: J - ■ ,V PAGE TWENTY-F6UR im iE S D A Y , SEPTEMBER 18, 1969 Hanrbpatpr iEu^ning IS^rali) Average Daily Net Press Ron Cub Scout Pack 47 of South ■W The Week BtoM About Town United Methodist Church will J m e 28, 1M8 TTie Weather have its first meeting of the- ACS Unit Plans Center Congregational Otear, cool tonight with Iowa deason Friday at 7 p.m. at the Church CovinoU will meet to­ church. All pack members October Parley In 40a. Oiance of froot In norm­ night at 7:30 In the Federation should wear full imlform. Boys 15,459 ally colder areto. Tomorrow Room. The public education commit­ '/i PRICE SPECIAL ON surniy, a bit milder whfa hlgha from 8 through 10 years of age tee of the Manchester Unit of Interested in Joining the padc ____ DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCINO Mmtdieeter— A City of VUUun Charm 66 to TO. Members of Trinity Covenant the American Cancer Society Is VOL. L X X X V m , NO. 298 maljr attend this meeting, ac­ planning an open meeting In Church will conduct a service companied by at least one par­ ' / (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) October, at a time to be an­ BIANCHKSTER, c o n n , FRIDAY, SEPTEBIBER 19, 1969 tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at the ent. PRICE TEN CENTS Meadows Convalescent Home. nounced. FRONT END DYNAMICS . The program will include a The Adult Discussion Group film and a panel discussion by 244 BROAD STREET (Behind Dairy Queen) Jehovah’s Witnesses will hold of South United Methodist local physicians, and will be MANCHESTER, CONN. 06040 U .S. Must a theocratic ministry school at Church will meet Sunday at 9 7:30 p.m. and a service meet­ open to all women In the Man­ PHONE: 649-4045 Kisses Lead to Outer Space a.m. In Susannah Wesley House chester area. ing tomorrow at Kingdom Hall. on the church campus. The 'The Society la also planning SPECIALIZING IN FRONT END GEOMETRY Quit Viet: “ Black Manifesto’ ’ will be dis­ W ck and Dr. Donn J. Junior High Youth Fellowship a month-long campaign to edu­ BRAKE SERVICE and SHIX^K ABSORBERS D A ^ i o have issued a caU tor student volunteeiB to take cussed. The class Is open to port in a kissing etqpertanent. Nixon Cancels Draft Calls cate women and persuade them of South United Methodist all adults. Oop’es of the Mani­ — FOREIGN and DOMESTIC — to avail themselves of testa tor Church will meet tomorrow at fest may be obtalreed at the Gromyko ^ ^ e day tt may hrtp astrenauts get to Man free of anlf- uterine cancer. Today, It is es­ John Tromza FREE INSPECTION— 7:30 p.m. at the church. church office. timated that 81 per cent of lo­ Manager NO OBLIGATION u n it e d NA'nONS, N.Y. calized cases can be cured. ( A P ) —Soviet Foreign Minister two doctors are re^itratory virologists at the University Bowers School PTA held a ^ W scoraln carrying oitt research tor the National Aeronou- Mrs. John P. Cheney Jr. of Andrei A. Gromyko told the silver tea yesterday for teachers 66 Farm Dr. is chairman of the United States today the only Administration, which wants to know how res- and room mothers. Mrs. Charles pIiHtory germs get around. public education committee. to end the Vietnam war la Llnd-sey, second -vice president, tn«>ugh “ renunclaUon of mili­ mtasions faavo come down For/ November-December Other committee members are dlscmsed room mothers’ duties. with colds despite all precautions. Mrs. Herbert Snyder, Mrs. tary and all other interference’’ Mrs. Raymond Getting, co-pre­ Dalsey Bill, Mrs. Kenneth Wl- Do It Yourself or Let Us 0 6 It For You In Vietnamese internal affairs The Wsatag experiment was devised to glvo germs everv sident; and Mrs. Walter Rrltnell ■k:. I; - WASHINGTON (AP)— gren, all of Manchester; Mrs. Addressing the U.N. (Jeneral chance to pass from one pereon to another. ^ poured, a.ssi.sted by Grade 6 pu­ President Nixon today can­ ’The engagement of Miss ’The engagement of Miss Harold F. Laws of Bolton, and Assembly, Gromyko made no pils Dawn Lindsey, Janet Tin- bllwllWded***” ^ k®*!**!* ft platonic, the vOliBiteere wfll be celed all November and Suzanne Burrell of Rochester, Suzanne Everett to Andrew F. Mrs. Roy Browning of South «Urect reference to President klepaugh, Linda Ferlaao, Cfirol cemberc draft calls and or­ N.Y., to Don A. Seipel of Man­ Hoar, both of Bolton, has been Windsor. Mrs. Murtel Werbner, Nixon’s appeal to aU members Also, sold Dick, the reseerchers are putUng a twtvmimSA Smith, LIndfi Williams and announced by her parents. Col. to use their Influence to soften time limit on each embmoe. two-mlnute dered that the 29,00Q men Elaine Whitehead. chester, has been announced by executive director of the Man­ and Mrs. Hal W. Everett of 44 Hanoi’s position. scheduled for induction in her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ chester Unit, also serves on the "If we didn’t,’’ he said, “It could go:on all night’’ Somerset Dr., Manchester. committee. In a far-ranging policy October be called over a Manchester Green School PTA ard K. Burrell of Rochester. PROTECT Y0«R BUSINESS will hold a tea for room mothers Her fiance Is the son of Mr. speech, Gromyko made It clear three-month period at a Tue.sday at 3 p.m. at the school. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Hoar of that the Kremlin was standing monthly averagre of less North Rd. TEMPirS Let us stand guard over Co-chairmen ore Mrs. Robert and Mrs. Clarence E. Seipel of Women’s Club firm In Its st^port o f North than 10,000 men. your business insurance Lllley and Mrs. R. M. Bantley. 52 Phelps Rd. Miss Everett Is employed as Vietnam and the Viet Cong. He needs. You’ll get needed defended the peace proposals of To Testify for AnnT Reading a statement to naara- Miss Burrell graduated In a clerk-typist by Pratt. and Starts Sept. 29 protection, without any A golf tournament for mem­ CARPET and FLOOR COVERING Hanoi as constructive. men at the White House, Nixon gaps or overlaps in cover­ 1968 from Dhio Wesleyan Uni­ Whitney Division, United Air­ The Women’s Club of Man­ said Isasened military manpow­ bers of Friendship Lodge of craft Corp., In East Hartford. “ 'I'o think that the United age. Shield yourself versity, Delaware, Ohfo, with a chester will open its season with er requirements—due In part to Masons will be played on Sun­ She graduated from Fairborn States can obtain at the confer­ against financial loss. Call bachelor of fine arts degree. a dessert bridge on Monday, m MAJN SIRKT m . M34U2 Vietnam troop wlthdrawala— us today; we’ll be on day, Oct. 12, at Mlnnechaug (Ohio) High School In 1966 and Sept. 29, at p.m. In Fellow­ ence table what It has failed to Two Berets In college she was a member 8 made It poealMe to oonoel pro­ guard tomorrow. Golf Course. Registration and achieve with a half-mUIlon- of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority attended Manchester Commun­ ship Hall of Second Congrega-;. grammed draft calls for S3JW0 further details on storting times strong army on the battlefield and Delta Phi Honorary Art ity College In the fall of 1968. tional (Church. msn In November and ifi.lXW In will be announced at lodge . .. would mean to be obviously Robert J., Smith, I nc. Society. She is a designer with Mr. Hoar is training with the The theme of the meeting, December. meetings, and can also bo ob­ U. 8. Army Reserves at Ft. at variance with reaUty,’’ he Won H Be Tried Interior Decorating Studio of J. which Is open to members and The acUon came very dose to INSURANSMI'mS tained by contacting the co Leonard Wood, Mo. A 1966 said. LONG BINH, Vietnam (AP) L. Hudson Co. In Detroit. guests, is “ Golden Years’’ to A U.S. Army spokeaman aald an outright two-month suspen­ chairmen, Charles Klingon graduate of Manchester High Gromyko added that the Paris — Two of the eight Green Beret 968 Main St.—TeL 640-5241 Mr. Seipel. graduated from commemorate the club’s 60th Boyle and Smith “ cure no longer sion of the draft. However, Nix­ smith of 83 Bryan Dr. and Rob Sc:hool, he attended Manchester m m t peace talks will move toward men charged with murdering a anniversary. Table prizes will under confinement but are in a on said that the 39,000 man ori­ ert DeProspero, 94 Carmen Rd Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. Community College. He was an agreement when the “common Manchester be awarded and there will be a Vietnamese agent are not being parole status." However, he in 1966 with a bachelor of arts sense and a realistic assessment brought to trial because the ginally slated for Induction In apprentice for Pratt and Whit­ “chatter table” for non-players. sold the two men must remain Instrumentallstfl Interested In degree In economics. He was a of the situation will prevail in Army is arranging for them to October would be called over a ney Division, United Aircraft Those planning to attend are on the Long Blnh base 16 miles joining the Manchester Civic member of Delta Kappa Epsi­ American policies.’’ testify against the other six 8pe- three-monUi period ending Dec. Corp., in East Hartford. In reminded to bring plasdng north of Saigon "so tliat they M. Orchestra which will soon start lon social fraternity and Is now The Soviet forel^ minister clal Forces men, military January, he will return to cards.
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