<p> Great Southern Supreme Merinos 68th ANNUAL MERINO RAM SHOW AND SALE Canberra - 17 & 18 January 2015</p><p>Studs: 49 Entries: 314 individual sheep – 341 entries </p><p>* = consecutive year award</p><p>SUPREME EXHIBIT West Plains, Delegate (4tth Poll ram, March, Medium/Strong) SUPREME POLL EXHIBIT West Plains, Delegate (Supreme Exhibit) GRAND CHAMPION RAM Merryville, Boorowa (4tth, Fine/Medium) RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION RAM Merryville, Boorowa (4tth, March, Superfine) GRAND CHAMPION EWE Wurrook Poll, Rokewood, Vic (4tth, August, Superfine) RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION EWE Alfoxton, Armidale (2tth March, Medium/Strong) CHAMPION SALE RAM Grassy Creek, Reids Flat (Fine wool) RESERVE CHAMPION SALE RAM Alfoxton, Armidale (Fine wool) GRAND CHAMPION POLL RAM West Plains, Delegate (Supreme Exhibit) GRAND CHAMPION POLL EWE Wurrook Poll (4tth, August, Superfine) JUNIOR CHAMPION EXHIBIT Tara Park, Boorowa (Ram, March, Fine/Medium) MARCH SHORN JUNIOR CHAMPION RAM Tara Park, Boorowa (Junior Champion Exhibit) MARCH SHORN JUNIOR CHAMPION EWE Tara Park, Boorowa (March, Medium/Strong) AUGUST SHORN JUNIOR CHAMPION RAM Langdene, Dunedoo (August, Fine Wool) AUGUST SHORN JUNIOR CHAMPION EWE Alfoxton, Armidale (August, Medium/Strong) JUNIOR CHAMPION POLL RAM Alfoxton Poll, Armidale (August, Fine Wool) JUNIOR CHAMPION POLL EWE Alfoxton Poll, Armidale (August, Fine Wool) MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR Merryville, Boorowa **</p><p>SALE ONLY OPEN SECTION OPEN RAM CLASS 1 Superfine Wool Ram Merryville, Boorowa Grathlyn, Hargraves 2 Fine Wool Ram Grassy Creek, Reids Flat Alfoxton, Armidale 3 Fine/Medium Wool Ram Merryville, Boorowa Rockdale, Canowindra 4 Medium/Strong Wool Ram Tara Park, Boorowa 5 Poll Ram Coddington Uardry Poll, Yeoval Merryville Poll, Boorowa</p><p>CHAMPION SUPERFINE WOOL SALE RAM Merryville, Boorowa CHAMPION FINE WOOL SALE RAM Grassy Creek, Reids Flat CHAMPION FINE/MEDIUM WOOL SALE RAM Merryville, Boorowa CHAMPION MEDIUM/STRONG SALE RAM Tara Park, Boorowa CHAMPION POLL SALE RAM Coddington Uardry Poll, Yeoval CHAMPION SALE RAM Grassy Creek, Reids Flat (Fine wool) RESERVE Alfoxton, Armidale (Fine wool)</p><p>MARCH SHORN SHOW ONLY SECTION OPEN RAM CLASSES 6 Superfine Ram, 2 tooth & under Conrayn, Berridale Merryville, Boorowa 7 Superfine Ram, 4 tooth & over Merryville, Boorowa Grathlyn, Hargraves 8 Fine Wool Ram, 2 tooth & under Merryville, Boorowa Grassy Creek, Reids Flat 9 Fine Wool Ram, 4 tooth & over Merryville, Boorowa Demondrille, Harden 10 Fine/Medium Ram, 2 tooth & under Tara Park, Boorowa Tara Park, Boorowa * 11 Fine/Medium Ram, 4 tooth & over Merryville, Boorowa G C Ram Walwa, Gunning 1 12 Medium/Strong Ram, 2 tooth & under Tara Park, Boorowa Greenland, Bungarby 13 Medium/Strong Ram, 4 tooth & over Tara Park, Boorowa Adina, Cooma *</p><p>CHAMPION MARCH SHORN SUPERFINE RAM Merryville (4tth) RESERVE Grathlyn (4tth) CHAMPION MARCH SHORN FINE RAM Merryville (2tth) RESERVE Merryville (4tth) CHAMPION MARCH SHORN FINE/MEDIUM RAM Merryville (4tth) RESERVE Tara Park (2tth) CHAMPION MARCH SHORN MED/STRONG RAM Tara Park (2tth) RESERVE Greenland (2tth) CHAMPION MARCH SHORN RAM Merryville, Boorowa - (Fine/Medium) RESERVE Merryville, Boorowa (Superfine) MARCH SHORN JUNIOR CHAMPION RAM Tara Park, Boorowa (Fine/Medium) Jnr Ch Ex</p><p>MARCH SHORN SHOW ONLY SECTION OPEN EWE CLASSES 14 Superfine Wool Ewe, 2 tooth & under Wurrook, Rokewood, Vic Conrayn, Berridale 15 Superfine Wool Ewe, 4 tooth & over Grassy Creek, Reids Flat Conrayn, Berridale * 16 Fine Wool Ewe, 2 tooth & under Alfoxton, Armidale Grassy Creek, Reids Flat * 17 Fine Wool Ewe, 4 tooth & over Wurrook, Rokewood, Vic Demondrille, Harden 18 Fine/Medium Wool Ewe, 2 tooth & under Merryville, Boorowa * Roseville Park, Dubbo 19 Fine/Medium Wool Ewe, 4 tooth & over Wurrook, Rokewood, Vic Airlie, Walcha 20 Medium/Strong Ewe, 2 tooth & under Tara Park, Boorowa Tara Park, Boorowa ** 21 Medium/Strong Ewe, 4 tooth & over Roseville Park, Dubbo Tara Park, Boorowa</p><p>CHAMPION MARCH SHORN SUPERFINE EWE Grassy Creek, Reids Flat (4tth) RESERVE Conrayn, Berridale (4tth) * CHAMPION MARCH SHORN FINE WOOL EWE Alfoxton, Armidale (2tth) RESERVE Wurrook, Rokewood Vic (4tth) CHAMPION FINE/MEDIUM MARCH SHORN EWE Merryville, Boorowa (2tth) * RESERVE Roseville Park, Dubbo (2tth) CHAMPION MARCH SHORN MED/STRONG EWE Tara Park, Boorowa (2tth) RESERVE Roseville Park, Dubbo (4tth) CHAMPION MARCH SHORN EWE Grassy Creek, Reids Flat (Superfine) RESERVE Tara Park, Boorowa (Medium/Strong) MARCH SHORN JUNIOR CHAMPION EWE Tara Park, Boorowa (Medium/Strong) </p><p>AUGUST SHORN SECTION SHOW & SALE RAMS - OPEN 22 Superfine Wool Ram, 2 tooth & under Alfoxton, Armidale Grathlyn, Hargraves 23 Superfine Wool Ram, 4 tooth & over Merryville, Boorowa Glencaber, Bungalally Vic 24 Fine Wool Ram, 2 tooth & under Langdene, Dunedoo * Langdene, Dunedoo 25 Fine Wool Ram, 4 tooth & over Demondrille, Harden Merryville, Boorowa 26 Fine/Medium Wool Ram, 2 tooth & under Alfoxton, Armidale Langdene, Dunedoo 27 Fine/Medium Wool Ram, 4 tooth & over Roseville Park, Dubbo Wantana, Boorowa 28 Medium/Strong Ram, 2 tooth & under Hinesville, Delegate 2 Langdene, Dunedoo 29 Medium/Strong Ram, 4 tooth & over Towalba, Peak Hill Roseville Park, Dubbo *</p><p>CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN SUPERFINE RAM Alfoxton (2tth) RESERVE Merryville (4tth) CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN FINE WOOL RAM Langdene (2tth) * RESERVE Langdene (2tth) * CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN FINE/MEDIUM RAM Alfoxton (2tth) RESERVE Langdene (2tth) * CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN MED/STRONG RAM Towalba (4tth) RESERVE Roseville Park (4tth) * CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN RAM Langdene, Dunedoo (2tth Fine) ** RESERVE Towalba (4tth Medium/Strong) AUGUST SHORN JUNIOR CHAMPION RAM Langdene (Fine wool)</p><p>OPEN EWE CLASSES 30 Superfine Wool Ewe, 2 tooth & under Grathlyn, Hargraves Grathlyn, Hargraves 31 Superfine Wool Ewe, 4 tooth & over Conrayn, Berridale Glencaber, Bungalally Vic 32 Fine Wool Ewe, 2 tooth & under Alfoxton, Armidale Demondrille, Harden 33 Fine Wool Ewe, 4 tooth & over Merryville, Boorowa 34 Fine/Medium Ewe, 2 tooth & under Langdene, Dunedoo Roseville Park, Dubbo 35 Fine/Medium Ewe, 4 tooth & over Roseville Park, Dubbo Airlie, Walcha 36 Medium/Strong Wool Ewe, 2 tooth & under Alfoxton, Armidale Orrie Cowie, Warooka SA 37 Medium/Strong Wool Ewe, 4 tooth & over Roseville Park, Dubbo Towalba, Peak Hill</p><p>CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN SUPERFINE EWE Grathlyn (2tth) * RESERVE Grathlyn (2tth) CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN FINE WOOL EWE Alfoxton (2tth) RESERVE Demondrille (2tth) CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN FINE/MEDIUM EWE Langdene (2tth) RESERVE Roseville Park CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN MED/STRONG EWE Alfoxton (2tth) RESERVE Orrie Cowie (2tth) CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN EWE Alfoxton (2tth Medium/Strong) RESERVE Grathlyn (2 tth Superfine) AUGUST SHORN JUNIOR CHAMPION EWE Alfoxton (Medium/Strong)</p><p>POLL MERINO SECTIONS MARCH SHORN POLL RAM CLASSES 38 Superfine Wool Ram, 2 tooth & under No entries 39 Superfine Wool Ram, 4 tooth & over Coddington Uardry Poll, Yeoval Bellevue Park Poll, Cooma 40 Fine Wool Ram, 2 tooth & under Airlie Poll, Walcha Rogara, Goulburn 41 Fine Wool Ram, 4 tooth & over Merryville Poll, Boorowa Grassy Creek Poll, Reids Flat 42 Fine/Medium Wool Ram, 2 tooth & under Merryville Poll, Boorowa Greenland Poll, Bungarby 43 Fine/Medium Wool ram, 4 tooth & over No entries 44 Medium/Strong Wool Ram, 2 tooth & under Greenland Poll, Bungarby Greenland Poll, Bungarby 45 Medium/Strong Wool Ram, 4 tooth & over West Plains Poll, Delegate CHAMPION MARCH SHORN SUPERFINE POLL RAM Coddington Uardry Poll (4tth) RESERVE Bellevue Park Poll (4tth) CHAMPION MARCH SHORN FINE POLL RAM Merryville Poll (4tth) 3 RESERVE Grassy Creek Poll (4tth) CHAMPION MARCH SHORN FINE MEDIUM POLL RAM Merryville Poll (2tth) RESERVE Greenland Poll (2tth) CHAMPION MARCH SHORN MED/STRONG POLL RAM West Plains Poll (4tth) RESERVE Greenland Poll (2tth) CHAMPION MARCH SHORN POLL RAM West Plains Poll (4tth Medium/Strong) Supreme RESERVE Merryville Poll (4tth Fine)</p><p>MARCH SHORN POLL EWE CLASSES 46 Superfine Wool Ewe, 2 tooth & under Lynford, Hargraves * 47 Superfine Wool Ewe, 4 tooth & over No entries 48 Fine Wool Ewe, 2 tooth & under Grassy Creek Poll, Reids Flat Greenland Poll, Bungarby * 49 Fine Wool Ewe, 4 tooth & over Merryville Poll, Boorowa 50 Fine/Medium Wool Ewe, 2 tooth & under Greenland Poll, Bungarby Greenland Poll, Bungarby 51 Fine/Medium Wool Ewe, 4 tooth & over No entries 52 Medium/Strong Wool Ewe, 2 tooth & under Adina Poll, Cooma * 53 Medium/Strong Wool Ewe, 4 tooth & over No entries</p><p>CHAMPION MARCH SHORN SUPERFINE POLL EWE Lynford (2tth) RESERVE - CHAMPION MARCH SHORN FINE WOOL POLL EWE Merryville Poll (4tth) RESERVE Grassy Creek Poll (2tth) * CHAMPION MARCH SHORN FINE/MEDIUM POLL EWE Greenland Poll (2tth) RESERVE Greenland Poll (2tth) CHAMPION MARCH MEDIUM/STRONG POLL EWE Adina Poll (2tth) * RESERVE - CHAMPION MARCH SHORN POLL EWE Adina Poll (2tth Medium/Strong) RESERVE Merryville Poll (4tth Fine)</p><p>AUGUST SHORN POLL RAM CLASSES 54 Superfine Wool Ram, any age Alfoxton Poll, Armidale ** Lynford, Hargraves 55 Fine Wool Ram, any age Alfoxton Poll, Armidale Merryville Poll, Boorowa 56 Fine/Medium Wool Ram, any age Coddington Uardry Poll, Yeoval * Towalba Poll, Peak Hill 57 Medium Strong Wool Ram, any age Coddington Uardry Poll, Yeoval Orrie Cowie Poll, Warooka SA</p><p>CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN SUPERFINE POLL RAM Alfoxton Poll ** RESERVE Lynford CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN FINE WOOL POLL RAM Alfoxton Poll RESERVE Merryville Poll CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN FINE/MEDIUM POLL Coddington Uardry Poll * RAM RESERVE Towalba Poll CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN MED/STRONG POLL RAM Coddington Uardry Poll RESERVE Orrie Cowie Poll CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN POLL RAM Alfoxton Poll (2tth Fine) * RESERVE Coddington Uardry Poll (2tth Medium/Strong) </p><p>AUGUST SHORN POLL EWE CLASSES 58 Superfine Wool Ewe, any age Wurrook Poll, Rokewood Vic Lynford, Hargraves * 59 Fine Wool Ewe, any age Alfoxton Poll, Armidale * Merryville Poll, Boorowa 60 Fine/Medium Wool Ewe, any age Coddington Uardry Poll, Yeoval Orrie Cowie Poll, Warooka SA 61 Medium/Strong Wool Ewe, any age Coddington Uardry Poll, Yeoval Towalba Poll, Peak Hill 4 CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN SUPERFINE POLL EWE Wurrook Poll RESERVE Lynford Poll CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN FINE WOOL POLL EWE Alfoxton Poll * RESERVE Merryville Poll CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN FINE/MED POLL EWE Coddington Uardry Poll RESERVE Orrie Cowie Poll CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN MED/STRONG POLL EWE Coddington Uardry Poll RESERVE Towalba Poll CHAMPION AUGUST SHORN POLL EWE Wurrook Poll (4tth Superfine) G C Ewe RESERVE Alfoxton Poll (2tth Fine)</p><p>GROUPS 62 3 Sale Rams 1 Demondrille, Harden * 2 Merryville, Boorowa 3 Conrayn, Berridale 63 Roger Birtles March Shorn Group, 3 Rams & 2 Ewes 1 Merryville, Boorowa * 2 Tara Park, Boorowa 3 Demondrille, Harden 5 Greenland, Bungarby 64 August Shorn Group – 3 Rams & 2 Ewes 1 Roseville Park, Dubbo 2 Coddington Uardry Poll, Yeoval 3 Langdene, Dunedoo 65 Pairs – March Shorn Ram & Ewe 1 Grassy Creek, Reids Flat 2 Merryville, Boorowa 3 Conrayn, Berridale</p><p>MERINO JUDGING COMPETITION 1 Tessa Coddington, Roseville Park, Dubbo # 2 Shaun Kopp, Towalba, Peak Hill 3 Sophie Watson, Maisters Swamp, Kentucky # 4 Savannah Coddington, Roseville Park, Dubbo #= eligible for State Final at Royal Easter Show</p><p>JUNIOR HANDLER 1 Priscilla Clonan, Alfoxton, Armidale 2 Sophie Watson, Maister’s Swamp, Kentucky 3 Savannah Coddington, Roseville Park, Dubbo *</p><p>5</p>

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