<p> EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p>EDAD 6730 Administration of K-12 Curriculum.</p><p>In the Department of Educational Leadership and Human Development College of Education 3 hours credit</p><p>University of Central Missouri Warrensburg, Missouri</p><p>Dr. Barbara N. Martin, Associate Professor 660 543 8823 office 816 830 3904 cell [email protected]</p><p>1. Conceptual Framework (As revised 10/07)</p><p>Belief Statement The Central educator is a competent, caring, reflective practitioner committed to the premise that all can learn.</p><p>Mission As a cornerstone of the institution for over 130 years, the University of Central Missouri's Teacher Education Program develops teachers and other school professionals who are well grounded in theory, display competence in content knowledge and instructional strategies, and possess the dispositions to ensure success for all learners. The Teacher Education Program prepares individuals as professional educators for an ever-changing, culturally diverse population. Faculty and candidates provide support and service to schools in meeting their present and future challenges by developing communities that learn through research and scholarly activities. Educator preparation is a campus-wide responsibility, a commitment that reflects the honor and worth of serving a vital profession.</p><p>Course Description: Administration of K-12 Curriculum is designed as an intermediate level course for the study of curriculum development, administration and supervision in accordance with the goals and outcomes as outlined by E.L.C.C. and I.S.L.L.C standards The course provides a broad overview of the essential elements of curriculum development, implementation and management along with instruction, materials and curriculum evaluation recommended by the various learned societies for educational administration. The major focus of this course is the enhancement of the students' understanding of the leadership roles and responsibilities of the school administrator in </p><p>1 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p> these critical areas.</p><p>The major goals of this course are to inform the students about 1) various curriculum processes ( i.e., models of curriculum planning; locus of planning decisions; organizational structures; alignment; needs assessments; evaluation; staff development ), 2) Curriculum management (i.e., supervision of curriculum; implementation; alignment; evaluation), 3) Current trends in curriculum (i.e., developments in subject fields; across curriculums; individualized curriculum), 4) use of data to inform decisions..</p><p>E.L.C.C. Strands Covered: </p><p>Standard 1.0: Candidates who complete this course are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of learning supported by the school community. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5</p><p>Standard 2.0: Candidates who complete this course are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by promoting, a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff. 2.2, 2.3 </p><p>Standard 3.0: Candidates who complete this course are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. 3.1, 3.3</p><p>Standard 7.0: Internship. The job embedded activities in this class provides significant opportunities for candidates to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice and develop the skills identified in Standards 1,2, and 3 through standards- based work in real settings and planned and guided cooperatively by this University and their school district. </p><p>I.S.L.L.C. Goals Covered:</p><p>1. A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.</p><p>1.4 1.5 1.10 </p><p>2. A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.</p><p>2 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p>2.21 2.24 2.34 2.38 2.8 3.2 2.9 3.3 3.4 II. Objectives of the Course: Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: (Activities that are in bold print are Job Embedded; assignment(s) which are underlined and with an * indicate a required portfolio artifact)</p><p>OBJECTIVE STANDARDS ACTIVITIES APPLICATION 1. Demonstrate the ability to use data- (ELCC 1.2, 7.5; . Class discussions Curriculum based research strategies and ISLLC 1.4, 1.5, 2.21) . PowerPoint Audit* 5-8hrs strategic planning processes that . Review of CSIP. MSIP plans and focus on student learning to Curriculum develop a curricular vision, development of alignment checklist Products 3hrs drawing on relevant information sources such as student assessment results, student and family Curriculum demographic data, and an analysis Development* 5- of community needs. 6hours 2 Develop collaboratively a Video Curriculum professional learning organization (ELLC 2.2, 2.3 3.3, Power Points Audit* 5-8hrs that supports instructional practices ISLLC 2.21, 3.33 ) MSIP Observation form Curriculum and curricular materials, builds an DOK chart usage Products 3hrs appropriate curriculum, and Fishbowl decision making tool usage incorporates best instructional, Class discussion curricular practices and sound Curriculum educational research to improve Development* 5- instructional programs. 6hrs Data Analysis 3.I Demonstrate the ability to (ELLC 2.2 , 2.3, 3.3, . Understanding By Design Worksheets Curriculum make recommendations regarding ISLLC 2.21, 2.24, 2.8) . Mapping project in class activity Audit* 5-8hrs the design, implementation, and . Allocation of leadership function the evaluation of curriculum that interview of key curriculum players Curriculum fully accommodates learners’ . Development of curriculum planning Products 3hrs diverse needs. calendar . Review of CSIP. MSIP plans and development of alignment checklist Curriculum . Class discussion Development* 5- 6hrs Data Analysis 4. Using research the leader will be (ELLC 2.2 , 2.3, 3.3, Data driven School Culture Checklist Curriculum able to apply human development ISLLC 2.21, 2.24, 2.8) activity Audit* 5-8hrs Curriculum theory, proven learning theories Power point Products 3hrs and concern for diversity to the Class discussion Curriculum learning process Development* 5- 6hrs Data Analysis 5. Align curricular goals and objectives (ELLC 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, Understanding by Design worksheets Curriculum with instructional goals, GLE’s Essential Questions Development activity Audit* 5-8hrs 3.3) Curriculum and desired outcomes when Class discussion developing scope, sequence, Products 3hrs Curriculum balance, etc Development* 5-6hrs Data Analysis</p><p>3 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p>6. Understand how to use appropriate (ELCC 2.3, 7.5) Video Curriculum research strategies to profile Leadership Curriculum Responsibilities Audit* 5-8hrs student performance in a district Activity and analyze differences in Class discussion Curriculum subgroups Products 3hrs</p><p>Curriculum Development* 5-6hours 7. Demonstrate the understanding of (ELCC 1.4, 7.1, 7.3; . PowerPoint the change process by engaging in the ISLLC 1.5, 2.9 . Class discussion collection, organization, and analysis Curriculum of a variety of information, including Audit* 5-8hrs student performance data required to assess progress toward a district’s vision, mission, and goals resulting in an effective approach to a District curriculum change initiative. 8. Conduct a curriculum needs (ELLC 1.3, 2.2 , Data Analysis Activity using Curriculum assessment of a school by first ISLLC 3.23) DESE’s website and form Audit* 5-8hrs identifying relevant school data and www.dese.mo.gov/divimprove/sia/dar/index.html doing a thorough analysis of the Curriculum data to identify areas of strength Products 3hrs and areas of weakness then allocate and justify resources to sustain the curriculum and instructional Curriculum programs. Development* 5-6hour</p><p>9. Develop a Curriculum Audit/ ELLC 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 3.2 Interview the curriculum director and assess Curriculum curriculum Development from the 3.3, ISLLC 2.31, 2.32, the assessment of the district’s curriculum Audit* 5-8hrs data analysis (above). This should 2.33, 2.9 3.24, 3.30) Curriculum Class discussion be structured in the format of a Development* 5-6hour Report to the board of education. Data Analysis . 10. Present a Curriculum audit report/ (ELLC 1.5 7.1, ISLLC Curriculum audit and initiative group work Curriculum and a Curriculum Development to 1.5) and presentation Audit* 5-8hrs a simulated board of education utilizing effective communication Data Analysis techniques. Curriculum Development* 5- 6hour</p><p>Required Readings</p><p>Jacobs, H.H. (1997) Mapping the big picture Alexandria, VA: ASCD.</p><p>Wiggins, G. & McTighe J. (2005) Understanding by design. (2nd Edition) Alexandria, </p><p>VA: ASCD.</p><p>Recommended Readings: Other selected readings and materials provided by the instructor.</p><p>4 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p>Class expectations, assessments/applications and grading Instructional methods will include small and large group dialogue, presentations (led by the instructor and class participants), and analysis of documents, applications, and case studies. Class participation 10 points per session To develop a learning community, active participation is vital. Class participation consists of the following: 1) attendance; 2) active and thoughtful participation in class discussion; 3) thoughtful preparation and facilitation of group presentations and discussion; 4) completion of written assignments Excessive absenteeism may result in reduction of course grade. This involves engaging and using your choice of the Curriculum Products. Throughout the course you will be asked to analyze and review curriculum in your districts using exhibits and readings from class. The Curriculum Products that you create are to be shared in class with the other students. You are to develop at least two of the curriculum products discussed in class. (ELLC 1.3, 2.2, ISLLC 3.23) Curriculum Development Project (Group) 50 points The new superintendent of schools has reviewed student achievement over the past five years and is concerned with the low level of performance. He/she has also reviewed the district curriculum and is convinced that a major curriculum revision process is needed to improve student performance. He/she has come to you and asked you to construct a multiple year plan for revising the district curriculum.</p><p>Students are to interview an instructional leader who is responsible for curriculum development and revision. Questions should focus on the following: • how they ensure that curriculum decisions are based on research, applied theory, and informed practices. • how state and federal policies effect those decision • areas of emphasis (reading, writing, problem solving etc) for the curriculum development process across grade levels and subject areas. • how the areas of emphasis were determined • the structure of the committees, the number of people involved and the time line for the development process. • plan for obtaining “buy in” from the staff • process for getting formal approval from the Board of Education • how the curriculum is monitored, once it has been formally approved by the Board • who is responsible for monitoring the curriculum? Students are to use information gained during the interview process along with information from class discussions, the texts and any additional resources to construct a six to eight page paper (excluding title page and the appendix) outlining the curriculum revision they would implement for the purpose of improving student achievement in the district. This will be presented to the superintendent (professor). The final section of the paper should include a two or three paragraph summary of what ELCC competencies were demonstrated by going through this process. ELLC 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 3.2 3.3, 7.1 ISLLC 2.31, 2.32, 2.33, 2.9 3.24, 3.30) See Scoring Guide for specific </p><p>5 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p> criteria for task on Blackboard Data Analysis Project (Group) 50 points In groups students will use a districts current data for analyses. Using DESE’s form, they are to identify whether areas meet the MSIP performance guidelines and be able to explain their rationale for determining whether or not data was met. Finally, students will provide some options for improving weak areas with rationale. Focusing on the various subgroups identified be specific with strategies for improvement Here is the link: http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/sia/dar/index.html <http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/sia/dar/index.html> (ELCC 2.3, 7.5, ISLLC 1.5, 2.9, 3.23) See Scoring Guide for specific criteria for task.</p><p>Curriculum Audit (Group)- 100 pts.</p><p>As a Curriculum Leader one of your major tasks will be assure that the School District meets the standards established by DESE to be accredited. Towards this achievement, your task as a group will be to select one school district and to interview key personnel (i.e., Supt. Curriculum Director, teacher, Principal) using any or all of the provided questions and analyze key documents (i.e., MSIP, Curriculum Guides, CSIP, and Board Policies). After retrieving the necessary data the groups are to use the format provided to write a Curriculum Audit Report to the Board of Education via a PowerPoint . Use of 4th cycle information is essential for the report. This will be presented to the superintendent (professor). The final section of the paper should include a two or three paragraph summary of what ELCC competencies were demonstrated by going through this process. ELCC 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 3.2 3.3, 7.1 ISLLC 2.31, 2.32, 2.33, 2.9 3.24, 3.30) See Scoring Guide for specific criteria for task.</p><p>All written work shall be typed or computer printed in a print or font that is easy to read. Written work shall be scored for content, spelling, correctness of grammar, style and syntax, proper crediting of sources and overall appearance. Additionally, written work should show a proper degree of originality, creativity and presentation. All work shall be handed in on time. American Psychological Association Publication Manual (5th edition) is the guide for writing style.</p><p>The following scale will determine final grades: 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D Below 60% F</p><p>6 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p>Academic Honesty: Honesty in all endeavors is essential to the function of society. Honesty in the classroom, among students, and between students and faculty is a matter that should concern everyone in the University Community. Please see the Central Student Handbook for the complete policy, student responsibilities, and procedures for enforcement http://www.ucmo.edu/x2761.xml Get help @ your library! You may access your library account, the online catalog, and electronic databases from James C.Kirkpatrick Library’s website at http://library.ucmo.edu. For research assistance, you may contact the Reference Desk: Phone: 543-4154 Email: [email protected] AIM: JCKLReference RefChat: http://library.ucmo.edu/chat Early Alert: As part of the CoEcommitment to building a positive, student-centered learning community that supports the success of every student, the faculty member instructing this course participates in the UCM Early Alert Program. ADA: Students with documented disabilities who are seeking academic accommodations should contact the Office of Accessibility Services, Union 222, (V) (TTY) 660-543-4421.</p><p>Tentative Course Schedule [Note: Readings with an asterisk are required reading for sessions below].</p><p>Session 1: Nature of CURRICULUM and Understanding by Design</p><p>*Review of the syllabus *Readings: Wiggens, G. & McTighe, J. (2005) Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD Chapters 1-5. Video The Freedom Writers The “why” we care about student learning. PowerPoint Understanding AYP Video: Overview of UBD The Six Facets of Understanding ch. 3 & 4 Understanding by Design- Graphic Organizer Process Jigsaw: Wiggens, G. & McTighe, J Chapters. 1-6</p><p>Unpacking the meaning of curriculum leadership This course is designed to be an invitation for those in leadership to assume an active role in curriculum development. It is organized around the following questions: Is this a new idea? What is the quality of thinking as well as the quality of leadership that is being tested? Are we being creative in our approach to student understanding? Have we learned from the past? What is the impact of changing curriculum, and will it used and be shared by all teachers? What is curriculum and why is it important? What are the types and components of curricula and how have they changed over </p><p>7 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p> the years? Why is knowledge of the “hidden curriculum” important to curriculum leaders” *Exhibits 1.1 Principal Leadership Responsibilities Curriculum and Development 1.2 The Three Types of Curricula 1.3 Relationships of Types of Curriculum 2.11 Key Factors in Effective Schools 2.12 The Streams of Curricular History *Understanding by Design Worksheets Curriculum Product *Application: </p><p>1. Some educators have suggested that the profession should use simpler definitions for curriculum and instruction: curriculum is what is taught; instruction is how it is taught. Do these definitions seem to suffice, from your perspective after reading Understanding by Design?</p><p>2. The NCLB act of 2000 has had a major impact on how schools plan and implement curriculum as well as how students are assessed. What aspects of NCLB do you feel you have been advantageous to the school improvement process? What aspects, if any, do you feel have been detrimental? Why or why not? </p><p>Session 2 USE of DATA: CURRICULUM PLANNING/ ASSESSMENT and SUPERVISING THE CURRICULUM </p><p>PowerPoints: 4th Cycle MSIP Training GLE’s Walk Through Curriculum Cohesion Video Assessment for learning Process and Activity Data Analysis Project (Group) In groups students will use a districts current data for analyses. Using DESE’s form, they are to identify whether areas meet the MSIP performance guidelines and be able to explain their rationale for determining whether or not data was met. Finally, students will provide some options for improving weak areas with rationale. Focusing on the various subgroups identified be specific with strategies for improvement Here is the link: http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/sia/dar/index.html <http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/sia/dar/index.html> (ELCC 2.3, 7.5, ISLLC 1.5, 2.9, 3.23) *Exhibits 3.1 An Analytic System for Examining the Curriculum Process 3.2 Shaping Factors in Curricular Deliberations</p><p>8 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p>3.3 Curricular elements 3.4 Elements of Curriculum Theory and Practice DOK chart MSIP Observation form 4th cycle Perceptions Regarding Curriculum Influence in Missouri Survey 5.1 A Goal-Based Model of Curriculum Planning 5.2 Issues in District/School Curriculum Decision Making 5.3 Functions of Curriculum Leadership 5.4 Information for Curriculum Database 5.5 Curriculum Planning Calendar 5.6 Establishing a Data-Driven School Culture Checklist Applications: 1. In your school district, using the form in 5.2 answer how would you allocate leadership functions in your district after interviewing your key curriculum players in your district? Curriculum Product</p><p>2. Develop a planning calendar you would use in your district. Use the from shown in 5.5 Curriculum Product</p><p>3. Using the Data-driven School Culture Checklist (5.6) as a template create a checklist for your district. Curriculum Product</p><p>4. Based on what you know about the sources of curriculum influence, what advice would you give a superintendent who posed this question to you: Does our district really need central office curriculum specialists?” List some of the roles and responsibilities that person should have in the district.</p><p>Session 3: UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Readings: Wiggens, G. & McTighe, J. (2005) Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD chapters 6-13 *PowerPoint: The Six Facets if Understanding ch. 6 & 7. Video: UBD Chapter 9 Jigsaw: Wiggens, G. & McTighe, J Chapters 7-13 *Understanding by Design Worksheets Curriculum Product Data Analysis project due</p><p>Session 4 CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION ALIGNING THE CURRICULUM</p><p>Readings: Jacobs, H.H. (1997) Mapping the Big Picture PowerPoint: Mapping the Big Picture advance Organizer *Video Integrating the Curriculum ASCD </p><p>Process: Activities Design a mapping form for a subject you know well. In designing the form, consider the issues discussed in class regarding Mapping the big Picture. </p><p>9 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p>Curriculum Product Using your MSIP and CSIP plans in your district and exhibit 10.1 Elements of Curriculum Implementation and 10.4 Variables Affecting Successful Institutionalization assess your district’s level of curriculum implementation and prepare a one page narrative of the strengths, concerns and recommendations. Curriculum Product Application</p><p>1. Develop a set of essential questions for one subject matter for two months. Currciulum Product</p><p>2. Review both your MSIP plan and CSIP and create a checklist that assesses both plans alignment of instruction, supervision, and staff development activities to your Curriculum and Performance standards. Curriculum Product</p><p>*Exhibits 6.1 Program assessment Calendar 6.2 Identification of Curriculum Goals 6.3 Curriculum goals and Subject Objectives 6.4 Curriculums- Correlation Analysis 7.1 Individualized and Elective Systems Contrasted 7.2 Mapping the Social Studies Curriculum Skills 7.3 Results of the Mapping Process: Grade 7 English 10.1 Elements of Curriculum Implementation 10.2 A Master Plan for Curriculum Development and Improvement 10.4 Variables Affecting Successful Institutionalization 11.1 Alignment Project Planning Guide 11.2 Sample Mastery-Objectives List 11.3 Sample Objectives Text Correlation Chart 11.4 Sample Yearly Planning Guide Management and Monitoring Matrix 11.5 Sample Unit Planning Chart 11.6 Survey of Perceptions of Alignment Project</p><p>Session 5 THE SUPPORTIVE CURRICULUM Teachers and Materials Supervising the Taught Curriculum Marzano’s Nine Essential Strategies PowerPoint: A Model Staff Development Program *Video Differentiating Instruction *Video “How to use Graphic Organizers to promote Student thinking” *PowerPoint Selecting and Implementing Strategies of Instruction ch. 11 and 12.</p><p>10 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p>Exhibits The Nine Essentials- Marzano 7.4 Summary of Research on Effective Staff Development 9.1 Essential Skills of Teaching 9.2 Portion of rating Observation Form 9.3 Options for professional Development Applications 1. Using the following specifications for selection of a text. Analyze a textbook in your district. Curriculum Product a. For which pupils: b. How will the texts probably be used: c. Basics requirements: d. Major selection criteria: (List in order of importance) e. Ancillary Materials required:</p><p>2. Analyze your School Districts’ Policy on Curriculum and Administrative Procedures. Using the following guiding issues: How does it delineate the functions of instructional materials, specify the roles of the board, school administrators, and teachers in selecting particular materials. Is the policy supplemented with a more specific set of administrative procedures for implementing those polices. Do the administrative procedures specify how materials will be selected, how citizens can register complaints, and how administrators should responds to such complaints? Curriculum product</p><p>Session 6 CREATING EFFECTIVE TEAMS and Curriculum Evaluation. </p><p>Readings: Curriculum collaborative Evaluation Guide</p><p>E-mints evaluation PowerPoints: Team Building and Change Group Dynamics and Team Building Effective Change Components How to Identify a Problem Fishbowl Decision Making Tool *Exhibits UFE resources http://www.wmich.edu/evalctr/checklists/ufechecklist.htm</p><p>Decision making chart Leader Walk Activity Group Leadership Survey Trust Survey Rating Team Development Survey Three Types of Group Decision-making Styles</p><p>11 EDAD 6730 Admin K-12 Curriculum Revised 10/ 2008</p><p>Steps to Consensus Decision-making Tool- Affinity diagram Team Effectiveness Survey Curriculum needs assessment notes Needs Assessment Guide 12.1 Criteria for a Curriculum Evaluation Model 12.1 Evaluation Issues: field of Study 12.3 Survey Form-Evaluation Issues *Application</p><p>Using the survey the Organizational Support checklist, discuss the overall level of organizational support at your institution and determine the components that need to be addressed. </p><p>Using the survey Team Performance Checklist, discuss and analyze your group’s stage of development based on the class readings. . </p><p>Membership Quotient is important for a team member. Using the Effective Member Checklist and analyze your strengths and weaknesses as a team member and compare that understanding to your assess of yourself as a leader using Effective Leader Checklist </p><p>Ask your curriculum director for the District’s Evaluation Model or if not having one interview the Director (or person in charge of curriculum for district) and using 12.1 Criteria for Curriculum Evaluation Model assesses the program assessment of the District’s curriculum. Reflect on each criterion and prepare a short written report for the Board of Education Curriculum Product</p><p>Curriculum products (2) and Curriculum Development project due are due.</p><p>Session 7 Group work on Curriculum Audit</p><p>Session 8 Presentation of Curriculum Audit to Board of Education (professor) Curriculum audit due</p><p>12</p>
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