<p> You are encouraged to attend Pastor Jeff’s final service at Ben Salem on Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 10 A.M. [please note the special time… there will be no 8:15 A.M.Worship and no Sunday School on Jan. 18]</p><p>There will be a “Farewell” Reception at the Social Hall following the Service.</p><p>There is a sign-up sheet in the Church narthex for those planning to attend the reception. You can also call Judy Pope at 570-386-5554 or the Church Office at 570-386-3870 if you plan to attend the reception.</p><p>Donations are being accepted to defray the cost of the food for the reception …please contact Judy Pope 570-386-5554. If you would like to contribute toward a gift for Pastor Jeff …contact Bernice Steigerwalt - 570-386-5418. There is also a box located in the narthex to receive donations for either or both of these requests. Just place money in an envelope and mark as “gift” or “food”. Checks should be made payable to “Ben Salem UCC”. Any monies left over will be donated to the Building Fund in honor of the Kistlers. The Ben Salem Voice Ben Salem United Church of Christ PO 128, Andreas, PA 18211</p><p>January, 2009 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + </p><p>Dear Members and Friends of Ben Salem UCC,</p><p>This is the last Newsletter Pastor’s Page I shall be writing. As we say farewell, I express heartfelt thanks to all of you for allowing me to be your pastor for eleven years, ten months and (as of January 18) nine days! It has been quite a ride!</p><p>Pastoral care, particularly visits and services in times of illness, tragedy and death, seems to be the most-appreciated part of ministerial leadership. Pastors are blessed to be present at many of life’s transitions. We think things stay the same. Actually they’re always changing. I’ve officiated at eighty baptisms, forty-three weddings and ninety-two member funerals. I’ve confirmed ninety-five youth and adults and received one hundred fifteen members. Thank you for allowing me to share in your lives.</p><p>I know that worship, particularly listening to a preacher, is not high on most lists of enjoyable activities. Personally, however, I wouldn’t do without regular worship, preaching, Communion AND music. It’s getting together with the spiritual Family. It’s being inspired and challenged by God’s Word. It’s having a reason to get up on MONDAY morning. As your Pastor, worship, preaching and music have motivated me, and have been enjoyable!</p><p>Thank you for allowing me to lead our church through the conflict and then help manage the process of building a new facility. As a congregation you should be commended for embracing such radical change. Ben Salem UCC values the past but also looks to the future. There are many dying congregations who can only recognize God at work in the “good old days”.</p><p>Finally, thank you to the many leaders with whom I’ve worked who have helped implement new ministries and directions in our congregation. Thank you to all who have worked collaboratively with me to make challenges into opportunities and to keep our eyes on Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.</p><p>I hope to see you all on my last Sunday, January 18, 2009 FOR THE SINGLE WORSHIP SERVICE/COMMUNION AT 10:00 A.M. Let’s celebrate!</p><p>Your Pastor until January 18, Jeffrey 8:15 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. January 11, 25 February 1, 8, 15, 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++</p><p>January 18 One Service at 10 A.M. Includes, Daybreak, Handbell Choir, Cherub Choir, Senior Choir Children’s Sermon, Sermon, and Communion [No 8:15 A.M. Service, No Sunday School, No 10:30 A.M. Service]</p><p>Communion Services Sunday, Jan. 18 . 10 A.M. [Altar] Joyful Noise Offerings Sunday, Feb. 1 January 11 and Feb. 8 8:15 A.M. [Altar] 10:30 A.M. [Pew] Wed., Feb. 25 - 7:30 P.M. Ash Wednesday</p><p>Inclement Weather and Service Cancellations</p><p>To check for Ben Salem Service cancellations during bad weather listen to: WLSH Radio in Lansford - 1410AM WMGH FM Lansford/Tamaqua - 105.5 FM WFMZ [Channel 69] Websites & Bulletin Board… remember to click on Worship or call the Church after 7:30 A.M. for 8:15 A.M. Service or after 8 A.M. for Sunday School and 10:30 A.M. Service If there is a cancellation, if at all possible there will be a message on the answering machine. However if conditions are too bad and no one can get to the church the message cannot be changed. Ben Salem has no comprehensive system to call members personally with information. Note from Church Office and Financial Secretary: Remember, it is important to Church Business keep us Balance the 2008 Operating Budget informed of $173,276 any address [Report for January 1 through November 30, 2008] changes. Please give Budgeted Expenses 1/1 to 11/30 ……………………………………………………………$ 158,836 changes of Budget Income 1/1 to 11/30………………………………………………………………… .$ 150,543 address to Budget Expenses 1/1 to 11/30……………………………………………………………… $ 157,793 either Dollie Budget Income compared to Budget Expenses…………………………………………$ [ 7,250] Behr or Sue Budget Income compared to Budget……………………………………………………… $ [ 8,293]</p><p>Checking Account Summary November 1, 2008…………………………………………………………………………$ 1,487.48 NEW MEMBERS Income ………………………………………………………..………………………………$17,370.80 Anyone wishing to become a member Expenses ……………………….. ………………………………………………………… $15,385.46 of Ben Salem United Church of Christ Balance November 30, 2008……………………………………………………………$ 3,472.82 should call the Church Office at 570-386-3870. How to Contribute to Our Operating Budget: [to pay Ben Salem’s bills] + Use your weekly envelope [in your envelope packet] + Designate “Current Expenses”: [Benevolence is only for Missions - OCWM] + Place in offering plate or send to the Church: Ben Salem UCC, PO 128, Andreas, PA 18211</p><p>2009 Church Board Members: Other Committee Meetings: Elders: Sharon Elder, Brian Nothstein, LaVaun Shanton, Dayle Smith Worship: Jan. 26, 2009 - 7 P.M. Deacons: Michael Barndt, Sally Beck, Barry Fink, Walter Keeck, Terry Lusch, Christian Education: Feb. 9, 2009 - 7 P.M. Bernice Steigerwalt, Ron Steigerwalt, Kelly White Mission: Jan. 12, 2009 - 10 A.M. Pastor: Jeffrey P. Kistler Called to Care: Jan. 12, 2009 - 12:30 PM Church Secretary: Dollie Behr Treasurer: Dawne Beidleman Financial Secretary’s Address: Susan Messina, 66 River Road, Tamaqua, PA 18252 </p><p>Upcoming Church Board Meetings: Jan. 19, 7 P.M. Ben Salem History Books are still available - contact the Church Office [570-386-3870] Cemetery Association Officers: Secretary/Trustee: Brian Beidleman There is a book on display in the Treasurer/Trustee: Kelly White narthex for anyone wanting Trustees: Paul Kuehner, Richard Bealer, Cliff Snowberger to browse. Caretaker: David Fritz</p><p>NOTE FROM TREASURER When paying for Bulletin Sponsorship and Flower Sponsorship, please make checks payable to Ben Salem United Church of Christ. Our bank will no longer accept checks payable to individuals and endorsed back to the church. All checks for these items must be made payable to “Ben Salem UCC” or they will be returned.</p><p>The Thursday Morning Bible Study Group meets at 10 A.M. in the Church Parlor. All are welcome to attend. The group is studying the book “Healing Where It Hurts” by James Moore. Please bring your favorite translation of the Bible. Special Prayers Our Members and Friends with Special Needs: In Institutions: Robert Andreas, Bonham Nursing & Rehab Center, 477 Bonnieville Rd., Stillwater, PA 17878 Jean Balliet, Edgemont Personal Care Lodge, Room206, Edgemont Rd., Lansford, PA 18232 Norman Ellis, Gnaden Huetten Nursing Home, 211 N.12th, Lehighton, PA 18235 Myrtle Fritz, Countryside Personal Care Home, 814 Ben Salem Rd., Lehighton, PA 18235 Eleanor Green, Stabon Manor Personal Care Home, 1555 Haak St., Reading, PA 19602 Ruth Kemmerer, Hometown Nursing & Rehab Center/ 149 Lafayette Ave., Tamaqua, PA 18252 [Rm #232] Pauline Leiby, Warren Haven, 350 Oxford Rd., Oxford, NJ 07863 Una Loch, Gnaden Huetten Nursing Home, 211 N. 12th St., Lehighton, PA 18235 Marie Miller, Home in Tamaqua, 237 E. Broad St., Tamaqua, PA 18252 Larry Mimm, Pinebrook Personal Care Center, 2 Woodbridge Rd., Orwigsburg, PA 17961 Robert Neff, Weatherwood, 1000 Evergreen Ave., Weatherly, PA 18255 [Area 4, Room 11] Gloria Ott, Weatherwood, 1000 Evergreen Ave., Weatherly, PA 18255 [Area 3, Room 15] Barbara Rex, Above & Beyond, 514 N. 22nd St., Allentown, PA 18014 Leighton Steigerwalt, Mahoning Valley Conv. Home, Lehighton, PA 18235 Norma Troxell, Orwigsburg Center, 1000 Orwigsburg Manor Dr., Orwigsburg, PA 17961 Orville Wehr, Hometown Nursing & Rehab Center/ 149 Lafayette Ave., Tamaqua, PA 18252</p><p>At Home : Rosemary Andreas Pauline Cunfer Ellen Fritz Berlin Miller Winifred Poncavage Franklin Sowers Pearl Steigerwalt Dr. Lew Williams</p><p>Keep in Your Prayers: Michael Anthony Margie Cunfer Ellen Diaz Shawn Galloway Afra Hassler Trish Huber Lincoln Humbles Ferne Keller Elaine Smith Marian Smith Richard Steigerwalt Kelsie Tinker Casey Williams </p><p>Prayer Chain: This is a way for anyone to request prayer for a specific need….[or thanksgiving or joy]. To have our Prayer Chain pray for you: Contact Betty Nothstein at 570-386-5644. If you would like to be called with others’ prayer requests as part of the Prayer Chain, also call Betty.</p><p>Called to Care: Next Meeting – Jan. 12, 2009, 12:30 P.M. - Trained volunteers from our church are available to assist the Pastor in visiting people. If you would like a “Called to Care” volunteer to visit you, please contact Pastor Kistler at the Church Office [570] 386-3870. Support Our Troops All military personnel deployed to the Middle East: **Please notify us if you know of anyone who is serving at this time or if any names are missed or if status changes.</p><p>Our Sympathy is extended to the Family of Dorothy Boyer The Family of Sherwood Balliet The Family of Beatrice Haas The Family of Marion [Good] Fritz</p><p>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</p><p>Youth Group News !!! The next Youth Group meeting will be held on February 1, 11:45 A.M. at the Social Hall. The Youth Group will hold a Game Night on Jan. 23. at 6 P.M. at the Church. New members are always welcome! Ben Salem Mission Committee </p><p>The mission committee has been steadily moving forward and growing in determination and spirit. We have been following God’s path and have been reaching out and ministering to our brothers and sisters in need in the name of Jesus Christ. Please pray that we receive God’s favor and grace as we continue to care for the poor and disadvantaged.</p><p>Love Offering: January 4 - Feb. 22</p><p>Family: Aaron & Leanne Scott and their two children (Leanne is the niece of Carole Steigerwalt). Reason: They lost their home and possessions in a fire in Nov. of last year in Mahoning Manor Estates. How to donate: Use a 'love offering' envelope from the mission table in the narthex or use your blue mission envelope and label it 'love offering'. Thanks for your support!! </p><p>BLOOD DRIVE </p><p>The Steigerwalt family of Andreas is on a mission to raise 1000 units of blood to give back to the community through Miller-Keystone Blood Bank. Pauline used nearly 800 units of plasma and blood products during her illness over the past summer… her life was saved by all the people who gave her the gift of their blood. </p><p>Please help us save others in our community by donating your blood at Ben Salem’s drive. If you are 17 years of age, you can donate. There are very few exclusions, so please mark your calendars and bring along your family and friends. It takes approximately one hour to register, be screened and donate. It really is an easy process and we would love to have a lot of first time donors. </p><p>There is a display in the narthex with more information. If you are unable to donate at this drive, you can donate in Pauline’s name by going to any Miller-Keystone blood drive and using the #5904 which will be credited to her ultimate goal of 1000 units. Thank you for your prayers and concern… we are certain we can count on the Ben Salem family to help! WHERE: Ben Salem Social Hall WHEN: Feb 8, 2009 TIME: 8 AM - 2 PM BENEFIT: Pauline Steigerwalt For more information contact Judy Mantz at 570-386-3689</p><p>Next Mission Committee Meeting: January 12, 10 A.M.</p><p>Funeral Dinners: Food Bank - If you or someone you Serve your fellow members in their time of need. know needs food, contact LaVaun + Volunteer to help with funeral dinners. Shanton at 610-377-3618. Names of + Help coordinate. recipients are confidential. + Contact Sandy Bealer at 386-5098 or the Church Office at 386-3870. New Building Fund How to contribute to the New Building Fund: To contribute money to the New Building Fund: ***Make check payable to Ben Salem UCC but designate “New Building Fund” ***Use a separate envelope…included monthly in your 2009 envelope packet or available in the Church narthex. If you use your weekly envelope it causes much extra paperwork. If you have any questions pertaining to the New Building Fund…please contact Dolores Kuehner at 386-4877.</p><p>Recycle…save your soda cans… Larry Nothstein and Herlin Haberman continue to take aluminum cans to Zaprazny’s. To help with this project…bring your aluminum soda cans [crushed or uncrushed] to the Old Social Hall and drop them off at the lower basement entrance. Benefits the New Building Fund. Please do not throw any other garbage items in with the aluminum soda cans.</p><p>F e b r u a r y F u n d r a i s e r February 14, 2009 - Longaberger Bingo at Mahoning Valley Ambulance Building 902 Mill Road, Lehighton Doors open at Noon, Bingo starts at 1 P.M. Tickets - $20.00 For advanced tickets, contact 570-386-4877 or 570-386-8329 or 570-386-5786. Sponsors are needed for the baskets… contact Dolores Kuehner at 386-4877.</p><p>New this year at the Longaberger Bingo will be a Chinese Auction... we need volunteers to donate items for the Chinese Auction. For more information and to donate, contact Diane Hartung at 386-5786. March Fundraiser: <<<Pierogie Sale>>> Deadline to order: Feb. 25 Homemade Pierogies…Potato and Cheese filled pierogies will be fresh frozen by the dozen in freezer bags. Cost - $5.00 per dozen Deadline to order is. Please fill in the order blank below and place in the box located in the narthex. Thank you! ------Name______Phone Number______</p><p>Please choose [check one] pick-up date for your order _____March 6 [4 to 6 P.M .] _____March 13 [4 to 6 P.M.]</p><p>Quantity of pierogies ordered [by the dozen]______@ $5.00 each</p><p>Watch for the sign up sheet in the narthex to make donations for this project. All proceeds benefit the new building fund. Pierogies will be made on March 2,3,4 and 9, 10, 11. Helpers are needed and appreciated!!! [Come out and help roll the dough and make the pierogies!!!] Monday is the day we make the pierogie filling. Potato peelers are needed. Tuesday and Wednesday are the days we will make the pierogies. Work begins at 8 A.M. Bazaar: March 28</p><p>Thank You!!! Blanket Makers/Quilters The Blanket Makers/Quilters meet on Thursday mornings at the Social Hall upstairs in the classroom area. $750 was turned over to the New Building Fund from the proceeds of quilt raffle and knotted blanket sales. Contacts for the group are Dollie Frantz [386-4034] and Betty Nothstein [386-5644]. Ben Salem U.C.C. New Building Fund –November 30, 2008</p><p>Balance on Hand – 11/30/2008 – [checking account, Citizen’s National Bank]…………………..$ 25,358.55 ------Source of Funds Individual Contributions [from 2000-2003]………………………………$746,013.45 Individual Contributions [2004 - 2006]…………………………………… 208,907.80 Individual Contributions [2007]…………………………………………….. 45,143.50 Individual Contributions [2008]…………………………………………….. 59,345.74 Fund Raisers [2000-2006]…………………………………………………….. 287,411.95 Fund Raisers [2007]…………………………………………… ………………. 42,290.00 Interest from Previous Investments……………………………………….. 25,991.84 Joyful Noise Offering [2002-2007]………………………………………………13,863.49 Joyful Noise Offering [Jan – August 2008]…………………………………… 1,764.00 Joyful Noise Offering [November]…………………………………………………. 234.00 Hoagie Sale Profit - November……………………………………………………….966.43 Donation from Emmanuel UCC, Lansford…………………………………….14,000.00 Fundraisers [Jan-Oct. 2008]…………………………………………………… 28,483.31 Avon Christmas Display Profit………………………………………………….. 845.00 Soup, Filling & Bake Sale……………………………………………………………… 837.24 Previous Donations & Reimbursements…[plus 2007 $6.82 interest] 53,007.61 Total Funds…………………………………………………………………………………..$1,529,105.36 </p><p>Expenses Year 2000………………….$16,445.00 Year 2001………………….. 80,848.86 Year 2002………………… 748.00 Year 2003……………….. 328.00 Total Expenses……………………………..<$98,369.86></p><p>Transfers Year 2001…………………$ 45,000.00 Year 2002……………….. 645,460.00 Year 2003……………….. 31,838.50 [interest paid on loans] Year 2003……………….. 50,000.00 [principal payment on loans] Year 2003……………….. 27,000.00 [paid short term loan] Year 2004……………….. 1,865.00 [pump] Year 2004……………….. 37,087.00 [payment to Arthur Funk] Year 2004……………….. 100,000.00 [principal payment on loan] Year 2004……………….. 27,146.00 [interest paid on loans] Year 2004………………. 13,000.00 [John Hartman, dismantling old church] Year 2005………………. 22,171.40 [interest paid on loans] Year 2005………………. 85,000.00 [principal payment on loans] Year 2006……………… 18,650.00 [interest paid on loans] Year 2006……………… 113,012.96 [principal payment on loans] Year 2006……………… 11.09 [check charge] Year 2007……………… 20,815.00 [interest on loans] Year 2007……………… 50,000.00 [principal payment on loans] Year 2008 ……………. 105,000.00 [principal payment on loans] Year 2008…………….. 12,320.00 [interest paid on loans]</p><p>Total Transfers…………………………….<$1,405,376.95></p><p>Total Expenses and Transfers……….<$1,503,746.81></p><p>Balance on Hand – November 30, 2008…………………………………………………………………$ 25,358.55</p><p>Balance on Loans - $195,000.00 Ben Salem U.C.C. New Building Fund – December 31, 2008</p><p>Balance on Hand – 12/31/2008 – [checking account, Citizen’s National Bank]…………………..$ 35,477.57 ------Source of Funds Individual Contributions [from 2000-2003]………………………………$746,013.45 Individual Contributions [2004 - 2006]…………………………………… 208,907.80 Individual Contributions [2007]…………………………………………….. 45,143.50 Individual Contributions [2008]…………………………………………….. 64,955.74 Fund Raisers [2000-2007]…………………………………………………….. 329,701.95 Fund Raisers [Jan-Nov. 2008]…………………………………………… ………31,131.98 Interest from Previous Investments……………………………………….. 25,991.84 Joyful Noise Offering [2002-2007]………………………………………………13,863.49 Joyful Noise Offering [Jan – Nov 2008]…………………………………… .. 1,998.00 Joyful Noise Offering [December]…………………………………………………. 180.50 Hoagie Sale Profit - December………………………………………………………. 839.65 Donation from Emmanuel UCC, Lansford…………………………………….14,000.00 Blanket Makers Quilters [profit from quilt & blanket sales]………….. 750.00 Christmas Cookie Sale [UCW]…………………………………………………… 694.00 Christmas Candy Sale………………………………………………………………. 2,919.87 Previous Donations & Reimbursements…[plus 2007 $6.82 interest] 53,007.61 Total Funds…………………………………………………………………………………..$1,540,099.38 </p><p>Expenses Year 2000………………….$16,445.00 Year 2001………………….. 80,848.86 Year 2002………………… 748.00 Year 2003……………….. 328.00 Total Expenses……………………………..<$98,369.86></p><p>Transfers Year 2001…………………$ 45,000.00 Year 2002……………….. 645,460.00 Year 2003……………….. 31,838.50 [interest paid on loans] Year 2003……………….. 50,000.00 [principal payment on loans] Year 2003……………….. 27,000.00 [paid short term loan] Year 2004……………….. 1,865.00 [pump] Year 2004……………….. 37,087.00 [payment to Arthur Funk] Year 2004……………….. 100,000.00 [principal payment on loan] Year 2004……………….. 27,146.00 [interest paid on loans] Year 2004………………. 13,000.00 [John Hartman, dismantling old church] Year 2005………………. 22,171.40 [interest paid on loans] Year 2005………………. 85,000.00 [principal payment on loans] Year 2006……………… 18,650.00 [interest paid on loans] Year 2006……………… 113,012.96 [principal payment on loans] Year 2006……………… 11.09 [check charge] Year 2007……………… 20,815.00 [interest on loans] Year 2007……………… 50,000.00 [principal payment on loans] Year 2008 ……………. 105,000.00 [principal payment on loans] Year 2008…………….. 13,195.00 [interest paid on loans]</p><p>Total Transfers…………………………….<$1,406,251.95></p><p>Total Expenses and Transfers……….<$1,504,621.81></p><p>Balance on Hand – December 31, 2008…………………………………………………………………$ 35,477.57</p><p>Balance on Loans - $195,000.00</p><p>Dear Ben Salem Church, We just wanted to take some time and send a small note of thanks. Your thoughtfulness and kindness has been a blessing to our family. The Lord always knows when someone has needs and we thank you again, for your obedience and also being a vessel for the Lord to work through. We wish you all blessings in the upcoming seasons. The Hackman Family</p><p>What a blessing you are! Thank you for all your prayers through my recovery of my motorcycle accident & aneurysm operation. Michael L. Anthony Sr.</p><p>The family of Hilda Troxell would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers, and phone calls. A special thank you to Pastor Kistler for his many visits to Hilda while she was in the Nursing Home and at the hospital. Your many kindnesses are greatly appreciated.</p><p>Thank you for all the cards and expressions of concern and hope. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. Ferne Keller</p><p>Thank you to all the people who offered prayers and sent beautiful cards while I was hospitalized and recuperating. Also, thank you to the Prayer Shawl Committee for the beautiful prayer shawl. Your kindness and thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. Elaine Smith</p><p>Christmastide - January 2009 Betty, I’m touched that you remember me with a prayer shawl upon my leaving Ben Salem. I shall certainly wrap up in it when I nap on cold afternoons. I cherish the prayers you send for my future. Thank you for your work in leading the valuable prayer shawl project. God bless you. Pastor Jeff</p><p>Christmas 2008 Thank You note… To Sally and Alan Beck and daughters …thanks to their generosity we had a beautiful tree in the Bell Tower to help us celebrate. Also special thanks to the Handbell Choir for decorating the Church and narthex and to Melvin and Verna Kershner for the seasonal decorations in the planters at the entrance to the Church.</p><p>Calendar for February, 2009 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8:15 A.M. Worship 6:30 P.M. Cherub 10 A.M. Blanket Makers Altar Communion Choir /Quilters 9:15 A.M. Sunday School 7:30 P.M. 10A.M. Bible Study 10:30 A.M. Worship Senior Choir 7 P.M. Handbells Pew Communion 11:45 A.M. Youth Group Meeting at Social Hall</p><p>8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 A.M. - 2 P.M. Blood Drive Longaberger at Social Hall 7 P.M. 6:30 P.M. Cherub 10 A.M. Blanket Makers Basket Bingo & Joyful Noise Offering at both Christian Choir /Quilters Chinese Auction services Education 7:30 P.M. 10A.M. Bible Study At Mahoning Valley 8:15 A.M. Worship Meeting Senior Choir 7 P.M. Handbells Ambulance Assn. 9:15 A.M. Sunday School Doors open at 10:30 A.M. Worship Noon, Bingo starts at 1 P.M.</p>
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