December 18, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 26403 on the three bills just considered, H.R. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there After reading House Resolution 308, I 2187, H.R. 107, as amended, and H.R. objection to the request of the gentle- was immediately reminded of an im- 3334. woman from Virginia? portant passage in the Bible: First Co- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there There was no objection. rinthians, Chapter 13. This passage dis- objection to the request of the gen- Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. cusses the love man can have for his tleman from Maryland? Speaker, I yield myself such time as I fellow man, and how we should not There was no objection. may consume. worry about ourselves, but worry about Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support f others. of House Resolution 308, expressing the The ideals embodied in the First Co- EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE OF sense of the House of Representatives rinthians passage not only embrace the REPRESENTATIVES REGARDING in support of the goals of a National message contained in House Resolution ESTABLISHMENT OF A NA- Motivation and Inspiration Day. 308, they also speak to two legislative TIONAL MOTIVATION AND INSPI- Furthermore, I commend my distin- proposals we will consider today: H.R. RATION DAY guished colleague, the gentleman from 3072 and H.R. 3379. New York (Mr. GRUCCI), for introducing H.R. 3072 seeks to honor Mr. Vernon Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. this important resolution. Tarlton, a man of great faith and dedi- Speaker, I move to suspend the rules Mr. Speaker, motivation and inspira- cation to his community, by naming a and agree to the resolution (H. Res. tion have played important roles in the 308) expressing the sense of the House greatest achievements of civilized soci- post office after him in his hometown. of Representatives regarding the estab- ety, and are characteristics common to H.R. 3379 names a post office after New lishment of a National Motivation and all great leaders. York City Fire Department Chief of Inspiration Day, as amended. Both children and adults need moti- Rescue Operations, Mr. Ray Downey. The Clerk read as follows: vation and inspiration in order to Chief Downey, a firefighter for 39 years, died in the World Trade Center H. RES. 308 achieve success and happiness in their on September 11, 2001. Whereas motivation and inspiration have lives. Children and young adults need played important roles in the greatest mentors to inspire them to achieve These two men are and were great achievements of civilized society and are their goals, and to motivate them to leaders who directed their energies to- characteristics common to all great leaders; direct their energies toward positive wards positive and constructive activi- Whereas both children and adults need mo- and constructive activities and goals. ties and goals. Chief Downey led a New tivation and inspiration in order to achieve Furthermore, the adults who mentor York fire department special unit to success and happiness in their lives; assist in recovery efforts at the Murrah Whereas the inspiration to define goals at the children and young adults become inspired and motivated themselves. Building in Oklahoma City. He di- school, home, and work and the motivation rected rescue efforts at the 1993 attack to achieve those goals is critical to achiev- Mr. Speaker, a renewed focus on mo- ing success and happiness; tivation and inspiration is particularly on the World Trade Center, and helped Whereas all children and young adults need important in the wake of September 11 the Federal Emergency Management mentors to inspire them to achieve their tragedies. The inspiration to define Agency found a national network goals and to motivate them to direct their goals at school, home, and work, and search and rescue team. energies toward positive and constructive ac- the motivation to achieve those goals b 1430 tivities and goals; is critical to achieving success and Whereas adults who mentor children and He truly motivated and inspired and happiness in our current trying cir- young adults become inspired and motivated led the way for his team. He did not cumstances. themselves; worry about himself; rather, he di- Mr. Speaker, the beginning of the Whereas a renewed focus on motivation rected his efforts to save others. year is often a time of reflection, plan- and inspiration is particularly important in Mr. Tarlton spent his lifetime work- the wake of the tragedies of September 11, ning, and goal-setting. For that reason, ing on behalf of others in his commu- 2001; prominent citizens of Long Island, New nity and along the way being recog- Whereas the beginning of the year is often York, are attempting to establish Jan- nized for his efforts. In a time of uncer- a time of reflection, planning, and goal set- uary 2 as National Motivation and In- ting; tainty in the world and here at home, spiration Day. This would set a good Whereas the establishment of a National at a time when we as a Nation are example for the rest of our Nation, and Motivation and Inspiration Day would pro- called upon to show greater compas- provide all with the focus of maintain- vide an opportunity for the people of the sion and appreciation for the diversity ing motivation and inspiration in their United States to focus on the importance of of our people and religious faith, we maintaining motivation and inspiration in lives. their lives; and If successful, their efforts would pro- need to take stock and focus on the im- Whereas prominent citizens of Long Island, vide an opportunity for the people of portance of maintaining motivation New York, are attempting to establish Janu- the United States to focus on the im- and inspiration in our lives. ary 2 as National Motivation and Inspiration portance of maintaining motivation As part of that, we must open our Day: Now, therefore, be it and inspiration in their lives. arms wide and embrace and educate , That the House of Representa- Resolved Mr. Speaker, I urge all Members to our children and young adults. They tives supports the goals of a National Moti- too must learn the value of helping vation and Inspiration Day. support this important resolution, and I reserve the balance of my time. others, not for glory, but because it is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I the right thing to do. ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from yield myself such time as I may con- Mr. Speaker, I again commend my Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) and the sume. colleague for introducing this measure gentleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride and urge its swift passage. each will control 20 minutes. that I rise to endorse House Resolution Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of The Chair recognizes the gentle- 308, a resolution expressing the support my time. woman from Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN of the House of Representatives of the Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. DAVIS). goals of a National Motivation and In- Speaker, I yield as much time as he GENERAL LEAVE spiration Day. may consume to the gentleman from Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. I commend my colleague, the gen- New York (Mr. GRUCCI). Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that tleman from New York (Mr. GRUCCI), Mr. GRUCCI. Mr. Speaker, I thank all Members may have 5 legislative for introducing such a resolution, and the gentlewoman from Virginia (Mrs. days within which to revise and extend call upon all Members of the House to JO ANN DAVIS) for yielding me time. their remarks and include extraneous begin to focus on the importance of Mr. Speaker, in the wake of the Sep- matter on House Resolution 308, as motivation and inspiration, especially tember 11 attacks against our Nation, amended. as we embark upon a new year, 2002. it is now important than ever to live VerDate Aug 04 2004 08:15 Aug 04, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H18DE1.000 H18DE1 26404 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE December 18, 2001 each day with a sense of renewed spirit. of the things that has inspired and mo- Again, I commend the gentleman and It is for this reason that I stand before tivated me on this House floor is the urge all of my colleagues to support you today in support of my bill, H.R. day that I traveled to New York with this resolution. 308, which supports the goals of Na- the Congressional delegation to visit Mr. Speaker, I have no further re- tional Motivation and Inspiration Day. the infamous Ground Zero. And as I quests for time, and I yield back the Throughout history, motivation and was walking down the streets and get- balance of my time. inspiration have been vital components ting closer and closer and recognizing Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. of all great movements. They are the enormity of the damage and the se- Speaker, I yield myself the balance of qualities that have played an invalu- verity of what transpired, the pain in my time. able role in the intellectual move- people’s hearts as I moved closer, what Mr. Speaker, I wish to thank the ments, the civil rights movements, the inspired me most was the passion in chairman of the Subcommittee on Civil suffrage movements and many more. the eyes of the firefighters and the po- Service and Agency Organization, the All great leaders from Martin Luther lice officers.
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