<p> HO W T O J O IN C L IFT O N SPR ING S GO L F C L U B IN C 1 Complete the attached application form and mail to P. 0. Box 197 DRYSDALE 3222. Entrance Fees are as follows: CURRENTLY WAIVED</p><p>2 After acceptance of your application by the Committee at the next Committee Meeting, an account for your subscription will be forwarded to you. Subscriptions for membership are as follows:- The following categories have a $50 Clubhouse Levy included in the fees; Full, Weekday, Non-Playing, Non Resident, Daylight Savings and Student. Schedule of Fees 2016 / 2017 Membership Category House Levy Fees Total Adult - 7 day playing rights $75.00 $850.00 $925.00 Adult - weekday playing $75.00 $700.00 $775.00 rights Non Playing-Mens and $75.00 $75.00 $150.00 Ladies Junior U18 Boys & Girls (9- $0 $70.00 $70.00 17) Social $0 $10.00 $10.00 Non Resident (resident $75.00 $400.00 $475.00 outside a 30km radius) Provisional Junior (9-12, no $0 $30.00 $30.00 handicap/competition) Intermediate(Under 23) $75.00 $250.00 $325.00 Six Month (Any consecutive $75.00 $535.00 $610.00 period of 6 months) Pay As You Play*(Conditions $75.00 $350.00 $425.00 apply) *Reduced green fee $23 applies to every round played, competition fee payable in addition. Can only book 5 days in advance. No voting rights. Golf Cart Storage $200.00 $200.00 3 ALL NEW MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A NEW MEMBERS MEETING. The date of the next such meeting will be included in a letter with your subscription account. Upon payment of your subscription, your Membership Card will be forwarded to you. Your buggy badge will be available at the New Members Meeting.</p><p>UNTIL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS PAID AND YOU RECEIVE YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD YOU MUST CONTINUE TO PAY GREEN FEES, WHEN YOU PLAY GOLF AT CLIFTON SPRINGS GOLF COURSE.</p><p>Applications for membership will lapse, if subscriptions are not paid on or before the New Members Meeting.</p><p>4 Pro - Rata memberships now apply on a daily basis for the following categories:- FULL MEMBERS OR WEEK DAY MEMBERS Pro-Rata membership does not apply to any member that has been a member in the past 12 months.</p><p>5 All memberships (excluding 6 month Memberships) are due for renewal on July 1st each year. If you have any queries regarding Membership, I may be contacted on 5251 3391</p><p>6 GST:- All membership categories are inclusive of G.S.T.</p><p>7 The club has available membership fees payable by instalments and is available for Full, Week Day, Non Resident, Under 23 Memberships. For more information please contact the administration office.</p><p>Danny Zernich General Manager APP L ICA T IO N F O R MEMBERSH IP</p><p>I wish to apply for membership of the Clifton Springs Golf Club Inc. and hereby agree, if elected to be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Club.</p><p>SURNAME: Phone Numbers: C h r i st i a n N a m es : W o r k : </p><p>P r e f e rr e d N a m e : H o m e : </p><p>T i t l e : I n i t i a l s : Mob i le : </p><p>Ge n d e r : M a l e : F e m a l e : E m a il A dd r ess : </p><p>A dd r ess : D a t e o f B i r t h : </p><p>Ci t y o r S u b u r b : S t a t e : P /C od e :</p><p>Type of Membership: Please (Circle)</p><p>Existing or prior Golflink number or Golf Club you were a member at last ______</p><p>Would you like to have Clifton Springs GC as your home club ______</p><p>I nominate the following two persons as my personal referees:-</p><p>N a m e : T e l ep h o n e : </p><p>A dd r ess : </p><p>N a m e : T e l ep h o n e : </p><p>A dd r ess : </p><p>I further declare that the above particulars are correct and enclose my Entrance Fee herewith on the understanding that such fee will only be refunded should my application be unsuccessful.</p><p>Dated this: ……………………… day of ………………………………………… 201</p><p>S I G N A T U R E O F A PP L I C A N T : ______</p><p>P r opo se r / S ec o n d e r ( C u rr e n t F u ll M e m b e r s ).</p><p>The above candidate is known to us and we believe him/her to be a suitable person for election as a member of Clifton Springs Golf Club Inc.</p><p>P RO P O SE R: SE CON DE R: </p><p>PRIVACY POLICY: If you DO NOT wish to receive correspondence other than membership renewal notices please tick the box.</p><p>Office use only: Receipt No. Amount: Date: Application accepted/ rejected by General Committee: C lift on Springs Golf C lub Inc Privac y Policy</p><p>Protecting your privacy has always been important to us. Changes to the Commonwealth Privacy Act now require us to handle your personal information in accordance with a set of principles, known as the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) in the Privacy Act 1988. The following statement explains how we use and disclose information collected from you.</p><p>W HAT INF O R M A T I O N DO W E C OLL E CT F RO M Y O U? Personal information is generally defined as information or an opinion that can identify a person. We ask you to provide personal information such as your name and address, date of birth and occupation and the collection of this information is to satisfy our legal requirements with Liquor Licensing Victoria.</p><p>H O W DO W E U S E T H E INF O R M A T I O N T HAT W E C OLL E CT F RO M Y O U? In general, our policy is that we only use or disclose personal information for the purpose which was either specified or reasonably apparent at the time we collected it. We may also use or disclose it for any other related purpose for which a Member, Club Employee or Customer would reasonably expect it to be used.</p><p>If the Clifton Springs Golf Club wishes to use or disclose personal information in other circumstances it will obtain the Member's, Club Employee's or Customer's consent to do so, other than in exceptional circumstances such as:</p><p>Where Clifton Springs Golf Club Inc reasonably believes it is necessary to protect any person and/or Clifton Springs Golf Club Inc rights or property; or The use is authorised by law or is reasonably necessary to enforce the law.</p><p>S HARING O F INF O R M A T I O N W ITH T H IRD P AR T I E S Clifton Springs Golf Club Inc will not sell Member's, Club Employee's or Customer's personal information to third parties. The only circumstances in which third parties may be given access to a Member's, Club Employee's or Customer's personal information are when contractors and service providers are helping operate our business or providing a service to our Members, Club Employees or Customers. In such events, we require third parties to agree and abide by our Privacy Policy and to observe strict conditions governing how this information may be used.</p><p>Y O UR ACCE S S TO INF O R M A T I O N W E C OLL E CT Members, Club Employees and Customers may request personal information we hold about them.</p><p>SE CURI T Y O F PE RS O NAL INF O R M A T I O N Clifton Springs Golf Club Inc will take reasonable steps to protect personal information it collects and ensure it is accurate and up-to-date. All information is held on computer in controlled environments. Club Employees are required to maintain the confidentiality of any personal information held by the Clifton Springs Golf Club Inc.</p><p>M ARKETING Clifton Springs Golf Club Inc will only send advertising material to Members and Customers when: . They have indicated their consent to receive mail; or . Where the advertising mail is related to the purpose for which the information was collected; or . If it would be within an individual's reasonable expectations to receive such mail.</p><p>CHAN G E S IN THE FU T URE Clifton Springs Golf Club Inc reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy at any time and will notify its Members, Club Employees and Customers accordingly.</p><p>GOL F LINK "In regards to each member's personal information, Golf Australia requires the information for the purpose of GOLF Link. Your personal information will only be used in accordance with the GOLF Link "activity" and to provide you with GOLF Link services. If the requested information is not provided to Golf Australia you may not be able to obtain GOLF Link services including an official Australian handicap. Should you wish, you will be able to access your personal information through Golf Australia upon reasonable notice." "The GOLF Link "activity" is defined in Golf Australia's agreement with the Club. This essentially covers the provision of a uniform handicapping system, the development of the support and the funding of it. By being listed on GOLF Link, Members are inviting Golf Australia to provide goods and services that support GOLF Link. Members not wishing to receive marketing material should advise Golf Australia in writing accordingly." 15 REASONS TO JOIN CLIFTON SPRINGS GOLF CLUB 1) All new members are made welcome irrespective of age, gender or ability. Junior members are especially welcome.</p><p>2) Social golf is available to those members who do not feel ready for competition</p><p>3) A range of membership options is available to suit your age or lifestyle</p><p>4) For some types of membership, annual fees may be spread over a 6 month period on an instalment plan.</p><p>5) Challenging yet enjoyable and scenic 18 hole layout</p><p>6) Full bistro and bar facilities available for after golf relaxation or lunch/evening out.</p><p>7) New member welcome night to meet fellow new members and your committee. 8) Fully stocked professional shop to provide all your golfing needs from tees to clubs including lessons and clinics.</p><p>9) Bellarine's only bay side golf course offering extensive views across Corio Bay to the You Yangs.</p><p>10) Members' loyalty rewards scheme.</p><p>11) Friday and Saturday members' draws and raffles.</p><p>12) Regular entertainment programme.</p><p>13) A safe and welcoming environment for the family.</p><p>14) A supporter of, and contributor to, many local community groups.</p><p>15) Secure buggy storage available on site Practice facilities</p><p>Clifton Springs Golf have 2 hitting nets, a practice putting and chipping green, a pitching area and practice fairway that is shared with the 10th fairway (only available during non-competition times).</p><p>Junior Program</p><p>Clifton Springs Golf Club has a program in place to educate children in all facets of the game. Running each Sunday from 9am to 11am during school holidays, excluding Mothers Day and Fathers Day, and costing only $2 per session it is a great way for juniors to get started. The meeting place is the practice putting green, outside the front of the ProShop.</p><p>House Account</p><p>Clifton Springs Golf Club has a $75 Clubhouse Levy for most membership categories (these are listed on the fees list). The $75 is to be used in each financial year and cannot be accumulated for the following year. This House Levy can only be used in the clubhouse for food and drinks. </p><p>Reciprocal Clubs</p><p>Clifton Springs Golf Club has reciprocal access to many clubs over Australia. The full list of these clubs is on the club website under GOLF > RECIPROCAL CLUBS. </p><p>Timesheets</p><p>These are located in the Member Portal area of the club web site. There are instructions on how to access and use these on the home page of our website (situated half way down the page on the left hand side). Weekly Competitions</p><p>Monday - Normally social golf all day. Check with the ProShop The Grey Army. A solid group of volunteers who perform work at the course from 9:00am to 1:00pm. It is a great way for members to contribute to the course and what makes Clifton Springs a Golf Club, not just a Golf Course. Come and join the fun Ladies - Come and play in the social Monday Comp. No handicap required. Beginners welcome. Arrive at 8:45 for a 9:00 tee off Tuesday - Men's competition day. Tee off until 1:00pm. Social golf available throughout the day. Contact the ProShop for bookings Wednesday - Women's competition day. Social golf available throughout most of the day. Contact the ProShop for bookings. Thursday - Men's and Ladies Stableford Ball Competition - Time sheet operates from 7:30am to 1:00pm Social golf available. Contact the ProShop for bookings Friday - Social golf available all day Saturday - Men's and Women's competition day Social golf available from 1:00pm Sunday – Men’s and Ladies Stableford Competition. Once a month a mixed competition is held. Social golf is available most Sundays. Check with the ProShop</p><p>Pro Shop</p><p>Welcome to the Clifton Springs Pro Shop. The shop is part of the country's premier Golf Retail Franchise "The House of Golf" and has been located at Clifton Springs Golf Club for over 6 years. Owned by local resident Danny Markovic, the shop also has the services of PGA Teaching Professional Anthony Bergin and club members Kay Behan, Keegan Dean. Anthony manages the shop and also offers teaching services to all types of golfers that cover every aspect of the game (prices and further information is available on the club website or just ask Anthony).</p><p>The facility provides a range of golf supplies and you can choose from all the big brands. You will find Callaway, TaylorMade, Bridgestone, Mizuno, Srixon, Titleist, Cleveland, Tour Edge and many more. Most brands and items are able to be obtained and if on hand, can be supplied from The House of Golf Geelong. When purchasing most items over $30 from the Pro Shop or the Geelong store, Clifton Springs Golf Club members receive 10% off the ticketed price (not applicable on sale items, fees, golf balls, buggies and GPS devices. Anthony, Kay, Keegan and Danny's experience and knowledge of all golf equipment will assure you get the best service and advice every time, and at an unbeatable price!</p><p>Club Fitting</p><p>A full club fitting service is available and clubs can be specifically tuned to suit your game through the use of the recently purchased Foresight GC2 Launch Monitor. This unit analyses the ball flight of the golf ball and gives data for 6 different groups: Ball Speed, Launch Angle, Push/Pull, Side Spin, Backspin and Total Carry. From these figures we will have visual information to get the clubs that suit your unique swing. Bookings for the use of this machine must be made through the Pro Shop at least 2 days prior. So if you are looking for more distance or more consistency, book in for a fitting. Fittings will take anywhere between 10 minutes and 30 minutes for a specific club (driver, iron, hybrid or fairway wood) and around 1 hour for a full set. There is no obligation to buy and if you don't see any improvement over your current equipment you will be told so. There is also a range of Demo Products available for you to try.</p><p>The shop also holds numerous fitting days throughout the year from premier manufacturers Callaway, Ping, Srixon, TaylorMade and Mizuno. On these days you can book in for a one on one session with each companies club fitter and try all the latest equipment available. They normally run from 9am through to 3pm and bookings can be made through the Pro Shop.</p>
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