Curriculum Vitae s436

Curriculum Vitae s436

<p> CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Personal details</p><p>Name: Valeri Slatanov Lichev B irth date: 28-08-1961 N ationality: Bulgarian…………………… C ontact address: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Societies and Knowledge Research Institute 10, Moskovska str. 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria T elephone number: 359-2-981 07 91 GSM: (+ 359) – 899879836 E- mail: [email protected]</p><p>Education </p><p>Area of scientific research: Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophical Logic, Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Semiotics.</p><p>Degrees and academic ranks: Ranks 2011 Assoc. Professor at the Societies and Knowledge Research Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 2002 Senior Researcher at the Institute for Philosophical Research – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Title of the research work, qualifying for the academic degree: The Cynic and the Play between Power and Satisfaction. Sofia 2000. 1995 – 2002 Research Associate at the Institute for Philosophical Research – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 1993 – 1995 Expert at the Institute of Philosophical Sciences – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.</p><p>Ph.D. degree 1993 Institute of Philosophical Sciences – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The Self as an Image of the Culture (20.05.1993). The Self was considered in the Western-European classical metaphysics as Everything and Nothing. The premises of its contemporary studying were elaborated in the dialectic of these oppositions.</p><p>Specializations 2001, Greece, Thessaloniki, “Kethea”</p><p>MA degree 1989, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ochridski”, About the place of the problems and the questions</p><p>1 in the logic of the science knowledge (15. 06. 1989). Excellent (A). </p><p>Awards, scholarly or other distinctions: 1. Nomination for the National Award “Hristo G. Danov” in the field of humanitaristics 2000. 2. First Award, adjudged by the Bulgarian Union of Scientists for high achievements of young scientific researchers in the field of humanitaristics 2001.</p><p>Practical experience</p><p>Teaching experience: Philosophy of Culture, University of Architecture, Building and Geodesy, 1998-2002, Department of Philosophy. The Culture as a Self-Consciousness of the Person – Peculiarities of the Eastern View of Life 2004, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ochridski”, Department “Classical East”. The Knowledge of Values as a Problem in East and West Philosophy and Culture 2004, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ochridski”, Department “Classical East”.</p><p>Training of specialists: Societies and Knowledge Research Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 2011, Department of “Anthropological Investigations”. Supervising 2 PhD students. Institute for Philosophical Research – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 2002-2010, Department of “Philosophical Anthropology”. Supervising 2 PhD students</p><p>Editorship: 1. Paradoxes of the Global Village (2002). Sofia: EON - 2000 (192). 2. Proceedings of VIIIth National Conference for Young Science Worker and Students (1992), Varna - Evrika (166). 3. The Risks for Bulgaria from Islamic Fundamentalism (2005). Sofia: IPhR – BAN (202).</p><p>Membership in different institutions: Union of Bulgarian Scientists.</p><p>Academic activities</p><p>Participation in schools and conferences:</p><p>2 1. June 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria. International Summer School “The Marginal of/ in Literature”. 2. June 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria. XXVI International Philosophical School “Applied and Experimental Philosophy in Knowledge based Society East and West”. 3. November 11th – 12h 2010, Blagoevgrad. International Coference “Globalization and tolerance”. 4. June 2008, Varna, Bulgaria. XXV Varna International Philosophical School. 5. June 2006, Varna, Bulgaria. Philosophy bridging Civilizations and Cultures. XXIV Varna International Philosophical School. 6. June 2004, Varna, Bulgaria. XXIII Varna International Philosophical School. 7. June 2002, Varna, Bulgaria. Philosophy between new and old values. XXII Varna International Philosophical school, 8. June 2000, Varna, Bulgaria. Philosophy between two centuries. XXI Varna International Philosophical school. 9. November 1999, Sofia. International Conference: Contribution of social research to the economic and social recovery policy. 10. June 1998, Varna, Bulgaria. XX Varna International Philosophical school. 11. June 1996, Varna, Bulgaria. Philosophy and psychoanalysis. XIX Varna International Philosophical school. 12. June 1994, Varna, Bulgaria. Methodology of mathematical modelling, 13. June 1993, Varna, Bulgaria. Methodology of mathematical modelling, 14. June 1992, Varna, Bulgaria. Methodology of mathematical modelling, 15. June 1991, Varna, Bulgaria. Methodology of mathematical modeling.</p><p>Publications list:</p><p>1. The value crisis of the consumption society. (2010). In: Ethics in Bulgarian economics. Sofia: Stopanstvo. (62-68). 2. Mysticism and literature. (2011). In: Bulletin of Institute for Modernity. N 1. (ISSN 1313-9835) Sofia. 3. The sacle of time and happiness in „Hamlet” (2010). In: The language of the being. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber. (190-210). 4. The Politisation of the forth Power and the Privatization of the Secret Information, (2008). In: Politics and National Security, (in Bulgarian). Veliko Tarnovo: Sira. (142- 150). 5. The Dialectic of the Master and the Slave in the History, Philosophy, Psychoanalyses and Belles-Lettres, (2008). In: The Philosophy of the German Idealism, Sofia: ArtGraf. (299-323). 6. The Perspectives of the Consumer Society, (2008). In: National, Balcanal and European, Sofia: IPhR-BAN. (123-136). 7. The Art of Disinformation – the Adhesion between the Mass Media the Police- Political Apparatus (2008). In: The Ethics and the Mass Media,. Sofia. 8. Mysticism and Literature (2008). In: Philosophy, Language, World, (in Bulgarian). Blagoevgrad: Neofit Rilski. 9. The Relativity of Time as an Semiotic Problem (2008). In: Philosophy and esoteric, (in Bulgarian). Blagoevgrad: Neofit Rilski (426-446). 10. The Spiritual Citizen of Whole Europe in R. Musil’s novel “The Man without Properties” (2008). In: Philosophy between two Centuries. Proceedings of XXII Varna International Philosophical School. Sofia: IPhr-BAN. (169-174).</p><p>3 11. “The Written Error of the Desire” and the Labyrinth of the Castration Complex, (2007). In: The Man: Solidarity and Bifurcation, (in Bulgarian). Sofia: Pony. (151- 176). 12. The Many-Sided Image of the Desert, (2007). In: Psychoanalyses. Ideas and followers, (in Bulgarian). Blagoevgrad: Neofit Rilski. (109-141). 13. The Mass Media Mythologies in Bulgaria, (2007). In: The Bulgarian Culture between the State and the Market, Sofia: IPhR-BAS. (322 – 328),. 14. The Compulsion for Health Way of Life in the Conditions of Economical Non- Freedom, (2007). In: The Ethics in the Bulgarian Public Health Services,. Sofia: Ciela. (250-257). 15. The Spiritual Citizen of Whole Europe in R. Musil’s novel “The Man without Properties”. In: Philosophy bridging Civilizations and Cultures. Proceedings Papers of XXIV Varna International Philosophical School (2007). Sofia: IPhR – BAS. (150- 157). 16. Optimisms for the Future of the Bulgarian Nation (2007). In: Informative bulletin of BAS, № 4. (16-17). 17. Topology of the External and of the Spiritual Space. In: Philosophy between two Centuries. Proceedings of XXIII Varna International Philosophical School (2006). Sofia: IPhr-BAN, (190-196). 18. Is it Possible an Optimistic Theory of Bulgarian nation? (2006). In: Will Bulgarian nation Survive in the XXI Century?. Sofia: Sahari Stoyanov, (95-110). 19. The Station without the Other, (2006). In: The Morality and the Socialization of the Children and the Youth in Bulgaria, (in Bulgarian). Sofia: Faber. (270-277). 20. The Autobiography Behind Bars, (2006). In: The Morality and the Socialization of the Children and the Youth in Bulgaria. (in Bulgarian). Sofia: Faber. (278-286). 21. Existential Guilt and Death (2005). In: The Ethics – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. IPhR – BAN (241-250). 22. Routs and Escapes from the Others and from the Self, (2005). In: The Divided Man, (in Bulgarian). Sofia: Faber. (7-21). 23. The National Identity and the Religious Pluralism, (in co-auhorship), (2005). In: Politics, European integrity and Social Change, (in Bulgarian). Veliko Tarnovo: European Center (98-104). 24. Truth, Time and Political Identity, (in co-auhorship), (2005). In: The Morality in the Bulgarian Politics, (in Bulgarian). Sofia: Faber (109 – 117),. 25. The Spiritual-Musical Censorship, “Bolgarskii rospev” and the Building of the Musical Community in Bulgaria, (2005). In: Dobri Hristov and the Bulgarian XX century. Sofia: BAN. (190-194). 26. Line of Demarcation and Contact Zone (2005). In: Contacts, № 1, (3-10). 27. Borders, Tensions and Social Conflicts (in co-auhorship), (2005). In: The Risks for Bulgaria from Islamic Fundamentalism. Sofia: IPhR – BAN (147-153). 28. The Slogans about Purity in the Socialistic Panopticum of the Power and the Strategies of success (in co-operation) (in Bulgarian) (2004). In: Philosophical Alternatives, N 3 (104-115). 29. Personal Profiles and Stratgies of Success (in co-operation) (in Bulgarian) (2004). In: Catching-up Development, Sofia: Faber (123-133). 30. The Time and the Accelerated (catching-up) Development (in Bulgarian) (2004). In: Catching-up Development, Sofia: Faber (64-110). 31. Mythology, National and Professional Identity (2004). In: The Balkans as Reality, Sofia: EON – 2000 (64-70)</p><p>4 32. The Home and the Melancholic-Depressive Complex, (2004). In: Philosophy. Education. Science Sofia: UBS, (186-197). 33. Comparative analysis of young delinquent’s values (in cooperation) (2002). In: International Conference: Contribution of social research to the economic and social recovery policy, Sofia: Sofiiski Novini (224-233). 34. About the Morality and the Censorship in the Culture and the Dealings with People (2002). In: Nauka N 1 (27-28). 35. The Censorship and Building of the musical in Bulgaria in the Beginning of the XX century (2002). In: Philosophy between new and old values. Proceedings of XXII Varna International Philosophical school, Sofia: IphR – BAS (167-170). 36. The Anonymous Character of the Global Village (2002) В: Paradoxes of the Global Village, С.: ЕОN – 2000 (4). 37. Censorship and Identity (toward the History of the Censorship in the Bulgarian Culture (2002). In: The Liberal Thinking in front Dilemas of the XXI century. Sofia: EON – 2000 (53-60). 38. Globalization, identity and habituating (2002). In: Paradoxes of the global village, Sofia: EON – 2000 (161-186). 39. Erothetic logic and logic of action: some relations to the practice (2001). In: Philosophical alternatives, vol. 1 (60-65). 40. “The End of the Taboos” – the censorship and the culture in the End of the XX century (2001). In: Annual of the Department of Arts, vol. 1, Blagoevgrad: Neofit Rilski (55-59). 41. The erotetic logic and the logic of action: some prakceologiacal aspects (2002). In: Philosophical alternatives N 1 (60-65). 42. Imprisoned people in open society (in cooperation) (2000). In: Philosophy and Society, Sofia - UBS (88-95). 43. Peculiarities of the East-West - educational models (2000). In: Philosophy and Society, Sofia - UBS (157-163). 44. The Cynical and the Play between Power and Satisfaction (2000). Sofia: EON – 2000 (256). 45. Censorship and stigmatization (2000). In: Philosophy between two centuries. Proceedings of XXI Varna International Philosophical school, Sofia: IPhR-BAN (173-176). 46. The cynical, the censorship and the power (1999). In: Situations of civil behavior, Sofia: Institute for Modernity, 174-212. 47. Play theories (1996). In: Dictionary of Sociology, Sofia: M&M (149-150). 48. Ontology of the human being and psychoanalysis (1996), In: Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, Sofia: IFS (3-8). 49. Chronicle of the lost revolution, (in co-authorship) (1994) Sofia: Vusev (212). 50. The premises of yes-or-no-questions and the increasing of knowledge in problem situations (1994). In: Philosophical alternatives, Sofia, vol. 1 (83-86). 51. Interdisciplinary Research and non-formal science communication (1994). In: Philosophical alternatives, Sofia, vol. 3 (78-84). 52. Subject and non-identity (1994). In: Science, Civilization, Values, Varna: IFS (271- 228). 53. Modeling of the Social Time (1993). In: Methodology, modeling, computers, Velico Tarnovo: Evrika, vol. 4, (46-49). 54. Some ideas about the possibility of modeling of social interactions (1993). In: Methodology modeling, computers Velico Tarnovo: Evrika, vol. 4 (41-46).</p><p>5 55. Mythology and socialist symbolism (1993). In: Philosophical conceptions about the social changes, Sofia: IFS, vol. II, (174-183). 56. Metaphysics and identity – the metamorphosis of the Self in the West-European philosophy from S. Aureli Augustini to Fr. Nietzsche (1993). In: Transcendental philosophy. Science and Morality, Sofia: IFS (487-495). 57. Erothetic logic and classification of problem situations (1992). In: Logic and applications, Sofia: Evrika, vol. 3 (139-142). 58. A possible approach to modeling of social interactions (1992). In: Methodology of mathematical modeling. Sofia: Evrika, vol. 3 (200-203). 59. Between science and mysticism – one transcendental attempt at synthesis (1992). In: Proceedings of VIIIth National Conference for Young Science worker and students, Varna: Evrika (126-136). 60. The role of the problem and the question in the logic of science research (1991). In: Philosophical Thought, Sofia vol. 9, (101-104).</p><p>Participation in national/international scientific research projects:</p><p>1. Aggression towards the Self and the Others (value characteristics of the self-consciousness of prisoners and drug addicted people) (1997-1999). 2. Social work with children, suffering from epilepsy (1999-2000). 3. Social work with drug addicted people (2000-2001).</p><p>Languages</p><p>Russian - advanced English - advanced German -advanced</p><p>Computer skills</p><p>Microsoft Word</p><p>6</p>

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