<p> BERKELEY VALE TOUCH</p><p>CENTRAL COAST JUNIOR TOUCH CHAMPIONSHIPS 2016 (Entry open to ALL invited affiliates) SUNDAY 11th DECEMBER 2016 ADCOCK PARK, CENTRAL COAST HWY, GOSFORD CONDITIONS OF ENTRY ALL ENQUIRIES/CORRESPONDENCE TO BE DIRECTED TO: Berkeley Vale Junior Touch Operations Manager: SHAYNE HAYNE</p><p>Phone: 0429 311 555</p><p>Email: bvtouch@bvpanthers.com.au</p><p>1 1. ENTRY FEES The entry fee for this year’s event will be $110 GST inclusive per 10’s, 12’s, 14’s, 16’s and 18’s team entered. Payment MUST be direct deposited into the Berkeley Vale Touch Commonwealth Bank Account ASAP to secure your place in the Tournament.</p><p>Please indicate what Club and age group you are from on your description when you make your deposit. Account Name: Berkeley vale Touch BSB: 062 318 Account Number: 1048 6020</p><p>2. TEAM ELIGIBILITY</p><p>Teams eligible to participate in the 2016 Central Coast Junior Touch Championships include Affiliate teams who have been invited to attend by the Berkeley vale Touch Executive.</p><p>3. AGE DIVISIONS</p><p>Boys Under 18’s Born 1999 or later Girls Under 18’s Born 1999 or later Boys Under 16’s Born 2001 or later Girls Under 16’s Born 2001 or later Boys Under 14’s Born 2003 or later Girls Under 14’s Born 2003 or later Boys Under 12’s Born 2005 or later Girls Under 12’s Born 2005 or later Boys Under 10’s Born 2007 or later Girls Under 10’s Born 2007 or later There must be at least four (4) teams to make a division and up to a maximum of 16 teams per division. If there is less than four (4) teams nominated, then those teams will either join the next division up or in the case of 3 teams will play a three game series. This will depend on the number of teams in the higher division. Should divisions be joined, they may be separated for the final series providing they have two (2) teams in the division. This may be varied at the discretion of the Tournament Director. Affiliates can only nominate one(1) team per age group unless there is less than 16 teams in that age group nominated for.</p><p>1 4. MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENTS</p><p>The MINIMUM age for a player at this tournament is 8 (Player must turn 8 in 2016)</p><p>(Acceptable proof of age documentation includes: Birth Certificate, current photo drivers license or current passport.)</p><p>Affiliates are responsible for the direct supervision of any player or official who is under the age of 18 years. All steps should be undertaken by an Affiliate to protect these person’s from all forms of harassment.</p><p>Affiliates are to ensure that all minors are fully aware of the Berkeley Vale Junior Touch Code of Conduct, all officials comply with the relevant Child Protection Laws and that when travelling to, during and from the Tournament all care is taken to supervise minors.</p><p>5. AFFILIATE REGISTRATIONS</p><p>Affiliate Administrators must complete the AFFILIATE NOMINATION BOOKLET and forward to the Tournament Director (preferably via email) prior to the dates stated below.</p><p>AFFILIATE NOMINATION BOOKLET is due by the dates noted below (also on Nomination Booklet): PLEASE TYPE ALL RELEVANT INFORMATION (where possible).</p><p> Team nomination form and payment of Team Entry – ASAP to secure a place in the Tournament.</p><p> Referee nomination form - due Friday 25th November</p><p> Statutory Declaration – Due before the 1st December </p><p> Team Registration Form - Due before the 1st December </p><p> Working with Children Check - Due before the 1st December</p><p>ANY INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RETURNED TO AFFILIATES AND WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED CORRECTLY BEFORE BEING ACCEPTED.</p><p>6. WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK</p><p>All Coaches, Managers and Officials with players under 18 years, are to complete a ‘Working with Children Check’.</p><p>The required form can be found at www.kids.nsw.gov.au</p><p>Click on “The quick Link to forms” Menu- 4 Volunteer/Student Worker Declaration https://check.kids.nsw.gov.au/volunteer-declaration.php</p><p>This form will need to be completed, printed and signed and forwarded to Berkeley Vale Touch prior to the due date mentioned above.</p><p>Although Coaches/Managers and officials may have completed this form for another Tournament, Berkeley Vale Touch still require a copy of a Working with Children Check for 2016.</p><p>1 7. TEAM REGISTRATIONS</p><p>A completed Team Registration form is required to be submitted by the 1st December.</p><p>Before a player or parent (if under 18) signs this form they are required firstly to read and understand the Berkeley Vale Touch Code of Conduct form.</p><p>If any changes are to be made to the Team Registration sheet after the above mentioned closing date, the Affiliate must notify the Tournament Director as soon as practical. </p><p>Updated, signed and completed Team registration forms must be submitted before the commencement of team’s first game.</p><p>A maximum of 17 players must be correctly identified on the team registration form. Once the 17 names have been submitted prior to first game, they can only be changed at the discretion of the Tournament Director. </p><p>In the event that a team registers less than fourteen (14) players, additions can only be made up until the start of their last pool game on the day of competition.</p><p>NB: A player may only register in one (1) team.</p><p>A team found playing an unregistered player may be disqualified. The protest / judiciary committee will consider this matter.</p><p>8. PLAYER ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TOURNAMENT</p><p>All players must be a registered and financial player at the Affiliate they represent in a current competition for insurance purposes.</p><p>If a player wishes to play in the Central Coast Junior Touch Championships and the Affiliate in which they are registered has not nominated a team in the category they prefer to play in, they must make a written application to the Tournament Director to be granted permission to participate in the Championships.</p><p>Such written application must be on the PLAYER CLEARANCE FORM and be endorsed by the players current Affiliate.</p><p>NOTE: Any Affiliate conducting a competition not registered with NSWTA contravenes this section.</p><p>9. UNAFFILIATED RULE</p><p>"IF A PLAYER, REFEREE, OFFICIAL ETC. PARTICIPATES IN AN UNAFFILIATED COMPETITION, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THEY ALSO PLAY IN AN AFFILIATED COMPETITION, THEY WILL BE INELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN A NSWTA OR ATA TOURNAMENT FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE (12) MONTHS".</p><p>1 10. REFEREES NOMINATIONS</p><p> i. Affiliates are required to nominate a minimum of one (1) referee per team nominated IE: 1 Team = 1 referees or 10 teams = 10 Referees </p><p> ii. Please ensure that nominated Referees are up to the standard that is required to Referee games at this Tournament. </p><p> iii. This Tournament allows nominated Referees to be players from the 14, 16 and 18 yr age groups along with any coaching staff members of participating teams to help with teams to supply referees. </p><p> iv. Nominated Referees must be registered in the current Affiliate competition for Insurance purposes. </p><p> v. A referee must be 14 years of age or older to officiate at the Hornets Championships</p><p> vi. Referees, Players or coaching staff members nominated as referees from all affiliates who fail to full fill their appointed games will have their team ineligible for any finals and or fined $100.</p><p>The onus is placed on all affiliates to find suitable Referees for this Tournament. </p><p>Any Referee that withdraws must be replaced, otherwise the nominated team may be withdrawn and or fined as a consequence become in eligible for the Final series.</p><p>11. LATE ENTRIES</p><p>Team Nomination Forms received after the relevant closing date will only be accepted at the convenience of the competition and may be charged an additional late fee of $20.00.</p><p>12. REFUNDS</p><p>If an Affiliate enters teams and subsequently withdraws them after the closing date, the team entry fee will not be refunded unless a replacement team is found. </p><p>13. AFFILIATE ENQUIRIES</p><p>Enquiries for any teams must be made by the Affiliate Secretary / President or Administrator, or Team Coach. All correspondence from Berkeley Vale Touch will be sent to the Affiliate Secretary / President or Administrator.</p><p>Additionally, Berkeley vale Touch will send a condensed set of tournament information to coaches or to the person who nominated the teams via email.</p><p>Please ensure that all supplied email addresses are readable (typed preferred)</p><p>Berkeley Vale Touch is endeavouring to communicate as much information to as many relevant people as possible. </p><p>1 14. FIELD LAYOUT</p><p>A field layout will be emailed to all the Managers prior to the start of the tournament as well as have them posted around the ground.</p><p>15. TOURNAMENT CONTROL</p><p>The Berkeley Vale Touch Operations Manager in conjunction with the Tournament Committee will be in charge of all matters relating to this tournament.</p><p>Matters not covered by the Conditions of Entry will be determined by the above Committee and their decisions will be final.</p><p>16. TENTS</p><p>It is the responsibility of Affiliates to organise their own shade shelters. Any Affiliate who wishes to erect a shade shelter at the field must inform the Tournament Director and will do so at their own risk. Any damage to any irrigation pipe work will be at the expense of the owner of the shade shelter.</p><p>This will allow for space to be allocated in a planned manner.</p><p>NOTE: - Failure to advise Tournament Director may result in teams not being able to erect tents due to lack of space.</p><p>17. UNIFORMS</p><p>All playing uniforms are to include CLEARLY numbered shirts, shorts and socks and must be correct for all games of competition. Approved touch shoes must be worn in accordance with rule 3.2 of the TFA rulebook. Please note that no predominantly Yellow or white shirts are allowed (to avoid confusion with the Referees).</p><p>18. RULES</p><p>The rules will be as per the TFA 7th Edition Rulebook</p><p>19. BERKELEY VALE TOUCH ADOPTED “ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY”.</p><p> i. No Player, Coach, Manager or Official is to approach, engage or communicate with the referees following the conclusion of the game. </p><p> ii. Referees will no longer engage with the player, coach, manager or official. </p><p> iii. A player, coach, manager or official may not agree with the way a referee officiates a game, nor may he/she agree with decisions made, however there are proper procedures and avenues to handle such matters. Approaching referees after the game is not acceptable. We do however welcome feedback, reports or consultation under the appropriate guidelines.</p><p> iv. Breaches of the Zero Tolerance policy will incur an automatic one match suspension and possible fines for both the individual and affiliate. Further to this they may find themselves before a judiciary whereby the penalties may be increased.</p><p>1 20. PROTEST / DISPUTES </p><p> i. Protest and Dispute matters will be heard and determined by the Protest / Judiciary Committee as appointed by the Berkeley Vale Touch Executive Committee.</p><p> ii. Protests and disputes MUST be made only by the Affiliate President or Affiliate Representative Coordinator. Any player/parent/supporter/coach/manager lodging a complaint will be advised of the correct procedure and will be asked to leave Tournament Control.</p><p> iii. The Protest / Judiciary Committee will be chaired by Judiciary Chairperson (in their absence - a member of the Berkeley Vale Touch Executive will fill this position), and will include at least two further members. </p><p> iv. Protests and Disputes must be lodged in writing within twenty (20) minutes of the conclusion of the event/game in question to the Tournament Director or to an official designated by the Tournament Director on The Central Coast Junior Touch Championship Official Complaint Form.</p><p> v. The protest is to be lodged and signed by the President or a nominated representative of that Affiliate.</p><p> vi. The protest will then be investigated by the Protest / Judiciary Committee and their decision will be returned, to the President or their nominated representative.</p><p> vii. Any notice to be served on any person to attend a hearing must be served on the President or their nominated representative and any such service is deemed to be served on all parties or persons under the control of that President or their nominated representative.</p><p>21. DISCIPLINARY HEARINGS</p><p> i. Upon receipt of a Referees report or citing report, the Tournament Director shall serve notice on all parties required to be in attendance at a hearing to be conducted no later than 2 hours after the serving of the notice. Notice to include all charges.</p><p> ii. Note: Referees report to be submitted NO later than 20 minutes after the completion of the relevant match.</p><p> iii. Any Player, Official or other Member of an Affiliate who is the subject of a complaint or report will be required to appear before a Disciplinary / Judiciary Hearing.</p><p>22. SUSPENSIONS</p><p> i. Any player sent from the field for the remainder of the game will receive an automatic two (1) match suspension unless the Disciplinary / Judiciary Committee considers further action is warranted.</p><p> ii. Any player who is given a "period of time" more than once in any one (1) game, will also receive an automatic two (1) match suspension.</p><p> iii. A One (2) match suspension is to be served on the following one (2) game in which the team actually plays. Byes do not count as a game played. A team that wins by a forfeit will count, however a team losing by forfeit, will not. </p><p>1 23. DRAW FORMULA</p><p>The draw will be made up of Pools of 4 teams with each team playing three (3) round games. A maximum of 16 teams per any one age group will be accepted. All teams will play a minimum of three (3) games on the day.</p><p>24. COMPETITION POINTS</p><p>Win - 3 points</p><p>Draw - 2 points</p><p>Loss - 1 point</p><p>Forfeit - 0 points</p><p>Bye - 0 points (no for and against)</p><p>25. FORFEITS</p><p> i. Due to the heavy schedule, games must start on time. Teams must be in attendance at their playing fields five (5) minutes before the commencement of their match.</p><p> ii. It is the responsibility of each captain to report to the referee so that the toss of the coin can be affected without loss of time.</p><p> iii. If a team is not at the field at the advertised starting time of the game, the attending team can be awarded the winning of the toss.</p><p> iv. The offending team will receive a maximum of five (5) minutes from the commencement of the game (siren/whistle) to position the team on the field and be ready to commence play.</p><p> v. If the offending team is not in attendance after the five (5) minutes has expired the game will be deemed a forfeit and the non offending team will be awarded a 5 - 0 win and three (3) competition points. The offending team will receive a score of 0 - 5 and no competition points. The offending team will be penalised one touchdown after the first minute and one touchdown every minute thereafter up to five (5) minutes, and the time will be kept by the referees appointed to that game.</p><p>Note: Any forfeiting team negates the right to participate in any finals.</p><p>26. DETERMINING POSITION FOR FINAL PLACINGS </p><p>If teams are equal on points at the completion of the rounds 'for and against' will be used to decide the higher team. </p><p>DIFFERENCES The difference is determined by subtracting the total of Touchdowns scored 'against' from the amount of Touchdowns scored 'for'. The team with the best difference will obtain the higher position.</p><p>1 Example</p><p>Team A scores 50 for and 10 against</p><p>Team B scores 40 for and 10 against</p><p>By subtracting the 'against' from the 'for', Team A would be 'plus 40', whilst Team B would be 'plus 30'. Team A would therefore obtain the higher position.</p><p>If teams have the same 'difference' the percentage system would then apply.</p><p>PERCENTAGES</p><p>If this system is used, it is easily explained that if the difference is in the 'plus' situation, the team with the least amount of Touchdowns scored against them would obtain the higher position.</p><p>However, if the 'difference' is in the 'minus' situation, the team that has scored the most Touchdowns (for) would obtain the higher position.</p><p>The percentage system is calculated by placing Touchdown 'for' over Touchdowns 'against' and multiplying by 100 over 1.</p><p>Using an example: </p><p>Team A = 50 x 100 = 500% Team B = 60 x 100 = 300%</p><p>10 1 20 1</p><p>Team A would obtain the higher position.</p><p>RESULT OF ROUNDS</p><p>If the above systems are unable to decide the outcome, the ROUND GAME RESULT will be used.</p><p>27. FINAL SERIES</p><p>The format will be advertised when divisions and team numbers are finalised.</p><p>The winners of each Semi Final will proceed to the Final</p><p>If the Final is drawn, a drop off will determine the final winner.</p><p>38. TROPHIES</p><p>Awards will be presented to: -</p><p>Winning teams </p><p>Runners Up</p><p>1 Club Champions</p><p>Player of the divisional Final</p><p>29. AFFILIATE CHAMPION</p><p>The following will be used to determine the Affiliate Championship.</p><p>Team finishing 1st in division (Winners) 20pts</p><p>Team finishing 2nd in division (Runners up) 10pts</p><p>Teams eliminated in semi finals 5pts</p><p>Teams finishing first in their pool 4pts</p><p>Teams finishing second in their pool 3pts</p><p>Teams finishing third in their pool 2pts</p><p>Teams finishing fourth in their pool 1pts</p><p>30. PRESENTATION</p><p>Presentations will take place on the day of the tournament at the conclusion of the last Final. All teams are encouraged to stay for the Presentation.</p><p>31. TEAM MAKE UPS</p><p>Teams may register a maximum of 17 players and may only use a maximum of 14 players in any one game.</p><p>(Under 10’s can register maximum of 15 players but can only play a maximum of 12 players in any one game.)</p><p>Teams in the Under 10’s will play 5 a side</p><p>Under 12’s, 14’s, 16’s and 18’s will be playing 6-a-side.</p><p>32. TOUCHBALLS</p><p>All teams MUST supply their own regulation Touch ball for all games throughout the Championship.</p><p>33. PLAYING TIME.</p><p>All games in the tournament and final series will be 20 MINUTES with a turnaround of ends after each touchdown. Timing of games may be changed if needed to fit within time constraints of the tournament. </p><p>1 34. DROP OFF PROCEDURE.</p><p>In the event of a drawn game in which a result is required (ie Semi-Finals & Finals), a Drop Off situation will be utilised to decide the winner. This will only apply in the Semi-Finals and Finals</p><p>The Drop Off rules are as follows: </p><p>The Drop Off Procedure. i) When the match is drawn at the expiration of full time, the referee will wait until the ball is dead; halt play and then signal to the tournament official that the game is drawn. Both teams will remain in position on the field prior to the commencement of the “drop off”. Each team will reduce their playing strength by one (1) on-field player. The referee will remain at the mark. ii) The Drop-off will commence with a roll ball to the team in possession, at the same field position and with the same touch count when the game was halted; (i.e. the team retaining possession at the designated number of touches, or a change of possession due to the sixth touch, that is a direct continuation in play.</p><p>The only change to this will be in the mixed divisions. For this division there will be a pre determined order for the “Drop Off”.</p><p>First player to “Drop Off” will be a female, leaving three (3) males and two (2) females on the field. The second will be male leaving two (2) males and two (2) females on the field. The third player to “Drop Off” will be a female leaving two (2) male and one (1) female on the field.</p><p>All other rules to the “Drop Off” remain unchanged. </p><p>The decision on which player will drop off is entirely up to the team management, that is the captain, coach etc.</p><p>A player/team wasting time during the Drop Off will be penalised at the mark for recommencement of the game.</p><p>Injured players can be replaced at any time.</p><p>Substitutions can be made at any time as per TFA 7th edition RuleBook.</p><p>During the original game, if a player/s have been sent from the field of play for the remainder of the game, that player/s cannot participate in the Drop Off.</p><p>A team that has a player/s dismissed from the field of play for the remainder of the game will commence the Drop Off with the same number of players they finished the game with. At the drop off time, each team will reduce their playing strength as per the rules, thus ensuring that one team will have a one player advantage until three players are reached. Once a team reaches only three players, no further Drop Off will occur.</p><p>35. SUB- BOX ATTENDANCE</p><p>The only people allowed in the Player Boxes will be the fourteen (14) players participating in the game, the Coach, Assistant Coach and Manager that are nominated on the Team Registration Sheet. That is a</p><p>1 maximum of seventeen (17) people. Players who are not participating in that game that are nominated on the team Registration sheet must not be wearing the teams playing uniform.</p><p>36. COACH / REFEREE COMMUNICATION</p><p>Coaches, Players or Managers are not to approach the Referees after the game as per Zero Tolerance Policy.</p><p>All complaints, disputes or feedback are to be placed in writing and forwarded to the Tournament Director within 20 minutes of the completion of the game.</p><p>37. COACHES ACCREDITATION</p><p>Any Coach attending this Tournament, in control of any team, must hold a minimum of a current Level 1 Coaches Touch Accreditation.</p><p>When coaches are positioning themselves at the end of the fields they must remain five (5) metres behind the end zone line. Where a fence prevents this they must remain behind fence. </p><p>38. SCORE CARDS</p><p>At the conclusion of all games, a Coach or Manager are required to verify the score with the Referees and sign score card. No Junior players are to sign the scorecard at any time.</p><p>If a score dispute is reported an investigation will take place. Unless there is any other evidence put forward to support the dispute, the score on the card will remain the final and correct score.</p><p>39. BEHAVIOR</p><p>It is the responsibility of each team coach / manager to ensure their team behaves in the manner as detailed in ATA Code of Behaviour document that has been adopted for this championship.</p><p>NO player will be allowed to participate in any game under the influence of alcohol or drugs.</p><p>ANY REPORTS OF A BREACH OF THIS CODE WILL BE INVESTIGATED BY THE TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE. IF PROVEN, STRONG ACTION WILL BE TAKEN.</p><p>On any written complaint being made to the Tournament Director or Berkeley Vale Touch Executive Committee, of Conduct prejudicial to the interests or welfare of the Association, its Administration or the game of Touch on the part of any Member of the Association, the Executive Committee shall have the power to deal with such complaint and may exercise the power hereby conferred and may disqualify, suspend, fine or otherwise deal with any person or body they find to have been guilty of such conduct.</p><p>1 40. CONCUSSION IN SPORT POLICY</p><p>Grade First Concussion Second Concussion Third Concussion</p><p>1. Mild May return to play if Return to play in two Terminate Season. May Asymptomatic weeks. return to play next season if asymptomatic. If asymptomatic at that time for one week.</p><p>2. Moderate Return to play after Minimum of one month Terminate season. May asymptomatic for one rest. May return to play return to play next week. then if has been season if asymptomatic. asymptomatic for one week; consider terminating season</p><p>3. Severe Minimum of one month Terminate season. May NB. Asymptomatic is rest. May return to play return to play next defined as having no if has been asymptomatic season if asymptomatic. headaches, dizziness, for one week. impaired orientation, concentration or memory during rest of exercise.</p><p>41. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE </p><p>Berkeley Vale Touch Association will provide assistance for minor first aid.</p><p>42. BLOOD BIN</p><p>Any player with a bleeding cut or abrasion is to leave the field immediately and have the cut or abrasion cleaned and covered. At this time, any blood stained clothing must also be either cleaned or replaced.</p><p>If the player does not leave the field immediately, the Referee will stop the game and ask the player to leave the field (normal substitution rules apply).</p><p>Once the flow of blood has been stemmed, the cut or abrasion cleaned and covered and any blood stained clothing and equipment cleaned or replaced, the player may return to the field and continue play.</p><p>If bleeding cannot be controlled and/or the wound not securely covered, the player must not continue in the game.</p><p>1 43. IMAGES</p><p>All persons accept that, by participating at this event, they may be filmed or photographed for the promotion of Berkeley Vale Touch and the Central Coast Junior Touch Championships. If any participant does not wish to be filmed or photographed, they must notify The Tournament Director in writing before the tournament commences.</p><p>44. WEATHER CONDITIONS</p><p>HOT WEATHER</p><p> i. Games will not commence if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees. Games will be postponed until such time that the temperature decreases.</p><p> ii. If the temperature reaches 36 degrees, any games underway will be completed and any subsequent games will be played as halves, thirds or quarters with a 2 minute break between the periods of play. A regular format will return once the temperature drops back below 36 degrees.</p><p>SUN PROTECTION</p><p>Berkeley Vale Touch encourages Coaches and Managers to use the following guidelines to assist in the prevention of exposure to high levels of UV:</p><p> i. Encourage players and spectators to take advantage of natural shade from buildings and trees or bring their own portable shade where possible.</p><p> ii. Ensure club Coaches, Managers and Officials are Sun smart role models and educate their players.</p><p> iii. Provide or encouraging participants and officials to wear sun protective clothing when possible.</p><p> iv. Promote the use of 30+ sunscreen.</p><p>WET WEATHER</p><p>Games will continue during rain periods if it is safe to do so.</p><p>In the event of a storm, the weather will be assessed and games will be halted if lightning becomes visible. Tournament management will monitor the weather during this time and make any decision required to ensure the safety of players, coaches, managers and officials.</p><p>The Berkeley Vale Touch Committee reserves the right to organise the affected games in whatever format which will assist the games to occur in as equal conditions as possible.</p><p>45. MATCH RESCHEDULE</p><p>If, due to any extraordinary circumstances a game cannot be completed to full time, the game may be rescheduled as soon as possible at a time and on a ground arranged by tournament management in consultation with both teams.</p><p>If the game cannot be rescheduled but has been played for 11 minutes or more, the score at the halt of play will be considered the final result. </p><p>1 If the game cannot be rescheduled and has not gone passed 11 minutes of play, a 2-2all draw will be declared.</p><p>46. SPONSORSHIP</p><p>All affiliates endorsing any sponsorship are to seek permission from Berkeley Vale Touch Management to avoid clashes with the Berkeley Vale Touch Sponsors.</p><p>47. GOOD LUCK</p><p>The Berkeley Vale Touch committee would like to thank all Affiliates for entering the Central Coast Junior Touch Championship Tournament and wish every participant the best of luck.</p><p>1</p>
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