County of San Diego Board of Supervisors s9

County of San Diego Board of Supervisors s9

<p> STATEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2005, 9:00 AM Board of Supervisors North Chamber 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 310, San Diego, California</p><p>MORNING SESSION: - Meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. Present: Supervisors Pam Slater-Price, Chairwoman; Bill Horn, Vice-Chairman; Greg Cox; Dianne Jacob; also Thomas J. Pastuszka, Clerk. Absent: Supervisor Ron Roberts</p><p>Invocation was led by Pastor David Thomas, First Assembly of God Church in San Ysidro. </p><p>Pledge of Allegiance was led by Aaron Goldin of the Encinitas San Dieguito High School Academy.</p><p>2/8/05 1 Category Agenda No. Subject</p><p>Financial & General 1. OPPOSITION TO CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE Government BILL 34: CHILDREN AND FAMILY HEALTH PROGRAMS (FLOREZ)</p><p>Health & Human 2. BIOTERRORISM PREPAREDNESS FUNDING Services [FUNDING SOURCE(S): THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION (CDC), THE HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (HRSA), AND THE METROPOLITAN MEDICAL RESPONSE SYSTEM (MMRS)] (4 VOTES)</p><p>3. "RAISING THE BAR" -- ACCEPTANCE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STRATEGIC PLANNING GRANT FUNDS </p><p>4. PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND LEGACY CORPS / AGING AND INDEPENDENCE SERVICES INTERGENERATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR HEALTH AND INDEPENDENT LIVING [FUNDING SOURCE(S): THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND’S LEGACY CORPS FOR HEALTH & INDEPENDENT LIVING GRANT, AMERICORPS FUNDING, TITLE III-E CAREGIVER PROGRAM, AND TITLE III-B FUNDING]</p><p>5. COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT OF HOME AND COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES, CAREGIVER SERVICES, AND CONTINUATION OF CUSTOMER SERVICE INITIATIVES [FUNDING SOURCE(S): THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF AGING , COUNTY EXPENSE CLAIM AND TITLE III ONE-TIME-ONLY FUNDING AND NET GENERAL FUND]</p><p>6. HIV/AIDS-RELATED RYAN WHITE CARE ACT REVENUE AND SERVICES [FUNDING SOURCE(S): FEDERAL CARE ACT TITLE I AND FEDERAL CARE ACT TITLE II]</p><p>7. CALWORKS (CALIFORNIA WORK OPPORTUNITY AND RESPONSIBILITY TO KIDS) SERVICE DELIVERY ENHANCEMENT </p><p>2/8/05 2 Category Agenda No. Subject</p><p>8. CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, INTENSIVE DAY TREATMENT SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH SERIOUS EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES PLACED IN OUT- OF-COUNTY RESIDENTIAL PLACEMENT</p><p>9. NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY SUNSET REVIEW OF BOARD POLICIES AND COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE </p><p>Public Safety 10. DISTRICT ATTORNEY REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUT OF COUNTRY TRAVEL [FUNDING SOURCE(S): GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE]</p><p>11. BORDER YOUTH PROJECT RENEWAL AGREEMENT WITH VOLUNTEERS IN PROBATION, INC. [FUNDING SOURCE(S): GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES]</p><p>12. SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH THE IMPERIAL COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE [FUNDING SOURCE(S): UNANTICIPATED REVENUE FROM THE COUNTY OF IMPERIAL]</p><p>Financial & General 13. LOCAL COMMUNITY PROJECTS GRANTS Government [FUNDING SOURCE(S): THE COMMUNITY PROJECTS BUDGET (ORG 0263)]</p><p>14. CABLE TV GRANT AWARD PROGRAM (4 VOTES)</p><p>15. PROCUREMENT OF CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO THE AUDIT OF POINT-OF-SALE TAX REVENUE [FUNDING SOURCE(S): GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES]</p><p>16. VENDOR SELECTION AND FINANCING OF INTEGRATED PROPERTY TAX SYSTEM (4 VOTES) (The Chief Administrative Officer will request that this item be continued to February 9, 2005)</p><p>2/8/05 3 Category Agenda No. Subject</p><p>17. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES CONTRACT RE- COMPETITION (The Chief Administrative Officer will request that this item be continued to February 9, 2005)</p><p>18. VEHICLE LICENSE FEE (VLF) GAP LOAN FINANCING PROGRAM (4 VOTES) (The Chief Administrative Officer will request that this item be continued to February 9, 2005)</p><p>Communications 19. COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED Received</p><p>Appointments 20. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM: APPOINTMENTS</p><p>Public Safety 21. SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUT OF COUNTRY TRAVEL</p><p>Financial & General 22. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM: Government SECOND CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPENSATION ORDINANCE</p><p>23. ALLOCATION OF DISTRICT TWO COMMUNITY PROJECTS FUNDING</p><p>Closed Session 24. CLOSED SESSION</p><p>Land Use and 25. JESS MARTIN PARK WATER PROJECT Environment (4 VOTES)</p><p>Presentations/Awards 26. PRESENTATIONS/AWARDS</p><p>Public Communication 27. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION</p><p>2/8/05 4 1. SUBJECT: OPPOSITION TO CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE BILL 34: CHILDREN AND FAMILY HEALTH PROGRAMS (FLOREZ) (DISTRICT: ALL) OVERVIEW: On December 14, 2004, Senator Dean Florez introduced Senate Bill 34 to amend the Children and Families Act of 1998, also known as Proposition 10. SB 34 seeks to amend the Children and Families Act to prohibit the chairperson of each commission from being a county supervisor or county employee. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with these recommendations.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHAIRWOMAN SLATER-PRICE AND SUPERVISOR COX: 1. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to draft a letter for the Chairwoman’s signature to Senator Florez and all members of the San Diego delegation in opposition to Senate Bill 34. 2. Direct the CAO to communicate this Board of Supervisors’ opposition to Senate Bill 34 to San Diego County’s Legislative Representative in Sacramento. ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:2. BIOTERRORISM PREPAREDNESS FUNDING (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The Board of Supervisors has placed a high priority on strengthening regional preparedness for acts of terrorism or other disasters as reflected by prior Board actions approving priority projects to improve emergency preparedness. Today’s action requests Board authorization to accept $3,044,201 in additional bioterrorism preparedness revenue and expenditures from several federal funding sources. This funding includes the County’s FY 2004-05 allocation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) including the Cities Readiness Initiative program, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and a grant from the Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS). This action will also establish appropriations and authorize Purchasing and Contracting to enter into negotiations, and subject to successful negotiations, to enter into contracts with local healthcare/safety providers to further strengthen the County’s ability to rapidly detect and respond to an act of bioterrorism or other public health emergency. Today’s actions will enhance local hospital and clinic surge capacity, improve the County’s internal capabilities to detect diseases and alert the public, and will help to train community healthcare and safety providers to respond to potential threats. </p><p>2/8/05 1 FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this request are not included in the FY 2004-2006 Operational Plan. If approved, this request will result in an increase of $3,044,201 in current year cost and revenue in the Health and Human Services Agency. The funding sources are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ($1,946,042), the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) ($903,664), and the Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS)($194,495). There will be no change to net General Fund costs and no additional staff years in the Health and Human Services Agency budget. RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Ratify and authorize the Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors to execute the CDC, HRSA and MMRS federal revenue agreements and required documents in order to accept bioterrorism preparedness funding allocated to the County, and to execute subsequent awards, extensions, amendments and revisions that do not materially impact or alter the revenue agreement terms or program delivery. 2. Establish appropriations of $3,044,201 in the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) based on unanticipated revenue from the federal government. (4 Votes) 3. In accordance with Board Policy A-87, Competitive Procurement, authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting, to enter into negotiations with regional hospitals, community clinics, the Council of Community Clinics, San Diego County Pharmacist Association and other healthcare and safety providers or agencies for bioterrorism preparedness activities funded by CDC, HRSA or MMRS revenue; and subject to successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, enter into new contracts or amend existing contracts through June 30, 2005, with five additional one year option periods through June 30, 2010, and up to an additional six months if necessary; and to amend the contracts as needed to reflect changes to services and funding, subject to the approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency. Waive the advertising requirement of A-87. 4. In accordance with Board Policy A-87, Competitive Procurement, authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting, to enter into negotiations with E-Team, Inc., the current software vendor of the Office of Emergency Services (OES), and subject to successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, enter into a new contract or amend the existing contract to purchase additional software licenses, support and training for HHSA, OES, hospitals and other organizations/agencies through June 30, 2005, with five additional one year option periods through June 30, 2010, and up to an additional six months if necessary; and to amend the contract as needed to reflect changes to services and funding, subject to the approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency or Office of Emergency Services. Waive the advertising requirement of A-87. ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>2/8/05 2 SUBJECT:3. "RAISING THE BAR" -- ACCEPTANCE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STRATEGIC PLANNING GRANT FUNDS (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: In August 2004, the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) offered a competitive grant opportunity under the Safe and Bright Futures for Children Initiative. The goal of the Initiative is to diminish the damaging effects of domestic violence (DV) on children and adolescents and to stop the cycle of abuse and intentional injury. The Initiative is a multi-agency collaboration with DHHS to combat violence against women and families. This grant opportunity encourages communities to plan for, develop, implement and sustain a coordinated system of prevention, intervention, treatment, and follow-through services for children and families who have been exposed to DV. The Board has a long-standing commitment to seek additional funding resources for DV services for children and families as evidenced by a number of Board actions in recent years. DHHS has selected San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) as one of thirty grant recipients in the nation. The Agency shall receive a two-year grant in the amount of $75,000 each year to implement a strategic planning and design process that yields a comprehensive, coordinated DV service system model for children and families. The County of San Diego project is entitled “Raising the Bar: Models of Excellence in San Diego DV Prevention and Treatment Systems for Children and Families.” As required by the grant, planning efforts will include a Steering Committee comprised of representatives from HHSA’s Office of Violence Prevention and Child Welfare Services (CWS), Superior Court, Family Justice Center, San Diego DV Council and community based organizations and professionals involved with DV. Board action is requested to accept the grant funding and implement the strategic planning process for a coordinated, comprehensive DV service system model for San Diego County. There is no requirement to match this grant with County funds. HHSA staff will direct the project and provide planning activities as well as engagement of community partners, with the goal of developing a final master plan for coordinated DV services. Implementation grants will be competitively awarded, under a separate announcement, to eight planning grantees in FY 2006. It is anticipated that approximately $500,000 a year for each of the three years, depending on availability of funds, will be awarded. </p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Appropriations and staff to support this grant are available within the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Operational Plan. If approved, this request will result in $75,000 in unanticipated revenue and no additional staff years.</p><p>2/8/05 3 RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Waive Board Policy A-91, Mid-Year Budget Changes. 2. Ratify and authorize the Clerk of the Board to execute, upon receipt, the Office of Public Health and Science (OPHS) of DHHS grant revenue agreement, in the amount of $75,000 for FY 04-05, and to execute one annual subsequent amendment, extension, or renewal that does not substantially change the funding level.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:4. PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES TO IMPLEMENT UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND LEGACY CORPS / AGING AND INDEPENDENCE SERVICES INTERGENERATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR HEALTH AND INDEPENDENT LIVING (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The Health and Human Services Agency, Aging & Independence Services administers programs that benefit senior and disabled citizens. Intergenerational programs that link senior citizens with youth to provide mentorship and companionship are a key component of these services. In June 2004, the Board authorized a competitive procurement to establish sustained volunteer service capabilities for low to moderate income seniors, using an intergenerational approach that would expand community capacity to meet health and independent living needs. In addition to a $175,000 grant from the University of Maryland Center on Aging (UMCA) previously accepted by the Board, program funding was available from an AmeriCorps grant from the University of Maryland, and federal revenue. The Board was advised in June 2004 that the competitive procurement would also require a cash or in-kind match from the selected contractor. Since then, a Request for Proposal (RFP) has been issued twice, with no proposals received either time. Aging & Independence Services found that there were two major challenges for private sector providers that kept them from responding: (1) lack of experience serving the unique intergenerational mix of foster youth, senior mentors and caregivers targeted by the program; and (2) the limited funding available for administrative costs. In addition to the two competitive solicitations, AIS undertook extensive outreach efforts, marketing the program to potential providers through a vast aging network. This includes four regional action networks, comprised of over 100 service organizations. As a result of these efforts, in January 2005 New Alternatives offered to contract with the County to implement the program.</p><p>2/8/05 4 New Alternatives has extensive experience serving foster youth, and has gained experience with intergenerational issues through intergenerational activities at the San Pasqual Academy. Additionally, New Alternatives is prepared to commit cash and/or in-kind resources required to carry out the UMCA program. Board authorization is therefore requested to contract with New Alternatives to implement this innovative intergenerational program.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this request are included in the Fiscal Year 2004-05 Operational Plan. If approved, this request will result in $274,088 current year cost and revenue and $175,000 cost and revenue in Fiscal Year 2005-06. The funding sources are the University of Maryland’s Legacy Corps for Health & Independent Living grant ($100,000 for FY 04-05, $75,000 for FY 05-06), AmeriCorps funding ($49,088 for FY 04-05), Title III-E Caregiver Program ($100,000 for FY 04-05 and $100,000 for FY 05-06), and Title III-B funding ($25,000 for FY 04-05). The University of Maryland grant and other program revenue sources require a match of $76,412 in FY 04-05 and $83,333 in FY 05-06. The Health and Human Services/AIS will provide $25,000 of the FY 04-05 match from funds included in the FY 04-05 Operational Plan. The contractor on an in-kind and/or cash basis will cover the remaining match for FY 04-05 and FY 05-06. There will be no change in net General Fund cost and no additional staff years.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER In accordance with Board Policy A-87, Competitive Procurement, approve and authorize the Director, Purchasing and Contracting, to enter into negotiations with New Alternatives; and subject to successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award a contract for an intergenerational program providing non-medical respite services to caregivers for a term of one year, with three option years and up to an additional six months if needed, and to amend the contract as needed to reflect changes to services and funding, subject to approval of the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency. Waive the advertising requirement of Board Policy A-87.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>2/8/05 5 SUBJECT:5. COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT OF HOME AND COMMUNITY- BASED SERVICES, CAREGIVER SERVICES, AND CONTINUATION OF CUSTOMER SERVICE INITIATIVES (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The Health and Human Services Agency’s Aging & Independence Services (AIS) division and East Region provide a variety of programs serving seniors, the disabled and low/no income individuals, children and families. These services include in-home support for the elderly and disabled, as well as assistance for caregivers who serve persons 60 years or older, and grandparents and other caregivers over 60 years of age who are the primary caregivers of minor relatives. Across all AIS and East Region programs, customer service is a priority, and AIS and East Region have initiatives in place to measure and enhance customer satisfaction. This item requests Board authorization for three competitive procurement processes: (1) a competitive solicitation process to identify qualified home and community-based service providers; (2) competitive procurement of Caregiver Support services; and (3) competitive procurement of services to continue existing AIS and East Region customer service initiatives. With Board authorization, a competitive solicitation will be issued to identify service providers for programs that assist homebound persons with long term care needs. This will establish a roster of pre-qualified vendors that provide in-home and personal assistance services for seniors and disabled persons receiving case management, In-Home Supportive Services, Mental Health Senior Team and Adult Protective Services. The competitive solicitation for Caregiver Support services will include information to caregivers about available services; assistance to caregivers in gaining access to supportive services; individual counseling, organization of support groups, and caregiver trainings; respite care; and supplemental services to complement the care provided by the caregiver. The competitive solicitation to continue customer satisfaction initiatives for both AIS and East Region will support ongoing customer satisfaction surveys, as well as wide dissemination of information regarding the variety of programs and services available through AIS and East Region.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for the Home and Community–Based Services Program, Caregiver Support services, and customer satisfaction initiatives are included in the Health and Human Services Agency Fiscal Year 2004-05 and 2005-06 Operational Plans. The funding sources are the California Department of Aging ($2,150,000), County Expense Claim ($30,000) and Title III ($50,000) one-time-only funding and Net General Fund Cost ($20,000). If approved, this request will result in estimated FY 2004-05 costs and revenues of $2,250,000 and FY 2005-06 costs and revenue of $2,150,000. There will be no change in net General Fund cost and no additional staff years.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. In accordance with Section 401 et seq. of the County Administrative Code, authorize the Director, Purchasing and Contracting, to issue a competitive solicitation to establish a list of pre-qualified firms to acquire in-home and personal assistance services for seniors and</p><p>2/8/05 6 disabled persons receiving case management and other services through the following County managed programs: a) Multipurpose Senior Services b) Linkages c) In-Home Supportive Services d) Home Assist and Management of Assessment of Social and Health Needs f) Mental Health Senior Team g) Adult Protective Services; and add new firms to the pre-qualified list through the RFSQ process as they become qualified; and, upon determinations of the fair and reasonable prices and availability, award contracts and issue and reissue service authorization requests on a case by case basis, according to client needs, to those firms meeting the Criteria for Provider Selection elements defined in the competitive solicitation under the provisions of the Home and Community-Based Care Services Directory, over a period of four years, from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2009, and up to an additional six months if needed; and to amend agreements to reflect changes in funding or service requirements, subject to the approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency. 2. In accordance with Section 401 et seq. of the County Administrative Code, authorize the Director, Purchasing and Contracting, to issue a competitive solicitation, subject to successful negotiations with qualified offerors and determination of fair and reasonable pricing, award a contract or contracts for Caregiver Support services, including Media Outreach, Respite Care, Day Care, Support Group Counseling and Case Management, Grandparent Programs, In-Home Support, Legal Assistance for Caregivers, Training, Program Evaluation and other innovative projects for family caregiver support services, for one year through June 30, 2006, with an option to extend for three additional years, and up to 6 additional months if needed; and, to amend the contract(s) as required for changes to funding and services subject to the approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency. 3. In accordance with Section 401, et seq. of the County Administrative Code, authorize the Director, Purchasing and Contracting to issue a competitive solicitation for continuing customer service satisfaction surveying and monitoring for Aging & Independence Services and Health and Human Services Agency’s East Region; and upon completion of successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award a one-year contract starting May 1, 2005 through April 30, 2006 with three additional one-year options, and up to an additional six months if needed; and, to amend the contract to reflect changes in funding or service requirements, subject to approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency. </p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>2/8/05 7 SUBJECT:6. HIV/AIDS-RELATED RYAN WHITE CARE ACT REVENUE AND SERVICES (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The County has provided HIV care and treatment services to persons with HIV and AIDS disease for the past fourteen years. These services are annually funded by multiple revenue sources, including the federal Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resource Emergency (CARE) Act Title I and Title II, through the Federal Health Resources and Services Administration. The County receives Ryan White CARE Act funding for essential services such as primary care, case management and other support services for HIV/AIDS-impacted persons. On September 21, 2004 (3), the Board authorized staff to submit applications for the fifteenth year of Title I funding for the period of March 1, 2005 through February 28, 2006, and for the fifteenth year of Title II funding for the period of April 1, 2005 through March 31, 2006. The application was submitted on November 9, 2004, with award still pending. Board approval is requested to accept the Year 15 Title I grant amount of up to $11,316,577 and the Title II amount of up to $952,953, totaling $12,269,530. Most of the services are provided through contracts with community-based providers, and many are a result of competitive procurements authorized by the Board on September 12, 2000 (18) and July 31, 2001 (5). Most of the contracts are entering their final option years and will expire on February 28, 2006. Authority to conduct competitive procurement for these services is requested, with new contracts to be effective March 1, 2006. Part of the procurement plan is to issue two Requests for Information, in order to determine if there is more than one qualified entity interested in supplying either of two specialized services, HIV legal services and services for hemophiliacs. Board authority is requested to authorize negotiation of two sole source contracts should there be only one interested provider for each of the services resulting from the Requests for Information. If more than one qualified entity expresses interest for either of the services, Board authority is requested to proceed with Request for Proposals to provide for that service.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Year 2004-06 Operational Plan includes costs and revenue of $10,830,998 for this proposal. The funding sources are federal CARE Act Title I ($10,022,733) and federal CARE Act Title II ($808,265). Actual award amounts could be up to $11,316,577 for Title I and $952,953 for Title II. Depending on the final amount of funding for Title I and Title II, increased appropriations for both may be necessary and staff will seek Board approval to accept those funds at a later date. There will be no change in net General Fund cost and no additional staff years. </p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Waive Board Policy B-29, Fees, Grants, Revenue Contracts-Department Responsibility for Cost Recovery.</p><p>2/8/05 8 2. Accept up to $11,316,577 in Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act Title I Year 15 revenue to provide HIV-related services to persons with HIV/AIDS for the period of March 1, 2005 through February 28, 2006. 3. Accept up to $952,953 in Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resource Emergency Act Title II Year 15 revenue to provide HIV-related services to persons with HIV/AIDS for the period of April 1, 2005 through March 31, 2006. 4. Approve and authorize the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to execute, upon receipt, a revenue agreement with the State of California in an amount up to $952,953 for Ryan White CARE Act Title II funding to provide HIV-related support services to persons with HIV/AIDS for the period of April 1, 2005 through March 31, 2006, to sign any required State Certifications, and execute subsequent amendments, extensions and renewals of the State revenue contract that do not materially impact or alter the program or funding level. 5. In accordance with Section 401, et seq of the County Administrative Code, authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting to issue Competitive Solicitations for federal Ryan White CARE Act funded services as follows: Medical and Dental Specialty Services; Emergency Medication Services; Case Management/Peer Advocacy Services; Emergency Housing; Mental Health Services; Transportation Services; Outreach Services; Emergency Financial Assistance; and Home Health/Home Hospice Services. Upon successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award contracts for terms of one year with four renewal option years for the period of March 1, 2006 through February 28, 2011 and up to an additional six months, if necessary, pending availability of funds, and to amend the contracts as needed to reflect changes in services funding, subject to approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency. 6. In accordance with Section 401, et seq of the County Administrative Code, authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting to initiate a competitive solicitation to procure Legal Services and Comprehensive Services for People with Hemophilia through a Competitive Solicitation; if, through an RFI process, there is more than one respondent a competitive solicitation will be issued, however if there is only one respondent to any of the services, authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting, to enter into negotiations with the respondent for Legal Services and/or Comprehensive Services for People with Hemophilia; and subject to successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award contracts for terms of one year with four renewal option years for the period of March 1, 2006 through February 28, 2011, and up to an additional six months if necessary, pending availability of funds; and to amend the contract as required for changes that do not materially impact or alter the program or funding level, subject to the approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency. </p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>2/8/05 9 SUBJECT:7. CALWORKS (CALIFORNIA WORK OPPORTUNITY AND RESPONSIBILITY TO KIDS) SERVICE DELIVERY ENHANCEMENT (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: In local welfare reform efforts, the County of San Diego has implemented innovative strategies to move CalWORKs (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) recipients from dependency to self-sufficiency. The focus of the County’s CalWORKs program is for recipients to achieve self-sufficiency through employment. However, some disabled clients are not able to be in the workforce. To assist eligible recipients to improve their economic status, benefiting their families and the community as a whole, Board authorization is requested to pilot an expansion of existing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) advocacy services to CalWORKs recipients who are deemed unemployable. This would be accomplished by amending an existing contract with the County’s SSI advocacy services provider. Additionally, Board action is requested to advance two CalWORKs information technology initiatives: CalWIN and CalWORKS Web Application. Outside expertise is needed to assist staff with business process transition activities that are essential for the successful implementation of a new welfare data and benefit issuance system (CalWIN). Specialized services are also needed to develop the CalWORKs Web Application, which will complement CalWIN by facilitating data access for County contractors serving CalWORKs clients.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. In accordance with Board Policy A-87, Competitive Procurement, approve and authorize the Director, Purchasing and Contracting, to enter into negotiations with Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. to amend Contract No. 505267, to provide SSI advocacy services for CalWORKs recipients, and subject to successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, execute the amendment for services through December 31, 2005, with two option years and to amend the contract as required to reflect changes in service requirements, costs or funding amounts, subject to approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency. Waive the advertising requirement of Board Policy A-87. 2. In accordance with Board Policy A-87, Competitive Procurement, approve and authorize the Director, Purchasing and Contracting, to enter into negotiations with Deloitte Consulting LLP to provide business process transition services, and subject to successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, execute a contract for services through January 13, 2006, with an option to extend up to an additional six months if needed, and to amend the contract as required to reflect changes in service requirements, costs or funding amounts, subject to the approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency. Waive the advertising requirement of Board Policy A-87.</p><p>2/8/05 10 3. In accordance with Board Policy A-87, Competitive Procurement, approve and authorize an increase in amount to $3,500,000 to Contract 31005-E for County of San Diego specific Separate Service enhancements or to accommodate funding changes; authorize the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to execute any amendments or other documents necessary to implement County specific Separate Service enhancements, subject to the approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:8. CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, INTENSIVE DAY TREATMENT SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH SERIOUS EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES PLACED IN OUT-OF- COUNTY RESIDENTIAL PLACEMENT (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: On September 19, 2000 (2), the Board approved the authorization for Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) to contract for residential and mental health services with licensed out-of-county residential providers on the County’s AFDC-FC approved Children’s Institutions list. Presently 26 children/youth with serious emotional disturbances (SED) are placed in four out- of-county residential facilities in California operated by Victor Treatment Centers, Inc. (VTC). North Valley Schools (NVS), under a sub-contract with VTC, is the mental health intensive day treatment service provider. Approval is requested authorizing staff to negotiate a contract directly with North Valley Schools, Inc. to provide these mental health intensive day treatment services for those children who are placed in Victor Treatment Centers, Inc. residential facilities. Contracting directly with NVS will allow the County to utilize Medi-Cal revenues under State guidelines, which prohibit sub-contracting, and provide the County direct oversight of the intensive day treatment program. </p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Appropriations for these services in the amount of $1,081,600 are included in the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Operational Plan with a funding source being General Purpose Revenues. If approved this proposal would result in approximately 90% of the cost being offset by Medi- Cal. Estimated savings in the current year total $270,400 dollars. Subsequent year costs are $1,081,600 with a revenue offset of $976,144 from Medi-Cal and the remainder from General Purpose Revenues. There will be a decrease in General Net Cost of $976,144 and no impact in staff years.</p><p>2/8/05 11 RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER In accordance with Board Policy A-87, Competitive Procurement, authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting to enter into negotiations with North Valley Schools, Inc. and subject to successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award a contract for day treatment services for an initial term through June 30, 2005 and for four (4) option years, and an additional six months if needed, subject to the availability of funds, and to amend the contract as needed to reflect changes to services and funding, subject to the approval of the Director, Health and Human Services Agency. Waive the advertising requirement of Board Policy A-87.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:9. NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY SUNSET REVIEW OF BOARD POLICIES AND COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: In accordance with Board Policy A-76, Sunset Review Process, the Health and Human Services Agency periodically reviews certain Board policies and the County Administrative Code provisions that pertain to the Agency to ensure that obsolete policies and provisions are deleted and the remaining policies and code provisions reflect current Board standards and directives. Based on the Sunset Review Process, Agency staff has reviewed and Board approval is requested for recommended revisions to Board Policy A-133 (Provide Guidelines for Staff Levels in the Health and Human Services Agency) and County Administrative Code Articles XV-B (Health and Human Services Charges and Fees) and XV-C (General Relief Program). Among the changes is a proposed increase to ambulance fees in County Service Areas 17 and 69; with the remaining changes being technical in nature, including correction of typographical errors and clarifying language to strengthen policy and reflect current Board position. FISCAL IMPACT: Revenues from the fee change request are not included in the FY 2004-2006 County Service Areas (CSA) Operational Plans. If approved, this request will result in no change to current year or subsequent year costs and an increase of $50,000 in current year revenue and $215,000 in subsequent years' revenue. The fee increase will preserve the taxes and assessments paid by the residents of the CSAs for use by those residents. There will be no increase in net General Fund cost and no additional staff years.</p><p>2/8/05 12 RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Waive Board Policy B-29, Fees, Grants, Revenue Contracts – Department Responsibility for Cost Recovery. 2. Accept and approve amendments to Board of Supervisors Policy A-133 - Provide Guidelines for Staff Levels in the Health and Human Services Agency. 3. Approve the adoption of Ordinance, read title, and waive further reading of the ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE RELATING TO HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CHARGES AND FEES AND THE GENERAL RELIEF PROGRAM.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors closed the Hearing and took action as recommended, on Consent, adopting Ordinance No. 9704 (N.S.) entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE RELATING TO HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CHARGES AND FEES AND THE GENERAL RELIEF PROGRAM. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:10. DISTRICT ATTORNEY REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUT OF COUNTRY TRAVEL (DISTRICT: ALL) OVERVIEW: In accordance with Board of Supervisors Policy D-7, this is a request for two separate out-of- country travel recommendations. One request is for one (1) Deputy District Attorney and one (1) District Attorney Investigator to travel to San Salvador, El Salvador, to attend the International Gang Enforcement Conference given by the National Civil Police of El Salvador to be held from February 21 – 24, 2005. The other request is for one (1) International Case Coordinator to travel to Mexico City, Mexico to present at two conferences on international criminal cooperation and extraditions at Anahuac University and to the National Association of Business Attorneys for the period February 16 – 18, 2005.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this request are budgeted. The funding source is general purpose revenue. If approved, this request will result in approximately $3,074 current year costs, no annual costs, and will require the addition of zero staff years. No overtime costs will be incurred as a result of these trips.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1. Approve travel to San Salvador, El Salvador, for one (1) Deputy District Attorney and one (1) District Attorney Investigator to attend the International Gang Enforcement Conference given by the National Civil Police of El Salvador to be held from February 21 – 24, 2005.</p><p>2/8/05 13 2. Approve travel to Mexico City, Mexico for one International Case Coordinator for the period February 16 – 18, 2005.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:11. BORDER YOUTH PROJECT RENEWAL AGREEMENT WITH VOLUNTEERS IN PROBATION, INC. (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: This is a request to approve renewal of an agreement with Volunteers in Probation, Inc. (VIP), for the operation of the Border Youth Project for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 through Fiscal Year 2009-2010. On March 1, 1988 (84), the Board of Supervisors authorized an initial agreement with VIP for the operation of the Border Youth Project. Subsequent agreements with VIP were authorized by the Board on June 13, 1989 (4), June 12, 1990 (33) and June 18, 1991 (26), due to contract modifications. The Border Youth Project facilitates the return of Mexican juvenile offenders, who are in this country illegally, to the appropriate Mexican governmental authorities, thus decreasing overcrowding at Juvenile Hall and the juvenile camps and reducing pressure on the Juvenile Court system.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this request are included in the Probation Department’s Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Operational Plan. The funding source is General Purpose Revenues. If approved, this request will result in $35,000 current year cost, $35,000 annual cost, and will require no additional staff years. RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER In accordance with Board Policy A-87, Competitive Procurement, approve and authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting to enter into negotiations with Volunteers in Probation, Inc., and subject to successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award a contract for operation of the Border Youth Project from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2010, and to amend the contract as needed to reflect changes to services and funding, not to exceed budget appropriations, subject to the approval of the Chief Probation Officer. Waive the advertising requirement of Board Policy A-87. </p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:12. SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT </p><p>2/8/05 14 AMENDMENT WITH THE IMPERIAL COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The Sheriff’s Department is requesting approval of an amendment to the annual contract for law enforcement services between the San Diego Sheriff’s Department (SDSD) and the Imperial County Sheriff’s Office (ICSO). On October 26, 2004 (10), the Board approved this contract for $108,578 in over-realized revenue from the provision of law enforcement support for the County of Imperial during the major holiday weekends of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Presidents’ Day in and around the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Areas. Since then, the County of Imperial has requested additional support on Thanksgiving and Presidents’ Day altering the costs of the contract by an additional $47,214 for a total amended contract cost of $155,792. The County of Imperial has approved funding for this contract for the dates of October 29-30 and November 25-27, 2004, and February 18-19, 2005.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Sheriff: Funds for this request are not budgeted. The funding source is unanticipated revenue from the County of Imperial. If approved, this request will result in over-realized revenue of $40,805. No appropriations are requested at this time. Operating costs associated with this contract will be expended out of existing appropriations. If approved, this request will require the addition of zero staff years. Fleet Internal Service Fund: Funds for this request are not budgeted. No additional appropriations are requested. This program uses vehicles currently in the Internal Service Fund (ISF) and appropriations for ISF costs are included in the Fiscal Year 2004-05 budget. The estimated cost for use of these vehicles is $6,409.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: SHERIFF 1. Approve and authorize the Clerk of the Board to accept and execute, upon receipt, the amended Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the SDSD and the ICSO for the dates of October 29-30 and November 25-27, 2004 and February 18-19, 2005. 2. Authorize the Sheriff to execute any extensions, amendments, and/or revisions thereof that do not materially impact or alter either the program or funding level.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:13. LOCAL COMMUNITY PROJECTS GRANTS (DISTRICT: 3)</p><p>OVERVIEW:</p><p>2/8/05 15 Funding for the Community Projects Grant program was included in the fiscal year 2004-2005 adopted budget in order to further public purposes throughout the County. </p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: The current year total combined cost of this project is $5,000. The funding source is the Community Projects Budget (org 0263). This will result in the addition of no staff years and no future year costs.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHAIRWOMAN SLATER-PRICE: 1. Allocate $5,000 from the Community Projects Grant Budget (org 0263) to the Del Mar Friends of the Powerhouse for their annual “Friends of the Powerhouse Dinner/Dance” fundraising event. 2. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute a grant agreement with this organization establishing terms for receipt of the funds described above. 3. Find that the grants described above has a public purpose.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:14. CABLE TV GRANT AWARD PROGRAM (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The County of San Diego Cable Television & Telecommunications Review Commission proudly recommends for consideration by the Board of Supervisors results of the annual Cable TV Grant Award Program. The Commission sponsors this annual competition to encourage the development of cable programs that highlight the County's Strategic Initiatives: children, environment, and safe and livable communities. The Commission also seeks to fund projects that reflect the cultural diversity of San Diego County. Approval of these recommendations will award five cable television grants of $10,000 each to nonprofit organizations willing to partner with County departments or agencies to produce professional, half-hour video programs to be shown on the County Television Network (CTN). The five programs all support one or more of the County's three Strategic Initiatives: safe and livable communities, children, and the environment.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Appropriations for the five awards must be established and funds transferred from the CATV Interest Fund (No. 12850). If approved, the request will result in $50,000 current year cost and require no staff years.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER</p><p>2/8/05 16 1. Approve the award of a $10,000 grant to fund each of the following five programs: a. Breaking Cycles (Juvenile Crime Prevention Programs); Probation Department and Volunteers in Probation. b. Fostering Hope (Foster Care Program); HHSA and South Bay Community Services c. Bright Ideas for Saving Energy at Home and Work; Department of General Services and San Diego Regional Energy Office d. Wise Prescription Choices for Seniors; AIS and SDSU Foundation e. San Diego River Documentary; Department of Parks and Recreation and Department of Public Works 2. Approve and authorize the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to execute the necessary Grant Award Agreements. 3. Establish appropriations of $50,000 in the CATV Interest Fund for an operating transfer to Media and Public Relations, based on fund balance available. (4 VOTES) 4. Establish appropriations of $50,000 in Media and Public Relations for the Grant Awards Program, based on an operating transfer from the CATV Interest Fund. (4 VOTES)</p><p>ACTION: Revising Recommendation 1.e. to read, “San Diego River Documentary; Department of Parks and Recreation, Department of Public Works, and the San Diego River Park Foundation”; ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:15. PROCUREMENT OF CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO THE AUDIT OF POINT-OF-SALE TAX REVENUE (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: This is a request for the issuance of a competitive solicitation to obtain consulting services to ensure that point-of-sale tax revenue is properly allocated to the County. A three-year contract with two one-year extension options is requested.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this request are included in the Countywide General Expense program. The funding source is General Purpose Revenues. The selected contractor is expected to receive compensation as a percentage of the increased revenues generated by the consulting services. If this request is approved, there will be no added costs to the County’s FY 2004-05 General Fund Budget. Based on the previous three years’ activity, it is anticipated that the consulting services will generate approximately $650,000 annually with projected annual expenses of $97,500.</p><p>2/8/05 17 RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER In accordance with Section 401 et seq., of the County Administrative Code, authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting to issue a competitive solicitation for procurement of consulting services related to the Audit of Point-of-Sale Tax Revenue, and upon successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, award a contract for the term of 3 years, with 2 option years and up to an additional six months if needed, and to amend the contract as needed to reflect changes to services and funding, subject to approval of the Chief Financial Officer. </p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:16. VENDOR SELECTION AND FINANCING OF INTEGRATED PROPERTY TAX SYSTEM (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: On February 24, 2004 (20), the Board of Supervisors authorized a series of actions to replace an aging property tax system with a state of the art Integrated Property Tax System (IPTS), necessary for maintaining the highest standards of fiscal stability and service to the public. The County Technology Office has endeavored, with the support of the Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk, the Treasurer-Tax Collector and the Chief Financial Officer, to obtain an IPTS. The Department of Purchasing and Contracting has issued a Request for Proposals, and negotiated with qualified companies to finalize a contract for the design, development, and implementation of an IPTS. The Board of Supervisors has also authorized the Chief Financial Officer to seek financing of this new tax system through the capital-financing program sponsored by the San Diego County Capital Asset Leasing Corporation (SANCAL). The Chief Financial Officer was further authorized to select the property to be subject to the financing lease as collateral. Negotiations were completed in the fall of 2004. However, the award of a contract has been delayed due to the filing of a protest in accordance with Board Policy A-97. Board approval is now sought both to award the contract to Bearing Point Corporation and to complete the financing for the IPTS. Subsequent to the Board authorizing debt financing for this project through SANCAL, an opportunity has arisen to use one-time funds to finance the project. These one-time funds would come from securitizing the repayment by the State of the Vehicle License Fee (VLF) Gap Loan (the “VLF Receivable”) which is owed to the County by August 15, 2006. In a separate item on today’s agenda, the Board is requested to approve securitizing the VLF Receivable of approximately $60 million and using approximately $33 million of the proceeds to pay for the IPTS. The Board is further requested to approve the use of available fund balance as the basis for establishing appropriations for the project until such time as the</p><p>2/8/05 18 proceeds from the securitization are received. Should the Board not approve the VLF Securitization proposal or should the minimum sales price of the VLF Receivable not be achieved, staff will return in May with the documents necessary for issuing certificates of participation (COPs) as originally planned.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: The total project cost for the IPTS is approximately $37 million. Approximately $33 million of the project will be financed through the sale of the VLF Receivable. This amount includes approximately $32 million to be paid to the vendor as well as an estimated amount for independent verification and validation of the system upon completion. The remaining $4 million cannot be covered by the proceeds of tax-exempt financing and includes a contingency set aside and project team support costs. These latter costs will be funded from management reserves in the Finance and General Government Group. Interim funding until the proceeds of the sale are realized will be available general fund balance. This proposal does not require additional County staff.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: ASSESSOR / RECORDER / COUNTY CLERK, TREASURER / TAX COLLECTOR, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 1. In accordance with Section 401 of the County Administrative Code, authorize the Director, Department of Purchasing and Contracting to award a contract to Bearing Point Corporation for the design, development, and implementation of an Integrated Property Tax System and to amend the contract as needed to reflect changes to system requirements and funding, subject to the approval of the Chief Information Officer. 2. Cancel the Property Tax fund balance designation of $10.4 million. 3. Establish appropriations of $33.2 million in the Finance and General Government Group Executive Office for the Integrated Property Tax System based on available fund balance in the General Fund. (4 VOTES) 4. Authorize the Auditor and Controller to substitute revenue from the proceeds of the sale of the VLF Receivable or the COPs once received for the fund balance used as the interim funding source for the project. 5. Adopt the resolution “PROVIDING FOR THE DECLARATION OF OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FROM PROCEEDS OF INDEBTEDNESS”. ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board continued this item to February 9, 2005, at the request of the Chief Administrative Officer, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>2/8/05 19 SUBJECT:17. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES CONTRACT RE-COMPETITION (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: The County of San Diego has become highly regarded nation-wide for innovation in service delivery, program effectiveness, concern for customer satisfaction, cost-conscious management, and fiscal discipline exhibited throughout the organization. A key enabler of this success was the outsourcing of Telecommunications and Information Technology Services in December 1999. Since then, the County of San Diego has been able to significantly improve service delivery across the County. Our goal remains to provide our customers and the employees that serve them with a reliable, integrated network, standardized desktop hardware, modern business software, and Information Technology resources designed to achieve communication and business efficiency. The term of the County’s current contract with Computer Sciences Corporation and the Pennant Alliance expires on December 31, 2006, and provides provisions to extend the contract through 2009. However pricing for these three option years has not been established. The proposed recommendation to issue a Request for Proposals, if approved, will solicit input from the entire technology industry, with the goal of enhancing our public/private partnership in the delivery of Telecommunications and Information Technology Services in a cost effective manner. FISCAL IMPACT: Appropriations are available for this project in the Fiscal Year 2004/2005 budget and no additional costs are anticipated at this time.</p><p>BUSINESS IMPACT IMPACT: The proposed action will have a positive impact on the business community by continuing to make contract opportunities available to the private sector. The issuance of an RFI will allow adequate time for the business community to participate in the process early and encourage maximum interaction with County personnel during the process. RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. In accordance with Section 401 et seq, of the County Administrative Code, authorize the Director, Purchasing & Contracting, to issue competitive solicitations by (a) soliciting and responding to industry’s comments on the project through a Request for Information (RFI), then (b) identifying qualified vendors through a Request for Statements of Qualification (RFSQ) process, and thereafter (c) issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to those potential prime contractors found qualified. Upon successful negotiations and determination of a fair and reasonable price, the Chief Administrative Officer will return to the Board of Supervisors with recommendations on award of contract(s) for the provision of Information Technology and Telecommunications Services. 2. In accordance with Board Policy A-87, Competitive Procurement, authorize the Director of Purchasing and Contracting to extend the termination date of the County’s existing contract with the Gartner Group from June 30, 2005 through the award of the new IT outsourcing contract and completion of initial transition activities, a period of approximately one year.</p><p>2/8/05 20 ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board continued this item to February 9, 2005, at the request of the Chief Administrative Officer, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:18. VEHICLE LICENSE FEE (VLF) GAP LOAN FINANCING PROGRAM (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: During Fiscal Year 2003-04, the County experienced a loss of Vehicle License Fee (VLF) revenue for a three-month period due to the State’s action of rescinding payments from their general fund. As part of the agreement that was reached between the State and local governments and codified in SB 1096, this VLF revenue loss became an involuntary loan (“the VLF Gap Loan”) from local governments to be paid back by the State. Under Section 10754.11 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code (the “VLF Law”), the State Controller is required to make a one-time payment on or before August 15, 2006 (Fiscal Year 2006-07) to local governments to compensate for the suspension of VLF payments during Fiscal Year 2003-04 (the “VLF Receivable”). The amount to be repaid to the County as a result of that suspension is approximately $60 million. Payment by the State Controller to the County of this amount depends on various factors and no assurance is made that the State Controller will transfer all or a portion of the amounts required under the VLF Law by the scheduled date. An additional feature of SB 1096 was that it granted local governments the authority to securitize the VLF Receivable. Through a program sponsored by the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) and the League of California Cities, the County has the opportunity to sell its VLF Receivable to the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA) and receive an upfront payment. CSCDA will issue bonds to purchase VLF Receivables from local governments, and the bonds will be repaid by the State directly to bondholders. The County’s sale of its VLF Receivable would be irrevocable, and bondholders would have no recourse to the County if the State does not make the VLF Gap Loan repayment. The actual purchase price of the VLF Receivable will depend on the total amount of VLF Receivables that local governments sell to CSCDA and on bond market conditions at the time the VLF bonds are priced. The anticipated proceeds will include the County’s VLF Receivable, less any capitalized interest costs, credit enhancement fees and bond issuance costs. The County has until February 18, 2005 to commit to participation in the first round of the securitization program. There are two significant benefits to participating in this program. The first relates to the uncertainty as to whether the State will pay the VLF Receivable when it becomes due. By securitizing the VLF Receivable now, the County transfers the risk of collection to the bondholders. The second relates to the opportunity it creates on an immediate basis to extinguish existing debt or to finance projects on a cash basis rather than by incurring additional debt. </p><p>2/8/05 21 The Debt Advisory Committee (The “Committee”) has reviewed the proposal to securitize the VLF Receivable as well as several options for use of the proceeds from the sale. The Committee recommends proceeding with the securitization and using a portion of the proceeds to pay for the development of the Integrated Property Tax System (IPTS) rather than to finance it through the issuance of Certificates of Participation, as previously planned. The Committee further recommends that the remainder of the proceeds be used to pay down the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) of the San Diego County Employees Retirement Association (SDCERA) to increase its funded ratio and reduce the County’s future contributions. In today’s market, such an approach would yield tax-exempt proceeds of approximately $33 million to finance the IPTS and taxable proceeds of approximately $24 million to pay down the UAAL. This recommendation is contingent upon the Board’s approval to proceed with the IPTS project and award the contract, a separate item which is on today’s agenda. Should the Board decide not to proceed with the IPTS project and award the contract, the Committee recommends receiving all of the VLF Receivable proceeds on a taxable basis and remitting the entire amount to the San Diego County Employees Retirement Association to be applied toward reducing the UAAL. The risk of participating in this program relates to the costs for securitizing the VLF Receivable. Specifically, these costs represent how much the market will discount the VLF Receivable of $60 million. The County would mitigate this risk by requiring a minimum sales price of at least $56.6 million, which is approximately 93.1% of the VLF Receivable. Should the minimum sales price fail to meet this threshold, the County would not proceed with the sale. Staff believes this threshold is reasonable based upon the uncertainty of timely payment by the State and current and future savings that would be achieved through use of the proceeds from the sale. It is anticipated that the proceeds received from the sale of the VLF Receivable would be received in March 2005. FISCAL IMPACT: If Option 3 is approved as recommended by the Debt Advisory Committee, the proceeds of approximately $57 million from the sale of the VLF Receivable would result in approximately $33 million being used to cash finance rather than debt finance the development of a new Integrated Property Tax System for the County and approximately $24 million being used to pay down a portion of the UAAL of the SDCERA. Cash financing the IPTS would result in the avoidance of $2.6 million in annual debt service payments over 20 years and will free up $13 million in resources previously set aside for this project ($10.4 million in designated fund balance and $2.6 million in current year appropriations). Contributions to SDCERA over and above the required amounts, in itself, would result in a reduction of the UAAL, a higher funded ratio for the retirement fund, and lower contributions by the County. Should the Board decide not to proceed with the IPTS project and award the contract, the Debt Advisory Committee recommends Option 2. If this Option is approved, the proceeds of approximately $56 million from the sale of the VLF Receivable would all be contributed to SDCERA, which would result in a greater positive impact than the contribution of the $24 million proposed in Option 3. In connection with the required tax analysis on the tax-exempt portion of the sale, the County is required to pay an up-front, non-refundable application fee of $5,000 to cover the additional tax analysis required by Bond Counsel. This will be paid through existing appropriations in the general fund. </p><p>2/8/05 22 RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to sell the County’s VLF Receivable to CSCDA for a minimum sale price of $56.6 million.</p><p>2. Approve Option 3 for the use of the VLF Receivable proceeds, as described herein. Should the Board decide not to proceed with the IPTS project and award the contract, approve Option 2 for the use of the VLF Receivable proceeds as described herein.</p><p>3. Adopt the resolution approving the form and authorizing the execution and delivery of a Purchase and Sale Agreement and related documents with respect to the sale of the County’s VLF Receivable.</p><p>4. Authorize and direct the Chief Financial Officer to send, or to cause to be sent, an irrevocable written instruction required by statute to the State Controller notifying the State of the sale of the VLF Receivable and instructing the disbursement of the VLF Receivable to the VLF Bond Trustee. </p><p>5. Establish appropriations of up to $25.0 million in the General County Expense budget unit for contributions to the San Diego County Employees Retirement Association, or if Option 2 is approved, establish appropriations of up to $57.0 million in the General County Expense budget unit for contributions to the San Diego County Employees Retirement Association (4 VOTES). ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board continued this item to February 9, 2005, at the request of the Chief Administrative Officer, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:19. COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: Board Policy A-72, Board of Supervisors Agenda and Related Process, authorizes the Clerk of the Board to prepare a Communications Received for Board of Supervisors' Official Records. Routine informational reports, which need to be brought to the attention of the Board of Supervisors yet not requiring action, are listed on this document. Communications Received documents are on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Board.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Not Applicable.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Note and file.</p><p>2/8/05 23 ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>SUBJECT:20. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM: APPOINTMENTS (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: These appointments are in accordance with applicable Board Policy A–74, Citizen Participation in County Boards, Commissions and Committee and Board Policy I–1, Planning and Sponsor Group Policies and Procedures.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: N/A</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: CHAIRWOMAN SLATER-PRICE: Appoint Bob Shuster to the San Diego County Solid Waste Hearing Panel, for a term to expire January 31, 2007. Appoint Benjamin Franklin Dillingham, III to the San Diego County Veterans Advisory Council, for a term to expire January 5, 2009.</p><p>VICE-CHAIRMAN HORN: Appoint Dr. Thomas Morrow to the Cable Television Review Commission, Seat No.5, to replace Gil Jimenez for a term to expire January 8, 2007. Appoint Craig C. Cook to Seat No. 4 of the Hidden Meadows Sponsor Group, for a term to expire January 8, 2007.</p><p>Re-appoint Douglas Alter to Seat No. 1 of the Hidden Meadows Sponsor Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint Ann Woulfe Miller to Seat No. 3 of the Hidden Meadows Sponsor, Group for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint Sally Brey to Seat No. 5 of the Hidden Meadows Sponsor Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint Thomas Francl to Seat No. 7 of the Hidden Meadows Sponsor Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint Thomas Baber to Seat No. 9 of the Hidden Meadows Sponsor Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint Ronald Trotter to Seat No. 11 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009.</p><p>2/8/05 24 Appoint Clell E. Swanson to Seat No. 1 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Robert DeRieux to Seat No. 3 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Jim Anderson to Seat No. 5 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Gayle J. Marrocco to Seat No. 7 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Keith Flanagan to Seat No. 13 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Julio Avila to Seat No. 15 of the Rainbow Planning Group for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Rua M. Petty to Seat No. 2 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 8, 2007. Appoint Art Deming to Seat No. 4 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 8, 2007. Appoint Frederick Rasp to Seat No. 8 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 8, 2007. Appoint Dean A. Reade to Seat No. 10 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 8, 2007. Appoint Mary Emond to Seat No. 12 of the Rainbow Planning Group, for a term to expire January 8, 2007. SUPERVISOR COX: Waive Board Policy A-74, Citizen Participation in County Programs and Policies and re- appoint Linda Blair-Forth to the Social Services Advisory Board, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Waive Board Policy A-74, Citizen Participation in County Programs and Policies and re- appoint Robert L. Brandenburg to the Social Services Advisory Board, for a term to expire January 5, 2009.</p><p>SUPERVISOR JACOB: Re-appoint Toni McKean to the Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint Jim Crittenden to the Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint Joel Farrington to the Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint Marilyn Polen to Seat No. 1 of the Boulevard Sponsor Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009.</p><p>2/8/05 25 Re-appoint Gary Hoyt to Seat No. 3 of the Boulevard Sponsor Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint Crosby Milne to Seat No. 7 of the Boulevard Sponsor Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Bill Parsons to Seat No. 5 of the Boulevard Sponsor Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint JoAnne Bushby to the Commission on Children, Youth and Families, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Waive Board Policy A-74, Citizen Participation in County Programs and Policies and re- appoint Robert Winterton to the Social Services Advisory Board, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Re-appoint Walter Kirkwood to Seat No. 9 of the Descanso Planning Group, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Juli A. Zerbe to Seat No. 4 of the Julian Historic District Architectural Review Board for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Wayne Moretti to Seat No. 3 of the Julian Historic District Architectural Review Board for a term to expire January 2, 2007. Appoint James Degenfelder to Seat No.2 of the Julian Historic District Architectural Review Board, for a term to expire January 5, 2009. Appoint Peggy Steadham to Seat No. 7 of the Julian Historic District Architectural Review Board, for a term to expire January 5, 2009.</p><p>CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Confirm the appointment of Allen Carlisle to replace Dustin Burns, as the Santee School District representative to the County Service Area No. 69 – Heartland EMS District Advisory Committee. In accordance with the Committee Bylaws, “the term of office for each member shall be at the discretion of the appointing organization.”</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>2/8/05 26 21. SUBJECT: SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUT OF COUNTRY TRAVEL (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: On February 1, 2005 (3) the Board of Supervisors continued this item to February 8, 2005, at the request of the Chief Administrative Officer. This is a request for one (1) Sheriff’s Lieutenant and three (3) Deputy Sheriffs to travel to San Salvador, El Salvador, to attend the International Gang Enforcement Conference given by the National Civil Police of El Salvador to be held from February 21 – 24, 2005.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this request are budgeted. The funding source is general purpose revenue. If approved, this request will result in approximately $4,655 current year costs, no annual costs, and will require the addition of zero staff years. No overtime costs will be incurred as a result of this trip. RECOMMENDATION: SHERIFF Approve travel to San Salvador, El Salvador, for one (1) Sheriff’s Lieutenant and three (3) Deputy Sheriffs to attend the International Gang Enforcement Conference given by the National Civil Police of El Salvador to be held from February 21 - 24, 2005</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>22. SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM: SECOND CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPENSATION ORDINANCE (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW: On February 1, 2005 (8) the Board of Supervisors, introduced the Ordinance for further Board consideration on February 8, 2005. The proposed amendments to the San Diego County Compensation Ordinance are part of the ongoing effort to manage and maintain a skilled and competitive workforce dedicated to sustaining operational excellence and serving the public. This amendment establishes two new classifications/job codes for the Department of Parks and Recreation. </p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for these recommendations are included in the 2004-2005 budget</p><p>2/8/05 27 RECOMMENDATION: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Adopt Ordinance entitled: </p><p>AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPENSATION ORDINANCE AND ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent, adopting Ordinance No. 9705 (N.S.) entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPENSATION ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AUTHORIZED CLASSIFICATIONS, CHARACTERISTICS, AND COMPENSATION. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>23. SUBJECT: ALLOCATION OF DISTRICT TWO COMMUNITY PROJECTS FUNDING (DISTRICT: 2) OVERVIEW: Several communities in East County have demonstrated a need for improvements to their recreational facilities, and have shown that they are prepared to work together with other jurisdictions and community members to provide their children with opportunities to play and stay healthy. This action will provide funds to several communities to improve and develop recreational facilities in East County FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of these recommendations is $289,106. The funding source for these items is previously allocated FY 03-04 District Two Community Projects, and FY 04-05 District Two Community Projects. This action will result in the addition of no new staff years and no future costs. RECOMMENDATION(S): SUPERVISOR JACOB: 1. Find that the Ramona Pony Baseball project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15301.</p><p>2. Authorize Ramona Pony Baseball to use $21,347 of previously awarded District Two Community Projects funds (FY 03-04) to upgrade their snack bar and board room building.</p><p>3. Find that the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report on file in the Department of Planning and Land Use as Environmental Review Number 96-19-007 and the Addendum thereto as Environmental Review Number 96-19-007A for the McGrath Family YMCA were completed in compliance with the CEQA and state and County guidelines and that the Board of Supervisors reviewed and considered the information contained therein before approving the project. </p><p>2/8/05 28 4. Find that there are no changes in the YMCA project or in the circumstances under which it is undertaken which involve significant new environmental impacts which were not considered in the previously certified Subsequent EIR, or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects, and that no new information of substantial importance has become available since the Subsequent EIR and Addendum were prepared. </p><p>5. Allocate $140,726 in District Two Community Projects funding (FY 04-05) to the McGrath Family YMCA in Rancho San Diego to be used in the development of one baseball/softball combination field and one soccer field, which will be part of the first phase of the McGrath Family YMCA.</p><p>6. Allocate $127,033 to the Cajon Valley Union School District for construction costs for two full-size soccer fields and one smaller soccer field at Meridian Elementary School in El Cajon.</p><p>7. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute an amendment to the grant agreement with Ramona Pony Baseball to allow use of the funds as described above. The amendment to the grant agreement shall be approved by County Counsel.</p><p>8. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute grant agreements with the Cajon Valley Union School District and McGrath Family YMCA establishing terms for receipt of the funds described above. </p><p>9. Find that the grant awards described above have a public purpose.</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>24. SUBJECT: CLOSED SESSION (DISTRICT: ALL)</p><p>OVERVIEW A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9) County of San Diego v. Earl McDougal, et al.; San Diego County Superior Court No. GIN 039330-1</p><p>B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9) County of San Diego v. Tony Shin, et al.; San Diego County Superior Court No. GIN 039332-1</p><p>2/8/05 29 C. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9) County of San Diego v. Michael Parker, et al.; San Diego County Superior Court No. GIN 041729-1</p><p>D. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code section 54956.9: (Number of Cases – 1).</p><p>ACTION: Any reportable matters will be announced on Wednesday, February 9, 2005, prior to the Board of Supervisors Planning and Land Use meeting.</p><p>25. SUBJECT: JESS MARTIN PARK WATER PROJECT (DISTRICT: 2)</p><p>OVERVIEW Jess Martin Park is an approximately 9-acre park in the community of Julian. Existing amenities within the park include a playground, skatepark, three ball fields, a volunteer pad and on-site parking. As the only community park in Julian, Jess Martin Park receives a great deal of use. However, there is currently no water available for use at the park. To remedy this situation, a well needs to be drilled to provide a water supply for the park. The well will provide a safe and reliable source of drinking water for users of the park. The proposed action will allocate funding for the drilling and installation of a well on a County owned parcel across the street from Jess Martin Park.</p><p>FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost for the Jess Martin Well Improvement Project is approximately $330,000. Approximately $215,000 of the project will be provided by awarded Proposition 12 Roberti- Z’berg Harris grant funds. The remaining $115,000 will be transferred from the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000241 - Jess Martin Skatepark/Playground Improvements and the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000020 – Jess Martin Community Center. This proposal does not require additional County staff years.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION(S) SUPERVISOR JACOB: 1. Find that the Negative Declaration (ND) for Jess Martin Park Water Uses on file in the Department of Public Works as SCH No. 2002011032 and the Addendum thereto were completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines and that the Board of Supervisors reviewed and considered the information contained therein before approving the project; and 2. Find that there are no changes in the project or in the circumstances under which it is undertaken which involve significant new environmental impacts which were not considered in the previously adopted ND and the Addendum, or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects, and that no new information of substantial importance has become available since the ND and Addendum were prepared.</p><p>2/8/05 30 3. Establish appropriations of $215,000 in Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1006565 Jess Martin Well Improvements, based on awarded Proposition 12 Roberti- Z’berg Harris grant funds. (4 VOTES) 4. Cancel appropriations and related Operating Transfer from the General Fund of $6,682 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000241 – Jess Martin Skatepark/Playground Improvements, to provide funds for the Jess Martin Well Improvements project. 5. Cancel appropriations and related Operating Transfer from the General Fund of $108,318 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1000020 – Jess Martin Community Center, to provide funds for the Jess Martin Well Improvements project. 6. Establish appropriations of $115,000 in the Capital Outlay Fund for Capital Project 1006565 Jess Martin Well Improvements, based on an Operating Transfer from the General Fund. (4 VOTES)</p><p>ACTION: ON MOTION of Supervisor Jacob, seconded by Supervisor Cox, the Board of Supervisors took action as recommended, on Consent. AYES: Cox, Jacob, Slater-Price, Horn ABSENT: Roberts</p><p>24. SUBJECT: PRESENTATIONS/AWARDS</p><p>OVERVIEW Michael Bruich, Executive Director of the San Pasqual Academy/New Alternatives, was presented a check in the amount of $211,599 by Dr. Robert Ross of the California Endowment. Chairwoman Pam Slater-Price together with John Massucco, Chief Deputy District Attorney, was presented a check in the amount of $14,884 by Brian Gray, Director of SBC External Affairs. Chairwoman Pam Slater-Price presented a proclamation declaring February 8, 2004 Aaron Goldin day throughout the County of San Diego. Chairwoman Pam Slater-Price presented a proclamation declaring February 8, 2004 Diann Shipione day throughout the County of San Diego. Supervisor Greg Cox presented a proclamation declaring February 8, 2004 Pastor David Thomas day throughout the County of San Diego.</p><p>25. SUBJECT: PUBLIC COMMUNICATION John VanDoorn addressed the Board regarding San Diego County workers.</p><p>ACTION:</p><p>2/8/05 31 Heard; referred to the Chief Administrative Officer.</p><p>There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 10:16 a.m. in memory of Wallace J. Ullman; John Paul Elliott, Sr.; Roberta J. Hill; and Roy B. Johnson Jr.</p><p>THOMAS J. PASTUSZKA Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Diego, State of California</p><p>Consent: Tosh/Francia Discussion: Randolph</p><p>NOTE: This Statement of Proceedings sets forth all actions taken by the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors on the matters stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up.</p><p>2/8/05 32</p>

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