<p> SYSTEM TRAINING PLAN</p><p>FOR THE </p><p>FOOD SANITATION CENTER (FSC)</p><p>DATE: APPROVED 4 SEPTEMBER 2001 VERSION: 1A SYSTEMS INTEGRATION DIVISION TRAINING DIRECTORATE US ARMY COMBINED ARMS SUPPORT COMMAND (CASCOM) FORT LEE, VIRGINIA 23801 SYSTEM TRAINING PLAN (STRAP) FOR THE FOOD SANINTATION CENTER (FSC)</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>PARAGRAPH PAGE</p><p>1. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION...... 1 2. TARGET AUDIENCE...... 1 3. ASSUMPTIONS...... 1 4. TRAINING CONSTRAINTS...... 2 5. TRAINING CONCEPT...... 3 6. TRAINING STRATEGY...... 4 7. TRAINING PRODUCTS...... 4 8. TRAINING SUPPORT...... 5 9. POST-FIELDING TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS (PFTEA)...... 5</p><p>ANNEX PAGE</p><p>A. TARGET AUDIENCE……………………………………………...A1 B. CATS INDIVIDUAL TRAINING STRATEGY (WARRIOR)...... B1 C. CATS SHORT-RANGE UNIT TRAINING STRATEGY (WARFIGHTER)....C1 D. TRAINING DEVELOPMENT MILESTONE SCHEDULE ...... D1 E. RESOURCES...... E1 F. REFERENCES...... F1 G. COORDINATION...... G1 H. ACRONYMS...... H1 I. TADSS REQUIREMENTS...... I1</p><p>The proponent for this document is Systems Integration Division, Training Directorate, CASCOM & Ft. Lee. Users are requested to submit comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 to:</p><p>Commander, CASCOM & Ft. Lee ATTN: ATCL-AS Fort Lee, Virginia 23801-1511 DSN 539-1205 COMM (804) 765-2340 FAX (804) 765-1196 EMAIL : [email protected] SYSTEM TRAINING PLAN FOR THE Food Sanitation Center</p><p>1. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: a. The Army Field Feeding System will use the Food Sanitation Center FSC to provide a means for effectively sanitizing food service equipment (stock pots, roasters, serving utensils, etc.) in a field environment. The FSC will be the primary system for maintaining food service sanitation in combat field kitchens, including the Containerized Kitchen (CK), Mobile Kitchen Trailer (MKT), the Kitchen, Company Level, Field Feeding System-Enhanced (KCLFF-E), and the Modular Field Kitchen (MFK). The FSC is being designed as a replacement for the existing Food Sanitation Center (FSC). The FSC will be housed in an Army standard Modular General Purpose Tent – Small (MGPTS-Small) with lighting kit. It will contain 3 sanitation sinks, a single Army standard Modern Burner Unit (MBU) with power converter, a pump fed water heater/pressure washer, drain line filtration/grease separation system, drain table, and drying/storage racks. </p><p> b. The FSC will accompany combat field kitchens at sites generally limited to battalion level, but may also be employed at selected units and remote locations. Food will be prepared and served from the supported kitchen. Cleaning of kitchen equipment, utensils, pots and pans, insulated food containers, etc. will accomplished in the FSC using the Army standard 3 sink sanitation method (i.e. wash, first rinse, final rinse). Rinsed items will be stored on FSC racks to air dry prior to return to kitchen storage spaces. The FSC will support kitchens providing up to three hot meals per day (feeding as many as 800 soldiers at each meal) when the tactical and logistical situation permits. </p><p> c. Army Modernization Information Management (AMMIM) Number: Not yet assigned (NYA).</p><p> d. New Equipment Training Plan (NETP) Number: NYA.</p><p> e. First Unit Equipped (FUE) Date: NYA</p><p>2. TARGET AUDIENCE. Supervising FSC operations will be in the Military Occupational Skills (MOS) 92G, 91M. The operators are MOS immaterial. Maintainers will be in MOS’s 44B, 52D and 63J. </p><p>3. ASSUMPTIONS. The Advanced FSC will be employed wherever field kitchens are located but primarily at the battalion or separate company level. One Advanced FSC will support a single field kitchen. a. The quantity and quality of target audience will not increase as a result of FSC.</p><p> b. Training device(s) and support package will be provided to the training base to allow resident training to start six months before the FUE date. </p><p> c. Institutional and unit sustainment training requirements will not increase.</p><p> d. The Material Developer, in coordination with the Training Developer will develop required manuals, training strategies, and products to support the fielding. All training products will be developed IAW TRADOC Reg. 350-70 System Approach to Training and the Automated Systems Approach to Training (ASAT) it will be easily adaptable for institutional training development and unit sustainment training.</p><p>4. TRAINING CONSTRAINTS: Potential constraints as related to MANPRINT domains are provided below: </p><p> a. Manpower and Personnel: Fielding of the FSC will not cause an increase in the existing manpower or personnel structure. Personnel requirements will not exceed staffing levels for current organizations. No additional skills will be required for operation of the new FSC.</p><p> b. Training: The training program for the FSC will be implemented and accomplished in three phases: New Equipment Training (NET), Institutional, and Unit Sustainment Training. The training events and activities, as defined in the System Approach to Training process. The material developer in conjunction with the combat developer and training developer will develop a complete system training support package (TSP and training products to support all phases of training for the FSC. All training support manuals, training literature publications, and other training products shall be concurrently developed and delivered in draft prior to fielding. All currently envisioned training is contingent upon the availability of resources outlined in this System Training Plan (STRAP) and its annexes.</p><p> c. Human Factors Engineering (HFE): Operators of the FSC must be capable of safely and effectively operating and maintaining the FSC while wearing the field duty uniform, MOPP level II or the cold weather ensemble. The FSC shall meet industry and government HFE requirements and design practice. Design, to include controls, displays, hand/eye coordination, diagnostic test equipment, connections and required procedures, will minimize human performance errors and workload (physical, cognitive, attention- wise) requirements. Ergonomic features for operators and maintainers must meet applicable commercial standards. </p><p> d. System Safety and Health Hazard Assessment (HHA): The FSC will comply with the industry and government safety and health hazard standards. A safety program will be established to meet all industry and government requirements and design practices to ensure the FSC optimizes safety during storage; ground; air, and sea transport;. maintenance; operation and disposal. As a minimum the FSC shall: </p><p>(1) Present no uncontrolled hazards to operators or potential damage to government equipment. Whenever feasible, fail-safe design shall be used for critical safety/health function components or sub-systems. </p><p>(2) Comply with all applicable government and industrial safety and health requirements regarding noise levels and electrical grounding requirements. </p><p>(3) Comply with government and industry health program practices and requirements to ensure health hazards are identified, evaluated, and either eliminated or controlled at acceptable levels.</p><p> e. Soldier Survivability: The operation and maintenance of the FSC will not degrade soldier survivability compared to that associated with predecessor systems. In particular, there will be no new FSC procedures or operating conditions, which place the soldier at greater risk of detection or lower risk of survival if detected or injured.</p><p>(1) The FSC does not counter any specific threat and will not be a target for enemy.</p><p>(2) The FSC may be exposed to typical rear area threats such as enemy reconnaissance and target acquisition systems, small arms, grenades, or machine gun fire from insurgent terrorist or special operations personnel; ballistic fragments from indirect and aerial weapon system; and NBC weapons and agents.</p><p>(3) The FSC is vulnerable to the spectrum of threat disruptive capabilities at all levels of conflict along the operational continuum. Major threats to the FSC are a result of its proximity to targets in the division rear areas and corps forward areas. </p><p>5. TRAINING CONCEPTS (AC/RC). The training program for the FSC will be implemented and accomplished in three phases: New Equipment Training (NET), Institutional and Unit Sustainment Training. The training events and activities as defined in the Systems Approach to Training (SAT) process, will be executed in the development of training for the FSC. The Automated Systems Approach to training (ASAT) and Total Army Training Strategy (TATS), will be used for all training materials developed to support the FSC training. The PM will provide TRADOC instructors, NET team members, the test community, and other key personnel system specific training during Instructor & Key Personnel Training (I&KPT). This provides the training base with personnel capable of training other personnel and developed training materials to support both institutional and unit training</p><p>6. TRAINING STRAGETY (AC/RC) a. NET Training : The Materiel Developer will ensure a NET Support Package is developed to support all training. The NET Support Package will include technical manuals, task list, Program of Instruction (POI), and Lesson Plans. The NET Support Package will include a self-contained Interactive Multimedia Instructional Distributed Training Vehicle (DTV), on the operations and maintenance of the FSC. The IMI/DVT Package should be developed concurrently with the system and provided to the trainer 60 days prior to the start of test player training for the operational test and evaluation. The materiel developer will examine NET delivery by Distance Learning (DL). If DL is impractical contractor personnel will conduct NET. All training materials will be developed utilizing ASAT (The Automated Systems Approach to Training) and TATS (Total Army Training Strategy). NET will continue until all applicable Army units are trained and fielded the complete FSC. </p><p> b. Institutional Training (Warrior XXI): Institutional training will consist of system training for individual operators/maintainers. Training at the supervisory level will focus on familiarization with FSC operation, maintenance, capabilities and employment doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures. Training will be conducted with dedicated FSC. The PM will ensure all training products can easily be adapted for institutional and unit sustainment training. These products will support rapid train-up of replacement personnel in support of contingency operations. The PM will prepare these products IAW the TRADOC Automated Systems Approach to Training (ASAT), TRADOC Reg. 350-70. The PM will provide a Task Selection Matrices (TSM), IAW TRADOC Pam 350-10, that meet the CASCOM TD critical task selection board requirements. Training materials will be provided to the training developer for review 60 days prior to fielding the FSC.</p><p> c. Unit Sustainment Training (Warfighter XXI): Unit commanders will ensure unit sustainment training is conducted IAW the unit’s Army Training and Evaluation Program ARTEP Mission Training Plan (MTP) and the Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS). Sustainment training will utilizing the training materials left behind as part of the NET package. Individual skills will also be sustained during monthly operation of the FSC system, which is a critical part of maintaining operator proficiency.</p><p>7. TRAINING PRODUCTS.</p><p> a. Training Equipment: The first production system of the FSC will be provided to the Quartermaster Center School for use in training. </p><p> b. Training Test Support Package : The Materiel Developer in coordination with the Training Developer will develop the TTSP. The TTSP will be provided to the tester 90 days before the start of test player training. Personnel from the New System Training Division, Training Directorate, USACASCOM, will evaluate test player training and provide the Training Operation Test Readiness Statement to the tester. The TTSP will consist of the following:</p><p>(1) STRAP for the Food Sanitation Center (2) Training Certification Plan (3) Training Date Collection Requirements Plan (4) Training Schedule (5) POI (6) AMTP, or changes, if any (7) Target Audience Description (8) Soldier Training Publications, or changes, if any (9) Lesson Plans with associated multimedia, practical exercise sheets/solutions or GO/NO GO checklists, & tests. (10) Task list for training</p><p> c. Manuals and Publications: All training support manuals, training literature publications, and other training products will be concurrently developed and delivered in draft prior to testing and fielding.</p><p> d. IMI/DTV: Interactive Multimedia Instructional Package (IMI), Distributed Training vehicle (DTV), web based self-contained or both on the operations and maintenance of the FSC and will be developed IAW the TRADOC IMI Implementing Instructions. The IMI/DTV will be web enabled and SCROM compliant, and will meet RDL Publishers guidelines. The content will be Metatagged for reusability.</p><p>8. TRAINING SUPPORT</p><p> a. Institutional Training: USAQMC&S will require three FSC systems for training, USAORDC&S will require one system and USAMEDC&S will require one system for training resident course attendees.</p><p> b. Distance Learning Infrastructure. IMI/ DTV Web-based stand alone instruction will provide the primary means for the FSC maintenance, supervisor, sustainment, and individual skill proficiency training. </p><p> c. Facilities: Institutional training will occur using the Food Sanitation Center in a location determined by the Individual school Commandant. . d. Ammunition: NA</p><p> e. Training issues at risk. NA</p><p>9. POST FIELDING TRAINING EFFECTIVE ANALYSIS (PFTEA). A formal PFTEA is not required to validate institutional and sustainment training to ensure mission requirements is being met. Training feedback will be accepted from using units, gathered through the use of mail-out questionnaires, and telephonic interviews, and user comments will be gathered. The feedback will be provided to all appropriate training elements and will serve as a basis for updating/ revising institutional and sustainment products.</p><p>ANNEX A TARGET AUDIENCE MATRIX SCHOOL: Quartermaster School LOCATION: Ft. Lee, VA_</p><p>MOS/Skill/Course Courses affected by the Food Sanitation Center Supervision Maintenance Operation</p><p>92G10 AIT X</p><p>92G20 BNCOC X</p><p>92G40 ANCOC X</p><p>QMOBC X</p><p>91M10 AIT X</p><p>91M20 BNCOC X</p><p>44B10 AIT X</p><p>44B20 BNCOC X</p><p>52D10 AIT X</p><p>52D20 BNCOC X</p><p>63J10 AIT X</p><p>63J20 BNCOC X</p><p>LEGEND</p><p>OBC Officer Basic Course AIT Advance Individual Training BNCOC Basic Non-Commisioned Officers Course ANCOC Advance Non-Commissioned Officers Course ANNEX B CATS INDIVIDUAL TRAINING STRATEGIES (WARRIOR)</p><p>SCHOOL: Quartermaster/Ord/Med Center & School</p><p>LOCATION: Ft. Lee, VA./APG,MD./FSH,TX.</p><p>Area of Concentration (AOC): Food Service Branch</p><p>Integrated Training Strategy for: Food Service Specialist (92G) ANCOC</p><p>Location: Ft. Lee, VA Lesson Plans: TBD Course Start: TBD Classes per Year: TBD Student Load per FY: TBD</p><p>Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents Individual Training Plan (output of the CATS long-range individual training strategy)</p><p>Course Administrative Data</p><p>Program of Instruction (Output of the course design)</p><p>Training Support Required – 1 Food Sanitation Center</p><p>Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Area of Concentration (AOC)</p><p>Integrated Training Strategy for: (92G,91M,44B,52D,63J) BNCOC</p><p>Location: Ft. Lee, VA, - APG, MD- FT. SAM, TX. Lesson Plans: TBD Course Start: TBD Classes per Year: TBD Student Load per Fiscal Year (FY): TBD </p><p>Training Support Required – 1 Food Sanitation Center</p><p>F-1 ANNEX B (cont’d) CATS INDIVIDUAL TRAINING STRATEGIES (WARRIOR)</p><p>SCHOOL: Quartermaster Center & School</p><p>LOCATION: Ft. Lee, VA</p><p>Integrated Training Strategy for: (92G,91M,44B,52D,63J) AIT</p><p>Location: Ft. Lee, VA Lesson Plans: TBD Course Start: TBD Classes per Year: TBD Student Load per FY: TBD </p><p>Training Support Required – 1 Food Sanitation Center ANNEX C CATS SHORT-RANGE UNIT TRAINING STRATEGIES (WARFIGHTER)</p><p>1. Individual Training a. Strategy (How individual skills will be sustained). Initial training will be via NET for gaining units. These units will ensure primary system operators attend the NET training. Subsequent to this, individual skills will be maintained through daily operations of the PTK system. The unit commander is responsible to provide the training guidance, time, and resources for individuals to maintain a level of proficiency required by the appropriate common task or branch MOS. Unit sustainment training will focus on the use of training materials (manuals, lesson plans, etc.) left behind as part of the NET package. b. Products: Required to sustain individual skills PRODUCT REQUIRED RESPONSIBLE AGENCY DATE OPERATOR -IMI TBD PMSS TSP 92G1/2/3 91M1/2/3 SUPERVISOR -IMI TBD PMSS TSP 92G2/3 QM Officers/92OC 2. Collective Training a. Strategy. Collective training, exercises, simulations, embedded training, crew drills, by which crew/unit will be trained to employ the system (doctrine and tactics included). See CATS training strategy. b. The collective skills necessary to employ and maintain the system will be learned and sustained through repetitious of STX, CPX, FTX, and simulations. Field and Technical Manuals will be revised to incorporate new or revised techniques that are required to employ the FSC.</p><p>ECHELON EVENTS FREQUENCY Company AC CPX STX ARTEP JTX/FTX Annually</p><p>TRADOC FORM 568-R-E, Aug 89 ANNEX D TRAINING DEVELOPMENT MILESTONE SCHEDULE</p><p>TRAINING DEVELOPMENT MILESTONE PAGE 1 OF SCHEDULE – SHEET A 1 PAGES(s) REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYSMBOL ATTG- 55 ACAT III OFFICE SYMBOL AS OF DATE SYSTEM: ATCL-AS 19 JULY 01</p><p>FSC POINTS OF CONTACT RESPONSIBLE AGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS NAME OF POC & TITLE OFFICE SYMBOL DSN & COMMERCIAL USA SBCCOM, PMSS Jeff Wallace Natick, MA APM Field Services AMSSC-PM-RSS(A) DSN 256-6098 USA CASCOM, DCD-QM MAJ Majewski (804) 687-1834 Fort Lee, VA Combat Developer ATCL-QM (804) 734-1834</p><p>USA CASCOM, QM TD SSG Youngblood (804) 765-2340 Fort Lee, VA Training Developer ATCL-AQ (804) 765-1895 QM Center School/ACES Mrs. Ellan Pruett (804) 764-3192 Fort Lee, VA ATSM-ACES MILESTONES ITEM RESPONSIBLE AGEN- EXPECTED COMPLETED CY COMPLETION MNS approved ATCL-QM TBD STRAP approved ATCL-AS TBD ORD approved ATCL-QM TBD Prime directive approved ATCL-AS TBD TEMP AMSSB-PM-RSS(A) TBD Critical Task Selection Board ATCL-AS TBD SMMP developed ATCL-AS TBD QQPRI data ATCL-AS TBD TTSP ATCL-AS (coordinate with TBD PM) MFP AMSSC-PM-RSS(A) TBD BOIP data approved AMSSC-PM-RSS(A) TBD Operational Test (OT) AMSSC-PM-RSS(A) TBD NETP/IKPT ATCL-AS TBD ILSP AMSSC-PM-RSS(A) TBD School transition to PTK training ATCL-AS TBD Initial Fielding AMSSC-PM-RSS(A) TBD </p><p>COMMENTS: TRADOC Form 568-R-E, Aug 89</p><p>ANNEX E RESOURCE SUMMARY</p><p>SCHOOL: Quartermaster School</p><p>LOCATION: Ft. Lee, VA</p><p>1. Facilities Requirements:</p><p>Description Appn/Amount FY Req’d $ Source</p><p>None</p><p>2. Additional Equipment Requirements: (OPA Funded)</p><p>Equipment BOIP Number Number Required</p><p>FSC 3 USAQMC&S FSC 1 USAMEDC&S FSC 1 USAORDC&S</p><p>3. Addition OMA Funding Requirements:</p><p>Description Appn/Amount Freg Req’d $ Source</p><p>4. Additional Manpower Requirements:</p><p>Description OFF WO ENL CIV Total</p><p>None ANNEX F REFERENCES</p><p>1. CJCSI 3170.01A, 10 Aug 99, “Requirements Generation System”</p><p>2. DoD Directive 4630.5, 12 Nov 92, " Compatibility, Interoperability, and Integration of Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Systems.”</p><p>3. DoD Regulation 5000.2-R, Change 4, 15 Mar 96, “Mandatory Procedures for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) and Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Acquisition Programs.”</p><p>4. AR 350-35, 30 May 90, Army Modernization Training.</p><p>5. TRADOC Reg 350-70, 9 Mar 99, Systems Approach to Training Management, Processes, and Products. </p><p>6. TRADOC Pam 350-10, 23 Aug 93, Combined Arms Training Strategy Development.</p><p>7. DoD Electronic Desk Reference Set, “Defense Acquisition Deskbook.” ANNEX G</p><p>COORDINATION</p><p>CONCUR COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT AGENCY As Written Received Accepted Rejected</p><p>USAOC&S X X</p><p>USAMEDC&S X X</p><p>USAQMC&S X X ANNEX H</p><p>ACRONYMS</p><p>AC Active Component AIT Advanced Individual Training FSC Food Sanitation Center AMIM Army Modernization Information Management AMTP ARTEP Mission Training Plan ANCOC Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course AOC Area of Concentration ASAT Automated Systems Approach to Training ARTEP Army Training and Evaluation Program BNCOC Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course BOIP Basis of Issue Plan CATS Combined Arms Training Strategy CSS Combat Service Support DA Department of the Army DL Distance Learning DoD Department of Defense DTV Distributive Training Vehicle ET Embedded Training ETM Electronic Technical Manual FM Field Manual FUE First Unit Equipped FUED First Unit Equipped Date HEMTT-LHS Heavy Expanded Mobile Tactical Truck-Load Handling System HFE Human Factors Engineering HHA Health Hazard Assessment I&KPT Instructor & Key Personnel Training IAW In Accordance With IBCT Initial Brigade Combat Team IETM Interactive Electronic Technical Manual IKPT Instructor and Key Personnel Training IMI Interactive Multimedia Instruction ITP Individual Training Plan MANPRINT Manpower & Personnel Integration MNS Mission Needs Statement MOPP Mission Oriented Protective Posture MOS Military Occupational Specialty MTP Mission Training Plan NET New Equipment Training NETP New Equipment Training Plan NETT New Equipment Training Team ANNEX H ACRONYMS (cont.)</p><p>ORD Operational Requirements Document OT Operational Test P3I Pre-planned Product Improvements PFTEA Post Fielding Training Effective Analysis PM Program Manager PMCS Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services POI Program of Instruction PSS Performance Support System RC Reserve Component SAT Systems Approach to Training SCORM Shareable Courseware Object Reference Models SMMP System MANPRINT Management Plan STRAP System Training Plan T&E Test & Evaluation TACMIS Tactical Management Information System TADSS Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations TATS Total Army Training System TASS Total Army School System TBD To be Determined TD Training Developer TM Technical Manual TRADOC US Army Training and Doctrine Command TSP Training Support Package TTSP Training Test Support Package USACASCOM US Army Combined Arms Support Command USAQMC&S US Army Quartermaster Center and School ANNEX I</p><p>TRAINING AIDS, DEVICES, SIMULATORS, AND SIMULATIONS (TADSS) REQUIREMENTS a. Institutional Training. The U.S. Army Quartermaster Center and School (USAQMC&S) is the TRADOC proponent for MOS 92G, Food Service Specialist. The first production of FSC will be used as a training system , and it will be provided to the proponent school for use in training of MOS 92G series personnel. Ther are no TADSS required. b. Unit Training Strategy. New equipment training will be required during fielding of the FSC. The Materiel Developer will develop the system TSP and training products to support NET and unit sustainment training. All training support materials will be developed and coordinated with the Training Developer (TD) and delivered in draft prior to test player training for the operational test and evaluation. The system TSP will include technical manuals in ETM/IETM format and an IMI/DTV package on the operation and maintenance of the FSC. The system TSP will be used to conduct NET during fielding of the FSC. c. Embedded Training Requirements. Embedded training capability will be considered. d. System Hardware Requirements. This training concept will put no additional or unique requirements on the end item. e. General Training Support Requirements. There are no identified General Training Support Requirements.</p><p> f. Training Device Requirement. No TADSS are required, however; The first production of FSC will be utilized as a training system device and will be provided to the Quartermaster Center School for use in training of MOS 92G series personnel. </p>
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