<p> (Rev 03-10) Contract Services – ISO 9001</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST</p><p>ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES</p><p>FOR</p><p>PROJECT NAME</p><p>Project location</p><p>DCC Project Number: #</p><p>BY </p><p>DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION CANADA CONSTITUTION SQUARE, 350 ALBERT STREET, 19TH FLOOR OTTAWA, ONTARIO K1A 0K3</p><p>Contracting Officer: Name Tel: (613) 998- Fax: (613) 998- E-mail: Date</p><p>THIS PROCUREMENT HAS SECURITY REQUIREMENTS CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 2 of 19</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>1 INVITATION AND PROJECT DETAILS...... 4</p><p>1.1 INVITATION...... 4 1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND...... 4 1.3 PROJECT SCOPE OF SERVICES...... 4 1.4 PROJECT SCHEDULE...... 4 1.5 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE...... 5 2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION...... 5</p><p>2.1 GLOSSARY OF TERMS...... 5 2.2 MANDATORY AND ADVISORY CLAUSES...... 5 2.3 LICENSING REQUIREMENTS...... 5 2.4 INTEGRITY OF CONSULTANT TEAM MAINTAINED...... 6 2.5 CONFLICT OF INTEREST...... 6 2.6 FEDERAL CONTRACTORS PROGRAM FOR EMPLOYMENT EQUITY...... 6 2.7 QUERIES DURING THE COMPETITION...... 6 2.8 AMENDMENTS TO THE CALL FOR EOI...... 6 2.9 RIGHT TO REQUEST CLARIFICATIONS/ CONFIRMATIONS...... 7 2.10 RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR TO REJECT PROPOSALS...... 7 2.11 PAYMENT FOR SUBMISSION...... 7 2.12 DEBRIEFING...... 7 2.13 ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT...... 7 2.14 INDUSTRIAL SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CANADIAN SUPPLIERS...... 7 2.15 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-CANADIAN SUPPLIERS:...... 8 2.16 REQUIREMENTS FOR SECURITY ESCORTS...... 8 2.17 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE OF DOCUMENTS...... 8 3 SELECTION PROCESS...... 8</p><p>3.1 OBJECTIVE...... 8 3.2 MINIMUM MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS AT EOI SUBMISSION CLOSING...... 9 3.3 EVALUATION OF EOI SUBMISSIONS...... 9 3.4 INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE RFP STAGE...... 9 3.5 INFORMATION ON THE RFP STAGE...... 9 4 EOI SUBMISSION REQUIREMNTS...... 10</p><p>4.1 CONTENTS AND NUMBER OF COPIES...... 10 4.2 SUBMISSION FORMAT GUIDELINES...... 11 4.3 CLOSING LOCATION...... 12 4.4 CLOSING TIME AND DATE...... 12 5 EVALUATION CRITERIA...... 12</p><p>5.1 EVALUATION CRITERIA AND WEIGHT OF CRITERIA...... 12 5.2 PROPONENT ADMINISTRATIVE FORM ( FORM PROVIDED )...... 12 5.3 COMPARABLE PROJECTS (FORM PROVIDED )...... 12</p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 3 of 19</p><p>5.4 KEY PERSONNEL (PROVIDE OWN FORMAT)...... 13 TABLE 1 – MANDATORY KEY PERSONNEL SECURITY CLEARANCES...... 16</p><p>PROPONENT ADMINISTRATIVE FORM...... 17</p><p>COMPARABLE PROJECTS...... 18</p><p>WRITER’S NOTE: To update Table of Content, right click on Table of Contents and select “Update Field”. The WRITER’S NOTES have been created in tables. Simply delete the table to remove the note</p><p>ATTACHMENTS:</p><p>DND Document “Statement of Work” (No. of pages) Security Requirements Check List (SRCL) Other background documents as may be applicable</p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 4 of 19</p><p>1 INVITATION AND PROJECT DETAILS 1.1 Invitation 1.1.1 In accordance with the rules, regulations, statutes, guidelines and the professional association(s) of the Province of Name, Defence Construction Canada (DCC) is calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from consulting firms to provide professional services specific to this Department of National Defence (DND) project, which will be located in Project Location. 1.2 Project Background 1.2.1 Provide a brief summary of the project scope (0.5-1 page) 1.2.2 See Section X.X of the Statement of Work (SOW) 1.3 Project Scope of Services 1.3.1 The Consultant will be required to provide the necessary architectural and engineering services for the design of …. WRITER’S NOTE: Give very brief overview of the nature of the services required and the type of infrastructure /problem. 1.3.2 The required services include, but may not be limited to, the following: Phase 1: .1 Preparation of Statement of Requirement OR Construction Requirement .2 Preparation of Concept .3 Design Development .4 Preparation of Construction Documents OR of Performance Specifications Phase 2: .5 Tender Call Services .6 Construction Phase Services 1.3.3 Refer to Section X.X of the SOW for a more detailed description of the Scope of Services required. 1.4 Project Schedule 1.4.1 See Section X.X of the Statement of Work (SOW ) WRITER’S NOTE: If there are milestones in the Project Schedule that are critical to DND they also should be identified here.</p><p>1.5 Construction Estimate 1.5.1 The construction cost estimate for this Project is in the order of $X,X00,000. This amount Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 5 of 19</p><p> includes all construction costs, built-in equipment, built-in furniture and inflation to the project BOD. It excludes the Goods and Services Tax, design costs, moveable equipment and furniture, and contingencies. This is only an estimate and should not be used as the sole basis for fee calculations. WRITER’S NOTE: Check and compare with SOW</p><p>2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION 2.1 Glossary of Terms 2.1.1 Consultant Team The team of consultant firms, including the Proponent and all its sub- consultants, specialists and other firms proposed by the Proponent to perform the services required 2.1.2 Key Personnel Consultant Team personnel whose roles and responsibilities are critical to the completion of the scope of work. They are individuals who have a direct and substantive involvement in the execution of the project. 2.1.3 Proponent The Prime Consultant entity who submits a proposal. 2.1.4 Consultant The entity that will execute the contract with DCC and will have full contractual responsibility and liability for the delivery of the required services. 2.2 Mandatory and Advisory Clauses 2.2.1 Mandatory clauses during the procurement are those containing the words “must”, “will” or “shall”. These clauses must be observed at all times, unless otherwise authorized by DCC. Proponents not respecting these clauses will be disqualified and their submission will not receive any further consideration. 2.2.2 Advisory clauses are those containing the words “may” or “should”. Proponents not respecting these clauses may be scored lower. 2.3 Licensing Requirements 2.3.1 Consultant Team members and Key Personnel shall be, or be eligible to be, licensed, certified or otherwise authorized to provide the necessary professional services to the full extent that may be required by provincial or territorial law in the Province or Territory in which the project is located. 2.3.2 By virtue of submitting an EOI, the Proponent certifies that the Proponent has satisfied itself that the proposed Consultant Team and Key Personnel are in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 2.3.1 above. The Proponent acknowledges that DCC reserves the right to verify any information in this regard and that false or erroneous certification shall result in the submission being declared non-responsive and rejected from this competition. 2.4 Integrity of Consultant Team Maintained 2.4.1 Proponents are advised that the Consultant Team and the Key Personnel named in the EOI submission shall remain in their designated roles throughout the RFP period and for the duration of the assignment. Failure to honour this requirement may result in rejection of the proposal. Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 6 of 19</p><p>2.4.2 If any Key Personnel named in a Proponent’s EOI submission leave the respective Consultant Team’s employment or become unavailable or unable to perform their duties for reasons beyond the Consultant’s control, the Proponent shall promptly notify the DCC Contract Officer and submit resumes of proposed replacement personnel. Proposed replacement personnel must possess professional and/or technical qualifications and comparable experience equivalent to the Key Personnel being replaced. 2.5 Conflict of Interest 2.5.1 Since the Proponent selected for this commission may be functioning as the Owner’s Representative during the tender call and construction phases, the Consultant Team members will be prohibited from either directly or indirectly submitting or participating in the preparation of a bid for any subsequent construction contract related to this Project. 2.6 Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity 2.6.1 If the Proponent is subject to the conditions of the Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity, the Proponent will be required to complete the Certificate of Commitment form and return to the Federal Contractors Program in Ottawa. More information can be obtained directly from the program office at phone: (819) 953-7536. 2.7 Queries during the Competition 2.7.1 The Proponent will base its EOI proposal on this Call for EOI document. It is the responsibility of the Proponent to obtain clarification of any terms, conditions or technical requirements contained in this DCC EOI. 2.7.2 Any questions or requests for clarification during the solicitation period must be submitted in writing by the prime contact of the Proponent to the DCC Contracting Officer identified on the front page of this document. Inquiries are to be directed ONLY to the DCC Contracting Officer. Non-compliance with this condition during the solicitation period may, for that reason alone, result in the disqualification of the Proponent. 2.7.3 Questions and requests for clarifications will be answered if received in writing by the DCC Contracting Officer at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date stipulated for submission of Proposals. 2.7.4 DCC will only respond to the prime contact of the Proponent, who will be responsible for further internal distribution as required. 2.8 Amendments to the Call for EOI 2.8.1 The answer to any significant question or request that may impact the procurement, the project scope or the contract will be forwarded by Amendment to all Proponents. 2.8.2 Proponents are advised that only the written information issued by DCC in this EOI and subsequent RFP documents, any appended documents and any associated Amendments shall be contractually binding. 2.9 Right to Request Clarifications/ Confirmations 2.9.1 DCC reserves the right to request clarifications and/or confirmations from any or all Proponents regarding any aspect of their submission. In the event such clarifications and/or confirmations are requested, the DCC Contracting Officer will make the request. The Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 7 of 19</p><p> request for clarification and/or confirmation will be directed to the individual named as the Proponent’s contact in the Proponent’s submission. A written response to each such communication is required from the Proponent. 2.10 Right to Accept or to Reject Proposals 2.10.1 DCC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the proposals received in response to this Call for EOI. 2.11 Payment for Submission 2.11.1 There will be no direct payment by the Crown for preparation and submission of proposals in response to this Call for EOI. 2.12 Debriefing 2.12.1 A debriefing will be provided to Proponents that do not succeed in being shortlisted to the RFP stage of this competition if requested in writing to the DCC Contracting Officer within 30 days of the notification of the shortlist. The debriefing will include an outline of the reasons the submission was not successful, making reference to the evaluation criteria. The confidentiality of information relating to all other submissions will be protected. 2.13 Access to Information Act 2.13.1 Proponents are advised that DCC is subject to the provisions of the Access to Information Act. Information submitted may be eligible for disclosure in accordance with the requirements of the Act. Information is not released without consultation with the Proponent, unless there is an order made pursuant to the Act. 2.13.2 Thirty (30) days after notification of the short list, DCC will destroy any unsuccessful Proponent’s submissions unless the Proponent in question has requested a debriefing. 2.14 Industrial Security Clearance Requirements for Canadian Suppliers WRITER’S NOTE: 1. Replace the clauses in 2.14 with the ones provided by CISD with the approved SRCL, or 2. Remove 2.14, 2.15 and 2.16 if the client has certified in writing that there are no security requirement for this contract, or 3. If only mitigating measures such as escorts will be used for security use 2.17only </p><p>2.14.1 The Consultant shall, at all times during the performance of the contract, hold a valid Designated Organization Screening (DOS) issued by the Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). 2.14.2 The Consultant personnel requiring access to PROTECTED information, assets or sensitive work site(s) must EACH hold a valid RELIABILITY STATUS, granted or approved by CISD/PWGSC. 2.14.3 The Consultant MUST NOT remove any PROTECTED information or assets from the identified work site(s), and the Consultant must ensure that its personnel are made aware of and comply with this restriction. Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 8 of 19</p><p>2.14.4 Subcontracts which contain security requirements are NOT to be awarded without the prior written permission of CISD/PWGSC. 2.14.5 The Consultant must comply with the provisions of the: .1 Security Requirements Check List (Enclosed) .2 Industrial Security Manual (latest edition). 2.15 Security Requirements for Non-Canadian Suppliers: 2.15.1 Non-Canadian Suppliers are to contact the DCC Contracting Officer, in writing, by Month XX, 201X to request / receive security clauses appropriate to their country of origin. Identify company name, contact name and coordinates, and country of origin of the company in the written notification. 2.16 Requirements for Security Escorts 2.16.1 Consultant personnel will have access to the General Restricted Area (GRA) of the project site but will be escorted by qualified security escorts or security cleared DND personnel at all times within the GRA. The Consultant will not have access to controlled goods, protected documents or the Defence Wide Area Network (DWAN). 2.17 Order of Precedence of Documents 2.17.1 In the event of a conflict between the documents, the following is the order of precedence: 1. associated amendments, if any; 2. the Call for EOI document 3. Security Requirement Checklist (SRCL). 4. Statement of Work entitled “xxxxxxx”, dated: Month ,day ,year .</p><p>3 SELECTION PROCESS 3.1 Objective 3.1.1 The objective of this competitive Call for EOI for selecting a Proponent and their Consultant Team is to obtain optimum value for DND and to ensure fair treatment of the consulting industry. 3.2 Minimum Mandatory Requirements at EOI Submission Closing WRITER’S NOTE: Use only where the use of minimum requirements is justified Use the following in conjunction with the security clearance requirements of 2.15 (modified as appropriate to the SRCL). Delete if there are no security clearance requirements.</p><p>3.2.1 Prior to the EOI proposal evaluation, the Proponent firm must hold the required security clearance listed in items 2.15.1 or 2.16.1 (as appropriate). 3.2.2 Prior to the EOI proposal evaluation, a minimum of one of the Key Personnel from each</p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 9 of 19</p><p> of the disciplines listed below must hold valid RELIABILITY STATUS issued by CISD, PWGSC: WRITER’S NOTE: List only the disciplines required to have appropriate clearance in place in order for the contract work to be substantially started. 3.2.3 Prior to the EOI proposal evaluation, DCC will verify through CISD whether Proponents meet the minimum requirements of 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. Submissions that do not meet the minimum requirements will receive no further evaluation. 3.3 Evaluation of EOI Submissions 3.3.1 The evaluation process will involve the scoring of the information provided in each Proponent’s EOI proposal against the evaluation criteria outlined in Section 5 of this Call for EOI document. 3.4 Invitation to Participate in the RFP Stage 3.4.1 The four (4) highest scored Proponents will be invited to participate in the RFP stage of this competition. 3.4.2 Each Proponent submitting a responsive EOI proposal will be notified in writing of its score and will be provided with the following information: 1. An alphabetic list of the four (4) Proponents with the highest scores; 2. A list of all ratings attained (ratings will not be linked to Proponents). 3.5 Information on the RFP Stage 3.5.1 The score obtained by each responsive EOI will account for 30% of the final RFP score. WRITER’S NOTE: 30% value may vary depending on technical knowledge required. The more complex the project, the higher the percentage carried over from the EOI to the RFP. Usually varies from 30% to 40%. 3.5.2 The EOI and RFP technical scores will be added to the Offer of Services score to determine the overall score of Proponents. The Proponent with the highest overall score will be selected to negotiate a contract with DCC. Negotiations may include an agreement on a maximum fee/amount for services authorized by DCC. 3.5.3 The achievement of highest overall score by a Proponent does not constitute a commitment by DCC to award a contract to the firm. The award of a contract will be contingent on the completion of any required negotiations, to the satisfaction of DCC and the Proponent and the securing of any necessary final government approvals. 3.5.4 While DCC may enter into a contract without prior negotiations, DCC reserves the right to negotiate with Proponents on any procurement and to terminate negotiations at its sole discretion. </p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 10 of 19</p><p>4 EOI SUBMISSION REQUIREMNTS 4.1 Contents and Number of Copies 4.1.1 The Proponent’s EOI submission is to include the following: 1. Proponent Administrative/ Confirmation Form 2. Achievements of the Consultant Team on Comparable projects 3. Expertise of Key Personnel 4. Joint Venture Agreement in Principle (if applicable) 5. Table 1 – MANDATORY Key Personnel SECURITY CLEARANCES WRITER’S NOTE: 1. Titles are to match those in Figure 1 2. Security Clearance information required as outlined in 2.15-2.16 4.1.2 Four (4) complete copies of the EOI submission are to be submitted. WRITER’S NOTE: The number of copies requested is to equal the number of evaluators plus one copy for the Contract Services Officer. 4.1.3 Submission Signature Requirements The Proponent’s Administrative Form is to be signed in accordance with the following: 5 Corporation The signatures of the authorized signatories are to be affixed and their names and titles typed or printed. 6 Partnership The signatures of the partners are to be affixed and their names and titles typed or printed. If not all of the partners sign or if the signatory is not a partner then a certified true copy of an agreement, signed by all partners authorizing such person or persons to execute the submission documents on their behalf, is to accompany the proposal. 7 Sole Proprietorship The signature of the sole proprietor is to be affixed and the name and title typed or printed. If the signatory is not the sole proprietor then a certified true copy of an agreement, signed by the sole proprietor authorizing such person or persons to execute the submission documents on their behalf, is to accompany the proposal. 8 Joint Venture The signatures of the authorized signatories of each member of the joint venture are to be affixed and their names and titles typed or printed. Each of the participating signatories is to sign the document in the manner applicable to their particular business arrangement as described in a.) to c.) above. 8.1.1 Joint Venture Agreement in Principle: Joint Venture partners are to include with their submission a Joint Venture Agreement in Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 11 of 19</p><p>Principle. Following notification of award, but prior to commencing work on the project, the Joint Venture partners shall enter into a formal Joint Venture Agreement, which shall contain: 9 a statement that the parties to the Joint Venture shall remain unchanged throughout the duration of the project; 10 the area of responsibility of each of the member firms during the project; 11 the resolutions of each of the constituent member firms authorizing the creation of the Joint Venture as well as the assignment of signing authorities for the Joint Venture. 11.1 Submission Format Guidelines 11.1.1 Paper size -8.5" x 11" (metric equivalent A4) OR as indicated; 11.1.2 Point size 11 point TIMES or equal; 11.1.3 Margins - 25mm (1") left, 19mm (3/4") top, 12mm (1/2") right and bottom; 11.1.4 Double-sided pages will count as 2 pages. 11.1.5 Either typewritten or computer generated provided that the order of the items as they appear on the forms remains unchanged. 11.1.6 This submission will be evaluated solely on the information presented against the evaluation criteria in Section 5. Supplementary material in the form of covering letters, company brochures etc., if submitted, will not be forwarded to evaluators. 11.1.7 Submissions considered to be excessive may be penalized by down rating. 11.1.8 Submission Labelling 11.1.9 Submission envelopes should clearly indicate the Proponent’s name and address and be labelled as follows: Defence Construction Canada Constitution Square 350 Albert Street, 19th Floor Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K3 Call for Expressions of Interest for Project Ref.: # Project Title, Project Location 11.2 Closing Location 11.2.1 Submissions shall be received at the following location: Defence Construction Canada Constitution Square 350 Albert Street, 19th Floor Ottawa, ON K1A 0K3 11.2.2 Faxed or e-mailed submissions shall not be accepted. 11.3 Closing Time and Date 11.3.1 Submissions shall be received at the closing location on or before Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 12 of 19</p><p>XX:XX HRS, Month XX, 20XX 11.3.2 Submissions received after this date and time shall not be accepted, regardless of the reason for their late arrival. Late submissions will be returned to the Proponent unopened.</p><p>12 EVALUATION CRITERIA 12.1 Evaluation Criteria and Weight of Criteria 12.1.1 The submissions will be evaluated on the merits of the information presented in accordance with the criteria and weight factors indicated in Figure 1. 12.1.2 Each criterion will be scored out of a possible 10 points to ensure fair grading against the standards. The scores for each criterion will be multiplied by the percentage weight factor assigned to the criterion as identified in Figure 1. 12.2 Proponent Administrative Form ( Form Provided ) 12.2.1 This administrative form is to be submitted for information purposes and will not be used in scoring the Proponent’s submission. 12.2.2 The Proponent is to confirm their registration, or eligibility to be registered, to practice in the Province or Territory wherein the work will be carried out. 12.2.3 The Proponent is to confirm that the Consultant Team and the Key Personnel and back-ups as named in the EOI submission will remain in their designated roles for the duration of the assignment. 12.3 Comparable Projects (Form Provided ) In this section, the Proponent is to demonstrate that the Consultant Team has the necessary experience to carry out the assignment. 12.3.1 In 1 page per project, list and briefly describe four (4), projects carried out by the Proponent, or a Consultant Team firm. (If the project was undertaken by a firm other than the Proponent, indicate the name of the firm and the Proponent’s relationship to that firm.) Projects should be recent, comparable in size and scope to this project and include as many as possible of the following disciplines/ areas of expertise: . Architectural . Structural . Mechanical . Electrical (Communications?) . Civil (Municipal?) (Transportation?) . Cost Estimating . Sustainable Design . Urban Planning . Project Management WRITER’S NOTE:</p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 13 of 19</p><p>Generally ask for multidisciplinary projects which, as a group, cover all of the required discipline, or for specialized services, projects requested can be specific to the specialized disciplines key to the successful completion of the project. Number of projects should generally be limited to 4. 12.3.2 More recent and relevant project experience in terms of functional requirements, size, scale and scope will score higher e.g. projects involving … WRITER’S NOTE: List type of services (studies / full design / performance specification); and, type of building (heritage buildings / hangars or large span facilities / dormitories) without being too restrictive. 12.3.3 Projects are to be presented numbered from 1 to 4. and should demonstrate: .1 The initial and final Consultant costs, estimated and actual completion dates, and estimated construction value, construction award amount and final construction cost. If slippage (in terms of budget or schedule) occurred, the Proponent should explain why. .2 The relevance of the project presented to this DND project requirement. .3 The degree of responsibility (e.g. Prime vs. Sub-Consultant on a Design/Bid/Build Project, or Owner’s representative vs. Design-Builder’s Consultant on a Design/Build project, scope of services provided) of the Proponent. If a project was carried out under a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture partner should be identified and the degree of responsibility assigned to the Consultant Team member should be indicated. .4 Name, address and telephone numbers of client contacts for the project.</p><p>12.4 Key Personnel (Provide own format) In the following sections, the Proponent should demonstrate that the Consultant Team has the necessary technical expertise and project management experience to carry out the requirements of this project. Complete teams which address all facets of this project and include all the disciplines and requirements outlined in 5.3.2 will be scored higher in accordance with Figure 1. 12.4.1 Organizational chart (1 page) Include an organizational chart showing all of the Key Personnel to be assigned to this project identifying: 13 Consultant Team firms (i.e. Proponent and all sub-consultants firm names) 14 Key Personnel with each firm and their proposed role on this project (i.e. Project Manager, lead designer, CADD). 14.1.1 Resumes of Key Personnel (2 pages per person) Provide resumes for each of the Key Personnel from the Consultant Team to be assigned to this project whether from the Proponent firm or sub-consultant. Greater and more relevant experience will score higher. Resumes should include: 15 Proposed role(s) and responsibilities, Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 14 of 19</p><p>16 Education, years of experience (with firm/ total), 17 Relevant (managerial and/or technical) experience; 18 Professional designations as applicable. WRITER’S NOTE: If Mandatory Security Clearances are required for Key Personnel in 3.2.2, use the following: 18.1.1 Complete and submit TABLE 1: MANDATORY KEY PERSONNEL SECURITY CLEARANCES indicating the proposed Key Personnel with the required Industrial Security Clearance granted by CISD/PWGSC. This information will be used by DCC to have CISD verify that the personnel listed meet the mandatory security clearance requirements.</p><p>18.1.2 Consultant Team Coordination and Resource Allocation (1 page) Discuss the Consultant Team’s capacity, the approach to team coordination and personnel resource allocation. </p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 15 of 19</p><p>FIGURE 1 – EVALUATION CRITERIA</p><p>EVALUATION CRITERION Weight per Total % weight sub-criteria per criteria 3.1 Mandatory Criteria Meets Does Not Meet</p><p>5.2 Administration Form 0</p><p>5.3 Comparable Projects 46 - 54</p><p>1 14 - 18 2 14 - 18 3 14 - 18 4 14 - 18 5.4 Key Personnel 46 - 54</p><p>5.4.2 Team Organizational Chart 5 - 8 5.4.3 Key Technical Resources List key technical disciplines and weights 36 - 44 ( Note to Writer: Disciplines and weights to be adjusted in acc. with 5.4- Weights are to be allocated by discipline relative to its importance to the success of the project)</p><p>5.4.4 Resource Coordination and Allocation 5 TOTAL: 100 WRITER’S NOTE:</p><p>Ensure Weights of Criteria total 100%</p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 16 of 19</p><p>TABLE 1 – MANDATORY KEY PERSONNEL SECURITY CLEARANCES List one proposed Key Personnel from each discipline listed below who holds a valid personnel security clearance at the level of SECRET, granted by CISD/PWGSC. The information in this table will be used to verify with CISD that the Proponent’s personnel meet the mandatory security clearance requirements identified in 2.14. and 3.2 of the EOI document.</p><p>Individual’s Name / Firm Discipline Level of CISD/PWGSC Validity Clearance Reference No. Period Project Management Architecture</p><p>Civil / Municipal Engineering Structural Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Other </p><p>Other</p><p>WRITER’S NOTE: List the Key Personnel disciplines required to have appropriate clearance in place in order for the contract work to be substantially started, as listed in 3.2.2.</p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 17 of 19</p><p>PROPONENT ADMINISTRATIVE FORM</p><p>Proponent’s Name: Head Office Branch Office Mailing Address: ______City: Province: ______Postal Code: ______Telephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) </p><p>Information about the Firm: E-mail Address: Year Established: Number of Employees: </p><p>Type of Organization: Professionals: </p><p> Sole Proprietorship Registered Technologists </p><p> Partnership Technical Support </p><p> Corporation Other: </p><p> Joint Venture Principal Contact regarding DCC commission: Name: Position: </p><p>Telephone No.: ( ) E-mail: ______</p><p>I confirm that: . This submission complies with all rules and regulations and guidelines applicable to the performance of this work, of the Provinces and the Professional Association(s) of the provinces, wherein this project will be carried out. . Key Personnel are registered, or eligible to be registered, to practice in the Province or Territory wherein the work will be carried out. . The Consultant Team, identified in the Expression of Interest submission will perform the services if awarded the contract. I acknowledge the presence of mandatory clauses in this competition including, but not limited to, clauses 2.2, 2.3, 2.9, 2.14, 3.2, 4.1, 11.2, 11.3. Further, I acknowledge the receipt of the following Amendments issued with this DCC Call for Expression of Interest:______. (List each amendment) </p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 18 of 19</p><p>Signed: Position: E-mail:______Dated:______</p><p>Note to writer: Verify that the clauses listed in the confirmation box reflect the use of mandatory clauses in the EOI document.</p><p>COMPARABLE PROJECTS Firm Name: Discipline: </p><p>Project Name: </p><p>Was the firm participating on a: Design/Bid/Build project as a : Prime Consultant Sub-Consultant OR Design/Build project as a: Owner’s representative Design/Builder’s Consultant Project Description: </p><p>Consultant's Initial Cost $ Consultant's Final Cost $ Estimated Completion Date (Mo/Yr): Actual Completion Date (Mo/Yr): Estimated Construction Value: Construction Award Value: Final Construction Value: Reasons for not on budget/schedule if applicable : Joint Venture Yes No If yes, degree of responsibility and Partner? % Firm’s Responsibility on the Project: </p><p>Relevance of the Project: </p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer</p><p>CALL for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST DCC Project Number: # Consultant Services – Project Name Date Project Location Page 19 of 19</p><p>Client's Name, Address and Phone Number:</p><p>Use one page for each project submitted</p><p>Red - To adapt to specific project Blue – Note to writer </p>

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