Tyoterveyshuollon Palvelusopimus 20-499 Eng

Tyoterveyshuollon Palvelusopimus 20-499 Eng

<p> 1 (10)</p><p>SERVICE AGREEMENT</p><p>Customer's name Adress Postal code and name </p><p>Agreement No.: Date </p><p>Agreement on Occupational Healthcare Services small and medium sized companies</p><p>1. Contracting parties</p><p>The contracting parties Suomen Terveystalo Oy (1093863-3), (hereinafter Terveystalo) and Company , business ID (hereinafter Customer Company or Customer Companies) have agreed on the occupational healthcare arrangements described below. Customer´s contact person </p><p>Customer´s tel. number </p><p>Customer´s e-mail </p><p>Terveystalo´s contact person , head of unit, tel. 030 63311</p><p>Main Terveystalo unit, customer’s suggestion</p><p>Company has activity in several National agreement, coordinating service, locations in Finland see app. 4 Other Terveystalo units, customer’s suggestion:</p><p>2. Service level</p><p>Preventive and statutory services and medical care by a general practitioner, as mentioned in appendix 3 either entrepreneur SME-company’s Extensive level SME-company Extensive level or Basic level plus a specialist consultation in medical services</p><p> www.terveystalo.com 2 (10)</p><p>3. Validity of the Agreement and payment terms </p><p>This Agreement shall enter into force on dd.mm.year.( Terveystalo fills in) This Agreement shall be valid until further notice, with a mutual period of notice of three (3) months. This Agreement shall be terminated in writing to address: Terveystalo. Laskutuspalvelut, Ratapihantie 11, 00520 Helsinki</p><p>The charges shall be determined on the basis of Terveystalo’s price list and General Terms and Conditions of Agreement (Appendix 2) valid at the time. The term of payment is 14 days of the date of the invoice Terveystalo’s General Terms and Conditions of Agreement Terms of agreement agreed (company decision 4. Signatures</p><p>This Agreement has been drawn up and signed in two identical copies, one for each Contracting Party.</p><p>Place date Place date </p><p>Name of the customer company Suomen Terveystalo Oy</p><p>______</p><p>Printed name and position Printed name and position</p><p>APPENDICES: Appendix 1,contact-, invoicing-, insurance information and benefits of the agreement Appendix 2, Terveystalo’s General Terms and Conditions of Agreement, Appendix 3, Additional Information ( filled if needed), Appendix 4, service level </p><p> www.terveystalo.com 3 (10)</p><p>App. 1 contact information Agreement No.: CONTACT, INVOICING, INSURANCEINFORMATION AND BENEFITS TO THE AGREEMENT</p><p>Invoicing address Same as on page1 Other, what OVT ID Operator</p><p>Visiting address Same as on page1 Other, what </p><p>Contact person for invoicing and tel. number Personnel included in the Qty of personnel agreement The entrepreneur will also use the services mentioned in this agreement and has included an announced number of personnel.</p><p> entrepreneur, with YEL insurance, no personnel qty of entrepreneurs</p><p>Accounting period Calendar year Other, what? - </p><p>Industry Name Number (Terveystalo fills in) Insurances</p><p>Accident insurance company: name of the insurance company and the number Pension insurance company : name of the insurance company and the number Medical expenses insurance: (if in use) yes no name of the insurance company and the number Benefits to the agreement</p><p> Visit-specific office/clinic fee  Reports required for applying occupational healthcare reimbursement from KELA  Electronic reception of personal or employment data and maintenance of customer data in the patient management database </p><p> www.terveystalo.com 4 (10)</p><p>App. 2 General Terms and Conditions of Agreement</p><p>Scope of application Changes to customer reporting due to significant 1. These General Terms and Conditions shall be changes in the Customer’s organization structure applied to all services and offers which Suomen shall be carried out as a joint cooperation project. Terveystalo Oy and companies belonging to the Changes in reporting due to reorganization shall same group (hereinafter Suomen Terveystalo Oy) become effective as agreed in the project. provide to Customers. In the future, developments to occupational 2. These General Terms and Conditions shall be healthcare reporting, the pricing basis and other changes shall be agreed on in connection with applied unless otherwise agreed between the action plan negotiations. Where the Customer Customer and Suomen Terveystalo Oy. Company requests changes that require 3. By signing a Service Agreement the Customer and modifications to the information system, such as Suomen Terveystalo Oy agree to comply with the changes to the number of reports or different above terms. reporting levels, the parties shall agree on Services compensation payable to Terveystalo separately in 4. By signing a Service Agreement the Customer each case. Correspondingly, Terveystalo shall places an order with Suomen Terveystalo Oy for inform the Customer Company within a reasonable services related to the locations specified in the period of time of any modification to be made the Agreement an its Appendices, and Suomen reporting system that are likely to cause significant Terveystalo Oy agrees to provide the Customer with changes to the Customer Company’s information these services. Services based on a Service technology systems. Agreement with Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall be The Customer shall notify Suomen Terveystalo Oy hereinafter referred to as Services. of any changes to those entitled to use the Services 5. Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall be entitled to use by informing Suomen Terveystalo’s responsible subcontractors for the execution of its obligations. occupational healthcare unit or electronically, as instructed by Suomen Terveystalo Oy. 6. Any information provided in Suomen Terveystalo The Customer shall be responsible for ensuring that Oy’s brochures, price lists or other material shall be 8. binding only where separately referred to in an offer its personnel are aware of the content of the Service or an Agreement. An offer provided by Suomen Agreement and for providing its personnel with Terveystalo Oy, as well as a Service Agreement and instructions concerning the use of the Services. its appendices are confidential and shall be 9. If there are errors in the content of the Agreement or governed by the provisions in items 29 and 30. its appendices or the information on which they are Information concerning the Customer’s based, or if there are changes to this information, organization and personnel the party detecting the error must inform the other without delay. 7. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that Suomen Terveystalo Oy has access to up-to-date Service initiation, validity of Agreement and information concerning the Customer’s organization Termination of Agreement and personnel at all times, including updated 10. The Services shall be initiated at the time when the contact information. Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall Agreement becomes effective, unless this is not not be liable for invoicing or statistical errors that are possible due to force majeure conditions or reasons based on information provided or withheld by the attributable to the Customer. Customer. 11. The Agreement shall become effective when the This Agreement shall be extended to cover parties have signed the Service Agreement. the Customer Company’s new units (with the same Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall nevertheless not be business ID), if any, or, if the Agreement is made bound by the Agreement until the Customer has with a group, the Customer’s subsidiaries, as provided Suomen Terveystalo Oy with the reported by the Customer, provided that: information required for service initiation. Terveystalo operates at the location either directly or Agreements made until further notice may be through a partner, the parties have jointly agreed terminated with a period of notice of six (6) months, on the inclusion of the new unit, the Customer and Agreements made for a fixed period at a time Company has provided Terveystalo with electronic six (6) months before the start of a new period, unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing. personnel information as instructed by Terveystalo, and Terveystalo has the required service capacity. 12. Despite the agreed periods of validity and notice, Any changes to the organization shall be notified to Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall have the right to Suomen Terveystalo Oy’s Customer Information discontinue or terminate the Services at its Group. Changes will be incorporated in invoicing discretion, and, in connection with service following the month in which the notification was termination, cancel the Agreement, provided that: a) made. the Customer’s payment to Suomen Terveystalo Oy is delayed for more than thirty (30) days, b) the </p><p> www.terveystalo.com 5 (10) Customer is otherwise in material breach of the 18. Under the Agreement, Terveystalo may invoice a Service Agreement, the related terms and sickness fund specified by the Customer, or, under conditions or the regulations, orders or the Customer’s medical expenses insurance, an recommendations provided by law or public insurance company for a share of the Services, authorities, or c) the Customer is declared bankrupt provided that the Customer provides Suomen or initiates corporate restructuring arrangements; in Terveystalo Oy with information concerning the cases a)–b) Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall operating principles of the sickness fund or the nevertheless only be entitled to cancel the terms of the medical expenses insurance. Agreement if the Customer fails to rectify the If the sickness fund or the insurance company situation within fourteen (14) days of receiving rejects such a case involving an occupational written notification from Suomen Terveystalo Oy. accident, either wholly or in part, Terveystalo shall 13. Where Suomen Terveystalo Oy cancels the invoice the Customer for the cost of treatment for Agreement for any of the reasons specified above in the accident in question insofar as the cost is not item 12, or the Agreement is terminated under the paid by the above third party. clause concerning termination of the Agreement 19. Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall invoice the Customer with notice the Customer shall be liable to pay to for any no-show appointments made by the Suomen Terveystalo Oy any payments outstanding Customer’s personnel according to the valid price under the Agreement, including Service invoiced by list. any member of Suomen Terveystalo Oy’s subcontractor network. 20. The Customer shall present any complaints concerning the invoice within eight (8) days of the date of invoice. Payment basis and invoicing 21. The payments specified in the Service Agreement 14. The payment basis is agreed on in the Service include indirect taxes and other regulatory fees valid Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed, Suomen on the date of signature as they are presented in the Terveystalo Oy shall invoice any additional service Service Agreement. In the event of changes to the according to its standard practice. amounts or the grounds for the charges, either due Where the Customer Company requests changes to legislative amendments or changes in taxation that require modifications to the information system, practice, the fees shall be adjusted to comply with such as changes to the number of invoices or the said changes without delay. different invoicing groups, the parties shall agree on Changes to price or the grounds for the compensation payable to Terveystalo separately in payments each case. Correspondingly, Terveystalo shall Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall be entitled to revise inform the Customer Company within a reasonable 22. period of time of any modifications to be made to the its price lists and adjust the fees collected for a invoicing system that are likely to cause changes to Service. Terveystalo shall inform the Customer of the Customer Company’s information technology any increases to the payments in writing no later systems. than thirty (30) days in advance. The Customer shall be entitled to terminate the Service Agreement in 15. Invoices shall be payable by the due date shown on writing within fifteen (15) days of receiving notice of the invoice. In the event of delayed payments, the the change, in which case the Service Agreement Customer shall be liable to pay a penalty interest shall be terminated on the date on which the change according to the Interests Act as well as the enters into force. collection expenses. Settlement of disputes and applicable law Unless otherwise agreed, the number of employees 16. 23. The Service Agreement shall be governed by the on which the general payment is based shall be the laws of Finland. number of personnel, as known to Terveystalo, on the last date of the month preceding the month on 24. The parties shall endeavor to settle any disputes which the general payment is invoiced as agreed. arising from the Agreement or its appendices by negotiation. Any disputes which the parties are 17. In the case of occupational accidents, Terveystalo unable to resolve through negotiation shall be shall invoice the insurance company specified by settled either at the Helsinki District Court or the the Customer for the cost of treatment, provided that court of first instance of the defendant’s domicile, as the Customer’s employee presents a certificate of determined by the defendant. insurance at the time of treatment or the Customer’s representative delivers such a certificate to the Confidentiality, handling of patient data, Suomen Terveystalo Oy unit in question no later information security and use of customer than on the third day after the first treatment visit. information Otherwise Terveystalo shall invoice the Customer 25. Suomen Terveystalo Oy and its personnel are for the expenses incurred due to the treatment of subject to a non-disclosure obligation concerning occupational accidents as medical care. patient documents, based on the Act on the Status If the insurance company rejects a case involving an and Rights of Patients. Suomen Terveystalo Oy may occupational accident, either wholly or in part, only disclose patient record information as required Terveystalo shall invoice the Customer for the cost by this Act. Secondarily, personal information is of treatment for the accident in question insofar as processed according to the Personal Data Act. the cost is not paid by the insurance company. </p><p> www.terveystalo.com 6 (10) 26. Patient documents are compiled and stored as third party without a breach of any non-disclosure provided in the Act on the Status and Rights of obligation towards the other party. Patients and the Ministry of Social Affairs and 30. The non-disclosure obligation shall remain valid also Health Decree on the drawing up of patient after the termination of the Agreement. documents and retention of them and other material 31. Once the parties have signed a Service Agreement, related to care. Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall be entitled to use the 27. The Customer is responsible for the ensuring that Customer Company as a written reference in its any patient data or other personal data provided by offers. Suomen Terveystalo Oy under the above legislation Amendments to the Agreement and assignment will be processed according to law in the Customer’s organization. 32. If the parties are forced to deviate from the Agreement or wish to amend the Agreement, any 28. In electronic invoicing, Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall such changes shall be agreed in writing. be responsible for the information security of the invoice transfer until the information delivery 33. Additions and amendments to the Agreement and interface provided by the invoicing operator. The its appendices shall only be binding after having Customer shall be responsible for the information been duly signed by both parties. security associated with the data transfer from this 34. Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall have the right to interface to the Customer’s environment. assign the Agreement or a part of it to another 29. The parties agree not to disclose to outsiders any company in the same group. Otherwise the service arrangements of the other party under this Agreement may only be assigned with the consent Agreement, service descriptions, system solutions of the other contracting party. or any other information deemed a business secret. Validity of terms and conditions of Agreement Neither party shall, without the written consent of the 35. These Terms and Conditions of Agreement shall be other, disclose the said information to a third party valid as of January 1, 2009, until further notice. or use it for purposes other than activities carried 36. Suomen Terveystalo Oy shall have the right to out directly under the Agreement. amend these Terms and Conditions, informing the However, the non-disclosure obligation shall not Customer of revised Terms and Conditions in writing apply to information a) that is publicly available or at least one month before their entry into force. otherwise public; b) that was rightfully in the Where any changes made to the Terms and possession of the party without any obligation of Conditions are detrimental to the Customer, the non-disclosure before it received the information Customer shall have the right to terminate the from the other party, or c) that was provided by a 37.Agreement without notice within one month of receiving notice of the change. </p><p> www.terveystalo.com 7 (10)</p><p>App. 4 Service level</p><p>Small and medium enterprises Extensive level and Basic level, preventive and statutory services</p><p>Workplace investigation</p><p> Workplace investigation refers to the basic investigation required in the Occupational Healthcare Act.  The Act also requires an assessment of risks associated with the workplace. It is advisable to combine this assessment with the workplace investigation.  Workplace investigations are carried out at the start of the operations, when there are changes to the working conditions and whenever necessary, but at least every three years.  Together with the employer and occupational safety and health personnel, the designated members of the occupational healthcare team help plan the following: o working conditions (including workspaces and furnishings), tools and working methods o first aid readiness, including guidance and advice. o accident prevention, cooperating with the occupational health and safety personnel at the workplace.  Terveystalo will always provide the employer with a written report on the workplace investigation. Action plan</p><p> The action plan is based on the workplace investigation.  When discussing the action plan, Terveystalo and the customer always agree on the joint operating principles and development areas that are important in terms of the working community, the work and the health of the personnel.  The action plan describes the statutory measures and the preventive measures agreed on by the parties in detail.  The parties update the action plan once a year. If necessary Kela will demand a copy of the valid action plan to be  appended to the Kela reimbursement application. Health check-ups</p><p> Statutory health check-ups o The content and frequency of statutory health check-ups is determined in the action plan based on the needs identified in connection with the workplace investigation. o Wherever possible, the statutory health check-ups will be conducted with other health check-up examinations. o Terveystalo will prepare a statement on the employee’s working capacity.  Pre-employment examinations o The content of pre-employment examinations is based on Health Check-up 1. The schedule of examinations is specified in the action plan. </p><p> www.terveystalo.com 8 (10)</p><p> Other health check-ups o The content of pre-employment and health check-up examinations is based on Health Check-up 1. The examinations will be conducted according to working community or age group every 3–5 years. The schedule of examinations is specified in the action plan. Monitoring and assessment of working competence and assessment of working capacity</p><p> Working capacity and rehabilitation assessment o Working capacity and rehabilitation need assessments are carried out by occupational health physician and occupational health nurse. Where necessary, other occupational healthcare specialists (occupational physical therapist and occupational health psychologist) will participate in the assessment.  Specialist consultation for the purpose of working capacity assessment o Referral from the designated occupational health physician; occupational healthcare retains responsibility for care. o A total of 1–3 consultations per working capacity issue or medical condition o Examinations related to working capacity assessment as recommended by a specialist  Early recognition and control of working capacity o Application of this model requires that it is discussed by join cooperation bodies and recorded in the action plan. Activities supporting well-being at work and working competence</p><p>Working community activities and workplace-specific group activities will be recorded in the action plan. An employee may be provided with a referral for personal services based on the workplace investigation, health check-up or a medical consultation due to illness.  Personal services o Occupational physical therapist’s services, 1–5 visits / problem o Occupational health psychologist’s services, 1–5 visits / problem o Dietitian’s services, 1–5 visits / problem o Occupational hygienist or other occupational healthcare specialist  Group activities Workplace-specific activities involving the working community or workplace-specific group activities will be agreed on in annual action plan discussions and recorded in the action plan.  Substance abuse prevention is carried out according to the customer organization’s substance abuse treatment program.  Debriefing following traumatic events: the supervisor will contact the designated occupational health nurse for debriefing arrangements.  Vocational rehabilitation: Terveystalo and the customer will jointly plan, initiate and monitor the rehabilitation. Vocational rehabilitation will be recorded in the action plan. The customer organization may apply for partial reimbursement from the insurance company or Kela.  Medical rehabilitation: Terveystalo and the customer will jointly plan, initiate and </p><p> www.terveystalo.com 9 (10)</p><p> monitor the rehabilitation. The customer organization may apply for reimbursement for medical rehabilitation expenses from Kela. Other services</p><p> Vaccinations Work-related vaccinations (vaccinations related to biological exposure or work-related travel), tetanus and diptheria vaccinations are included  Certificates and statements The service includes all certificates and statements the customer, Kela and insurance companies require for the purpose of establishing incapacity work, applying for medication reimbursement or rehabilitation. o Sick leave certificates will not be provided over the phone. o Sick leave certificates will not be provided for absences due to a child’s illness. o The occupational health nurse may provide a sick leave certificate for a maximum of 3 + 2 days.  Occupational accidents The employee attending an appointment at Terveystalo must present a certificate of insurance signed by the employer.  Coordinating service, national agreements  Companies which operate in several locations in Finland will benefit from Terveystalo’s coordinating service. For the service we charge according the the current price list; occupational healthcare nurse’s hourly rate, 1h/ operating location/ twice a year.  Any other services must be separately specified in the section Additional Information in the agreement. Terms of notice</p><p> Terms of notice is Three (3) months from notice date, a written notice is needed. Where the Customer Company terminates the Agreement, Terveystalo shall not be liable to return the general payments paid by the Customer Company, nor shall the Customer Company be entitled to any other form of reimbursement or compensation, unless the Agreement was terminated due to a breach of agreement resulting from Terveystalo’s gross negligence or intent.</p><p> www.terveystalo.com 10 (10)</p><p>General practitioner (GP) and occupational health physician-level services</p><p>The service includes GP and occupational health physician-level services, medical care by a nurse or an occupational nurse. Extensive level includes specialist consultations upon referral from the designated occupational health physician. Basic Extensive level level A Specialist Consultation By a referral from an occupational healthcare doctor optional x</p><p>Other services by specialists Employees may make an appointment with a specialist x without a referral One can apply for social insurance compensation for the service, but not as occupational health service. Examinations and tests Laboratory tests x x Clinical physiology examinations x x Radiology examinations (X-ray and ultrasonic imaging) x x MRI and CT scans x Endoscopic examinations of digestive tract through natural orifices x x Surgery and endoscopic examinations through artificial orifices x upon presentation of payment commitment Procedures Minor GP and specialist-level surgical procedures carried out x during the appointment are included. Minor GP-level surgical procedures are included (such as suturing, x x lump removal under local anesthesia, antral puncture, removal of nail or part of nail). Vaccinations Includes all vaccinations available from Terveystalo x Work-related vaccinations (vaccinations related to biological x x exposure or work-related travel), tetanus and diptheria vaccinations are included Occupational health psychologist and physiotherapist services Occupational health psychologist services, 1–5 visits / problem x x Physiotherapy Physiotherapy x Other services</p><p>All of Terveystalo’s services are available upon presentation of a payment commitment issued by the employer to its employees. Please visit our web pages.</p><p> www.terveystalo.com</p>

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