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Reprinted fom 1937 lecture. _____. “Šī pasaule un viņas saule,” Trimdas Skola, No. 22 (1962). Solna, Sweden.</p><p>Zinkevičs, Zigms, “Par latviešu valodas cilmi,” Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis A 4/5 (1996): 29-32. Discusses formation of Latvian literary language from archaic Latgalian quite different from modern Latgalian, with archaic Zemgalian substratum.</p><p>Personal (Electronic) Communication:</p><p>Ābele, Ausma – Madona, Latvia, (folklore) Anonymous male – outside Latvia Bērziņš, Ansis Ataols, Latvia, “folkloristi” sysop Bērziņš, Zigis – Canada (general) Etter, Dan (deceased 2000) – U.S.A. Grasis, Austris (1992) – Germany, ethnomusicologist Keišs, Oskars – Latvia, ecobiology student</p><p>262 Lācis, Indulis – U.S.A. (general) Jurika, Daina Dr. – Latvia, folklorist Liepkalns, Uldis – Latvia, artist Mežulis, Pēteris – Latvia, journalist Muktupāvels, Valdis Dr. – Latvia, ethnomusicologist Pīgozne, Ieva – Latvia, folklorist Ragze, Viesturs – Latvia, (technical, general) Rutens, Elizabete – U.S.A., (business) Skrule, Vija – Latvia, folklorist Valdmanis, Ilze – U.S.A., (poetry) Vasiļevskis, Māris Jānis – Latvia (linguistics) Vizbulis, Oskars – Latvia, journalist Yang, Lihui – China, graduate student Žagariņš, Juris Dr. – U.S.A. (physics, poetry) Zariņš, Aivars – Madona, Latvia, folklorist Zvaigznīte, Vents – Latvia, (religion)</p><p>Audiovisual resources</p><p>Bolta eimu. Biruta Ozoliņa singer. Upe Recording Co., 1999.</p><p>Dūdas Latvijā (Bagpipes in Latvia). Produced by Valdis and Māris Muktupāvels. Upe Recording Co., 2000.</p><p>Latviešu danči. (Latvian Dances). Produced by Māris Muktupāvels. Upe Recording Co., 1999.</p><p>Lettonie. Musiques des rites solaires. INEDIT, Maison des Cultures du Monde, Valdis Muktupāvels. 1993. Micrec W260062.</p><p>Pagānu gadagrāmata (Pagan calendar). Uģis Prauliņš. AKKA/LAA. Upe Recording Co., 1999.</p><p>Saules meita (Daughter of the Sun). Produced by Ilģi and Gatis Gaujnieks. Upe Recording Co., 1998.</p><p>Seasonal Songs of Latvia. Beyond the River. Compilation. Emi Records, 1998.</p><p>Sēju vēju (Sowing in the Wind). Iļģi ensemble. Upe Recording Co., 2000.</p><p>Suitu sievas Lejaskurzeme (Women of the Suiti Region). Produced by Aivars Hermanis. Annemarie Classics, 1997.</p><p>Unblocked. Music of Eastern Europe. Ellipsis Arts. Roslyn, New York, 1997</p><p>263 Voix des Pays Baltes. Chants traditionnels de Lettonie, Lituanie, Estonie. Documents d'archives. INEDIT, Maison des Cultures du Monde, Gita Lancere. 1994. W 260055.</p><p>264</p>
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