><p>Li, H, Callus, P & Herzberg, I (2006), 'Through thickness reinforcement repair of delaminated carbon-epoxy panels’, Composite Structures, 75 (1-4), pp. 539–544.</p><p>Li, H, Dharmawan, F, Herzberg, I & John, S (2006), 'Fracture behaviour of composite maritime t-joints’, Composite Structures, 75 (1-4), pp. 339–350.</p><p>Li, H, Herszberg, I, Davis, C, Mouritz, A & Galea, S (2006), 'Health monitoring of marine composite structural joints using fibre optic sensors’, Composite Structures, 75 (1-4), pp. 321–327.</p><p>Li, H, Herzberg, I & Mouritz, A (2006), 'Automated characterization of structural disbonds by statistical examination of bond-line strain distribution’, Structural Health Monitoring 5 (1), pp. 83–94.</p><p>Mikkor, K, Thomson, R, Herzberg, I, Weller, T & Mouritz, A (2006), 'Finite element modelling of impact on preloaded composite panels’, Composite Structures, 75 (1-4), pp. 501–513.</p><p>Mouritz, A (2006), 'A simple fatigue life model for three-dimensional fibre-polymer composites’, Journal of Composite Materials, 40 (3), pp. 455–469.</p><p>Mouritz, A (2006), 'Compression properties of z-pinned sandwich composites’, Journal of Materials Science, 41 (17), pp. 5771– 5774.</p><p>Mouritz, A, Mathys, Z & Gibson, A (2006), 'Heat release of polymer composites in fire’, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 37 (7), pp. 1040–1054.</p><p>Ryan, S, Schafer, F & Riedel, W (2006), 'Numerical simulation of hypervelocity impact on CFRP/AI HC SO spacecraft structures causing penetration and fragment ejection’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 33 (1-2), pp. 703–712.</p><p>Sgarioto, D, Williams, P & Trivailo, P (2006), 'Remote payload transportation using an aircraft-towed flexible cable system’, ANZIAM Journal, 47, pp. 231–244.</p><p>Thompson, L & Mathers, N (2006), ‘Spiders in space—An innovative structure teaching and learning’, Science in School International Journal, 1 (1), pp. 41–45.</p><p>Tian, Z, Tu, J, Yeoh, G & Yuen, R (2006), 'On the numerical study of contaminant particle concentration in indoor airflow’, Building & Environment, 41, pp. 1504–1514.</p><p>Trivailo, P & Carn, C (2006), 'The inverse determination of aerodynamic loading from structural response data using neural networks’, Journal of Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 14 (4), pp. 379–395.</p><p>Trivailo, P, Dulikravich, G, Sgarioto, D & Gilbert, T (2006), 'Inverse problem of aircraft structural parameter estimation: Application of neural networks’, Journal of Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 14 (4), pp. 351–363.</p><p>Trivailo, P, Gilbert, T, Glessich, E & Sgarioto, D (2006), 'Inverse problem of aircraft structural parameter identification: Application of genetic algorithms compared with artificial neural networks’, Journal of Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 14 (4), pp. 337–350.</p><p>Tsangalis, C, McLachlan, N & Trivailo, P (2006), 'Fluid-structure interaction modelling of propellant combustion’, ANZIAM Journal, 47, pp. 388–403.</p><p>Wang, X, Subic, A & Watson, H (2006), 'Two dimensional lubrication analysis and design optimization of a scotch yoke engine linear bearing’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers; Part C–Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 220 (10), pp. 1575–1587.</p><p>Watkins, S, Milbank, J, Loxton, B & Melbourne, W (2006), 'Atmospheric winds and their implications for microair vehicles’, AAIA Journal, 44 (11), pp. 2591–2600.</p><p>Watmuff, J (2006), 'Effects of weak free stream nonuniformity on boundary layer transition’, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 128 (2), pp. 247–257.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 4 of 53 Whittingham, B, Li, H, Herszberg, I & Chiu, W (2006), 'Disbond detection in adhesively bonded composite structures using vibration signatures’, Composite Structures, 75, pp. 351–363.</p><p>Williams, P (2006), 'Direct numerical computation of periodic orbits and their stability’, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 43, pp. 1143–1146.</p><p>Williams, P (2006), 'Dynamics and control of spinning tethers for rendezvous in elliptic orbits’, Journal of Vibration and Control, 12, pp. 737–771.</p><p>Williams, P (2006), 'In-plane payload capture with an elastic tether’, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 29, pp. 810– 821.</p><p>Williams, P (2006), 'Libration control of tethered satellites in elliptical orbits’, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 43, pp. 476– 479.</p><p>Williams, P (2006), 'Optimal deployment/retrieval of a tethered formation spinning in the orbital plane’, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 43, pp. 638–650.</p><p>Williams, P (2006), 'Simple approach to orbital control using spinning electrodynamic tethers’, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 43, pp. 253–256.</p><p>Williams, P (2006), 'Towing and winch control strategy for underwater vehicles in sheared currents’, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 16, pp. 218–227.</p><p>Williams, P & Trivailo, P (2006), 'Cable-supported sliding payload deployment from a circling fixed-wing aircraft’, Journal of Aircraft, 43, pp. 1567–1570.</p><p>Williams, P & Trivailo, P (2006), 'Performance optimsation for a towed-cable system with attached wind sock’, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 29 (6), pp. 1415–1417.</p><p>Williams, P, Sgarioto, D & Trivailo, P (2006), 'Optimal control of an aircraft-towed flexible cable system’, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 29 (2), pp. 401–410.</p><p>Yeoh, G & Tu, J (2006), 'Numerical modelling of bubbly flows with and without heat and mass transfer’, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 30 (10), pp. 1067–1095.</p><p>Yeoh, G & Tu, J (2006), 'Two-fluid and population balance models for subcooled boiling flow’, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 30 (11), pp. 1370–1391.</p><p>Refereed Conference Proceedings Adams, R, Bil, C & Tomas, J (2006), 'Design improvement by shape change using a linear finite element method', Proceedings of ICAS (2006), I Grant (ed.), 25th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg, Germany.</p><p>Alam, F (2006), 'A study of flexural strength of fluosilicic acid exposed fibre reinforced plastic grating', Proceedings of the Third BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, A Islam et al. (ed.), Third BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Alam, F & Watkins, S (2006), 'Crosswinds effects on high cube freight trains', Proceedings of the Third BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, A Islam (ed.), Third BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Alam, F, Watkins, S, Akbarzadeh, A & Subic, A (2006), 'A study of thermal comfort of a series of bicycle helmets', Proceedings of the Third BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, A Islam et al. (ed.), Third BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Arthasartsri, S & Bil, C (2006), 'Design of a civil unmanned aerial rotorcraft for harbour patrol', Proceedings of the 21st International UAV System Conference, T Richardson & M Hugo (ed.), 21st International UAV System Conference, Bristol, UK.</p><p>Arthasartsri, S & Ren, H (2006), 'Maintenance predicaments of new largest aircraft in current airlines system', Proceedings of 2006 AIAA Region VII Australian Student Paper Conference, H Ren (ed.), 2006 AIAA Region VII Australian Student Paper Conference, Melbourne.</p><p>Atyeo, S, Sinha, A & Young, K (2006), 'A decision support system for helicopter emergency medical service operations', Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), I Grant (ed.), 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg, Germany.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 5 of 53 Atyeo, S, Sinha, A & Young, K (2006), 'Pre-mission design support for HEMS operations', Proceedings of AHS International 62nd Annual Forum, J Young (ed.), AHS International 62nd Annual Forum, Phoenix, Arizona.</p><p>Bayandor, J (2006), 'An application of crashworthiness and progressive impact damage failure analysis of advanced composite structures in space shuttle investigations using explicit finite element and micro/macros constitutive methods', Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, C A Mota Soares et al. (ed.), Third European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal.</p><p>Bayandor, J, Johnson, A, Thomson, R & Joosten, M (2006), 'Impact damage modelling of composite aerospace structures subject to bird-strike', Proceedings of the 25th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, I Grant (ed.), 25th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg, Germany.</p><p>Becker, W, Yu, X, Tu, J & Lee, E (2006), 'Single compartment fire risk analysis using a fuzzy neural network', Proceedings of 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, L Wang et al. (ed.), World Congress on Computation Intelligence, Vancouver, Canada.</p><p>Bil, C & Anand, V (2006), 'Design improvement of aerospace structures using stochastic simulation', Proceedings of the Systems Engineering and Test Evaluation Conference), SETE Committee (ed.), SETE Conference 2006, Melbourne.</p><p>Bil, C, Grant, T, Verdaasdonk, J, Grimmelius, H & Anavatti, S (2006), 'Life cycle assessment on power options for an autonomous underwater vehicle', Proceeding of the Pacific 2006 Congress, J Jeremy (ed.), International Maritime Conference, Sydney, 31 January 2006.</p><p>Cao, J, John, S & Molyneaux, T (2006), 'Optimisation of passive piezo-electric vibration shunt control based on strain energy transfer and on-line frequency detection', Smart Structures and Materials 2006: Smart Sensor Monitoring Systems and Applications, D Inaudi et al. (ed.), Smart Structures and NDE: Smart Structures and Materials. NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, San Diego.</p><p>Cao, J, John, S & Molyneaux, T (2006), 'Piezoelectric-based vibration control in composite structures', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications, H Arabnia (ed.), International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications, Las Vegas.</p><p>Choi, L & Tu, J (2006), 'Flow and particle deposition patterns in a realistic human double bifurcation airway model', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, S Skeen (ed.), Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, Melbourne.</p><p>Ciesielski, V, Wijesinghe, D, Innes, A & John, S (2006), 'Analysis of the superiority of parameter optimisation over genetic programming for a difficult object detection problem', WCCI (2006), S Lucas (ed.), IEEE Congress on Computational Intelligence, Vancouver, Canada.</p><p>Cromarty, J, Bil, C, Hill, R & Thompson, L (2006), 'GAIA: Making virtual space a reality', Proceedings of the International Astronautical Federation, P Willekens (ed.), 57th IAC Congress, Valencia, Spain.</p><p>Faheem, A, Alam, F & Thomas, T (2006), 'The suspension dynamic analysis for a quarter car model and half car model', Proceedings of the Third BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, A Islam et al. (ed.), Third BSME- ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p><p>Fengling, H, Hu, J, Yu, X, Feng, Y & Zhou, J (2006), 'A novel hybrid crypto-biometric authentication scheme for ATM based banking applications', IAPR ICBA (2006), D Zhang & A K Jain (ed.), IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, Hong Kong.</p><p>Grelaud, N, Bil, C, Gough, M & Chatrenet, N (2006), 'Aerodynamic design of a VTOL ducted fan UAV with surface flow control', Proceedings of the 21st International UAV System Conference, T Richardson & S Hugo (ed.), 21st International UAV System Conference, Bristol, UK.</p><p>Hariri, M, John, S & Veeramachaneni, B (2006), 'Vibration control of polymeric composite plates using shape memory alloys', Smart Structures and Materials 2006: Smart Sensor Monitoring Systems and Applications, D Inaudi et al. (ed.), Smart Structures and NDE: Smart Structures & Materials. NDE for Health Monitoring & Diagnostics, San Diego, USA.</p><p>Hessen, H, Phleps, P, Sinha, A, Schauenburg, A & Brueckner, B (2006), 'Re-analysis of a multi-mission re-configurable UAV– Revised design concept', Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), I Grant (ed.), 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg.</p><p>Hessen, H, Phleps, P, Sinha, A, Schauenburg, A & Brueckner, B (2006), 'Re-analysis of a multi-mission reconfigurable UAV design concept', Proceedings of 21st Bristol UAV Systems Conference, C Day (ed.), 21st Bristol UAV Systems Conference, Bristol, UK.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 6 of 53 Hill, B, Levinski, O & Watmuff, J (2006), 'Experimental investigation of generic buffet configuration', Proceedings of the 24th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 24th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, San Francisco.</p><p>Hu, M, Yeoh, G & Tu, J (2006), 'Numerical investigation of subcooled boiling flow using two population balance approaches', Proceedings of the 13th International Heat Transfer Conference, G Davis & E Leonardi (ed.), 13th International Heat Transfer Conference, Sydney.</p><p>Ikeda, T & Bil, C (2006), 'Aerodynamic performance of a blended-wing-body configuration aircraft', Proceedings of the ICAS (2006), I Grant (ed.), 25th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg.</p><p>Ilaya, O & Bil, C (2006), 'Control system design applications to innovative UAV concepts and operations: A distributed search methodology using decentralised model predictive control', Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Innovative Aerial-Space Flyer Systems, N Kasagi & N Takeda (ed.), Third International Symposium on Innovative Aerial-Space Flyer Systems, Tokyo.</p><p>Ilaya, O, Bil, C & Evans, M (2006), 'Control design for UAV swarming', Proceedings of the Fifth International Advanced Engineering and Design Conference, L Blaz (ed.), Fifth International Advanced Engineering and Design Conference, Prague.</p><p>Ilaya, O, Bil, C & Evans, M (2006), 'Multi-agent control of UAV swarming', Proceedings of the 21st International UAV System Conference, T Richardson & S Hugo (ed.), 21st International UAV System Conference, Bristol, UK.</p><p>Ilaya, O, Bil, C & Evans, M (2006), 'Multi-agent formation control of UAVs', Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), I Grant (ed.), 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg.</p><p>Ilaya, O, Bil, C & Evans, M (2006), 'On swarming UAVs in military and civilian applications', Proceedings of the Shephard Interactive Conference, A Drwiega (ed.), UV Asia–Pacific Conference, Sydney.</p><p>Illie, K & Subic, A (2006), 'Flow analysis and performance mapping of twin-screw superchargers for different rotor profiles', Proceedings of the FISITA 2006 World Automotive Congress, FISITA (ed.), FISITA World Automotive Congress, Yokohama, Japan.</p><p>Inthavong, K, Tian, Z, Li, H, Tu, J, Yang, W, Xue, C & Li, C (2006), 'Local deposition sites of drug particles in human nasal cavity', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, S Skeen (ed.), Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, Melbourne.</p><p>Jama, H, Watkins, S & Dixon, C (2006), 'Reduced drag and adequate cooling for passenger vehicles using variable area front air intakes', Vehicle Aerodynamics 2006 SP-1991, SAE International (ed.), SAE World Congress, Detroit.</p><p>Jiang, H (2006), 'Airline customer-centric e-business (CCEB) system meta model and data warehouse', Proceedings of the Seventh International Web Conference, P Shackleton (ed.), Seventh International Web Conference, Australia.</p><p>Jiang, H (2006), 'Internet technology and airport economic performance', Proceedings of the 12th Australian World Wide Web Conference, A Trelare (ed.), 12th Australian World Wide Web Conference, Australia.</p><p>John, S, Ciesielski, V, Innes, A & Mamutil, J (2006), 'Landmark detection using a domain independent technique in cephalograms', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, H Arabnia (ed.), 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Las Vegas.</p><p>John, S, Garbutt, J & Vinay, T (2006), 'Trajectory specification for accurate tracking control of a differential drive WMR', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Modelling, Simulation & Visualization Methods, H Arabnia (ed.), 2006 International Conference on Modelling, Simulation & Visualization Methods, Las Vegas.</p><p>Jonnalagadda, S, Sinha, A, Hoffmann, P, Schauenburg, A & Scharge, D (2006), 'Modelling upgrade design analysis of maritime helicopters for anti-submarine missions: Mission capability analysis', Proceedings of 32nd European Rotorcraft Forum, C Hermans (ed.), 32nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Maastricht, The Netherlands.</p><p>Kesavan, A, Deivasigamani, M, John, S & Herzberg, I (2006), 'Structural health monitoring of composite t-joints for assessing the integrity of damage zones', Smart Structures and Materials 2006: Smart Sensor Monitoring Systems and Applications, D Inaudi et al. (ed.), Smart Structures and NDE: Smart Structures & Materials. NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, San Diego.</p><p>Kesavan, A, Li, H, John, S & Herzberg, I (2006), 'Real-time structural health monitoring', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, H Arabnia (ed.), 2006 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Las Vegas.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 7 of 53 Khan, A, Bil, C & Marion, K (2006), 'Real time prediction of ship motion for the aid of helicopter and aircraft deployment and recovery', Proceedings of the 25th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, I Grant (ed.), 25th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg.</p><p>Khan, A, Bil, C & Marion, K (2006), 'Ship motion prediction for recovery of helicopters', Proceedings of the 32nd European Rotorcraft Forum, K Bakker (ed.), 32nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Maastricht, The Netherlands.</p><p>Khreish, J & Sinha, A (2006), 'Design approach for a VT-UAV with interoperable capabilities: Payload issues', Proceeding of 25th International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences, I Grant (ed.), 25th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg.</p><p>Khreish, J & Sinha, A (2006), 'Design of a vertical take-off unmanned aerial vehicle with interoperable capabilities: Mission analysis phase', Proceedings of AHS International 62nd Annual Forum, V T Nagaraj (ed.), AHS International 62nd Annual Forum, Phoenix, Arizona.</p><p>La-Brooy, R, Jiang, C, Cheetham, W & Zhang, M (2006), 'Issues concerned with the spatial optimisation of shapes', Proceedings of the Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, D T Pham & A J Soroka (ed.), Intelligent Production Machines and Systems Conference, Cardiff, UK.</p><p>La-Brooy, R, Jiang, C, Cheetham, W & Zhang, M (2006), 'Optimisation of nesting using simulated annealing', Proceedings of the Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, D T Pham & A J Soroka (ed.), Intelligent Production Machines and Systems Conference, Cardiff, UK.</p><p>Lam, W & Bil, C (2006), 'Development of helicopter safety devices', Proceedings of ICAS (2006), I Grant (ed.), 25th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg.</p><p>Leblanc, J & Andrews, J (2006), 'A modelling and experimental study of a small-scale solar-thermal multi-stage flash desalination system', Proceedings of 2006 Australian Institute of Energy National Conference—Energy at the Crossroads, J Ross (ed.), Energy at the Crossroads, Melbourne.</p><p>Leblanc, J, Akbarzadeh, A & Andrews, J (2006), 'Modelling solar-thermal desalination systems', Proceedings of 2005 Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Conference, B Parker (ed.), Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future: A Challenge for a Post Carbon World, Dunedin.</p><p>Lee, E, Bil, C & Forsyth, G (2006), 'A low cost approach to helicopter health and usage monitoring', Proceedings of the 32nd European Rotorcraft Forum, K Bakker (ed.), 32nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Maastricht, The Netherlands.</p><p>Lee, E, Bil, C & Forsyth, G (2006), 'Using detection indices (DIS) to detect air vehicle characteristics changes for HUMS application', Proceedings of ICAS (2006), I Grant (ed.), 25th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg.</p><p>Li, H, Tian, Z, Tu, J, Yang, W, Yeoh, G, Xue, C & Li, C (2006), 'Studies of airflow through a human nasopharynx and pharynx airway', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, S Skeen (ed.), Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, Melbourne.</p><p>Li, H, Tu, J, Subic, A & Abu-Hijleh, B (2006), 'The leakage analysis in a twin-screw supercharger by using an integrated CAD/CFD three-dimensional model', Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Methods, G R Liu (ed.), International Conference on Computational Methods 2004, Singapore.</p><p>Li, H, Tu, J, Tang, H, Xue, C & Li, C (2006), 'Aerosol 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(ed.), CHEMECA—Australasian Conference on Chemical Engineering, Auckland.</p><p>Tepe, S, Haslett, T & Osborne, C (2006), 'Agent based modelling of real issues: Acquistion of data to support AB models of social phenomena', Proceedings of the 12th Annual ANZSYS Conference, R Attwater & J Merson (ed.), Sustaining our Social and Natural Capital, Katoomba, NSW.</p><p>Ward, L, Biddle, G, Hinton, B & Gerrard, D (2006), 'Characterisation and evaluation of the corrosion behaviour of modified HVOF sprayed WC based coatings deposited on AISI 1020 mild steel substrates', Proceedings of the Corrosion and Prevention Conference ‘Steel and Concrete—Nothing Lasts for Ever’, Australasian Corrosion Association (ed.), Corrosion and Prevention Conference, Tasmania.</p><p>Wu, F, Zhang, K & Macnae, J (2006), 'An investigation of precise point positioning application for airborne geophysical survey', Proceedings of the IGNSS Conference (2006), IGNSS Conference, Qld.</p><p>School of Civil, Environmental & Chemical Engineering</p><p>Refereed Journal Articles Bianucci, G, Di Celma, C, Landini, W & Buckeridge, J (2006), 'Palaeoecology and taphonomy of an extraordinary whale barnacle accumulation form the pliopleistocene of Ecuador’, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 242, pp. 326–342.</p><p>Buchanan, W, Roddick, F & Porter, N (2006), 'Formation of hazardous by-products resulting from the irradiation of natural organic matter: Comparison between UV and VUV irradiation’, Chemosphere, 63, pp. 1130–1141.</p><p>Buckeridge, J & Newman, W (2006), 'A revision of the iblidae and pedunculate barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica), including new ordinal, familial and generic tasa, and two new species form New Zealand and Tasmanian waters’, Zootaxa, 1136, pp. 1–38.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 19 of 53 Fitton, T, Chryss, A & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Tailings beach slop prediction: A new rheological method’, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 20 (3), pp. 181–202.</p><p>Forsythe, J, Cheah, K, Nisbeth, D, Gupta, R, Lau, A, Donovan, A, O'Shea, M & Moad, G (2006), 'Rheological properties of high melt strength poly(ethylene terephthalate) formed by reactive extrusion’, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 100 (5), pp. 3646–3652.</p><p>Gupta, R, Prasad, R, Chaudhary, D, Kamal, M & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Morphological and mechanical characterisation of HDPE–EVA nanocomposites’, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 26 (8–9), pp. 805–819.</p><p>Hadinata, C, Gabriel, C, Rullmann, M, Kao, N & Laun, M (2006), 'Correlation between the gel time and quiescent/quasi- quiescent crystallization onset time of poly(butene-1) as determined from rheological methods’, Rheologica Acta, 45 (5), pp. 631–639.</p><p>Hadinata, C, Gabriel, C, Rullmann, M, Kao, N & Laun, M (2006), 'Shear-induced crystallization of PB-1 up to processing- relevant shear rates’, Rheologica Acta, 45 (5), pp. 539–546.</p><p>Huang, X, Xie, Y & Burry, M (2006), 'A new algorithm for bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization’, JSME International Journal, 49 (4), pp. 1091–1099.</p><p>Jayasuriya, N, Jarrar, A & Jesse, K (2006), 'Effectiveness of pervious pavements in the improvement of surface water quality’, Water, 33 (3), pp. 62–66.</p><p>Kho, T, Swinbourne, D & Lehner, T (2006), 'Cobalt distribution during copper matte smelting’, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 37B, pp. 209–214.</p><p>Kita, E, Saito, H, Tamaki, T, Shimizu, H & Xie, Y (2006), 'Three-dimensional structural design based on cellular automata simulation’, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 23, pp. 29–42.</p><p>Malek, F, Harris, J & Roddick, F (2006), 'Interrelationship of photooxidation and microfiltration in drinking water treatment’, Journal of Membrane Science, 281, pp. 541–547.</p><p>Malek, F, Harris, J & Roddick, F (2006), 'Photooxidative pretreatment to improve sustainable operation of the microfiltration of drinking water’, Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 14 (12), pp. 219–226.</p><p>Nezamian, A, Al-Mahaidi, R & Grundy, P (2006), 'Bond strength of concrete plugs embedded in tubular steel piles under cyclic loading’, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33, pp. 111–125.</p><p>Paranavithana, S & Mohajerani, A (2006), 'Effects of recycled concrete aggregates on properties of asphalt concrete’, Resources Conservation and Recycling, 48 (1), pp. 1–12.</p><p>Pathegama Gamage, N & Setunge, S (2006), 'Formulation and process modelling of particleboard production using hardwood saw mill wastes using experimenal design’, Composite Structures, 75, pp. 520–523.</p><p>Pozdrik, R, Roddick, F, Rogers, P & Nguyen, T (2006), 'Spectrophotometric method for exploring 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol (MBT) formation in lager’, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, pp. 6123–6129.</p><p>Prasad, R, Gupta, R, Cser, F & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Experimental investigation of the linear viscoelastic response of EVA- based nanocomposites’, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 101 (4), pp. 2127–2135.</p><p>Setunge, S & Anaton, J (2006), 'Composite model for basic creep of high-strength concrete’, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers—Construction Materials, 159 (2), pp. 77–84.</p><p>Smith, J & Beermann, E (2006), 'Multivectors: Nine components represented on a ternary diagram’, Computers and Geosciences, 32 (3), pp. 326–338.</p><p>Stephen, C, Khan, A & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of nucleated solution flow through slit die in foam extrusion’, Polymer Engineering and Science, 46 (6), pp. 751–762.</p><p>Tillekeratne, M, Jollands, M, Cser, F & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Role of mixing parameters in the preparation of poly(ethylene vinyl acetate) nanocomposites by melt blending’, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 100, pp. 2652–2658.</p><p>Yeow, Y, Leong, Y & Khan, A (2006), 'Non-Newtonian flow in parallel-disk viscometers in the presence of wall slip’, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 139, pp. 85–92.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 20 of 53 Refereed Conference Proceedings Adam, A, Molyneaux, T, Patnaikuni, I & Law, D (2006), 'The effect of controlled permeability formwork on the curing of concrete', Progress in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, P Moss and R Dhakal (ed.), International Conference on Innovation Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education, University of Canterbury, Christchurch.</p><p>Alban, L, Khan, A & Aujard, T (2006), 'Dynamic modelling and simulation of a batch dehydration process using HYSYS', CHEMECA Conference Proceedings, B R Young et al. (ed.), CHEMECA 2006, Auckland.</p><p>Brumley, J, Buckeridge, J & Grundy, C (2006), 'Engineering needs environmental and global thinkers: A contextual analysis of student learning preferences', Creativity, Challenge, Change. Partnerships in Engineering Education, G Rowe & G Reid (ed.), 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Auckland.</p><p>Buckeridge, J & Brumley, J (2006), 'Ethics, engineering and environment: Is Hawking correct is it all too late?', Creativity, Challenge, Change. Partnerships in Engineering Education, G Rowe & G Reid (ed.), 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Auckland.</p><p>Cao, J, John, S & Molyneaux, T (2006), 'Optimisation of passive piezo-electric vibration shunt control based on strain energy transfer and on-line frequency detection', Smart Structures and Materials 2006: Smart Sensor Monitoring Systems and Applications, D Inaudi et al. (ed.), Smart Structures and NDE: Smart Structures and Materials. NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, San Diego.</p><p>Cao, J, John, S & Molyneaux, T (2006), 'Piezoelectric-based vibration control in composite structures', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications, H Arabnia (ed.), 2006 International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications, Las Vegas.</p><p>Chryss, A, Fitton, T & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Turbulent flow of non-Newtonian tailings in self formed channels on tailings stacks', Proceedings of the Ninth International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, R Jewell et al. (ed.), PASTE (2006), Limerick, Ireland.</p><p>Felicetti, P, Xie, Y, Tang, J & Huang, X (2006), 'Application of evolutionary structural optimization techniques to architectural structures', Proceedings of Game Set and Match II, K Oosterhuis & L Feireiss (ed.), Game Set and Match II, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.</p><p>Gao, X, Molyneaux, T, Patnaikuni, I & Rahman, S (2006), 'Dynamic properties of fibre reinforced and plain ultra high performance concretes', Progress in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, P Moss and R Dhakal (ed.), International Conference on Innovation Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education, University of Canterbury, Christchurch.</p><p>Gupta, R, Lee, H, Choi, H & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Morphology and rheology of synthetic biodegradable polyester/montmorillonite nanocomposites', PPS-22: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, T Kikutani (ed.), PPS-22, Yamagata, Japan.</p><p>Gupta, R, Prasad, R, Chaudhary, D, Kamal, M & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Compatibility of HDPE–EVA nanocomposites: Morphology and mechanical properties', PPS-22: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, T Kikutani (ed.), PPS-22, Yamagata, Japan.</p><p>Hadinata, C, Gabriel, C, Kao, N & Laun, M (2006), 'Flow-induced crystallization of polybutene-1: A comparison of shear and elongational flows', Materials Processing for Properties and Performance (MP3) Volume 5, K A Khor et al. (ed.), Fifth International Conference on Materials Processing for Properties and Performance, Singapore.</p><p>Ivanov, I & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Extensional rheology and crystallisation behaviour of polypropylene nanocomposites', PPS-22: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, T Kikutani (ed.), PPS-22, Yamagata, Japan.</p><p>Jayasuriya, N & Ho, X (2006), 'A sustainable water supply plan for Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam', Wise Water Resources Management towards Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction, C Keedumrongkool (ed.), Third Asia–Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources Conference, Bangkok.</p><p>Jayasuriya, N, Jarrar, A & Jesse, K (2006), 'Stormwater quantity reductions and quality improvements using pervious pavements', Building Sustainable Cities, Australian Water Association (ed.), Enviro 2006 Conference and Exhibiiton, Melbourne.</p><p>Jayasuriya, N, Zhang, J, Jarrar, A & Setunge, S (2006), 'Sustainable stormwater management using pervious pavements', Wise Water Resources Management towards Sustainable growth and Poverty Reduction, C Keedumrongkool (ed.), Third Asia–Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources Conference, Bangkok.</p><p>Jollands, M, Hadgraft, R & Ward, L (2006), 'Student feedback on project based engineering courses', 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, B R Yang et al. (ed.), 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland. SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 21 of 53 Khalil, R, Jollands, M & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Effect of rice hull ash on mechanical properties of polypropylene', ACUN-5 International Composites Conference Proceedings, S Bandyopadhyay et al. (ed.), ACUN-5 International Composites Conference, Sydney.</p><p>Khalil, R, Jollands, M & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Surface interaction of advanced micro filler-RHA on tensile performance of its composites with polypropylene', CHEMECA 2006 Knowledge and Innovation, B R Young et al. (ed.), CHEMECA 2006, Auckland.</p><p>Khan, A, Gupta, R & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Investigation of the influence of extensional rheology on the blown film processing of two low density polyethylenes with different melt indices', CHEMECA 2006 Conference Proceedings, B R Young et al. (ed.), CHEMECA 2006, Auckland.</p><p>Khan, A, Gupta, R & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Relationships between extensional viscosities of LDPEs with different melt flow indices and the blown film tear strength properties', PPS-22: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, T Kikutani (ed.), PPS-22, Yamagata, Japan.</p><p>Majumder, K, Bhattacharya, S, Hobbs, G, Noel, A & Khan, A (2006), 'Structural-crystallinity relationship of low-density polyethylene in blown film process', PPS-22: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, T Kikutani (ed.), PPS- 22, Yamagata, Japan.</p><p>Majumder, K, Hobbs, G, Noel, A, Khan, A & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Effect of molecular properties and processing conditions on the crystallinity of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) in blown film extrusion', CHEMECA 2006 Conference Proceedings, B R Young et al. (ed.), CHEMECA 2006, Auckland.</p><p>Molyneaux, T, Setunge, S, Gravina, R & Xie, Y (2006), 'The learning of concepts in structural engineering within a problem based learning environment', Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education, S Doyle & A Mannis (ed.), International Conference on Innovation Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education, University of Liverpool, UK.</p><p>Navaratne, C, Weerasinghe, K & Jayasuriya, N (2006), 'Low cost auto-controlled subsurface irrigation for home garden irrigation systems in Sri Lanka', Wise Water Resources Management towards Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction, C Keedumrongkool (ed.), Third Asia–Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW) Conference, Bangkok.</p><p>Onn, N, Grant, T, Dale-Hallett, L & Othman, M (2006), 'A preliminary investigation of the ecological footprint of Melbourne museum', Proceedings of the APEN International Conference (2006), R J Petheram & R Johnson (ed.), Practice Change for Sustainable Communities: Exploring Footprints, Pathways and Possibilities: APEN 2006 International Conference, Beechworth, Victoria.</p><p>O'Reilly, D, Othman, M & Ward, L (2006), 'Evaporation enhancement for effluent discharge ponds using solar plate collector units', Building Sustainable Cities, Australian Water Association (ed.), Enviro 06 Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne.</p><p>Pannirselvam, M, Gupta, R, Bhattacharya, S & Shanks, R (2006), 'Intercalation of montmorillonite by interlayer adsorption and complex formation', ICAMP-4 2006 Proceedings, D Zhang et al. (ed.), Fourth International Conference of Advanced Materials and Processing, University of Waikato, New Zealand.</p><p>Pannirselvam, M, Gupta, R, Bhattacharya, S & Shanks, R (2006), 'Synthesis of polypropylene-graft-polyoxyalkyleneamine compatibiliser for formation of layered clay nanocomposites', ICAMP-4 2006 Proceedings, D Zhang et al. (ed.), Fourth International Conference of Advanced Materials & Processing, University of Waikato, New Zealand.</p><p>Parthasarathy, R, Reddy, M, Gupta, R & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Evaluation of degradability of polyethylene nanocomposites', CHEMECA 2006 Conference Proceedings, B R Young et al. (ed.), CHEMECA 2006, Auckland.</p><p>Pathegama Gamage, N, Setunge, S & Jollands, M (2006), 'Evaluation of physical properties of hardwood particleboard', ACUN-5 Developments in Composites: Advanced, Infrastructural, Natural and Nanocomposites, S Bandyopadhyay & Q. Zeng (ed.), ACUN-5, Sydney.</p><p>Perera, H, Setunge, S & Molyneaux, T (2006), 'Structural strengthening for optimizing floor space during retrofitting of high-rise office buildings', Clients driving innovation: Moving ideas into practice, K Brown, K et al. (ed.), Second International Conference of the CRC for Construction Innovation, Gold Coast.</p><p>Perera, H, Setunge, S, Kumar, A & Molyneaux, T (2006), 'Optimising floor space during retrofitting of high-rise office buildings', Proceedings of the First World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, J Mathew et al. (ed.), First World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Gold Coast.</p><p>Rajapakse, A, Parthasarathy, R & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Effective interfacial area in an agitated liquid–liquid reactor', CHEMECA 2006 Conference Proceedings, B R Young et al. (ed.), CHEMECA 2006, Auckland.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 22 of 53 Ratanachaithong, M, Roddick, F & Stevens, M (2006), 'Preliminary investigation of NOM and DBP formation in Yarra Glen, Victoria', Proceedings of the Environmental Research Event, ERE 20006 Committee (ed.), Tenth Annual Environmental Postgraduate Conference, Sydney.</p><p>Reddy, M, Gupta, R, Bhattacharya, S & Parthasarathy, R (2006), 'Accelerated environmental degradation studies of polyethylene nanocomposites', PPS-22: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, T Kikutani (ed.), PPS-22, Yamagata, Japan.</p><p>Reddy, M, Gupta, R, Bhattacharya, S, Gupta, R & Parthasarathy, R (2006), 'Thermo-oxidation studies of polyethylene nanocomposites', Proceedings of the 11th Asian–Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Conference, M K Aroua (ed.), 11th Asian–Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, Kuala Lumpur.</p><p>Roddick, F & Porter, N (2006), 'Hazardous byproduct formation arising from UV and VUV irradiation of natural organic matter', Proceedings of Enviro 06 Conference and Exhibition, C Davies & D Wiesner (ed.), Enviro 06, Melbourne.</p><p>Roddick, F & Porter, N (2006), 'Removal of NOM from water: Development of a process utilising UV photooxidation', Proceedings Enviro 06 Conference and Exhibition, C Davies & D Wiesner (ed.), Enviro 06, Melbourne.</p><p>Setunge, S, McCormick, L & Fenwick, J (2006), 'Use of FRP materials concrete rehabiitation: A case study and a software tool', Bridging the Gap, J Scanlan (ed.), Austroads Bridge Conference 2006, Perth.</p><p>Sharabah, A, Setunge, S & Zeephongsekul, P (2006), 'Use of Markov chain for deterioration modelling and risk management of infrastructure assets', Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Automation, Conference Committee (ed.), International Conference on Information and Automation, Colombo, Sri Lanka.</p><p>Singh, S, Gupta, R & Padhye, R (2006), 'Techno-commercial analysis of polyester fibre dominance in textile industry', CHEMECA 2006 Conference Proceedings, B R Young et al. (ed.), CHEMECA 2006, Auckland.</p><p>Sivathasan, J, Ivanov, I & Bhattacharya, S (2006), 'Study of clay intercalation with organic dyes', CHEMECA 2006 Conference Proceedings, B R Young et al. (ed.), CHEMECA 2006, Auckland.</p><p>Soh, Y, Roddick, F & Van Leeuwen, J (2006), 'Changes in natural organic matter character in reservoir water: How climate change and ozone depletion may affect Australian water resources', Proceedings of Environmental Research Event, ERE 2006 Committee (ed.), Tenth Annual Environmental Postgraduate Conference, Sydney.</p><p>Soh, Y, Roddick, F & Van Leeuwen, J (2006), 'The effect of solar radiation on the treatability of reservoir water and its subsequent quality', Proceedings of First Australian Young Water Professionals Conference, Conference Organising Committee (ed.), First Australian Young Water Professionals Conference, University of NSW, Sydney.</p><p>Tang, D, Molyneaux, T, Gravina, R, Ward, L & Law, D (2006), 'The influence of chloride induced corrosion cracks on the strength of reinforced concrete', Progress in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, P Moss & R Dhakal (ed.), International Conference on Innovation Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education, University of Canterbury, Christchurch.</p><p>Venkatesan, S, Kumar, A & Setunge, S (2006), 'Evaluation of residual service life methodologies using refurbishment projects as case studies', Transformative Project and Program Management, B Kooyman (ed.), Third International Conference on Project Management (Promac 2006), Sydney.</p><p>Venkatesan, S, Setunge, S, Molyneaux, T & Fenwick, J (2006), 'Evaluation of distress mechanisms in bridges exposed to aggressive environments', Clients Driving Innovation: Moving Ideas into Practice, K Brown et al. (ed.), Second International Conference of the CRC for Construction Innovation, Gold Coast.</p><p>Venkatesan, S, Setunge, S, Molyneaux, T & Gravina, R (2006), 'Towards a rule-based matrix for evaluating distress mechanisms in bridges', Progress in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, P J Moss & R K Dhakal (ed.), 19th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Christchurch.</p><p>Ward, L, Biddle, G, Hinton, B & Gerrard, D (2006), 'Characterisation and evaluation of the corrosion behaviour of modified HVOF sprayed WC based coatings deposited on AISI 1020 mild steel substrates', Corrosion and Prevention 2006 ‘Steel and Concrete—Nothing Lasts for Ever’, Australasian Corrosion Association (ed.), Corrosion and Prevention 2006 Conference, Tasmania.</p><p>Zhang, J, Jayasuriya, N & Setunge, S (2006), 'Application of pervious pavements–a laboratory scale study', Seventh International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling & Fourth International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design, A Deletic and T Fletcher (ed.), Seventh International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling and the Fourth International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design, Melbourne.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 23 of 53 School of Computer Science & Information Technology</p><p>Book Chapters Bertok, P & Xu, X (2006), 'Infrastructure support for smart organisations: Integrations of web service partners in heterogenous environments’, in Integration of ICT in Smart Organisations. Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, CA, pp. 257–288.</p><p>Hu, J, Bertok, P, Hamilton, M, White, G, Duff, A & Cutts, Q (2006), 'Wireless interactive teaching by using keypad-based ARS’, in Audience Response Systems in Higher Education. Information Science Publishing, Hershey, CA, pp. 209–221.</p><p>Zeephongsekul, P, Bedford, A, Broberg, J, Dimopoulos, P & Tari, Z (2006), 'Queueing theory applications to communication systems: Control of traffic flows and load balancing’, in Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics. Springer, Germany, pp. 991–1022.</p><p>Refereed Journal Articles Bernstein, Y & Zobel, J (2006), 'Accurate discovery of co-derivative documents via duplicate text detection’, Information Systems, 31, pp. 595–609.</p><p>Billerbeck, B & Zobel, J (2006), 'Efficient query expansion with auxiliary data structures’, Information Systems, 31, pp. 573– 584.</p><p>Broberg, J, Tari, Z & Zeephongsekul, P (2006), 'Task assignment with work-conserving migration’, Parallel Computing, 32, pp. 808–830.</p><p>Cameron, M, Williams, H & Cannane, A (2006), 'A deterministic finite automaton for faster protein hit detection in BLAST’, Journal of Computational Biology, 13, pp. 965–978.</p><p>Choudry, B, Bertok, P & Cao, J (2006), 'Cost-based web services transaction management’, International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 2 (2), pp. 198–220.</p><p>Dimopoulos, P, Zeephongsekul, P & Tari, Z (2006), 'A dynamic priority approach to reducing delay in interactive TCP connections’, Telecommunication Systems, (11235).</p><p>Fan, K, Puglisi, S, Smyth, W & Turpin, A (2006), 'A new periodicity lemma’, Siam Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 20 (3), pp. 656–668.</p><p>Feng, Z, Zhang, X, Han, P, Arora, N, Anders, R & Norton, R (2006), 'Abundance of intrinsically unstructured proteins in P- falciparum and other apicomplexan parasite proteomes’, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 150 (2), pp. 256–267.</p><p>Fengling, H, Hu, J, Yu, X & Wang, Y (2006), 'Fingerprint images encryption via multi-scroll chaotic attractors’, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 185 (2), pp. 931–939.</p><p>Fengling, H, Lu, J, Yu, X & Chen, G (2006), 'Dynamical behaviours of a 3D hysteresis-based system’, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 28, pp. 182–192.</p><p>Fengling, H, Yu, X, Chen, G & Feng, Y (2006), 'Study on stability margin of the hysteresis-based chaotic systems’, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 13, pp. 19–25.</p><p>Gould, C, Jackson, M, Van Schyndel, R & O'Donnell, J (2006), 'Mapping the mobile landscape in Australia’, First Monday, 11, pp. 11–20.</p><p>Hoad, T & Zobel, J (2006), 'Detection of video sequences using compact signatures’, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 24 (1), pp. 1–50.</p><p>Jarzabek, S, Zhang, H, Ru, S, Lam, V & Sun, Z (2006), 'Analysis of meta-programs: An example’, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 16 (1), pp. 77–101.</p><p>Lai, K, Tari, Z & Bertok, P (2006), 'An analytical study of cache invalidation algorithms in mobile environments’, International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communication, 2 (1), pp. 3–14.</p><p>Lester, N, Zobel, J & Williams, H (2006), 'Efficient online index maintenance for contiguous inverted lists’, Information Processing and Management, 42, pp. 916–933.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 24 of 53 Lutovac, T & Harland, J (2006), 'Detecting loops during proof search in propositional affine logic’, Journal of Logic and Computation, 16, pp. 61–133.</p><p>Meng, S, Turpin, A, Lazarescu, M & Ivins, J (2006), 'A comparison of algorithms for calculating glaucoma change probability confidence intervals’, Journal of Glaucoma, 15 (5), pp. 405–413.</p><p>Morris, E & Zuluaga, C (2006), 'Investigating ethical crimes’, International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 2 (1), pp. 22–33.</p><p>Osborne, C, Rees, G, Bernstein, Y & Janssen, P (2006), 'New threshold and confidence estimates for terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of complex bacterial communities’, Applied Environmental Microbiology, 72, pp. 1270– 1278.</p><p>Parrott, D & Li, X (2006), 'Locating and tracking multiple dynamic optima by a particle swarm model using speciation’, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 10, pp. 440–458.</p><p>Shokouhi, M, Zobel, J, Tahaghoghi, S & Scholer, F (2006), 'Using query logs to establish vocabularies in distributed information retrieval’, Information Processing and Management, 43 (1), pp. 169–180.</p><p>Simon, S, Cutts, Q, Fincher, S, Haden, P, Robins, A, Sutton, K, Baker, B, Box, I, De Raadt, M, Hamer, J, Hamilton, M, Lister, R, Petre, M, Tolhurst, D & Tutty, J (2006), 'The ability to articulate strategy as a predictor of programming skill’, Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, 52, pp. 181–188.</p><p>Simon, S, Fincher, S, Robins, A, Baker, B, Box, I, Cutts, Q, De Raadt, M, Haden, P, Hamer, J, Hamilton, M, Lister, R, Petre, M, Sutton, K, Tolhurst, D & Tutty, J (2006), 'Predictors of success in a first programming course’, Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, 52, pp. 189–196.</p><p>Sinha, R & Zobel, J (2006), 'Cache-efficient string sorting using copying’, Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 11 (1.2), pp. 1– 32.</p><p>Sinha, R & Zobel, J (2006), 'Using random sampling to build approximate tries for efficient string sorting’, Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 10 (2.10), pp. 1–18.</p><p>Tari, Z, Bertok, P & Simic, D (2006), 'A dynamic label checking approach for information flow control in web services’, International Journal of Web Services Research, 3, pp. 1–28.</p><p>Tolhurst, D, Baker, B, Hamer, J, Box, I, Lister, R, Cutts, Q, Petre, M, De Raadt, M, Robins, A, Fincher, S, Simon, S, Haden, P, Sutton, K, Hamilton, M & Tutty, J (2006), 'Do map drawing styles of novice programmers predict success in programming? A multi-national, multi-institutional study’, Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, 52, pp. 213–222.</p><p>Uitdenbogerd, A & Suyoto, I (2006), 'Microtonal matching with MTRI’, Computing in Musicology, 14, pp. 171–180.</p><p>Uitdenbogerd, A, Zobel, J & Chattaraj, A (2006), 'Methodologies for evaluation of note-based music-retrieval systems’, Informs Journal on Computing, 18 (3), pp. 339–347.</p><p>Vo, B, Nayak, A & Foo, N (2006), 'A syntax-based approach to reasoning about action and belief update’, Journal of Logic and Computation, 16 (3), pp. 315–338.</p><p>Wang, Y, Hu, J & Fengling, H (2006), 'Enhanced gradient-based algorithm for the estimation of fingerprint orientation fields’, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 185 (2), pp. 823–833.</p><p>Winikoff, M (2006), 'Implementing flexible and robust agent interactions using distributed commitment machines’, Multiagent and Grid Systems, 2 (4), pp. 365–381.</p><p>Zhang, X, Norton, R & Feng, Z (2006), 'Predicting disordered regions in proteins based on decision trees of reduced amino acid composition’, Journal of Computational Biology, 13 (9), pp. 1579–1590.</p><p>Zobel, J & Moffat, A (2006), 'Inverted files for text search engines’, ACM Computing Surveys, 38 (2), pp. 1–55.</p><p>Refereed Conference Proceedings Arwin, C & Tahaghoghi, S (2006), 'Plagiarism detection across programming languages', Proceedings of the 29th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2006), V Estivill-Castro & G Dobbie (ed.), 29th Australasian Computer Science Conference, Hobart.</p><p>Awg Iskandar, D, Pehcevski, J, Thom, J & Tahaghoghi, S (2006), 'Combining image and structured text retrieval', Advances in XML Information Retrieval: Fourth International Workshop of the iNitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2005, N SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 25 of 53 Fuhr et al. (ed.), Fourth International Workshop of the iNitiative for the evaluation of XML retrieval, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.</p><p>Bernstein, Y & Cameron, M (2006), 'Fast discovery of similar sequences in large genomic collections', Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR (2006), M Lalmas et al. (ed.), European Conference on IR Research, London.</p><p>Bernstein, Y & Zobel, J (2006), 'The case of the duplicate documents measurement, search and science', Proceedings of the Eighth Asia–Pacific Web Conference, X Zhou et al. (ed.), Frontiers of WWW Research and Development (APWeb 2006), Harbin, China.</p><p>Bernstein, Y, Shokouhi, M & Zobel, J (2006), 'Compact features for detection of near duplicates in distributed retrieval', Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on String Processing and Information Retrieval, SPIRE (2006), F Crestani et al. (ed.), 13th International Conference on String Processing and Information Retrieval, Glasgow.</p><p>Berry, M & Hamilton, M (2006), 'Generational computing tastes: Tablet PC's in the communicative ecology of multimedia design students', E-learn 2006: World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education, T C Reeves & S Yamashita (ed.), E-learn 2006: World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education, Honolulu.</p><p>Berry, M & Hamilton, M (2006), 'Mobile computing, visual diaries, learning and communication: Changes to the communicative ecology of design students through mobile computing', Computing Education 2006: Eighth Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE2006), D Tolhurst & S Mann (ed.), Australian Computing Education Conference, Hobart.</p><p>Berry, M, Shortis, M, McGovern, J & Farrell, M (2006), 'Two case studies on the influence of mobile computing on student learning behaviour', Creativity, Challenges, Change: Partnerships in Engineering Education, G Rowe (ed.), 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association of Engineering.</p><p>Bird, S & Li, X (2006), 'Adaptively choosing niching parameters in a PSO', Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2006 (GECCO 2006), M Keijzer et al. (ed.), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle.</p><p>Bird, S & Li, X (2006), 'Enhancing the robustness of a speciation-based PSO', Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2006), G Yen et al. (ed.), Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Vancouver.</p><p>Cameron, M, Bernstein, Y & Williams, H (2006), 'Clustering near-identical sequences for fast homology search', Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology, RECOMB (2006), A Apostolico et al. (ed.), Research in Computational Molecular Biology, Venice.</p><p>Carroll, J, Rowlands, B, Standing, C, Frampton, K & Smith, R (2006), 'A framework for redesigning information systems development methodologies to enhance global information infrastructure', Proceedings of the European and Mediterranian Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS), Z Irani et al. (ed.), European and Mediterranian Conference on Information Systems, Costa Blanca, Alicante, Spain.</p><p>Ciesielski, V & Riley, J (2006), 'Analysis of the difficulty of learning goal scoring behaviour for robot soccer', GECCO (2006), M Keijzer et al. (ed.), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle.</p><p>Ciesielski, V, Wijesinghe, D, Innes, A & John, S (2006), 'Analysis of the superiority of parameter optimisation over genetic programming for a difficult object detection problem', WCCI (2006), S Lucas (ed.), 2006 IEEE Congress on Computational intelligence, Vancouver.</p><p>Citro, S, McGovern, J & Ryan, C (2006), 'Extending real time mobile collaboration algorithm to handle membership events in an ad-hoc mobile network', Second International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, Second International Conference on Collaborative Computing, Atlanta, Georgia.</p><p>Citro, S, McGovern, J & Ryan, C (2006), 'Handling and resolving conflicts in real time mobile collaboration', On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops, R Meersman et al. (ed.), Eighth International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications, Montpellier, France.</p><p>Dam, K, Winikoff, M & Padgham, L (2006), 'An agent-oriented approach to change propagation in software evolution', Proceedings of the 2006 Australian Software Engineering Conference, J Han & M Staples (ed.), Australian Software Engineering Conference, Sydney.</p><p>Dekker, A & De Silva, L (2006), 'Investigating organisational structures with networks of planning agents', Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce (IAWTIC), P Kellenberger (ed.), International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce, Sydney.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 26 of 53 Dimopoulos, P, Zeephongsekul, P & Tari, Z (2006), 'Multipath Aware TCP (MATCP)', Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2006), P Bellavista & C-M Chen (ed.), 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications.</p><p>Duff, S, Harland, J & Thangarajah, J (2006), 'On proactivity and maintenance goals', Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, P Stone & G Weiss (ed.), Autonomous Agents and Multi- agent Systems, Hakodate, Japan.</p><p>Fengling, H, Hu, J & Yu, X (2006), 'A biometric encryption approach incorporating fingerprint indexing in key generation', Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics, D-S Huang et al. (ed.), International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China.</p><p>Fengling, H, Hu, J, Yu, X, Feng, Y & Zhou, J (2006), 'A novel hybrid crypto-biometric authentication scheme for ATM based banking applications', IAPR ICBA (2006), D Zhang & A K Jain (ed.), IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, Hong Kong.</p><p>Fengling, H, Yu, X & Han, S (2006), 'Improved baker map for image encryption', First International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aerospace and Astronautics, C Wang (ed.), First International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aerospace and Astronautics, Piscataway, NJ.</p><p>Frampton, K, Thom, J & Carroll, J (2006), 'Enhancing IT architect capabilities: Experiences within a university subject', Proceedings of the 2006 Australasian Conference on Information Systems, S Spencer & A Jenkins (ed.), 2006 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference, Adelaide.</p><p>Frampton, K, Thom, J, Carroll, J & Crossman, B (2006), 'Informarion technology architects: Approaching the longer view', Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference, K Kaiser & T Ryan (ed.), SIGMIS CPR 2006, Claremont/Pomona, CA.</p><p>Gani, H, Ryan, C & Rossi, P (2006), 'Runtime metrics collection for middleware supported adaption of mobile applications', ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, G Goos et al. (ed.), Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM 2006), Melbourne.</p><p>Garcia, S & Turpin, A (2006), 'Effiicient query valuation through access-reordering', Proceedings of the Third Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, AIRS (2006), H T Ng et al. (ed.), Third Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, Singapore.</p><p>Hamilton, M & Howell, S (2006), 'Technology options for assessment purposes and quality graduate outcomes', Proceedings of the Ed-media 2006 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, E Pearson & P Bohman (ed.), Ed-media 2006 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Orlando, Florida.</p><p>Harland, J (2006), 'The busy beaver, the placid platypus and other crazy creatures', Conference on Research and Practice in Information Technology, volume 51, B Jay & J Gudmundsson (ed.), Computing: Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS 2006), Hobart.</p><p>Ho Mok Cheong, D & Winikoff, M (2006), 'Improving flexibility and robustness in agent interactions: Extending Prometheus with Hermes', Software Engineering for Multi-agent Systems IV, A Garcia et al. (ed.), Software Engineering for Multi-agent Systems IV, St Louis, Missouri.</p><p>Iorio, A & Li, X (2006), 'Incorporating directional information within a differential evolution algorithm for multiobjective optimization', Proceeding of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), M Keijzer et al. (ed.), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle.</p><p>Iorio, A & Li, X (2006), 'Rotated test problems for assessing the performance of multiobjective optimization algorithms', Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), M Keijzer et al. (ed.), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle.</p><p>Iorio, A & Li, X (2006), 'Rotationally invariant crossover operators in evolutionary multiobjective optimization', Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL 2006), T D Wang et al. (ed.), Sixth International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, Hefei, China.</p><p>Jayatilleke, G, Thangarajah, J, Padgham, L & Winikoff, M (2006), 'Component agent framework for domain-experts (CAFDE) toolkit', Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems (AAMAS 2006), P Stone & G Weiss (ed.), Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Hakodate, Japan.</p><p>John, S, Ciesielski, V, Innes, A & Mamutil, J (2006), 'Landmark detection using a domain independent technique in cephalograms', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (IPCV'06), Vol. 2, H Arabnia (ed.), International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Las Vegas.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 27 of 53 Karimi, S, Turpin, A & Scholer, F (2006), 'English to Persian transliteration', Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2006), F Crestani et al. (ed.), 13th International Conference on String Processing and Information Retrieval, Glasgow.</p><p>Li, X, Branke, J & Blackwell, T (2006), 'Particle swarm with speciation and adaption in a dynamic environment', Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2006 (GECCO 2006), M Keijzer et al. (ed.), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle.</p><p>Lu, K, Qian, Y & Hu, J (2006), 'A framework for distributed key management schemes in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks', IPCCC (2006), H Hassanein (ed.), 25th IEEE International Conference on Performance, Computing and Communications, Arizona.</p><p>Moffat, A, Webber, W & Zobel, J (2006), 'Local balancing for term-distributed parallel retrieval', Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, S Dumais et al. (ed.), 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Seattle.</p><p>Nwesri, A, Tahaghoghi, S & Scholer, F (2006), 'Capturing out-of-vocabulary words in Arabic text', Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2006), Ringger (ed.), Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Sydney.</p><p>Pehcevski, J & Thom, J (2006), 'HiXEval: Highlighting XML retrieval evaluation', Fourth International Workshop on the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX 2005), N Fuhr et al. (ed.), Advances in XML Information Retrieval and Evaluation, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.</p><p>Pehcevski, J, Thom, J & Tahaghoghi, S (2006), 'RMIT university at INEX 2005: Ad hoc track', Fourth International Workshop on the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX 2005), N Fuhr et al. (ed.), Advances in XML Information Retrieval and Evaluation, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany </p><p>Perepletchikov, M, Ryan, C & Frampton, K (2006), 'Towards the definition and validation of coupling metrics for predicting maintainability in service-oriented designs', On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2006 Workshop, R Meersman et al. (ed.), Eighth International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA), Montpellier, France.</p><p>Pham, Q & Harland, J (2006), 'Flexible agent protocols via temporal and resource-based reasoning', Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, G Weiss & P Stone (ed.), Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Hakodate, Japan.</p><p>Phan, T, Tari, Z & Bertok, P (2006), 'A benchmark on SOAP's transport protocols performance for mobile applications', Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, H V Leong & A Chan (ed.), Applied Computing 2006, Dijon, France.</p><p>Phan, T, Tari, Z & Bertok, P (2006), 'Optimizing web services performance by using similarity-based multicast protocol', Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 2006), A Bernstein et al. (ed.), Fourth IEEE European Conference on Web Services, Zurich.</p><p>Phillips, D & Hu, J (2006), 'Enhancements for RTT-fair high-speed TCP', IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), T Kero et al. (ed.), 49th IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, San Francisco.</p><p>Phinjaroenphan, P, Bevinakoppa, S & Zeephongsekul, P (2006), 'Node fault prevention in computational grids through a reliable node selection scheme', Proceedings of the 11th ISAAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, H Pham & S Yamada (ed.), 11th ISAAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, St Louis, Missouri.</p><p>Puglisi, S, Smyth, W & Turpin, A (2006), 'Inverted files versus suffix arrays for locating patterns in primary memory', Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2006), F Crestani et al. (ed.), 13th International Conference on String Processing and Information Retrieval, Glasgow.</p><p>Purver, M, Ratiu, F & Cavedon, L (2006), 'Robust interpretation in dialogue by combining confidence scores with contextual features', Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing INTERSPEECH, R M Stern (ed.), International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Pittsburgh.</p><p>Rajasekhar, S, Khalil, I & Tari, Z (2006), 'Probabilistic QoS routing in WiFi PaP networks', Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2006), D C Martin (ed.), 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Vienna.</p><p>Rajasekhar, S, Rong, B, Lai, K, Khalil, I & Tari, Z (2006), 'Load sharing in peer-to-peer networks using dynamic replication', Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2006), D C Martin (ed.), 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Vienna.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 28 of 53 Rong, B, Khalil, I & Tari, Z (2006), 'An adaptive membership management algorithm for application layer multicast', Proceedings of the International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2006), P. Dini et al. (ed.), International Conference on Networking and Services, Silicon Valley, CA.</p><p>Rong, B, Khalil, I & Tari, Z (2006), 'Making applications layer multicast reliable is feasible', Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, H Hassanein (ed.), IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Tampa, Florida.</p><p>Rong, B, Khalil, I & Tari, Z (2006), 'Reliability enhanced large-scale application layer multicast', Proceedings of the 2006 Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2006), T Kero et al. (ed.), Global Telecommunications Conference, San Francisco.</p><p>Rossi, P & Tari, Z (2006), 'Software adaption for service-oriented systems', Proceedings of the First Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing (MW4SOC 2006), K Goschka et al. (ed.), Middleware for Service Oriented Computing Workshop, Melbourne.</p><p>Sandercock, J, Padgham, L & Zambetta, F (2006), 'Creating adaptive and individual personalities in many characters without hand crafting behaviours', Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2006), J Gratch et al. (ed.), Intelligent Virtual Agents, Marina Del Rey, CA.</p><p>Sardina, S, De Giacomo, G, Lesperance, Y & Levesque, H (2006), 'On the limits of planning over belief states under strict uncertainty', Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Lake District, UK.</p><p>Sardina, S, De Silva, L & Padgham, L (2006), 'Hierarchial planning in BDI agent programming languages: A formal approach', Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems (AAMAS 2006), P Stone & G Weiss (ed.), Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Hakodate, Japan.</p><p>Shokouhi, M, Scholer, F & Zobel, J (2006), 'Sample sizes for query probing in uncooperative distributed information retrieval', Proceedings of the Eighth Asia–Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2006), X Zhou et al. (ed.), Eighth Asia–Pacific Web Conference, Harbin, China.</p><p>Shokouhi, M, Zobel, J, Tahaghoghi, S & Scholer, F (2006), 'Capturing collection size for distributed non-cooperative retrieval', Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development on Information Retrieval, S Dumais et al. (ed.), 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development on Information Retrieval, Seattle.</p><p>Thangarajah, J, Padgham, L & Sardina, S (2006), 'Modelling situations in intelligent agents', Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems (AAMAS 2006), P Stone & G Weiss (ed.), Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Hakodate, Japan.</p><p>Turpin, A & Scholer, F (2006), 'User performance versus precision measures for simple search tasks', Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development on Information Retrieval, S Dumais et al. (ed.), 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development on Information Retrieval, Seattle.</p><p>Turpin, A, Scholer, F & Billerbeck, B (2006), 'Examining the psuedo-standard web search engine results page', Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ACDS 2006), P Bruza et al. (ed.), Australasian Document Computing Symposium, Brisbane.</p><p>Uitdenbogerd, A (2006), 'Gender, conversation style, schemas and policy', Australian Women in IT, J Fisher (ed.), AusWIT 2006: Participation One Year On, Adelaide.</p><p>Uitdenbogerd, A (2006), 'Web readibility and computer-assisted language learning', Australasian Language Technology Workshop, L Cavedon & I Zukerman (ed.), Australasian Language Technology Workshop, Sydney.</p><p>Vo, B & Padgham, L (2006), 'A component-based approach to web service composition', Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006), T Nishida (ed.), International Conference on Web Intelligence, Hong Kong.</p><p>Vo, B & Padgham, L (2006), 'Conversation-based specification and composition of agent services', Tenth International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA 2006), M Klusch et al. (ed.), Cooperative Information Agents, Edinburgh.</p><p>Volkmer, T & Natsev, A (2006), 'Exploring automatic query refinement for text-based video retrieval', Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expr (ICME 2006), A Asuf & L Zhang (ed.), International Conference on Multimedia and Expr, Toronto.</p><p>Winikoff, M (2006), 'Designing commitment-based agent interactions', 2006 IEEE WIC ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, T Nishida (ed.), Intelligent Agent Technology, Hong Kong. SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 29 of 53 Zambetta, F (2006), 'Shaping interactive stories by means of dynamical policy models', Proceedings of the Fourth International Game Design and Technology Workshop and Conference, M Merabti et al. (ed.), Fourth International Game Design and Technology Workshop and Conference, Liverpool, UK.</p><p>Zhang, X & Chou, P (2006), 'Multiway pruning for efficient iceberg cubing', Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2006), S Bressan et al. (ed.), 17th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Krakow, Poland.</p><p>Zhang, X, Chou, P & Kotagiri, R (2006), 'Computing iceberg quotient cubes with bounding', Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2006), A M Tjoa & J Trujillo (ed.), Eighth International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, Krakow, Poland.</p><p>Zhao, Y, Zobel, J & Vines, P (2006), 'Using relative entropy for authorship attribution', Proceedings of the Third Asia Retrieval Symposium (AIRS 2006), H T Ng et al. (ed.), Third Asia Retrieval Symposium, Singapore.</p><p>School of Electrical & Computer Engineering</p><p>Book Al-Araji, S, Hussain, Z & Al-Qutayri, M (2006), 'Digital Phase Lock Loops: Architectures and Applications'. Springer, The Netherlands, ISBN: 0387328637.</p><p>Book Chapters Chen, T & Wu, H (2006), 'Artifact reduction by post-processing in image compression’, in Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 459–488.</p><p>Galatsis, K & Wlodarski, W (2006), 'Car cabin air quality sensors and systems’, in Encyclopedia of Sensors, Volume 2, Ca–D. American Scientific Publishers, USA, pp. 1–11.</p><p>Hwang, J, Wu, H & Rao, K (2006), 'Digital picture compression and coding structure’, in Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 3–43.</p><p>Powell, D, Kalantar-Zadeh, K, Wlodarski, W & Ippolito, S (2006), 'Layered surface acoustic wave chemical and bio-sensors’, in Encyclopedia of Sensors, Volume 5, I–M. American Scientific Publishers, USA, pp. 1–18.</p><p>Tan, D & Wu, H (2006), 'Perceptual image coding’, in Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 361–430.</p><p>Wu, H & Rao, K (2006), 'Critical issues and challenges’, in Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 543–573.</p><p>Yu, Z & Wu, H (2006), 'Vision model based digital video impairment metrics’, in Digital Video Image Quality and Perceptual Coding. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 243–279.</p><p>Refereed Journal Articles</p><p>Arsat, R, Tan, S, Wlodarski, W & Kalantar-Zadeh, K (2006), 'Hydrogen gas sensor based on SbxOy nanostructures with a Langasite substrate’, Sensor Letters, 4 (4), pp. 419–425.</p><p>Bhaskaran, M, Sriram, S & Holland, A (2006), 'RF magnetron sputtered perovskite-oriented PSZT thin-films on gold for piezoelectric and ferroelectric transducers’, Electronics Letters, 42 (4), pp. 244–245.</p><p>Brown, R (2006), 'Linking corrosion and catastrophic failure in low-power metallized polypropylene capacitors’, IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 6 (Special Edition), pp. 326–333.</p><p>Bui, L, Ghorbani, K & Mitchell, A (2006), 'Multi-channel vector sum phase shifter’, Optics Letters, 31 (5), pp. 577–579.</p><p>Comini, E, Cusma, A, Kaciulis, S, Kandasamy, S, Padeletti, G, Pandolfi, L, Sberveglieri, G, Trinchi, A & Wlodarski, W (2006), 'XPS investigation of CoOx-based MRISiC structures for hydrocarbon gas sensing’, Surface and Interface Analysis, 38 (4), pp. 736–739.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 30 of 53 Cosic, I, Cvetkovic, D, Fang, J, Jovanov, E & Lazoura, H (2006), 'Human electrophysiological signal responses to ELF Schumann resonance and artificial electromagnetic fields’, FME Transactions, 34 (2), pp. 93–103.</p><p>Cosic, I, Pirogova, E, Vojisavljevic, V & Fang, J (2006), 'Electromagnetic properties of biomolecules’, FME Transactions, 34 (2), pp. 71–80.</p><p>Cvetkovic, D & Cosic, I (2006), 'Automated ELF magnetic field stimulation of the human EEG activity’, Integrated Computer- Aided Engineering, 13 (4), pp. 313–328.</p><p>Djuwari, Kumar, D, Naik, G, Poosapadi Arjunan, S & Palaniswami, M (2006), 'Limitations and applications of ICA for surface electromyogram’, Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 46 (5), pp. 295–309.</p><p>Fardin, E, Holland, A & Ghorbani, K (2006), 'Electronically tunable lumped element 90 degree hybrid coupler’, Electronics Letters, 42 (6), pp. 353–355.</p><p>Fardin, E, Holland, A, Ghorbani, K, Akdogan, E, Safari, A & Wang, J (2006), 'Polycrystalline Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films on {r}-plane sapphire: Effect of film thickness on strain and dielectric properties’, Applied Physics Letters, 89 (18), 182907(1–3).</p><p>Fardin, E, Holland, A, Reichart, P & Ghorbani, K (2006), 'Enhanced tunability of magnetron sputtered Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films on {c}-plane sapphire substrates’, Applied Physics Letters, 89 (2), 022901(1–3).</p><p>Fechete, A, Wisitsoraat, A, Wlodarski, W, Kalantar-Zadeh, K, Kandasamy, S & Holland, A (2006), 'Hydrogen and ozone SAW based gas sensors with RF magnetron sputtered InOx and electron beam evaporated SiNx’, Journal of Rare Metal Materials (Engineering Special Issue for EACCS-6), 35 (1), pp. 206–209.</p><p>Fechete, A, Wlodarski, W, Kalantar-Zadeh, K, Holland, A, Antoszewski, J, Kaciulis, S & Pandolfi, L (2006), 'SAW-based gas sensors with RF sputtered InOx and PECVD SiNx films: Response to H2 and O3 gases’, Sensors and Actuators, 118 (1), pp. 362–367.</p><p>Feng, Y, Sun, L & Yu, X (2006), 'Synchronization of a class of uncertain chaotic systems via observer’, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 13, pp. 77–87.</p><p>Feng, Y, Yu, X & Zheng, X (2006), 'Second-order terminal sliding mode control of input-delay systems’, Asian Journal of Control, 8 (1), pp. 12–20.</p><p>Fengling, H, Hu, J, Yu, X & Wang, Y (2006), 'Fingerprint images encryption via multi-scroll chaotic attractors’, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 185 (2), pp. 931–939.</p><p>Fengling, H, Lu, J, Yu, X & Chen, G (2006), 'Dynamical behaviours of a 3D hysteresis-based system’, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 28, pp. 182–192.</p><p>Fengling, H, Yu, X, Chen, G & Feng, Y (2006), 'Study on stability margin of the hysteresis-based chaotic systems’, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 13, pp. 19–25.</p><p>Galias, Z & Yu, X (2006), 'Complex discretization behaviors of a 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No. 06EX1316C), G Bartolini & E Usai (ed.), 2006 International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, Piscataway, NJ.</p><p>Al-Qahtani, F & Hussain, Z (2006), 'Performance of space-time block coded OFDM in time-selective macrocell channel environments', Australian Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC), M Zukerman (ed.), Australian Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference, Melbourne.</p><p>Al-Qahtani, F, Mahmoud, S & Hussain, Z (2006), 'A space–time MIMO channel model for macrocell mobile environment', 12th Asia–Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2006), H J Choi (ed.), Asia–Pacific Conference on Communications, Busan, Korea.</p><p>Athanasiadis, T, Lin, K & Hussain, Z (2006), 'An unequal modulation scheme for the transmission of compressed multimedia data over MIMO–OFDM systems', Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON Conference, H W Ngan (ed.), IEEE TENCON, Hong Kong.</p><p>Athanasiadis, T, Lin, K & Hussain, Z (2006), 'Multimedia transmission over wireless space–time–frequency coded OFDM', 12th Asia–Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2006), H J Choi (ed.), Asia–Pacific Conference on Communications, Busan, Korea.</p><p>Baghai-Wadji, A (2006), 'B-spline wavelets constructed from spectral-domain asymptotic tails of Green's functions', Proceedings of ACES, Applied Computational Electromagnetics, F S Foster (ed.), Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Canada.</p><p>Baghai-Wadji, A (2006), 'Conservative finite difference method as applied to electromagnetic radiation problems in SAW devices', Proceedings of the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, F S Foster (ed.), IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Quebec.</p><p>Baghai-Wadji, A (2006), 'Frames and dual frames in SAW devices modelling', Proceedings of the International Ultrasonics Symposium, F S Foster (ed.), IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Quebec.</p><p>Baghai-Wadji, A (2006), 'On the origin of the addition theorem and its role in multipole expansions', Proceedings of ACES, Applied Computational Electromagnetics, F S Foster (ed.), Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Canada.</p><p>Becker, W, Yu, X, Tu, J & Lee, E (2006), 'Single compartment fire risk analysis using a fuzzy neural network', Proceedings of 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, L Wang et al. (ed.), World Congress on Computation Intelligence, Vancouver.</p><p>Belski, I (2006), 'Reinventing TRIZ thinking tools: Substance-field analysis', Proceedings of the ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference (2006), S Dewulf & N Dekeyser (ed.), ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference, Belgium.</p><p>Brown, R (2006), 'A dominant mechanism for thin film power capacitors going high or self destructing', Unity Through Technology, N Al-Dabal. (ed.), Third Industrial Electrical and Electronics GCC Conference, Bahrain.</p><p>Brown, R, Harvey, A & Gray, C (2006), 'A classical capacitor equivalent circuit with formula-predicted values and frequency dependence', Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON Conference, H W Ngan (ed.), IEEE TENCON, Hong Kong.</p><p>Bui, L, Mansoori, S & Mitchell, A (2006), 'A compact technique for allocation of coefficient to an optical signal', Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Australian Optical Society (ACOFT & AOS 2006), A Mitchell (ed.), 31st Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Australian Optical Society, Melbourne.</p><p>Burton, P (2006), 'Quasi interactive video: An innovative approach to the delivery of laboratory classes', Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2006 Annual Conference and Exposition, K Thomes (ed.), American Society for Engineering Education 2006 Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 34 of 53 Chai, S, Wu, D, Tan, D & Wu, H (2006), 'Robustness of a perceptually lossless medical image coder: Interpolation', Proceedings of 2006 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Y Itoh (ed.), International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Tottori, Japan.</p><p>Cvetkovic, D, Jovanov, E & Cosic, I (2006), 'Alterations in human EEG activity caused by extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields', 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Annual International Conference, A Dhawan et al. (ed.), 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference, New York.</p><p>Cvetkovic, D, Simpson, D & Cosic, I (2006), 'Influence of sinusoidally modulated visual stimuli at extremely low frequency range on the human EEG activity', 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Annual International Conference, A Dhawan et al. (ed.), 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference, New York.</p><p>Dhawan, D, Sabri, Y, Bhargava, S, Sood, D & Kalantar-Zadeh, K (2006), 'Development of nano-structured titanium oxide thin films using a gas carving technique', Proceedings of SPIE, D Milam (ed.), Smart Materials, Nano- and Micro-Smart Systems Symposium, Adelaide.</p><p>Domachuk, P, Mutzenich, S, Cronin-Golomb, M, Rosengarten, G, Mitchell, A & Eggleton, B (2006), 'Application of optical trapping to beam manipulation in optofluidics', Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6038, D Abbott et al. (ed.), Photonics: Design, Technology, and Packaging II, Brisbane.</p><p>Elmezughi, A & Rowe, W (2006), 'Flip-chip bonded stacked patch antenna for monolithic microwave integrated circuits', Proceedings of the 2006 Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, K Araki (ed.), 2006 Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama, Japan.</p><p>Emami, H, Bui, L & Mitchell, A (2006), 'Broadband 90 degree hybrid coupler using photonic transversal approach', Proceedings of the Asia–Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference (2006), M Izutsu (ed.), Asia–Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference, Kobe, Japan.</p><p>Emami, H, Bui, L, Mansoori, S & Mitchell, A (2006), 'Quadrature hybrid coupler using photonic transversal approach', Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Australian Optical Society (ACOFT & AOS 2006), A Mitchell (ed.), 31st Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Australian Optical Society, Melbourne</p><p>Fardin, E, Holland, A & Ghorbani, K (2006), 'Barium strontium titanate thin films on {r}-plane sapphire', Proceedings of the 2006 Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, K Araki (ed.), 2006 Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama, Japan.</p><p>Fardin, E, Holland, A, Ghorbani, K & Usher, B (2006), 'Structural and microwave characterisation of magnetron sputtered Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 films on {c}-plane sapphire substrates', Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Symposium, J C Barbour (ed.), Materials Research Society Symposium, San Francisco.</p><p>Fechete, A, Wlodarski, W, Holland, A & Kalantar-Zadeh, K (2006), 'Growth of indium oxide nanostructures by thermal evaporation', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, C Jagadish & G Q Lu (ed.), 2006 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Brisbane.</p><p>Feng, Y, Yu, X & Zheng, J (2006), 'Nonsingular terminal sliding mode control of uncertain multivariable systems', 2006 International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (IEEE Cat. No. 06EX1316C), G Bartolini & E Usai (ed.), International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy.</p><p>Fengling, H, Hu, J & Yu, X (2006), 'A biometric encryption approach incorporating fingerprint indexing in key generation', Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics, D-S Huang et al. (ed.), International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China.</p><p>Fengling, H, Hu, J, Yu, X, Feng, Y & Zhou, J (2006), 'A novel hybrid crypto-biometric authentication scheme for ATM based banking applications', IAPR ICBA (2006), D Zhang & A K Jain (ed.), IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, Hong Kong.</p><p>Fengling, H, Yu, X & Han, S (2006), 'Improved baker map for image encryption', First International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aerospace and Astronautics, C Wang (ed.), First International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aerospace and Astronautics, Piscataway, NJ.</p><p>Gawthrop, P & Wang, L (2006), 'Estimation of bounded physical parameters', 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, B Ninness (ed.), 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Newcastle, NSW.</p><p>Holland, A, Bhaskaran, M, Sriram, S, Reeves, G, Ravichandran, V, Borase, V & Bhaskaran, S (2006), 'Specific contact resistivity of Al–NiSi contacts using cross Kelvin resistor test structure chains', Proceedings of SPIE—Volume 6035: Microelectronics: Design, Technology, and Packaging II, A J Hariz (ed.), SPIE–Volume 6035: Microelectronics: Design, Technology, and Packaging II, Brisbane.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 35 of 53 John, S, Garbutt, J & Vinay, T (2006), 'Trajectory specification for accurate tracking control of a differential drive WMR', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Modelling, Simulation & Visualization Methods (MSV'06), H Arabnia (ed.), International Conference on Modelling, Simulation & Visualization Methods, Las Vegas.</p><p>Lal, J, Kan, H, Rowe, W & Chung, A (2006), 'F-shaped shorted patch antenna with dual-frequency characteristics', Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON Conference, H W Ngan (ed.), IEEE TENCON, Hong Kong.</p><p>Li, Y, Yang, Q, Yu, X, Trinchi, A, Sadek, A, Wlodarski, W & Kalantar-Zadeh, K (2006), 'Nanostructured molybdenum oxide gas sensors', Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Sensors, S Lee (ed.), IEEE Conference on Sensors, Daegu, Korea.</p><p>Lin, K & Hussain, Z (2006), 'Performance of STF coded OFDM with transmit eigenbeamforming in correlated fading channels', 12th Asia–Pacific Conference on Communications(APCC2006), H J Choi (ed.), Asia–Pacific Conference on Communications, Busan, Korea.</p><p>Lopez-Lara, E, Bui, L, Ghorbani, K, Rowe, W & Mitchell, A (2006), 'Ultra-broadband photonic patch antenna', IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, D Williams et al. (ed.), IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, San Francisco.</p><p>Mahmoud, S, Fang, J, Davidovic, D & Cosic, I (2006), 'A time–frequency approach for the analysis of normal and arrhythmia cardiac signals', 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Annual International Conference, A Dhawan et al. (ed.), 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference, New York.</p><p>Mahmoud, S, Fang, J, Hussain, Z & Cosic, I (2006), 'Adaptive transmit diversity with orthogonal space–time block coding for telemedicine application', 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Annual International Conference, A Dhawan et al. (ed.), 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference, New York.</p><p>Mahmud, T, Rosengarten, G & Holland, A (2006), 'Droplet manipulation for lab-on-a-chip using electrowetting', Proceedings of SPIE Volume 6036, D V Nicolau (ed.), SPIE BioMEMS and Nanotechnology II, Brisbane.</p><p>Monat, C, Domachuk, P, Grillet, C, Eggleton, B, Mutzenich, S, Rosengarten, G & Mitchell, A (2006), 'Integrated tunable microfluidic interferometer', Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Australian Optical Society (ACOFT & AOS 2006), A Mitchell (ed.), 31st Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Australian Optical Society, Melbourne.</p><p>Monat, C, Domachuk, P, Jaouen, V, Grillet, C, Cronin-Golomb, M, Eggleton, B, Mutzenich, S, Mahmud, T & Rosengarten, G (2006), 'Micron-scale tunability in photonic devices using microfluidics', Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6329, D Psaltis & Y Fainman (ed.), SPIE Optofluidics, San Diago.</p><p>Naik, G, Kumar, D, Poosapadi Arjunan, S & Palaniswami, M (2006), 'ICA for surface electromyogram', International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) and Second International Workshop on Bio-signal Processing and Classification, D K Kumar and H Gamboa (ed.), International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics and Second International Workshop on Bio-signal Processing and Classification, Setabul, Portugal.</p><p>Naik, G, Kumar, D, Poosapadi Arjunan, S, Palaniswami, M & Begg, R (2006), 'Limitations of ICA for surface electromyogram', 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Annual International Conference, A Dhawan et al. (ed.), 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference, New York.</p><p>Naik, G, Kumar, D, Singh, V & Palaniswami, M (2006), 'Hand gestures for HCI using ICA of EMG', VisHCI2006: HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in HCI, R Goecke et al. (ed.), VisHCI2006: HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in HCI , Canberra.</p><p>Naik, G, Kumar, D, Singh, V & Palaniswami, M (2006), 'SEMG for identifying hand gestures using ICA', International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) and Second International Workshop on Bio-signal Processing and Classification, D K Kumar and H Gamboa (ed.), International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics and Second International Workshop on Bio-signal Processing and Classification, Setabul, Portugal..</p><p>Neshev, D, Sukhorukov, A, Dreishuh, A, Fischer, R, Han, S, Rosberg, C, Krolikowski, W, Bolger, J, Eggleton, B, Mitchell, A, Austin, M & Kivshar, Y (2006), 'Spatio-spectral control of supercontinuum light', Proceedings of the OSA Frontiers in Optics 2006 and Laser Science XXII, D N Fittinghoff & L Weller-Brophy (ed.), OSA Frontiers in Optics 2006 and Laser Science XXII, Rochester, New York.</p><p>Neville, K, Al-Qahtani, F, Hussain, Z & Lech, M (2006), 'Recognition of modulated speech over OFDMA', Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON Conference, H W Ngan (ed.), IEEE TENCON, Hong Kong.</p><p>Nguyen, D & Wang, J (2006), 'A new TCP congestion control with weighted fair allocation and scalable stability', Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2006), L Wong & L-Y Lau (ed.), 2006 IEEE International Conference on Networks, Singapore.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 36 of 53 Nguyen, G, Visagathilagar, Y & Mitchell, A (2006), 'Cascaded multicavity resonantly enhanced Mach–Zehnder modulator', Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Australian Optical Society (ACOFT & AOS 2006), A Mitchell (ed.), 31st Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Australian Optical Society, Melbourne.</p><p>Phu, M, Tischer, P & Wu, H (2006), 'Adaptive region growing impulse noise estimator for colour images', Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Y Y Tang (ed.), International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong.</p><p>Phu, M, Tischer, P & Wu, H (2006), 'An impulse detector for color image restoration', Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Y Itoh (ed.), International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Tottori, Japan.</p><p>Pirogova, E, Akay, M & Cosic, I (2006), 'Investigating the interaction between oncogene and tumor suppressor protein', Proceedings of ITAB (2006), M Akay (ed.), ITAB (2006), Ioannina Epirus, Greece.</p><p>Poosapadi Arjunan, S, Kumar, D, Yau, W & Weghorn, H (2006), 'Facial SEMG for speech recognition—Inter subject variation', International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) and Second International Workshop on Bio-signal Processing and Classification, D K Kumar and H Gamboa (ed.), International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics and Second International Workshop on Bio-signal Processing and Classification, Setabul, Portugal.</p><p>Poosapadi Arjunan, S, Kumar, D, Yau, W & Weghorn, H (2006), 'Unspoken vowel recognition using facial electromyogram', 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Annual International Conference, A Dhawan et al. (ed.), 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference, New York.</p><p>Poosapadi Arjunan, S, Kumar, D, Yau, W & Weghorn, H (2006), 'Unvoiced speech control based on vowels detected by facial surface electromyogram', Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Society (2006), P Isaias and M McPherson (ed.), IADIS International Conference on e-Society, Dublin.</p><p>Poosapadi Arjunan, S, Weghorn, H, Kumar, D & Yau, W (2006), 'Vowel recognition of English and German language using facial movement (SEMG) for speech control based HCI', VisHCI2006: HCSNet Workshop on the Use of Vision in HCI (2006), R Goecke et al. 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Delfyett & F Heismann (ed.), Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, Long Beach, California.</p><p>Rosberg, C, Neshev, D, Krolikowski, W, Kivshar, Y, Mitchell, A, Vincencio, R & Molina, M (2006), 'Observation of surface gap solitons', Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (CLEO/QELS 2006), P Delfyett & F Heismann (ed.), Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, Long Beach, California.</p><p>Rosberg, C, Neshev, D, Krolikowski, W, Mitchell, A, Vicencio, R, Molina, M & Kivshar, Y (2006), 'Observation of nonlinear optical Tamm states in truncated photonic lattices', Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, C Jagadish & G Q Lu (ed.), International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Brisbane.</p><p>Rosberg, C, Neshev, D, Krolikowski, W, Mitchell, A, Vicencio, R, Molina, M & Kivshar, Y (2006), 'Surface gap solitons in LiNbO3 waveguide arrays', Proceedings of the OSA Frontiers in Optics 2006 and Laser Science XXII, D N Fittinghoff & L Weller-Brophy (ed.), OSA Frontiers in Optics 2006 and Laser Science XXII, Rochester, New York..</p><p>Rosberg, C, Neshev, D, Krolikowski, W, Mitchell, A, Vicencio, R, Molina, M & Kivshar, Y (2006), 'Surface gap solitons at fabricated photonic lattice interfaces', Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Australian Optical Society (ACOFT & AOS 2006), A Mitchell (ed.), 31st Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology and Australian Optical Society, Melbourne.</p><p>Rowe, W & Ghorbani, K (2006), 'InP aperture coupled patch antenna for millimeter-wave/photonic integrated circuits', Proceedings of the 2006 Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, K Araki (ed.), 2006 Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama, Japan.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 37 of 53 Rowe, W & Waterhouse, R (2006), 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health nursing practice’, Contemporary Nurse, 21 (2), pp. 287–296.</p><p>Gavidia-Payne, S & Stoneman, Z (2006), 'Marital adjustment in families of young children with disabilities: Associations with daily hassles and problem-focussed coping’, American Journal on Mental Retardation, 111 (1), pp. 1–14.</p><p>Geuze, R, Wilson, P, Lust, J & Wijers, A (2006), 'An EEG study of mental rotation related negativity in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder’, Child: Care, Health and Development, 32 (6), pp. 649–663.</p><p>Giallo, R & Gavidia-Payne, S (2006), 'Child, parent, and family factors as predictors of adjustment for siblings of children with disabilities’, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50 (12), pp. 937–948.</p><p>Gordon, A, Hobbs, D, Bowden, S, Bailey, M, Mitchell, J, Francis, A & Roberts, S (2006), 'Effects of Silybum marianum on serum hepatitis C virus RNA, alanine aminotransferase levels and well-being in patients with chronic hepatitis C’, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 21, pp. 275–280.</p><p>Greenwood, K, McGinley, J, Morris, M, Goldie, P & Onley, S (2006), 'Accuracy of clinical observations of push-off during gait after stroke’, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87 (6), pp. 779–785.</p><p>Hay, D, Richdale, A & Kos, J (2006), 'Children with ADHD and their teachers: A review of the literature’, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 53, pp. 147–160.</p><p>Hempenstall, K (2006), 'The use of a Direct Instruction reading program to tutor an adult with a moderate intellectual disability’, Direct Instruction News, 6 (2), pp. 6–11.</p><p>Hempenstall, K (2006), 'What does evidence-based practice in education mean?’, Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 11 (2), pp. 83–92.</p><p>Hughes, C & Thomas, T (2006), 'Adapting the Career Development Inventory–Australia for cross-cultural research’, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 69 (2), pp. 276–288.</p><p>Inbakaran, R & Jackson, M (2006), 'Resident attitudes inside Victoria's tourism product regions: A cluster analysis’, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 13 (1), pp. 59–73.</p><p>Infantino, J & Hempenstall, K (2006), 'Effects of a decoding program on a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder’, Australasian Journal of Special Education, 30 (2), pp. 126–144.</p><p>Inthavong, K, Tian, Z, Li, H, Tu, J, Yang, W, Xue, C & Li, C (2006), 'A numerical study of spray particle deposition in a human nasal cavity’, Aerosol Science and Technology, 40, pp. 1034–1045.</p><p>Jackson, M & Inbakaran, R (2006), 'Evaluating residents' attitude and intentions to act towards tourism development in regional Victoria, Australia’, International Journal of Tourism Research, 8 (5), pp. 355–366.</p><p>Johnstone, M & Kanitsaki, O (2006), 'Culture, language and patient safety: Making the link’, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 18 (5), pp. 383–388.</p><p>Johnstone, M & Kanitsaki, O (2006), 'Processes influencing the development of graduate nurse capabilities in Clinical Risk Management: An Australian study’, Quality Management in Health Care, 15 (4), pp. 268–278.</p><p>Johnstone, M & Kanitsaki, O (2006), 'The ethics and practical importance of defining, distinguishing and disclosing nursing errors: A discussion paper’, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 43 (3), pp. 367–376.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 42 of 53 Johnstone, M & Kanitsaki, O (2006), 'The moral imperative of designating patient safety and quality care as a national nursing research priority’, Collegian, 13 (1), pp. 5–9.</p><p>Kimpton, A, Bolton, P & Budgell, B (2006), 'Influence of innocuous cervical vertebral movement on the efferent innervation of the adrenal gland in the rat’, Autonomic Neuroscience Basic and Clinical, 124, pp. 103–111.</p><p>Lenon, G, Li, C, Xue, C, Thien, F & Story, D (2006), 'Inhibition of release of vasoactive and inflammatory mediators in airway and vascular tissues and macrophages by a Chinese herbal medicine formula for allergic rhinitis’, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 3, pp. 1–9.</p><p>Long, S (2006), 'Organizational Defenses against anxiety: What has happened since the 1955 Jaques paper?’, International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 3 (4), pp. 279–295.</p><p>McVilly, K & Dalton, A (2006), 'Commentary on Iacono (2006): Ethical challenges and complexities of including people with intellectual disability as participants in research’, Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 31 (3), pp. 186–188.</p><p>McVilly, K, Stancliffe, R, Parmenter, T & Burton-Smith, R (2006), 'Self-advocates have the last say on friendship’, Disability and Society, 21 (7), pp. 693–708.</p><p>Miller, R, Pallant, J & Negri, L (2006), 'Anxiety and stress in the postpartum: Is there more to postnatal distress than depression?’, BioMed Central Psychiatry, 6, pp. 12–22.</p><p>Morgan, J (2006), 'Managing oneself in role as an insider 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trigger for headaches: Relationship between exposure and sensitivity’, Headache, 46 (6), pp. 962–972.</p><p>Reece, J, McDermott, F & Brophy, L (2006), 'A cluster analysis of people on community treatment orders in Victoria, Australia’, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 29 (6), pp. 469–481.</p><p>Reece, J, Schembri, A & Wade, E (2006), 'Bully victimisation and psychosocial health in adolescents: Gender differences in depression, anxiety, social problems and perceived wellness’, Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 23 (2), pp. 17–34.</p><p>Richdale, A & Cotton, S (2006), 'Brief report: Parental descriptions of sleep problems in children with autism, Down syndrome, and Prader–Willi syndrome’, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 27, pp. 151–161.</p><p>Rose, L (2006), 'Advanced modes of mechanical ventilation: Implications for practice’, AACN Advanced Critical Care, 17 (2), pp. 145–158.</p><p>Rose, L & Nelson, S (2006), 'Issues in weaning from mechanical 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treatment of allergic rhinitis?’, Current Opinions on Allergy Clinical Immunology, 6, pp. 175–179.</p><p>Xue, C, Wu, Q, Zhou, W, Yang, A & Story, D (2006), 'Comparison of Chinese medicine education and training in China and Australia’, Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, 35 (11), pp. 775–779.</p><p>Xue, C, Zhang, L, Lin, V & Story, D (2006), 'The use of complementary and alternative medicine in Australia’, Health Issues: Journal of the Health Issues Centre, 88, pp. 12–15.</p><p>Zhang, J, Inbakaran, R & Jackson, M (2006), 'Understanding community attitudes towards tourism and host–guest interaction in the urban rural border region’, Tourism Geographies, 8 (2), pp. 182–204.</p><p>Refereed Conference Proceedings Bedford, A & Schembri, A (2006), 'An analysis of goal-kicking accuracy in Australian Rules Football', Proceedings of the Eighth Australasian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sport, J Hammond and N de Mestre (ed.), Eighth Australasian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sport.</p><p>Berry, M, Shortis, M, McGovern, J & Farrell, M (2006), 'Two case studies on the influence of mobile computing on student learning behaviour', Creativity, Challenges, Change: Partnerships in Engineering Education, G Rowe (ed.), 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association of Engineering</p><p>Cichello, M, Thomas, T & Xenos, S (2006), 'Predictors of healthy ageing in older Filipinos living in Australia', Diversity in Ageing, T Broe (ed.), 39th Annual Conference of the Australian Association of Gerontology, Sydney.</p><p>Heath, L & Thomas, T (2006), 'An inter-generational examination of male gender role conflict and psychological distress', Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice, M Katsikitis (ed.), Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society, Auckland.</p><p>Inbakaran, R, Jackson, M & Mann, K (2006), 'Stakeholder perspectives on quality service in nature based tourism: A case study of Anglesea–Port Campbell region, Victoria, Australia', CAUTHE 2006 'To the city and beyond', B O'Mahony & P Whitelaw (ed.), To the City and Beyond, Melbourne.</p><p>Inbakaran, R, Jackson, M & Zhang, J (2006), 'Sensible tourism in sensitive regions: A case study analysis', International Conference on Natural Hazards and Disasters: Local to Global Perspectives, D Subbiah et al. (ed.), Natural Hazards and Disasters: Local to Global Perspectives, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, India.</p><p>Inbakaran, R, Jackson, M & Zhang, J (2006), 'Understanding resident attitudes and pro-tourist behaviour toward regional tourism development: Application of the theory of planned behaviour', International Conference on Natural Hazards and Disasters: Local to Global Perspectives, D Subbiah et al. (ed.), Natural Hazards and Disasters: Local to Global Perspectives, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ananatpur, India.</p><p>Inthavong, K, Tian, Z, Li, H, Tu, J, Yang, W, Xue, C & Li, C (2006), 'Local deposition sites of drug particles in human nasal cavity', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, S Skeen (ed.), Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, Melbourne.</p><p>Jackson, M & Inbakaran, R (2006), 'Development of a tourist personality inventory', CAUTHE 2006 Conference Proceedings 'To the City and Beyond', B O'Mahony and P Whitelaw (ed.), CAUTHE 2006 'To the City and Beyond', Melbourne.</p><p>Jayasinghe, R, Kong Kaw Wa, S, Xue, C, Li, C, Pang, E & Kaganovitch, J (2006), 'A novel ‘subtracted diversity array’ for authentication of Chinese herbs', 13th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference: ‘Breeding for Success: Diversity in Action’, C F Mercer (ed.), 13th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Christchurch.</p><p>Li, H, Tian, Z, Tu, J, Yang, W, Yeoh, G, Xue, C & Li, C (2006), 'Studies of airflow through a human nasopharynx and pharynx airway', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, S Skeen (ed.), Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, Melbourne.</p><p>Li, H, Tu, J, Tang, H, Xue, C & Li, C (2006), 'Aerosol transfer in laminar and turbulent flows in the human nasal cavity', Computational Methods, G R Liu (ed.), International Conference on Computational Methods 2004, Singapore.</p><p>Li, H, Tu, J, Xue, C, Li, C & Denish, S (2006), 'A CFD study of fluid-particle behaviour in a porous vestibule of a human nasal and pharynx airway', Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, S Skeen (ed.), Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, Melbourne.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 44 of 53 Murgia, S & Thomas, T (2006), 'Effects of refugee camp experiences and arrival age on psychological functioning in young refugees and migrants', Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice, M Katsikitis (ed.), Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society, Auckland.</p><p>Reece, J & Thomas, H (2006), 'Exploring resilience: A comparison of Aboriginal and non-Indigenous Australian adolescents', Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice, M Katsikitis (ed.), Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society, Auckland.</p><p>Reece, J, Matthews, J & Mutimer, A (2006), 'Family functioning and its relationship to child resilience status in preschool children', Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice, M Katsikitis (ed.), Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society, Auckland.</p><p>Reece, J, Wade, E & Little, E (2006), 'Resilient victims of bullying: Psychosocial correlates of positive outcomes', Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice, M Katsikitis (ed.), Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society, Auckland.</p><p>Singh, V, Kumar, D, Polus, B, Fraser, S & Lo Guidice, S (2006), 'Changes in EMG during short duration supra-maximal and long duration sub-maximal exercise: A comparative study', ICINCO: Second International Workshop on Bio-signal processing and Classification, D K Kumar (ed.), ICINCO: Second International Workshop on Bio-signal processing and Classification, Setúbal, Portugal.</p><p>Singh, V, Kumar, D, Polus, B, Lo Guidice, S & Fraser, S (2006), 'Changes in SEMG during the long duration cycling exercise', Proceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, A Hielscher (ed.), 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, New York.</p><p>Thomas, N & Thomas, T (2006), 'Influence of cultural background and cognitive distortions on the gambling behaviour of international students', Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice, M Katsikitis (ed.), Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society, Auckland.</p><p>Wilson, P, Thomas, P, Maruff, P, Butson, M & Williams, J (2006), 'Developmental changes in motor imagery in primary school- aged children', Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice, M Katsikitis (ed.), Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and New Zealand Psychological Society, Auckland.</p><p>Wilson, P, Thomas, P, Shum, D, Duckworth, J, Rudolph, H, Mumford, N, Eldridge, R & Gugliemetti, M (2006), 'A multilevel model for movement rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) using virtual environments', Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation, G Burdea (ed.), Fifth International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation, New 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The psychological adaptation of second-generation Lebanese– Australian youth', Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice, M Katsikitis (ed.), Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and New Zealand Psychological Society, Auckland.</p><p>Zhang, J, Inbakaran, R & Jackson, M (2006), 'Regional community attitudes toward tourism: Identification of community clusters in Murrindindi Shire, Victoria', Proceedings of CAUTHE 2006 'To the City and Beyond', B O'Mahony & P Whitelaw (ed.), CAUTHE 2006 'To the City and Beyond', Melbourne.</p><p>School of Mathematical & Geospatial Sciences</p><p>Book Chapters Bodhisuwan, W & Zeephongsekul, P (2006), 'Asymptotic properties of a software reliability growth model with imperfect debugging: A Martingale approach’, in Reliability Modelling, Analysis and Optimization. World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 289– 314.</p><p>Cartwright, W (2006), 'Exploring the use of a Virtual Map Shop as an interface for accessing geographical information’, in Geographic Hypermedia. Springer, Berlin, pp. 73–95.</p><p>Cartwright, W, Gartner, G & Peterson, M (2006), 'New media: From discrete, to distributed, to module, to ubiquitous’, in Geographic Hypermedia. Springer, Berlin, pp. 23–36.</p><p>Da Silva Ramos, C & Cartwright, W (2006), 'Atlases from paper to digital medium’, Geographic Hypermedia. Springer, Berlin, pp. 97–119.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 45 of 53 Ferwerda, J & Jones, S (2006), 'Continuous wavelet transformations for hyperspectral feature detection’, in Progress in Spatial Data Handling. Springer, Netherlands, pp. 167–178.</p><p>Handmer, J, Coate, B & Choong, W (2006), 'The Indian Ocean Tsunami: Local resilience in Phuket’, in Managing Coastal Vulnerabilities. Elsevier, UK, pp. 121–140.</p><p>Reinke, K, Jones, S & Hunter, G (2006), 'Implementation of a prototype toolbox for communicating spatial data quality and uncertainty using a wildfire risk example’, in Progress in Spatial Data Handling. Springer, Netherlands, pp. 321–337.</p><p>Van Elzakker, C & Wealands, K (2006), 'Use and users of multimedia cartography’, in Multimedia Cartography. Springer, Berlin, pp. 487–504.</p><p>Zeephongsekul, P, Bedford, A, Broberg, J, Dimopoulos, P & Tari, Z (2006), 'Queueing theory applications to communication systems: Control of traffic flows and load balancing’, in Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics. Springer, Germany, pp. 991–1022.</p><p>Refereed Journal Articles Aliu, E & Shepherd, J (2006), 'The two-dimensional, finite, gas lubricated, slider bearing in slip flow’, ANZIAM Journal, 47, C475–C491.</p><p>Bedford, A & Schembri, A (2006), 'A probability based approach for the allocation of player draft selections in Australian rules football’, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5 (4), pp. 509–516.</p><p>Bennett, J & Shepherd, J (2006), 'Analysis of the non-isothermal Newtonian model in the blown film process’, ANZIAM Journal, 47, pp. 325–338.</p><p>Blyth, W, Clarke, D & Labovic, A (2006), 'Video analysis to understand e-Learning of vector calculus’, ANZIAM Journal, 47, C185–C199.</p><p>Broberg, J, Tari, Z & Zeephongsekul, P (2006), 'Task assignment with work-conserving migration’, Parallel Computing, 32, pp. 808–830.</p><p>Cartwright, W (2006), 'Using multimedia surrogate travel tools for better understanding local geography’, Proceedings of SPIE, 6420, 642024-1–642024-7.</p><p>Coate, B, Handmer, J & Choong, W (2006), 'Taking care of people and communities: Rebuilding livelihoods through NGOs and the informal economy in southern Thailand’, Disaster Prevention and Management, 15 (1), pp. 135–145.</p><p>Da Silva Ramos, C & Handmer, J (2006), 'Geopolitica no Pacifico Sudoeste e os conflitos recentes nas Illhas Salomao (Geo- Politics in the South-West Pacific and the recent conflicts in the Solomon Islands’, Geografica, 31 (1), pp. 5–28.</p><p>Dam, H, Liu, Y, Teo, K & Nordholm, S (2006), 'Semi-infinite quadratic optimization method using dual parametrization with application to antenna array’, Optimization, 55 (1-2), pp. 3–18.</p><p>De Silva, B & Walker, V (2006), 'A sequential approach to the Behrens-Fisher problem’, Sequential Analysis, 25 (3), pp. 311– 326.</p><p>Dimopoulos, P, Zeephongsekul, P & Tari, Z (2006), 'A dynamic priority approach to reducing delay in interactive TCP connections’, Telecommunication Systems, (11235).</p><p>Du, P, Yun-Hao, C, Jones, S, Ferwerda, J, Hua-Peng, Z, Kun, T & Zuo-Xi, Y (2006), 'New classification methods for hyperspectral remote sensing’, Proceedings of SPIE, 6419, pp. 1–11.</p><p>Eberhard, A, Rajalingam, S & Wenczel, R (2006), 'On the variational behaviour of the subhessian of the Lasry–Lions Envelope’, Journal of Convex Analysis, 13, pp. 647–685.</p><p>Farmer, D & Shepherd, J (2006), 'Slip flow in the gas-lubricated Rayleigh step-slider bearing’, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 11 (3), pp. 593–608.</p><p>Ferwerda, J, Jones, S & Du, P (2006), 'A web-based, open-source database for distribution of hyperspectral signatures’, Proceedings of SPIE, 6421, pp. 1–6.</p><p>Ferwerda, J, Siderius, W, V Wieran, D, Grant, C, Peel, M & Skidmore, A (2006), 'Parent material and fire as principal drivers of foliage quality in woody plants’, Forest Ecology and Management, 231, pp. 178–183.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 46 of 53 Ferwerda, J, Skidmore, A, Van Wieren, S & Prins, H (2006), 'Soil N and P affected reflectance signatures of ndividual Colophospermum mopane leaves’, Spatial Sciences, 52 (2).</p><p>Forster, B, Dare, P & Jones, S (2006), 'Applications of remote sensing in Australia’, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 6 (2).</p><p>Fraser, D (2006), 'Land and database capability assessment’, International Journal of Science and Research, 2 (1), pp. 45–55.</p><p>Fraser, D & Lamble, P (2006), 'Groundwater models and salinity risk assessment’, Water, 33 (6), pp. 67–71.</p><p>Galati, J (2006), 'A group extensions approach to affine relative difference sets of even order’, Discrete Mathematics, 306, pp. 42–51.</p><p>Gear, J, Lachut, M & Ding, Y (2006), 'Enhanced thermal performance of garments embedded with encapsukated phase change material’, ANZIAM Journal, 47, C137–C151.</p><p>Handmer, J (2006), 'American exceptionalism or universal lessons? The implications of Hurricane Katrina for Australia’, Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 21 (1), pp. 29–42.</p><p>Handmer, J & Choong, W (2006), 'Disaster resilience through local economic activity in Phuket’, Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 21 (4), pp. 8–15.</p><p>Ho, C, Ling, B, Liu, Y, Tam, P & Teo, K (2006), 'Efficient algorithm for solving semi-infinite programming problems and their applications to nonuniform filter bank designs’, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 54 (11), pp. 4223–4232.</p><p>Ho, C, Ling, B, Liu, Y, Tam, P & Teo, K (2006), 'Optimal design of magnitude responses of rational infinite impulse response filters’, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 54 (10), pp. 4039–4046.</p><p>Ho, C, Ling, B, Reiss, J, Liu, Y & Teo, K (2006), 'Design of interpolative sigma-delta modulators via semi-indefinite programming’, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 54 (10), pp. 4047–4051.</p><p>Holland, G, Franklin, C & May, P (2006), 'Mechanisms for the generation of mesoscale vorticity features in tropical cyclone rainbands’, Monthly Weather Review, 134, pp. 2649–2669.</p><p>Horadam, K (2006), 'A theory of highly nonlinear functions’, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006 (3857), pp. 87–100.</p><p>Lally, K (2006), 'Algebraic lower bounds on the free distance of convolutional codes’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 52 (5), pp. 2101–2110.</p><p>Lau, B, Leung, Y, Liu, Y & Teo, K (2006), 'Transformations for non-ideal uniform circular arrays operating in correlated signal environments’, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 54 (1), pp. 34–48.</p><p>Lombardo, N (2006), 'A two-way particle mapping for calculation of the shear modulus of a spherical inclusion composite with inhomogeneous interphase’, ANZIAM Journal, 47, C432–C445.</p><p>Luo, Y & Eberhard, A (2006), 'An application of C^{1,1} approximation to comparison principles for viscosity solutions of curvature equations’, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, 64 (6), pp. 1236–1254.</p><p>Ly, E, Gear, J & Tamayama, M (2006), 'Simulations of transonic flow fields around and elastic arrow wing’, ANZIAM Journal, 47, C310–C324.</p><p>McArthur, L & Boland, J (2006), 'The economic contribution of seagrass to secondary production in South Australia’, Ecological Modelling, 196, pp. 163–172.</p><p>McArthur, L, Boland, J & Tiver, F (2006), 'A model to detect grazing sensitivity of myoporum platycarpum in the arid rangelands of South Australia’, Natural Resource Modelling, 19 (4), pp. 587–607.</p><p>McNicol, S, Boztas, S & Rao, A (2006), 'Traitor tracing against powerful attacks using combinatorial designs’, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3857, pp. 215–224.</p><p>Nyblom, M (2006), 'A counting function for the sequence of perfect powers’, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 33 (5), pp. 338–343.</p><p>Nyblom, M (2006), 'A summation formula for sequences involving floor and ceiling functions’, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 39 (5), pp. 1595–1602.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 47 of 53 Reinke, K & Jones, S (2006), 'Issues arising from the integration of regional scale remotely sensed data with site based assessments of native vegetation condition’, Ecological Management & Restoration, 7 (1), pp. 18–23.</p><p>Schreider, S & Braddock, R (2006), 'Application of the Morris Algorithm for sensitivity analysis in the REALM model for the Goulburn Irrigation System’, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 11 (4), pp. 297–313.</p><p>Swartz, T, Gill, P, Beaudoin, D & De Silva, B (2006), 'Optimal batting orders in one-day cricket’, Computers & Operations Research, 33, pp. 1939–1950.</p><p>Vindigni, D, Parkinson, L, Rivett, D, Da Costa, C, Perkins, J, Walker, B & Blunden, M (2006), 'Developing a musculo-skeletal screening survey for Indigenous Australians living in rural communities’, Rural and Remote Health, 6 (1), pp. 321–335.</p><p>Yang, R, Ou, J, Yuan, Y, Zhang, K & Grenfell, R (2006), 'Solving single-frequency phase ambiguity using parameter weights fitting and constrained equation ambiguity resolution methods’, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 13 (1), pp. 93–98.</p><p>Zeephongsekul, P (2006), 'On a measure of reliability based on point processes with random fuzzy marks’, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 13 (3), pp. 237–255.</p><p>Zeephongsekul, P & Bedford, A (2006), 'Waiting time analysis of the multiple priority dual queue with a preemptive priority service discipline’, European Journal of Operational Research, 172, pp. 886–908.</p><p>Zerger, K, Gibbons, P, Jones, S, Doyle, S, Seddon, J, Briggs, S & Freudenberger, D (2006), 'Spatially modelling native vegetation condition—Methods and integrating results for vegetation management’, Ecological Management & Restoration, 7 (1), pp. 37–44.</p><p>Zhang, J, Zhang, K, Grenfell, R & Deakin, R (2006), 'GPS satellite velocity and acceleration determination using the broadcast ephemeris’, Journal of Navigation, 59, pp. 293–305.</p><p>Zhang, J, Zhang, K, Grenfell, R & Deakin, R (2006), 'On the relativistic Doppler effect for precise velocity determination using GPS’, Journal of Geodesy, 80, pp. 104–110.</p><p>Refereed Conference Proceedings Arrowsmith, C (2006), 'Developing a spatial approach for determining hiking effort in natural tourist destinations', Proceedings of the International Conference of Trends, Impacts and Policies on Tourism Development, K. Andriotis (ed.), International Conference of Trends, Impacts and Policies on Tourism Development, Amoudara, Heraklion, Crete.</p><p>Arrowsmith, C (2006), 'International collaboration in undergraduate geography education: A case study at RMIT', Changes in Geographical Education: Past, Present and Future, K Purnell et al. (ed.), International Geographical Union Commission on Geographical Education 2006 Symposium, Brisbane.</p><p>Bedford, A & Schembri, A (2006), 'An analysis of goal-kicking accuracy in Australian rules football', Proceedings of the Eighth Australasian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sport, J Hammond & N de Mestre (ed.), Eighth Australasian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sport.</p><p>Blyth, W (2006), 'Multiple integration–visualization and animation using Maple', Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics: ICTCM 2004, J. Foster (ed.), 17th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, New Orleans, USA, 28 October 2004.</p><p>Boztas, S (2006), 'On transmission scheduling for wireless networks', Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Barg & Yeung (ed.), IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Seattle, USA, 6-12 July 2006.</p><p>Cartwright, W (2006), 'The Antipodes and the ICA', Proceedings of GeoCart2006 National Cartographic Conference, I Drecki (ed.), GeoCart2006 National Cartographic Conference, Auckland, 4-6 September 2006.</p><p>Cartwright, W (2006), 'Using 3D models for visualizing "The City as it Might Be"', Proceedings of ISPRS Technical Commission 11 Symposium, W Kainz & A Pucher (ed.), ISPRS Technical Commission 11 Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 4-6 September 2006.</p><p>Cartwright, W, Arrowsmith, C, Basic, F, Burley, K, Germanchis, T, Hadley, D, Harkin, D, Lissonnet, S, Nevile, L, Pettit, C, Da Silva Ramos, C & Wealands, K (2006), 'Defining a landscape of research in multimedia cartography and geographical visualization', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geospatial technologies and Their Environmental Applications, B Han & K Zhang (ed.), International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, Xuzhou, China, 1-3 November 2006.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 48 of 53 Cromarty, J, Bil, C, Hill, R & Thompson, L (2006), 'GAIA: Making virtual space a reality', Proceedings of the International Astronautical Federation, P. Willekens (ed.), 57th IAC Congress, Valencia, Spain.</p><p>Dimopoulos, P, Zeephongsekul, P & Tari, Z (2006), 'Multipath aware TCP (MATCP)', Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications ISCC 2006, P Bellavista & C-M Chen (ed.), 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications.</p><p>Ferwerda, J, Tilling, A, O'Leary, G, Jones, S, Rodriguez, D, Christensen, L, Fitzgerald, G & Belford, R (2006), 'Remote sensing of nitrogen and water stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Chara)—A case study', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and their Environmental Applications, B Han & K Zhang (ed.), International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Enviornmental Applications, Chinese University of Mining Technology, Xuzhou, China, 1-3 November, 2006.</p><p>Fraser, D (2006), 'The application of GIS to the determination of land suitable for mining', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, B Han & K Zhang (ed.), International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, Xuzhou, China, 1-3 November 2006.</p><p>Fraser, D & Be, T (2006), 'An agricultural management system designed to determine the capability of farm land at the district, community and hamlet level in Vietnam', Proceedings of the InterCarto-InterGIS 12 International Conference on Geoinformation for Sustainable Development, H Kremers & V Tikunov (ed.), 12th International Conference on Geoinformation for Sustainable Development, Berlin, 28 August 2006.</p><p>Glasson, S (2006), 'A Brownian motion model for the progress of Australian Rules Football scores', Proceedings of the Eighth Australian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sport, J Hammond & N. de Mestre (ed.), Mathematics and Computers in Sport, Coolangatta, 3 July 2006.</p><p>Horadam, K & Rao, A (2006), 'Fourier transforms from a generalised trace map', Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Seattle, Washington, 9-14 July 2006.</p><p>Jeffers, J & Arakala, A (2006), 'Minutiae-based structures for a fuzzy vault', Proceedings of the 2006 Biometrics Symposium, L Hornak and A K Jain (ed.), 2006 Biometrics Symposium, Baltimore, MD, 19 September 2006.</p><p>Jones, S, Dare, P, Ferwerda, J, Bellman, C & Du, P (2006), 'Monitoring changes in vegetation at high spatial resolutions: Converging technologies in remote sensing and photogrammetry', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, B Han & K Zhang (ed.), International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, Chinese University of Mining Technology, Xuzhou, China, 1-3 November 2006.</p><p>Jones, S, Ferwerda, J & Reinke, K (2006), 'Scaling the walls of history: The perils and pitfalls of landcover change mapping', ISPRS Technical Committee II Symposium, Vol XXXVI, part 2, Kainz & Puches (ed.), GICON, Vienna, Austria, July 2006.</p><p>Khan, A, Bil, C & Marion, K (2006), 'Real time prediction of ship motion for the aid of helicopter and aircraft deployment and recovery', Proceedings of the 25th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, I Grant (ed.), 25th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg, Germany.</p><p>Khan, A, Bil, C & Marion, K (2006), 'Ship motion prediction for recovery of helicopters', Proceedings of the 32nd European Rotorcraft Forum, K Bakker (ed.), 32nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Maastricht, Netherlands.</p><p>Liu, G, Zhang, K, Densley, L, Wu, F & Retscher, G (2006), 'High fidelity 3D urban model-based signal performance simulation of the current and future GNSS in Australia', Proceedings of IGNSS Conference, IGNSS Conference 2006, Queensland.</p><p>Liu, Y, Teo, K & Wu, S (2006), 'A primal-dual method for a class of convex semi-infinite programming problems', Proceedings of the 18th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research and the 11th Australian Optimization Day, L Caccetta & V Rehbock (ed.), The 18th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research and the 11th Australian Optimization Day, Perth, 26 September 2005.</p><p>McArthur, L & Shepherd, J (2006), 'Teaching system dynamics to first year students using computer software', Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics at the Undergraduate Level, D Quinney (ed.), Third International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics at the Undergraduate Level, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 June 2006.</p><p>Mitchell, D, Bellman, C, Cameron, W & Silcock, D (2006), 'Quality assurance in preparing Surveying and Geomatics graduates for training agreements', Combined Fifth Trans Tasman Survey Conference and Second Queensland Spatial Industry Conference – Land and Sea Spatially Connected in a Tropical Hub, L Fehlhaber (ed.), Combined Fifth Trans Tasman Survey Conference and Second Queensland Spatial Industry Conference, Cairns, 18-23 September 2006.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 49 of 53 Murugaraj, P, Mora Huertas, N, Mainwaring, D, Ding, Y & Agrawal, S (2006), 'Influence of substrate induced stress on electrical phenomena in carbon–polymer nanocomposite films', Proceedings of ACUN-5 International Composites Conference, S Bandyopadhyay et al. (ed.), Developments in Composites: Advanced, Infrastructural, Natural, and Nano-Composites, Sydney.</p><p>Omar, Z, Bil, C & Hill, R (2006), 'Control system design applications to innovative UAV concepts and operations: Intelligent control for a new VTOL UAV configuration', Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Innovative Aerial/Space Flyer Systems, N Kasagi & N Takeda (ed.), Third International Symposium on Innovative Aerial/Space Flyer Systems, Tokyo.</p><p>Omar, Z, Bil, C & Hill, R (2006), 'UAV hovering control using intelligent fuzzy technique', Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering & Technology, N Prabhakaran & P Anthony (ed.), Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering & Technology, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.</p><p>Phinjaroenphan, P, Bevinakoppa, S & Zeephongsekul, P (2006), 'Node fault prevention in computational grids through a reliable node selection scheme', Proceedings of the 11th ISAAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, H Pham & S Yamada (ed.), 11th ISAAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, St Louis, Missouri.</p><p>Retscher, G, Zhang, K, Zhang, S & Wang, Y (2006), 'Positioning case studies using RFID and GNSS: Indoor and outdoor', Proceedings of IGNSS Conference, IGNSS Conference 2006, Queensland.</p><p>Schreider, S (2006), 'Operations research applications in water resource management: Integration of water allocation and economic models', Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, M H Hanza (ed.), 15th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, Rhodes, Greece.</p><p>Schreider, S, McArthur, L, Alizadeh Shabani, A & Glasby, T (2006), 'Modelling the spread of the Caulerpa Taxifolia in Lake Conjola, Southern NSW', Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, M H Hanza (ed.), 15th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, Rhodes, Greece.</p><p>Sharabah, A, Setunge, S & Zeephongsekul, P (2006), 'Use of Markov chain for deterioration modelling and risk management of infrastructure assets', Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Automation, Conference Committee (ed.), International Conference on Information and Automation, Colombo, Sri Lanka.</p><p>Sharma, T, Bil, C & Eberhard, A (2006), 'Optimum flight trajectories and sensitivity analysis for terrain collision avoidance system', Proceedings of the ICAS, I Grant (ed.), 25th Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg.</p><p>Sheffield, K, Jones, S, Ferwerda, J, Zerger, K & Gibbons, P (2006), 'On designing field validation campaigns to match attribute spatial variation and image resolution', Proceedings of Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics 2006, Wuhan, China, 20-21 October 2006.</p><p>Shortis, M, Bellman, C, Robson, S, Johnston, G & Johnson, G (2006), 'Stability of zoom and fixed lenses used with digital SLR cameras', Proceedings of ISPRS Commission V Symposium, Vol. XXXVI, G Maas & D Schneider (ed.), Image Engineering and Vision Metrology, 25-27 September 2006.</p><p>Tang, K, Du, P & Jones, S (2006), 'Hyperspectral remote sensing image classification based on radical basis function neural network', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and their Environmental Applications, B Han & K Zhang (ed.), International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and their Environmental Applications, Chinese University of Mining Technology, Xuzhou, China, November 2006.</p><p>Tilling, A, O'Leary, G, Belford, R, Ferwerda, J & Jones, S (2006), 'Remote sensing to detect nitrogen and water stress in wheat', ‘Ground breaking stuff’, Proceedings of the 13th ASA Conference, Turner et al. (ed.), 13th ASA Conference, Perth, 10- 14 September 2006.</p><p>Wu, F, Zhang, K & Macnae, J (2006), 'An investigation of precise point positioning application for airborne geophysical survey', Proceedings of IGNSS Conference, IGNSS Conference 2006, Queensland.</p><p>Wu, F, Zhang, K, Yasuda, A & Liu, G (2006), 'Positioning performance analysis of hybrid modernized GPS and Galileo system', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, B Han & K Zhang (ed.), International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, Xuzhou, China, November 2006.</p><p>Yousufi, S, Asmussen, H, Zhang, K & Ramm, P (2006), 'Temporal variation of the Victorian GPSnet base stations', Proceedings of IGNSS Conference, IGNSS Conference 2006, Queensland.</p><p>Zeephongsekul, P (2006), 'A central limit theorem based on point processes with random fuzzy marks', Proceedings of the 12th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, H Pham & S Yamada (ed.), 12th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Chicago, 3 August 2006.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 50 of 53 Zhang, H, Du, P, Li, X & Jones, S (2006), 'Key techniques for intergrating remote sensing information fusion and data mining', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, B Han & K Zhang (ed.), International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, Chinese University of Mining Technology, Xuzhou, China, November 2006.</p><p>Zhang, K, Wu, F & Wu, S (2006), 'The latest development of a network-based RTK system in Australia', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, B Han & K Zhang (ed.), International Workshop on Geospatial Technologies and Their Environmental Applications, Xuzhou, China, November 2006.</p><p>Zhang, K, Wu, F, Wu, S, Rizos, C, Roberts, C, Ge, L, Yan, T, Gordini, C, Kealy, A, Hale, M, Ramm, P & Asmussen, H (2006), 'Sparse or dense: Challenges of the Australian network RTK', Proceedings of IGNSS Conference, IGNSS Conference 2006, Queensland.</p><p>School of Medical Sciences</p><p>Book Chapters Darby, I, Bisucci, T, Desmouliere, A & Hewitson, T (2006), 'In situ hybridization using cRNA Probes: Isotopic and nonisotopic detection methods’, in Methods in Molecular Biology/In Situ Hybridization Protocols. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp. 19–32.</p><p>Darby, I, Coulomb, B & Desmouliere, A (2006), 'Fibroblast/myofibroblast differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis: Role of extracellular matrix glycosylation’, in Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Eruption, Resorption and Movement, An International Conference. University of South Carolina, USA, pp. 109–117.</p><p>Hewitson, T, Bisucci, T & Darby, I (2006), 'Histochemical localisation of apoptosis with in situ labeling of fragmented DNA’, in Methods in Molecular Biology/In Situ Hybridization Protocols. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp. 227–234.</p><p>Hewitson, T, Kelynack, K & Darby, I (2006), 'Histochemical localization of cell proliferation using in situ hybridization’, in Methods in Molecular Biology/In Situ Hybridization Protocols. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp. 219–226.</p><p>Refereed Journal Articles Aughey, R, Clark, S, Gore, C, Townsend, N, Hahn, A, Kinsman, T, Goodman, C, Chow, C, Martin, D, Hawley, J & McKenna, M (2006), 'Interspersed normoxia during live high, train low interventions reverses an early reduction in muscle Na+, K(+)ATPase activity in well-trained athletes’, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 98, pp. 299–309.</p><p>Balasubramanyan, S, Stemkowski, P, Stebbing, M & Smith, P (2006), 'Sciatic chronic constriction injury produces cell-type- specific changes in the electrophysiological properties of rat substantia gelatinosa neurons’, Journal of Neurophysiology, 96, pp. 579–590.</p><p>Berry, N, Rickards, C & Newman, D (2006), 'Acute cardiovascular adaptation to 10 consecutive episodes of head-up tilt', Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 77 (5), pp. 494–499.</p><p>Berry, N, Rickards, C & Newman, D (2006), 'Squat–stand test response following ten consecutive episodes of head-up tilt', Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 77 (11), pp. 1125–1130.</p><p>Burke, L & Hawley, J (2006), 'Fat and carbohydrate for exercise', Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 9, pp. 476–481.</p><p>Carey, A, Petersen, E, Bruce, C, Southgate, R, Pilegaard, H, Hawley, J, Pedersen, B & Febbraio, M (2006), 'Discordant gene expression in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of patients with type 2 diabetes: Effect of interleukin-6 infusion', Diabetologia, 49, pp. 1000–1007.</p><p>Carey, A, Steinberg, G, Macaulay, L, Thomas, W, Holmes, A, Ramm, G, Prelovsek, O, Hohnen-Behrens, C, Watt, M, James, D, Kemp, B, Pedersen, B & Febbraio, M (2006), 'Interleukin-6 increases insulin-stimulated glucose disposal in humans and glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation in vitro via AMP-activated protein kinase', Diabetes, 55, pp. 2688–2697.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 51 of 53 Cham, J, Klein, R, Owens, N, Mathai, M, McKinley, M & Badoer, E (2006), 'Activation of spinally projecting and nitrergic neurons in the PVN following heat exposure’, American Journal of Physiology—Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 291, R91–R101.</p><p>Cham, J, Owens, N, Barden, J, Lawrence, A & Badoer, E (2006), 'P2X purinoceptor subtypes on paraventricular nucleus neurones projecting to the rostral ventrolateral medulla in the rat’, Experimental Physiology, 91, pp. 403–411.</p><p>Coffey, V, Shield, A, Canny, B, Carey, K, Cameron-Smith, D & Hawley, J (2006), 'Interaction of contractile activity and training history on mRNA abundance in skeletal muscle from trained athletes’, American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, 290, E849–E855.</p><p>Coffey, V, Zhong, Z, Shield, A, Canny, B, Chibalin, A, Zierath, J & Hawley, J (2006), 'Early signaling responses to divergent exercise stimuli in skeletal muscle from well-trained humans', The FASEBJ Journal, 20, pp. 190–192.</p><p>Crawford, D, Timperio, A, Telford, A & Salmon, J (2006), 'Parental concerns about childhood obesity and the strategies employed to prevent unhealthy weight gain in children', Public Health Nutrition, 9, pp. 889–895.</p><p>Deshmukh, A, Coffey, V, Zhong, Z, Chibalin, A & Hawley, J (2006), 'Exercise-induced Phosphorylation of Novel Akt Substances AS160 and Filamin A in Human Skeletal Muscle', Diabetes, 55, pp. 1776–1782.</p><p>Dong, H, Jiang, Y, Triggle, C, Li, X & Lytton, J (2006), 'Novel role for K+ -dependent Na+/Ca2+ exchanges in regulation of cytoplasmic free Ca 2+ and contractility in arterial smooth muscle', American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 291, pp. H1226–H1235.</p><p>Donohue, D (2006), 'Safety of probiotics', Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 15, pp. 563–569.</p><p>Harford, A, O'Halloran, K & Wright, P (2006), 'Flow cytometric analysis and optimisation for measuring phagocytosis in three Australian freshwater fish', Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 20, pp. 562–573.</p><p>Hawley, J, Tipton, K & Millard-Stafford, M (2006), 'Promoting training adaptations through nutritional interventions', Journal of Sports Sciences, 24, pp. 709–721.</p><p>Hill, M, Davis, M, Meininger, G, Potocnik, S & Murphy, T (2006), 'Arteriolar myogenic signalling mechanisms: Implications for local vascular function’, Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 34, pp. 67–79.</p><p>Kang, K, Van Der Zypp, A, Iannazzo, L & Majewski, H (2006), 'Age-related changes in monocyte and platelet cycloxxygenase expression in healthy male humans and rats’, Translational Research: Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 148 (6), pp. 289–294.</p><p>Kantzides, A & Badoer, E (2006), 'Activation of NADPH-diaphorase-positive projections to the rostral ventrolateral medulla following cardiac mechanoreceptor stimulation in the conscious rat’, American Journal of Physiology—Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 290, pp. R1626–R1638.</p><p>Lee, J, Pinnamaneni, S, Eo, S, Cho, I, Pyo, J, Kim, C, Sinclair, A, Febbraio, M & Watt, M (2006), 'Saturated, but not n-6 polyunsaturated, fatty acids induce insulin resistance: Role of intramuscular accumulation of lipid metabolites’, Journal of Applied Physiology, 100, pp. 1467–1474.</p><p>Lessard, S, Chen, Z, Watt, M, Hashem, M, Reid, J, Febbraio, M, Kemp, B & Hawley, J (2006), 'Chronic rosiglitazone treatment restores AMPK alpha 2 activity in insulin-resistant rat skeletal muscle’, American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, 290, E251–E257.</p><p>Lokmic, Z, Darby, I, Thompson, E & Mitchell, G (2006), 'Time course analysis of hypoxia, granulation tissue and blood vessel growth, and remodelling in healing rat cutaneous incisional primary intention wounds’, Wound Repair and Regeneration, 14, pp. 277–288.</p><p>Lorena, D, Darby, I, Gadeau, A, Leen, L, Rittling, S, Porto, L, Rosenbaum, J & Desmouliere, A (2006), 'Osteopontin expression in normal and fibrotic liver: Altered liver healing in osteopontin-deficient mice’, Journal of Hepatology, 44, pp. 383–390.</p><p>Pinnamaneni, S, Southgate, R, Febbraio, M & Watt, M (2006), 'Stearoyl CoA desaturase 1 is elevated in obesity but protects against fatty acid-induced skeletal muscle insulin resistance in vitro’, Diabetologia, 49, pp. 3027–3037.</p><p>Saunders, P, Telford, R, Pyne, D, Peltola, E, Cunningham, R, Gore, C & Hawley, J (2006), 'Short-term plyometric training improves running economy in highly trained middle and long distance runners’, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20, pp. 947–954.</p><p>Scott, H, Stebbing, M, Walters, C, McLenachan, S, Ransome, M, Nichols, N & Turnley, A (2006), 'Differential effects of SOCS2 on neuronal differentiation and morphology’, Brain Research, 1067, pp. 138–145. SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 52 of 53 Singh, I, Quinn, H, Mok, M, Southgate, R, Turner, A, Li, D, Sinclair, A & Hawley, J (2006), 'The effect of exercise and training status on platelet activation: Do cocoa polyphenols play a role?’, Platelets, 17, pp. 361–367.</p><p>Steinberg, G, Macaulay, L, Febbraio, M & Kemp, B (2006), 'AMP-activated protein kinase—The fat controller of the energy railroad’, Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 84, pp. 655–665.</p><p>Steinberg, G, Watt, M, Fam, B, Proietto, J, Andrikopoulos, S, Allen, A, Febbraio, M & Kemp, B (2006), 'Ciliary neurotrophic factor suppresses hypothalamic AMP-kinase signaling in leptin-resistant obese mice’, Endocrinology, 147, pp. 3906–3914.</p><p>Steinberg, G, Watt, M, McGee, S, Chan, S, Hargreaves, M, Febbraio, M, Stapleton, D & Kemp, B (2006), 'Reduced glycogen availability is associated with increased AMPK alpha 2 activity, nuclear AMPK alpha 2 protein abundance, and GLUT4 mRNA expression in contracting human skeletal muscle’, Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism—Physiologie Appliquee Nutrition Et Metabolisme, 31, pp. 302–312.</p><p>Stellingwerff, T, Spriet, L, Watt, M, Kimber, N, Hargreaves, M, Hawley, J & Burke, L (2006), 'Decreased PDH activation and glycogenolysis during exercise following fat adaptation with carbohydrate restoration’, American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, 290, E380–E388.</p><p>Tian, Q, Grzemski, F, Panagiotopoulos, S & Ahokas, J (2006), 'Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha agonist, clofibrate, has profound influence on myocardial fatty acid composition’, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 160 (3), pp. 241–251.</p><p>Tu, L, Wright, P, Rix, C & Ahokas, J (2006), 'Is fluoroacetate-specific defluorinase a glutathione S-transferase?’, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C, 143, pp. 59–66.</p><p>Turpin, S, Lancaster, G, Darby, I, Febbraio, M & Watt, M (2006), 'Apoptosis in skeletal muscle myotubes is induced by ceramides and is positively related to insulin resistance’, American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, 291, pp. E1341–E1350.</p><p>Vaz Patto, M, Skiba, B, Pang, E, Ochatt, S, Lambien, F & Rubiales, D (2006), 'Lathyrus improvement for resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses: From classical breeding to marker assisted selection’, Euphytica, 147, pp. 133–147.</p><p>Watt, M, Dzanko, N, Thomas, W, Rose-John, S, Ernst, M, Carling, D, Kemp, B, Febbraio, M & Steinberg, G (2006), 'CNTF reverses obesity-induced insulin resistance by activating skeletal muscle AMPK’, Nature Medicine, 12, pp. 541–548.</p><p>Watt, M, Hevener-Bell, A, Lancaster, G & Febbraio, M (2006), 'Ciliary neurotrophic factor prevents acute lipid-induced insulin resistance by attenuating ceramide accumulation and phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase in peripheral tissues’, Endocrinology, 147, pp. 2077–2085.</p><p>Watt, M, Holmes, A, Pinnamaneni, S, Garnham, A, Steinberg, G, Kemp, B & Febbraio, M (2006), 'Regulation of HSL serine phosphorylation in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue’, American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, 290, E500–E508.</p><p>Watt, M, Steinberg, G, Chen, Z, Kemp, B & Febbraio, M (2006), 'Fatty acids stimulate AMP-activated protein kinase and enhance fatty acid oxidation in L6 myotubes’, Journal of Physiology, 574, pp. 139–147.</p><p>Refereed Conference Proceedings Singh, V, Kumar, D, Polus, B, Fraser, S & Lo Guidice, S (2006), 'Changes in EMG during short duration supra maximal and long duration sub-maximal exercise: A comparative study', ICINCO Second International Workshop on Bio-signal Processing and Classification, D K Kumar (ed.), ICINCO Second International Workshop on Bio-signal Processing and Classification, Setúbal, Portugal.</p><p>Singh, V, Kumar, D, Polus, B, Lo Guidice, S & Fraser, S (2006), 'Changes in SEMG during the long duration cycling exercise', Proceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, A Hielscher (ed.), 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, New York.</p><p>Wong, C, Ackerly, T, Binns, D, Patterson, B, Powell, C, Qiao, G, Solomon, D & Geso, M (2006), 'Photonuclear activation of oxygen and copper with high-energy X-ray or electron beams', IFMBE Proceedings, S Kim & T S Suh (ed.), World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Seoul.</p><p>Wong, C, Ackerly, T, Patterson, B, Powell, C, Ho, A, Qiao, G, Solomon, D, Meder, R & Geso, M (2006), 'Microdosimetry and small field measurements in polymer gels', IFMBE Proceedings, S Kim & T S Suh (ed.), World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Seoul.</p><p>SET Portfolio Research Publications 2006</p><p>Page 53 of 53</p>
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