A. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

A. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

<p>Manfred Diehl—Complete List of Publications 1</p><p>Complete List of Publications in Chronological Order (Updated: June 24, 2014)</p><p>A. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters</p><p>(*) denotes student collaborator; (**) denotes post-doctoral collaborator</p><p>66. Diehl, M., Hooker, K., & Sliwinski, M. J. (in press). A brief historical overview on intraindividual variability research across the life span. In M. Diehl, K. Hooker, & M. J. Sliwinski (Eds.), Intraindividual variability across the life span: A comprehensive perspective. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.</p><p>65. Diehl, M., Wahl, H.-W., Brothers, A. F.,* & Miche, M.* (in press). Subjective aging and awareness of aging: Toward a new understanding of the aging self. In M. Diehl & H.-W. Wahl (Eds.), Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Vol. 35. Subjective aging: New developments and future directions. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.</p><p>64. Brothers, A.,* Chui, H., & Diehl, M. (in press). Measuring future time perspective across adulthood: Development and evaluation of a short multidimensional questionnaire. The Gerontologist.</p><p>63. Miche, M.,* Brothers, A. F.,* Diehl, M., & Wahl, H.-W. (in press). The role of subjective aging within the changing ecologies of aging: Perspectives for research and practice. In M. Diehl & H.-W. Wahl (Eds.), Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Vol. 35. Subjective aging: New developments and future directions. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.</p><p>62. Ram, N., & Diehl, M. (in press). Multiple time-scale design and analysis: Pushing towards real-time modeling of complex developmental processes. In M. Diehl, K. Hooker, & M. J. Sliwinski (Eds.), Intraindividual variability across the life span: A comprehensive perspective. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.</p><p>61. Wahl, H.-W., & Diehl, M. (in press) Implementierung und Implementierungsforschung in der Gerontologie [Implementation and implementationresearch in gerontology]. Chapter prepared for M. Hoben, M. Bär, & H.-W. Wahl (Eds.), Implementierungswissenschaft in Pflege und Gerontologie [Implementation research in health care and gerontology]. Stuttgart, Germany: Kohlhammer.</p><p>60. Westerhof, G. J., Miche, M.,* Brothers, A. F.,* Barrett, A. E., Diehl, M., Montepare, J. M., Wahl, H.-W., & Wurm, S. (in press). The influence of subjective aging on psychophysical functioning and longevity: A meta-analysis of longitudinal data. Psychology and Aging.</p><p>59. Diehl, M., Chui, H.,* Hay, E. L.,** Lumley, M. A., Grühn, D., & Labouvie-Vief, G. (2014). Change in coping and defense mechanisms across adulthood: Longitudinal findings in a European American Sample. Developmental Psychology, 50, 634-648. doi: 10.1037/a0033619. [PMID: 23834293]</p><p>58. Diehl, M., Wahl, H.-W., Barrett, A. E., Brothers, A. F.,* Miche, M.,* Montepare, J. M., Westerhof, G. J., & Wurm S. (2014). Awareness of aging: Theoretical considerations on an emerging concept. Developmental Review, 34, 93-113. doi: 10.1016/j.dr.2014.01.001</p><p>Manfred Diehl—Complete List of Publications 2</p><p>57. Miche, M.,* Wahl, H.-W., Diehl, M., Oswald, F., Kaspar, R., & Kolb, M.* (2014). Natural occurrence of subjective aging experiences in community-dwelling older adults. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 69, 174- 187. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbs164 </p><p>56. Schilling, O., & Diehl, M. (2014). Reactivity to stressor pile-up in adulthood: Effects on daily negative and positive affect. Psychology and Aging, 29, 72-83. doi: 10.1037/a0035500 </p><p>55. Wettstein, M.,* Wahl, H.-W., & Diehl, M. (2014). A multidimensional view of out-of-home behavior in cognitively unimpaired older adults: Examining differential effects of sociodemographic, cognitive, and health-related predictors. European Journal of Ageing, 11, 141-153. doi: 10.1007/s10433-013-0292-6</p><p>54. Diehl, M., & Hay, E. L.** (2013). Personality-related risk and resilience factors in coping with daily stress among adult cancer patients. Research in Human Development, 10, 47-69. doi: 10.1080/15427609.2013.760259 </p><p>53. Diehl, M., & Hooker, K. (2013). Adult personality development: Dynamics and processes [Introduction to the Special Issue]. Research in Human Development, 10, 1-8. doi: 10.1080/15427609.2013.760256 </p><p>52. Grühn, D., Lumley, M., Diehl, M., & Labouvie-Vief, G. (2013). Time-based indicators of emotional complexity: Interrelations and correlates. Emotion, 13, 226-237. doi:10.1037/a0030363 </p><p>51. Wahl, H.-W., Konieczny,* C., & Diehl, M. (2013). Zum Erleben von altersbezogenen Veränderungen im Erwachsenenalter: Eine explorative Studie auf der Grundlage des Konzepts “Awareness of Age-Related Change (AARC)” [Experiencing age-related change in adulthood: An exploratory study of the concept of “Awareness of Age-Related Change (AARC)”]. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 45, 66- 76.</p><p>50. Diehl, M., Hay, E. L.**, & Chui, H.* (2012). Personal risk and resilience factors in the context of daily stress. In B. Hayslip & G. C. Smith (Eds.), Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Vol. 32. Emerging perspectives on resilience in adulthood and later life (pp. 251- 274). New York, NY: Springer Publishing. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/0198-8794.32.251 </p><p>49. Diehl, M. (2012) Autonomie [Autonomy]. In H.-W. Wahl, C. Tesch-Römer, & J. Ziegelmann (Eds.), Angewandte Gerontologie: Interventionen für ein gutes Altern in 100 Schlüsselbe- griffen (S. 84-89) [Applied Gerontology: Interventions to promote optimal aging in 100 key terms]. Stuttgart, Germany: Kohlhammer.</p><p>48. Diehl, M., & Wahl, H.-W. (2012). Prinzipien der Implementierung und Übersetzung in die Praxis [Principles of implementation and translation into real-world contexts]. In H.-W. Wahl, C. Tesch-Römer, & J. Ziegelmann (Eds.), Angewandte Gerontologie: Interventionen für ein gutes Altern in 100 Schlüsselbegriffen (S. 660-666) [Applied Gerontology: Interventions to promote optimal aging in 100 key terms]. Stuttgart, Germany: Kohlhammer. Manfred Diehl—Complete List of Publications 3</p><p>47. Maertens, J. A.,* Putter, S. E.,* Chen, P. Y., Diehl, M., & Huang, Y.-H. (2012). Physical capabilities and occupational health of older workers. In J. W. Hedge & W. C. Borman (Eds.), Oxford handbook on work and aging (pp. 215-235). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.</p><p>46. Diehl, M., & Hay, E. L.** (2011). Self-concept differentiation and self-concept clarity across adulthood: Associations with age and psychological well-being. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 73, 125-152. doi: 10.2190/AG.73.2.b </p><p>45. Diehl, M., Hay, E. L.,** & Berg, K. M.** (2011). The ratio between positive and negative affect and flourishing mental health across adulthood. Aging & Mental Health, 15, 882-893. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2011.569488 </p><p>44. Diehl, M., Youngblade, L. M., Hay, E. L.,** & Chui, H.* (2011). The development of self- representations across the life span. In K. L. Fingerman, C. A. Berg, J. Smith, & T. C. Antonucci (Eds.), Handbook of life-span development (pp. 611-646). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.</p><p>43. Hay, E. L.,** & Diehl, M. (2011). Emotion complexity and emotion regulation across adulthood. European Journal of Ageing, 8, 157-168. doi: 10.1007/s10433-011-0191-7 </p><p>42. Diehl, M., Chui, H.,* Youngblade, L. M., & Qualls, S. H. (2010). Human development. In I. B. Weiner & W. E. Craighead (Eds.), Corsini’s encyclopedia of psychology (4th ed.; pp. 779- 781). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.</p><p>41. Diehl, M., & Hay, E. L.** (2010). Risk and resilience factors in coping with daily stress in adulthood: The role of age, self-concept incoherence, and personal control. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1132-1146. doi: 10.1037/a0019937 </p><p>40. Diehl, M., & Wahl, H.-W. (2010). Awareness of age-related change: Examination of a (mostly) unexplored concept. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 65, 340-350. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbp110 </p><p>39. Hay, E. L.,** & Diehl, M. (2010). Reactivity to daily stressors in adulthood: The importance of stressor type in characterizing risk and resilience factors. Psychology and Aging, 25, 118- 131. doi: 10.1037/a0018747 </p><p>38. Grühn, D.,** Rebucal, K.,* Diehl, M., Lumley, M., & Labouvie-Vief, G. (2008). Empathy across the adult lifespan: Longitudinal and experience-sampling findings. Emotion, 8, 753- 765. doi: 10.1037/a0014123 </p><p>37. Wahl, H.-W., Diehl, M., Kruse, A., Lang, F. R., & Martin, M. (2008). Psychologische Alternsforschung: Beiträge und Perspektiven [Psychological aging research: Contributions and perspectives]. Psychologische Rundschau, 59, 2-23. doi: 10.1026/0033-3042.59.1.2</p><p>36. Diehl, M., & Hay, E. L.** (2007). Contextualized self-representations in adulthood. Journal of Personality, 75, 1255-1284 [Special Issue]. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.2007.00475.x </p><p>35. Labouvie-Vief, G., Diehl, M., Jain, E., & Zhang, F. (2007). Six-year change in affect optimization and affect complexity across the adult life span: A further examination. Psychology and Aging, 22, 738-751. doi: 10.1037/0882-7974.22.4.738 Manfred Diehl—Complete List of Publications 4</p><p>34. Diehl, M., Semegon, A.,* & Youngblade, L. M. (2007). Representations of self and illness in the patient-physician relationship. In D. C. Park & L. L Liu (Eds.), Medical adherence and aging: Social and cognitive perspectives (pp. 123-145). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.</p><p>33. Diehl, M. (2006). Development of self-representations in adulthood. In D. Mroczek & T. Little (Eds.), Handbook of personality development (pp. 373-398). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.</p><p>32. Diehl, M., & Berg, K. M.** (2006). Personality and involvement in leisure activities during the Third Age: Findings from the Ohio Longitudinal Study. In J. B. James & P. Wink (Eds.), Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Vol. 26. The crown of life: Dynamics of the early postretirement period (pp. 211-226). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.</p><p>31. Diehl, M., & Dark-Freudeman, A.* (2006). The analytic template in the psychology of aging. In D. J. Sheets, D. B. Bradley, & J. Hendricks (Eds.), Enduring questions and changing perspectives in gerontology (pp. 93-129). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.</p><p>30. Diehl, M., Jacobs, L. M.,* & Hastings, C. T.* (2006). Temporal stability and authenticity of self-representations in adulthood. Journal of Adult Development, 13, 10-22. doi: 10.1007/s10804-006-9001-4 </p><p>29. Diehl, M., Semegon, A. B.,* & Schwarzer, R. (2006). Assessing attention control in goal pursuit: A component of dispositional self-regulation. Journal of Personality Assessment, 86, 306-317. doi: 10.1207/s15327752jpa8603_06 </p><p>28. Diehl, M., & Marsiske, M. (2005). Alltagskompetenz und Alltagsproblemlösen im mittleren und höheren Erwachsenenalter [Everyday competence and everyday problem solving in middle and later adulthood]. In S. H. Filipp & U. M. Staudinger (Eds.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie: Band 6. Entwicklungspsychologie des mittleren und höheren Erwachse- nenalters (S. 655-682) [Encyclopedia of psychology: Vol. 6. Developmental psychology of midlife and later adulthood (pp. 655-682)]. Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe.</p><p>27. Diehl, M., Marsiske, M., Horgas, A., Rosenberg, A., Saczynski, J., & Willis, S. L. (2005). The Revised Observed Tasks of Daily Living: A performance-based assessment of everyday problem solving. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 24, 211-230. doi: 10.1177/0733464804273772</p><p>26. Alea, N.,* Diehl, M., & Bluck, S. (2004). Personality and emotion in late life. In C. Spielberger (Ed.), Encyclopedia of applied psychology (Vol. 3, pp. 1-10). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.</p><p>25. Diehl, M., Owen, S. K.,* & Youngblade, L. M. (2004). Agency and communion attributes in adults’ spontaneous self-representations. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 28, 1-15. doi: 10.1080/01650250344000226</p><p>24. Luszczynska, A., Diehl, M., Gutiérrez Doña, B., Kuusinen, P., & Schwarzer, R. (2004). Measuring one component of dispositional self-regulation: Attention control in goal pursuit. Personality and Individual Differences, 37, 555-566. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2003.09.026 Manfred Diehl—Complete List of Publications 5</p><p>23. Diehl, M., & Willis, S. L. (2003). Everyday competence and everyday problem solving in aging adults: Role of the physical and social context. In H.-W. Wahl, R. Scheidt, & P. Windley (Eds.), Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Vol. 23. Aging in context: Socio-physical environments (pp. 130-166). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.</p><p>22. Diehl, M. (2002). Personality psychology and aging: Understanding and integrating continuity and change. In S. K. Whitbourne & J. C. Cavanaugh (Eds.), Integrating aging topics into psychology: A practical guide for teaching undergraduates (pp. 91-106). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.</p><p>21. Diehl, M., Hastings, C. T.,* & Stanton, J. M.* (2001). Self-concept differentiation across the adult life span. Psychology and Aging, 16, 643-654. doi: 10.1037/0882-7974.16.4.643</p><p>20. Qualls, S. H., Diehl, M., & Youngblade, L. M. (2001). Human development. In W. E. Craighead & C. B. Nemeroff (Eds.), The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science (3rd ed., pp. 697-700). New York, NY: Wiley.</p><p>19. Labouvie-Vief, G., & Diehl, M. (2000). Cognitive complexity and cognitive-affective integration: Related or separate domains of adult development? Psychology and Aging, 15, 490-504. doi: 10.1037/0882-7974.15.3.490</p><p>18. Labouvie-Vief, G., Diehl, M., Tarnowski, A.,* & Shen, J. (2000). Age differences in adult personality: Findings from the United States and China. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 55B, P4-P17.</p><p>17. Diehl, M. (1999). Self-development in adulthood and aging: The role of critical life events. In C. D. Ryff & V. W. Marshall (Eds.), The self and society in aging processes (pp. 150-183). New York, New York: Springer Publishing.</p><p>16. Labouvie-Vief, G., & Diehl, M. (1999). Self and personality development. In J. C. Cavanaugh & S. K. Whitbourne (Eds.), Gerontology: An interdisciplinary perspective (pp. 238-268). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.</p><p>15. Shen, J., Chen, B., Wang, D., Labouvie-Vief, G., & Diehl, M. (1999). Age differences in adult personality: Findings from the U.S. and China. Psychological Science, 22, 202-204, (Chinese).</p><p>14. Diehl, M. (1998). Everyday competence in later life: Current status and future directions. The Gerontologist, 38, 422-433.</p><p>13. Diehl, M., Elnick, A. B.,* Bourbeau, L.,* & Labouvie-Vief, G. (1998). Adult attachment styles: Their relations to family context and personality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1656-1669. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.74.6.1656</p><p>12. Labouvie-Vief, G., & Diehl, M. (1998). Life-span developmental theories. In A. S. Bellak & M. Hersen (Series Eds.), & C. E. Walker (Vol. Ed.), Comprehensive clinical psychology: Vol. 1. Foundations (pp. 261-296). Oxford, UK: Pergamon. Manfred Diehl—Complete List of Publications 6</p><p>11. Labouvie-Vief, G., & Diehl, M. (1998). The role of ego level in the adult self. In P. M. Westenberg, A. Blasi, & L. D. Cohn (Eds.), Personality development: Theoretical, empirical, and clinical investigations of Loevinger’s conception of ego development (pp. 219-235). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.</p><p>10. Diehl, M., Spore, D. L., & Smyer, M. A. (1997). Measurement properties of the Short Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES). Journal of Applied Gerontology, 16, 403-426. doi: 10.1177/073346489701600402</p><p>9. Toseland, R. W., Diehl, M., Freeman, K., Manzanares, T., Naleppa, M., & McCallion, P. (1997). The impact of validation group therapy on nursing home residents with dementia. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 16, 31-50. doi: 10.1177/073346489701600102</p><p>8. Diehl, M., Coyle, N.,* & Labouvie-Vief, G. (1996). Age and sex differences in strategies of coping and defense across the life span. Psychology and Aging, 11, 127-139. doi: 10.1037/0882-7974.11.1.127</p><p>7. Diehl, M., Willis, S. L., & Schaie, K. W. (1995). Everyday problem solving in older adults: Observational assessment and cognitive correlates. Psychology and Aging, 10, 478-491. doi: 10.1037/0882-7974.10.3.478 </p><p>6. Labouvie-Vief, G., Chiodo, L. M., Goguen, L. A., Diehl, M., & Orwoll, L. (1995). Representations of self across the life span. Psychology and Aging, 10, 404-415. doi: 10.1037/0882-7974.10.3.404</p><p>5. Labouvie-Vief, G., Diehl, M., Chiodo, L. M., & Coyle, N. (1995). Representations of self and parents across the life span. Journal of Adult Development, 2, 207-222.</p><p>4. McCallion, P., Diehl, M., & Toseland, R. W. (1994). Support group interventions for family caregivers of dementia patients. Seminars in Speech and Language, 15, 257-270.</p><p>3. Park, D. C., Willis, S. L., Morrow, D., Diehl, M., & Gaines, C. L. (1994). Cognitive function and medication usage in older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 13, 39-57. doi: 10.1177/073346489401300104 </p><p>2. Diehl, M., Lago, D., Ahern, F., Smyer, M. A., Hermanson, S., & Rabatin, V. (1992). Examination of priorities for therapeutic drug utilization review. Journal of Geriatric Drug Therapy, 6(2), 65-85.</p><p>1. Willis, S. L., Jay, G., Diehl, M., & Marsiske, M. (1992). Longitudinal change and prediction of everyday task performance in the elderly. Research on Aging, 14, 68-91. [PMID: 20179774] Manfred Diehl—Complete List of Publications 7</p><p>B. Book Reviews</p><p>6. Diehl, M., & Hay, E. L.** (2009). A closer look at the concept of successful aging [Review of the edited volume Successful Aging through the Life Span: Intergenerational Issues in Health]. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 68, 93-96.</p><p>5. Hay, E. L.,** & Diehl, M. (2009). What can the Social Change Model contribute to the understanding of population health dynamics? [Review of the book Baby Boomer Health Dynamics: How Are We Aging?]. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 68, 96-98.</p><p>4. Diehl, M. (1999). Competence in old age: Where basic and applied gerontological research meet [Review of the book Societal Mechanisms for Maintaining Competence in Old Age]. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 18, 263-267.</p><p>3. Diehl, M. (1998). Competence in old age: In search of a common ground [Review of the book Societal Mechanisms for Maintaining Competence in Old Age]. Contemporary Psychology, 43, 769-770.</p><p>2. Diehl, M. (1995). Das Ende des "Selbst"--oder: Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit der Identitäts-losigkeit in der post-modernen Gesellschaft. Handlung, Kultur, Interpretation, 4, 112-118. [The end of the "self"--or: The unbearable lightness of identity loss in post-modern society. Action, Culture, Interpretation]. </p><p>1. Diehl, M. (1994). Rahmengeschichten lebenslanger Entwicklung. Handlung, Kultur, Inter-pretation, 3, 104-109. [Narrative frameworks of human development across the life span. Action, Culture, Interpretation].</p><p>C. Measures/Scales</p><p>Schwarzer, R., Diehl, M., & Schmitz, G. S. (1999). Self-Regulation Scale [On-line]. Available: http://www.fu-berlin.de/gesund/skalen.</p><p>Schwarzer, R., Schmitz, G. S., & Diehl, M. (2000). Procrastination Scale [On-line]. Available: http://www.fu-berlin.de/gesund/skalen.</p><p>D. Books in Progress</p><p>Diehl, M., Hooker, K., & Sliwinski, M. (Eds.). Intraindividual Variability across the Life Span: A Comprehensive Perspective. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis. [Publication scheduled for 2015]</p><p>Diehl, M., & Wahl, H.-W. (Eds.). Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Vol. 35. Subjective Aging: New Developments and Future Directions. New York, NY: Springer Publishing. [Publication scheduled for 2015]</p>

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