<p>217</p><p>Minutes 21 June 2017 Attendees: Matt Eaton, Chairman Bill Watts, Parish Councillor Tracey Thorby, Parish Clerk Ray Jakes, Vice Chairman David Hurrell, Parish Councillor</p><p>No Agenda Item Action 1. Apologies: Geoff Hall, Parish Councillor David Kerney, Parish Councillor John Williams, County Councillor Donna Linsey, Parish Councillor Robert Turner, SC District Councillor</p><p>2. Members’ Declaration of Interest for items on the Agenda: None</p><p>3. Councillor to sign Declaration of acceptance of office: David Hurrell signed.</p><p>4. Minutes from May 2017 meetings Agreed and signed as a true record.</p><p>5. Matters arising from previous meeting including:</p><p>A Cambridge C.C. Highways matter: Nicola Burdon her contact is [email protected]</p><p>Tracey contacted Nicola Burdon and advised the following:</p><p>1. Reference: 00260175 (Old Ref: NM-83670) Signpost at top of Albert Road/Newmarket Road still not replaced. This has been ordered but unfortunately does take time, unable to give timeframe. Tracey</p><p>2. NM-83671 Footpath by Mr & Mrs Carr very bad. Nicola has sought quote for edging the footpath. Once the footpath has been edged then she will come and review the footpath. Tracey</p><p>3. NM-83678 Wheatsheaf to offices path in a terrible state. Nicola has sought quote for edging the footpath. Once the footpath has been edged then she will come and review the footpath. Tracey</p><p>4. Blocked drain across road from 15-17 Main Street. Nicola is going to try and mark the drain. She is going to confirm date so that Tracey will advise those who park along that stretch and The White Swan not to park on the road on that date. Highways have previously been out several times but unable to access. Once they have attended 4 times but are unsuccessful the job is dropped. Tracey</p><p>5. Grass overflowing the footpaths need cutting back. Nicola has received map and is currently seeking quote for work. Tracey 6. Reference: 00258695 road surface/potholes between Newmarket Road and the cycle path under the A14, CB25 9AG, Cycle Route 51. Unfortunately there is an issue, the path is very narrow which causes a problem with diverting the cyclists a safe route. They are working with the cycle route team to try and see if there is a safe alternative route or whether it is possible that they dig out and resurface half and then half but this will be quite difficult for her team. The actual path would only take her team a day to complete but it is diverting the cyclists safety which is causing a problem and holding up the progression. Tracey 7. Leaves in drains, especially down Church and Stow Road as the drains are not working as they should. Drains are blocked, water sitting up to the grating. Annual gullying was agreed by CCC and it was not done in Stow-Cum-Quy last year but should be happening this year but it is clear there is an issue on Church Road so she is going to get her Jet Team to clear drains and gully’s. Tracey</p><p>8. Reference: 00268734 Tree branch completely blocking view of white road sign directing people into Stow-Cum-Quy to Burwell, Lode etc. Unable to read sign with blossoming branches/leaves. As Newmarket Road, A1303 forks into Stow-Cum-Quy, Church Road A1102. Reported on 12 April 2017. Updated on 12 April 2017 – “We are pleased to confirm that work has been ordered to address this issue which should be carried out within the next 4-6 weeks, subject to weather conditions.” Tracey</p><p>9. Reference: 00268737 Looks a couple of feet wide and 3-4inches deep but has unfortunately formed to the left where the filter is in the middle of the road turns right towards Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom. Those carrying straight on down Newmarket Road are extremely lucky if they miss this pothole due to the location and I believe will start damaging cars. Newmarket Road/ Little Wilbraham junction near Bury Lodge. Reported on 12 April 2017. Updated on 12 April 2017 – “Urgent works have been ordered for the defect you have reported”. Tracey confirmed was filled in when drove that way today, 21 June 2017. Remove 218 Remove this item from agenda.</p><p>Parking outside The White Swan – not allowed, or the picnic tables, if they appear Tracey to e-mail Nicola. Has suggested that we put in an application to the Local Highways Improvement Scheme to have Double Yellow lines put outside the pub the highway goes up to the building/door. Council resolve to take no further Remove action.</p><p>Traffic Calming Scheme – suggested having a local consultation before putting in application for 10 pairs of cushions to make sure the parish is happy. She has previously had cushions put into a village and the amount of complaints she received was astonishing! The Local Projects Group – contact them for advice and they will Tracey come out and go through with the Parish Council. Tracey to seek contact details.</p><p>B Speeding in the village: Matt has contacted the two people at Marshalls who produced the original scheme used which was completed in 24 September 2013 but they have both left so has tried contacting a further person. Draft by contractor at Marshalls, as do not know who has the copyright for it.</p><p>Ideas of what we can have, different type of systems, types of cycle path ie like through Cherry Hinton as they seem to work well there but would that work in Stow-Cum-Quy.</p><p>The original scheme covered changing the speed from 40mph to 30mph and then removing the pinchpoints and putting in 12 pairs of cushions.</p><p>Further to last month’s meeting Ray has reviewed the flashing cameras which can be run by solar panel or off a lamppost, costing about £2,000. Ray suggested a smaller committee to put a proposal together. Finding 2 scheme/alternatives which can be put forward, cushions at entrances to village (2-3 pairs) and 2-3 lots of flashing lights or 7-8 sets of cushions. Will need a surveyor to do the drawings in the future.</p><p>Ray offered to be part of a small committee, Bill and David volunteered and Bill suggested Geoff. Once Ray/Bill/ progressed suggested to invite someone from each of the local parishes, Lode and Longmeadow, Swaffham David/ Bulbeck, Swaffham Prior, Burwell. Geoff</p><p>C Jackdaw: Latest version of Jackdaw Chatter has just been published, Summer 2017. Closing date for next Jackdaw Chatter addition is Monday 21 August 2017.</p><p>Mr Richard Cox continues to litter pick at least once a week. Included in Jackdaw. Tracey to purchase £30.00 Scottsdale voucher. Tracey</p><p>D Internet/Website: Tracey uploading information re The Art Group, Carpet Bowls and Coffee Morning information on the Stow- Cum-Quy Facebook page. </p><p>Matt has included a ‘Finance Page’ to the website. Tracey requires further page included, will e-mail Matt. Tracey/ Matt Tracey advised she was planning on updating the ‘Events Page’ with information from the Jackdaw Chatter. Tracey had started updating the contact page. Bill advised if wanted any of the adverts from the Jackdaw Chatter can forward. Tracey</p><p>Discussed whether other people on other village committees could help keep website updated. Tracey advised Brian Thorby had been interested and Bill agreed would be good as would like to include a ‘Quy Fen Trust’ Matt/ page and also update the Church information. Matt will make Brian a login and Tracey will train him. Tracey</p><p>E Parish Clerk: Tracey, Matt and Ray require to meet to review role and how job progressing. </p><p>Tracey advised that she has commenced a temporary part-time role but will be increasing her hours over time to see if she is able to work full-time but confirmed has no intention of giving up the Parish Clerk role but this will mean that is will be mostly evening/weekend work, Parish Council confirmed role has previously been completed in these hours.</p><p>Discussed hours and suggested 25hrs per month and if Tracey is getting close to hours to advise Matt and Ray. Discussed reviewing how many hours have been spent re Church/Fable Farm as Tracey has spent a lot of time on this issue, producing a 60 page timeline for the meeting for example. All recorded on spreadsheet. Discussed not chasing Highways etc as often as all processes take time.</p><p>F End of Year Financial Report: Tracey presented end of year financial report advising that the expenditure was higher last year due to larger purchases i.e. tractor, new Village Hall floor, slide and cyclone for recreation ground, Laptop; repairs i.e. gang 219 mowers and invoices not received before the 31 March 2017 for larger purchases and repairs i.e. 30mph installation and advertising invoice from CCC, new noticeboard and fittings Remove</p><p>£ Details £ Details 40,773.40 Opening Balance 01.04.16 4,080.61 Business Savings Account 34,194.42 Debit – Expenditure 17,122.63 Mr H Legacy 17,464.38 Credit – 2,840.72 Current Account Income/Precept/Funding/Donations 24,043.36 Closing Balance 31.03.17 24,043.36 Closing Balance 31.03.17</p><p>Agreed remove from agenda.</p><p>G Accounts: Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2016:</p><p>Section 1 – Annual governance statement 2016/17 Discussed points 1-8, all agreed yes and Chairman and Clerk signed (point 10 not applicable).</p><p>Section 2 – Accounting statements 2016/17 Discussed figures for points 1-10 (point 11 not applicable). Bank reconciliation proforma and Explanation of variances proforma completed and separate sheet included along with ‘explanation of variances’ to explain variances of more than 15% between totals for individual boxes (Boxes 3, 4 and 6).</p><p>Annual internal audit report 2016/17 to be passed to Mr Peter Reece on Saturday 24 June 2017 and will be returned to enable to send to PKF Littlejohn LLP to be received by no later than 3 July 2017.</p><p>Transparency Funding: Tracey confirmed there is funding for 2017/18 so we may be able to claim some further funding for this year.</p><p>H VAT Returns: Tracey still to complete 2015/16 (£703.01) and 2016/17 (£3,705.66) VAT Returns. Agreed remove from Tracey/ agenda. Remove</p><p>I Allotments: All allotment payments received. One outstanding agreement but all allocated plots paid for.</p><p>David had working party with other members to work on Plot 5. Matt and David agreed that Glenis has taken on Plot 5 and it has been agreed she will have Plot 5 for free until the end of the year, 31 March 2018 as she is tidying up the plot and will utilise and maintain. If she continues with two plots in 2018/19 she will require to pay for both allotments as of 1 April 2018. Bill does not agree that someone should have 2 plots and suggested a limit of three years but we currently do not have anyone on the waiting list. Agreed remove from agenda. Remove</p><p>J Cemetery: David has provided Tracey with the new print out of the cemetery plan and the electronic version. David and Tracey reviewed the death information and agreed would be easier if in alphabetical order so Tracey to purchase lever arch files, dividers and holed pockets to initially sort. Bill advised he has electronic records Bill/ and will forward. Tracey</p><p>Tracey and David reviewed the certificate for exclusive rights of burial for 99 years and agree need to request/retain more information: current address, e-mail, telephone number, date of birth, National Insurance Number and Single/Double Depth Burial (if grave plot). It was felt National Insurance number was asking for too much details.</p><p>David and Shirley Hurrell have reserved a cremation plot and paid £40.00, Tracey to produce certificate. Tracey to clarify if there is an interment fee for burial of ashes in cremation plot by wall. Tracey</p><p>Concerning Mr Alan Farndale, Tracey advised she thought she had found him on 192.com but would require to purchase some credit. Bill advised he may know someone who might have Mr Farndales telephone number and would try and obtain and contact him regarding his reserved plot. Bill</p><p>K Rec maintenance: Ray purchased litter bin and has attached to a post by the bench. Andy brought very nice bin which has been put by the Pavilion.</p><p>Cheque has been raised for Colin Hall’s for six months payment of £315.00 for January to June 2017 for the recreation ground maintenance. Tracey</p><p>L Pavilion: 220 Ray advised new bigger fridge freezer in kitchen. Ray advised the club to keep the smaller fridge as useful for the rounders etc. Confirmed the pavilion was painted by the cricket club.</p><p>Tracey to e-mail Miss Rutterford to confirm the Parish Council are happy for them to use the Pavilion. Advise Tracey/ about the insurance. Agreed remove from agenda. Remove</p><p>M Dog Fouling: Dog Legislation information on SCDC on the website is extremely out of date (10 years plus). Tracey to contact Environmental Health to seek an update of rules or the interruptions which can also be incorporated into the responses in the future. Tracey</p><p>N Poo Bin on Village Green: Tracey has produced two signs, all agreed on one and Ray has taken to laminate and attach. Ray</p><p>Tracey advised about an incident which was witnessed on Sunday 28 May 2017 a Pet Day Care company used the dog bin on the village green and the rubbish bin by the glass bus stop at the entrance to Herrings Close to dispose of two partially filled black bin bags with individual dog poo bags. Tracey contacted SCDC Environmental Health who confirmed this was a offence and that the district councils provide waste disposal services. Tracey contacted the company who were extremely apologetic, did not know about the waste disposal service and have since contacted their council and arranged a regular collection. Tracey accept the apology and advised the concern had been dealt with, it would be recorded at the next Parish Council Meeting but the concern is now closed.</p><p>O Stow Court – Defibrillator: Cheque raised for £100.00 and will deliver to Mrs Moore at Stow Court. Agreed remove from agenda. Remove</p><p>P Church Clock: Mr H’s legacy to pay for clock once invoice received. Agreed remove from agenda. Remove</p><p>Q Church/Fable Farm: Ray, Tracey and Mr Flack attached at meeting on Wednesday 17 May 2017 at South Cambridgeshire District Council. Robert, William Trotter, Planning Enforcement Officer, Mr Chris Bradley and Mr Martin , Environ- mental Enforcement Officers.</p><p>Ray reported:</p><p>“It was made very clear we had to be careful about what we publicised outside of the meeting. Hence we are unable to state any names and only pass on the general progress to date.</p><p>I can confirm that very strong action is in progress and court hearings are expected. From the PC point of view I can say all our concerns were appreciated and I believe will eventually be resolved to our satisfaction, I'm sorry but I cannot say exactly what action is planned against any of the parties involved but solutions are in progress which answer our concerns.</p><p>I apologise if this is rather vague but we do not want to compromise what the official officers are pursuing. Tracey is aware of the confidential nature of the meeting and Mr Flack is also clear on the matter and happy with the proposals.</p><p>We need to monitor any events which we may observe at the farm and report to either officers or directly to the Police if appropriate. If any soil is seen being taken on site need to inform Chris Bradley, Environment Enforcement Officer at SCDC straight away, [email protected]. </p><p>Tracey advised next planned ‘party’ advertised in ‘New Warehouse’ on 1 July 2017. Tracey has forwarded information to Emma Knight.</p><p>Initially got to wait until 21 August 2017 which is when Mr Jones should have removed the soil. Mr Jones’ tenancy is due to finish around that time.</p><p>R Anglesey Abbey Sign: Parishioner suggested that a ‘brown’ Anglesey Abbey sign is put on the missing sign due to be replace on Newmarket Road near The Missing Sock and also near the crossroads in the village? Tracey to contact Tracey/ Anglesey Abbey to put forward suggestion if they wish to continue. Agreed remove from agenda. Remove</p><p>S Village Hall Signs: Ray has taken both signs down cleaned, lower and all have full lettering. Agreed remove from agenda. Remove</p><p>T Hedges on Church Road: Geoff volunteered to review the hedge and approach the relevant parties if further trimming is required. David has asked to remove from agenda for now and bring up in December. Agreed to remove from agenda. Remove 221</p><p>U Suckers on Tree along verge outside Bungalow 7-11 Stow Road: David advised there are suckers off the tree, they are currently small. Suggest that Donna cuts them off if she would like or the Parish Council will review next year. Last time they had been left for about 15 years which Donna/ is why it had got out of hand. Remove from agenda. Remove</p><p>6. Agenda items A Childes Charity Trust Representative: Bill spoke to Gregg Foster who confirmed that Jason Hall would like to stand so Bill will stand down for this younger villager. Gregg also advised Andy Rowlinson would like to stand so Bill spoke to David Hurrell who is happy to stand down.</p><p>David is still representative on Bottisham Charities so he would attend the joint Childes/Bottisham meetings. Richard Watts will take over directly from Graham Nordon and will retain all the paperwork. </p><p>All agreed with changes. Agreed remove from agenda. Remove </p><p>B Churchyard – Weed Control: Bill requested quote from Truelink regarding undertaking additional spraying on weeds in the churchyard/cemetery as they are invading the grass areas. Each application £50.00 plus VAT.</p><p>Tracey spoke to Susan Merry at Truelink who advised it may only be necessary to spray once a year, perhaps twice but three times would be the most and it depended on the weather and growth and how weedless the Parish Council wish it to be. Ms Merry also advised that the grass cannot be cut four days before and after application so they will require to confer with Richard Watts.</p><p>All agreed to proceed and request them to spray at same time they do pathways etc (can we get any cheaper if all done at same time). Tracey to contact Truelink. Tracey</p><p>C Alvescote, Newmarket Road: Parishioner reported back fence at Alvescote had been taken down on Saturday 10 June 2017 and digger in back garden. Has not had anyone do anything for 18 months or so and concerned. Tracey/ Seek parishioner’s permission to forward concerns and contact details to Robert to look into. Robert</p><p>7. John Williams, County Councillor report: No report provided.</p><p>Robert Turner, District Councillor report: No report provided. </p><p>8. Correspondence: All relevant information note: 29 June - 5 July 2017 Two-way signals on Stow Road due to Cambridge Water Company - Renew Lead Supply. Tracey will advertise on Facebook. Tracey</p><p>9. Cheques In: - - - Bacs In: £25.00 D Kerney Allotment £260.00 J Daniels Cherry Hinton Sports Pitch Fee £285.00 TOTAL</p><p>Due Out: £75.00 R Jakes Bin on Recreation Ground 117.20 T Thorby Mobile, Broadband, Microsoft Office, Stamps £315.00 Mr C Hall Rec Maintenance £212.05 CAPALC Affiliation Fee £354.96 Truelink Grass cutting and Spraying £100.00 Quy Court Management Company Ltd Defibrillator Contribution £55.49 R Jakes Strimmer part (Recreation Ground) £1,229.70 TOTAL</p><p>10. Balance of accounts: C/A £6,719.49 D/A £4,080.61</p><p>Plus £17122.63 Mr H Legacy not to be included with general funds 222 11. Planning applications/updates: S/0505/17/FL: Erection of a pole barn for storage of hay and straw in livestock. Island Bungalow,Newmarket Road, Stow Cum Quy. Outcome: Withdrawn.</p><p>S/3430/16/FL: Erection of one dwelling Church View, Newmarket Road, Stow-Cum-Quy, Cambridgeshire CB25 9AQ Outcome: Appeals Process.</p><p>12. A.O.B.: A Window – 9 Stow Court: CKLG have noticed that the long window that runs from the top to the bottom of the end of the building (fa- cing on to Main Street) is starting to go rotten. The company would obviously like to get this repaired as soon as possible. The company are wondering if within the parish documents regarding the planning permission it states that the windows need to be wooden or if we could change them to PVC or similar.</p><p>CKLG know that they need to be kept within the character of the surrounding buildings and Stow Court.</p><p>The Parish Council advised they have not objections to PVC or similar rather than wood but to be kept within the character of the buildings. Suggested contacting SCDC Planning Department, Tracey will pass this in- Tracey formation to Mrs Moore. Agreed remove from agenda. Remove</p><p>13. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 12 July 2017 at 7.30pm</p>
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