<p> CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p>TIME DISCUSSION ACTION Call to order & establish 5 min Call to order at 1303 quorum Established Quorum Introductions 5 min Welcome and Introductions Timekeeper/Facilitator- Marcus Godfrey The project is trying to have all hospitals do Guest speakers : an online survey to look at their pediatric 1) Dr. Kate Remick, UCLA- California Pediatric Readiness readiness Project Every hospital that participates will receive a “gap analysis” and feedback on how to be better prepared. They will also receive a “tool kit” book with the latest information on pediatric care & a broslow tape. Roll out will be December 1, 2011 with letters going to the Director of Nursing, CEO & Medical Director to encourage participation. The survey site will remain open about 3 months and website has a copy of the survey to view. Only 1 survey per hospital All responses remain confidential and only your hospital will know your score, there are no plans to publish this confidential data Our state will be the first one to roll out this project & goal is to reach all 50 states. CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p>2) Dr. Peter Sokolove, Cal ACEP President Lecture:” Emergency Care: The Ultimate Team Sport” CAL ACEP: having their 40year anniversary this year Represent 80% of ER Physicians who are board certified Sponsor 2 conferences per year Have educational opportunities throughout the year Have supported many ENA Bills Crowding Crisis: 877 hospitals closed from 1991-2005 ED Censes went up by 30% Older/sicker patients Minor care patients are not the problem</p><p>Approval of minutes 5 min Review/Approved State Council Minutes Aug 12, 2011 with 3 minor corrections</p><p>Treasurers Report 20 min Wells Fargo Account Summary Kara Davis Business Checking Account: $158,138.57 Chapter Accounts : $220.208.10 CalENA Savings: $97,388.15 Net Worth Report $472,734.82 Account reporting instructions and form are on the website (www.calena.us ) CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p> Update on chapter accounts and Bookkeeper- Mary Joseph Kara will contact chapters that are still pending report attended the meeting and remained available to answer any submission questions. 2012 Budget Preparation- a couple of chapters still need to send their reports in Grants for ED Nurses’ Week</p><p>Unfinished/Ongoing Old 40 min Email system : Anyone who is not getting the Elite Emails, Business: Elite system had some learning curve issues initially, but please contact Linda Rosenberg who will help Linda Broyles seems to be working well now. troubleshoot your issues. Members should log into the ENA National website and update their email information because that is the database that the Elite system uses.</p><p>Cal ACEP- did not meet CHA EMS/Trauma Committee- did not meet EMREF Ultrasound IV class held yesterday was very well received. There were 16 people who attended for the course. CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p>CFED West The State meeting will be held on the Monday & Tuesday prior to the conference(May 21-22) The CFED West Conference dates are May 23-25, 2012 Information is available on their website www.cfedwest.com</p><p>Bylaws/SOP Terri has not finished making all of the edits but will have them completed and posted on the CA website. EMSA Task Forces - STEMI and Stroke, Chapter 13 STROKE Committee met for the first time in October. Jan Ogar, our representative did attend and will send out a report. STEMI Committee also met in October but Susan Smith, our Linda Broyles will follow up and make sure Susan representative was not included in the e-mails. Smith is added to the member list and e-mailings. Chapter 13 Committee has been placed on HOLD Chapter and State Leader Award Nominations Cathy McJanet and Heather Venezio were recognized as award winners! Congratulations! Request from New York State Council re: ENAF Clarification was received that this scholarship is open to all members and not just those in New York CA State Council will continue to donate the proceeds from two meetings per year from the “opportunity drawing” to this fund. CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p>Cards for Judy Kelleher: Each chapter selected a month to send Judy Kelleher a card or JAN = Greater LA letter FEB = San Diego MAR= Mid Valley APR= Kern County MAY = Inland Empire JUN = San Francisco JUL = East Bay AUG = Sacramento SEP = Loma Prieta OCT =Orange Coast NOV = Superior DEC = Channel Islands GAC Workshop Kristen Connor will be attending as the 1st representative If a 2nd person is allowed, the board will make the selection.</p><p>Director at Large Update 20 min Meeting locations 2012 Janet Williams January 12, 13 in San Francisco March 14, 15 in Sacramento May 21, 22 in Palm Springs August 9, 10 in Los Angeles November 8, 9 in Chico Lunch Sponsors needed New Business: 50 min National Update Linda Broyles CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p> No updates 2012 Board Installation: Linda Broyles Tobin Miller- Treasurer Marcus Godfrey- President Linda Rosenberg-President Elect Kristen Connor- Treasurer Elect Susan Smith- Director At Large Secretary- Carole Snyder</p><p>Board and Committee Chair Recognition Chapter Leader Award Recognition Northern LA Committee : Continue to meet and are on track to become a new chapter around March 2012 State Achievement Award Last year we received the award for work on Overcrowding Linda Broyles has forwarded the application information to Marcus Godfrey for 2012 submission Delegate shirts – Susan Laverty Suggestion to use the “lands end” website to order products or shirts with ENA Logos The BOD will look into the option and report back to membership in January for a vote. CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p>CHAPTER REPORTS East Bay #223 5 min Having trouble getting election votes back but they will have a full board next year Greater LA #224 5 min Full board next year Had an 8 hour conference last week that 85people attended Will send Holiday card to Judy in Dec & another card in January Antelope Valley – Northern LA Committee is meeting monthly with 10-15 people attending their meetings. They have 40 new members recruited so far &are doing great. Will have a bowling competition for hospitals in their region coming up. Mid Valley #225 5 min Struggling to have a full board for next year Had nurse week dinner with 55 nurses attending All hospitals had representation at the dinner Did a silent auction which was successful Gave out scholarships and awards at the dinner</p><p>Orange Coast #226 5 min Chapter meeting dinner at a restaurant had 25 attending and 10 were first time attendee’s to ENA Recruited new person to their board Drafted their calendar for 2012 for the year ENPC course in November had a small profit CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p>San Diego #228 5 min December Holiday Tea was held on December 2nd, we collected “Toys for tots” which will be donated to Camp Pendleton military families. April will hold another “911 conference” 2012 Injury Prevention Project- Dog Bite Prevention project is in full swing. Kay Thompson has been providing lectures locally and will present at the CFED West Conference. She has also applied to speak at the National Conference in San Diego. Local disaster with electrical failure of the entire county will have “lessons learned” following the debriefing by the SD Healthcare Disaster Council. Gave out two $500 dollar scholarships in October during ER Nurse Week San Francisco #230 5 min Only had a few meetings this past year December Xmas meeting is planned Has a full board for 2012 Channel Islands #378 5 min Have retained their same board for 2012 ER Nurse Day Celebration at a Casino with dinner was fun Having a December holiday meeting with a vendor sponsor Sponsored a CEN review course Now have a face book page Loma Prieta #232 5 min Shoe submission to the contest in Florida won the most outrageous – nice job! Nurse week was celebrated with prizes and food CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p> Xmas party Dec 2nd Thursday potluck dinner</p><p>Inland Empire #362 5 min New board (Terri Reynolds-president for 2012) New grad is taking on secretary role on their board March 30th “timely topics annual conference” Xmas party next week at a Casino Attendance has been down at meetings & discussed looking at other media routes to advertise their meetings 33 hospitals in their chapter area-sending out notices to them with the meeting schedule & state council meeting Have shirts for sale through Terri </p><p>Sacramento #253 5 min This Fall they sponsored several nurses that went to Haiti The Haiti Nurses Presented their experiences at their 2nd annual conference BOD is full for 2012 Superior # 279 Met in October Fundraising planned for new year ENPC course scheduled in November Have increased board members Kern County #442 5 min Meeting next week & had several members at this State Meeting for the first time COMMITTEE REPORTS Bylaws/SOP’s 5 min They have been revised and she will send those to Mark to post on the Terri Sturgill website CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p>Education Committee 5 min Educational event tentatively on June 8th at Fairfield in Northern CA Janet Williams for Hanna</p><p>Government Affairs 5 min Legislators are done for the year Debby Rogers BRN has “sunset” and the bill was vetoed by the governor due to content added which created investigators who would have changes in their retirement benefits. There was miscommunication & BRN was not notified before legislators left Sacramento. Consequently the BRN is scheduled to sunset on December 31, 2011. There is a letter already written by ANA and suggestion was to write to our membership supporting use of this letter for members to sign & send to their legislators & attach it to the e-mail. AB 1136 Bill regarding “lift teams” who has some language that needs to be better defined. It supports lift equipment. There was some concerning language which would mandate “Nurse will directly observe and direct” lifts. This needs to be clarified since the RN is not in attendance for every lift. Newsletter/Webmaster 5 min It is online www.calena.us Mark Wandro Need to discuss how to let new members know there is a website. Suggested sending out an elite email reminder to everyone Linda B volunteered to help Mark with the website content Discussed updating our Facebook site for CAL ENA CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p> Next deadline for submission is November 30th Leadership in Practice 5 min Discussion of electronic medical record & issues with auto Julie Rossie population Use of new media & how we communicate with nursing staff Ways to get staff nurses to get involved with shared governance Advanced IV access/IO/UTZ discussion & video Trauma- 5 min National ENA workgroup is trying to create an electronic Gail Dodge application process 100% customer service satisfaction survey results for CA instructors Have money in the budget that will be returned to the board Did 5 courses for underserved regions Have audited 4 hospitals for TNCC &/or ENPC courses May have a person for the last regional director position Looking into QI issues related to out of states instructors teaching courses and not reporting them to the board or having expired instructor status but still teaching courses New tools were developed to evaluate courses or persons who wish to be instructor evaluators New budget estimate $61,000 next year Plan to have more “drop in” visits to courses next year Injury Prevention 5 min Talked about resolutions that were presented at National Patrice Christensen Booster Seat Bill was signed by the Gov. for children <4ft 9inches tall or <8 yrs CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p> Need a lot of education to go out to parents about the change in the booster seat laws Pediatrics 5 min Budget was submitted to Kara. The budget was increased due Christine Marshall to the increased number of meetings next year ENPC Instructor course is tomorrow Drafted a letter to all ENPC Directors (32 of them) only 8 regularly attend ENA meetings. They are going to invite them directly to our state meeting and will be auditing the courses offered by directors who do not participate in ENA Discussed alternatives to IV access in pediatrics Goals for next year: getting ready to perform the readiness survey</p><p>Membership 5 min Ellie has been the membership chair since 1991 and she will Ellie Encapera be moving to South Carolina. There are several people interested in the position. The board will select a new membership chair once all the candidates who are interested have submitted their names ENAF 5 min May not do the online auction next year Diane Schertz Looking for new ideas for fund raisers</p><p>EMS/EMS Commissioner 10 min EMT regulations had a lot of comments about their scope of Judy Scott/ Carole practice Snyder/Matt Powers Kara will participate in a conference call 195 cases opened for EMT’s following background checks CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION California State Council Meeting November 11, 2011 San Diego, California</p><p> CEMSIS has 700,000 records in the system now Discussion about lessons learned by the hospital in Missouri affected during the recent tornado. They successfully evacuated 190 patients in 90minutes Proposal to move EMSA to Dept of Public Health HICS may have more revisions coming Ventura County will have a stroke system next year Linda Chessmore & Kara Davis have volunteered to be co- chairs with Judy on the EMS committee. Next EMS commission meeting is in San Francisco on December 7th at Marines Memorial Hotel & will discuss EMT regulations. Historian 5 min NA Liz Taylor Roundtable/ 1610 adjourned Adjournment</p>
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