<p>LIST OF PUBLICATION – A. K. Srivastava</p><p>1 Lele, K.M. & Srivastava, A.K. 1974. Spicule like Microfossils from the Talchir Formation, Daltonganj Coalfield, Bihar. Geophytology 4(1): 25-34. .</p><p>2 Srivastava, A.K. 1977. Palaeobotanical evidence for the presence of Karharbari stage in the Aurang a Coalfield. Bihar; Megaflora. Palaeobotanist 23(3): 206- 219.</p><p>3 Lele, K.M. & Srivastava, A.K. 1977. Palaeobotanical evidence for the presence of Karharbari stage in Auranga Coalfield, Bihar, Mioflora. Palaeobotanist 24(1): 13- 20. </p><p>4 Srivastava, A.K. 1977. Studies in the Glossopteris flora of India 42, Barakar plant megafossils and miospores from Auranga Coalfield, Bihar. Palaeobotanist 24(1): 50-69. </p><p>5 Lele, K.M. & Srivastava, A.K. 1977. A mioflora of Barren Measures age from the Auranga Coalfield, Bihar. Palaeobotanist 24(2): 118-124. </p><p>6 Srivastava, A.K. 1978. Studies in the Glossopteris flora of India 43. Some new plant fossils from the Lower Gondwana sediments of Auranga Coalfield, Bihar. Palaeobotanist 25: 486-495. </p><p>7 Srivastavsa, A.K. 1979. Studies in the Glossopteris flora of India 44. Raniganj plant megafossils and miospores from Auranga Coalfield, Bihar. Palaeobotanist 26(1): 72-94. </p><p>8 Lele, K.M. & Srivastava, A.K. 1979. Lower Gondwana (Karharbari to Raniganj Stage) miofloral assemblage from the Auranga Coalfield and their stratigraphical significance. Proc. IV International Palynological Conference, Lucknow 1976 2: 152-164. </p><p>9 Srivastava, A.K. 1980. Stratigraphical bearing of megaflora in the Lower Gondwana succession of Auranga Coalfield, Bihar. Palaeobotanist 26(3): 214-220. </p><p>10 Chandra, S. & Srivastava, A.K. 1981. A new species of Glossopteris from the Barakar Formation of Lower Gondwana of India. Palaeobotanist 27(2): 166-173. </p><p>11 Chandra, A, & Srivastava, A.K. 1981. A new species of Arberia from Lower Gondwana of the South Rewa Gondwana Basin, India. Palaeobotanist 28-29: 40-45. </p><p>12 Srivastava, A.K. & Chandra, A. 1982. Two new types of seed from the Lower Gondwana beds of South Rewa Gondwana Baisn, M.P. Biovigyanam. 8(1): 78- 84. </p><p>1 13 Srivastava, A.K. 1982. A Lower Barakar miofloral assemblage from the Raniganj Coalfield, India. Geophytology 12(1): 131-132. </p><p>14 Chandra, A. & Srivastava, A.K. 1982. Plant fossils from the Talchir and coal bearing Formation of the south Rewa Gondwana Basin and their biostratigraphical significance. Palaeobotanist 30(2): 143-167. </p><p>15 Srivastava, A.K. & Chandra, S. 1982. Some pteridophytic remains from the selected Searsole colliery of the Raniganj Coalfield, W. Bengal India. Geophytology 12(1): 95-104. </p><p>16 Lele, K.M. & Srivastava, A.K. 1982. Morphological & structural studies on some Barakar Megaspores. Palaeobotanist 31(1): 1-12. </p><p>17 Srivastava, A.K. & Rigby, J.F. 1983. Sphenophyllum, Trizygia and Gondwanophyton from Barakar Formation of Raniganj Coalfield with a revision of Lower Gondwana Sphenophyllales. Geophytology 13(1): 55-62. </p><p>18 Srivastava, A.K. 1984. Palaeobotanical implications in the Lower Gondwana stratigraphy of Auranga Coalfield, Bihar. Evolutionary Botany and Biostratigraphy, A.K. Ghosh Comm. Vol. p.p. 383-394. </p><p>19 Maheshwari, H.K. & Srivastava, A.K. 1986. Lelstotheca Maheshwari, from the Barakar Formation of Raniganj Coalfield. Palaeobotanist 35(2): 136-140. </p><p>20 Srivastava, A.K. 1987. Gondwanophyllites a new genus from the Raniganj Coalfield, W. Bengal. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India. 57(B), II 154-156. </p><p>21 Chandra, A. & Srivastava, A.K. 1986. Miofloral studies from the coal bearing Formation of the south Rewa Gondwana Basin and their Biostratigraphical significance. Palaeobotanist 35(2): 85-92. </p><p>22 Srivastava, A.K. 1986. Indian fossil flora of the Lower Gondwana System - A review. Jour. Rec. Adv. Appe. Sci. 1: 191-207. </p><p>23 Singh, V.K., Srivastava, A.K. & Maheshwari, H.K. 1987. Sphenosids from the Barakar Formation of Hura Tract, Rajmahal Hills, Bihar. Palaeobotanist, 35(3); 236-241. </p><p>24. Srivastava, A.K. 1988a. An Insect Wing from the Lower Gondwana of India. J. Palaeontology 62: 827-828. </p><p>25. Srivastava, A.K. 1988b. Lower Barakar flora of Raniganj Coalfield and insect/plant relationship. Palaeobotanist 36: 138-142. </p><p>26. Srivastava, A.K. 1989. Palaeobotanist visit to Europe. Stuif Mail 7: 118.</p><p>2 27. Srivastava, A.K. 1990. Paryavaran Sarankshan Evam Shehri Vikas. Paryavaran 1: 23-24. (Hindi ) 28. Chandra, S., Srivastava, A.K. & Singh, K.J. 1990. Palaeobotany and climate around Marhwas area, Sidhi District, South Rewa Gondwana Basin during Upper Permian. Palaeobotanist 38: 49-54. </p><p>29. Srivastava, A.K. 1991. Evolutionary tendency in venation pattern of Glossopteridales. Geobios, France 24: 383-386. </p><p>30. Chandra, S. & Srivastava, A.K. 1991. Occurrence of Cordaitalean like foliage in the Lower Gondwana flora of India. Acta Palaeobotanica 31: 5-15. </p><p>31. Srivastava, A.K. 1992. Alien elements in the Gondwana flora of India. Palaeobotanist 40: 147-156. </p><p>32. Maheshwari, H.K. & Srivastava, A.K. 1992. The glossopterid group of plants in an evolutionary perspective. Palaeobotanist 41: 110-113. </p><p>33. Pinto, I.D., Meheshwari, H.K. & Srivastava, A.K. 1992. Occurrence of blattoid insects in the Gondwana flora of South America and India. Geophytology 22: 97-102. </p><p>34. Chandra, S., Srivastava, A.K. & Singh, K.J. 1992. Lower Permian plant fossils from India and early developmental history of the Glossopteris flora. Acta Palaeobotanica 32: 5-19. </p><p>35. Srivastava, A.K. & Chandra, S. 1992. Report of possible lycopod axes in the Lower Gondwana beds of India. Geophytology 20: 77-79. </p><p>36. Srivastava, A.K. & Chandra, S. 1992. A new leaf type from the Lower Gondwana beds of India. Proc. Natn. Acad. Sci. India. 62(B): 487-489. </p><p>37. Srivastava, A.K. 1992. Plant fossil assemblages from the Barakar Formation of Raniganj Coal field, India. Palaeobotanist 39: 281-302 (1993). </p><p>38. Srivastava, A.K. 1993. Evidence of fungal parsitsm in the Glossopteris flora of India. Comptes Rendus Vol. 2: pp. 141-146. Chief Editor Sergio Archangelsky, Published by Douzieme Congress International De la Stratigraphie et Geologie du Carbonifere et Permien, Buenos Aires, Argentina. </p><p>39. Srivastava, A.K. 1994. Glossopteris flora and its relationship with contemporaneous floras. Neo Botanica 2: 21-25. </p><p>40. Srivastava, A.K. & Tiwari, R. 1994. Possible evidence of bacterial degradation in Glossopteris flora of India. Palaeobotanist 43: 174-177. </p><p>3 41. Srivastava, A.K. 1995. Nature and preservation of Vertebraria axes in the Lower Gondwana beds of India. Acta Palaeobotanica 35: 189-193.</p><p>42. Srivastava, A.K. 1995. Morphology and taxonomy of Lower Gondwana pteridophytes from India. Indian Fern J. 12: 51-58 </p><p>43. Srivastava, A.K. 1995. The proposal for a National Science University - More comments Current Science 68(5): 485. </p><p>44. Srivastava, A.K. 1996. Nurturing Young Scientist. Current Science 70(6): 417. </p><p>45. Srivastava, A.K. 1996. Plant/Animal relationship in the Lower Gondwanas of India. 9th Int. Gond. Symp. Hyderabad, India, 1994 Gondwana Nine 1: 549-555. </p><p>46. Srivastava, A.K. 1996. Early Permian plant fossils from the Barakar Formation of Auranga Coalfield, Bihar. Palaeobotanist 43: 54-58. </p><p>47. Srivastava, A.K. 1996. A summary of floral distribution in the Permian Gondwana sequence of India. Permophiles No.28: 11-12 </p><p>48. Srivastava, A.K., Chandra, S. & Singh, K.J. 1996. Trace fossils from Talchir Formation Talchir Coalfield, Orissa. Geophytology 25: 63-66. </p><p>49. Tewari, R. & Srivastava, A.K. 1996. Plant fossils from the Barakar Formation, Jharia Coalfield, Bihar. Geophytology 24: 35-40. </p><p>50. Vijaya, Srivastava, A.K. & Sun Kequin 1996. Origin of the Gondwana flora Geophytology 25: 119-124. </p><p>51. Srivastava, A.K. & Tewari, R. 1996. Plant fossils from the Barakar Formation of Auranga Coalfield, Bihar. Geophytology 26: 83-88.</p><p>52. Srivastava, A.K. 1996 Emergence, continuance and extinction of floral elements across Permian - Triassic in India. BSIP Golden Jubilee Conference, Physical and Biological Changes across major geological boundaries :p.52 (Abstract).</p><p>53. Srivastava, A.K. 1997. Insect and Insect activities in Permian Gondwana of India. Permophiles No. 30: 17 </p><p>54. Srivastava, A.K. 1997. Late Palaeozoic floral succession in India. Proc. XII Int. Cong. Corb. Perm., Krakow, Poland: 269-272. </p><p>55. Srivastava, A.K. & Srivastava, S.C. 1997. Occurrence of plant fossils from the Kamthi Formation of Bazargaon Area Nagpur District, Maharashtra, India. Indian Minerals 51: 275-278.</p><p>4 56. Srivastava, A.K. 1998 Recent Developments In Palaeobotanical Researches. Nat. Symp. 50 years of Botany In India: An Assessment, p.28-29 (Abstract).</p><p>57. Srivastava, A.K. & Srivastava, G.P.1998 Insect gall impression on fossil angiospermic leaf. Geophytology 26: 95-97.</p><p>58. Srivastava, A.K. 1997. Evolution and extinction of Glossopteris flora in India. Proc. Ist Int. Symposium on Evolution of Life on Earth, Tomsk, Russia: 113.</p><p>59. Srivastava, A.K. 1998. Fossil records of Insect and Insect related plant damage. Zoos Print 8(5): 5-9 </p><p>60. Srivastava, A.K. 1998. The morphological and evolutionary aspects of Glossopteris flora. Vasundhara 3: 30-33.</p><p>61. Srivastava, A.K. 1998. Need for National Museum for Coal. J. geol. Soc. India 52: 119</p><p>62. Srivastava, A.K. 1999. Bharatiya Koyla shetra mein kiton ke jivashm evam keet/padap sambandhon par ek vivechana. Minetech 20(1): 54-56 ( Hindi ).</p><p>63. Srivastava, S.C., Srivastava, A.K., Bhattacharya, A.P. & Tewari, R. 1999. Degraded palynomorphs from North-East Himalaya, India. Permophiles No. 33: 32-36 </p><p>64. Srivastava, A.K. 1999. Dichotomons development pattern in Glossopterid Proc. International Cont. Dichotomy and Homology in natural Sciences, Tyumen, Russia: p.p. 107-120</p><p>65. Srivastava, A.K., Abbas, S.R., Mehrotra, R.C. & Srivastava, R. 2000. Cecidomyiid galls in Palaeocene leaves from north-east India. Acta Palaeobotanica 40: 43-47</p><p>66. Tewari, R. & Srivastava, A.K. 2000. Plant fossil assemblage from the Talchir Formation, Auranga Coalfield, Bihar, India. Palaeobotanist 49: 23-30 </p><p>67. Tewari, R. & Srivastava, A.K. 2000. Plant fossils from Bhareli Formation of Arunachal Pradesh, North-East Himalaya, India. Palaeobotanist 49: 209-217</p><p>5 68. Singh, K.J., Srivastava, A.K. & Chandra, S. 2000. Coniferous Foliage Shoots from South Rewa Gondwana Go ndwana Basin, India. Geophytology 28: 35-40 </p><p>69. Srivastava, A.K. 2000. Glossopteris Flora : The Source Material for the Formation of Indian Coal. Minetech 21: 23-30</p><p>70. Srivastava, A.K. & Tewari, R. 2001 Lower Gondwana plant fossils from Barren Measures Formation of Jharia Coalfield, Bihar, India. Proc. National Seminar Coal and Lignite basins of India, Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta , 1997, GSI Spl. Pub. No. 54 : 127-134 71. Srivastava, A.K. 2001.Taxonomy,palaeobotany and biodiversity.Curr.Sci .81 : 1278- 1279</p><p>72. Kar, R.K. & Srivastava A.K. 2001. Discussion on paper Reworked Carboniferous Palynofossils from Panna Formation, Bombay off shore basin: Clue to hidden target for hydrocarbon exploration by N.C. Mehrotra, N. Swamy & R.S. Rawat J. geol. Soc. India 58: 179-182.</p><p>73. Srivastava, AK 2001. Plant fossils from North-East Himalaya. IGCP India News Letter, GSI, Kolkata 21: 9-10</p><p>74. Srivastava, A.K. & Tewari, R 2002. Two new types of megaspores from Permian Gondwana Sequence of India. Permophiles No. 39 : 28-31</p><p>75. Srivastava, A.K. & Tewari, R 2002. A New Gulate Megaspore from Satpura Gondwana Basin. Journ. Palaeont. Soc. India.47 :93-96</p><p>76. Srivastava, A.K. & Singh,B.D. 2002. Contact Course on Advanced Training in Palaeobotany- A Report Palaeobotanists 50 : 158-160</p><p>77. Shi,GR, Archbold NW, AngioliniL L , Grunt TA, Kotlyar GV, Metcalf I, Shizong Shen, Xiangdong Wang, Srivastava, A.K. & Zakharov,Y. D. 2002. Joint Report of SPS Working Group on Using Transitional Biotas as Gateways for Global Correlation and the Permian Research Group of SE Asia . Permophiles No 40 :17-22</p><p>78. Srivastavam, A.K. 2002. Contact Course on Advanced Training in Palaeobotany . BSIP News Letter : 6-7</p><p>6 79. Srivastava, A.K. & Ram-Awatar 2003. Palynological Assemblage from Motur Clay Beds of Satpura Gondwana basin, Madhya Pradesh, India.Geophytology 31 :81- 86</p><p>80. Srivastava, A.K. 2003 Palaeobotany: Biosystematics and Biodiversity. National Conference on Biodiversity and Applied Biology of Plants, Botany Department, Lucknow University, October 8-10, 2003; pp.27 (Abstract)</p><p>81. Srivastava, A.K. 2003. Conservation, Preservation and Protection of Fossiliferous Sites in India. National Seminar on Impact of Increasing Human Population on Natural Resources,Botany Department, BHU, Varanasi, October 16-18, 2003; p.p.3 (Abstract)</p><p>82. Srivastava, A.K. & Tewari, R. 2004. Morphological and cuticular studies of Permian Noeggerathiopsis- leaves. Geophytology. 32 : 83-89</p><p>83. Srivastava, A.K. & Tewari R 2001 Development of Glossopteris flora in Indian Gondwana Sequence. Revista universidade guarhos-GeocienciasVi(6):42-49.</p><p>84. Bhattacharyya, A.P. & Srivastava, A.K. 2004 Palaeobotanical Investigation of Permian sediments of Darjeeling Area, North-East Himalaya, India. Geophytology 33 : 73- 79</p><p>85. Srivastava, A.K. Conservation, Preservation and Protection of Fossiliferous Sites in India. National Seminar on Impact of Increasing Human population on Natural Resources, Botany Department, BHU, Varanasi, 16-18 October, 2003 </p><p>86. Srivastava,A.K. 2004. Evolutionary Perspective of Glossopterid. Vistas in Palaeobotany and Plant Morphlogy: Evolutionary and Environmental Perspectives, Prof D.D. Pant Memorial Volume,P.C.Srivastava (ed ) : 111-118</p><p>87. Srivastava, A.K. 2004. Appropriate sampling design in palaeobotany for correlating floristics with stratigraphy. Curr. Sci. 87:850-851</p><p>88. Srivastava, A.K. & Tewari, R. 2004. Megaspore Assemblage from Pench Valley Coalfield, Madhya Pradesh, India. Geophytology 34:</p><p>7 89. Srivastava, A.K. 2001 Kabita Goswami – Obituary note. Palaeobotanist 49 : 146</p><p>90. Srivastava,A.K. 2002 Prof. Divya Darshan Pant - Obituary note. Geophytology 30: 127- 128 91. Srivastava, A. K. 2007. Fossil Evidences of gall-inducing arthropod-plant interactions in the Indian subcontinent. Oriental Insects (USA) 44: 213-222. </p><p>92. Mehrotra , N. C. & Srivastava, A. K. 2008. Facetes of Palaeobotanical Research at Birbal Sahni Institute of Plaeobotany. Souvenir volume Conference on Plant Life Through The Ages, BSIP, Lucknow November 16-17, 2008.</p><p>93. Srivastava A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2009. Palaeobotanical perspectives of Satpura Gondwana Basin Madhya Pradesh. Earth System Sciences (Eds. A. Kumar, RAS Kushwaha and Balesh Thakur) Vol. 2: 581- 595.</p><p>94. Srivastava A.K. 2009. Plant Life Through The Ages-A Report. IOP News Letter88. pp.12-13.</p><p>95. Srivastava, A.K. 2009. Conference on Plant Life Through The Ages. Palaeobotanist 58: 113-114 96. Srivastava A. K. 2009. New Trends in Gondwana Palaeobotany. Advances in Earth Sciences ed. S. C. Tripathi, vol. 1:.123-131, Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi. </p><p>97. Srivastava A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2009 New Coniferous foliage shoots from the Lower Gondwana beds of India. Palaeobotanist 58:51-56</p><p>98. Srivastava, A.K. 2009 Vibrant Palaeobotany. Current Science 96: 756</p><p>99. Srivastava, A. K. & Srivastava R. 2010. Insect-plant dynamics in fossil flora of India. Alavesia (Spain)3: 3-10.</p><p>100. Srivastava A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2010 Morphological consequence in Gangamopteris Mc Coy. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 39:760-769 ( Elsevier)</p><p>101. Srivastava A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2010. Upper Permian Plant Fossil Assemblage of Bijori Formation: A case study of Glossopteris flora beyond the limit of Raniganj Formation. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 76: 47-62.(Springer).</p><p>102. Srivastava A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2010. Dilemma of Late Palaeozoic Mixed flora in Gondwana. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecolology and Palaeoclimatology .298: 54-69. (Elsevier).</p><p>103. Srivastava A. K. , Anju Saxena & Deepa Agnhotri 2010. Insect Burrows from Upper Permian sequence of Bijori Formation of Satpura Gondwana Basin, India. Permophiles (USA)54:12-14</p><p>8 104. Pal, P. K. , Srivastava, A. K. & Ghosh, A. K. 2010. Plant fossils of Maitur Formation: possibly the ultimate stage of Glossopteris flora in Raniganj Coalfield, India. Palaeobotanist 59:33-46.</p><p>105. Srivastava, A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2010. Taeniopteroid leaves from Lower Gondwana formations of India. Palaeobotanist 69: 47-54.</p><p>106. Srivastava, A. K. , Tewari, R. & Deepa Agnihotri 2010. Morpho-cuticular study of Glossopteris stenoneura Feistmantel from the Barakar Formation of Raniganj Coalfield, West Bengal. Palaeobotanist 59: 139-144.</p><p>107. Srivastava, A. K. , Srivastava, R. & Deepa Agnihotri. 2010. Dicroidium: no more a Triassic Gondwana index fossil. Nature Preceding, doi:10.1038/npre.2010.4777.1.(Nature Publishing Group,UK).</p><p>108. Srivastava, A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2011. Insect traces on the Early Permian plants of India Palentological Journal 45; 78-84. (Springer).</p><p>109. Srivastava, A. K. , Krassilov, V & Deepa Agnihotri 2011.Peltasperms in the Permian of India and their bearing on Gondwanaland reconstruction and climatic interpretation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 310:393-399. IF-2.64. </p><p>110. Srivastava A.K. & Agnihotri D. (2012). Scale leaves from the Barakar Formation of Satpura Gondwana Basin, Madhya Pradesh, India, Palaeobotanist 61: 177-188.</p><p>111. Srivastava A.K 2011. Gondwana Biodiversity. Biotechnological Advancement ed. M. Sajid Khan, Deptt. of Biotechnology, Integral University: 58-60.</p><p>112. Srivastava, A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2012. Coal seam correlation of Indian Gondwana coalfield: a palaeobotanical perspective. Int. J. Coal Geol doi 10.1016/j.coal/2012.06.009(Accepted). </p><p>113. Srivastava, A. K., Anju Saxena & Deepa Agnihotri 2012. Morphological and stratigraphical significance of Lower Gondwana plant fossils of Mohpani Coalfield, Satpura Gondwana Basin, Madhya Pradesh. Journ. Geol. Soc. India 80:676-684.</p><p>114. Srivastava, A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2012.Gondwana equivalent sediments of north- east India: a palaeobotanical connotation. Mem. Geol. Soc. India No. 77, pp. 321-330. </p><p>115. Srivastava A. K. 2012 Biodiversity, Envirionmental management and Town Planning.Technical Papers, National seminar on Urban Dynamics and Planning-</p><p>9 2032,Published by Department of Architecture, Integral University, Lucknow and UP Regional Chapters, Institute of Town Planners, India: 193-195.</p><p>116. Srivastava, A. K. 2012 Permian Gondwana: Glossopteris flora showing angiospermoid character. International Symposium and XXII Annual Conference of Angiosperms Taxonomy on Innovative Prospects in Angiosperm Taxonomy, October 28-30,2012.</p><p>117. Saxena, R. K., Srivastava, A. K. & Ranhotra, P. S. 2013. First record of mites (Acarina) from the Palaeogene sediments of Kutch, western India, with comments on palaeoenvironment: support from palynological evidence. Geophytology 42(1); 1-10. </p><p>118.Khurshid Ahmad, Mohd. Hassan Baig, Saif Khan & Srivsatava, A. K. 2013. Identification of Common Target Proteins for Multiple Neurodegenerative Disorders and Reconstruction of Disease Pathway. National seminar on Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences (NSAAILS-2013), Raipur, International Journal of Computer Application(IJCA):1- 5.</p><p>119. Srivastava, Mrinalini, Purshottam, D. K.,Srivastava, A. K. & Mishra, Pratibha 2013. International Journal of Biotechnology & research (IJBTR) 3:49-58 (IF 1.2).</p><p>120. Khan, M. S., Ansari, I. A., Ahmad, S.,Akhter, F.,Hashim, A. & Srivastava, A. K. 2013. Chemotherapeutic potential of Boerhavia diffusa Linn.: A Review.Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 3: 133-139.</p><p>121. Saeed, Mohd., Baig, M. H., Bajpai,P.,Srivastava, A. K. & Mustafa, H. 2013.Predicted binding of certain antifilarial compounds with glutathione-S-transferase of human Filariids. Bioinformation 9: 233-237. IF 1.2 </p><p>118.</p><p>1.</p><p>2.</p><p>3.</p><p>4.</p><p>5.</p><p>6.</p><p>7.</p><p>10 8.</p><p>9.</p><p>10.</p><p>11.</p><p>12.</p><p>13.</p><p>14.</p><p>15.</p><p>16.</p><p>17.</p><p>18.</p><p>19.</p><p>20.</p><p>21.</p><p>22.</p><p>23.</p><p>24.</p><p>25.</p><p>26.</p><p>27.</p><p>28.</p><p>29.</p><p>30.</p><p>31.</p><p>11 32.</p><p>33.</p><p>34.</p><p>35.</p><p>36.</p><p>37.</p><p>38.</p><p>39.</p><p>Recent Publications since 2008</p><p>1. Srivastava A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2010 Morphological consequence in Gangamopteris Mc Coy. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 39:760-769 ( Elsevier)</p><p>2. Srivastava A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2010. Upper Permian Plant Fossil Assemblage of Bijori Formation: A case study of Glossopteris flora beyond the limit of Raniganj Formation. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 76: 47-62.(Springer).</p><p>3. Srivastava A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2010. Dilemma of Late Palaeozoic Mixed flora in Gondwana. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecolology and Palaeoclimatology .298: 54-69. (Elsevier).</p><p>4. Srivastava A. K. , Anju Saxena & Deepa Agnhotri 2010. Insect Burrows from Upper Permian sequence of Bijori Formation of Satpura Gondwana Basin, India. Permophiles (USA)54:12-14</p><p>5. Pal, P. K. , Srivastava, A. K. & Ghosh, A. K. 2010. Plant fossils of Maitur Formation: possibly the ultimate stage of Glossopteris flora in Raniganj Coalfield, India. Palaeobotanist 59:33-46.</p><p>6. Srivastava, A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2010. Taeniopteroid leaves from Lower Gondwana formations of India. Palaeobotanist 69: 47-54.</p><p>7. Srivastava, A. K. , Tewari, R. & Deepa Agnihotri 2010. Morpho-cuticular study of Glossopteris stenoneura Feistmantel from the Barakar Formation of Raniganj Coalfield, West Bengal. Palaeobotanist 59: 139-144.</p><p>8. Srivastava, A. K. , Srivastava, R. & Deepa Agnihotri. 2010. Dicroidium: no more a Triassic Gondwana index fossil. Nature Preceding, doi:10.1038/npre.2010.4777.1. (Nature Publishing Group,UK).</p><p>12 9. Srivastava, A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2011. Insect traces on the Early Permian plants of India Palentological Journal 45; 78-84. (Springer).</p><p>10. Srivastava, A. K. , Krassilov, V & Deepa Agnihotri 2011.Peltasperms in the Permian of India and their bearing on Gondwanaland reconstruction and climatic interpretation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 310:393-399. IF-2.64. </p><p>11. Srivastava A.K. & Agnihotri D. (2012). Scale leaves from the Barakar Formation of Satpura Gondwana Basin, Madhya Pradesh, India, Palaeobotanist 61: 177-188.</p><p>12. Srivastava A.K 2011. Gondwana Biodiversity. Biotechnological Advancement ed. M. Sajid Khan, Deptt. of Biotechnology, Integral University: 58-60.</p><p>13. Srivastava, A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2012. Coal seam correlation of Indian Gondwana coalfield: a palaeobotanical perspective. Int. J. Coal Geol doi 10.1016/j.coal/2012.06.009(Accepted). </p><p>14. Srivastava, A. K., Anju Saxena & Deepa Agnihotri 2012. Morphological and stratigraphical significance of Lower Gondwana plant fossils of Mohpani Coalfield, Satpura Gondwana Basin, Madhya Pradesh. Journ. Geol. Soc. India 80:676-684.</p><p>15. Srivastava, A. K. & Deepa Agnihotri 2012.Gondwana equivalent sediments of north- east India: a palaeobotanical connotation. Mem. Geol. Soc. India No. 77, pp. 321-330. </p><p>16. Srivastava A. K. 2012 Biodiversity, Envirionmental management and Town Planning.Technical Papers, National seminar on Urban Dynamics and Planning- 2032,Published by Department of Architecture, Integral University, Lucknow and UP Regional Chapters, Institute of Town Planners, India: 193-195.</p><p>17. Srivastava, A. K. 2012 Permian Gondwana: Glossopteris flora showing angiospermoid character. International Symposium and XXII Annual Conference of Angiosperms Taxonomy on Innovative Prospects in Angiosperm Taxonomy, October 28-30,2012.</p><p>18.</p><p>13</p>
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